  • 7/29/2019 How To Get Your App To The Top Of App Store


    Holy Grail for Developers: How To Get Your App To The Top Of App Store

    Mobile applications development is running in its top gear with more than two billion applications already published across all major mobile OS platforms. Withsuch a plethora of applications at the dispense of consumers, it is getting veryhard for developers out outperform and shine above the rest. It has been seen time and again that an average users only installs to the tune of 30-32 applications on their smart phone. The bulk of these applications are based on referral while just few corresponds to individual preference. This means it is very important for the developers to ensure that their application surfaces to the top of the app store.

    iphone apps optimization

    With so much competition in place it is very hard to encapsulate individuality as it is common for multiple applications to perform same tasks. Earlier mobile app developers used to emphasize on performance of the application while others portrayed heavily on the UI. But over time it has been seen that users want fluidity along with ease of use, which is why developers need to ensure that their applications performs the overall tasks in a non-cumbersome manner.

    Android and iOS are the most widely used mobile platforms with bulk of the applications in their respective marketplace. Number have suggested that with such aslew of applications in their app store and individual application needs to rece

    ive at least 25,000 downloads per day in order to reach among the top of the featured applications. A lot of this is dependent on the fact that the smart phonemarket is spreading like a wildfire and more and more users are downloading applications on a daily manner. So to target those users a mobile app developer needs to keep few points in consideration while developing an application in order to ensure its wide spread success:

    A Wholesome User Experience:

    This is one of the biggest criteria for the success of an application. It isa known fact that users lay a lot of weightage on the UI of an application as it is the one thing that separates one application from another.

    Referral And Word of mouth is the Key:

    Figures have shown that whenever an application hit the featured category ina app store there is a exponential rise in its user base. This is due to the fact that referral is a key criteria for users to try a new application. Because most of the users hear about new applications in social circuits and through friends it is important to understand the power of word of mouth.

    Have There Extra Zing of Individuality:

    With nearly a million applications in the two major app store, there is greater degree of chance that there are multiple applications that perform the sametasks. So in order to stand out among the bunch it is always important to have t

    hat individuality or something that resonates with the users and stands out in the crowd.

    Application Focus Should Be Diverse:

    The smart phone era has gripped everyone all over the globe. In order to capitalize on the global presence of the app store, the applications should be developed keeping it as universal as possible so as to capture the maximum crowd.

    Optimize Your App Using SEO Marketing:

  • 7/29/2019 How To Get Your App To The Top Of App Store


    With such a large number of application, it sometimes takes a push for an application to have a presence among the crowd. It is seen that most of the timesa user generally puts in some keywords to search for applications as it is verycumbersome to scroll through heaps of pages in the app store. Using dedicated keywords and SEO techniques, a developer can market the app more profusely.

    App Promotion Networks:

    Marketing an application has become highly important in the current market scenario. Leaving the application to gain popularity just on the basis of its performance and fluidic design elements is not enough. There are various app promotion networks that offer range of services to mobile developers and publishers toincrease their presence.

    While developing an ideal application might be a daunting task, if the application cannot stand out from the others in terms of engagement, social ability, andthe ability to share, it get very difficult for the application to take off. Byconsidering few options it gets very easy for developers to put their app amongthe top grossing applications.

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