
How To Improve Your Health&

Your Life Now!

By Glenn Eichenauer, OMD, L’AP

Acupuncture & Holistic Medicine Healing Center

Your Guide to Using Holistic Medicine, Holistic Healing, &

Oriental Medicine (Traditional Chinese Medicine)!

This publication is designed to provide competent, reliable, and useful information regarding the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, financial, or other professional advice. The author specifically disclaims any liability that is incurred from the use or application of the contents of this book. The author does not warrant the performance, effectiveness, or applicability of any sites listed in this book. All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose.

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Copyright 2010 by Glenn Eichenauer, OMD, L’AP

All rights reserved


First and foremost this book is dedicated to my Mother without whom

I would not have been born. I’m kidding, there is much more to this

dedication than that. How about, I am dedicating this book to my mom

because as a little boy I’d say she was, “The best mommy ever!”

Or, along with a million other reasons, how about me dedicating this book to

her because when I found out that there was such a thing as Acupuncture &

Oriental Medicine when I was 49 years old, after a brief explanation of what

Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine is, she said...

“Oh, my God, you have to do it. That’s what you are suppose to do.”

This happened to echo my sentiments exactly. As a result of her

encouragement and support, I was in University studying for my degree in

Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and have been in practice for 10 years.

Because of my mom, you are reading this book on your computer, have

printed it out to read or someone has given you a copy.

It may take a village to raise a child, but it’s very helpful to have a good

mother who really loves you as mine does me.

Mom, I love you now and forever. Thank you for all the support and help

you have given me. How much did she help me?

Suffice it to say it was a great deal and I am so grateful that writing these

words now brings tears to my eyes.

I hope you all had such a mother or mothering figure. Mom, from the depth

of my heart, thank you again! I love you!

I especially want to thank her wonderful husband, who is the kind of man I

wish I had as a father and who is the best thing to happen to her. They got

married on April 5, 2006 when she was 75 years old.

Thank you Steve for being who you are and for all the encouragement,

support and help you have given me in a myriad of ways.

I also want to thank Lisa Hanfileti, AP, who insisted that I have a lot to offer

people and suggested that I create a fantistic website and start writing

books to share what I have learned with all the good folks out there who are

looking for a helping hand in recovering their health. Thank you Lisa!

Copy and paste this link to her website www.alternative-medicine-works.

com/index.html into your browser in case you live near Vancouver,

Washington and need the best help.

I also want to thank the best teacher of Oriental Medicine I could ever

imagine, my teacher, clinic supervisor and mentor, Dr. Shan Liang, who was

trained and practiced as both an MD and a Doctor of Traditional Chinese

Medicine in China.

Dr. Liang is not only the most learned of men, he is a gentleman and one

of the funniest people in the best possible way that I have ever had the

pleasure of knowing. If I am any good at what I do, I owe it to his patience,

gentle kindness, humor and expertise.

Last, But-Not-Least-By-Any-Means...Many, many thanks for all the Love,

encouragement and support given me so graciously over the last 30 years

by My Good and Great Friend Richard Porter of Paysen, AZ who has more

to do with what I have become and am doing now in my healing work than

perhaps even his prodigious imagination can imagine.

Richard was instrumental in the editing and creative process of writing this,

my first of many books to come. Thank You Richard for always being here

for me.

How To Get The Most Out Of This E-book.

This may be the first e-book you have ever downloaded to your computer and read. Even if you are not new to e-books, I want to point out some features that will help you get the most out of this remarkable and very powerful new hybrid media form. As long as you read this book on your computer you have the qualities of a book combined with the power of your computer and its internet connection.

At various points in this book you will encounter what we call in computerese “links” which are actual links to other pages in this book perhaps or to places on the internet including pages on my website.

If you click on the colored and underlined text of my web address at the bottom of each page for example, while you are connected to the internet via your web browser(Explorer, FireFox, etc...) you will be taken immediately to the home page of my website. Here is my web address, go ahead and try this out now.

Step 1. Be sure you’re DSL or cable internet connection is turned

on.Step 2. Have your web browser up and running.Step 3. Click on any link to test this out and open a new page to my website.And if you do, you will be taken directly to my website in a new window. Look at your browser tabs and click to go back to the E-book.

Table of ContentsDedication i How To Get The Most Out Of This Ebook v

Introduction ix

Chapter 1. Why Invest In Your Health? Is This The Time For Me? Including one of the most powerful health improving tips that you (everyone) can put into action today. 1

Chapter 2. What Are the Benefits of Holistic Medicine, Oriental Medicine and Natural Healing? 24

Chapter 3. What Is Oriental Medicine And How Does It Work? 31

Chapter 4. Oriental Herbal Medicine 41

Chapter 5. Holistic Emotional Health Considerations 51

Chapter 6. You Can’t Get Better Without Hope. The Role of Hope In Holistic Healing and The Enemies of Hope 64 Chapter 7. Acupuncture Case Studies 86 Chapter 8. About The Acupuncture & Holistic Medicine Healing Center 94

Chapter 9. Why I Became A Doctor of Oriental Medicine And A Bit More About Me 110


You may have chosen to read this e-book because you are sick and have

symptoms that interfere with or make your daily life difficult or hard.

Perhaps you are tired and lack energy.

Perhaps you feel your weight is not right for you.

Perhaps you have injuries that aren’t healing.

Perhaps you are in pain. Perhaps you are unhappy and dissatisfied with the

effectiveness of the treatment you have gotten or are currently getting.

Perhaps you have been diagnosed with a “disease” and told there is no hope

or that you will have to be on pharmaceutical drugs for the rest of your life.

Or, you may be looking for ideas and ways that you can improve your own


Regardless of the reasons for your choice, I promise to not let you down.

There is good news and much valuable information for you in the pages that


Many people who have suffered injuries or conditions that cause moderate

to intense pain, have been told by their conventional doctors that they will

have to do pain management with pharmaceutical drugs for the rest of their


Many such people have found that they hate the feeling of being drugged

out of their mind to the point where their ability to function is compromised

or they have become a danger to themselves or others because of taking

those prescription pain medications.

You likely don’t need anyone to tell you this, but pain is debilitating, it is

depressing, it steals your energy, focus and ability to function. Heck, it even

steals your ability to dream and to imagine a future that is positive for you.

It steals your hope. You don’t need me to tell you this, if you have pain you

already know how much it saps the life right out of you.

If so, then you are so like the people who have come to me in the past or

are in my care now. What you will learn in this book can change your life

forever for the better. This is not an idle statement.

My name is Glenn Eichenauer and I am an Oriental Medicince Doctor

(OMD)and a Licensed Acupuncture Physician (L’AP) and one of the leading

practitioners and information providers about Acupuncture, Oriental

Medicine which is also known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and

Holistic Medicine and Holistic Health Care.

I also have substantial Allopathic Medical training in my years as a Medical

Disability Examiner for the Social Security Disability Program and in my four

year Oriental Medicine education and training program at one of the finest

schools in the US, The East West College of Natural Medicine. Click here if

you would like to visit their website.

I have been interested and involved in improving people’s health for most of

my adult life with interests even going back to my childhood. Yes there is an

interesting story here. But I’ll save that for later in the final chapter.

Oriental Medicine is a comprehensive system of Holistic Medicine and

Natural Healing that is over 4,000 years old. Yes, what you just read is true,

a complete system of holistic medicine and health care that has existed and

has been continuously evolving over 4,000 years old.

You may be skeptical that anything that old could possibly have any

relevance or value now. One of my goals in writing this book for you is to

show you why it is valuable and relevant to your life and to improving your

health now.

You may ask yourself, “why don’t I know about this, why haven’t I heard

about this before. It’s quite simple really, you don’t live in the Orient. This

system has other names as well, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), but

many of its diagnostic methods and treatment techniques have been used

for equally long times in Japan, Taiwan, Viet Nam, etc...Over its history it

has helped literally billions of people.

At this time in history there are two dominate health care systems in the

world one is called Allopathy and is practiced by MDs through out the world

and it is not Holistic. The other system of health care is Oriental Medicine

or Traditional Chinese Medicine and it is totally holistic. Both are used by

millions of people all over the world.

Allopathy, the dominant system in the US and the West is great for crisis

intervention or emergency care. Do you know anyone who has ever broken

a bone and had it set and put into a cast, or someone who has had a joint

replaced or had a tumor removed just to name couple of things Allopathic

Medicine is very good at. Allopathic Medicine has been around since the late

1800s or early 1900s.

The problem with Allopathy is that it is only focused on symptoms, mainly

on covering or masking symptoms. Worse, it does not focus at all on

wellness let alone on prevention and it does not focus on health restoration

or health maintenance at least not in my and many others opinion.

Actually, nearly its entire focus is on crisis care in one form or another and

it treats every situation as a crisis and not an opportunity or wake up call

to improve ones health. Sadly it has not incorporated any Holistic Medicine

principles to do so.

And many practitioners of Allopathy mock those who practice other forms

of medical care that do focus on prevention, maintainence and health

restoration. And Finally, they the supporters of Allopathy: the insurance

companies and Pharmaceutical drug companies have Billions of dollars to

spend on advertising and lobbying.

What is Holistic Medicine, Natural Medicine and Holistic Healing Treatment?

Holistic medicine is medicine that treats the whole person: mentally,

emotionally, physically and etherically or Spiritually...not religiously, but


Allopathy actually derides any concern or implication of a mind, body, Spirit

connection. It treats the impact of mental, emotional or spiritual concerns as

irrelevant to physical health issues.

Allopathy treats the person with nearly sole focus on the physical; essentially

treating the person as if they were a machine and a not very smart one at


Holistic Medicine realizes that human beings are a synergy. What is a

synergy you may ask? A synergy is any organization or organism in

which the whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts and each

part has impact on every other part and all the parts are interrelated and


So regarding a person’s health, mental or emotional stress and disturbance

can have a negative impact on the physical. And conversely physical

dysfunction can cause either or both negative mental or emotional states.

We are Spiritual beings first and foremost and so disturbance in our Spiritual

life and self can have positive or negative impact on the other three arenas

and around and around it goes.

Additionally Holistic Medicine practioner’s generally partner with you and

involve you in the decision making processes of improving your health.

Holistic practitioners generally don’t pretend to have the power to predict

how long you have to live or when you will die.

Can you remember a time when your MD gave you the impression that

you would get worse or could even die if you don’t do this or that or take

whatever drug he or she prescribed for you?

Or worse insisted that you continue to take it regardless of the fact that

either it did nothing to improve the problem you were taking it for or it

made it worse or even worse yet, it didn’t work and you experienced nasty

side effects?

Pharmaceutical drugs, the main tool of Allopathy to treat illness, treat only

the symptoms of illness and almost never correct the root or cause of the


If you have ever taken prescription or over the counter Pharmaceutical

Medication, you likely know:

1. They don’t work, not well,

2. Often they are detrimental to your health causing more symptoms, called

side-effects that are often worse than the problem they were prescribed to


3. They can even be life threatening or terminating. Ever hear of anyone

dying because of taking Prescription Medication? Pharmaceutical drugs are

one of the largest causes of death in our country. Ever hear of prescription

drug abuse which is more prevalent than illegal drug abuse?

Another advantage of Holistic Medicine and Oriental Medicine care is that it

identifies the warnings your symptoms are, so you can heed the warnings

that you need to make changes in the way you live your life.

Additionally, you can learn a great deal about your self by the symptoms you

have, if you care too.

Disease as a Warning or Learning Tool? Are You Nuts?

As a Holistic Medicine practitioner, I have successfully treated many

hundreds of people with health issues. One thing I have learned is that

often these problems are harbingers or messengers of greater problems to

come if not attended to when they are nuisances.

Learning what these problems mean, where they come from at their root,

is a key factor in being able to heal them and achieve truly good health no

matter how old you are or what the condition is.

No matter how old you are, it is not too late to improve your health.

Holistic Medicine practitioners don’t judge you or your symptoms, nor should

you. You can learn from your symptoms. You can let them be teachers,

pointing you to what you need to do differently whether it is in regard to

nutrition, exercise, even handling your emotions more appropriately and


Procrastination Is Not A Sound Health Improvement Strategy

Have you ever noticed that problems that you ignore often get worse, that

procrastination isn’t an effective strategy in any area of life? Procrastinating

about your health can kill you. But, you really already know this. Don’t you?

This book is not meant to be a compendium or text book about this

remarkable holistic health care system, my goal is to 1. Give you an

introduction, to give you an overview of this remarkably effective health

care system. 2. Give you hope for improving your health the natural way. 3.

Motivate you to take responsibility for your good health now and for the rest

of your life.

Your good health is your greatest asset, as you know if you have ever had

it compromised or even lost. Sadly, there are some problems in life that no

amount of money can fix, not even with the best “Cadillac Health Insurance


This book can be your introduction or re-introduction to effective time tested

and proven ways of understanding your own body/mind connection that

have been proven safe and effective for over 4,000 years.

What do you know that has been in continuous use for over 4,000 years?

Here are some thoughts: fire, water, plant and animal food, the wheel, the

horse as transportation expediter, the lever, the bow and arrow, the plow,

seeds, and herbs.

I could go on and on. Would we even know about these things if they didn’t

work and if they weren’t still being used? People don’t continue doing what

doesn’t work for very long. And if they do so, it is usually at their peril.

Your journey back to good and even great health does not have to be

perilous, consider this book to be your personal introduction to a road map

of solutions proven effective for over 4,000 years. Now how good is that?

Why Invest In Your Health? And The Question To Ask Yourself:

Is This The Time For Me To Invest in My Health?

Bonus: In the pages that follow I will describe one of the most

powerful health improving tips that you (everyone) can put into

action today.

We have been taught millions and perhaps even billions of ideas, not all

of them true or sound at least not all of the time, about what is a good

investment. Some of these ideas are great. Some are BS. We have been

taught to buy a house and that will be our greatest asset. Well, recent

history seems to have disproved that one. Invest in stocks. Whoops! Invest

in the company you work for. Whoops!

But here is a major biggie. We have been taught that it is best, it is a virtue

Chapter 1.

to put ourselves last.

Of course this is not true, or the best thing for us to do all the time;

not totally or in every case. The truth is that sometimes our needs take

precedence over the needs of others, and sometimes the needs of another

are more important and pressing.

However, in some cases putting ourselves last and ignoring our needs has

been elevated to the level of a cosmic virtue by some.

I can assure you that putting yourself last in terms of your health now and

in the future is a very wrong headed idea. It is positively not a virtue to

ignore your health...not now....not ever...not for anyone or anything.

You have only the now to do something preventative to protect and improve

your health now and in the future.

You may be like I was. I’ll buy that juicer and start juicing organic fruits and

vegetables, but I don’t have time today or this week.

I’ll start walking more, but I don’t have time now. I’ll do it later.

Have you ever noticed that later never comes unless you make a decision

and do it now. Have you ever noticed you don’t find time, you have to make

the time, when? That’s!

If you are sick, if you have symptoms that interfere with or make your daily

life difficult or hard, if you are tired and lack energy, if you feel your weight

is not right for you, if you have injuries that aren’t healing, if you want more

energy and stamina, if you want to be happy but are not, because of anxiety

or depression or post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), you know the price

of not investing in improving your health.

There is an old saying, “if not now, when?...If not me, then who?” Have you

ever noticed that nothing changes until you do something to change it.

Ask yourself, “how long have I been feeling bad, and how long have I been

suffering from this pain or these symptoms?” If your answer is that it has

been too long, why are you waiting any longer to take action?

Ask yourself this question, “What is preventing me from taking steps right

now to improve my health?”

Seriously, ask yourself that question right now. Don’t turn the page. If

You have printed out a copy of this book write down your answers to the

question what is stopping you from taking action to improve your health







Were you thinking or did you write down any of these:

I’m too old...

I’m too fat...

I’m young I don’t have to be concerned...

I don’t have time...

I don’t have enough money...

I don’t have insurance coverage...

I have been told I will have to live with this the rest of my life...

I have been told I will have to be on pain medication for the rest of my life,


I have been told I only have ....months or years to live...

I’ve been told there is nothing that can be done with my condition...

I’ve been told there is no hope...

None of these answers will do you one bit of good. And all of them

are wrong, they are not true.

Here is something to get you thinking...

One of the best health related commercials I have seen on TV is one I saw

not too long ago put out by a local Cancer Treatment Center in which a

cancer survivor tells how she was told by her Oncologist that she had only

three months to live.

She sought and found some other cancer treatment center that was more

compassionate and used more Holistic Medicine practices.

When she told her Doctor at the new facility what the previous one had

said, he asked her if she had an expiration date tatooed on the bottom of

her foot?

The answer is of course not. Years later she is not only alive, but thriving.

She chose to take charge her life and health and find something better.

What do you think would have happened to her if she had done nothing

as that one doctor had demanded of her with all of the authority he could

muster. “You will die in three months.”

Committing to and actually taking steps right now to improve your health is

the only real insurance policy there is for creating a positive future of good

health as you age.

We don’t usually get more energy as we age, but I can tell you an amazing

number of ways you can be sure you will have dramatically diminished

energy and functional ability as you grow older.

Is There Anything I Can Do Myself Right Now to Improve My

Health? Here Is That Bonus Tip!

Let me give you an example and a very valuable tip and motivator. At any

moment your body has all the energy it will have whether that is a lot or a


If you eat the SAD (Standard American Diet) heavy on red meat, pork, dairy,

and processed foods to name only a few items on that SAD diet, your body

will be using up to 80 percent of its energy to digest that food. You read

that right, up to 80 percent.

You may have heard that the body is capable of healing and regenerating

itself. Many of you have heard that all the cells in your body are totally

replaced every seven years.

This is true, but only if your body has the energy and building materials

(nutrition) to do it.

Let’s dig deeper into this issue. When you eat food it takes a lot of the

body’s energy to digest that food, as I mentioned above. The heavier and

harder to digest that food is, the more time and energy it takes for your

body to digest and get rid of the non-nutritious and toxic waste products.

Your body has a set of priority instructions. You must have food for nutrition

(building blocks of structures and sources of energy) to provide more energy

to replace that which has been spent.

Your body’s first priority is to digest that food and get all the good stuff

out of it that it can and the second high priority is to get the rest of the

unusable stuff out of the body before it putrefies and turns toxic. Just like

the food scraps you put into the garbage turns fowl smelling and toxic.

It just has to get the potentially toxic stuff out, before it turns poisonous or

your body will literally die trying. If your body can’t digest, extract energy

and eliminate the toxic stuff, you will die.

So if you are eating all that hard to digest and eliminate food, how much

energy do you think your body will have to repair and heal itself? It will not

have enough to do the job.

Is it just possible that not understanding this is why there are so many

people with chronic or degenerative diseases in this country?

But, but...don’t we have the best food and diet in the world?

Doesn’t the food industry tell us that every day? Yes, they do.

Just like the health insurance companies and others who thrive on the

system as it is, try to tell you that we have the best health care and health

care delivery system in the world. The truth is we do not.

Do we in fact have the best diet and nutrition if it takes nearly all our daily

energy to use it and leaves nothing or next to nothing for maintenance and


If you are already experiencing tiredness and lack of energy this tip is so

very much more important for you to pay attention to now.

Here It Is That Tip I Promised. Unless You Are A Diabetic, Eat

Nothing But Fruit Until After Noon.

If you do only this, if you do nothing else this will greatly improve your


When you get up in the morning eat nothing but fruit in the morning, not

canned fruit or frozen fruit, but real fresh fruit.

You can either graze your way through the morning eating this or that fruit

or you can do as I do and make a great fruit smoothie. All it takes is a cheap

blender. There is plenty of information out there on good recipies for fruit

smoothies. You can buy a book or get one from the libray or just Google

“fruit smoothie recipes”.

In case you want to get started right now I’ll share my foundational recipe.

My morning smoothy nearly always has the following in it. One banana, 3

to 5 strawberries depending on size and if in season, a section of pineapple

when in season, if I can’t find pineapple I’ll put in an apple. Finally, I

add orange juice (fresh squeezed if it is in season and reasonably priced

otherwise some quality “juice only” Orange juice product) as liquid to make

it the right consistency and give it great flavor. Just experiment to see what

you like.

I want you to carefully wash off those fruits that can’t be peeled such as

strawberries. I want you to peel those fruits such as apples, pears, peaches

or plums that can be peeled as the skins are likely covered with nasty,

poisonous chemical perticides, fungicides and herbicides.

Why Eat Fruit or Drink Fruit Smoothies Until Afternoon Or 1 pm, Or

Until You Really Feel Hungry?

1. The body has a digestive energy cycle in which your digestive energy is

actually very low first thing in the morning and it doesn’t peak until noon or

1 pm or for some even later.

What about breakfast being the most important meal of the day? Well it can

be an important meal of the day, if you eat fruit or at least eat lightly.

Breakfast can be the worst meal of the day if you eat the Standard American

Diet (SAD) recommended breakfast foods.

2. Fruit requires almost no energy from the body to digest. It contains all

the enzymes necessary to digest itself and benefit the rest of the body.

As an aside let me briefly tell you what an enzyme is in case you don’t know.

I don’t want to leave anyone behind.

An enzyme is a particular and unique molecule that is essential in the

activation and completion of a chemical chain of events like the digestive


Without enzymes that come from food or which are produced by the

Pancreas and liver primarily, nothing would happen in your small intestine

where most of the nutrients are extracted and absorbed into the body. The

food would just pass right on through and you would die.

3. Another implication of the first point is that breakfast should not be,

contrary to conventional wisdom, the largest meal of the day. Actually,

your midday meal should be the largest and most complex meal of the day

since that is when your body makes available the most energy for digestive


4. I don’t know what you have been told makes for a good breakfast, but

what I have seen the food industry recommend and what consequently I

grew up eating living as I did in both the Mid-West and South is very heavy

on the following foods: dairy (milk, cheese), pork products or beef products,

potatoes often fried or at least very fatty, and various grain foods like

waffles, pancakes, breads, pastries, etc...

These foods require the most energy to digest. They can make you feel

very heavy and potentially fatigued especially if you are older than 40, have

chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. If you have Fibromyalgia, these

foods will increase your pain and fatigue.

Yes, for you younger people who might be reading this book, you gradually

over time have less energy to work with every day. Ask anyone in their 40s

or 50s or older who isn’t trying to appear younger and faking it if they don’t

have less energy than they did when they were in their teens or twenties or


4. What I call the SAD breakfast is also almost totally acid producing. It

makes your body more acidic. Acidic bodies are bodies prone to internal

inflammation and chronic diseases.

Metaphorically and literally this causes you to kind of rust out, to seize up,

to develop pain in your joints, to develop organ degeneration, circulatory

system inflammation leading to circulatory system clogging - think Heart

Attack, Stroke, Coronary Artery Disease, Osteoporosis, Arthritis both Osteo

and Rheumatoid, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, kidney failure,

just to name a few of the problems that are directly related to eating these

foods predominently.

Now I don’t want anyone to misinterpret what I am saying. I am not saying

those foods are poison or should be banned.

5. I am saying, as do all good nutritionists, eat more fruits and vegetables

both of which tend to make the body more alkaline. Again, not to be

misunderstood, you don’t want to be too alkaline either. But it is very rare

for someone to be too Alkaline.

Suffice it to say the body needs to be slightly Alkaline to be healthy and

avoid the problems I mentioned above.

6. You will lose weight without struggle and without changing anything else

unless all you eat is junk for the rest of the day. I’m 5 feet, 6 inches tall and

a few years ago I weighed 215 lbs and had lost all hope (eating the SAD at

that time) of ever losing any weight. Nothing worked. I just stayed the same

and was tired all the time. I even woke in the morning not feeling rested.

I started eating only fruit in the morning. Within three months I had lost 25

lbs. I didn’t even realize it until I had to put away my “fat pants” 40 inch

waist pants and move down to 38 inch waist pants. My belly flattened out.

There were some days when without thinking I ate fruit all day long just

because I enjoyed the fruit so much.

Now as soon as I feel hungry in the early afternoon, I eat my main meal

of the day and take a high potency premium natural digestive enzyme

capsule with this meal, because without the digestive enzymes, I still would

feel some fatigue after eating. It can be a very effective strategy to take

digestive enzymes after eating a pasta dish or other heavy meat dish even

if it is only chicken with potato or sweet potato and vegetables in order to

avoid being tired after eating.

Degenerative or chronic disease does not have to be part of your future, if

you take action now to learn better eating habits and make the appropriate

changes in your life.

One final tip regarding eating...eating several small meals or snacks each

day is better for your body than eating three big ones. Snacking between

meals is good as long as those snacks are fruits or vegetables packed with

nutrition. Your body works best if frequently nourished with several fruit or

vegetable snacks including fruit and vegetable juice and that one bigger

meal from 1 to 3 pm.

Of course if you stuff yourself each time you eat you are defeating the

purpose and you will gain weight. But if you do eat more smaller meals

more frequently you will never get ravenously hungry again.

I can guarantee it, your body can guarantee it, you will have more energy,

your body will better fight off disease, repair and renew itself, give you more

energy to do the things you want to do with your life, if you will implement

my healthy and effective eating recommendations.

Lest I forget to mention, for over 4,000 years practitioners of Oriental

Medicine have said that dairy is not good for humans, pointing out that even

cows don’t drink cow milk after they are weaned.

As you may know, people who live in Asia and the orient who eat as they

have for thousands of years...diets of mainly fruits and vegetables and only

a little meat, don’t have heart disease and diabetes and other levels of

degenerative disease at anything approaching the levels we have here, they

also have very low obesity rates.

It is also a fact that when these previously healthy Asians move to the

West and adopt the Western Diet, they get the same degenerative disease

and obesity rates we get at. So, their greater health is not due to genetic

differences. It is all due to dietary differences.

You don’t have to change everything over night, you can do it

gradually over time.

If you are not too sick you can make the changes more gradually and build

the right new habits over time. But if you are really sick, you can’t wait even

one more day and you will likely be highly motivated to make changes.

If you are already sick I would recommend jucing fruits and vegetables for

all your meals and giving up all meat and dairy at least until you feel better.

If you want to eat a little meat go ahead but only a little.

Again, I must give a warning to you if you are diabetic you have to be very

diligent about monitoring your sugar intake from all sources. Seek advice

about this.

However if you are not sick and just want to ensure good health into the

future, then I recommend that you don’t try to do it over night. Go slow and

make gradual and incremental changes in what and when and how you eat.

I recommend that you don’t try to be perfect, because you will only beat

yourself up when you make mistakes. Rather than trying to be perfect which

always results in failure and in you beating yourself up in some way for

failing, just do better...a little better and then a little more...

If you screw up forgive yourself...and do better next time...Think of it as

moving things from one pile...the bad pile (bad eating habits and eating

“bad” food) the good pile...of healthier eating habits and eating healtier


If you keep making small improvements, over time you will be amazed by

the progress you have made.

Here is an example of what I mean about making incremental change...

This was true for me once upon a time...I ate ice cream late every night.

From Oriental Medicine I learned that this was making me fat, lethargic,

giving me a thick white coating on my tongue, and what some call “brain

fog” or difficulty thinking and continuous sinus drainage...So I moved the ice

cream out of the kitchen refrigerator and into the garage refrigerator...

It wasn’t enough...I’d even get up in the middle of the night and go out into

the garage even in winter to have some ice cream...

I couldn’t trust I stopped buying ice cream at the grocery

story...I gave myself permission to have it some times as a treat when I was

out if I was really craving it...

...over time I wanted it less and less, because as I felt better and better,

when I did eat it I could feel that I felt so much worse afterwards...I now

had a feed back mechanism...

Then I gave up any ice cream at all for frozen Yogurt, but only those with

out bad stuff like high fructose corn syrup and chemical additives.

I recommend that you positively do not “do it over night” or it will be just

another “diet” and you will likely fail at least in the long run.

You don’t want another diet, what you want is a new way of eating. There

is a very big difference in changing what you eat and the way you eat and

doing a “diet” to lose weight.

Just do the best you can making these changes. Don’t get down on yourself.

If you screw up, try returning to the principle of eating only fruit in the

morning the next day. If you go crazy with your eating one day do the fruit

in the morning thing and eating something lighter like soup the next day for

your big meal. Or have some vegetable juice, if you have got a juicer ...I like

carrot juice with celery, and cucumbers and sometimes leafy greens addes

too. Experiment, play with it...keep returning to your new practices.

Can you see why now is the time to do this, not later when irreparable

damage has been done to your body? It is possible, unfortunately, to wait

too long until there is truly nothing to be done because your body is too sick

and lacks the energy to repair and rebuild itself.

I have so much additional information about healthy foods and unhealthy

foods on my fact since this is an e-book I’m going to give you

live links to the pages that will be most helpful in improving your health

from a nutritional standpoint. Of course these links will only work if you are

reading this e-book on your computer...

Click here to visit my mini-website on Juicing Fruits and Vegetables for

health. This will open a new page.

Here is the link itself that you can copy and paste into a new window on

your browser:


Please click here to visit my webpages on “unhealthy food”.

Here is the link itself that you can copy and paste into a new window on

your browser:

Please click here to visit my webpage on the Standard American Diet or


Here is the link itself that you can copy and paste into a new window on

your browser:


Please click here to visit my webpage discussing Holistic Nutrition and

“healthy food.”

Here is the link itself that you can copy and paste into a new window on

your browser:


Please click here to visit my page on the dangers of “processed and

manufactured food”.

Here is the link itself that you can copy and paste into a new window on

your browser:

Please click here to visit my page on why you might want to consider

eliminating dairy from the items you eat.

Here is the link itself that you can copy and paste into a new window on

your browser:

Please click here to visit my page about the dangers of White Refined Flour.

Here is the link itself that you can copy and paste into a new window on

your browser:

Please click here to visit my page about the dangers of White Refined Sugar.

Here is the link itself that you can copy and paste into a new window on

your browser:

Please click here to learn why eliminating soda pop from your diet may be

something you may want to consider doing.

Here is the link itself that you can copy and paste into a new window on

your browser:

Chapter 2.

What Are the Benefits of Holistic Medicine, Oriental Medicine And Natural Healing And Where’s The Proof?

Put simply improved health, improved quality of life, reduction or elimination

of pain or painful conditions, increased energy, greater clarity of thought,

of mind, reduction of anxiety, freedom from depression, improved mental,

emotional and physical performance in all areas of life. Here’s the proof.

Oriental Medicine has become one of the safest and most rapidly recognized

forms of holistic health care in the United States.

In 1997, the National Institutes of Health Consensus Statement approved

of acupuncture as an effective modality for treating a number of conditions.

These include: nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy or surgery,

dental pain, addiction, post-stroke rehabilitation, headache, menstrual

cramps, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, low back

pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma. (Acupuncture. NIH Consensus

Statement 1997, Nov. 35~15 (5): 134.)

Although this is a substantial list, acupuncture has been used worldwide to

successfully treat many more disorders and conditions.

According To the World Health Organization Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Can Effectively Treat All of the Following Illnesses and Injuries:


Pain or weakness in the neck, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, knees,

legs and feet, backache or pain, Sciatica, muscle cramping, auto accident

injuries, other kinds of traumatic injuries such as sprains & strains, sports

injuries, Osteoporosis, Foot Neuromas, pain on bottom of feet, Rheumatoid

Arthritis, Osteoarthritis


PMS, irregular or painful menses, Menopausal symptoms, Infertility,

Impotence, vaginal discharge & infections, urinary tract infections, low sex

drive, nocturnal emissions, premature ejaculation, Incontinence, urinary


Ear, Eye, Nose, Throat & Dental

Hearing loss, poor or blurred vision, floaters, tired, itchy, sore eyes,Tinnitus,

tooth pain, TMJ, facial pain, gum problems, Tonsillitis, sore throat


Headaches including Migraines, Neuralgia Neuropathy (numbness &

tingling), Post-operative pain, stroke residuals, Parkinson’s disease


Hypertension, low blood pressure, chest pain/Angina, Edema

Emotional issues

Shyness, timidity, emotional traumas, insomnia, depression,

anxiety, nervousness, neurosis, anger, worry, grief, sadness, loss,



Abdominal pain & bloating, hyperacidity, GERD, Acid Reflux, Diarrhea,

Constipation, Indigestion Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Hemorrhoids, Gastric



Sinusitis, common cold, Bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, allergies-food,

environmental & airborn, Asthma, shortness of breath and chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)


Contact Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Urticaria/Hives, Eczema, Herpes Zoster, skin


Other benefits: Increase energy and vitality, Lose or gain weight, treat

addictions: smoking, drugs, alcohol, strengthen immune system and, much


According to the results of a recent national study conducted by the National

Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) 1

in 10 US Adults has tried acupuncture. This means that 20 million American

Adults have tried acupuncture. 24% of those who tried it were extremely

satisfied, 24% were very satisfied and 34% were satisfied.

Only 8% of those who tried it said they were not at all satisfied. This means

that acupuncture has helped 82% of the people who have tried it. The best

news is that with OM many illnesses as defined and identified by current

Western Medicine don’t have to happen and can be reversed.

Make this your pledge to yourself. Choose to do this. Commit to this. Let today be the day. Let now be the time. You are the only one who can make the decision. Why not invest in your health now?

A source of sound-true information is a necessity, a guide and a helper is beneficial and often necessary. Why not use me or someone with my training and experience and the wisdom of over 4,000 years of proven success.

In summary:

1. Your good health is up to you. You can choose to have better

health now. 2. Now is really the only time you can make the decision, not trying to be cute here.

3. If you are like most of us, you are going to need high quality information, you are going to need encouragement and perhaps some help in the form of treatment. I can be that source of knowledge, information, inspiration and support. You can get a lot of help at my website

Would Oriental Medicine Benefit Me?

If you answer yes to one or more of the following, Oriental Medicine will be beneficial for you.

1. You have a health problem whether recent or of long standing that has not responded to other treatment. If you have bad health nothing in life is worthwhile or is enjoyed.

2. Pharmaceutical drugs make you sick or don’t work for you.

3. You have the feeling or you know that illness only responds when the whole person is treated as the unique individual that they are mentally, emotionally, physically and Spiritually.

4. You realize that nature often provides the best medicine.

5. You want to take charge of your own health and work with someone who supports you whole-heartedly in your decision to iimprove your health and not just take a bunch of pills that never healed anything.

Chapter 3.

What Is Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (OM) And How Does It Work?

I use the term Oriental Medicine (OM) to encompass the broad scope of this

comprehensive Holistic Medicine primary health care system. OM includes

acupuncture, electro-stimulation, stimulation by light, pressure, taped on

seeds and other things to stimulate acupuncture points. It also includes

herbology and complex herbal medicines, various forms of therapeutic

massage and bodywork, nutritional and lifestyle counseling, energy exercise

(Qi Gong & Tai Qi) and meditation.

Acupuncture itself is the insertion (at very precise locations along specific

channels of energy) of single use, solid, disposable needles. These needles

are so thin that patients seldom feel the needle insertion, for the purpose

of restoring balance to the body’s energetic system in such a way as to

promote healing. Acu-points can also be stimulated by means other than

needles as mentioned above.

Herbal medicines are safe and effective unlike artificially created drugs which

are created from toxic chemicals in laboratories. Herbs, like humans, are the

product of nature.

The herbs we use are not toxic and do not have side effects. Of course

some herbs are dangerous, but we don’t use those in our formulas.

Oriental massage includes Tui-na, and Shiatsu. Other related healing

techniques include Gua Sha and cupping. Each of these healing techniques

is highly effective in the treatment of musculo-skeletal problems due to

overuse, sprain, strain or other injury.

How Does Oriental Medicine Work?

Oriental Medicine is first and foremost energy medicine and while ancient

in its origins, it is timeless and as modern and as scientific as Quantum


Our scientists have proven that we live in a universe, a world, and in bodies

that are made up of energy.

Energy exists on a continuum from the invisible to the visible.

Energy can be insubstantial and not observable by the naked eye or be

expressed in a form as substantial as the ground we walk on, our bodies

and the chairs we sit on.

Why Don’t I Know About Everything Being Energy?

Science advances and sometimes the rest of us are left behind, not out of

some evil plot, but because most people...including most scientists...prefer

the simple or easy to imagine explanation of how things work to the truth

which is really complicated and full of contradictions and mysteries.

Let me give you an example of what most of us have experienced.

Remember High School or College Physics? If you took one of these classes

you remember we were told that the greatest scientific truth about the

nature of reality is that the smallest particle, the smallest building block of

the physical world is the atom.

I was born in 1950 and in my physics class in HS I was told atoms have a

nucleus of protons and neutrons which are circled by electrons, much as

planets orbit the sun, all of which were solid particles.

I don’t know if electron microscopes had been invented and used in the 60s,

but if they were my teachers then and later in college didn’t have the correct


What examination of atoms with electron microscopes discovered was that

there is nothing solid about an atom at all, zip, zilch, nada, nothing.

What this investigation proved was that it was all energy, merely probability

fields of energy that at lower levels of magnification looked like they were


Not only did our modern scientists prove that the atom is not the smallest

particle of matter, they proved there is no matter at all.

Everything is energy vibrating at various frequencies. And scientists

have continually found smaller and smaller energies such as “quarks and


All that solid stuff like the chair you are sitting on, the computer you are

likely reading this on or downloaded it from - energy, pure and perhaps not

so simple.

You might be feeling some anxiety about now...what the heck? What do you

mean this stuff around me isn’t solid? It sure looks and feels solid to me.

Yes, and it feels real solid to me and for all our practical purposes it acts

solid enough for us all. But it isn’t really’s a is all light.

You don’t have to believe me, ask any Nuclear Physicist. This is at least part

of what Albert Einstein was talking about.

Well, this new understanding pushed the theories of Sir Isaac Neuton right

into the dust bin of history. Just as more advanced science did to the once

accepted scientific theory that the Earth is the center of the solar system

and everything revolves around earth. In case you didn’t get that memo; all

the planets including our own revolve around the sun.

Sir Isaac had come up with a pretty nifty, simple theory that said all matter

was made up of “tiny things like billard balls”. Wow, was this great or what,

it was so simple. He became a Super Science Hero.

He also said that the universe was a giant clockwork like was

a machine...cause leads to effect and on and on and on...

Unfortunately his theory which seems so self-evident and so simple is not

true. It has been proven scientifically to be totally false.

Yet nearly all of our modern medicine is predicated upon the idea that your

body is made up of stuff and not energy entirely.

Well, don’t get too upset by the revelation that there is nothing solid in

that chair you are sitting in, not to be too cute, but I’m sitting in a chair

right now and my butt is feeling sore. My chair may not be as solid as I had

previously imagined, but it still feels solid enough to support me and my


The revelation that everything is energy, not solid, but seeming solid is

revolutionary and very hard to imagine. So most people including most

medical professionals still clunk along with the old model even though it is

not true, because it is easier to imagine.

Imagine, if we are energy, then a system of health care that understands

that we are “just” energy might be very effective. Well, as someone once

said, “truth is often stranger than fiction”. Another said, “the truth shall set

you free”.

If there was a health care system that was predicated on understanding the

true nature of reality, do you think it might be more effective than believing,

erroneously that we are “solid” and function mechanically like a car? You


And guess what that system is? It is good old ancient Chinese and Oriental


How did those ancient folks grasp a truth that would not be documented by

science for thousands of years?

By observing energy function in the natural world. They studied and drew

conclusions from the natural world. Effective medicine must be energy

medicine and that is what Oriental Medicine medicine.

Most of us are familiar with the notion of positive and negative charged

energy, as it applies to electricity and even magnetic poles.

Just so, there is positive and negatively charged energy in the body. The

ancient Orientals called these energies, Yang and Yin. But Yin and Yang are

not limited only to polarity functions and descriptions.

Yin and Yang in this context refer to an insubstantial precursor energy to

the electrical energy of the body and is precursor (that which builds) the

apparent forms and structures of the body.

For health to be optimal these energies have to be in balance and of

sufficient quantity, and there must be minimal blockage or resistance to the

flow of that energy as it does what it has to do to produce optimal health.

Many illnesses are the result of deficiency of energy or of restriction of the

flow of Qi or Chi energy and blood in our bodies.

The application of Oriental Medicine healing techniques stimulates the

body to foster and generate more energy, to clear energetic blockages, to

promote the movement and flow of energy, to balance and regulate the

body’s energy in just such a way that balance and harmony is restored to

the body.

When these goals are achieved the body can more easily and elegantly

return to health. This is especially true when the body is fueled by good

nutritious food.

Again, when we speak of Qi or Chi energy we are not really referring to the

energy that flows through the body via the nervous system, more correctly

we are speaking of a kind of etheric, meaning insubstantial - invisible,

energy that is the precursor to the electrical energy of the nerves and is the

basis in fact of all physical structures of the body.

Modern scientific research has documented that this invisible energy flows

in channels distributed throughout the body, just as the ancient practitioners

of this marvelous healing system observed and described more than 4,000

years ago.

It has been demonstrated clinically that these flows or channels of energy

relate to the various organ systems in the body, sustain and nourish them,

produce and generate every physical structure and function all of which

functions as a synergy, sustaining the body as a whole and our function


You need to understand that your body is self-healing and always has been

and will be if that energy is built and not squandered in myriads of ways

including unhealthy diet as I mentioned in an earlier chapter.

Our bodies are not our enemies. They truly are our friends and do

everything possible to stay healthy. But they need our help. We need to

learn to listen to the feedback our bodies give us about what we are doing

to them.

No pill has ever healed you. Your body via what is called your immune

system is what heals you. According to OM some Illness happens when your

body is invaded by an external pathogen, some by energetic imbalances,

excesses or deficiencies.

When the energies of the body are increased if deficient, or diminished if in

excess or brought into balance, when there is ample nutrition and energy

your body can then restore itself to health.

It took thousands of years for technology to just begin to be able to detect

energy which is invisible to the naked eye. Yet we know that invisible energy

exists in the universe and in our bodies as well. No reputable, independant

scientist who has studied modern energy physics can honestly dispute this


Thankfully we don’t have to wait for more advanced instruments or better

research, or better drugs, or the latest break through in health care to occur,

better health can be ours now with Holistic Medicine approach of Oriental

Medicine and Acupuncture, the energy medicine proven effective for more

than 4,000 years.

Chapter 4.

Oriental And Chinese Herbal Medicine

What Are Some of The Differences Between Pharmaceutical Drugs

and Herbs?

All drugs are made from man-made chemical components and processes.

Many if not all of the chemical components are patroleum derivatives. As

you know, now more than ever thanks to the oil disaster in the Gulf of

Mexico of 2010, oil is dangerously toxic.

Pharmaceutical companies attempt to replicate the molecules and healing

properties found in herbal plants with chemicals derived from petroleum and

coal tar derivitives. You read this correctly. They make their medicine out of

toxic petroleum and coal derivatives.

The sole purpose for doing this is so that the resulting drug can be patented

and sold for outrageous amounts of money that could not be charged for

the herb, which is relatively easily grown and comparatively inexpensive.

The pharmaceutical companies certainly know herbs are effective, highly

effective. Why else would they attempt to duplicate what they find in those


Yet they tell people herbs don’t work. I remember hearing when I was a boy

that herbs working as medicine was just, “old wives” tales.

Ironically, the pharmaceutical companies search for the so-called “magic

bullet” component of the herb. This “bullet” is the “one component or

components” in a particular herb that has the therapeutic effect.

The “Magic” parts of it are these. Do you believe in “Magic”?

1. Taking toxic substances and making something they claim to be

wholesome and good for you out of it.

2. Claiming to duplicate what nature has created, in their labratories and

claiming what they have made is “better” than what Nature makes.

3. The third “magical” aspect of the whole deal is in creating the goose that

lays the golden egg from the foregoing humble components. They have

managed to do what alchemists never succeeded in doing: turn lead into


What Pharmaceutical scientists and corporations have succeeded in doing

is turning something often worthless at best and lethal at worst into huge

sums of money. Who are they trying to kid? It could be us.

Here is a key fact to remember, and it has been highlighted by recent events

in the US. Corporations are responsible to only their share holders. They

are in it for the money. And not just for the money, but more money and

more money each quarter or they have failed in the responsibility to their

shareholders. Failure to increase the bottom line is their ultimate definition

of failure and they get punished for not succeeding in that arena.

Most Holistic Medicine Practitioners have a different set of criteria for

success and failure.

1. They have failed when they hurt someone.

2. They have failed when their patient doesn’t improve.

Holistic Medicine Practitioners also have a different definition of success.

1. They actually practice and succeed in application of the Hippocratic Oath:

First Do No Harm To Thy Patient.

2. They get consistently good results in their Natural Healing efforts.

Are There Any Other Differences Between Drugs and Herbs?

Yes. There is a process in the natural world, and really in all things, and it

is known as Synergy. The definition of Synergy is that the whole is greater

than the sum of its parts.

Meaning in this case that when you isolate a component out of its natural

organic matrix (meaning natural plant state in this case) you are not only

potentially reducing the effectiveness of the healing benefit of the plant

itself, but also potentially creating a toxic substance.

Beyond the problem of the toxicity of these artificially created substances,

our whole modern Western medical system is based on drugs that do not

heal anything but merely mask or cover symptoms for example such as pain,

or diarrhea rather than correcting the underlying problem or cause.

On the other hand, therapeutic herbs provide beneficial substances to the

body, and EM energy that assists the body in returning to balance and

improved function and sometimes even alleviating the disease condition


Why Is the Oriental System of Herbal Diagnosis and Prescription

Better Than Any Other Known System for Prescribing Herbs and

Herbal Medicines?

In our Western Herbal Tradition the method of prescribing herbs is based

upon simple observations of the most obvious effects a particular herb has

on the body.

Such as this herb stops diarrhea, while that one promotes bowel

movements. You are told to take this herb for this and this other one for


The problem with this approach is that it does not take into account the

many factors in your current body condition. It doesn’t treat each person as

the truly unique person they are.

Unfortunately prescribing herbs this way is too much like the existing system

of prescribing drugs, which basically is let’s try this and see if it works.

If it doesn’t work, let’s try this other one. This approach demonstrates

a fundamental lack of understanding of how herbs work together in


And golly gee, we are sorry for the unintended consequences such as

now you feel hot all the time, or cold all the time or have some other new

problem such as diarrhea. Not trivial problems, but not life threatenting


No other system of herbal understanding and prescription is as sophisticated

as that of Oriental Medicine.

Not only have the practitioners of Oriental Medicine studied herbs

continuously for more than 4,000 years determining their functions, and

indications (effects on the body) and how they can work better together

in combination synergistically, but they also discovered that herbs have

many other properties or characteristics such as what I call a thermic effect.

Meaning some herbs are either neutral or warming or cooling in their effect

on the body.

Just as certain foods and spices can do, herbs can make you feel hot or

hotter, or cool or even cold. Therefore it is important to consider this in the

over all formula you put together for a patient or in a pre-formulated pill or

capsule formula.

Additionally, Oriental Medicine has a greater and more practically applied

understanding of where specific symptoms come from; that being certain

specific channel problems or organ energetic and dysfunction problems.

And OM has a superior understanding of how the body works from a Holistic

Medicine perspective. And even better Oriental Medicine applies herbal

understanding in a way completely compatible to it’s medical diagnostic and

therapeutic treatment principle protocols. Because of these and other factors

it works so much better than herbs prescribed by other methods.

Please Give Me An Example of What You Mean.

For example someone may have Spleen Qi Deficiency with Dampness, a

fairly common imbalance in our society these days. The symptoms may

include fatigue, muscle pain or weakness, undigested food in the stools, a

thick white coat on the tongue, brain-fog, a frontal bandage feeling on the

forehead headache.

Causes can be too much consumption of meat, dairy or alcohol or overwork

or over study.

The essential malfunction involves the Spleen/Pancreas organs not having

the normal amount of energy, being deficient in energy and therefore not

functioning up to it’s optimal levels.

The treatment principles for this dysfunction are to strengthen the spleen

energy (Qi) and drain dampness and resolve phlegm.

The herbs which might be prescribed are categorized into such categories

as “Herbs That Tonify Qi” particularly Spleen Qi and “Herbs that Drain

Damp”, “Aromatic Herbs that Drain dampness” to name but a few potentially

applicable categories of herbs.

So when I or another practitioner of Oriental Medicine treats someone with

Spleen Qi deficiency with Dampness, I and they choose appropriate herbs

from the category of herbs that tonify Qi (specifically Spleen Qi) and some

from the categories of herbs that drain dampness. And they are and I am

guided by classic formulas in use for more than 4,000 years in many cases.

Let’s take a closer look at how complex prescription of herbal medicine can


Have You Ever Wondered Why, When You Read About an Herb and

Take It You Do Not Get the Results That Are Described?

I know I am repeating somewhat, but I am going deeper into this issue. You

may find yourself taking more than one herb at a time and getting diarrhea

when you never had it before. The problem is that each herb has more than

one effect on the body and what works for one person may not work for

another given their total body health condition.

That is why the correct diagnosis and complete assessment of the status of

your whole body is so important to effective herbal prescription and use.

Herbs work best when the are combined in a way that balances the body.

Only a trained practitioner in OM has the knowledge and experience to do

this. But you better find a practitioner who specializes in herbs and who has

continued their studies after graduation because this is a complex field of

study and college course work is just an entry into the complexities.

This knowledge of herbs is what makes an Oriental Medicine Doctor (OMD)

who specializes in herbal medicine the most qualified to help you. My

knowledge, our knowledge can help you.

In addition to everything I have discussed above, I have thousands of hours

of additional study and clinical experience, since graduating in the use of

Oriental Herbal Medicine.

I have invested hundreds of hours of work in the creation of many computer

herbal databases to aid myself and other in this kind of work.

Chapter 5.

Holistic Emotional Health Considerations.

What Is The Difference Between Healthy Emotional Function And Emotional Dysfunction?

Many people are confused about emotions, how to handle them and the

role they play in life not because they are stupid, but because there is so

much misinformation out there designed to sell products and a true lack of


Another problem is that no one thinks emotiona are important enough to

teach us about them...Something as basic to what it is to be a human being

isn’t considered to be important enough to be taught to every person in


So what are the basic things we all need to know about our


First, emotions are normal and healthy and necessary for optimal human


They are our personal responses to the events of our daily lives. Without

emotions we would not know what felt good or bad, what we like or do not


In this sense our emotions, if we listen to them, can guide us in positive

directions in our life like a compass can point to the direction we want to go.

Emotions likewise can certainly impact us in such a way that we seek

change. You don’t continue to do what doesn’t work or what makes you

unhappy, do you?

You may have heard the funny, but often true definition of insanity. Insanity

is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

When you do feel and take stock and express your emotions appropriately,

this normally prompts you to change, to do something different.

Truly not feeling your emotions with intensity and then releasing your

emotions will dumb you down so much you might just do the same

unproductive things over and over again expecting a different result. This

might just make you feel “crazy”.

Among the many misunderstandings and misconceptions about emotions

we may have, many of us have been taught that some emotions are good,

(i.e. happiness, joy, love, etc.), and some emotions are bad (i.e. anger,

frustration, etc.).

The truth is all emotions are “good”. Emotions only become “bad”/

harmful when they are not expressed completely or appropriately and then

released. This is as true of love as it is of anger.

We have all heard of “smother” love or obsessive love and the control that

comes from it. We have also witnessed people doing the most damaging

and harmful things out of anger that is suppressed for so long and not

handled that it finally explodes and does damage to another person.

The reason for this is that when we are not feeling/expressing our

emotions...we are denying or repressing them. And in repressing or denying

our emotions, we are setting ourselves up for future pain, dysfunction and

even failure in our lives.

You know you haven’t effectively released emotions from an event that

happened in the past when every time you think about the event or

remember the event, you feel angry, hurt or in pain all over again.

Another misconception about emotions is that emotions should be or are

logical and rational. Emotions are not. Emotions have nothing to do with

logic and reason and how we think we should feel in a given situation.

Emotions are what they are and what we experience when we feel them.

Now, emotions induce thoughts and thoughts induce feelings...they work

hand in glove, together.

Sadly, too many people do not really feel their emotions. Many simply think

about feeling their emotions. Well, I should be feeling this way, because

everyone tells me this is the appropriate feeling for this situation.

Wrong. I am here to tell you, it is right to feel what you feel and to think

what you think and it is even better for you if you both think and feel. Then

evaluate the result and decide what the best thing to do is. This might even

change your mood, your actions and what you now feel and think about.

The reality is that thoughts generate feeling or emotions and emotions

prompt thought. They are meant to work together as a complete guidance

system...hand in glove as said above.

So when people tell you your problem is that you are too emotional,

often they are trying to control you because emotions bring out often

uncomfortable truth.

And when others tell you you think too much often they are also trying to

control you because if you think for yourself, you might just not do what

they want you to do.

The people who tell you not to think and the people who tell you not to feel

are often the same people and they are trying to control you and get you to

do what they want you to do.

I’m pretty sure you have not heard these ideas before, yet, nonetheless

they are true and the results I have obtained in my work healing myself and

other people and the work others have done with these ideas prove these

ideas to be true.

What Happens To Emotions That Are Stuffed (not expressed) And

How Does That Affect Us?

We unknowingly and automatically often put the energy of these unreleased

emotions in various parts of our body (e.g. organs, muscles, joints and other

cellular structures) where at some point they can manifest as symptoms

(e.g. aches, pains, and worse dysfunctions).

Essentially, they can manifest as part of any symptom we may have. Often

repressing, stuffing, or denying emotions results in depression.

Can Painful Events From The Past Create Dysfunction or Pain


Yes. When we were children, teenagers, young adults or even yesterday,

events may have happened that were overwhelming. Perhaps the emotions

felt impossible to stay with because they were so intense or even scary. And

so often rather feeling them fully and for as long as necessary to completely

release them, we change the subject, so to speak, and repress or deny


A good example is a person who experiences the death of a loved one,

and yet does not mourn and grieve at the time. This person may appear

unaffected and keep on with their daily routines only to have the denied

emotions become physical symptoms or come up as depression.

I have treated many people who were suffering from unexpressed grief who

needed help to free themselves enough feel and release their grief.

They usually come to see me when they are beginning to have symptoms.

The irony is that with SSETtm (Somato-Spiritual-Emotional Technique) which

I created they do not have to suffer for days or weeks or even years. We

can usually clear the most painful emotions in a one-hour session.

What Is the Somato-Spiritual-Emotional Technique (SSET)tm?

SSETtm is a powerful new healing technique I created based upon Quantum

Physic’s understanding of time/space, the functions of consciousness; of

conscious mind, subconscious mind and unconscious mind, and Oriental

Medicine’s demonstrated knowledge of how the body works including how

the Qi (vital energy) for each major organ flows through the channels and

how certain emotions relate to specific organs.

The technique uses muscle testing (Kinesiology) to tap into the wisdom of

the subconscious mind to find repressed or denied emotional trauma, and

uses acupuncture release points to release the stuck emotional energy which

results in improved health and the feeling of well-being.

This technique works as well for emotional issues as it does in treating

physical problems that arise from “stuffed emotional energy”.

This is a major breakthrough in the treatment of anxiety, depression, PTSD

and some physical symptoms that do not respond to physical intervention.

What Is The Theoretical Basis of SSETtm?

The ancient practitioners of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture, observed

that emotional stress had a debilitating effect on the body.

Such stresses could stagnate the flow of Qi in the channels and organs or

could fire it up so strongly that it could even weaken or damage the internal

organs and body systems. They also observed that disturbance or damage

to a particular organ often resulted in a corresponding change in one’s

emotional state.

Each organ in the body has certain emotions associated with it.

For example the liver can be damaged by sustained anger, frustration

or rage. Likewise when the liver is disturbed by stagnation of energy or

damaged by disease or toxicity, the person will feel increased irritability,

anger and even rage.

SSETtm utilizes these facts to locate the site of the stuck emotional energy

in organs or other parts of the body so they can be released from the

body’s cellular memory. When emotions become stored in the body’s cellular

memory, they can result in conditioned responses producing physical and

emotional symptoms or causing repetitive sabotaging behavioral problems.

SSETtm is a methodology and set of techniques used to clear unresolved

emotional, physical, and or behavioral patterns that have become “locked in

cellular memory” in your body.

In the case of physical problems this technique releases this “stuck”

emotional energy which facilitates the body’s own healing processes.

With the help of your subconscious mind via muscle testing or as it is often

called more formally Applied Kinesiology, we will quickly determine what the

problem is, find its origin, and release it.

When this happens your Qi flows more freely and your nervous system

works better, which encourages your body to return to a more balanced

state, which promotes healing.

SSETtm is especially effective in the treatment of Depression.

Depression is essentially “layer upon layer” of emotions that have not been

expressed. It therefore does not work to “heal” or “cure” depression by

tampering with the brains chemistry via Pharmaceutical drugs unless you

want to take them forever.

Anti-depression medications are honestly too damaging to take for more

than a short period of time. If you read the respected literature on this topic

it is widely known that they are only to be taken in emergencies and for

short periods of time...not months and years...

You have to heal the underlying emotional issues and “release” them if you

want to free someone from depression.

While other emotions may be involved, the most “depressing” of them are

denied anger, frustration, disappointment, and rage.

I specialize in getting people off of anti-depressant drugs and have been

highly effective in doing so using SSETtm.

Do all physical problems have an emotional component?

Not all physical problems have an emotional component, but it is surprising

how many do. Generally speaking, a physical problem which has an

emotional component will not go away no matter what physical intervention

you do. No physical healing method (Acupuncture, Chiropractic, massage,

drugs, surgery, etc.) will resolve the problem completely.

Often the problem will diminish temporarily but return, sometimes with just

as much intensity as before. But, by prompting your body to release the

stuck emotional energy, SSETtm allows the healing process to complete


Please Give Me Some Examples.

Using the example of a person who has not grieved the death of a loved

one and who is having problems physically, mentally or emotionally, SSETtm

uses muscle testing to find the original event and its associated emotions

that correspond to present symptoms. This also allows us to determine

where the energy is stuck.

Next, we engage the patient’s specific pattern by having the patient briefly

remember the original event and whatever emotions they felt at the time. In

doing so the body’s physiology temporarily returns to a state similar to the

way it was when the traumatic event first occurred.

Finally, we use a highly effective, painless method to release the stuck

emotional energy. The healing results of this process are just amazing.

Some Cases:

1. A woman had been depressed and crying every day for 6 months.

After her first treatment she reported that she had the best week in 6

months. She continued to make dramatic improvement over the next

couple of weeks. She regained her enthusiasm for life again.

2. A woman came to me with a severe migraine headache, which she

had for 3 days, after a very stressful week. When we finished the

treatment she reported that her migraine had completely gone away.

3. A woman with frozen shoulders couldn’t raise her arms above her

shoulders for years even though she had been treated by chiropractic,

physical therapy, etc. We had two sessions and she regained full

range of motion in both shoulders. Several key people in her life

all died within a short period of time and she had not been able to

morned or grieved them at the time. She told me she was numb at

the time of each event and afterward because the emotions were so


4. A woman had a severe low back pain problem, she had tried

acupuncture and massage to no avail. I did a one hour session with

her at the end of which her back pain was completely relived and has

not come back.

These are only a few examples of hundreds of cases.

Chapter 6.

You Can’t Get Better Without Hope.

You need to know that no one gets better who does not have hope. If you

don’t think and believe you can improve your health, or reduce your pain,

then you probably will not.

People who abandon hope usually give up on themselves and quit. This

may seem strange, but the best way at this moment that I can explain what

hope is, is by starting with a couple of examples of what it is not.

When someone tells a patient that they have only x number of days,

months or years to live, “or that they cannot improve their health because

of their “diagnosis” they are dashing that person’s hope and doing so in a

truly irresponsible fashion.

The reason why I say it is irresponsible for anyone to tell a patient that they

cannot get better or that death is truly inevitable (and sometimes it is) is

because no one really knows.

In fact being told such things destroys your hope. I will try to make this

more clear to you.

Why The Way You Think About Your Health Prospects Could

Already Have Been Negatively Influenced by Wrong Headed

Statistical Analysis and Metaphors. Seriously!

Or, Oh My God, He Is Really Going to Discuss Statistics? What A

Nerd. Sorry, But You Need to Know This. Statistics Can Kill You As I

will Explain.

Almost all prognostications about the outcome of treatment of any health

condition by Western Medicine are based upon statistical analysis. Not

clinical experience. Western Medicine denegrates clinical experience by

labeling it as being merely “anticdotal evidence.”

And here I thought that the best way to evaluate things was based on actual

experience of actual people...stupid...stupid me...according to them.

Statistical analysis is based upon the presumption that truth can only be

gleaned from the study of large population groups and it is only from such

large groups that the truth can be known and from which meaningful trends

can emerge.

But statistical trends are not reality for an individual member of the group

under consideration whether that group is of the likely survivors of any

particular illness, injury or disease. It doesn’t even really apply to the

outcome of even a coin toss.

You may or may not know that statistical probability theory states that if you

flip a coin half the time it will come up heads and half the time it will come

up tails.

This gross generalization of 50/50 is caveated by saying over the long run, if

you consider enough coins and enough coin tosses or flips.

Then this theory erroneously postulates that such conclusions can be applied

to any particular or specific coin.

Keep in the back of your mind what you have been told by your MD about

your health condition as you read along.

But what if that coin is lopsided, has a little more weight here or there,

is not uniform (and nothing in life ever is uniform - all human beings are

unique as are even coins), then the actual experience could be that heads

show up again and again predominately or tails for that matter depending.

All coins are unique and individual. So are people.

Another familiar example is dice. We all know there is such a thing as loaded

dice. A loaded dice is one that a person can roll and it will turn up the same

number every time.

Hummh, if I am going to take a gamble with my health, I might just want

my health dice to be loaded in my favor.

That is exactly what I want to do for you. I want to help you load your

health dice in your favor. Let’s continue our exploration of statistics and the

application of statistics, metaphors and analogies to your healing success.

Again, as a reminder, I am still explaining what “hope” truly is and

what can “destroy” it.

You are a human being. You are a part of the set of all human beings. This

is true. But you are a unique human being. There is only one you. No one

else is exactly like you, not even your “identical twin” if you have one.

Get my point? Remember your uniqueness.

Oh Boy, Now I Am Going to Compare You to A Tree. I Do Hope You

Like Metaphors. If You Do This Will Be Great. If You Are Not So

Fond of Them, Please Be Patient With Me For A Bit More. Come on

work with me people!

Statistics and statistical theory were developed to try to get “a clearer

picture” by looking at the forest and not individual trees.

The development and evolution of statistical theory has been an attempt

to overcome the old adage that “sometimes you can’t see the forest for the


There are times and situations when looking at the health of the forest is

important and there are times when the health of the individual tree is the

priority. Being a human being it is almost always most beneficial to think of

you are a unique expression of hunanity.

It should now be more clear that the actual (what you get with a specific

dice) can be very different than the theoretically possible or even probable

with many, many dice. You are an individual... metaphorically like the one

loaded dice. You are a human being, yes a part of all humanity in that

sense, but an individual nonetheless.

Metaphorically, you are not all dice, you are the loaded dice. It is not really

helpful to say that you are just like everyone else. You are the tree and not

the forest. You are the unique coin not all coins.

You know the condition of the forest has immense impact on the health of

individual trees. For example, if it hasn’t rained in a year the whole forest

may be in danger of burning in a forest fire. It is probable that some or all

trees in the forest may burn and die.

But here is the truth about your personal health using these metaphors. In

most health problems you are not the forest, you are more like an individual


In a personal health crisis that does not involve an epidemic or pandemic

situation potentially affecting everyone like flu or tainted water or tainted

food, statistical predictions are flawed, erroneous at best and hope crushing

at worst.

Using my tree metaphor, if your health situation is totally individual, as

in say, you have cancer or MS or menopause or an injury why should the

condition of the forest be your concern at all.

Put more precisely why would statistics about how many people in general

eliminate back pain or any other symptom or condition apply to you with

your unique condition.

Does crude statistical analysis that lumps together all back pain relieving

treatments really tell you anything about how you may do? I say it doesn’t

and many statisticians would agree with me.

Why would a health care provider, insurer or policy maker use of theories

that may be valuable in assessing the prospective health of a large group of

people... to an individual?

Why should the metaphorical forest or the large group of people matter to

your specific condition at all? The fact is statistics are irrelevant.

Statistics are tools of lazy convenience and demonstrate a reluctance or a

calculated refusal to look deeper. Policies derived from statistics alone may

increase profit or be pretext for excluding or denying coverage to bolster

profits, but they have nothing to do with you and your condition.


In most compromised health situations you metaphorically are more like a

sick tree than a member of a forest that is threatened by fire. This being

the case the condition of the forest is irrelevant to you. The condition of the

forest has no bearing on your condition. You are more like the loaded dice

than the population of all dice. Oh, please understand this if nothing else.

Most likely your condition and prospects for healing are not realistically

reflected by statistical theoretical probability theory.

You really are not like the forest. You are unique, you are individual, you are

not theoretical, you are real and like all real things not subject to such an

over generalizing mechanistic theory.

You are great and wonderful and totally unique. And so I say again, you the

individual that you are, and you are not what probability theory is based


No one can really know what resources you have deep inside. No one except

you can choose or decide what will happen to you. Unless.......

Unless, you agree with the doom sayer’s theory or theories and you give

your power away to “them” whoever “them” may be and the conclusions of

“statistical theory.”

“Them” may be a doctor, a spouse, a friend or an acquaintance. Do you

really believe they, whoever they are, know everything? Are they really God

or even a “god”?

If you make anyone else a “god” by giving your power away to them, then

their predictions can become true for you. If you want to believe what is

true for “everyone” (the forest, the dice, all human kind) based on the

wrong headed application of statistics that can only generalize about a

group, then you have given your power away to a lie.

These statistical models do not accurately depict life, so why give your

power away to the model or those who tell you what to do based upon


Now He Is Getting Really Crazy. Or, Am I?

Consider this. Oncology Doctors routinely tell cancer patients that they have

x time to live.

Yet, and you may or may not know this, there are plenty of folks who have

survived longer and even become cancer free.

Would it be OK with you for you to do better, live longer, than perhaps you

have been told you could by the orthodoxy? I’m going to depart from the

cancer example for a moment, but I will return.

Let me give you a couple of personal examples. My mother fell and we

finally discovered that she had broken a bone in her ankle. Her foot, ankle

and lower leg had to be set and put in a cast.

Her Orthopedic Surgeon told her that after all the healing that could possibly

happen she would be forever walking with a cane and not walking too well

at that.

I was with my mom during that office visit and heard her “expert”

Orthopedic Surgeon say those words and it really made me angry.

I didn’t tell him what an ass he was and what a bad doctor I considered

him to be for destroying my mother’s hope for a complete recovery. (I

understood the concept of hope even then, more than 20 years ago now.)

When she and I finally got back in the car, I told her, “you have a choice.

Who are you going to believe, him or me?”

“I know you are going to walk again without problems. I know you and he

doesn’t. How could he?”

“He didn’t spend any time with you, he didn’t ask you any questions. He just

gave you an opinion based upon statistics. I am telling you that he has no

idea of what and who you are, he has no idea how important walking is to

you. He has no idea of how capable your body is at healing itself.”

You see I knew how important walking was to my mother who was at the

time only 65 years old.

My mother took long walks every day in the neighborhood or on the beach if

the weather was good and time permitted.

In short she loved walking and thrived on walking. It was a way for her to

get out into the beauty of nature and sometimes meet new people. She

would be despondent if she couldn’t walk every day. Her health would have

gone right down the “tubes” as they say.

I told her in my car that day, “this doctor doesn’t know what he is

talking about, and that what he had said in my opinion, based upon my

understanding of healing, was if not medical malpractice, then healing


I told her, “your break was not that bad and I can’t imagine why he would

be so pessimistic, except to dumb down your expectations in case he

screwed up and you filed a malpractice suit against him.”

Then he could say, “didn’t I tell you you might not do so well.”

And I asked her again, “who are you going to believe him or me? Who do

you want to believe, him or me? It is your choice.” I said, “I know he is

wrong and I am right. What will your life be if he is right? What will your life

be like if I am right?”

Repeating myself I asked her, “do you think it is possible for malpractice

protection reasons that he has been advised to give you the most dire

outcome as the most likely because then you won’t blame him if you have to

walk with a cane?

Also, consider this, then if you do better he is a genius and his work


The problem is that in protecting himself, he was destroyng my mom’s hope

of a good or even complete recovery. Do you see?

What happened to my mother you may wonder?

She healed very well and we still walk the sidewalks, beachs and malls

together. You could not tell at all that she had ever broken her ankle. She

still walks every day and dances a couple of time a week.

What do you think her doctor said when she fell while learning to

play tennis a few years latter and severely broke her wrist?

By the way, her wrist was so severely broken that she had to have what is

called an external fixator screwed into the bones of her wrist and forearm

externally to hold them in place so they could mend. A simple cast would

not work. She had to have general anesthesia and major surgery to

accomplish this.

This time her orthopedic surgeon told her that she would never be able to

use that hand, that her fingers wouldn’t be able to work normally. He told

her specifically that she would not be able to type.

What do you think I told him and her?

I didn’t say a word to him because just like before this doctor had his own

agenda which was not necessarily helping my mother expect to get the best

healing outcome.

I told my mother the same things I had said before. Care to guess about the


Don’t bet against me and the healing power of your body if given

encouragement and half a chance. Dare I say again the word


I warned you not to bet against hope. Again she fully recovered. You cannot

tell any difference between the right hand and arm and the left. Yes, she

types very well. She is an avid explorer of the internet, emailing far and

wide every day.

Both of these events occurred prior to my attending school in my 40s to

become an Acupuncture Physician and a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and

opening my practice.

Do you know what happened a couple of years ago to my mom?

She feel and broke her hip and had to have was deja vu all over

again...This story was repeated again exactly...and she completely recovered

and walks can’t tell it ever happened...She is a bit more


Please pay special attention to what I am about to say.

I never thought these doctors were incompetent at the surgeries they

performed. Actually, they had excellent reputations, that is not my point.

My point is that each of these doctors and surgeons purposefully, largely out

of ignorance - and belief in statistical probability therory and concerns about

malpractice, actually gave my mom a prognosis that if not denied would

have destroyed my mother’s hope for recovery.

If I had not intervened, had my mother not had some basis for trusting

and believing me, and determination all her own, her doctor’s predictions

probably would have come true. Such predictions often do.

How many times have you heard about people dying on the doctors

predicted schedule? Do you really believe that “science” is that exact in

every case with every person?”

Since opening my practice, I have helped many, many people find hope,

have hope and embrace hope and get better regardless of the hope

destroying efforts of others, however benign their motivations might have


Please Provide Further Clarification About Hope.

In part, and only in part, by “hope” I mean a realistic “non-statistical”

evaluation of what your prospects are.

Hope is not insignificant, it is not a desperate act of desperate people.

Having hope is often the difference between someone who tells you,

honestly, you can get better - you can beat this and those who tell you get

your affairs in order based upon the “odds”.

Hope is the inspirer, hope is the initiator of life itself, hope is what sustains

humanity in its survival from the beginning of human experience...

If it weren’t for human hope, there would not be any humans on the planet

after the many trials and tribulations humans have experience throughout

human history.

There are many diverse opinions available to you out there. If you go

to someone who is a surgeon, you can bet they will advise you to have


If you go to a radiation specialist, you can bet they will advise you to have

radiation therapy. Especially if they have a vested financial interest in the

multi-million dollar facility they invested in and profit from.

If you go to a mainstream cancer treatment center they may recommend

surgery, radiation and chemo no matter what, because that is what they

know, what their training is and that is how they make their money.

If you have low back pain, even with sciatic pain and go to a surgeon, you

can bet that the solution they offer you will be surgical intervention, even

though it has a low probability of success.

What they may not tell you is that there are other more effective, less

damaging treatments available to you, again perhaps out of ignorance or out

of the desire to recoup the investments they have made in the technologies

of their choice.

More often than not their opinions are based in ignorance of the viability of

other treatment options. They lack the knowledge of the validity and efficacy

of other treatment options, especially Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

One Very Important Final Point.

This same information applies equally well to all the weight loss diets, and

various other forms of treatment.

Statistis show that sometimes any and all of it works and many times none

of it works. What do I mean?

Please understand that I am not advocating any form of treatment with this

example, I am just explaining another truth about statistics that most people

have never considered.

It is a statistical fact that in general Chemo-therapy and Radiation have very

poor track records when it comes to “curing” cancer or extending people’s

lives...but you know what...some individuals...have used it and beat their


So, there is a sense in which you have to trust something deeper inside

yourself when making these sorts of decisions about what treatment to


All the treatments and diets out there that you can research worked for

some people but not for everyone. Said another way, what works for one

may not work for another. Why?

Why? Because everyone is a unique individual. No statistical analysis can

plum the depths of your individuality or tell you what is right for you.

If you get nothing else from this book I hope I have deepened your

understanding of Hope and Statistical Analysis of your personal health


As you know I call my practice the Acupuncture And Holistic Medicine

Healing Center.

If what I do will not help you I will tell you so either during the initial free

consultation, during our initial office visit or as soon as it is apparent that

treatment is not working. I do not accept all patients no matter what.

And stressing the Alternative Medicine aspect of my practice I will make

recommendations about what else might realistically work, things that I do

not do.

Remember, I have studied the outcomes of many of the “accepted”

mainstream medical practices of our times. Sadly many do not pass muster

in terms of short or long term health or qualty of life down the road.

I want to suggest that you read the book “Death By Medicine” published

written by Gary Null, PhD, Martin Feldman, MD, Debora Rasio MD and

Carolyn Dean, MD, ND. a book filled with the latest research on todays

accepted Medical Practices.

Here is a quote from that book. “The number of people who die each

day because of medical errors, physician mistakes, hospital-related

illness and reactions to FDA approved medications is the equivalent

of six Jumbo Jets falling out of the sky.

More Americans are dying each year at the hands of (Allopathic,

my insertion) Medicine than all American casualties in WW1 and the Civil War Combined.”

The authors continue by saying, ”The medical environment has become

a labyrinth of interlocking corporate, hospital, and governmental

boards of directors, infiltrated by drug companies. Pharmaceutical

corporations are paying our legislators, television and radio

stations, schools, and news outlets to keep this information from


They finish by saying, ”Drug company representatives write about

new medicines in glowing articles, which are then signed by

physicians who are paid handsomely for their co-operation, though

they may not even know the adverse side effects of the drugs they


The most toxic substances are approved first, while milder and

more natural alternatives are ignored for financial reasons.”

Their conclusion: “It’s death by medicine.”

Mind you, these are not my words and conclusions, these are the

conclusions of researchers and MD’s themselves. I don’t think I need to add

a single word.

They were not talking about true Holistic Medicine practices, nor where

they talking about Traditional Chinese Medicine or Acupuncture and Oriental

Medicine, nor where they talking about herbal or homeopathic medicine.

What I and others do with Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and Holistic

Medicine truly is an alternative to “Death By Medicine”.

Just know there are alternatives that exist that are highly effective no matter

what your condition is and there is hope.

If you allow me, I can help guide you.

Please click here to find out how to employ my health consultating services.

Here is the link itself that you can copy and paste into a new page on your

web browser that you can use if you printed out a copy of this book in order

to read it:


Chapter 7.

Acupuncture And Holistic Medicine Case Studies:

1. A 55 year old male with excruciating low back pain with sciatica with an MRI documented herniation of L4-5 was encouraged to come to my clinic by his partner who was familiar with Acupuncture. His pain was so severe that he was addicted to prescription pain medication.

This man was reluctant to come to me since he had never even heard of acupuncture. Since nothing he had tried had helped him at all, he came to me.

As I mentioned he had been medicated for pain and he had been injected with nerve blocks and Cortisone injections. Watching him struggle to get out of his car and limp into my office practically made me weep.

During the intake interview I found out that his back injury had developed gradually over time and was due to overuse injury

on the job. The company for whom he worked fired him when he could no longer perform the medium to heavy lifting the job required.

As I mentioned the pain in his lower back was so intense and excruciating that as many have done, he had become addicted to prescription pain medications his MD had prescribed to control his pain. This “pain management” doctor also told him to be prepared to be on pain medication for the rest of his life.

His sciatic pain radiated down the side of his right leg all the way to his foot. This is the pain that caused him to limp. This man was ready to try anything but surgery to recover.

Fortunately, I had treated many people with the exact same condition who were given the exact same pain medication, who had been told that without surgery, etc... he would never get better and would just have to live with it. All of this was familiar to me.

I took my time during that first office visit and showed him an

acupuncture needle and inserted it into my own arm so he could see that I didn’t wince and in fact felt no pain during the needle insertion or when I pushed the needle in almost to the handle.

In a matter of 12 treatments, he was totally pain free, off all medication and had no back pain at all. His sciatica was completely eliminated and he remains pain and sciatica free even after a year. He has resumed playing golf and championship darts. A subsequent MRI showed no evidence of the previous herniated disk.

2. A women came to me complaining of worsening digestive difficulties including acid reflux, belching, gas, bloating, nausea after eating fatty food. She was also diabetic to complicate the matter.

After a thorough initial office visit intake that takes routinely 90 minutes asking questions and gathering information I palpated some acupuncture points that will be tender when someone has a GallBladder problem whether stones or just inflammation. She winced when I lightly touched these points.

I created a custom herbal formula for her and performed acupuncture at various times and those points are no longer tender and she no longer has any of the digestive complaints she came in with.

She asked me to help her with her diabetes. I give her dietary advice and create a different custom herbal formula to help her reduce her insulin dependency. Insulin, as you will know if you have insulin dependant Diabetes, is very expensive.

In a matter of three weeks she has been forced to drastically reduce her insulin use and this has reduced the intensity of her other related symptoms. Clinical evidence with formulas like the one I created uniquely for her have even gotten people totally off insulin.

Oh, I also treated her for low back pain and sciatica, it also was reduced to being a minimal thing in her life...she was able to drive again and return to work.

3. Recently an 80 year old man came to me with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD. He used oxygen at home.

He had bright purple splotches on his skin that were everywhere on his body.

His Pulmonologist told him the blotches were due to aging and would not even consider that the medications he had prescribed were causing this problem. At the time it made sense to this patient that his blotches were due to aging because he remembered that when his mother was quite ederly she had areas of pigment change on her skin.

During our extensive intake I learned that he was taking the usual COPD drug regimen of a prescription steriod drug that is standard treatment and a fast acting, broncho-dialating, amphetamine related inhalant.

These drugs actually tend to weaken the lungs, depleting lung Qi. They can also thin the blood. His Doctor had also insisted that he take one “Baby Aspirin” each day to prevent blood clots and heart attack by keeping his blood thin.

His Cardiologis had prescribed a Statin drug for cholesterol although he had never had high cholesterol. This doctor had put

him on this because years before when he had by-pass surgery for his heart. He was also put on Plavix a blood thinner.

Cardiologist routinely put people on blood thinners and Statins because statistical analysis claims that this can reduce the chances of another heart attack.

They ignore all the evidence that Statins actually can destroy muscle and nerve cells and tissues.

In the course of questioning him about when he began these medications, he told me he was put on these drugs about two years earlier. I asked him when he had noticed the blotches beginning to form all over his body. They were on his arms and legs and torso. He told me they began appearing almost immediately after he starting taking these medications.

I asked him how his breathing had responded to these medications. He told they didn’t improve his breathing at all.

I told him that in my opinion his blotches were caused by his medications and that as opposed to them being due to aging, they

were due to bleeding under his skin creating what looked like pools of bruising. In other words his blood was way too thin.

In consultation with his doctor and at his own insistance he stopped all of these medications with absolutely no ill effect. His breathing did not get worse at all.

He came to my office three days after he stopped taking the drugs and his blotches were reduced by 1/3. Some were fading, others had disappeared.

Before his next visit he fell at home and cut himself and spent a long time trying to stauch the bleeding. It was as if his blood just refused to clot.

Two days later he came to my office and was dripping blood from the wound on his knee and another one one his hand just from driving to my office. It took nearly the entire hour to get the bleeding to stop. I had to make a bandage for his leg wound.

The good news was that his “blotches” were reduced by another third - many more were gone and others were fading. His blood

was continuing to be less dangerously thin. On this visit he choose to take a “tonic” formula that is classic for tonifying Qi, Blood, Yin and Yang which I recommended.

Every time he came in I performed acupuncture on points to tonify the lungs and boost his immune system while he sat in his chair, because he couldn’t handle being face down on the treatment table.

During his latest visit he told me that he had visited his Dr. who performed blood gas studies and told him that since an office vist two months prior his blood oxygen levels had increased from 85 to 93. That is they had improved from 85 percent of normal to 93 percent of normal.

He was quite impressed and happy. His blotches were almost all gone. He and I are looking forward to his continued improvement.

These cases are a few among hundreds and you can find more cases and testimonials at my website:

Chapter 8.

About The Acupuncture & Holistic Medicine Healing Center

I could describe a generic Acupuncture Office, but I know more about my own office and practice. My approach is unique, distinctive and most effective.

I welcome you to this written tour of my office and my practice. However, much of what follows will apply to any “good” practitioner of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

If you choose me for your treatment I want your experience to be as as successful and as comfortable as possible, so I’ve prepared this Chapter to give you an idea of what you can expect as a patient and how we can interact really productively to improve our chances for success in improving your health.

Acupuncture & Holistic Medicine Healing Center’s Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic is a resource center dedicated to

providing quality health care and information to you and your family.

I enjoy sharing my knowledge of the history, the applications, and the effectiveness of Acupuncture and Oriental medicine as it is being called more and more often, and other effective Holistic Medicine and alternative Natural healing practices.

I encourage you to ask any and all questions you have during your visits and in between visits by phone or email.

What Can You Expect During Your First Office Visit?

Oriental medical diagnosis seeks to determine and treat the deeper and underlying causes of your condition. The diagnostic procedure involves a detailed discussion of your chief concerns, medical history, and health goals.

I ask detailed questions (perhaps ones which you have never been asked before) to gain important insights into your unique physiological constitution, symptoms and condition and about any pharmaceutical medications you are currently taking.

This helps me determine and individualize the best therapeutic approach for you. In addition to this interview, I may take your pulses on both wrists, carefully examine the surface of your tongue, palpate or touch certain acupuncture points or painful areas you point out to me.

How Long Does An Appointment Take?

As a new patient to my clinic, your first treatment, with its careful diagnosis and interview process, will take about 1 and ½ to 2 hours. Follow up treatments generally take 1 hour.

In the Treatment Room....

I administer a form of Acupuncture that is highly effective in treating pain conditions...all kind of pain conditions and many other health conditions as well.

My form of acupuncture to treat pain is usually administered with the patient sitting in a chair and sometimes lying comfortably either face down or face up on the treatment table.

My form of acupuncture and treating patients in pain in a chair is very beneficial for patients in pain...many patients who have pain in their back or legs or shoulders or elbows or wrists, hands and fingers, feet, ankles, feet and toes find it much easier and more comfortable than climbing up on a table...

Treatments may require changing into a comfortable cotton gown, especially if we are administering treatment to your back. However, you also have the option to wear very loose fitting clothing instead (such as shorts and a T shirt).

I want you to feel comfortable and I am sensitive to the needs of each individual. Please let me know what you need to be comfortable.

What Does Acupuncture Feel Like?

New patients often report that the acupuncture is surprisingly pain free. As I practice it it is pain free. In fact, most often after the pain free insertion of the needles, it is a pleasant and very relaxing experience, which patients look forward to.

Many of my patients actually fall asleep once the needles are in because they feel so relaxed. Often for patients with anxieties these experiences are the first time they felt so relaxed in a long time. People often feel less anxious and more relaxed, expecially if I know that is a concern of theirs.

If you should experience any undue discomfort, please be sure to let me know right away. After the needles are inserted you will rest with them in place for fifteen to twenty minutes or longer depending on your condition and treatment protocol.

In addition to acupuncture, I may recommend one or two things from a variety of other treatment modalities for your condition.

These may include my making up a Custom Herbal Formula just for you or so called Patent formulas in capsule or pill form, dietary changes/advice, vitamins and/or supplements, Homeopathic remedies, acupressure/massage, moxibustion (a form of heat therapy using an herb called moxa, which is mugwart, Artemesia argyi), therapeutic exercises, even listening to music, guided imagery, and/or meditation.

How many treatments will I need?

To be effective, acupuncture often requires a series of regularly scheduled treatments. The number of treatments recommended will depend on your particular condition.

Although it is difficult to predict the exact frequency or number of treatments you will need, at the time of your initial visit I can usually provide a general idea of the number of treatments necessary for you to experience positive results.

Usually patients experience some improvement or change which is a harbinger of improvement in the first treatment especially in the case of pain issues and in other general health conditions in the first five treatments.

Some conditions may be totally healed in this amount of time. But you will almost always know whether the treatment is working in this treatment time frame. Each person is unique, each condition is unique.

In general the longer you have had the condition, the more

treatments it is likely to take to heal it.

The moral of that fact is to seek treatment as soon as possible when you feel or know something is wrong and not going away on its own.

Further Considerations About Communication Between Us or Your Acupuncture Physician or Oriental Medicine Doctor:

All relationships are imperfect initially but can become better and better. Better relationships come with better communication, relationship building and the earning of trust and that takes time and it goes both ways. I can’t do my best to help you without your honest and complete cooperation and communication.

I sincerely ask you to tell me, to discuss with me your questions, your criticisms, your doubts, your hesitations, your fears or worries about your treatment. If you do not tell me these things, you cannot assume that I don’t care about you and your concerns.

If you communicate with me honestly about your issues, concerns

and questions, I can assure you that I will respond to them and do my best to address them and make you as comfortable as possible. I will always give you my honest opinions based upon my education, training, medical and life experience.

Most people come to me because other treatment has not worked or because of some prior experience that Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine works for them.

If other treatment hasn’t worked for you and Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is new to you, please give us both a fair chance for success at improving your health or reducing and even eliminating your pain and other symptoms.

Now, whatever you may come to me for treatment most likely didn’t happen overnight. Sometimes things do happen quickly. If what has happend to you has happened recently that is good news because the sooner I treat you the fewer treatments will be needed to heal the problem.

On the other hand, if you have had a problem or problems for a long time it is not realistic to expect that one or two treatments

are going to bring you relief from your problem or problems.

It can take more time to bring about corrections to long existing problems, just as it took time for them to become real problems for you.

Please be patient. As I tell everyone I treat, you will know that treatment is working in a few treatments.

I ask you to consider that if you are dealing with issues of pain, if that pain begins to change, if it begins moving around or becoming intermittent where it was constant or fixed in location, if you have periods of reduced pain or periods of time being pain free no matter how brief, then you can rest assured that the treatments are beginning to work and relief is on the way.

If you are dealing with symptoms that do not involve pain, almost the same criteria apply. If your symptoms change, lessen briefly or disappear altogether no matter how briefly, then the treatment is working. Be patient, be confident that together what we are doing is beginning to work.

What I do in my capacity as a healer is fact based, but it also highly creative and intuitive.

What do I mean by this? Solving or resolving your particular health issues is a unique process. You are a unique human being. Communication is key.

As you may have discovered about any prior medical care you have received, most of it is “a one size fits all approach”, I can assure you that “one size fits all” almost never works.

That is why I spend so much time asking you questions about the diagnoses you have been given, what your symptoms are, what makes them better or worse, when they are better or worse, about what your previous treatment was, about how you responded to that treatment.

And as our work together progresses, getting you to pay more and more attention to what is happening with you, and how you are responding to my treatment, what your symptoms are and how they are changing.

I encourage you to remember, remember, remember, pay attention and notice what is happening to you and your body and to continually commicate this information to me.

You may remember Sherlock Holmes and detective work from movies or books. You and I will be like Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson with you condition. We will be like Holistic Medicine Detectives.

If your condition is complex and of long duration and especially if no one else has been able to help you, then this metaphor of our working together as Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson to solve this mystery will be even more true.

Sometimes correct answers come in a brilliant flash of insight, and sometimes there is a process over time of discovery.

There may be times when I change my treatment strategy of acu-points or herbs to use as we collect new facts and information about changes in your condition.

This may at first seem peculiar to you because no one ever really

spent time with you to listen and ponder and consider. I listen to you and evaluate and re-evaluate your responses to what we are doing.

I may make changes in my treatments of you as your condition changes. As we progress in treatment together things will change and those changes may necessitate re-evaluation of your treatment and show me how I can adjust your treatment to make that treatment even more effective.

Modern Allopathic or Western medicine presents what in my belief and experience is the false idea that a five or fifteen minute office visit with the doctor will be sufficient.

Has this short interaction with your doctor ever worked for you? It may have. But no one has who has come to me for treatment has ever said they were helped in 5 or 15 minutes.

In my experience the most effective solutions often emerge over time in your response to treatment and as we explore the changes that you feel in response to your treatment. This is why I spend so much time with you.

If you have been given multiple diagnoses, if almost every doctor you have been to has diagnosed you differently and prescribed treatment whether x-rays, chemotherapy, drugs or surgery that didn’t work or made you worse, then you know the problem of too little time spent with you personally.

You are the person who knows the most about your problems and how those symptoms and problems affect you. I cannot stress enough how often it is that it is you the patient who provides the subtle clues and ultimate information that helps me be more effective in helping you restore your health.

So please respect yourself and me by allowing us time to hone in on the issues as our treatment together progresses and unforeseen aspects get revealed.

Again to put this into context, you will know the treatment is working within a few treatments. I do not “string patients along”.

I encourage you to bring in your lab test results, your evaluation results, your diagnostic assessments from other health providers so that we can better assess your condition.

I am a former Social Security Medical Disability Examiner with a wealth of Medical training in that career. My four year degree in Oriental Medicine also included many hours in mainstream medical training including Bio-medicine and Pharmaceutical Medicine and evaluation and diagnostic techniques including lab test results.

If your lab test results are normal, if those test results rule out bio-medical conditions such as cancer, liver problems, kidney problems, etc... then you have come to the right place because your problem likely can’t be helped by the medicine they were designed to support.

If your test results show a herniated disc or other spinal abnormality that is causing you pain, know that Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine can help you even so. I have helped many people to completely eliminate back pain or sciatic pain in many patients who came to me with x-ray or MRI documentation of damage.

I will not hesitate to recommend conventional medical tests if I think they are necessary or would be helpful. I can order these tests for you at a testing site of your choosing or suggest that you

go back to your MD to have him or her order tests for you.

PLEASE NOTE: At Acupuncture & Holistic Medicine Healing Center we use ONLY sterile, single use, disposable needles.

You should never get acupuncture treatment from anyone who does not use sterile, single use, disposable needles.

After each treatment I reassess your progress and you and I together determine if additional treatments are necessary. Also at the beginning of each treatment I assess your progress since your last treatment.

If you are a candidate for herbs, I like to prepare a custom herbal formula just for you. Your response to the herbs provides valuable information so that we can monitor and individualize your treatment while keeping costs down. As you start feeling better and your symptoms diminish, your acupuncture and herbal treatments will change too.

What Should You Bring to Your First Appointment?To your first appointment, please bring the Completed New Patient

Intake Form, which can find on my website: and which you can download, print out and fill out and bring with you. If you don’t have access to the internet, then you can fill out this form in my waiting room at the beginning of your initial office visit.

If you would prefer to wear your own clothing instead of a patient gown, please wear or bring loose fitting clothing, such as sweat pants or shorts and a T shirt.

In Closing…

At Acupuncture & Holistic Medicine Healing Center, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and Herbal Clinic I am here to help you. Please do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you have or express any concerns you may have about your treatment.

Finally, much of the above information will apply to nearly any Holistic Medicine Practitioner of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

Chapter 9.

Why I Became A Doctor of Oriental Medicine.

I didn’t realize it then, but my interest in acupuncture began in 1957 when I was seven years old. I had an old wooden cigar box my grandfather had given me which I had filled with my healing tools and I carried it around saying to myself, “I could cure any one of anything with these tools.”

What were my tools? They were needles, alcohol, cotton balls and little stones. What was special about this was that almost no one in the US at that time knew about Acupuncture. Stones were used in very ancient times to stimulate acu-points. And they have been resurrected and used common-ly in massage.

You know I didn’t remember this until I was in my second semester of study to become an Acupuncture Physician. Did this give you chills? It did me when I remembered it. Are some people destined to do what they do?

It seems like I was always interested in healing. One of the first models I ever built as a child was that one which you may remember was the “in-visible man”. This was a human being whose skin was transparent so you could see all the organs. Was I a young health nerd? Oh, then there was the chemistry set, and then, and then....

Later I began experimenting with herbs to lower my blood pressure. The herb that worked?: garlic. I continued my study of herbs from that point (thousands of hours) and use them for my own and others health mainte-

nance and restoration.

A Bit More About Me, If You Care To Know:

Don’t laugh but I was a Cub Scout and later became an Eagle Scout. For a period of time I was Captain of the crossing patrol in grade school. I was a competitive swimmer. I am a sailor. I began sailing when I was 14 on Lake Chataqua when we lived near Jamestown, New York. I currently have and sail a Catalina 25.

I also learned to water ski on Lake Chataqua all the way to shoe-skiing. I almost forgot Jamestown is where I had my first experiences snow skiing. I can’t say I learned how to ski though. But I was a genius at falling down and struggling to get back up. Later on I managed to turn that situation around.

I played the trumpet. Sang in the Choir and Village Singers and was lead singer and rhythm guitar player in my own rock and roll band. I was lead in a few HS plays and musicals.

After High School:

Prior to becoming a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, I earned a Bachelor’s de-gree (BA) in psychology from Florida State University at Tallahassee, FL in 1973 with practical experience as a Crisis Intervention Counselor at the col-lege suicide hotline prevention center.

Upon graduation I was employed as a Medical Disability Examiner for the Social Security Disability program and received extensive training in what we call Western or Allopathic Medicine. During this period I made determina-tions of disability for applicants for the Social Security Disability Program.

In 1987 I earned an MBA again from FSU graduating 2nd in my class, Beta Gamma Sigma. After graduation I worked as a defense contract negotia-tor and manager for such Fortune 500 companies and Martin Marietta, Northrop, Litton, and Loral.

As you can see my life has been rich and varied, not because I was a failure at these things, they just weren’t what I was supposed to do and didn’t feel right. Remember the kid with the needles? I forgot about him.

I graduated in 2002, all A(s) with a Master’s degree from a four year pro-gram from the East West College of Natural Medicine to become a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture Physician.

Not only did my studies include all areas of Oriental medicine and acupunc-ture, but there was thorough study of Western scientific and medical course work including: Western Anatomy and Physiology, Western Pathology, West-ern Bio-Medical Terminology, Orthopedic Evaluation and Terminology, Clini-cal Nutrition, Radiology and Terminology, Lab Tests and Terminology, Basic Western Diagnostic Skills, and Western Pharmacology.

I had more than 2700 hours of class study, twice that number of hours of outside study and 710 hours of hands on clinical experience treating over 300 different patients with all kinds of serious health conditions in that school clinical setting, before becoming licensed.

Since I opened my own practice, sustained primarily by referrals from satis-fied patient’s, I have spent thousands of hours in advanced studies of Chi-nese individual herbs and complex herbal formulas, as well as advanced studies on acupuncture diagnostic skills and point prescription formulation.

I have since also received training in Electro-Meridian-Imaging and use EMI testing in my practice.

In my first year in practice I developed the revolutionary Somato-Spiritual-Emotional Technique (SSET)tm for healing depression and PTSD as well as the emotional components that can prevent healing from happening.

In 2004 I received extensive education and training in the treatment of au-to-immune disorders, and every two years lab test result interpretation.

In 2006...2007 I received extensive training in Acupuncture/Acupressure Face Lift and Facial Rejuvenation from Dr. Zee Lo one of the foremost and most successful facial rejuvenation-acupuncture and acupuncture face lift practitioners in the country. I also trained in Tai Chi and Qi Gong.

In 2009 I received comprehensive Training in Iridology from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective from the foremost practitioner in the US Rob-ert Teng Fang Wu, L.Ac.

Beginning in 2010 and continuing throughout 2011 I am studied with a spe-cial teacher and learning his astonishingly effective acupuncture treatment methods.

My new teacher is a native of Taiwan and a fluent reader and speaker of the Chinese language. With his engineering background and fluency in the Chi-nese written language he took a journey back into the depths of Acupunc-ture history and discovered the real meaning and applications of the ancient understandings of Acupuncture diagnosis and treatment and differentiated it from Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal diagnosis and herbal treatment prescription.

Almost every practitioner of Acupuncture around the world has been errone-ously trained to use the herbal diagnostic and treatment protocols for acu-puncture diagnosis and treatment.

The diagnostic and treatment protocols for herbal healing are brilliant and work amazingly well for diagnosis and treatment with herbs. Using the herb-al diagnostic and acupuncture treatment protocols derived from it, doesn’t work so well for Acupuncture diagnosis and treatment.

On the other hand, when you use diagnosis and treatment principles that are appropriate for acupuncture, the results with acupuncture are positively amazing. According to my teacher the results I am getting on a consistent basis with my patients places me in the top 1 to 5% of all Acupuncturists in the world.

As part of my other continuing education studies I received training and certificates on infectious diseases including AIDS, Lab test result interpreta-tion, diagnostic test interpretation and evaluations, Qi-Gong and Tai Chi and much more.

In 2011 I added to my formal education advanced educational training in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome...its many causes and effective treatments, and the effective treatment of menopause and other women’s health issues with acupuncture and natural herbal remedies and medicines. In addition, I had advanced training in Korean Hand Therapy Acupuncture treatment for a host of problems including pain in various parts of the body.

I love what I do. I have a passion for healing. Why not let me help you with any of your health issues? After all that is why I became an Acupuncture Physician and Doctor of Oriental help you.

Please call (941) 926-4711 For your free 20 minute phone consultation or to schedule an appointment. Appointments can be conducted over the phone.

I love what I do. I have a passion for healing. Why not let me help you with any of your health issues? After all that is why I became an Acupuncture

Physician and Doctor of Oriental help you.

Please call (941) 926-4711 For your free 20 minute phone consultation or to schedule an appointment. Appointments can be conducted over the phone.

Even if you don’t live in my area and cannot come to me for Acupuncture and other physical therapies, I can be your Doctor At A Distance...

Please click here to go to the page on my website that will give you the de-tails about how that program works.

Here is the actual link that you can copy and paste into your web browser if you printed out a copy of this book to read:

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