  • How to Reach Your Desired Audience with Targeted Blog Content Presented by: Mary Gammel SEO Strategist Quality Web Site Testing LLC 3/25/2014 1
  • 2 Your Presenter: Mary Gammel Over 30 years in technology industry Masters in Computer Science Background in software engineering and software quality as a programmer, business analyst, and project manager Website & SEO Strategist since 2008 Owner of Quality Web Site Testing in Wheaton, IL Author of the SEO Tips and Strategies blog at 2 /in/marygammel/ @MaryGammel 3/25/2014
  • Webinar Goals Learn: How to reach out to your prospects and customers with a blog Tips to write effective blog content Ideas for promoting your business blog Successful blogging tips Q&A at end of webinar if time permits 33/25/2014
  • Some Basics About Blogs A blog allows you to post articles on the web. Articles on a blog are called posts. Blogs often allow people to comment on posts. WordPress and Blogger are two blog platforms. Search engines like Google will find your blog posts and show them in search results related to your posts topic. For maximum exposure, blogs and posts should to be optimized with SEO. 3/25/2014 4
  • Webinar Poll Question What is the main purpose of a business blog? Please vote now! 53/25/2014
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  • Common Blog Goals The goals of a blog are often different than those of a website. A business websites purpose is to promote/sell product and services. Here are some common goals of a blog: Share and establish expertise Connect with people interested in products or services Improve visibility of business brand Foster Know, Like, Trust with your audience 73/25/2014
  • Define Your Blogs Audience Prospects and Customers are likely your blog audience. But be specific about who you want to reach so you can target your content to them. For example: Small businesses who want to learn about SEO Homeowners who need solutions to plumbing problems Couples who need tips about planning a wedding Nature photographers in Illinois Urban home gardeners in Los Angeles 3/25/2014 8
  • Engaging your audience Write for your audience! People searching the web are looking for information on a specific topic or how to solve a problem. Write posts that helps your audience solve problems. Use media such as videos and photos if that helps get your point across. Encourage comments and respond to questions. 3/25/2014 9
  • 103/25/2014
  • Ideas for Business Blog Post Topics Answer commonly asked questions from your audience, prospects, and customers. Case Studies - Share solutions to problems youve solved for people. Tips and how to guides Industry news analysis How to best use your products Dos and Donts 113/25/2014
  • Share Business News/Events News about your business can also be shared on your blog in a News and/or Events section which is separate from the informational articles: Product/service news News about you and your company Information about events that your company participates in Highlight your community involvement efforts 3/25/2014 12
  • Writing Posts Each post should be focused on one topic. Keep in mind that people scan web content first: Use Short paragraphs. Use Subheadings. Use Bullet lists. Include at least one photo or image in each post. Break longer posts into a series of shorter ones. Interlink between related posts when relevant. Link to related products/services on your website. 3/25/2014 13
  • Successful Blogging Tips Post on your blog at least once a month. Weekly or daily is better if you have the time. Write several posts at a time and schedule them to be published in the future. If you dont have time to write or you arent a good writer, hire a blogger to write posts for you. Keyword optimize your blog posts for search engines using SEO best practices. Consider integrating your blog and website together. Consider branding your blog separately under a different domain name. 143/25/2014
  • Webinar Poll Check-in What is the main purpose of a business blog? A. To sell products or services. B. To gather qualified leads. C. To provide information and tips to your audience. D. To get peoples email addresses. 153/25/2014
  • Webinar Poll Answer What is the main purpose of a business blog? The answer is choice C: To provide information and tips to your audience. People like to read information on blogs such as tips, how to, case studies, news, etc. Selling too much on a blog is not friendly to people looking for information. 163/25/2014
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  • If You Build it, He Will Come! 3/25/2014 18 The baseball field from the movie Field of Dreams Once built, there was still work for Kevin Costners character to do so he could have a catch with his dad. In the same way, building your blog and writing posts is just part of successful blogging!
  • Toot Your Own Horn Writing and posting on your blog is just part of the work of successful blogging. Search engines and news feeds may pick up your content automatically, but 193/25/2014 You also need to let people know about your blog posts by promoting your blog yourself. Build your own audience!
  • Make a Blog Promotion Plan Share posts via your business social media networks: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, etc. Use Facebook Pages, Google+ Pages, and LinkedIn Groups as well. Make it easy for blog visitors to share your content on their own social networks. Use social sharing buttons like these from Use email marketing like Constant Contact to send an e-blast related to every post. Have an RSS newsfeed for your blog. 3/25/2014 20
  • Local Business Blog Example The Sign Authority ( 213/25/2014
  • 22 Visit SEO Tips and Strategies at: Click on Blog SEO Tips to get a list of articles on blogging. Visit the ProBlogger website at: 100 Blogging Tips from HubSpot ( ng/100-tips-tricks-professional- bloggers-use-list) Learn More about Blogging 3/25/2014
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  • 24 A few reminders Q&A session is next for live webcast Please submit your questions now. You can view this webinar on demand at any time. Please leave feedback and ratings for this webinar by using the Ratings button. These slides are available online at: 3/25/2014
  • 25 Q & A 3/25/2014
  • Thanks for Participating! Get more information on this topic at: Learn about Mary Gammels SEO Strategy services at: Copyright 2014 by Quality Web Site Testing, LLC. All Rights Reserved.3/25/2014 26

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