Page 1: How to fail by Mirza Yawar Baig

How to fail?

Because failure is never an accident

Page 2: How to fail by Mirza Yawar Baig

Don’t have a goal

Because the one who is going nowhere will always

reach his destination.

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Don’t have a plan

Others plan for those who don’t

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Always have an excuse

As long as there is someone to blame,

you’re alright

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Be arrogant You don’t really need anyone to succeed

because nobody can really teach you

anything, can they?

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Do you want to change


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Why do you exist?1. Write in one line why you exist2. Feel that statement

What would be lost if you didn’t exst?

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What’s your plan?1.How do you plan to fulfill your purpose

of existence?2. What are your enablers?3. What are your inhibitors?4. What’s your plan to overcome the

inhibitors?By when will you accomplish this?

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Life Goal



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Force Field Analysis1. Neutralize or remove the Inhibitors2. Strengthen the enablers

Deal with Inhibitors first

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Excuses•Please write all the excuses that you can think of – all the reasons why you think you won’t be able to achieve it.•Now imagine that you are on your death bed with your life goal unachieved and this list of excuses.•What would you like to do about the excuses then?

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Problems need solutions – not


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People1. Win hearts – watch your company2. Seek to understand first – then seek to

influence3. Allergy to feedback is allergy to growth4. Abundance mentality – share freely

Manners will get you further than anything else

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Discipline1. Prioritize2. Do what must be done, not only what you

like3. Push your limits4. Be structured

How much do you really want success?

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Bring Allah into the equation because He is in it anyway

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So what are you waiting


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Action stepsStart



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[email protected] : myawarbaig

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