
Introduction About Bigcommerce :

Bigcommerce provide us the best way to build an online store without any major help of Bigcommerce designer and bigcommerce developer. Bigcommerce has provided millions of sites to customers from which they earn profit and feel secure to build their business.

Bigcommerce is amazing way to create a successful Online Site, with the help of an expert you could be the next online e-commerce sensation.

Bigcommerce development company have been running for 4 years and serve around 50,000 stores. Bigcommerce gives you a best platform of securely hosted e-commerce tools including a secure shopping cart with many unique features, product catalog, payment gateway, email accounts, marketing tools and detailed reports.

Today we are intrigued about beginner's guide for creating your own online store using Bigcommerce.

Introduction About Bigcommerce :

1. Start up step :

This is the time and new ways to start an online business using bigcommerce, think of a possible business plan, and then takes risk and put your ideas into action.

You need to start building an online store with bigcommerce site. Write your store name and just click on start my free trial now. That's all you need to do it, quite simple and straight.

2. Make your store :

2. Make your store :

In this part you will first fill some information for administrative rights, Using this information you can Login in to your store and can have fully power on your store once you can manage simple coders to manage it.

3. Getting started with Bigcommerce :

3. Getting started with Bigcommerce :

The basic important things of this page :

View site & notification icons – Provides all the admin side view and notifications about your account.

● Account email address – Allow you to edit your accounts.● Help – Provide helps to customers via chats and emails.● Settings – Provides you all kind of settings for items like

payment info, tax , account details, features of site and server side config.

3. Getting started with Bigcommerce :

● Orders , Products, Customers – Manage products options and categories i.e display, features, price list, shipping info etc.

● Marketing – Used for marketing via emails, advertisements and various channels.

● Analytics – It analysis customer each and every activities including cart page from buying products to abandoning them.

4. Design and develop your store without

BigCommerce Experts :

4. Design and develop your store without

BigCommerce Experts :

You can now go ahead and create a design for your store. In this part you have to choose your business related theme. Bigcommerce provide a lots of themes (Paid and Free), and there are many Big Commerce template and Big Commerce theme available.

4. Design and develop your store without

BigCommerce Experts :

Once you decide which template, you can customize it further by editing the template files. If you even have slight knowledge of coding then you can get make your own store running. And, incase you face any error or issue in default functionalities of BigCommerce template then you can contact BigCommerce Team for solution. They will provide you best solution and many times directly fix your issues at zero cost.

5. Manage your product :

5. Manage your product :

It's a place where you can control you display view of all products and their categories. There are important features in managing products which are product display, product categories, Stock availability , Shipping, payment info etc.

If you have more brands you can always add or remove the products according to your choices. You can show many date like products price, item numbers and new brand products. Once you fill all the products details you can save it and also edit it whenever needed.

6. Payment Gateway :

6. Payment Gateway :

Once your products is available for sale customer will buy it then they will surely need payment Gateway for online transactions. There are many tools available for payments but keep in mind always use safe and secure payment gateway tool. You need to create an account with payment providers which are supporting Bigcommerce company.

7. About the dashboard :

7. About the dashboard :

Once you are done with products display, categories, options,payments and all other editing you needed in the theme, you are ready to go live.

There are plenty of features available to make your site more interesting and enhance eg. money making, avoid web trafficking etc. You also need to make your site on live domain to make you store visible in google search.

7. About the dashboard :

Until you make your store live you can use bigcommerce trial store which is held on until you’re good to go live.You can use features like gift certificates, discount coupons, other mail supporting softwares from outside too which is made for a professional eCommerce site to the help the Ecommerce customers.

As, its emerging greatly do get advantage of it and grow your business to the heights.

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