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World Renowned Artist and Entertainer Brad Blaze shares his tips for presenting in business

LEADERSHIP lessons from Jarryd HAYNE

What is a real referral?

5 Tips for Improving your CONFIDENCE today

Conference Speaking Tips

How can I reduce client buyer apprehension?

Celebrate the WINS at work

Persuasion Tips

Do THIS as a leader


Who says you SHOULD have to?

PLUS: Don’t forget to tell your face!

FREE book giveaway

What NOT to do!

Overcome sales call RELUCTANCE

PowerPoint Tips

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Michelle’sUpdateWelcome to the October issue of How to Present - this issue is packed with articles that will assist you to present wi th greater confidence and influence at work.

Welcome QLD Registrars, Celine Healy, Mundipharma, Rapid PT, Inspire Management and welcome back AMP, CPA, FoodCo, Australia Post, Novartis, DFP Recruitment, and Family Court of Australia You’ll see some terrific photos in the back of this edition!

Have you been meaning to attend my w o r l d f a m o u s P e r s u a s i v e Presentation Skills Masterclasses. I have a few places left for October, November & December (only 10 places per program). Register today to be sure you can attend on your preferred dates. Visit my website.

Booking Speakers for your 2016 Kick-Off yet? Remember to book me to come and deliver my Speak Up and Influence People keynote for you. Your delegates will learn the 3 x Ps of persuasion in a fun, interactive and completely tailored 90 minute session that will produce lasting communication skills improvement in their work and personal lives.

Brad Blaze is our impressive cover this month! Brad is a ‘speed painter’. He’s a terrific artist and entertainer and if you haven’t featured him at a conference in your business yet you simply must get on the phone and book him today - you won’t regret it - he’s really unforgettable! T

PLUS in this edition I will help you with our regular features on What NOT to do, Persuasion Tips, Voice Tips and Conference Speaking Tips and PowerPoint Tips. Plus I will help you with 5 Tips for Improving your Confidence Today and Creating Emotional Hooks with your Slides. Ken Warren will give us some tips for our Celebrating Wins at Work, David Penglase our sales expert will help you to Overcome Sales Call Reluctance and Help Reduce Client Buyer Apprehension. In addition, Phil Lee helps you understand What is a REAL referral?

And leadership expert Greg Mowbray gives us some important Lessons from Jarryd Hayne! and he also reminds us You Must be able to do THIS as a Leader. PLUS, read some inspiring presentation Success Stories. So grab yourself a ’cuppa’, put your feet up and have a read! And most importantly, make sure you put the invaluable advice into immediate action so you see some fast results. Happy Presenting!



Michelle is an expert in persuasive presentation skills in business. She has run her 2-day Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass over 700 times with more than 7000 people and she’s been nominated for Educator of the Year for 7 years running.

Michelle is one of only 35 Australian females who is a Certified Speaking Professional - the highest designation for speakers in the world. For a list of Michelle’s clients please go to:


SYDNEY 2015 October 13-14 November 17-18 December 8-9

To register or chat about your specific needs please email: [email protected]

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Michelle Bowden’s Proven Presentation System

Do you get nervous when presenting at work?

Do you want to showcase your knowledge, influence people and accelerate your career?

Would you like to learn the secrets of successful speaking, communicating and presenting?

How to Present reveals how you can be a confident, clear and influential presenter every time. Presentation skills expert Michelle Bowden shares her internationally proven 13-step system to exceptional presenting, starting with analysis (plan what you would like to achieve), then design (put your presentation together) and delivery (communicate your message for results).

Whether you’re presenting or speaking to one person or thousands, this is the essential guide to becoming an outstanding presenter.

The ultimate guide to presenting your ideas and influencing people using techniques that actually work

There is no other book on the market like this that will take you step-by-step through the process of successful presenting.— Steve Weston, Managing Director of Retail Lending, UK Retail and Business Banking division, Barclays

How to Present will help you:

• Maximise your impact in meetings,  conferences and conversations

• Manage your nerves so you feel   calm and confident

• Engage your audience and master the art of persuasion

• Deliver your message clearly and with authority

• Command attention and achieve your goals!

RRP AUD $27.95, NZD $31.99 | Available in print and ebook formats

Buy it now!Purchase your copy here

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K i r r y n Z e r n a i s a n e x p e r i e n c e d communications professional, writer, speaker with over a decade of expertise in leading, developing and implementing strategies for change programs, employee engagement, creative campaigns and content marketing. Kirryn has a genuine interest in business management, cultural change and the future of work.  What kind of presenting do you do at work?

My big dream is to transition to a professional speaker and author, so I’m taking as many opportunities to present in all areas of life. From boardroom presentations, to regular announcement segments in our local church, facilitation of workshops and small groups and acting as MC for women’s networks. What prompted you to attend Michelle's Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass?

I wanted to go from good to great as a presenter. I was looking to develop my natural style in stagecraft and movement and seek out helpful strategies to communicate with confidence in any setting. How did Michelle's Masterclass change your attitude to presenting in business?

Michelle’s program helped me to discover the art of persuasion as a presenter. Being able to analyse your audience and craft a compelling message that is just as important as the delivery. What I learned will help me in sales conversations and preparing briefs, as well as a ready made presentation outline for delivering keynote presentations. In general, what positive outcomes have you achieved f rom improving your presentation skills? 

The Masterclass has given me confidence in my capability, and assurance in my new found tools and ability to prepare for any situation. I’ve been using Michelle’s 13-step guide for presenting everything and it’s achieving results. I’ve also been using the 4Mat model – Why, what and how for everything – which helps me to articulate ideas in a clear and compelling format, even when it’s not for a presentation. I n w h a t s p e c i fi c w a y s h a v e y o u r presentat ion sk i l ls improved s ince completing Michelle's Masterclass?  

The quality of the content of my presentations has considerably improved. My ability to connect and engage with an audience, as I focus on eye contact and with people, and my ability to manage the nerves beforehand. It’s an ongoing journey, and I feel like I’m heading in the right direction because of all I learnt in the short but full 2 day Masterclass. 


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SUCCESS STORIES (CONT.)What were your top three take aways from Michelle's program? Where to start? So much gold! For me the top three tips are:

1. Prepare, prepare, prepare. Using 4Mat and the 13-steps to craft my speeches.

2. Eye contact and clicking with the audience.3. Strong hand gestures (air under the arms)

and crafted movements (stage left for the past and stage right for the future), being careful not to pollute your spaces.

There’s this thing in presenting called the emotional objective. It’s essentially the way you want your audience to feel thorughout and once you’ve finished presenting. It’s a good thing to work this out before you present.

And then once you have worked out what you want your audience to feel, make sure you feel it too. This means you have to remember to tell your face what to feel! If your facial expressions don’t match what you are saying then your audience will be confused about your emotional objective and at best they’ll guess what they are meant to feel, at worst they’ll just switch off. Remember that your audience can see every smile, smirk and grimace and they use every expression to find meaning in your message.

Just by holding an emotional word in your head with consciousness and clarity your entire body will know

what to do to help you and your audience feel what you are feeling. Whatever you want to feel and express then all you have to do is to tell your face.


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There’s this very cool thing called the Law of Social Proof. It’s one of Robert Cialdini’s (guru of influence) 6 Principles of Social Influence. You can use Social Proof in your business and career on a daily basis by making the most of client testimonials and references. Your clients/prospective employers want to see what it was like to work with you before, during and after the enagement.

On your website use the key words from a testimonial i.e. “….inspiring and worth the investment”. You don't have to use the entire testimonial.

Use LinkedIn and other social media to col lect recommendat ions from your colleagues and clients. Don’t be shy. People want to help you if you are good at your job and a nice person.

Take a leaf out of the ‘Guest Comments' idea and include people’s kind words with their photo and company name in a booklet that people can scan whilst waiting in your reception. I have one that I take out at my training programs.

Consider a testimonial on the bottom of your email signaure if appropriate.

All marketing letters, sales emails, brochures or company documents should include client testimonials supporting you and your products or services.

Remember to always have your clients' permission to use their testimonials for marketing purposes. I find asking people for their help strengthens your overall connection and it’s also a nice way to stay in touch.

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Clients typically have three stages of buyer apprehension that we refer to as the three buyer exit ramps. These exit ramps are:

• The initial contact fear: This happens when the client first meets the salesperson and inside their head they’re hearing them ask themselves "what's this experience going to be like...what is the salesperson going to be like....what will they do to me?"

The key to reducing this first buyer exit ramp or apprehension is to genuinely attempt to create an environment where people are comfortable and confident to make wise buying decisions.

• The decision point fear: This happens just when the client is about to make a buying decision, they like what the salesperson has presented, but then their inner voice starts to build concern by saying to themselves "But....if I say yes and go along with their recommendation, what risk might I face...what could go wrong?"

The key to reducing this second buyer exit ramp is to never push too hard for a buying decision. Let the clients know that you've given them all the information they need to make a wise buying decision, and ask the checkpoint question "other than what we've covered so far, is there anything else that we need to cover before we proceed?"

If the client says "yes" that there are still some things they want to discuss, that's a great outcome, as it reveals any hidden obstacles or objections or concerns and you can now deal with them.

However, if the client responds with a "no" that there are no further things to cover, you can confirm the sale by saying something like "then, for us to proceed what we have to do is....." and you finish with whatever the next appropriate steps are to make the purchase a reality for the client.

• The post sale fear: This happens after the sale is completed. It's more than 'buyers remorse' because they're not just feeling sorry about the purchase, they're feeling worried about whether they've made a good decision.

The key to reducing this third buyers exit ramp is to stay in touch with your clients after the sale. It's an exit ramp even though they've bought because they either may never buy again, may return their goods/service or never refer anyone else to you if this third buyers exit ramp is not dealt with.

Staying in touch in ways that validate the value they will receive, that thanks them for their business and that in some way will create peace of mind and even a 'wow' factor in post sale service is the best way to reduce this fear and move a client from someone who has purchased to someone who will become an advocate of your business.

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Work to time. I have just seen a presenter who started their presentation by saying, “I have a lot to get through today, so I’m going to go through this quickly”. Then, just before the end she said “I’m almost out of time, I’ll just speed up for the last points.” OMG!

Conference organisers are usually quite clear about how much time you have. Not tailoring your presentation to the timeslot is just rude, and it doesn’t help you or the audience.

The best presenters know how much time they have to work with, tailor their presentation to fit the time and then keep an eye on the time.

And if you are running out of time, stop. Take ourt some content. Be sure to make your final point count.

Have you ever been given a referral to call someone? When you called, was the person expecting your call? Or, did they find it somewhat of an interruption and irritation?

Many sales people are confused as to what a real referral is. 

A real referral is not when a colleague m a k e s a recommendat ion f o r you to ca l l someone so you can use their name to make  a "warm" call. 

A real referral is when a colleague makes a recommendation for you to call someone and that person knows they've been referred. Subsequently, they are expecting your call. 

Anything less is just a cut above a cold call. 

A professionally trained sales person develops sound strategies around how to ask for referrals and they "coach" the referee as to how to set up the referral effectively so that there are no unfortunate surprises.

Good selling.

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How can you overcome your sales call reluctance? Here are two quick tips…..

Turn cold calls into warm calls by sending something out to the potential client in advance - a marketing letter with something of value attached. For example it could be a content rich article, a sample, a case study where what you do has helped others - and have testimonials to validate what you do. When you call, you now have a reason to follow-up on what you've sent the client.

Check your mind-traffic. What are you saying inside your head about making the cold calls? Write any negative self talk down on the left hand side of a page. On the right hand side turn the negative self talk into a more positive statement. Before you make any calls, read down the right hand side of the page a few times (the more you read the positive statements the more confident and comfortable you wil l become).

Possibly the biggest story in Australian sport this year is about National Rugby League player, Jarryd Hayne, who has just been signed by the San Francisco 49ers to play professional football in the USA. Even if you are not a sports nut there are plenty of leadership lessons to learn from the man they call 'The Hayne Plane'.

He dared to dream. Hayne has said that he has always dreamed of playing NFL. A kid who had a humble upbringing in the south west of Sydney, dreamed of playing professional sport on the other side of the world? Go figure.

He backed himself. Hayne is faster, stronger and more talented than most, but his greatest asset is his self belief. Many people were surprised at his decision to leave NRL and few thought he'd make it (me included). Hayne only needed one person to believe in him - Jarryd Hayne.

He took a risk. 49ers coach Jim Tomsula talks about the millions and millions of American kids who grow up playing the game, dreaming of

making it, but never do. He is amazed that Hayne, who has never played the game, risked everything to make it into NFL.

He's versatile. One of the reasons the 49ers have picked him up is that he can cover several positions and roles. That's rare in NFL. He has worked hard at refining the skills needed for a range of positions and this increased his appeal to the 49ers.

He works hard. One of the things that impressed the 49ers was Hayne's work ethic. Despite being an elite NRL player he had plenty to learn about the highly technical game of NFL and to be fit enough and strong enough to play it. He has been single minded about doing whatever he could to succeed.

I find the story inspiring and can't help but wonder what it might be like if more of us took a leaf out of his book?

What's your dream?

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“It is better to lead from behind and to put others in f ront , especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is d a n g e r . T h e n p e o p l e w i l l appreciate your leadership.” Nelson Mandela

One of my many quirks is that I don’t need much of an excuse for a celebration. When my sons have had a win of some sort, there are the entertaining, but embarrassing, daddy-dances around the dinner table. I have held parties for the purchase of a new rug. More recently, there has been my celebration of the arrival of my long-awaited Apple Watch. When you look at this picture of me celebrating this noteworthy event, I am sure the words 'classy’ and  ‘understated’ come to mind.

I don’t think we focus on the positives nearly enough. This is true in our personal lives, but also in workplaces, where around two-thirds of people say they do not feel their efforts and achievements are acknowledged or valued. To put it another way, there is not enough celebration of the wins.

It makes you and others feel good: When we focus on making other people feel good by celebrating their wins,  everyone wins. We get the feel-goods as well. And remember, we can celebrate people's wins in their personal lives as well. 

It shows progress towards important goals: Yes, the big wins can be celebrated. But e v e n t h e s m a l l w i n s d e s e r v e acknowledgement. It could be those early steps in embracing change. Or it could be

simply surviving a period of prolonged stress.

It motivates the team: When our individual and group efforts are acknowledged, it can be quite affirming and motivating. When our efforts are not acknowledged or someone steals the credit for our achievement, it is highly demotivating. One workplace I know has Wins of the Week as a regular agenda item, where everyone’s achievements are acknowledged.

It unifies the team around something positive: To achieve important shared goals, teams need to be cohesive. So, if you have a choice between unifying the team through a shared suffering or a shared celebration, I know which I would rather choose.

It helps people focus more on the positive: It is an interesting quirk of human beings is that many of us focus on the negative. But we gain a more balanced (and helpful) perspective when we also focus on what is right.

It reminds people of the purpose of their work. When we are connected with an important purpose for our work, it becomes easier to put with the challenges. When


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teachers, for example, celebrate a win they have had with a particular student, they remind themselves about why they do the work they do.

It helps build a more positive culture at work: Workplace culture is determined by the values and behaviours that are shared by the majority. If you’re in a leadership role, it is essential that you lead the way. When the leaders are celebrating the positives, it becomes easier to follow their example.

It gives everyone a break from their everyday work: Human beings are social animals and it strengthens relationships when we connect

in ways that are not always work-related. Such breaks from the routine also help us to recharge. I personally like to celebrate wins with my colleagues over a nice lunch outside of the workplace.

Some workplaces celebrate their wins at the Christmas function at the end of the year. But I say, don’t delay. Look for opportunities now. Celebrate the wins, whether it be genuine praise for  a team member's achievement, sharing a success story with a colleague, finding an excuse to bring in a cake, organising wine and cheese for a Friday afternoon, or arranging for your work to pay for a special lunch for your team. You can be serious. You can be silly. You can dress up in a tuxedo if you like. But the rewards are there – for your colleagues, yourself, and your workplace.

Ken Warren BA, M  Soc  Sc,  CSP  is a Relationships Specialist who helps teams to perform at their very best.Through his enjoyable and interactive speaking programs, Ken will help your people to: • Build even stronger, more positive and productive teams • Handle difficult conversations in a more confident and positive way • Enhance their resilience and well-being at work Check out al l of his free resources through

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s speaking:"My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed Michelle's presentation at our recent annual conference, we found it engaging, clear and catchy. So catchy, in fact, that upon landing back at Melbourne Airport, I easily recalled Michelle's "Pace, Pace, Pace, Lead" methodology to negotiate a Customer Service issue in the airport car park. Pace, Pace, Pace, Win."

For more information on Michelle’s speaking or training please go to


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Welcome to a new segment in How to Present called What NOT to do! This segment is dedicated to remind you of all the funny little habits that you should get rid of immediately.

Is there a stance I should NOT do as a presenter?

The Fig Leaf or Crotch Clutch position is where you stand with your hands covering your crotch! I commonly notice that board members are photographed in this stance! Ha! This is the only stance you shouldn't do. It makes

everyone look at the one part of your body you'd probably rather they didn't! I'll say no more! Instead place your hands by your side in the natural stance or move them with a purpose to reinforce your message.Happy Presenting!

What is it? You must be able to have a difficult conversation.

Something that I see that holds a lot of leaders back is the inability or unwillingness to have a difficult conversation. Rarely does a problem get better if left alone. No one likes confrontation or awkward moments, but leaders have to 'man up' and have the difficult conversation without delay. Here's how to do it. 1. Ask yourself if the person in question understands your expectations around the issue. You need to be crystal clear about what you want them to do or not to do.

2. What is the outcome you want from the conversation? What does success look like? Be specific about what will make you happy.

3. Give some thought to how the person is likely to react. Try to predict their response. Now, think back to what you want to achieve from the conversation. You may want to change the tone

or the words you are going to use. Having empathy is an important leadership quality.

4. Plan for the conversation. Book a time and a place. This will help convey the importance of the issue. Write down what you want to say - your key points, in the order you will say them. Practice having the conversation, keeping in mind how the other person is likely to react.

5. Be positive and firm. Keep your emotions in control. Know that the few moments of awkwardness are worth it.

Every day, strong leaders do things they don't want to do. They do them because they know that leading isn't easy and that the people they serve through leadership will benefit because of them. As with most things that stretch us, when we face up, practice and implement, we become good at them.


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You know that I’m a presentation skills trainer and in this capacity thousands of people each year tell me they’d like to be more confident.

We know that confidence is something we all need in order to have a good life. And for a variety of reasons it doesn’t come that easily to most of people.

I’ve put together a few ideas for you on how to improve your overall confidence in business and in life. If you try to do these things everyday of your life, you’ll find your confidence will grow steadily and you’ll start seeing changes in your personal success.

Body Language. We stand and walk a certain way when we’re confident and another way when we’re nervous. Most people can tell in seconds if we’re apprehensive or outgoing, relaxed or aggressive. So avoid your hands in your pockets, don’t cross your arms, stand tall, lift your head up, walk in long strides, breathe from your diaphragm and shake people’s hand’s firmly. You’ll love the way you feel when you do all this in combination.

Good grooming. You want your hair, face and even your smell to work for you, not against you. Pay attention to the details. Always shower, use fragrance that works for your body chemistry. Style your hair to flatter your face and dress for your shape. And remember there’s nothing worse than a forest of hair in your nose and ears to make you look unkempt and unprofessional so use the Nads nose and ear hair removal wax. Being well-groomed says you’ve got a degree of self-respect, are disciplined and pay attention to detail. According to a Harvard Medical School study, people judge you within 250 milliseconds. The study also concluded that grooming and polish was

chosen as more important than physical attractiveness.

Smile. Have you ever tried to think negatively or act sad or shy while smiling? You can’t. It is impossible! Smiling affects our emotions because of a brain-body connection. It triggers scientifically measurable activity in the left frontal cortex which is the area of the brain where happiness is registered. Phyllis Diller, the American comedian said, “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” So, smile often. You will feel and look more confident and more attractive!

Direct, connected eye contact. Confident people make eye contact and engage with others. The eye is the window to the soul. Your eye contact reflects your level of interest in the person or audience. When you make eye contact you connect to others deeply. So don’t dart your eyes around. Instead, hold your gaze long enough to connect with the other person.

Be grateful. Heartfelt gratitude is a deep feeling. Unlike forced gratitude (where you make yourself think of the positive even though you feel dreadful), heartfelt gratitude is a feeling

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5 TIPS FOR IMPROVING YOUR CONFIDENCE TODAY (CONT.) of appreciation and connection with life and makes you feel fantastic. Put things into perspective and take some action in your life to contribute to a cause greater than you. Volunteer for something and you’ll find your outlook changes and you start to recognise the good in your life. Some people keep a gratitude journal where they write what they feel grateful for each day – this may work for you too.

Use an icon. Many excellent presenters use a presenter icon (symbol) to help them get ‘in the zone’. I often imagine the warm rays of the sun shining all over me and through me to my audience. A client I do executive presentation

skills coaching with always wears her bright red lipstick to board meetings. A boss I worked with used to play a certain song to pump himself up before training for the day. And Lou Heckler the amazing US Speaker imagines he’s talking with his wife when he presents. You should see the love in his eyes when he’s on stage – powerful stuff. Before you go into a sales meeting, give a presentation, speak to your board or find yourself in a challenging situation find your icon.

Good luck making this a daily practice in your life. I wish you the greatest of confidence and success.

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CONFIDENT SPEAKING VOCALS–AUDIOA confident, persuasive speaking voice lies within you!

Many of us know someone who has a strong, rich, resonant voice. Maybe it’s an actor like Sean Connery or Cate Blanchett.

At some point you may have found yourself wishing that you could enhance your vocal quality and projection so you were more compelling, influential and persuasive when speaking in meetings, persuading your manager, or selling to your clients.

Well you know it’s possible, and it’s easy! Creating a rich, resonant influential voice is all about warming up your voice, and this CD will take you through the warm-ups that actually work one by one. Enjoy!

EXCEPTIONAL PRESENTATION DESIGN–DVDYou can design an exceptional presentation in a minimum amount of time!

Imagine how helpful it would be if you could have your very own coach taking you through the design process for an exceptional presentation. That’s exactly what this DVD is for!

If you have a presentation to write, simply play this DVD and Michelle Bowden will coach you through the design of an exceptional presentation from beginning to end. It couldn’t be simpler!

An ideal accompaniment to Michelle’s book How to Present, you’ll be reminded how to identify the purpose of your presentation, analyse your audience and design a powerful message that influences your audience to change their thinking and/or behaviour using techniques that actually work!

HOW TO PRESENT–TIPS FROM THE MASTERS–AUDIO SERIESFast-track your presentation and speaking skills success by discovering the presentation secrets of 14 of Australia’s top conference keynote presenters.

What would be possible for your career and income if you absorbed the wisdom of Australia’s top speaking professionals and could learn from their tips and their mistakes? Well, now you can in this series of insightful interviews by Australia’s #1 Presentation Skills Expert–Michelle Bowden. Learn critical presentation tips from the amazing: Amanda Gore, Lisa McInnes-Smith, Glenn Capelli, Alan Parker, Siimon Reynolds, Rodney Marks, Sam Cawthorn, Marty Wilson, Terry Hawkins, Dale Beaumont, Catherine DeVrye, David Penglase, Avril Henry and Bruce Sullivan.

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Brad Blaze is a world renowned artist and entertainer.   He may just be the fastest portrait painter in the world often realising a portrait in just four minutes on stage at large gala dinners, conferences and special events.  Brad has painted Prime Ministers live on stage, sports stars such as Tiger Woods and has also raised over one million dollars for charities.  He divides his time between p e r f o r m i n g i n A u s t r a l i a a n d A s i a .

Here are Brad’s tips for us when speaking at an event:

There is no business like show business.  It’s time to become the ROCKSTAR, walk on stage to a soundtrack, head up, shoulders back – you’re going to smash it.

You have prepared well. You have arrived early and know the layout of the room, you have tested the microphone, you know where they are filming from (well you do want your GOOD side), you have briefed the AV team and they know exactly when to play your video or music or slides – nothing is going to stop you.

You know your audience. During the brief with the client you have asked the right questions about the audience. Your keynote will relate to them, making it more memorable, they are going to love you!

You are presenting with passion.  It’s like the very first time you are telling your story to a wide eyed audience - you are happy and excited to be taking them on this exciting journey.

You are not using PowerPoint with stock images (yes that same grey haired man in a suit in his fifties). Instead you have taken a different approach, you become the storyteller and use VIDEO and unique imagery to illustrate points.

You are animated on stage, addressing everyone in the room.  It’s a show, you’re the expert, you OWN the stage. You don’t own the lectern, so you don’t stand behind it.

Yo u i n j e c t s o m e h u m o u r i n t o y o u r presentation. 

You know your timings.  You are not having to rush your presentation, but neither are you wasting time either.  There are other speakers, presentations to get through during the event and you are mindful of this.

You thank your audience for watching your presentation.  It’s been your honour to share your experience with THEM.

You are level headed, an ego-free zone.  They may love you, but you are only as good as your last presentation.  

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In this well produced 9-minute audio interview for Business Essentials I share my thoughts on how to be more persuasive as a presenter in business.

To claim your very own copy of my Persuasive Presenting audio interview be one of the first 6 to email [email protected] with the words Persuasive Presenting in the subject line.



Slides can be a wonderful additon to your presentation. Yes, I know you think I hate slides and mostly I do! That’s because most business presenters kill us with Death By PowerPoint. Here are some tips for gorgeous slides that reinforce your key messages.

Use new, interesting images that you are sure your audience will not have seen many times before. Use professional stock photo images over cheap, tacky images. If this is not possible, then use no image at all. In fact, if it’s not possible to use excellent graphics, don’t use slides at all. Try a flip chart, whiteboard, rehearsed gesture or handout.

You can download images from the internet. Photo websites often state which images are the newest images on the site. I use and it’s very inexpensive to buy their beautiful pictures.

• Helpful tip: Ensure that you make the link between the graphics and the message explicit.

Illustrate your metaphors with pictures. If you have thought of a metaphor to bring your message to life and need to illustrate it in a clever visual way, go to or any other similar site where all these creative people have done the hard work to come up with a creative way to illustrate a metaphor (see above image). Why not have a look?

Have fun with this. Your slides can evoke powerful connectons, and memories if you use images cleverly. Happy Presenting!

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TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s training:

“I highly recommend Michelle Bowden and her Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass to anyone. It has been nearly 10 years since I did this course and can truly say that I am regularly getting value. Easily the best 2K I spent on a course over this time. “

For more information on Michelle’s speaking or training go to


LETS IMPROVE YOUR PRESENTATION SKILLS? COME ON TAKE THE LEAP!Dramatically improve the w a y y o u p re s e n t a n d influence. Attend one of my Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclasses in 2014 and change your life!

S e r i o u s l y , i t ’s a l i f e changing experience!

Risk free - 100% money-back guarantee.

Endorsed by thousands of people from over a hundred c o r p o r a t i o n s a r o u n d Australia.

I n t e r a c t i v e a n d personalised.

Facilitated by Michelle Bowden who has over 20 years experience running her programs and who has been nominated for Educator of the Year for the last 4 years.

Absorb yourse l f in a generative and experiential approach. Learn something then practice, then learn something then practice…

Group sizes are limited to only 10 people per program.

Risk free approach to a subject most people find ‘daunting’!

Plenty of time for you to get personal one-on-one time with Michelle’s during the program.

Address your specific, personal needs.

Learning with lots of laughter.

Techniques are embedded so you remember them decades later.


13-14 October17-18 November 8-9 December

To chat about your specific needs or receive more information please email Michelle: [email protected]

There’s no need for you to fear public speaking.

Please don’t miss a career opportunity ever again because you couldn’t

speak up! Anyone can be an exceptional presenter in

business - 100% guaranteed.

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‘Shoulding’ all over yourself and others is a guaranteed strategy to stop you getting the outcome you want in your communication and relationships.

Every time you find yourself thinking: “I shouldn’t have to tell that person ... how I feel; what I expect; what I need ... because they should know” and then agree with your thoughts and feelings, you stop effective communication in it’s tracks. The result - you end up feeling frustrated, unsatisfied and righteous! And nothing changes.

Everyone makes up their own meaning about whatever is going on. What you perceive as rudeness or a personal attack is often not what is consciously intended from the other side. Yet time and time again you react emotionally to this perceived attack as if the other is deliberately doing something to “make you” feel the way you do.

Remember this: Other people do not necessarily share your view of the world. Other people cannot read your mind and if you don’t tell them what you mean, they cannot respond effectively.

And that’s the issue. Your unwillingness to communicate openly, honestly, clearly, directly and completely when you feel emotionally triggered is because of how you feel. Then you get stuck in your head, convincing yourself that you are feeling the way you do because of someone else’s behaviour. You tell yourself that “they should know better” and thus feel you shouldn’t have to say anything or do anything about it because “they should know”.

Yet, the truth is, they don’t know what you mean if you don’t tell them. No matter how many times you think “but they should know ...” it doesn’t change anything.

So next time you are caught up ‘shoulding’ all over the place, stop, take a breath ... allow your feelings to move through you ... and speak up.

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CD OF THE MONTH Thinking of improving your

presentation skills but don’t want to go on a training program? You need to grab a copy of How to Present - Tips from the Master. Tips from 14 of Australia’s top

public speakers. Go to my website

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OK, I know it’s MY book! If you are serious about really improving your business presentation skills then you need this book. Go to

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