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A Special Guide for People Ready to BREAK FREE

From the Founder of and author ofI Finally Quit ...And So Can You: How to Gain Everything by Quitting

David "The Quiter" Ross

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04Right Place, Right Time

08Circle of Behavior

10So, You Want to Quit Smoking…Why?

128 Simple Steps to Quitting

16Quitting Is Not Easy – Giving Up Is

18What’s Next?

19About I Finally Quit, Inc.About Dave “The Quitter”

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Is there really a way to break free from Actions or Behaviors that lead to unfavorable Consequences in life? A way to improve your health, your mindset, your lifestyle and be better at life…no longer feeling “not good enough? And if there is, is it simple and easy to do? Is it “dummy proof”? Can anyone do it?

Since you are here and we’re talking about it, then you’ve probably guessed right…there is a solution and YOU can do it! And, it really can be as simple as A, B, C. So, if you want to improve your health, feel better, be better, and have friends, family, co-workers and people on the street congratulate you for breaking free from smoking…it’s now within your grasp. You are in the right place, at the right time!

It’s one thing to know WHAT you should do (i.e. quit smoking), it’s another to know that you’re moving forward with a PROVEN plan... One that’s worked for tens of thousands of other people quit smoking (and other “bad” habits). So the sooner you find a PROVEN, dependable way to go about getting to where you want to be…the better. That’s EXACTLY what this Action Plan is all about, getting you a proven plan to BREAK FREE from what’s held you back or made you feel not good enough!



"After all, life – your life – is for living!"

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There’s very little doubt if you are reading this Action Plan, you’ve looked other places in the past to find that one thing…to help you kick your smoking habit to the curb in the past. And, chances are…in the past…other programs you tried or (gulp…even you) “failed” miserably! Here’s the thing – those other programs or you may not have “failed”. You may have actually succeeded! What!?!

Check this out…when you tried to quit smoking in the past and failed, you may have been left feeling weak, defeated, or simply just not good enough…however, was there a timeframe you went without smoking? For example, did you go an extra 5 or 10 minutes between cigarettes? Maybe you made it 4 days or even 4 months without…then went back or “fell off the wagon”. If you went back to those old ways…did you really “fail” or take the first few steps that led you here? Either way…YOU are here now and the following 8 steps have been compiled for those who are ready to BREAK FREE!

The 8 steps to quitting smoking in 10 days or less are so powerful and easy to put in place, you can confidently know you are poised to succeed. No matter what has transpired before!

The 8 steps to quitting smoking in 10 days or less are so powerful and easy to put in place, you can confidently know you are poised to succeed.

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Let me ask you a question…YOU are capable of succeeding and accomplishing anything you put your mind to, so have you ever had someone “take the wind out of your sails” BEFORE you even got started? I mean…you ever tell your closest confidant – your “bestie”, your spouse, or even your mom you are planning to quit smoking and they roll their eyes or say “Yah…good luck with that” OR “Again?!?!” OR “What’s different this time?” then, you think…hmmm…maybe I shouldn’t even try.

Know this…following the steps below have worked for hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. You’ve got this!

Quitting smoking and your dependency on that action can be one of the most liberating and fulfilling experiences in life you may ever know…and, the community at wants you to get “there”. Getting to that sudden realization, inspiration, insight, or recognition of putting your feet up and relaxing; letting out a sigh as you hear your internal voice say “I Finally Quit” is within you. It may have eluded you until now, but no more.

Getting “there” is easier with a PROVEN plan. How do I know this will work? Well, it’s worked for people all over the world and it worked for me too. I smoked from the moment I awoke to the moment I passed out every evening. I smoked a pack and a half to two packs for nearly two decades! I picked up smoking at the age of 15 and bought my first quit smoking “aid” when I was 16; smoking for 19 years before I felt the relaxation of knowing “I Finally Quit”.

All along the way, I tried patches, hypnosis, pills, shame, and many “other” methods! To say I was “addicted” is a HUGE understatement. So how did I quit for good? And, how have I encouraged others to do so? Even better questions are…how have those people who have quit smoking encouraged others to do so? And, how have they stayed quit? By following the steps below, we felt the empowerment and triumph of no longer being chained to cigarettes and smoking. By BREAKING FREE of smoking…and CREATING better habits has led to different (and better) consequences; encouraging others to do the same.

It’s easier with a PROVEN plan.

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Now stay with me! Don’t let your mind drift off and start thinking…”well, I’m glad they were able to do it, but I never will”. You see, if you’re like most people you may gloss over or feel less than inspired when you hear someone tell their success story of how they quit something. Usually that’s because the internal voice(s) we have starts in on us right away with thoughts of shame, defeat, or not being good enough. That’s bullshit! Millions of people quit and form new habits, actions, or behaviors every single day…and so can you!

…the “ABC’s of Quitting” or the ACTIONS, BEHAVIORS, and CONSEQUENCES

The best way to ensure your SUCCESS is to combine the 8 steps to quit smoking in 10 days or less WITH the fastest growing social support system for creating “better” habits on the web at Go Register!

…Join the Movement and Connect with Others doing the same!

By now, you know I tend to focus on what I call the “ABC’s of Quitting” or the ACTIONS, BEHAVIORS, and CONSEQUENCES. As I already stated, it is totally within the realm of possibility for you to change your actions or behaviors that lead to a specific consequence. When you change your actions and behaviors, you get NEW consequences

So, if you are truly ready to BREAK FREE from a “bad” habit…

There is no time like the present – so let’s dive in!

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First, let’s dive a little deeper; taking a look at what we are calling the “circle of behavior” or what some say is how destiny is created. Second, we’ll examine WHAT you WANT to quit (smoking) and HOW to get it accomplished. Next, we’ll apply proven steps on how to quit smoking. And, once you know change IS possible, we can focus on WHY you WANT to quit – specifically the WHY and the WANT of it!!!


The truth is darn near EVERY smoker would like to quit smoking and many have unique reasons for wanting or needing to do so. What is it for YOU? (better health, live longer, enjoy your family more, etc. – WHAT is it for YOU and almost more importantly…WHY do you want it?)

What is “it” in you that drives you to want or need to quit?

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Life Lessons




5.Who You Are

What will ultimately assist you in obtaining the different lifestyle you seek is finding the answer to “Why Quit?” What is “it” in you that drives you to want or need to quit and WHY? “It” is probably that “nag-ging” answer or voice inside that fuels the engine to give the strength to quit. To assist you, think about the empowerment you will feel when you can say “I Finally Quit”…and KNOW that it’s true! The reason it is so important to think about how you feel (or will feel) is an incredible gift we have as humans. Our minds are creative machines! And, WE get to choose how we think and the words we use to dictate our actions. It all comes down to this:

The real question is what do you want to be remembered for? Is it…that you were able to overcome adversity? Make the best of a bad situation? Empower, inspire and encourage others by quitting an action that led to poor health? Or…do you want to feel and be defeated?

Well…you know one thing for sure…no one wants to feel defeated, so let’s get focused on how to quit smoking in 10 days or less.

1. Experience and Life Lessons = your thoughts. Your thoughts are formulated by your experiences.

2. Thoughts and words (both internal and external) = your actions. So how you choose to act is dictated by your thoughts and the words you choose to use.

3. Actions = our habits! What is a habit, if not the action(s) that we carry out?4. Habits = character or who you are. This is what defines you to yourself and others.5. Who you are = your destiny. Your destiny is what you leave behind or what you’re

remembered for.

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So, WHY do you want to do it? Is it to save money? Is it to make more money? Is it for you or someone else’s health? Is it to look better? Feel better? What gets you excited? What have you been held back from? By the way, it’s perfectly acceptable to have more than one “why” here.

NOW this is important…write this down! Seriously, put down this action plan or minimize the screen and get out a pen and paper. If you want to type into a document in big BOLD letters and print it out, that’s okay too. I’ll wait right here until you get it down on physical paper.

WHY do you want to quit?

So, you want to quit smoking…right? The first step is having a clear mental picture of how your life (or those around you) will be better when you can triumphantly say “I Finally Quit”!

So, you want to quit smoking…

I want to quit smoking so that I can _____________.OR

I will ________________ once I quit smoking.

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Okay…welcome back. Now, make sure to write it or print it more than once.

Post yourself notes were appropriate…the fridge, where you keep your pack of smokes, next to your keys, where you keep your phone while at home or the office, etc. Not just “post it” type notes! Those are great and you need to do that too, but you can even take just a couple seconds to write yourself a quick letter. Use this format and fill in the blanks…

I will be ___________-free. I will no longer be changed to______________________, rather I will have broken free from _____________. Once I am ___________-free, I will ___________ better and be on the path to ___________ longer; ______________ easier. I can kick back, relax, say “I Finally Quit”.

Let’s give it a try…


I will be smoke –free. I will no longer be changed to (cigarettes, smoking, tobacco, marijuana, etc), rather I will have broken free from smoking. Once I am smoke –free, I will feel better and be on the path to living longer; breathing easier. I can kick back, relax, say “I Finally Quit”.

Believe it or not a letter from YOURSELF goes along way.

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STEP 1Make a PLAN.

Think about your current actions, specifically, “the 5 W’s” and the “What the H?” of your smoking.

“The 5 W’s” are Who, When, Where, Why, and What of your smoking.

Who is around you when you smoke? Are there other smokers in your life? Are they quitting right now with you or are they not ready to consider quitting. How will their willingness to quit affect your smoking?

When do you smoke? Sunrise? Sunset? 4 PM? In the car? On the phone? Know these are areas and/or times when you may be most susceptible to cravings. Plan on being “busy” at those times.

Where do you smoke? In bed, before arising? In the home or outside? At work or in the car? When you get to step 5 of this Action Plan, some of these areas will be converted to your “-free zones”.

Why do you smoke? Is it boredom? Because it’s “what you’ve always done”? It’s not because it makes you feel good, but it may be a coping mechanism. Knowing “why” will help you, when you pick your quit date and actually quit.

What do you smoke? Full-flavor, lights, menthol, etc.

“What the H?” This is that what the heck moment or the how much? Is smoking financially costing me.

At IFQ, we suggest getting out good-old-fashioned pen and paper (or better yet, a spiral bound notebook) to track Step 1. Knowing the answers to these situations will help you to customize your plan. Make a PLAN to be busy WHEN you know you will want to smoke. (Example: have some fresh carrot/celery sticks ready to go in the fridge, so you have something to do with your mouth and your hands when a cigarette or smoking urge comes.)

We periodically run webinars or classes to help dive a bit deeper into Step 1; assisting in making a plan. Be sure to keep an eye on your inbox for those announcements.

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STEP 2Build or Contact a Support Group. You should look for inspiration or a little help by subscribing to our MEMBERS ONLY private Facebook group at to instantly access a group (helpline), who will be at your fingertips when you need them. Interact with other members, who have quit or are quitting the same things you are. Fellow members know and appreciate the process you are going through, because they are or have experienced the same things! Ask them what worked or is working for them. With more and more “quitters” joining the rank and file, you will have tons of ideas and inspiration. This way, you are not locked into just one line of thought, but can rely on the group as a whole.

(Tip: Do you know someone personally who has quit smoking? Why not reach out to them, too?)

Take the time to do that right now. If you've already started reaching out to successful quitters, that's good. Even better is to join the movement at now! If not right now…when do you think would be a good time to make changes?

Now this next that may seem a bit redundant, but it's definitely not

STEP 3Seek out SUPPORT. What you are doing here is verbalizing and making a commitment to quit. You are finding people you can trust. Let them know your PLAN and what you WANT.

(Keep in mind, some of your closest friends, your spouse, or even your mom, may roll their eyes or think “Again?!?!?”, when you let them know you are quitting. – THIS IS WHY STEP #2 IS SO IMPORTANT! You must have several groups.)

Let this group know HOW to help you. Let them know WHAT type of support you may need, while going through the process.

(Example: Would you want people to message you a couple of times per day or give you a call at a set time to check in on you?)

How would you like people to support you? And, what would you NOT like? Make sure to TELL them. People don’t know what they don’t know!

Ok, this is feeling manageable right? You now have a PLAN and SUPPORT all lined up.

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STEP 4Are there any aids you can use? Aids can be anything from images /visual reminders of what life will be without what you're about to quit or cessation or quitting devices. Is it a “photo shopped” image of you thinner? Is it a nicotine patch, pill, or gum? Is it a t-shirt? Check out our IFQ merchandise at the IFQ store or the Quit Smoking Products compiled by the IFQ team.

Wearing the IFQ logo in public is powerful and actually where support from the most unlikely of places comes from. When wearing the IFQ lapel pin, commitment band, t-shirt, etc., people will notice the logo and ask…”Hey, what is that?” OR “What does that mean?” OR “What did you quit?” This opens the door for you to tell your story of WHAT, HOW, and (more importantly) WHY you are quitting. Nearly ALL of these conversations end with someone (even a complete stranger) saying “Good job.”, “Keep up the good work.”, or “I’m proud of you.” Wearing the logo is WHERE the “magic” happens.


STEP 5Clear out and make SMOKE-FREE zones. Ditch those ashtrays! Not just hide them in the back of the cupboard, but this time, get rid of them. Don't hide them with the thought of “out of sight, out of mind”, but dispose of them altogether. These SMOKE-FREE zones are not just for you. These are areas where people you live, work, or play with will not smoke either. Think of them as “safe” zones.

Ok – You are in the homestretch of setting up your plan now. You are in the right mindset and ready to begin putting your plan into action.

STEP 6Pick YOUR quit date! Mark it on your calendar. Put it on sticky notes. Put it in your wallet. Add reminders (and a countdown) to your calendar (online or in your mail server). Having a quit date is important! It gives you and your brain a very specific way to know WHEN smoking is no longer going to be acceptable. This is your “line in the sand” – so stand firm.

Now this might sound silly…stick to YOUR quit date on your quit date! Is it going to be January 18? February 24? September 3? Whenever it is…that's fine, just stick to it – no excuses!


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STEP 7Use the power of your mind. VISUALIZATION is a proven way to overcome or create! Imagine yourself as a non-smoker. Imagine no longer being chained to smoking. Imagine new outcomes based on feeling and being…better!

Never underestimate the power of YOUR mind. You've heard “Ask and you will receive” or “you have not because you ask not”, right? Focus on how great you will feel when YOU finally quit! Especially if you have wanted or needed to do this for years.

STEP 8PERSIST! The common “school of thought” here is if it first you don't succeed, try, try again. We believe in that to a point, too. Many of us have tried and tried to quit – only to fall back to our previous Actions and Behaviors. Sometimes…failing miserably. What all of us at wants for you is to once and for all be able to say “I Finally Quit!” So be stronger and more committed than ever before. You've GOT this!

And should you stumble or should you fall, pick yourself up and try again.

In order to FINALLY get over the hurdle, refer back to this list above. Reach out to your supporters at home AND the online community at Use your quit aids. Use your vision. Go to your FREE zone(s). Take personal responsibility to a NEW level. KNOW you can do it! RELAPSE should not be an option!!! Should you “cheat”…STOP it! Call someone…log into your account at the IFQ website or app! DO something else!!!

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Now you have all the pieces in place to quit smoking in 10 days or less. Here's a little advice as your quit date approaches…

Giving Up is easy…

Is tomorrow YOUR quick date? Indulge today, but use your mind! Start seeing yourself as a quitter or a non-smoker. See today as the last day you will ever smoke. Within reason…overdo it. Yes, you read that correctly. Smoke that EXTRA cigarette. Know you will NEVER have another, beginning on your quit day. Happy quitting!!!

On the first day as a non-smoker make sure to login at and tell us and others in your group(s) how you're doing. REMEMBER…quitting smoking is difficult, giving up is easy. Whether you are now on day 1, 2, 9 or 129 (or longer) into the new you – congratulations and hang in there. Lean on your SUPPORT. People want you to succeed…reach out to them – online and at home. Stay busy. Do NOT give into temptation or your “old” ways. You CAN do it!

…Quitting is hard

Think of how great you will feel when you FINALLY quit smoking.

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Keep in mind no one said it was going to be easy. There will be urges. There will be temptations. There may even be setbacks, from time to time. In any event, know urges and temptations do subside, lessen, and even disappear altogether. When an urge comes, focus on going a minute without acting on the urge, then go another minute. At the end of that two minutes, realize it has been two minutes (congratulate yourself…this is an accomplishment), then go two more without acting on the urge. Before you know it, that craving will be gone, as most urges only last 3 to 5 minutes!

Two things cannot occupy”the same space at the same time…

Congratulate yourself – even better, share that (and all) success with members in your IFQ groups. You will inspire others to do the same!

Lastly, if you do have a setback, it does not mean you have failed and it's acceptable to fall back into that bad behavior. It means you get back up, dust up yourself off and try, try again.

(Remember: Support is available at Come shop at The IFQ Store, visit our site, or post on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Be sure to use the ‘@’ symbol to tag us and the hashtag #ifinallyquit, so we can follow you.

…therefore, when urges and cravings pass, allow that

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OK, we've worked together to figure out WHAT you should focus on to really "move the needle" in your life; leaving cigarettes and smoking in the past. We've even laid out a proven strategy that has worked to achieve that SUCCESS for others, time and time again. Now, it’s time to…

1. Join the Movement - Inspire and Be Inspired.2. Make Connections - It’s more fun with friends.3. Get Results - Whatever it is...Quit today!4. Tell YOUR Story...and say 'I Finally Quit'

So, if you want to improve your health, feel better, be better, and have friends, family, co-workers and people on the street congratulate you for breaking free from “bad” habits…and creating “better” ones…it’s now within your grasp. You are in the right place, at the right time – join us at

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I Finally Quit offers a simple and highly customizable solution for joining small social networks, while allowing members to connect with others who currently are or have struggled with overcoming any detrimental behavior. Whether you are looking for inspiration to quit one behavior or many, we’ve got you covered.

Maintain anonymity (if you’d like) while you quit

Members post here without having to air their “dirty laundry” on their personal social network wall. I Finally Quit may be exactly what you’re looking for if you’d to make use of a social community, while retaining the privacy and control of your own profile.

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David “The Quitter” Ross is a successful quitter of cigarettes, alcohol & other vices. He is the founder and creator of and author of "I Finally Quit ...And So Can You: How to Gain Everything by Quitting"You can get to know him here.

Connect with David “The Quitter” Ross:

davethequitter or ifinallyquit

@davethequitter or @ifinallyquit

[email protected]

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