  • 8/18/2019 How to make a business plan for begineers


    Business Profile:

    Hungrooz is an Multi-cuisine restaurant with speciality of fastfood and non-alcoholic beverages for family, job workers, Youngsters and students.






  • 8/18/2019 How to make a business plan for begineers


    Location :

    ity ! "gra

    "rea! #ev $agar olony, $ear $ishant oaching

    %tage! &rowth %tage

    ontact 'erson! 'rashant %ingh

    (-Mail )#!

    Mobile! *+ - // 0 /1

    Restaurant Description:

    2his 3estaurant has been designed in two 4oors, 2he &round 5loor will %peciallyfor the hillers and the second 4oor is basically a #ining area where they canhave there lunch and dinner in the soft music environment.

    3estaurant will also provide meal for the workers who face problems in havingand had to go far long aur not satis6ed with the 2i7n %ystem.

    8oth the 4oors has 0 seating arrangement which is in total 0 covers consist. 2here will be one beverage section only for ordering beverages.

    2his 3estaurant is located in the surroundings of )nstitution, and oaching

    entres. 9here the chances of growth of business is more

    "rea of this restaurant is :00 %; 5t, ontaining two

  • 8/18/2019 How to make a business plan for begineers


    3s >100%;ft D :00%;ftE :,00,000 rs

    )nfrastructure will cost around 10lakhs. $ow most important is the e;uipmentsand furniture cost that will cost me around 0 lakhs


    CF$ H #)$$(3

    Monday 0 !00-0>!>0'M 0A!>0-0+!>0'M 2uesday 0 !00-0>!>0'M 0A!>0-0+!>0'M9ednesday 0 !00-0>!>0'M 0A!>0-0+!>0'M

    2hursday 0 !00-0>!>0'M 0A!>0-0+!>0'M5riday 0 !00-0>!>0'M 0A!>0-0+!>0'M%aturday 0 !00-0>!>0'M 0A!>0-0+!>0'M%unday 0 !00-0>!>0'M 0A!>0-0+!>0'M

    apital !ud"et #Start$up ost Pro%ections&

    Cand G 8uilding. Cand

    :. 8uilding construction Gcontractor fees


    Cease hold )mprovements. onstruction ontract


    3s 0,000,00

    . Hot 9ater Heater. uicer Mi=er

    1. onvection ?vens/. &as stoveA. 'izza ?vens

    . Begetable cutting machine+. Menu 8oard

  • 8/18/2019 How to make a business plan for begineers


    0. Fpright freezer. 5ood pickup table

    :. himneys>.

    5urniture 3e;uirement!

    . 2abels!4 Seater Dining Table

    Available Sizes:

    • : 24" X 36" X 30"

    • : 24" X 42" X 30"

    • : 24" X 48" X 30"

    Key Features:

    • Fully SS Table

    • Adjustable Bullet Leg

    :. hairs!

    (;uipments 3e;uired!


    4 Seater Dining Table

    Product Description:

    4 Seater Dining Table

    Available Sizes:

    • : 24" X 36" X 30"

    • : 24" X 42" X 30"

  • 8/18/2019 How to make a business plan for begineers


    • : 24" X 48" X 30"

    • : 30" X 42" X 30"

    : 30" X 48" X 30"

    • : 36" X 48" X 30"

    • : 36" X 4" X 30"

    Available Models:

    !ranite T #

    • Stainless Steel T #

    Key Features:

    • Fully SS Table

    • Adjustable Bullet Leg

    Tea' Description:

    Pras(ant Sin"( )

    He 9ill 8e 2he Manager ?f 2his 3estaurant "s the 'osition of 3M, He )s " Hotel

    Management &raduate "nd Have (=perience ?f A Years )n 2he Hotel )ndustry.

    Nitin *u'ar )

    He will take care of the accounts department as he is specialized in handlingaccounts for more than 1 years.

    Prans(u Tripat(i )

  • 8/18/2019 How to make a business plan for begineers


    He will take care of the infrastructural and the technical area as he worked asan engineer in the company (scorp ltd. 5or more tham 1 years.

    Staff Re+uire'ent:

    'osition 3e;uirement 9orking Hours 'ay 3ange&eneral Manager 0!00"M-

    0!00'M%teward 1 0!00"M-


    hefJs 1

    ,ar*etin":9e will begin our campaign by marketing to our e=isting database of customers.9e will email 4iers announcing our grand opening. 9e will continually updateour database by providing a 6shbowl for business cards in the lobby and oKer aweekly or monthly drawing.

    o'petiti-e Landscape:

    "s this is the crowded area because of youngsters and students so there aremany chances of full occupancy in the afternoon time, as this is the onlymulticuisine restaurant opening there there will be less competition.

    ,oti-e Of t(e co'pan.:

    Motive of the company is to provide good food in reasonable rate for everyone. ?ur restaurant team will also be active in the local community and we plan to take anactive role by participating, sponsoring, and donating to local churches, sports clubs orteams in the market area.

    9e will also strive to develop rapport with local business as a ;uick, comfortablelunch choice. )n the future, we plan on establishing a marketing campaign tocall on the local business in the market area, deliver samples, and encouragethem to consider our restaurant as the restaurant of choice for their ne=tbusiness luncheon.

  • 8/18/2019 How to make a business plan for begineers


    Coyalty 'rogramI8irthday 'rogram. 2H3 will oKer a birthdayIloyalty club provinga complimentary hamburger or chicken sandwich or wrap to the for the birthdayperson. " recent report from the $ational 3estaurant "ssociation e=plained howthis simple techni;ue can increase revenues as much as 1@ due to repeatbusiness.

    I'ple'entation )

    $ 9e will do this by providing ;uality home style meals, prepared with;uality ingredients at a reasonable prices.

    $ ustomers will enjoy the ;uaint surroundings inside with the wood tables

    and checkered table cloths.$ ?ur restaurant will provide a rela=ed atmosphere and when customers

    walk in they will be greeted by warm smiles and greeted just as they werearriving home.

    $ ?ur customers will enjoy our standard menu fare, along with seasonalmenus so that we can better take advantage of cost savings and staycurrent with some of the food industry trends.

    Opportunities )

    $ 9e will encourage our employees to grow our customer base and provideincentives and regular bonuses to employees for referrals and repeatcustomers.

    $ )t is also anticipated that as we grow our catering business, along with ourlunch business group, we will hire a sales director to facilitate this portion

    of the business.$ onsumer demand for meals and snacks prepared at restaurants is

    e=pected to rise due to increasing population and restaurants like us willfeel the need to improve the health perceptions of our foods. 9e also maylook to add variety 4avor s in e=isting items for customers.

  • 8/18/2019 How to make a business plan for begineers


    Sa'ple ,enu:5ast 5ood )tem!

    )tems 'rice8urgers-

    . Beg 8urger:. heese 8urger>. Mayonnaise

    8urger. 'aneer 8urger


  • 8/18/2019 How to make a business plan for begineers


    . "loo 'aratha:. Mi= Beg 'aratha>. 'aneer 'aratha

    . Mint 'aratha1. Cemon 'aratha

    /. 'ea 'arathaA. 2awa roti. 8utter 3oti

    +. 'lain $aan0. %tuKed $aan

    urries LBeg urries

    . Muttor 'aneer:. 8utter 'aneer Masala>. 'aneer Mushroom


  • 8/18/2019 How to make a business plan for begineers


    %estaurant Business &lan Finan'ial ( del ) * urly Lab r &r je'ti n + r,s-eet

    The Business Plan Financial Model contains the following statements -

    • Projected Sources & Uses of Cash

    • Capital Budget (Startup & Pre-Opening Costs)

    • Sales Projection Worksheet

    • Hourl !a"or Cost Projection

    • #ssu$ptions to the %inancial Projections

    • #nnual Operating Projection - etail

    • #nnual Operating Projection - Su$$ar

    • ' ear Operating & n*est$ent Projections

    • Break-+*en #nal sis & Worksheet

    5 Year Operating Projections with Investment Analysis (, of sales colu$ns ha*e "eene cluded to fit i$age on page)

  • 8/18/2019 How to make a business plan for begineers


    Operating Assumptions Page - .u$erous instructional pop ups pro*ide e planations andhelpful hints/

  • 8/18/2019 How to make a business plan for begineers


    Sales Break-Even is auto$aticall calculated and "roken do0n annuall 1 $onthl and 0eekl /

  • 8/18/2019 How to make a business plan for begineers


  • 8/18/2019 How to make a business plan for begineers


  • 8/18/2019 How to make a business plan for begineers


    5??# "$#8(B(3"&( %(3B) (

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