Page 1: How to Receive on a Purchase Order - Horry County · number or click the Ellipsis to select a purchase order from a list of open purchase orders. Line # This box specifies the detail

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Module: Purchasing Topic: Purchase Order Receiving

How to Receive Munis Version 11.1

How to Receive on a Purchase Order

Objective This document provides instructions on how to record the receipt of items using the Munis Purchase Order Receiving program.

Overview The purpose of creating a receiving record is to document that goods that have been ordered have been received before invoices are paid. Entering these records allows Accounts Payable personnel to match the purchase order, purchase order receiving record, and the accounts payable invoice to ensure that all pieces match prior to payment to the vendor. You may receive individual lines or you may receive all items at one time both options will be covered in the document.

Prerequisites Before you can successfully complete this process, you must ensure that roles granting the necessary permissions have been assigned to your user account. If the roles have not been established, contact the system administrator to have them updated or added into the Munis system. Confirm the following:

You have permission to receive purchase orders for the department.

Open purchase orders exist.

Ordered goods have been received from the vendor.

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OPTION 1: To receive individual lines of a purchase order: NOTE: If you are NOT entering the receiving record the same day items are received you MUST use this method.


1. Open the Munis Purchase Order Receiving program. Financials > Purchasing > Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Order Receiving

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2. To add a new receiving record, click Add .

3. Complete the following fields in order to create a PO Receiving Record.

Field Description


PO Fiscal Year This box identifies the fiscal year associated with the open purchase order. Prepopulates to the fiscal year that we are in after clicking add.

PO Number This box specifies the open purchase order against which orders will be received. You can type a specific purchase order

number or click the Ellipsis to select a purchase order from a list of open purchase orders.

Line # This box specifies the detail line number representing the received material or service. You can type a specific line number for the purchase order or

click the Ellipsis to select a purchase line from a list.Choose

the line and click accept .

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Field Description

Vendor This box contains the number for the purchase order vendor, defaults from the purchase order number and line- CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Vendor Alpha This box identifies the purchase order vendor by name, defaults from the purchase order number and line- CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Item This box contains the inventory item number for the item being received, defaults from the purchase order number and line- CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Bid # This box identifies the number of the bid associated with the purchase order. If a bid exists, the program completes this box when you enter a purchase order number, defaults from the purchase order number and line- CANNOT BE CHANGED. WE ARE NOT USING BIDS IN MUNIS!

Description This box displays the purchase order description as entered in Purchase Order Entry. The program displays the description when you enter the purchase order number; defaults from the purchase order number and line- CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Manufacturer This is the manufacturer of the item; defaults from a purchase order number and line- CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Manufacturer Item Number

This is the manufacturer’s stock number for the item, if applicable. Defaults from the purchase order number and line- CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Vendor Item Number This is the vendor’s stock number for the item, if applicable. Defaults from the purchase order number and line- CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Ordered, Received to Date, Remaining, Invoiced

These fields indicate the total quantity of items ordered, received to date, remaining, and invoiced for this purchase order. Defaults from the purchase order number and line- CANNOT BE CHANGED.


Quantity This is the quantity of the commodity that is being received. This number cannot be more than the number of items on your purchase order.

Dollar Amount This is the dollar amount of the received quantity. Defaults from the purchase order number and line- CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Date This is the date the commodity was received. You can type the date in the box, click the calendar button to select the date, or leave the default date, which is the current date.

Packing Slip # This is a packing slip number for each purchase order line number received, if applicable.

Fixed Asset # This is the fixed asset number for each purchase order line number received, if applicable.

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Field Description

By (user id) This box indicates the user ID of person who created the receiving record. The program completes this value; this is a display-only field.

Comments These are internal comments about the commodity you have received. For example, “Order is not completely received. Waiting on 10 more items.” These comments do not print on the invoice liquidation proof or the check stub.

Quantity Invoiced This field displays the quantity of the commodity that has been invoiced so far. The number in this field is automatically calculated by the system and cannot be manually changed.

Fully Invoiced If this check box is selected, it indicates that the quantity is fully invoiced. If using unis three-way match, the program may update this check box with the default status (selected or cleared) when the invoice is entered. The program completes this check box; it is not accessible.

Close PO This check box indicates that the purchase order has been fully received, and that the purchase order should be closed after invoice payment is complete.


Quantity This box indicates the quantity that is returned if items were returned. Returned items are expected to be reshipped at a later date. The returned quantity does not affect the open purchase order. The quantity is for informational purposes only.

Comments This box contains any internal comments explaining why the order was returned. Informational Purposes Only.

RMA This is the return merchandise authorization number used to return the items. Informational Purposes Only.

4. Click Accept when complete to save the record.

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OPTION 2: Using Quick Receipt Entry If you have a purchase order that has many lines and you wish to receive against all or most of the lines at the same time, use the Quick Receipt option: NOTE: Any receiving records created using the Quick Receipt process reflect a receipt date that is the same as the date of entry. If the Date of Receipt is different, Quick Receipt cannot be used.

1. Open the Munis Purchase Order Receiving program. Financials > Purchasing > Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Order Receiving

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2. From the Munis PO Receiving Screen, Click Quick Receipt .

3. PO Quick Receipt Screen will open:

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4. Type the fiscal year (as a 4-digit year), purchase order number, or both, for the open purchase orders, and

then click Accept . The program displays an active set of purchase orders and purchase order details and the lines for the search criteria entered. Use the arrow keys at the bottom of the page to flip through purchase orders. (NOTE: In the screen shot below only the fiscal year was entered so 28 records were returned; if a purchase order number is entered ONLY that PO will come up. You can use

Browse to show the records returned as a list. Be sure to click Accept once you are at the record you would like to receive on.)

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5. The following table provides descriptions for the fields on this screen.

Field Description

Purchase Order

PO Fiscal Yr/# These boxes display the fiscal year for the open purchase order and the purchase order number. Informational Only once the record is selected.

Vendor This box displays the vendor number for the purchase order items. CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Dept This box displays the department for which the item was ordered. CANNOT BE CHANGED.

PO Amount This box indicates the total purchase order amount. CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Packing Slip # This is the packing slip number for each purchase order line received. The number can be up to 15 alphanumeric characters. WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED RECEIVING AFTER YOU CLICK ACCEPT YOU CAN CLICK UPDATE TO ENTER THIS INFORMATION.

Fixed Asset # This is a fixed asset number for each purchase order line received, if the items ordered are fixed assets. WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED RECEIVING AFTER YOU CLICK ACCEPT YOU CAN CLICK UPDATE TO ENTER THIS INFORMATION; the browse function is available for help.

Line Table

Line This is the purchase order line number for the item. FROM YOUR PO CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Description This is the purchase order description for the item. FROM YOUR PO CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Item This is the item number for the product being received.

Ordered This box displays the total number of this item ordered by this purchase order. FROM YOUR PO CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Received TD This box displays the number of items received against this purchase order to date. CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Remaining This box displays how many items still need to be received for this line item of this purchase order. CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Receive This box directs the program to how to receive the line item. OPTIONS: Blank: Nothing Received Full: All Items Received Partial: Some Received and will prompt a second screen for the amount Received

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6. Use the Select Lines, Select All, and Partial options (in the Ribbon) to Receive Items:

A.) Select Lines—Makes the Receive list accessible for an individual line. Use this option if you received

most of the items but still have some remaining. Click Select Lines , on each line select Full or Partial from the Receive list. If you select partial for a selected line, it will bring you to the Partial Receipt screen to add information about the partial receipt.

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Partial Receipt Screen-

Purchase Order Heading: Informational ONLY. CANNOT be changed.

Under the Received Heading: I. Enter the number of items Received in the Quantity Box. II. Dollar Amount will prepopulate based on the Purchase Order.

III. Enter the Date items were received NOT the date you are entering the record. IV. Enter the Packing Slip # if available this is not a required field. V. If applicable, you can enter the Fixed Asset # select by using the browse key, (Some users

may not have access). VI. By will prepopulate with the user name of the person entering the record. THIS CANNOT BE

CHANGED. VII. Enter ANY information pertinent to the Receiving of Goods (ie. received 8 of 10- will NOT be

receiving final (2) items- Item Discontinued.). Under the Return Tab: Informational ONLY.

VIII. Enter the number of items returned in the Quantity Box. IX. Enter ANY information pertinent to the Return of Goods. (ie. Returned via USPS on 3/13/15

(3) damaged items; once received vendor will send replacements.) X. Enter the RMA number (Returned Merchandise Authorization number) if information is


Once all Information is complete Click Accept . Continue selecting Blank, Partial, or Full under receive for each line item purchased repeating all necessary steps. Once Complete (and Back on your Main

Purchase Order Quick Receipt Page) Click Accept again.

B.) Select All/ Unselect All- Marks all lines as Full (Fully Received) Click Select All to Mark all

lines as Full (fully received). Click Unselect all to remove Full value from each line.

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You can use Select All to mark all as full and go back and make changes to some lines as necessary. Remember if you are partially receiving on any items, you will have to complete the Partial Receipt Screen.

Once all Information is complete Click Accept .

C.) Partial—Makes a partial receipt on a line in the purchase order. Select the line on which you would like

make the partial receipt and click Partial . The program displays the Partial Receipt screen, where you are required to enter the partial receipt details. Follow the instructions above for how to fill out the Partial Receipt Screen.

Once all Information is complete Click Accept . Repeat all necessary steps as needed. Once

Complete (and Back on your Main Purchase Order Quick Receipt Page) click Accept again.

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7. Attaching Receiving Justification:

A. You can now attach any required documentation by clicking the Attachments Button in the Munis Ribbon. The Document Mappings box will pop up.

B. Choose PO Receivable and Click View Documents . TCM will open.

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C. On the TCM Ribbon Click New ; D. You can now IMPORT or SCAN (if your scanner is available) documentation in to TCM

a) IMPORT: Click Import . This will be allow you to browse your computer documents and

select the appropriate file. Once selected click Open . YOUR FILE IS NOW ATTACHED TO TCM! There are additional tools in TCM that can be used to add notes and highlights, etc. However, use of these is not required.

b) SCAN: Click Scan . This will bring up the Select a Scanner Box. Select the

appropriate scanner from the list and click Scan . Follow the instructions from your scanner software- once complete your scan will show in TCM.

E. Click Save and Close Viewer to return to your receiving record.

7. Once all items on this purchase order have been noted appropriately, and all attachments have been added click Receive to submit the selections.

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8. The program displays a message in the status bar indicating that your selections have been received. Once

Receive has been clicked the bottom of the screen will show PO lines received and

Rec’d TD will be populated for new information. To receive additional quick receipt items on a

different purchase order, click the Search bottom and repeat this process.


OIImportant: The purchase order records the receiving record. Within PO Inquiry, the Purchase Order Receiving button is highlighted to indicate that receiving records are available. These records are necessary to be able to pay invoices against the purchase order.

Results The purchase order records the receiving record. Within PO Inquiry, the Purchase Order Receiving button is highlighted to indicate that receiving records are available. These records are necessary to be able to pay invoices against the purchase order.

GL Impact The general ledger is not affected by this action.

What’s Next?

An invoice can now be presented against the purchase order within Accounts Payable.

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