Page 1: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

How to develop nice

JUZUPortlet for eXo Platform

Copyright 2015 eXo Platform

Page 2: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

A presentation

by Tuyen - Portal Team Copyright 2015 eXo Platform

Page 3: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework


Copyright 2015 eXo Platform


1. Introduction to Juzu2. Juzu feature3. Develop Juzu Portlet for eXo Platform4. Migrate your 0.6.2 Juzu Portlet to 1.0.0

Page 4: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

You said

JUZUJuzu what…?

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Page 5: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

JUZU What…?

Copyright 2015 eXo Platform

Juzu is a Web Framework base on MVC

concepts for developing powerful web/portlets


Page 6: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

But… WHY Juzu ?

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Page 7: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

History and technology

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● Inspired from Play framework

● Base on MVC concepts

● Modular oriented

● Integrates with IoC frameworks

● Groovy and Mustache template engine

Page 8: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Juzu applications (Chat application)

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Page 9: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Juzu applications (homepage and branding portlets)

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Page 10: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

A review of nice


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Page 11: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Features of Juzu

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● Simplicity

● Typesafe

● Extensibility

Page 12: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework


Copyright 2015 eXo Platform

@Inject@Path("index.gtmpl")Template index;

@Viewpublic Response.Content index() { return index.ok();}

<action name="hello" class="com.tutorialspoint.struts2.HelloWorldAction" method="execute"> <result name="success">/HelloWorld.jsp</result> </action>● No more XML

● Use Annotation

Page 13: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Typesafe (Detect error at Compile time)

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@Inject@Path("index.gtmpl")package.template.index index;

@Viewpublic Response.Content index() { return index.with().location("Ha Noi").ok();}

@Viewpublic Response.Content more() {...}

#{param name=location/}

You are at ${location}.

<a href="@{Controller.more()}">get more information</a>

Page 14: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Typesafe (Detect error at Compile time)

Copyright 2015 eXo Platform

@Inject@Path("index.gtmpl")package.template.index index;

@Viewpublic Response.Content index() { return index.with().location("Ha Noi").ok();}

@Viewpublic Response.Content more() {...}

#{param name=myLocation/}

You are at ${location}.

<a href="@{Controller.more()}">get more information</a>

compile error

Page 15: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Extensibility (Easy to develop and deliver plugin)

Copyright 2015 eXo Platform

public class AjaxService extends ApplicationService {...}




uses the java.util.ServiceLoader discovery mechanism for finding plugin services

Page 16: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

How to develop nice

JUZU PORTLETfor eXo Platform

Copyright 2015 eXo Platform

Page 17: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Develop Juzu portlet

Copyright 2015 eXo Platform

● Create new Juzu project● Controller● Business service and Injector● Template● Asset manager● Plugin: Ajax, WebJar

Page 19: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Create new Juzu project

Copyright 2015 eXo Platform

From maven archetype:mvn archetype:generate \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.juzu \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=juzu-archetype \ -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.0-cr1 \ -DjuzuServer=gatein \ -DgroupId=org.juzu.tutorial \ -DartifactId=tutorial-juzcret \ -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT \ -DinteractiveMode=false

Page 20: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Project structure

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WEB-INFapplication deployment descriptor

package-info.javaconfiguration for application

ControllerJuzu controller

templatestemplates used in application

Page 21: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Project structure (JuZcret application)

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Page 22: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Juzu Controller (simple controller)

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public class JuZcretApplication {...}


public Response.Content index() {

return Response.ok("Hello world!!!");


@Application(defaultController = org.juzu.tutorial.JuZcretApplication.class)

package org.juzu.tutorial;

Page 23: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Juzu Service

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public interface SecretService {...}

@Application(defaultController = ...)@Bindings({ @Binding( value =, implementation = )})package org.juzu.tutorial;

public class SecretServiceMemImpl implements SecretService {...}

Page 24: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Juzu Service (inject to controller)

Copyright 2015 eXo Platform

public interface SecretService {...}

public class JuZcretApplication { @Inject SecretService secretService;

@Inject @Path("secretWall.gtmpl") templates.secretWall secretWall; ...}


public Response.Content index() {

return secretWall.with()


Page 25: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Juzu Template

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public class JuZcretApplication { ... @Inject @Path("secretWall.gtmpl") org.juzu.tutorial.templates.secretWall secretWall; ...}


public Response.Content index() {

return secretWall.with().secretsList("My list of secret").ok();


#{param name=secretsList/}Here is my secret list: ${secretsList}


Page 26: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Juzu Template (template expression)

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public Response.Content index() {

return secretWall.with().secretsList(secretService.getSecrets()).ok();


#{param name=secretsList/}

<ul class="secret-wall-list"><% secretsList.each { secret -> %> <li> ${secret.message} </li><%}%></ul>


Page 27: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Form and Action controller

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<form action="@{JuZcretApplication.addSecret()}" method="POST" role="form">


<textarea rows="3" name="msg" placeholder="Write your secret here"></textarea> Image URL: <input name="imgURL" placeholder="..."> ... <button type="submit">Share</button></form>

@Actionpublic Response.View addSecret(String msg, String imgURL) { secretService.addSecret(msg, imgURL); return JuZcretApplication_.index();}

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JuZcret application

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Page 29: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

CSS and Javascript

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Page 30: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Asset manager (@Stylesheet and Less plugin)

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Less plugin will take care of compiling automatically the Less file to CSS file during the maven compilation

<dependency> <groupId>org.juzu</groupId> <artifactId>juzu-plugins-less4j</artifactId> <version>1.0.0-cr1</version></dependency>


@Stylesheets({@Stylesheet(value = "styles/my.css")})


package org.juzu.tutorial;

Page 31: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

JuZcret UI

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Page 32: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Asset manager (@Script and WebJar plugin)

Copyright 2015 eXo Platform

@WebJars(@WebJar("jquery"))@Scripts({ @Script(id = "jquery", value = "jquery/1.10.2/jquery.js"), @Script(value = "javascripts/secret.js", depends = "jquery")}) @Assets("*")package org.juzu.tutorial;

<dependency> <artifactId>juzu-plugins-webjars</artifactId> <groupId>org.juzu</groupId></dependency>

<dependency> <groupId>org.webjars</groupId> <artifactId>jquery</artifactId></dependency>

Page 33: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Resource Controller

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@Resourcepublic Response addComment(String secretId, @Mapped Comment comment, SecurityContext context) { ... Comment result = secretService.addComment(secretId, comment); if (result != null) { return Response.ok(new JSONObject(result).toString()).withMimeType("text/json"); } else { return Response.status(503); }}


public Response addLike(String secretId, SecurityContext context) {...}

Page 34: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Controller (map request parameter to Bean types)

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@Resourcepublic Response addComment(String secretId, @Mapped Comment comment, SecurityContext context) { ...}

public class Comment extends Model {

private String userId;

private String content;



Page 35: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Ajax plugin

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public Response addComment(String secretId, @Mapped Comment comment, SecurityContext context) {...}

$(document).on('click.juzu.secret.addComment', '.btn-comment', function () { ... var jLike = $(this); jLike.jzAjax('JuZcretApplication.addComment()', { data: {...}, success: function (data) { ... } }); return false;});

Page 36: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

JuZcret Like and Comment

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Page 37: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Internalization and Localization

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Juzu support i18n natively in the core. We just need to modify all the labels in all our templates.

<form action="@{JuZcretApplication.enableComment()}" method="POST" role="form">

<h5>&{label.configuration}</h5> <input type="checkbox" name="enableComment" <%=enableComment ? "checked" : "" %>/>

&{label.enableComment} <button type="submit">&{}</button></form>

@InjectResourceBundle bundle;


Page 38: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Internalization and Localization

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Page 39: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Template (tag)

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#{include path=dispatched.gtmpl/}

#{decorate path=box.gtmpl/}

<div style="border: 1px solid black">



#{title value=Home/}

#{param name=color/}

Page 40: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Template (Java Custom tag)

Copyright 2015 eXo Platform

public class TitleTag extends TagHandler { public TitleTag() { super("title"); }

@Override public void render(TemplateRenderContext context, Renderable body, Map<String, String> args) throws IOException { String title = args.get("value"); if (title != null) { context.setTitle(title); } body.render(context); }}

Page 41: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Template (Simple Custom tag)

Copyright 2015 eXo Platform

@Application@Tags(@Tag(name = "mytag", path = "mytag.gtmpl"))package my.application;

Hello ${}

#{mytag name=”my name”/}



Page 42: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Template (reuse simple custom tag)

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@Application@Tags(@Tag(name = "mytag", path = "mytag.gtmpl"))package my.application;

Page 43: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

How to

MIGRATEfrom 0.6.2 to 1.0.0

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Page 44: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Controller method

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Controller method must return Response object

@Viewpublic void index() { index.render(parameters);}

@Viewpublic Response index() { return index.ok(parameters);}

Page 45: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

Template#render() is removed

Copyright 2015 eXo Platform

use method juzu.template.Template#ok()

@Viewpublic void index() { index.render(parameters);}

@Viewpublic Response index() { return index.ok(parameters);}

Page 46: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

RenderContext is removed

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If you want to use these context objects:juzu.request.ApplicationContextjuzu.request.UserContextjuzu.request.SecurityContext….

Just inject them into controller method

@Viewpublic Response.Content index(ApplicationContext applicationContext, SecurityContext securityContext, UserContext userContext){...}

Page 47: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework


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<form action="@{JuZcretApplication.enableComment()}" method="POST" role="form">

<h5>&{label.configuration}</h5> <input type="checkbox" name="enableComment" <%=enableComment ? "checked" : "" %>/>

&{label.enableComment} <button type="submit">&{}</button></form>

@InjectResourceBundle bundle;


Page 48: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

class *Plugin is renamed to *Service

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public class AjaxService extends ApplicationService {...}





rename to


rename to

Page 49: How to develop nice portlet with Juzu framework

It’s time for

THANK YOUsee you soon ...

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