Page 1: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

How to measure your AdWords account

Gianpaolo Lorusso

Page 2: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)


• Google Partner since 2005, I have been working in the Web Marketing field for more than 12 years.

• I created ADworld Experience, the largest AdWords event in Southern Europe.

• I am working on PPC Performance Monitor, a free web application (in beta) for checking the optimization level of AdWords accounts.

Who I am

Page 3: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

What about you?

Who has been working on AdWords for… less than 1 year?less than 3 years?less than 5 years?more than 5 years?


Page 4: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Are you tracking conversions in ALL your accounts?

Even in campaigns for informative sites (NO leads, NO sales)?


Conversion tracking

Page 5: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Are you using any bid management tool?

Scripts or other automations for managing campaigns, ads or alerts?



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@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Average quality score of your campaigns?2 to 56 to 88 to 10



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@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Are you setting a limit for frequency capping in display campaigns?

Using other remarketing networks?7


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@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Using only one big targeting group?

Only 1 campaign?8


Page 9: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Let’s get to the point…What are the most common questions when taking over a direct response account?What is the situation?How could we have more?How could we be spending less?


Page 10: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

What if I say…

We can answer these questions in 5 minutes by looking at…

3 reports&

by doing some fast checks10

Page 11: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

What to look at…• Efficiency

is CPC the lowest possible for our keywords?

• Effectiveness are we buying the right clicks?

• Coverageare we getting all the “right clicks” we can?

• Qualitative checksare we using all the “PPC good boy” best practices?


Page 12: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Efficiency in AdWords Search

Top spending keywords should have Quality Scores

ranging from 7 to 10

Display & ShoppingGood CTR, lower than search CPCs (except for very specific placements or key shopping items), acceptable Bounce Rates


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@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Visualize QS

12 3


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@Gianps (all rights reserved)



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@Gianps (all rights reserved)



Page 16: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

And what else? Search

Keywords with a lot of impressions (but few clicks) should never have a low Quality Score too.

Display & ShoppingHigh rotating placements and shopping items should not have extremely low CTR & high Bounce Rates.


Page 17: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Improving efficiency Change campaigns structure Limit geographic and language target Use extensions (especially sitelinks, local, call & callout) Negative keywords Keywords matching types New ad texts/images (always test new ads) Dynamic Keyword Insertion & ad personalizers Dynamic Search ADS Select highest CTR placements


Page 18: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Keywords / placements / shopping items cost per conversion has to be lower than the direct or indirect profit generated

Do not forget to consider lifetime customer value, «impossible» conversions, discovery effect (& word of mouth) and statistical relevance of data

Effectiveness in AdWords


Page 19: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

To Check

Out of scale conversions


Page 20: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

To Check

Black budget holes


Page 21: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Tracking conversionsAlways connect AdWords and Analytics

accounts (to see bounce rates and more search terms)

Consider importing conversions from Analytics (AdWords cookie lasts 7-90 days, Analytics one 6 months)

9h import delay in conversions from AnalyticsNumbers will always be different because

AdWords attribution dates refer to the last click on the ad while Analytics ones to the last website session


Page 22: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Improve effectiveness Consider tracking “engagement” conversions (PDF

download, NL subscriptions, long/deep visits) Top ranking only for effective keywords, less visible for

the others Allow Search to have its budget, then use display Landing page tests (optimizely, vwo, unbounce) Testing Enhanced CPC or CPA (if enough conversions) Aggressive display targeting (DCO) Remarketing in search or display (positive or negative) Manage bids for effective display placements Shopping campaigns (a “must do” for e-commerce) 22

Page 23: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

The most effective keywords and placements should have the maximum possible coverage in impression shares.

In other words… when users perform searches or visit sites which have already proven to be highly converting they have to see our ads.

Coverage & budget spending


Page 24: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Visualize coverage1



Page 25: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

consider adding budget or separate keyword

add budget / separate key & increase CPC

data consistence filter

Page 26: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Tuning CPCs to balance daily budget & expenseAdd budget for high converting campaigns/groups

(dividing top keywords from the others)ADS active only in days/hours your target users

are on line (BtoB or BtoC?)Schedule extensions and ADS visibility according

to offers and customer care opening hoursBlock or adjust bids for less performing

geographical areas & demographic groupsBlock or adjust bids for less performing devices

Optimizing coverage


Page 27: How to measure your AdWords account by Gianpaolo Lorusso | SemDays 2015

@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Qualitative checks recap Is budget aligned with everyday expense? How many texts ads/images are we using in each group? Are there dynamic keyword insertions & personalizers?

Extensions? Are there negative keywords? Different keywords matching

types? Are there Dynamic Search ADS? Bids strategies in use? Enhanced CPC/CPA? Is Analytics account connected? Which conversions are being

tracked? Are best/worst items being managed/blocked in Display &

Shopping? What about remarketing? Are some landing pages tests being performed?


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@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Foto credits:

And then…


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@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Do not be too sure to have addressed all the most effective ways you can hit your target customers…

• Ask to your customer’s front desk• Online surveys• Call for online feedbacks• Conditional live chats• Monitor social network comments

Start again!


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@Gianps (all rights reserved)

Thanks for your attention


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