
How to Use SEO to Increase Revenue

By Dexter

What is SEO?● SEO- “Search Engine Optimization”

● All about increasing the number of “organic” or “free” visitors to your website

○ Not to be confused with SEM or Search Engine Marketing, which is based on paid search

results using a service like Google Adwords

● 5 key ingredients to good onsite SEO

1. Good Content

2. Site Architecture and Usability

3. Accurate & Unique Title Tags for each page

4. Keyword specific Meta Descriptions

5. Quality backlinks to your website

What is SEO?● It has changed dramatically over the past 5 years

○ “SEO has moved beyond just link building and nasty black hat techniques”-Moz

● Being listed and claimed in Online Directories, Mobile Web Design and having a

consistent Social Media presence are all essential elements of good modern SEO

● Utilize the FREE Webmaster tools available for you


○ Google Analytics

■ Always know how you’re doing

○ Google Website Optimizer

■ Identify problems and fix them

Is your business having success with SEO?

● Do you appear on the first page of Google?

● Are customers finding you online before your competition?

● Do you have a comprehensive SEO strategy that uses content marketing, online

presence, mobile web design and social media?

So what’s next for SEO?

Online Directories● Online directories are your old school phonebook on steroids

● Being listed and claimed in directories gives Google new relevant content to index

● Business contact info is accurate across the web for NAP

○ Remember Google hates confusion!

● Take ownership of your online listings

○ Know what’s being said about your business

○ Tap into the power of customer reviews

Is your website mobile-friendly?

Mobile Web Design Impact on SEO● How many times have you gone to a website on your phone and realized it is not mobile-


● You can barely read the text, can’t find their phone number, the pages load slowly, and

none of the links on the website are thumb-friendly

● If you’re like the majority of people searching online, you don’t stay on those websites

very long, and Google realizes this as well

● According to eMarketer, mobile devices now make up more than 50% of local searches

● Mobile web design is currently one of the most important SEO tactics you can use

Mobile Web Design Impact on SEO● Starting on April 21st, 2015 the Google algorithm began to punish websites that aren't mobile friendly and

responsive in design.

● According to Google, 94% of people with smartphones search for local information on their phones. As a

result, not having a mobile-friendly website will now make you less visible online which will eventually impact

your bottom line.

● According to iAcquire, 70% of mobile searches lead to action on a website within one hour of when the

search was conducted. The study suggests that mobile users doing searches are more motivated to take

immediate action than someone searching from a desktop or laptop computer.

Mobile Web Design Impact on SEO● I recently had a someone tell me; “I spent a ton of money on my website, and I love it. Why would I invest

more money into a mobile website when my regular site works just fine?”

● Remember, nearly half of consumers say they won’t return to a website if it doesn’t load properly on their

mobile device. Would you willingly turn away half of the customers that walked in your door today?

Is your business using Social Media?

Social Media’s Impact on SEO● Just like SEO, Social Media is all about good content

● Social Media is also a great way to increase organic local reach for a business

● Effective Inbound Strategy for acquiring new leads

● Popular social media posts are appearing in Google SERPs

Social Media’s Impact on SEO● Social Media is all about humanizing your brand

● Provide value and build authority in your niche

○ With authority comes more brand searches on Google

● Social Sharing is basically an online review

○ Social Proof

○ Quality backlinks

● The number of followers you have on Social Media matters

○ Don’t ever buy fake followers won’t help your Google PageRank

○ Building a following on social media needs to be a long term plan

○ Stay patient!

10 SEO Tips that will help you rank higher in Google

1. Get listed and claimed in all major online directories

2. Website should be mobile friendly and responsive in design

3. Leverage appropriate social media platforms to spread your content

4. Use keyword specific content on social media and website

5. Remember Google cannot read images, so use Alt Tag descriptions

6. Remove anything that slows down your website

7. Website needs to be user-friendly

8. Title tags on website should include business location

9. Metadata should be complete and relevant to your target audience

10. SEO is always changing so pay attention to new trends or hire a professional


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