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How to Work with ‘Complex Text’ to Meet the Common

Core State Standards

Wisconsin State Reading Association Thursday, February 6, 2014

Presenter: Winnie Huebsch, Ph.D. Educational Consultant

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Emphasis on Reading Instruction in the School

  There has been much research done on the teaching of reading over the past 30 years, and we have learned a lot…

  But, even with all of the research done, and despite our continued efforts, the reality is that children are not progressing significantly in reading.

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The Issues at Hand

  There are ever increasing demands on students’ reading abilities in the 21st century…

  Technology is significantly impacting the learning process, both for good and ill

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The Importance of Informational Reading

  We live in an quickly evolving ‘information age.’

  Approximately 96% of the sites on the Internet are expository in form.

  The majority of reading and writing that adults do is non-fiction, much of it informational.

  Academic achievement in a wide range of subjects depends in part on the ability to read and write informational text.

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Poor Student Achievement Related to Difficulty

Reading Complex Text   Large proportions of American students

have difficulty reading informational texts.

  Low income and minority students are particularly likely to struggle.

  Some have attributed the ‘fourth grade slump’ to difficulties with complex text.

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Yopp Study, 2006 – Limited Focus on Informational Text

  Data reveal that narrative texts were by far the literature of choice for preschool through third-grade teachers who read aloud to their students, representing 77% (1,123) of identifiable books.

  8% (120 books) of the read-alouds were informational texts,

  1% (20) were mixed texts, and   14% (213) were other and consisted primarily

of poetry.

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Poor Student Achievement Related to Difficulty

Reading Complex Text

  Lower achievement in science may also be linked to difficulty with informational text.

  Nearly 44 million adults cannot extract information from text in many circumstances.

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  The current complexity of the texts students are expected to read is below what is required to achieve college and career readiness

  Complexity of college and career texts has remained steady or increased, resulting in a gap.

Text Complexity: Why is this important?

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Student Text has become easier over time   High school textbooks have declined in all

subject areas over the last several decades.

  Average length of sentences in K-8 textbooks has declined from 20 to 14 words.

  Vocabulary demands have declined since the 1960s:   8th grade textbooks = former 5th grade texts   12th grade anthologies = former 7th grade


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The Case for ‘Struggle’

“Perhaps one of the mistakes in the past efforts to improve reading achievement has been the removal of struggle. As a profession, we may have made reading tasks too easy. We do not suggest that we should plan students’ failure but rather that students should be provided with opportunities to struggle and to learn about themselves as readers when they struggle, persevere and eventually succeed.”

Source: Fischer, D., Frey, N. and Lapp, D. (2012). Text Complexity: Raising Rigor in Reading. Newark, Delaware.; International Reading Association.

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…there is evidence that students learn, and perhaps even learn more, when they are taught with challenging texts.

Sources: Morgan, Wilcox and Eldridge, (2000); O’Connor, Swanson and Geraghty, (2010).

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The Real Problem….   Grant Wiggins, coauthor of Understanding by Design,

thinks the real problem for teachers won't be identifying complex texts, but rather "staying true to the demands of the standards, without overscaffolding, and in heterogeneous classrooms where teachers may have students reading three levels below proficiency."

  To that end, experts advise focusing interventions on what causes students the most difficulty—vocabulary and complicated sentences.

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The New Normal…

Thanks to the influx of technology everywhere, many of us suffer from “continuous partial attention” (the increasingly dispersed nature of attention in online environments), making it difficult to focus, analyze and reflect on complex reading tasks.

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Times are changing – Digital Natives vs.

Digital Immigrants…

  With “digital natives”, (Millenials, Net Generation - born after 1980) the most prominent differences from”digital immigrants” (born before 1980) are related to access speed, instant pleasure, impatience in linear thinking and multitasking or continuous partial attention. (Bayn and Ross, 2007).

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Turn and Talk…   What are you noticing with your

students in regards to :   Use/impact of technology   Stamina required to work with difficult

text   Attention/ Listening Skills   Resourcefulness

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No “text to self” analysis in CCS Standard Text-to-self" questions are now absent from the standards, reflecting a push away from personal meaning making and toward more rigorous, evidentiary analysis. ” There are several reasons they are not included:  Instructional Time  Rigor  Equity

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Change Involves ALL of Us   All teachers are being asked to engage

in working with the reading standards, and to work with examples of complex text across all content areas.

  We need to ask children to leave their comfort zones by helping them to read harder texts consistently and gradually over time.

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New learning skills are needed…

  Having the core competencies in the basic skills still matters.

  What’s new to the essential skills mix is the increased attention being given to skills such as adaptability, resilience, critical thinking, and the ability to synthesize information.

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Overview of the Standards Initiative

Given the continuing stagnation in USA academic achievement, The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) was a collaborative initiative of the National Governor’s Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers intended to raise student achievement.

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Overview of the Standards Initiative

  The Common Core State Standards are NOT meant to be national curriculum.

  The focus is not on the actual curricular materials or teaching methods used…)

  Rather, they are a set of learning expectations, which have been made more rigorous, in order for our students to be able to compete in a global society.

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The nationally driven Common Core State Standard Initiative places a strong emphasis on the role of text complexity in evaluating student readiness for college and careers.

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Iti s prudent that we…

Review what the requirements of the Common Core State Standards are

in relation to the requirements of complex text…

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Ah yes…

Text Complexity is the New Black!

(everywhere present and necessary).

But how do we recognize it?

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Anchor Standard R. CCR.10 Regarding Text Complexity, the anchor statement reads: “Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.” (This is quite general…what does it really mean?)

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Common Core Standards Model of Text Complexity

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Text Complexity • Levels of meaning • Structure • Language conventionality and clarity • Knowledge demands • Professional judgment

• Word frequency • Sentence length • Text cohesion • Often computer generated

• Motivation • Knowledge/experiences • Purpose • Task complexity • Professional judgment

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Qualitative Measures

Text Structure

Meaning / Purpose

Language Features

Knowledge Demands

Literary Texts Informational Texts

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1. Component of Text Complexity – ‘Qualitative’

‘Qualitative’ (requires an attentive human reader-teacher judgement): measures of text complexity include

  levels of meaning or purpose   structure   language conventionality and clarity   knowledge demands

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Literary Texts: Meaning Exceedingly  Complex  

Very  Complex   Moderately  Complex  

Slightly  Complex  

Meaning:  Several  levels  and  compe:ng  elements  of  meaning  that  are  difficult  to  iden:fy,  separate,  and  interpret;  theme  is  implicit  or  subtle,  oAen  ambiguous  and  revealed  over  the  en:rety  of  the  text    

Meaning:  Several  levels  of  meaning  that  may  be  difficult  to  iden:fy  or  separate;  theme  is  implicit  or  subtle  and  may  be  revealed  over  the  en:rety  of  the  text    

Meaning:  More  than  one  level  of  meaning  with  levels  clearly  dis:nguished  from  each  other;  theme  is  clear  but  may  be  conveyed  with  some  subtlety    

Meaning:  One  level  of  meaning;  theme  is  obvious  and  revealed  early  in  the  text.    

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Qualitative: Structure Low Complexity High Complexity

Simple, well marked, conventional structures

Complex, implicit and unconventional structures

Chronological order Use of flashbacks, flash-forwards, multiple points of view, manipulations of time and space

Common genres and subgenres Variety of structures (textbooks)

Simple graphics that are often independent of text

Complex graphics that provide independent information and are essential to understanding a text

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Simple: He eats his cake.

Compound: He eats his cake, but he doesn’t eat his pie.

Complex: He eats his cake, while he ignores the pie on his plate.

Compound-Complex: While he ignores the pie on his plate, he eats his cake and he drinks his milk.

Qualitative: Sentence Structure

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Informational Texts: Text Structure Exceedingly

Complex  Very Complex   Moderately

Complex  Slightly Complex  

Organization of Main Ideas: Connections between an extensive range of ideas or events are deep, intricate and often implicit or subtle; organization of the text is intricate or specialized for a particular discipline Text Features: If used, are essential in understanding content Use of Graphics: If used, extensive, intricate, essential integrated graphics, tables, charts, etc., necessary to make meaning of text  

Organization of Main Ideas: Connections between an expanded range ideas, processes or events are deeper and often implicit or subtle; organization may contain multiple pathways and may exhibit traits common to a specific discipline

Text Features: If used, greatly enhance the reader’s understanding of content

Use of Graphics: If used, essential integrated graphics, tables, charts, etc.;  

Organization of Main Ideas: Connections between some ideas or events are implicit or subtle; organization is evident and generally sequential

Text Features: If used, enhance the reader’s understanding of content

Use of Graphics: If used, graphics mostly supplementary to understanding of the text, such as indexes, glossaries; graphs, pictures, tables, and charts directly support the text

Organization of Main Ideas: Connections between ideas, processes or events are explicit and clear; organization of text is clear or chronological or easy to predict

Text Features: If used, help the reader navigate and understand content but are not essential Use of Graphics: If used, simple graphics, unnecessary to understanding the text but directly support and assist in interpreting the written text  

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Qualitative: Language Conventionality and Clarity

Simple Complex

Literal language Figurative, ironic, or ambiguous language

Clear writing Conversational language

Purposely misleading language Archaic language

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Complexity of


Abstract vs.


Figurative vs.


Ironic vs. Literal

Dense vs. Simple

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2. Component of Text Complexity: ‘Quantitative’

Quantitative measures of text complexity, such as word frequency and sentence length, which are typically measured by computer software.

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The ‘Readability’ of Texts   How we compute manually…

  Choose a 100 word selection from a text   Count the number of syllables in the 100 words   Count the number of sentences in the 100 words   Chart on a graph (FRY)

  Difficult and time consuming to compute manually….

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Quantitative Measures

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LEXILE’s Increased Rigor   The CCSS often document the LEXILE

FRAMEWORK as a measure of reading complexity, in addition to other computerized readability measures. It measures semantic (meaning) and syntactic (structure) elements.

  The Lexile Framework has been modified to meet the new CCSS criteria, encouraging increased rigor across the grades.

  Web Address :

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New Lexile Numbers to work with the Common Core

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3. Component of Text Complexity: Reader and Task

Reader and task considerations, such as students’ knowledge, motivation and interests, the complexity of the task assigned and the questions posed, are a strong component to text complexity.

Again, teacher judgment here is key.

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We are used to narrative structures…   Informational text structures differ noticeably

from narrative structures, which rely on story grammar:   Characters   Setting, time   Goal   Problem   Events/episodes   Solution/Resolution

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Informational Text Structures:   Descriptions   Sequencing   Causes/Effects   Comparisons/Contrasts   Problem/Solutions   Categorizing

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Complex Text is often Informational

  New Features   Chapters   Sections previews   Summaries   Table of Contents   Indices   Heading   Subheading   Bold terms

  Graphics   Tables   Charts   Diagrams   Figures   Photographs   Illustrations   Captions   Side bars

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Informational Texts Cross All Areas of Study…   Life-cycle books   Experiment, activity, craft, how to books   Documents, journals, diaries, and albums   Concept books   Identification/Field Guides   Photo essays:   Survey books   Reference books   Informational picture books

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Turn and Talk…   What proportion of your classroom is

made up of narrative text and what proportion is informational/nonfiction text? Why is that so?

  What materials do the students prefer?

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Features of Complex Text

  Subtle or frequent transitions   Multiple and/or subtle themes and purposes   Density of information   Unfamiliar settings, topics or events   Lack of repetition, overlap, or similarity in

words and sentences

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Features of Complex Text   Complex sentences and uncommon

vocabulary   Lack of words, sentences or paragraphs

that review or pull things together for the student

  Longer paragraphs, less narrative or mixed structures

  Use of the passive voice

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Examples of Complex Text Grades Narrative Informational K-1 Green Eggs and Ham –

Dr. Seuss My Five Senses - Aliki

2-3 The Raft – Jim LaMarche Where Do Polar Bears Live?- Sarah L. Thomson

4-5 Bud, Not Buddy –Christopher Paul Curtis

Toys – Amazing Stories Behind Some Great Inventions – Don Wulffson

6-8 A Wrinkle In Time – Madelaine L’Engle

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass – Frederick Douglass

9-10 Farenheit 451 – Ray Bradbury

“Hope, Despair and Memory” – Elie Wiesel

11+ Their Eyes Were Watching God – Zora Huston

“Mother Tongue” – Amy Tan

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Complex Text requires these Skills

  Questioning   Making Inferences   Paraphrasing   Tracing an Argument or Thought

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We need to ask more of our kids…

  The way we layer text impacts complexity.

  Students must dig deeper by comparing structures, vocabulary, content and concept in various texts

  Example: Use three texts in a bundle (graphic, music video, poem, short story) – look at relationships between texts

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Variety matters   Students need to read fiction and

nonfiction, but they also need to engage in working with graphic novels, film, poetry, videos, technical brochures, etc.

  They have to be able to transfer their reading skills from one genre to another, so that they have opportunities to transfer their meaning.

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Choosing the right materials is crucial

  Ideas and Organization   Does the material

  Present one idea at a time?   Provide specific and concrete information?   Show relationships among ideas that are

explicit and simple (e.g.cause/effect, description, sequence?

  Use short paragraphs that begin with a clear topic sentence followed by details?

  Use boldfaced titles and headings?

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Choosing the right materials is crucial

  Language   Does the material

  Use straightforward vocabulary?   Include some specific scientific or

technical terms?   Present special or technical terms in

context?   Use short direct sentences? Is there

enough complexity?

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Choosing the right materials is crucial

  Graphics and Format   Does the material

  Incorporate illustrations and graphics to support and provide content?

  Show clear relationships between the text and illustrations?

  Have illustrations that are elaborate and clarify the written text?

  Use a readable type size, typically 14 point or higher?

  Have small blocks of text with considerable white space?

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Recommendations for Student Achievement with Complex Text

  In the early grades, increase read alouds that incorporate uncommon vocabulary and complex syntax

  In upper elementary, ensure that students close read two-four complex texts per week, alternating among content areas

  In secondary grades, ensure that each teacher in all content areas includes the close reading of two-four complex texts per month

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For older students, try highlighting:

  Highlighting tips:   Important passages   Names of people   Unfamiliar vocabulary   Quotable lines   Key research, statistics & facts   Themes & main ideas

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Suggestions for working with Complex Text

  Consider the purpose and the reader   Use Lexiles or other quantitative

measures only when appropriate   Present a variety of sources to show

different perspectives   Use multiple texts to add depth to your

lessons   Support students by layering meaning

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8 tips for Teachers Concerning Complex Text

1. Begin by committing yourself to complex text instruction because it is the most important preparation for college and career. 2. Begin with short complex texts that are worth reading and rereading. 3. Slow down and chunk the texts into small parts for careful analysis. 4. Concentrate on developing sequences of text dependent questions that lead students through an examination of difficult text.

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5. Focus a bit less on providing prereading and context support and more on scaffolding students while they are reading. 6. Make the text the center of classroom discussion and the primary source of evidence and insight. 7. Ensure that student writing is based on evidence from specific texts. 8. Develop a sequence of increasingly difficult texts around a key topic.

8 tips for Teachers Concerning Complex Text

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Actions You Can Take Now

  Activate the students’ understanding regarding ‘struggle’ as a good thing

  Develop rich vocabulary with your students

  Increase the volume of reading daily   Build up reading ‘stamina’ – length of

time   Encourage adaptability, flexibility and

creativity of thought

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Actions You Can Take Now   Have students slow down!! Reread!!

Think it through…   Adjust time during instruction-

informational text reading is more difficult

  Use technology wisely (Internet, Smartboards, Ipods, Ipads,Google) to access informational readings

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A Little Goes a Long Way….   Limit the amount of time spent on

graphic organizers. Often we are spending much of class completing them rather than focusing on the primary text. Be careful when using graphic organizers!! Use them wisely to support the text, not replace it…

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Teacher Resources for Complex Text

  Go to the sources you already know and start there! Favorite websites, books, materials. Analyze for complexity.

  Review your nonfiction selections- they are often complex.   Review the amount of narrative versus expository text in

your classroom! Add more informational text.   Access your library. Consult with your IMC specialist and

ask for materials of several reading levels for content area subjects.

  Discuss selections at a staff meeting – can we share?

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Teacher Resources for Complex Text

  Weekly Reader:   Teacher Vision:   In the News for K-5: (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)   Cobblestone: An American History Magazine for

grades 5-9:

  National Geographic –   Primary Sources - Digital Vaults (The National

Archives):   Reading Rockets:

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Teacher Resources for Complex Text

  Enchanted Learning ($20.00 per year individual, $125.00 per school subscription)


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A Great APP A great APP to download to your mobile device: Common Core Standards – available from the iTunes APP store

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Remember…   The ideas is not to either limit a student

to a low level text or allow him or her to struggle without support in a difficult text, but instead to provide texts and couple them with instruction. As students progress they should be given more challenging materials and taught, encouraged and supported to use deeper skills of analysis.

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“A true teacher is one who, keeping the past alive, is also able to understand the present.” Confucius

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Excellent Resources for Working with Complex Text


Page 73: How to Work with ‘Complex Text’ to Meet the Common Core ... w_hue… · How to Work with ‘Complex Text’ to Meet the Common Core State Standards Wisconsin State Reading Association

References   Wisconsin Department of Public Instrution Academic Standards:   “What is so Complex About Text Complexity – Powerpoint

presentation; Tamara Maxwell, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

  Fischer, D., Frey, N. and Lapp, D. (2012).Text Complexity: Raising Rigor in Reading. Chapter 1. International Reading Association.

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improvecomprehension.pdf:/   Gambrell. L. (2004). On the Road to Reading Reading Online: Comprehension Strategies

  Hall, K. and Sabey, B. (2007). Focus on the Facts: Using Informational Texts Effectively in Early Elementary Classrooms. Early Childhood Education Journal. 35 (3). 261-68.

  Harvey, Stephanie. Hoyt, L. (2002). Make it Real: Strategies for Success with Informational Text. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann.

  Moss, B. (2004). Teaching expository text structures through information trade book retellings. The Reading Teacher. 710-718.

  Pappas. (1993). In Handbook of Reading Research, Volume I, p. 354. Guilford Press.

  Piccolo, J.A. (1987). Expository text structure: Teaching and learning strategies. The Reading Teacher, 40, 838ミ847.

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Making_Books/index.shtml,   Yopp R. and Yopp, H. (2006) Informational Texts as Read-

Alouds at School and Home. Journal of Literacy Research.


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