  • 8/27/2015


    How to Write a Good

    Research Paper?

    Muhammad Farooq

    "In science, the credit goes to the man who

    convinces the world, not to the man to whom

    the idea first occurs."

    Sir William Osler

    "Writing is an art. But when it is

    writing to inform it comes close to

    being a science as well."

    Robert Gunning, The Technique of Clear Writing

  • 8/27/2015


    Why publish in a scientific journal?

    Communication: gathering and distribution of information Degree requirement Job Promotion Performance indicator

    Scientists are rated by what they finish, not

    by what they attempt

    Barriers to publishing

    Rather do experiments than write about them!

    Dont know where to start

    Too confrontingfears of criticism and rejection, no

    control over the process

    Papers submitted but not being accepted

    Publish or perish

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    Publish and perish

    Data manipulation, falsification

    Duplicate manuscripts

    Redundant publication


    What constitutes a redundant publication?

    Data in conference abstract?

    Same data, different journal?

    Data on website?

    Data included in review article?

    Expansion of published data set?


    May beOK if later


    Paraphrase and cite the source!!!

    Ive just stolen

    other authors


    How do I QUOTE an author?






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    Allelopathic plants may influence the performance of subsequent

    crops (Farooq et al., 2014).

    Farooq et al. (2014) proposed allelopathic nature of the crops

    must be considered while making crop rotations.

    Allelopathic nature of the crops must be considered

    while making crop rotations.

  • 8/27/2015


    What makes a good paper?

    Good science

    Good writing

    Publication in good journals

    What constitutes good science?

    Novel new and not resembling something formerly known or used (can be novel but not important)

    Mechanistic testing a hypothesis - determining the fundamental processes involved in or responsible for an action, reaction, or other natural phenomenon

    Applied propose a practical solution of an important problem

    What constitutes a good journal?

    Impact factor

    Average number of times published papers are cited up to two years after publication.



    Fame in the discipline


    Publishers of good repute and/or society journals

    What is a journals Impact Factor?

    2014 Impact Factor =

    (cites in 2014 to papers published in that

    journal in 2012 + 2013) (no. of papers

    published in that journal in 2012 + 2013)

    (Institute of Scientific Information, Thomson Corporation)

  • 8/27/2015


    The Impact Factor (IF) for 2014

    Citations in 2014 to articles published in:

    2012 = 470

    2013 = 330

    Sum: 800

    Number of articles published in:

    2012 = 220

    2013 = 180

    Sum: 400


    Citations to recent articles 800

    Number of recent articles 400

    Top Research Journals in Agriculture and Plant Sciences

    Name Impact factor

    Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 1.524

    Agricultural Systems 2.453

    Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 3.203

    Agronomy for Sustainable Development 2.841

    Agronomy Journal 1.542

    Crop and Pasture Science 1.284

    Crop Science 1.48

    European Journal of Agronomy 2.918

    Experimental Agriculture 1.069

    Field Crops Research 2.608

    Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 2.618

    Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 3.448

    Journal of Plant Physiology 2.77

    Physiologia Plantarum 3.262

    Plant and Soil 3.235

    You cant compare Impact Factors

    across disciplines!

    Impact factors may change over the years

    Things to consider before writing

    1. Time to write the paper?

    - has a significant advancement been made?

    - did the experiments test the hypothesis?

    - are the controls appropriate and sufficient?

    - can you describe the study in 1 or 2 minutes?

    - can the key message be written in 1 or 2 sentences?

    Those who have the most to say usually say it with the fewest


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    Things to consider before writing

    2. Read references

    - will help in choosing journal

    - better insight into possible reviewers

    3. Choose journal

    - scope

    - publication fee

    - quality of journal impact factor

    4. Choose authors


    Guidelines on authorship, International committee of Scientific Journal Editors

    Writing the manuscript

    2. Writing the First Draft

    4. Finishing3. Revising, Revising, Revising

    1. Getting in the Mood

    The hardest part is getting started

    Parts of a manuscript




    Materials and Methods





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    Methods and materials

    Best to begin writing when experiments still in progress. Should be detailed enough so results can be repeated by others. Reference published methods where appropriate Headings

    -Site or materials description

    -Experimental design-subheads for separate experiments-Chemical/physical analyses (reference or describe)-Statistical analysis

    Common mistakes

    Experimental design, number of replicates,

    experimental site, detail about husbandry practices

    not provided

    Appropriate references chemical/physical analyses

    not provided

    No / too much / irrelevant detail about the

    observation made

    No information about statistical analysis of data set

    Tables and Figures

    - must be clear and concise

    - should be self-explanatory

    Tables and Figures

    data in time series should be

    Presented in line charts

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    Common mistakes

    Axis title are not given

    Units are missing

    Abbreviations not defined

    Data presented without statistical analysis

    Vertical grids

    Table / figure title not clear


    State important comparisons; interactions first,

    then main effects

    Avoid repeating numbers from tables, refer to tables and figures often

    USE your draft tables and figures to ensure that your text is accurate

    Can be quite short

    Common mistakes in Results

    Failure to explain interactions

    Overstating results

    Complicated comparisons; e.g. use than instead of compared with

    Inconsistent use/overuse of acronyms

    Too much detail instead of citing tables, figures


    Introduce topic: from general (not too general) to specific

    Use examples from the literature BUT avoid literature regurgitation

    Identify the specific problem

    State aims/hypothesis*

    Ideal length

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    Aims paragraph

    Focuses the readers expectations (and forces the authors focus)

    Clearly identify what you are doing that is new and why

    Measuring and describing are not aims but they may be tools in identifying: We measured with the aim of identifying

    A formal hypothesis may help: It was hypothesized that

    Or less formally: We explored

    Discussion Start strongwere the aims achieved?

    Emphasize the new

    Discuss anomalies

    Discuss in context of previous work

    State practical/research implications

    Separate Conclusion heading only if the paper is large

    Common mistakes in Discussion

    Signs of insufficient interpretation

    -Restating results-Repeating introduction

    -Quoting too many statements from literature

    Overstating practical implications

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    References Relevant and recent

    Be highly selective

    Read the references

    Do not misquote

    Use correct style for journal

    Consult the instructions for authors / recently published article from the respective journal

    References cited in the text must appear in the bibliography

    If possible, use automated reference and/or article formatting tools (e.g. EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, Biblioscape, PAPYRUS).


    Critical part of paper

    To attract readers to your paper!

    State main objective(s) and experimental treatments

    Summarize key results

    State the conclusion and take home message

    Avoid acronyms and citations

    Should not exceed 300 words

    Common mistakes

    Background / objectives missing

    Too detailed methodology / experimental treatments missing

    Very brief results

    Lack of solid conclusion / take home message

    Use of acronyms

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    Spend time thinking about appropriate keys words to put at the end of your abstract.

    Appropriate key words help


    researchers working in your area to find your work


    Will determine whether paper gets read

    Avoid long title

    Be very specific

    Avoid abbreviations

    Title formatsWords and expressions to avoid

    Clunky phrase Equivalenta considerable amount of much

    on account of because

    a number of several

    Referred to as called

    In a number of cases some

    Has the capacity to can

    It is clear that clearly

    It is apparent that apparently

    Employ use

    Fabricate make

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    Words and expressions to avoid

    Clunky phrase EquivalentA majority of most

    Are of the same opinion agree

    At the present moment now

    By means of by

    Less frequently occurring rare

    In close proximity to near

    In order to to

    Fewer in number fewer

    Give rise to cause

    All three of the the three

    Use the Appropriate Tense


    Past tense when describing and giving results

    Present tense for conclusions


    Past or present tense

    Methods & Results

    Past tense (What you did and what you found)


    Past and/or present tense

    Use Passive not Active Voice


    We used ANOVA to compare distances moved.

    I sampled 50 leaves.

    But better is Passive

    ANOVA was used to compare distances moved.

    Fifty leaves were sampled.

    Develop a good writing style

    Read well written articles

    Try to get good writers to review

    Learn from editing changes

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    Revise, revise and revise

    All authors should participate

    Review order of data presentation

    Polish the writing style

    Double check references

    Look for typos

    Double check spelling


    Read instructions carefully

    Fill out all necessary forms

    Copyright transfer

    Conflict of interest

    Write cover letter (suggest reviewers)

    Publication process

    Completion of research

    Preparation of manuscript

    Submission of manuscript

    Assignment and review








    Responding to reviewers

    Carefully prepare your responsesEach comment should be addressed

    Each change should be stated

    Be enthusiastic

    Reviewer may be wrong

    Be tactful thank the reviewers

    Do not respond to reviewers while upset

    Never call the editor

    Get help from other authors

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    Major reasons for rejection

    Confirmatory (not novel)

    Poor experimental design

    - Poor controls

    - Hypothesis not adequately tested

    Inappropriate for journal

    Poorly written

    Ethics, Rights and Permissions

    Beware of originality and copyrights of others.

    Do not copy anything without giving the credit to the owner by referencing it.

    In some cases permissions are needed Repetitive publication of the same data is

    considered plagiarism

    There is no way to get experience

    except through experience.


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