

How To Get Rid Of

Diarrhoea is an uncomfortable state, where an individual is suffering from gastric water movements. Following are some of the remedies that you can try at home for getting rid of diarrhoea. If it still pertains you will have to consult a physician immediately and get it treated. Leaving it as such would be dangerous and it would cause other serious problems.

Some of the most important home remedies to help get rid of diarrhoea are: Mustard seeds: The mustard seed has antibacterial properties which help to get rid of diarrhoea. So if you suffer from diarrhoea, you must add a quarter teaspoon mustard seeds, in a large spoonful of water, and leave it for an hour, and then drink it and repeat this method two - three times a day to get rid of diarrhoea.

2. Lemon juice: The lemon juice contains anti-inflammatory properties that help to cleanse the stomach. Lemon juice is considered one of the home remedies used since ages, and proved its effectiveness in getting rid of diarrhoea.So if you are suffering from diarrhoea, take a lemon and squeeze its juice and add it to a teaspoon of salt and a table spoon of sugar, and mix it well and take it every hour. It gives an even feel that the toxins in the intestines have been disposed of permanently.

3.Pomegranate: The pomegranate helps in reducing the problems of diarrhoea, and is very effective in getting rid of it. So if you suffer from diarrhoea you must eat pomegranate seeds to stop diarrhoea as it should be eaten after the diarrhoea stops. As it is also useful to put pomegranate seeds in a blender to extract the pomegranate juice and drink a glass if this juice at least three times per day.

4.Fenugreekseeds: The fenugreek has antibacterial and antifungal properties. also it's considered an effective treatment to combat diarrhoea.

So if you suffer from diarrhoea, you must take two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds, and put it in a blender until obtaining a fine powder. Then put this powder in a glass of water and drink it every day in the morning while on an empty stomach, for a period of two to three days to get rid of diarrhoea.

5. Honey: Honey is one if the best natural medicines, it addresses various health problem including diarrhoea.

So to those who are suffering from diarrhoea, take a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, and mix all the ingredients in a glass of warm water, and drink this on an empty stomach early in the morning, you must repeat this way at least twice a day, you will notice tangible results just in 2 days.

6. Yogurt drink: Yogurt drink is very healthy and effective in the treatment of digestive problems, because it contains lactic acid and soothes digestive tract.

For best benefit, you must add a teaspoon of salt and a little black pepper or turmeric powder, and mix the ingredients well and drinking yogurt drink at least 2-3 times a day to get rid of diarrhoea.

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