  • 7/27/2019 How to Setup a Dual Boot Installation With Windows 7 and XP


    How to Setup a Dual Boot Installation withWindows 7 and XP


    This will show you how to install Windows 7 and XP to dual boot with when youalready have either Windows 7 or XP installed first.

    NoteWith a dual boot installaton, you will have two operating systems (OS) installed.When you start the computer, you will have the choice to choose which OS you wouldlike to start up to. This method is the easiest way of doing a dual boot with these twooperating systems.

    TipWhen dual booting with another OS (ex: Vista or XP), you may not always have thatOS partition show up in Computer with a driver letter in Windows 7. If this happens,then you will just need to add a drive letter to the OS (ex: Vista or XP) partition in

    Windows 7 Disk Management for it to show up in Computer with a driver letter.

    WarningTo stop XP from deleting your Windows 7 System Restore Points everytime XP isstarted, then see System Restore Points - Stop XP Dual Boot Delete to hideWindows 7 from XP.

    Windows 7 Minimum Hardware RequirementsNOTE:For more information on this, see: Windows 7 system requirements

    1 GHz 32-bit or 64-bit processor

    1 GB RAM for 32-bit Windows 7 OR2 GB RAM for 64-bit Windows 7

    16 GB available disk space 32-bit Windows 7OR

    20 GB for 64-bit Windows


    Support for DirectX 9 graphics with 128 MB memory (in order to enable Aero


    DVD-R/W Drive

    Internet or phone access to activate Windows 7.

    Windows XP Minimum Hardware RequirementsNOTE:For more information on this, see: System requirements for Windows XP

    operating systems

    PC with 300 megahertz (MHz) or higher processor clock speed recommended;233-MHz minimum required;* Intel Pentium/Celeron family, AMDK6/Athlon/Duron family, or compatible processor recommended

    128 megabytes (MB) of RAM or higher recommended (64 MB minimum

    supported; may limit performance and some features)

    1.5 gigabyte (GB) of available hard disk space.*

    Super VGA (800 600) or higher resolution video adapter and monitor
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    CD-ROM or DVD drive

    Keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device

    EXAMPLE: Windows Boot Manager

    NOTE:This is the boot screen where you select what operating system that youwould like to start. By default, you have 30 seconds to choose another operatingsystem before the default operating system will start automatically.

    METHOD ONEWhen XP is Installed First

    NOTE:If you have a RAID setup, you will need to have the Windows 7 RAID driverson a USB flash drive available to select and load while installing Windows 7.

    1. To Create a New Partition from the XP Hard Disk DriveA) With your Windows 7 installation disc boot into the Command Prompt from the

    System Recovery Options screen.NOTE:Make sure that the CD/DVD drive is selected first in the boot order in the


    B) In the command prompt, select and shrink the XP volume by how many MB(1024 MB = 1 GB) you want to have for this Windows 7 partition. (See screenshotbelow)

    NOTE:You would do steps 2 to 9 in METHOD TWO at that link. Windows 7 will needa minimum of 16 GB (16384 MB) .
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    C) Click on the X at the top right corner to close the command prompt. (Seescreenshot above)

    D) Click on the X at the top right corner to close System Recovery Options. (See

    screenshot below)

    E) Go to step 3.

    2. To Use a Separate Hard Disk Drive than the XP DriveA) Boot from your Windows 7 installation disc.NOTE:Make sure that the CD/DVD drive is selected first in the boot order in the


    3. Click on the Install now button. (See screenshot below)
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    4. When you get to this point, select the partition (step 1) or hard drive to installWindows 7 on. (See screenshot below)

    5. Finish installing Windows 7 .NOTE:You would do step 9 on at that link to finish installing Windows 7.

    6. When finished, restart the computer to have the option to boot from XP (EarlierVerision of Windows) or Windows 7. (See screenshot below)

    NoteIf you are only booting into Windows 7 and do not have XP listed in the Windows

    Boot Manager , then you can install EasyBCD (step 8 Method Two below) to add XP(or Windows 7) while started in Windows 7 the same way to the boot list.
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    METHOD TWOWhen Windows 7 is Installed First

    Warning If you have a RAID setup , you will need to have the XP RAID drivers on a

    Floppy disc available to select and load at the F6 prompt while installing XP.

    If you have a SATA drive , then you will need to do either one of these

    options to load the SATA drivers for XP.

    o How to Slipstream SATA drivers into Windows XP setup CD with

    Dual Boot of Windows 7 or Vista

    o How to Load SATA Drivers in Windows XP Setup on your Dual

    Boot PC with Vista or Windows 7 for how to load your SATA driversfrom a Floppy disc at the F6 prompt while installing XP.

    1. To Create a New Partition from the Windows 7 Hard DiskDriveNOTE:If you wantto install XP on a separate hard drive instead, then skip this

    step and go to step 2 .A) In Windows 7, select and shrink the Windows 7 volume in Disk Management byhow many MB (1024 MB = 1 GB) you want to have for this XP partition. (Seescreenshots below)NOTE:You would do all of Method One at that link.
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    2. Insert your XP installation disc, then restart the computer and press any key toboot from it when prompted. (See screenshot below)NOTE:Make sure that the CD/DVD drive is selected first in the boot order in the


    3. From XP Setup, Press Enter . (See screenshot below)

    Warning If you have a RAID setup , you will need to have the XP RAID

    drivers on a Floppy disc available to select and load at the F6 promptwhile installing XP.

    If you have a SATA drive , then you will need to do either one ofthese options to load the SATA drivers for XP.

    o How to Slipstream SATA drivers into Windows XP setup

    CD with Dual Boot of Windows 7 or Vista
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    o How to Load SATA Drivers in Windows XP Setup on your

    Dual Boot PC with Vista or Windows 7 for how to load yourSATA drivers from a Floppy disc at the F6 prompt while installingXP.

    4. Press F8 . (See screenshot below)NOTE:On some multimedia keyboards, you may need to press the F-Lockor

    Function key before pressing F8 .

    5. Select the partition (step 1) or hard drive that you want to install XP on using thearrow keys and press Enter.

    6.6. Finish installing XP.
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    Consejo TipSi obtiene un error de carga del sistema operativo despus de reiniciar WindowsXP: If you get Error loading Operating System after XP restarts:

    Uso de Windows 7 disco de instalacin, arranque a la lnea de

    comandos en el arranque . Using your Windows 7 installation disc,boot to the command prompt at startup .

    Escriba estos comandos de abajo, y presione ENTRAR despus de cadauno. Type in these comands below, and press enter after each one.

    o bootrec / fixmbr bootrec /FixMbr

    o bootrec / Fixboot bootrec /FixBoot

    o bootrec / RebuildBcd bootrec /RebuildBcd

    Salga del smbolo del sistema y reinicie el equipo. Exit the command

    prompt and restart the computer.

    En este punto, Windows 7 deber arrancar de la misma manera antes de

    tratar de instalar XP. At this point, Windows 7 should boot up the sameway before trying to install XP.

    Contine con el paso 8 a continuacin y ejecutar EasyBCD de Windows 7

    en su lugar. Continue to step 8 below and run EasyBCD from Windows 7instead.

    7. En XP, descargue e instale . Net Framework 2.0 (32 bits) versino. NetFramework 2.0 (64 bits) Versin y EasyBCD para el de 32 bits (x86) o 64 bits

    (x86) Windows XP. 7. In XP, download and install .Net Framework 2.0 (32-bit)

    verisonor.Net Framework 2.0 (64-bit) version and EasyBCD for your 32-bit(x86) or 64-bit (x86) XP.NOTA:En XP, Net Framework debe estar instalado para ejecutar el programa gratuitoEasyBCD.NOTE:In XP, Net Framework is required to be installed to run the freeprogram EasyBCD .

    8. Ejecute EasyBCD. 8. Run EasyBCD.NOTA:Esto es necesario para reparar el archivo de inicio de Windows 7 y XP aadir ala lista del Administrador de arranque de Windows.NOTE:This is required to repairthe Windows 7 boot file and add XP to the Windows Boot Manager list.

    9. En el lado izquierdo de EasyBCD, haga clic en el botn Agregar nueva entrada.

    9. On the left side of EasyBCD, click on the Add New Entry button. (Ver imagenabajo) (See screenshot below)A) En la seccin superior en virtud de los sistemas operativos, haga clic en lapestaa de Windows. A) In the top section under Operating Systems , click on theWindows tab. (Ver imagen abajo) (See screenshot below)B) A la derecha de Tipo, seleccione NT/2k/XP/2k3 Windows desde el mendesplegable. B) To the right ofType , select Windows NT/2k/XP/2k3 from the dropdown menu. (Ver imagen abajo) (See screenshot below)

    ADVERTENCIA:Asegrese de dejar el cuadro de detectar automticamente
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    correcta de la unidadseleccionada.WARNING:Be sure to leave theAutomaticallydetect correct drive box checked.

    C) A la derecha del nombre, puede dejar el valor predeterminado de MicrosoftWindows XP como el nombre que se muestra en el Administrador de arranque deWindows, o puede escribir el nombre que le gustara tener en su lugar. C) To the right

    ofName , you can leave the default Microsoft Windows XP as the name to bedisplayed in the Windows Boot Manager, or you can type whatever name you wouldlike to have instead. (Ver imagen abajo) (See screenshot below)

    D) Haga clic en el botn Entrada dd. D) Click on the A dd Entry button. (Ver imagenabajo) (See screenshot below)

    10. En el lado izquierdo de EasyBCD, haga clic en el botn Configuracin del gestor

    de arranque, seleccione (punto) la instalacin de Windows Vista / 7 gestor dearranque para la opcin de MBR, y haga clic en el botn Escribir MBR.10. On theleft side of EasyBCD, click on the Bootloader Setup button, select (dot) the Installthe Windows Vista/7 bootloader to the MBRoption, and click on the Write MBRbutton. (Ver imagen abajo) (See screenshot below)
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    11. Cierre EasyBCD. 11. Close EasyBCD.

    12. Reinicie el equipo para tener la opcin de inicio de Microsoft Windows XP oWindows 7.12. Restart the computer to have the option to boot from MicrosoftWindows XP or Windows 7 . (Ver imagen abajo) (See screenshot below)

    Consejo TipSi Windows 7 no se pondr en marcha cuando se selecciona, a continuacin, utilizar suinstalacin de Windows 7 DVD para hacer una Reparacin de inicio . If Windows 7will not start up when selected, then use your Windows 7 installation DVD to do aStartup Repair .

    Eso es todo, That's it,

    Shawn Shawn

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