Page 1: HPGRTSTOWN, FEBRUARY 27, 1808. WHOLE NO. 1174 filelllslfiips ^^^J \*=c^^f rrrj.-1-u.- # «SfJ33p:af*R HPGRTSTOWN, FEBRUARY 27, 1808. WHOLE NO. 1174 J. A. EXTON, M. D., (Formerly of


^^^J \*=c^^f

rrrj.-1-u.- # «SfJ33p:af*RHPGRTSTOWN, FEBRUARY 27, 1808. WHOLE NO. 1174

J. A. EXTON, M. D.,( F o r m e r l y of D U T C H NF.CKT, W ; J , , )

Rrsi-LC m i l i\ oi 11 Rfa nit. £LLKVIC r sto UIL (.iturni if lli^lititunn ind viLinitj

•Calls lor medical ttttoudunoo will receive prompt

OBloo anJ ro idonoo in Stockton streetR 11 btation ai'B1 t

n p

JOSEPH J. ELYA T T Q H . N L ' i A T 1 A W

Mmter, Enmincr , and bohciti»r in Chnncorj

Higtostown Oiasiieal Institute,JfOR YOUNG MEN AND BOY*.'-

; lNiTnuCTUn.S.

j . E, ALSXASIIBR, 0. A.! II. M. WOBHELLi I'', U. ._Tho Spring tarm .will qommonca April l i t , and

continue 1.1 weeksTuition per term, higher department, f US 00

Primary — '

blaeki linvo nij infinityof which arc harsh,"abounding in consonants


Inoident t t ls , " <*• • S! 00

| A room has boon provided for tho iopnrato andc.iroful instruction, of boyaiMider IS yours of nge.

fbW J E J U X A H J i i i B , PrlrieipuJ- .

mouth Co."fsbll-ly*

O adire —Hight town N J

5. ,M. SCHANCK,—FI I G-Il-T"a^tKW-Ni—N-.

C0UN5ELL0E AT LAWFr-ieticcs in tho United -St-ites LH tnt tip ml Cjurl" " *l e b J6 lbO7 ly

I DR. -WALLACE MeGEORGI,Will bo at his offloo on SATUIUIAY of each week,fur the treatment of Chrouiij Diseases and Hufgi

, oal Ousea-.- -.....>._, i. = ..., =,..,^-=,,, , .I fit uuiineuilull witli—hto-^lflaa^n-JI-itfiJtiMfaT-hcwill examine pntionts afflicted with Canoors, Tu-

1 mars, Polypi, Catariiota, Aneurisms, Necrosua, eta,,and kte to aM djoy. yjl ntuj^

_m»oWho.iioniBaopfr4hic: nia, will make arrangements fur their removal by

__^ ' the Professpr t)PSurg«ry,.frc6 ol'ohftrgo.' ri Dr, MeG, will glya speciril attention to the

^ treatment of Dlsenpi of tho Jjye and % r .Office on Main street, opposite the Baptist and

I T jui i i it Tnoursos

id hill and nla

ch ill t U most 'uit, und

abuve, tho Biuuoa Islands, though .uul tholargest, aru perhaps tho most important,and arc certainly tho most 'attractive.—

clnlh \Mippnl loiwil the >\ii>*t nndn u n e i i l y t o UIL aukl(,«i Lnshsh i ihtoi» l i o w m r , i ist supi IBLIIIU^ botli M«; Utml luiLinits is a nu ton il foi the In i

/ ( ! l ; i h i u^nni ii IIBD _;*-ucnllr t3"' ii in• l'1iU-"la1 L,jJ-"lmt- • <Uajl 4kw UiMla—ik OIL t u u n u , iul UIL bnsom h 1114 ipit c ofc ilic • \i 11I1 1 IIUIL HI tin uiiildUtin UILIHI I I hjii^m^ CIDM U bi t UL uul be

Where IlBppnhnnnook's watiirBBan, deeply orlniaonud with the itaiiy

Ofbnttlo'a reeest slaugliters.

good h1 peopled

11 binb\ a


metImi, .i

clim itL, 11'LitilL "-niliim< bfLiuiv m i l

1 ILI nf m m is 1a to

The summer eloutls lay piiehed line tsimIn meatii of heavenly niure ;

And oaeh dread gun of the, element!. Slept in its-hid enibraauro, „.,. .._


IllIHl like1 H pOliellO,


.liave .a>..peeu,lUir_Jino\la.o£

From this Gardener's Montiitj-' ' ^ ' "


ham PuUcn, lllghUiown, K; j .

Tho death of ISAAC; PuftjES; which od*euiM'wt wi-tbo-iBth -crf-DoeCmljor-laitj™ought not to bd'permitted to pass without •some word of comment in the Hortioultu-ral journals.. Mr, Pullon was ftp earnest

-I he ivntcr

NiiiiUiii may—m- (wii-sidored as thu gum of the Pacific, nnd thetraveler cannot full to leave its sliofus withregret. Thy jjroun consists'of two priiiut-


Takes this'method of announcing to the people of Univorit.list ChurchesU"iaUtslown and vicinity, thut lio lifts loomed him- Ilightatown July dp

~Bel?on Main atriJet, ioeoild door above WiiTil, ivnd

' ^ T thM

n CuIlightatown, July dp, labT. 6m

y WJMpOFFICE Huuni—7 to 0 n. mlllghtatowni Juno 21, 1B6B,

j The Jersey Oity Insurance :Ooffipaxiy.ahd 0 to I 'p; •H>".'J~~CTff*rs itfporiorThducomonti to" all ~d~es'iring first-[ . j . olass Insu,raneo upon all Property liablo to

] destruction by firo,I Dwelling IIOUSCB, Public Buildings, Churches,, Colleges, School.jlauses, etc., insured for oiiu,

DR. LLOYD WILBBR,Would ras'peotfully announce that, ho hasperajft., - • • perpetualnsntly resumed tho-praotieo ot his profession at. ">gj-;«-SJ'rJh^nJlM.Win". Mills, ManufaetorHia-htBtowu. . ,.iea, and Peraonul Property of every do«aiiptiuii,

in Stock** street, 3 doors west ul t ( ^ e n a { „ {ayotMe } a i l > i as s a f a ty^nd prudence'rpormit.MarehSl , 1866,

DR, A, DAWES,Dentist nnd Muniifiioturer of Ineorriipti

U l & i T h

Com pan j 1

; mchlS-ly

i cheerfully given respecting tho\ business. For iri.Niirunce apply to

TJIOS. C, PEAUCH, ."AGENT,Highistowii, N. J,

^gg^ Offloo next to TIIA SSrOiCK'I -Stdre".— :g m ^ j f Entninoa on Main Btroot, opoaitfl theUnivorsalist'Church. *• • I

y y - Tooth oxtraBied WITHOUT PAIN, by the Iuse of Laujjhing Vtus !

N. B.—The ne.w Patent (Jum Bftso, ao valuriblefor its lightness,comfort, and clen.nline8B,i8 also;appliqd. " An exaiuiiiatioii is invited, apl |


"Sm 188 4 117 West Washington Market,,„ NEW VOHK..

People's Fire Insurance Company,Oi 1RI N KIN N T


a D l i t 1\U1JAII 1 11

J sni 1 (

w i'ofk


niHECTona.S. Strykor, Caleb S, Ureon, ¥. li. Wilkinson,

JiLOob M. Tiiylor, Joseph Whitakcr John Taylor,J-, El Ditrrah, Samuel K, Wilsciri, laune Stephens,O. W. DliiukfiUi, Uliarles Scott, Jiihri K. Smith,

(3. Souddor, Duiilol B. Uodine, Win. liaml'urd.R, S. STHYKEll, PituaiDixT.

F, R. WILKINSON, Ser'y ami Treasurer,KisUg tnken as low as any other reliable Co.

5nd nil looses proHiptly adjiidU'd.All iirdurs liift «t llio stu're of Norton k Pullen

will-bo pruiuptly-ittieuded4o,-.-^ ... .a,,l_ly - J. H, NoriTON, AOEST.

M —lSt


Wholesale Cdmuiiision Dealers in all kinds of

CQhNTIt-Y; mtO3 1 3 «B 3 1 4 •West Wnibl i ig tDii Mnr l i e i , N.Tf,

fiiSROtiANTs' now, ..Detween Veaoy and Fulton Streets,


' At/ nrJin Tiffined wttl lit punetltaj/v at-

The u-ndersignetl beg leave to announce Hinthaving piiroiiasud tho Stook and Fixtures at theold stiLiid of T. C. Poriree, in Morrison street, theyare-pi'-opnrod to dy.all kinds-uf_w.oxk Ln.theJrJine,at SllOKT NOTICE, A in tho UEtfT MANNER

dSp" Partieular iitrontion paid to IIOitSEBllOE.INU, aiao to ilEPAlllINii .

Patroriago rospeettully solieited. . Every effortwill be made to ploaso our eustoiuers.

" : S, C. MOllTON i BRO.Ilightstown, April20, 1800 ly

Undid to. [joSOTIT

MERCER COloi" theI l I


Persons Having unintfurea property, win iinato thuir advantage tu oall oil tbo above, at his redanee in ilorrisun street, ooBO-tf

B.C. ROBBIKS,- — : AGESff'rOtt TUB

MERfllE CO, MUTUAL FIfiK .I. : _ . . " . •'•'. C O M P A N Y ,

M INDSOK N J[ j p Appli ' i t ionitor Inmrj-ncobylottoror oth

erwiso punctually attended toAHo JuitiLL i t tho PLJI,D Survajor and Con

_reynnei.r, 4nd Ma tcr in_Cham,cj;,} ip-T



HIGH! -,TO\VHT N J_ Sales attended t j on renaonublo terina in tlie

oountiea of Middle o\ and Mertrer -irpl

R O G E R S , :L I C I N 3 I3-D- A U C T I O N E E It,

KiV TV. .r

Sales promptly attonded to onroaionablt iOrma,MurolilO.lSBo, 6m« . '


r N JDesires to inform tho public ho is prepared todo all kinds uf surveying plutting i y , a reasonably as c tn be dtmo by uthers

Miy bo fjuni at his residence in Mercer BtI L I I 14, ihbT l y *

THOIAM. TIBBS,..e^. As now pfleationi, andonilblo termsptoyod planr% enll.

repiired to*rurniah I'lans'liptl Hpeelput up Buildings on the most reos.


ITf? "IT1 XT) A •\rn,""'

MOUBaiinilWl,"Onll fit Dastow'i, where you can get a good art!

13$ Tttrtiei-suppliLd with 1 anty Cjke, oranything in my h n i , at thort notice

M\T»YBAS10Wlti"ghtstowii,Oot 2,1307

PAINTS-AItD-OILSr„ * , largo, itOBlt •may. ho found at tho suhscri. '

""*i ber's at the lowest market rates, _fi

KEROSENE Olli. |_thn'•n.linva nrtlelo boforo the W

Photograph and Ambrotype Gallery,

Tim sub eriber reipcUfully informs the Liditand (•ontkmen of Hight t uvn and »n,init> thathe has imrehnSLd thr aljive Galltr> in 1 i nrnproparetl ta execute pfrtraits trom lucket to life

The breeie PO snftly blew it msdBi forest lesf to quJTer.. . .. . . •- L

oJie^tTSo rnmJonr'aaffjloiiad*.'".~nollad slowly from the rivor, ' •-,

And now, whero circling hills Iqiiked downWith cannon gvinily planted,., .

O'er listless camp and silent town,..:The golden lunsot ilantod,

"WJisn on the fernd aii- there.camo-A-wmi-Br-no-w.-r-ieliv-now-tenacT-;-

Thc music seemed itself aflameWith day's departing splendor.

A ruder,.! band, which eve and mornPlayed measures bravo and nimble, '

Had just struck np with Quta and lioruAnd lively clash and cymbal.

"Down Hooked the .soldier! to tTioTmhEi,Till, marginod by Its pobbles,

Qnc'wbSdedshore was blue with •'•Tanks,"——And uite wus tfiu.

! coniidtirably loss iivBizo, and goino sinallorfl»lauds, fjavnil isTibout lao milya in dr-

"hair, which w blrn-k .antlmirly, but not woolly liUn thu )legioc:».—Thi'- children's heads uru i'rciitlcntly shav-ed to inaku the hair afitV, and sis they sjrowJin it iff thickiv; wlnstwiul with' tnno.'wiiii'lviiiis the ulli'ct'oF tunvlnij it i»radually t" a !

"oloi", and nl'LcrwrtrilB to a j

I f i u n u o l i i u r cr iusi ; , ia representative Anof this notice' "is unacqBainted.wttrrhia

.•iaLrly-hi&toJiy. aDd,Jin8,.pnlyJtBg\£Bjj"his '"maturity,. iluring the last ler,twelve years". Ills am, at the limo of hi?decease", wai sixty-two.

Tho chief point In tho aeliievemontanf histUfa wnS hlH suecOM-4n orehard^

i 40, The'pQiplatian of the inst'gonS135,000, beinif ah JnofenBO of 1000 in soS-on! years! The"natives'are Christiana with-j out oxecptiim • tlio grentur imrL aru •Pro-j tcstnnti "unilor the pastoml caro of tlia'"Lotiddii Missionary SotJiyty, but llioru la. ft sihall proportloa of Iloman Cath^ies.



Than all was-still, and then the band,With movements light and tricksy,

Made stream and forest, hill and strand,IUyerherate will) "Dit io ."

The eonsoious st.a un, with burnished glow,Went proudly o'er its peddles.

But thrilled throughout Its deepest flowWith yelling of (he rebels.

Again a pause, uiid then againTlio trunipcfa pealed souoruus,

And " i'ankoy Doodle" was the strain , -. To whluhaUB slmru.gave churus,"

The laughing ripple sharownrd flew,To kiss the shining pebbles,

Loud shrieked tho swarming Boyi in Bint: ^Dunanco to the Eubuls.

And yet oneo more the buglei langAbove the sforniy riot j

Na Bhout upon tho evening rang—• Thers reigned a holy quiet.

re^¥lttl, luw MFFluui, !fSniollStelTTTWISPoured o'er the glistening pebblfs :

-^- '- And-iileiit now the-Yankees stood,- - -Ana silent stoou

No unresponsiTt soul hod heard,., JCuajpaiiitiye not^'ji .apnealwig,..... ..,„..,. .„.-fin ilanniv." Hume. Sweeiiluiiie.''_.had itirred_

CARTES BE YIBITE,for brilliiiney of tono and fuithfulneis to naluronot to bo esoellod by thoso of any Gallery in theUnited States, '. BNLARGEi) PH0T0ORAPJIS takon from oldDaguerreotypes and Arabrotypes, plaiiior ilnishedin Ink or Water dolors.

Persons who have had Photographs taken byjtffr-A-WHHtT'eftn have piiitmuifruiB-tfaTraivate-Keg--atives at any time

Price,of OAllTES D I YI3ITES, S2 50 per doj.. " L A R u i KHOTOiiRAPiiB,si:aa,. . „

R. R. Plt lEST, PliotographBr,, Aug. 2a, I8O7; 6m,, ; ' ' . , . ,


1 L R Y I T U R L , I M l l lMI M1!,AM> AIV-ON S 1 OOLL

And every article used by BuilderAlso,"largo assortment of Tablo and Poaket Cut-

loi> 1 I r Oil Clith (. ILliinht town ^Mit "U, lSbt ly

WATEES' PIANO-FORTES.Grand, Square, and Upright ; Melodeons ; Par

I >r, Church, Gem. and Cabinet Orgnna. _.'i'A« br.itm I it Itlttct 1 1 cd IVri iHtrtlfoi *^u ye if v Second-hand Pianos, Melfideons, and Organ", at great-iHHijiJiins.—1'r-ioea-from—$25—tn $200.- ^Nen—aiulsecond-band instriimentn to let, and rent appliedif purchased. Monthly installments received fors unt Old Piano tal t_n 111 t.xcli in^e for nm Jllustrnlcd catalogue1! mailol Irco \\ 1 re rooms No4S1 Bioitway Nowloik IIOIIACJJ Vi A 11 US& CO., Manufaoturors., apl l l - ly.

l f i ' ' w « k " d ^ ^n •tholr^ [*toqjT!l|jUBSORIDIBS HAVI ON HAND A LOTatisfiiotion Buarantodd. Givo meP*. t>rm'° <«d tvro-seat Oarriages of



Tbrions* iff want of anything in tho above line,',11 fin,I i) )n t i t ^ive its a enll.

ightstown, July.25, 1807J. DEY & SON.


: FLOIENOE EIGHTS, If, J.12, T, Trail,.•M,.2>.f..JPrbpiHei*i\WUCESN. 11. ADAMS, M, D.

^ ' ("Ajsist't Physicinni

This 'admirable inititutiop has all thoappllnn.Oei for tho aneaessful treatmont of all elasses of

~ J n brin•Jpubho, I

the ncVf'pnly to say, that 1 will furii-

^ AH oils toatod boiforo they lonvo tho Storo Piloturn all that do not provo satisfaotory

tAMPS, SHAKES, -wioirssaP l "" A. S;'8T0NE


& Cu.t



iaviilidi without drBg-modioines of-any kind.—Piieaiei of gemalfli, Utorino TJleerations, Dii-placement!, &o., are a ipecinhty, Oaneera, Ft! r^-Htlas.ttiid Tolyyand almost painlc

are aipeeialit;innsess

cured by

New Yar%dffiei,FBi iixth Afanae ; Fhitndel-pliia Office, No, 1109 aitard i t , 0o2i-flm

pARRIAGE MAKING.yjroady to manufaoturo""

Ca,rrlagest t

n n.»nonnfin that they nre

Carryalls,Farm "Wagons

nt thnir nnraliliahment in in Morrison atraot.

(Formerly oooupiod by T, C. Pcftrooy)

| ^ Hem Qabty eon«Un»lj woeWed, and orders ""JTkinJfl or*RKPAI^fwo"r 1111*1.

at priHi equally as low M any ftrst-elftii itand ofthrllMlo/ttfiiSiatii;,^^: i . ! : : ' . „• ' V-r. •-.'. *

done at dh'ort not letI AUWnJa^jB

m iW^^MS^lOTRl

The hidden founts of leollng.

Or bine or grey, the soldier leoi,As by tho wand of (airy,

The cottage 'rioath thelive.oak treei.The cabin by the prairlo,

Bond in their beauty o'er him ;Seen through the tear miit in hli eyes,

His loved ones stiiBd boforo hiitt.

As fjides.-Hio-irjs:aiter rain • • . J ,°=^=Iira'pTilTfeWrurw"dlttlSOT"~"- • -';"-"•'

The vision vanished as tho strain ••And daylight died together.

But memory, waked by musio'i art.Expressed ill simplest number!, ;

Subdued the sfernqst Yankee's heart,"' SiTTde•Hglit'tttSTrtWl/s siumijeri,

. AntLfairlhe formofMusio ihinosj •»;•..

system of government in Rummi is"The islnhrta are" divliU'd into die-each proHidgd «vor by a iirinclprii

and entirely iudupendiMiL of theThe districts are Bubdivldi'd

into " houses" or tribus,'auil tliwse u furi-mto villagei, eacft.hivviii!| its own head.Thcco are sixj)rmi'iiml»j ^liiojsi, two onlybmn« horoilitary titles, UiebClicirsi'-luetivt;:

rtain villayc-8 haviny; tho traditionalright to nominate a'sueerssor, whxn'-.Hiu


Tho Samoans are of- an average height,or perhaps rather over, but with spli'iidiil'figures, active, and muscular. There isuousiderab,lu divuraity of features, HOIIIOhaving the; coarse mouth ol thu negro,while othttrs have well-uhiHuled ienliireaand all have line eyes. Home of the youngmen are perfect Bpeeuneus of manlybeauty, antl the sculptor would licri1- beat no "loss for models, either l'uf the youth-fU) gra'co of Antinous, o^thc mnrc niatur-iiitstrt;iigtirof axC Jtchilles, Thu. wuuiuiitire oomciwhat Infurior to the both in

GU or lluxiMi hue. it is com Lied"littt strriijj'h'MVoiii illiB^iuad^Mtiuidiriw-upnil roiiiid lfkd a, mop, presenting re. iingu-'liir nppiMiraiico, This'was thu isishioi^ forthu iHcii in funiK-r days, nnd is atill to*Hje

seen: trut short hair is now generallytinguil a lvdilisli-brown by thr pro-

jtiHt ilesfrrhcd... il.o.u.njj....".incii, nndn too, iiro often met walking along.thuiiUifiiids wliitii-TW-HiKi^v-i-iMiHi-Un-lnnc with, .which they are.plasti-ivd..sins loud of di'coraliiiij llu'ir headsdowers of green luittcs.-thk

lilUisQiis csjicuially being a iUvoriti.that purpose..

' The nieii'taloi.) their bodies fromwnist to Miu kiiuo, the llnus being so closetliitt at » little distance it has tin; iippear-nijcjc fif'fv pah' of blue silk tights. Theyconsider Hint this server lhu purpose- of

\N ivgnrds ductney, anil it has

worncesswo in iwithcoralTheywith



llguro anil fart tires, but this Is observabkin" most parts of Polynesia.

Tho imtivoi of Samoa live aUvnya Invillages,' \vhlull are generally'on the FIMIJcoast,-and are raruly two.miles inland.—Their houses are oval-shaped and of eon-sidcrable aizo ; flfly fuut by thirty beingnot uneoinriioii, the roof being thatchedwith piihii "leiivesT M'IIU wiiuiu ilueriorIs one vast open apartiiieiit, sereena buinghung up at liight for-gluepiug purposes,—•

bit uf I torJirlpilgn is usodilLtho construction of thohtiiiBO, every futpning hcins fdVniod byJasliingi ol'.U»o.cqcoa-iiiilj Itbrii,.,.E.F£here.n istip furniture—ah" lnast as we undcrBtaud

Mats serve as chairs, tables,the term*.

and beds.

ITnepitility is univetsal ind ^ mime mSnmoT, E u h \lil"l,je h is iin fnhi I h, in

gieit Jiotlbe,'' mtcnikd fuL tht u LIIIJImnd limn ol travcieii uul tin tlillLti i lfimihes take it in turn to punids, food imthem On the ar in il of \ p irtv of \ isit n s tin s up in at onteto tin faiatccl,\\IWTC prcpai itious aie it onto i omniLnt£<L__for__tliiu entxiiuumejit Hie chatmv,kis km wn whit iimihcb -no piood, nnd conking is hi gun \\ ithoutdelruran%% lnli the elliLf ami leading IIILII % i>«itHIP stmngirs the TA-L bowl 11 producedand pipis mil con^cisilmn p\ss th"1 limetill thi LipliUis plLputd •Whin thef o n d ife - L P . v t l \ i l 1 5 h i n n r h l m h ^ t l i f

That bright, oeloitinl creature,fo itllir?mid war's-embattled lines, •Gave tllii ono touch pfNataro,


Under the coriiprciicnsire rianie of

muUitude of islands,. almost wholly ofroi il, s(att(_i(d o\ei the, Px-cific Ocean, -iMthin 30 dej;m<b on L ichsido of the equator, and from longitudeI J J dL_,r.LLS List to 15 ) west, tlklli^ inJSrcw ~Zcih.nd, tin bound u j " N

tfitiU 47 dnds

»i 47 di ifttu-it.Sandwich--' iBlaudB aro inoludod In thebolt.

•anyng_. the jnap, _it hi

young meivniid a 'sort of pro-ccssioiJi .aiidjajd^bejbrt) the jjuestB, who

^ii poil '•"tlui'In'sr-their entortaliiurs... Aimlugies aro, mil'fbf tlioif being ¥p liTtlir provided In coii-scqencc of want'of limo, although there"inrropastminiulcut fofUireToT foirrtiiiiostho nutnbiir. If, iifpaHsing through a-rmagor-onc bLops-to -cxijhaiwte^t^-fewwords with any of tho liilmbltant«, theyaro sure to ask if you will not. wait untilsomo food ia prepared,-'and .express -theirregret that nduo ia:ready,';..


Ono motTc of cool"illout Polynagia—that of the native ovon, Ahollow is made In the earthen floor of thoeookiiig-hoiiae, In which a firo is liglHodand a 'number fit stones mado hot. Thefoodotis

int. tnw hde lxiu_^ pup u< d in \ \uind wiippi-d ,Hp in " i n nitul-irnit lfiiL^b AiLh. J J i

ON en i-»ieady t h e I I T L J S c l c l t r d nu t , il a v i of hnt s tones HidTn tht hollow theIood _w_i_jpp_Ld__in the I L ^ C S l t i d upon

tlidlng Down Hill,RY 1IKNHY JWAR1> IIEKC'HKH. • '

There is nothiug in the tropics that canconsole a man iluoineil to dsvull theru, forthe loss of Northern winters,' Monkeyand huinniing-birilM, gorgeous tVowei's andgigantic vesrelables ; insects, reptilea andluseious IV a its, which you. eauuot eatwillioul a I'liolcra ; HWolterlng nights andruasling days I.. Di-liver us IVo u tlje hi-tuIai-iLble di-liidits of tr.()]iU:al luxury,

Hnl a Noiiherii winlvr is full OfiipaOiiiwOIu-ili'firs- all is I'lidih' and ci;II,

mill (Hit nf-duui's all is unorgy and manlyjiiy .' A man who IIIIK lilood ami vitalspirit glories in the cold ul' winter, j I il tof all sports, what niii! can claim superi-ority over ciiHsting—or, as in our boy-hood H.lav« it was called—sliding downlull •> '

Long hrforc wo at tained the i\ge of asled, two barrel-staves, fastened togetherby knowing 'workmen, ..wervod ati^exeuUeiiti

'"~ "™" TOeilii sKlll insitting and steering,j j d l

slight mistak

inarching on top—and then graduallyrolling into a promiscuous heap, out ofwhich came smile' ripping remarks not

' l 1 i " ' ' ' ' ' f ? i " " 'y* I'd?,\t eiime 'thx: grniy uf ,full mid realslodshijifi—a sled with.'"runners, andironor steel shod—a slod painted and lettered!With 'that we defied the thermometer,- andsot; our facos against tho north wind ! —And how long the hill, a full half mile, Issought, not all of a, gentl: slope, nor yet-too steep, but propTirly made. Up as allhills should be,"with n, line gradual Ijegin-niug, then a pitchanother long'.middleand a -hillock thpi'o

gHtoopj flieitJouueiTTIoro


p , ypejj yontlejironjjfl'a point; and n , fetching-up plac."riglitrHBlonjFthe-rivor !T (Jnsiioh a hilttop,with a -glorious sled, well inulllcdaud mit-tonod, tho hoy sots ' himself' on his sledprouder than ever a king grit on a tbVono!'

•A-TOjf liii.gQQ|,rwUli'.iuuiblg iast-iiMttcJi*ing out hi/ftire, him (for ri sled carries itsrudder at; tlio bow), and whose hoejs,

l iio bow),

witli a eKlllful touch,machine. Heo him make

i ftedy;tenr1i rtta-'f

jsteer the flyinga leap over the

iingiipwii with a jouiice ihiiimaucB every-Ihlng'eraelc! "jjoyl lia"vcrgprlilga iij«i(lo:iyfthem,1 under every-muscle,"on all sides ofoaoh bouft,..!iiul-eom(

hound, that, cars and carriages may envy,

None of your belly ilounders ! This ly-ing down on a sled like, a. buckwheat cakeon a. griddle, or tlmt sidu way sittiiig ontho hind'end of it, with one log^cprkserew-•Hl"^utMitii"d~FoTr*fftiroriiig,;Tu%no01io

not oi"tligduXj_ ^Thuy.

timidity. A mil boy sli'ould sit uponhis ilod fair and iriuai'e, with his face tohis work, nnd ready to meet nil difficultieswith his 'breast to them.

.Nor lot any one'decry the long .trampup liUlp-.thn.t-'fQllpw^.thUZlicece-ilght'^dwii''ward. What if i t l s long,vtho sled Jiang-

housu culture. lie was, perhaps; thoonly imtiijii Ainerien, who lw | over_jully'conij"uere"U";-'31ie- """*""" " '_-"•"•" * ™•t'cagires^nnfltir^lala^prtTJiPbt .: lilvers' i pjnii,' no. rt- jpoqialty, M». Jttrfflmps'j! nolciy devoted to that purpose.—Sir, l^nlk'u-Wiis, for many yenrs, aPoaoli-grower nml a propagator of Peach TreeS;and was, naturally, attracted to tho prq-iccl o£ growing tlio pvehard*house, ilu was nyt, however,- a atfietdtxdple-of Mr. liivcrft, but mthou.origt-nalcd a system of eulturo ibr hiniBplf, inwhich he was eminently sucqoasful. TlioUiin iVuit-produced in hia house, nnd-.t'livninliod to tho public by tho loadingfruH-denlors of Philadelphia- and- NowYork, in tho -month of May, for,.-ac-Yeralyears past, will bo long remembered,—The writor_eall» to luiruLa dos-•Hert of Peiiclios and cream at tho Pullenmansion, in early June, at which timethree or four doKen of Italy's Early wurowTti'i'illwd uii the. altar of frtcttdshfp. —- J O - have styled. Air. Pulloft " a ropro-'HMUtalive Amjrkaii," He was 'a repre-sentative of the irropressible man of thisnation aiid this age, lie was'of mediumhisht, broadly built, angular, gaunt, ,sa5->,low (for many years . an invalid, fttll ofchronic ills), "of" nn active, nurvoiis tuni-perami'ut, ambitious, hopeful, enterpris-luif, uven in the mldHt oi'diNaster. Howas oxneedingly iugeiiLous and practical,and yet wtis broad and comprehensive inbis plans, and hud an overinastoring will,which .conquered iucui junl. oU-ilucUss alikuby ilM impephiiiHJyrqe. JUs early Gtlin;rf-ilion had ovidontly boon, uegloetod, so ih'r1

H i ,y j j

m nf llnvai.liiinln .m-ncif; litit lic'Iiad leariwil by Intuition,from the -JJo'iik of Nature, anil from oftenl'eaiiing and. reservation, so thftt hi«philosophy cif nieii and things was Mostshrewd" and. inslrucUve. His businosgadventtiros wore widely extondod, and al-most always auuoesssful. , Jleueo, althoughho spout much in what might bo calledexpiiruijeuU, ho came out atlnstqompara-tively rich in lands and other BubatmitiflLmoans, bosidoi glvliig his qhildreii thobenefit-of a first-clnss cducntion.

Thu homostoad'.which hu.occnHJed ffnajt •^ omo—a line.UJJJ A iiif-i-if*:in

mansion, 'built, painted and decorat-ed with taste. Tho 'front yard ornameut-ed with uhoicaJivorgreoiis'iuid raro, dooid-;

lions troCH-; on oho sido a fruii-gfli'ddiiihTli it willi LIHIILL P i u s Giape \^tiawbLriN beds, I ,L , m tin, rear aboth nii foi LxutiL tii ipes , bt^ond anon h u d hnusi th mn-.t •lULiLsbful 0111 mVniLiiLa lonir laugi s uf olh L«; aheds audwmkihops UL s m , a laigi bun , ^ l th aline stock ol D Minshui c tttle , furtherbuk, pnultij and othei stoi k , nnd,be\oud ill u imchui l and 1 puk , LOU-tlining a heul ot di LI, which ful liom thohind tint is now it lest 1 11 iWaj intht, distinct, ate othn OILIIIIIK, MntVaidsind xc rts »i sin ill fijnt antl v meB , andoiiu 1 turn's mil uTuinrtls, twpnty^milcs"oil we n, owuetl I13 thwsiini. master \Uiohis piLsidul htt

\ c t this man w Is CMd ntl> an unodii-catid- Aniciieau, who atu id 111 life *•»ltllonly n ihse fon t, of thua i tet enaigy andimlntioii ftii h i s np i i nnnn v "Wi Tipr.ti Unolio to tell his early history. It was writ-ton in tho deep, nervous lines of his face,•iiriiirroltloM^WJrmMtirWrnBut-WotlyT*pi mi tuu ly iiuiied b^ lniiu-1'i^ xnt'l hu l l« l | k (rl 111 )_,l=.ts piOl< lid to 11-t lHhL4»l«V—t in ot lounei 1,1s b \ llu to sil m irky onth i <K k1, the btoi \ 11 not h ill to pi uu. a3Ihi histoiy MIUIII nun iinpiow s upon-huii-^U _UL, ln=> \ X ^igi iluougli tinsworld,

But Mr. Pullen was not an anstefoI 11 t l O l l l i t , 111-. \O1CU W l S l l l L L l t l l l

toidul his ininnci 1 niiL_st_hut lijjud ,d l ll

d u his i n i i 1 niiL_st_hu j jud ,ind hi w is a good liHtenci as well as a'ood t ilker— Vt his house, ind UJns

thit~th~e central position* in tluse lTmds tht 111 inothi 1 h>ir oi hoi stom s placed111 the South Piulie is occupiLil hv thuc o\ci it thuwholi thing bema: e j\ered upgioups- the Pip, the l ong i 01 l u i n d l j , \Mtl x pili of duLdl<a^(?s md e n t h t )ind the SimoaoL Nivigitoi-, lalxmJ-.— keep in 1 \u \ partif lo oi_steini \ \ InnTh th f i f l tt ty k d

N v g p \ p o_sThesis thiep-jjioup1! are f'tr thp-mostim-—tin footl-is suttit lentty eooked—Hw o \ m

tt l f d d ti d

ing bilunil flic w i> slippiM uidw4thilsome ptiilof thos- walmihes ot otlu 1

1 hoys t in t tomi 1011111 md whnlingdow 11 J 11K _,oinj;up is still an liidespensible p u t of tho epic If is the d 11k th it

powei to tin I114I1 luht The up, hy tout ist, tin M I \ -.loiy ol the

lablof tlio most gouerous hospitality pre-vailed, and tho social -element was pre- .dominant. In qeiitimout he-wira altborfll'"Christian, an nrdi-iit frioud of liberty, anda ilrm bolioyor in Uw inoBtinmblo value oftho Amerlt-aii "CJiiluri, 'As n, Horticultu-rist heitittnined mvioiriemhTOnoft, andyw«»..jstitlnl i' ): nnlvn linvii'Sff rnienrl mirnv eftArl-

jp typortmt in a umnmin i l point of \icw, is un< ( Lied and tin n u o n s jtdds s( i \u lwell as being the most uileustmg from up m the li a\es in w hu h thev weto cooktheir rapid'idMiicc in ci\ili7itioii md ed, uo cuu id in baskt ts Fn MiC h t t I l t bk dChristianity


From nu artlolo in a lato ; banaiia-ldaves are spread out to sorvo" ' Magazine wo dishes nntTyjlatqgEJgd^ha^flnjTni-e nf

Mlowing'ruadablti cxtracti


eompany (lo'tho wbrji of knivoi ancriurUrj ~bno knife only boirig used to cut up theI pig, All' animalB ace obbked whole ; it

Two distinct mees inhabit.Polynoila.— would bo oonsiderod ill-breeding not toho eastern islands, inoludiug the Samoan servo up tho pig entires, and a particular

and Toiignn gioupa, aro peopled by a part of the back—tho chief s-portion—is.light copper-colored roco of fine physical always presented to^the principal guest.

We never see the. snow on the ground,old as we nre, tjiat we do not feel the very'•pint ot the sled igun , ind now in oldman, wo would, if we could, mount findplunge down Hie hill again.. Though a

h l O "

fruits and cKMitrluutod nor little Wthesiini of our knowlodco... lie was, osseati-

;ally,:n gootlman; ttull while, according tomoderii philosophy, his' eoul IB no_w", "but a.llttlo why abovo our honds,'' we, who,liaveao nuioh onjoyed. his thU

y.ipherd, cannot refrain from saying -.

him. a happy future'it tit, above —J S II

in his progressive

uudoubtcdljf l t

p Tlrosc—_are"ot Mul xjan descent But

d f l t t th

hia foot, ho need not bo ashanicd of a voy •agd'oirnrsloilr! • ' j

One win tor, not long ago, when inNow Bedford, wo found a, Jong stpot-refused- to horse vehicles, and set apart [to sleds. The selectmen. or whatovoi-;

nam6B,woro, at• fch&apyMj^ 'oxpMse -J

ago William Frentis:j

, a young man ofJi—taJkios?_"»vith a_in' Memphis,, was

soldier, who

costume ot both 'w-oiuht

fn,thor-W6st a dlfleront typo is mot with— i ^ «e originaltho - color darker, ofton quite black,-with se'xea in Samba oonsisted, oF the tits tormuch of the fteitro eharaoteristlo*, and of 'working droaSjjiBd ttia.lava-lava Sot pprqinforior..«tatura_and_de.TOlopment._-.._ Jn_jnQnl|l^casions. Tlto^formpr is a iliortFiji the-^naHyen qro, llOWCVOf - tall -iVRJT petAlCOat or If!]*; nf thft'lnnir rrrppp loavflB ofmuioulnrj though thoy -belong to tho. tha dratmna Imnttmlia, roaclilng from thoblaok race. The aiffiranoo betwoon the waist to about--HUB kneo; that for the

*~* = ' " " ' thitii ivi : tlip l l isu, TJOth b^&ys b^iu;ulaudBra—ftnioag ,. .whom,muat be olMsea the Mftorls of Wow- to the waist.

'friend' In a saloonabdosted by an ex-rebelBeamed to know him, with the question"How long have you been in Memphis-?A d—d Yankee' has no business here ! 'whpreupon hedtew _a MvblYei-anft jhotS^ii»Mss-^n'OHgii-tihe--lieftdT--WUifig-Jilm--

wai^nstantly,-. On ModathTora Smith and t.iced it by water thrown on oyer, Lot-Alexander, two negroes, were arrest-statlonotl a band of music there.;-' 6d on, the charge' of I'renoli

bail torches' lit aprl placed, along the sides- w_oman. E. H. JDapplel, who kllladhii;:and the genorona people,' catching- the ,r>n •gorne two weeks since; h u been*WspirttffflaTnratttW^fieir' housej^and* ithW ea for •yyaptra*rfrSs|6utbrsF'preparation was thrown ppuu 16 meu, mgham was sbot aaft mortaimrwonion an#ohildren« Thatou^isoiviliz- inst WeflneWay nl^feiMilBefeed. That .part of the miljenlum "wbieh who imow under SaaflM

thTMooZealand—all speaking varieties of the napo, or native cloth, manufactured from

d l t ft l th b k f th lb Thi

Th¥'W^ZnucrisSiaielf will begin In; Kew:3|afprd,

BMBe dialect, awft^l^ultt" tongue, yerx the barfc , of thepaper iuibeit^;ilThia - Napdeon;rettd;th> Iroof of is "'Lifts Hf^^B^0^^^&^^»

Page 2: HPGRTSTOWN, FEBRUARY 27, 1808. WHOLE NO. 1174 filelllslfiips ^^^J \*=c^^f rrrj.-1-u.- # «SfJ33p:af*R HPGRTSTOWN, FEBRUARY 27, 1808. WHOLE NO. 1174 J. A. EXTON, M. D., (Formerly of

Mghtstown, rebraary 27,1888,

The Crisii at Waihlnf ton,'fully completed thanish ample ftvctlitios, and willfhvorriLily with tlio busL. of Us


ruliuf in Wi«tUT"s Biilsam of Wild Cherry,


iH^ton, wo eomlensa tho fiillowing j viuw of the oxlmiMlon of the bmUUust, and '" a u t"»« «'«" f"' b « k « « bread une d«v last week

relative to 4K. . difliuiHy UttMcn : J W t o r,,,Oi a HCflrmd UHMstW plivsiiiim cent™ or ,„ . iuur. Nuililng was 8ald .tout It uiressandlrqajdeiiUJohusou: i

immediate hcnuHeial •frosst. Try it, Bufferingliyitpoptlc, imcl be cured, Such lire tho assertions

Tim wifVnf « friend uf n u n who Cnnr.«Jim_rjii'W. _£j th«no^i|iiatoil to know, _ Fnnii the vaat amount !

, ' • 1.- , ""oniiWiirtreiu uutcT, i t u n r a ' l i i "

eiliy, and it is snid without eoiiKuHullunwith any. one,'scut a bfluf inoisngu to ..tlitj"Senate, riot yet imulo pulilii1, int'urniiiigihritbocly tlint ho Imil mntm-tl tin. J[i>ii.Edwin M,-Stantoil iVuiu his rtilicc [is , Sr'c-TPr.nry fifl AViir. mill stppnlii kill (.iuUtlral

..LoreriKq Thomas, tho Atljtihinl^.ii'tii'ralof tho Arnij') io I'o Suerotary o W n r mlinterim, Tlio niattor was (it rmei: CUR.

in bL'Ul-uL~Hmsii)i).'anil Llic I'ulluwinresolution was adopted ;

hi theOil this

Tho (ioiiiiiiittoo think thai tlio buildingns iiuw ('xlciiiifd i.s an large sis it is t'xpu-(1 iunt In make it, liuviug. in vii'W thn bestijond of'.tlio iiisiiiio ami tho iibility of nfll-eura prnpiTly tu. auTy^uni-J.bjj-xliiUuJs,.physical, niiiiliciil. menial utid iiuiml, of aniiWUluUim for thu number o'finsanu in-liiatoa, anil in vicwofllu: fin11 tliat tlioro aro

T 1 O W H O V P V i l l i l l i l u l l H l l i l l b i i l H i ' l l I I n l l l l S 1 1 1 . i l l

. a n d has s ince V•-•"--

lierpa, thu Wi'iiftlo IISLM rcfl'iv'itho conxiiiiiilcjititin nf Hut l'

.1 i i i i . l vif s i i i c n t ,

- - ,. l i t W i l l " , u n i t l l s i . - i i l i - i y i i u l i - i l t l' j H l ) i n t - ( i ( < n i - r i i l o f t i n * A m i y l ' i n i ' l u s H e r«jf W i i r i i i l i i i t c v i i i i , t l i i ' i - i M ' i i i ' i s

H K K O I V I M I , h y t i n - HiMii l t i - ( i f I h u I ' n i t i n lt i l l i t u m l i ' r t i n . i . ' i i l l ^ ! l i n t i n n a n i l h i w t .


#ucs u f t in: m a l a d y , uut t s idy of lh(; iiiNli-tU] i t u t i i m , . For svhnrM: c;ai't; iiu :uU:i[ualo lii 'o-", ' , ' I . v i s i o n IMIH b e e n t n a d u b y t h u S i a t i : o r

f l u 1 - i ' i i i M i i i H t f ' C * i n * t ; i v ' t l i i t t i j U t U

5<yq&gd-Uua nio'iVl,or. _ . _ _ . .

Trenton Emporium.

A vuiiutj man in BuflUlo has just fallenheir Io si large' Kiini ol money, buqiieatliudto liiiii by tho landhtdy with whom ho atuuo. turn1 buarikil.... .'-Tho jcuipLcnt' rmnom-bcrs, tliiil HIIO (iiiru Haul to him that In;was Uii' only .bonnier HIIO over had wliolikhrL find "fault with tho victuals, andHim would lvim-mber him for it. l i eno other

tako inor

rffliwiii Ibc tho HUM mark of thelady's rugard, Jioardorij will"

i' Ufiidly to. hush, wo trust, tiflc'r

s h o u l d be t a k e n lo i ik lnu to Uiof n i i i i ihe r In r i t i l u t iun in

l ion nt" t h i s alHiet i 'd eliiss

-;.--.,iU(i.itiiit 3tiLtto Utu j('^uaiiiiti>t.,i4»,!j,uii...jujwyiL,Ui.L.....UxJxay^^jl^^lioyjjii^thjLjjiiijuti1? UJ.ii-iii.m. ill,- Wi-nvriii-y nf « HI-, simi n.'siirmii.' r vidlHtlM ol lioShTbTe iilitci 'ti ' ilin Ui pi"l u i o i l i c r u l l l u e r , L u y r i i u i i i i i l i u J u i i i ' s uf i l i . i t

HU(!K Iails on

i\ A i i,c j | iiMcJ

. - T h e .Krim by

t lCulllyu,

ion w' tlifty of -Witr, who riiinrikiud at tho

IJttpftKtniwit iIurrHif tlitf-night'/ : IJTI--ibi'o tliisT lioweviir, (ii;iicrarThiiiuas hailpresented the J'reaHhniUs o.rili?r-o"fr(:inovi.i'.KuCfetary Htantou jioruscd it and aMirdGeneral" Thomas when he iu'endid tutako possession. General Tkaiams-wiiij,'• 1 am appuiii-led Secrnlu-ry uf Wai" •'•'/intirhii, aiid am In piiKKiWinii:'™" tXfterHiiiuo eonvei'Hatioii, lien. '1'homah rctiivd-leaving Jlr , Stanlon in pusries.siuii. * I" 111 -

TieYlrmovninf;, linn. rriiuinas WA^arreBrndnt hk 'rosldouoii by 1'nil.ud .Slulyji Mar-shal Ooodint^ TJii! warrimt wasjiroiMir-ed upon an allidavit of Mi". Siaulnii.'

At_10_o'eloek .ludgeC'arttir appi'iu'i'd 111.(•ourt, and Cit'll. Tiipmas vvus re(|'uired topivo bail iVir his fipjiejiraiicc' mi aiigwur (he charm's in Mr, SIMIILIIII'Sallidavjt, Jjlesi'iil liir liiu I'ciniiw'] M^wMra.,,

acjtiiin on IIUH Hllbjec.t. tin:tliaL.iL » ill iotVir^hoi^onB-


c i i in in i l l ee wiva Kingli1 road in New-JVrspy,

ihu lJatruLthaouvorod no



>;au, cor-e o'f aj.'hrh-


which al ldassos of.oil!dially unite' in the diHebarije of aj.'hris-tian duty. To divoMt tbo "subjeet stillfurther, or perhaps- onliivly, of olijuetionto iinuiediiiii: aetuiu, il w nroposod to inUtiato tho niTfrrprhin—rmlv-trtHh'w Linn- byiip.pjjiui.inp; j J i r w ; - ouriiiuii»akiinu"ii to . . _ac.LNviilinuL jiilV. i 'Xcc|it fur truvi. 'UiliU l x -pi-iiKcs. w i l h a u l l i o r j l y t o viNiL dlll i ' ruiiLlin'iiliiii-s in t h e i i n i ' l h e n i a m i e a h t i r n pai ' lof t in ' Hlu lo , c ' x a n i l u e Aiff-Htlei'liied s i l i l a -b lo Inr Huoh a n li issUUilion, t o a c o o p t Uiiyo n e t h a t , i m i v p o s s e s s a l l «rUiu- i [a , i i i i i ; sLui iml i iT- 'u f - i l cc in ib l i ! point1* lli'it iimy heiiffi red us it fri'i i/ift hi lite Sliilv by Ihoowner or by LIIO euhtriliulWins from thurilizi-iiH or- it-tw-tiH-i-ir-tho vii'inilv", l o p i o

' " - I ' ^ J ' 1 - ^ " oigluy-Hix^^ltCBCTipjitf^unjtigw' RTTJi 'pnt- Tiofntjl'c acouiclfpniitl'siaiightor moWTclayT' W . w . yVHlihi. ji shfij-t;: i h n o past, no loss than

j i r a d l u y a n d M u r r i c k , a m i a l ' lc rt h l k l t a A ^ W y b aji-jiear on ^\"(•dueslllay next,

Gmi' Tl.omas, on leaNing !bi' entirl,visited llin AUoriiey (ieneriil anTl-ncxiwent to the White lion*1, after which he.again apjjeai^d nl the War Depiirliin-nt.I to found his own otlii'e • as AdjutantGeneral" bieked, and was unable to gainadmission. Thomas a<iiii'u iiifni-uii.'d Stan--ton that h« Avaa_urdei\i'ilj.ijLlUAL L*nsidi;ilL

N w i l h w r i l t e n N i i ee i l l r a t i nus a n d i nn;iiiv.!.i ilic

yV . JM shoj-t;: Ilino past, no loss thanfnu'r trailis have been tm-own from tliulludsyn .Kiyer road by deleutive rails —two a short dlstanoebelow 1'Mshkill, andtsvo in the neighborhood of New, Mi'u are kupt on the ruad, we araiiilurmwl, HIJTITI: and dviypvho-inspect thoj-aLls- ivrLiir;iwi4ry limi-u passws over'-LlumuT h e ('xlremely cold weather eausos brit-lli'iiess in the rails, steel rails whieh arcnow bi'ing rapidly iulroiluced,. wilLre-inove' entirely, it is Ir-lieved, this greatdaiii/er of railroad Traveling In winter;

' I ' W I ' l l " l l ' i v c r i i ' i i " , ' i n T u o . « ' | : i y . l l i n n i g h l i i s

p r ' l v n t i ; s c i ' r e l n r y , r i - l u r n p i l i ' 7 t l T u ' S i T i i n U 1 , w i t h

h i « n l i j e e l i i i f i s , t h f . I i i i n t H i ' S ' i l u i i n p i H w i t h i l f a w i n g

111 o u s s e i i t u i ' ( l i t i l , i ' i f i » l ! i i u r i ! t u I l i u I l i h I L I I I U I I C I -

to tako pOHBOHHlon of the NS'ar ulllre, liafter a shor t (.•ouvei'sntioi. ]m relired, micl

.Up ' to !) oU'l-iiek 'Sat i inl i iy u v u i l l ^ had j , | ,liiado iio.iiirthof doiniiiijjii'itliurm

got t tny pmWHwiun of tin; dilic-p.

uii- iuonuay moriiing _ticn. -rhomaHagain visited the rnoniM of Sir, stain on,and demanded of him that, he shouldvaeato luiniediately and (leliver up themails. • •

Staiiton positively refuisud, ,Haying,J.hathi! was Soiii'i'tary of VVur, and at the sametiiUQ ordering General Thunias to repairto his own room as Adjutant (ieneral ofthe Avmy,


euri" pinl*HtlHUlt nub .*f-To enrry nut thi'si1 olijuels. thu eummiltiiu •

naiiii'S of jii'i'soiisi dei'ined siitlablc In por-Ibi'in the diiUoi, of thu eommishioii, 4TI1U jpei'KoiiH Ho'imiiied are (iov. Wsu'tl. cx-f'iov.l la iues and Dr. A. II. Hiiltolpli,) T h u :eiuiiinittei' alnri say that, thi! appropr ia t ionof s-2( 1,(1(1(1, asked IVH- by tlit-- liiauamn-f, torLiu; objugt iiamod is a junt and roasiiuablu

•si, and t h a t it Mbould bo yrauted ,t h a t tbuy ar(t»s!vLisl.Uul...Uia.t IU-JIIUIL

.UIIOj h required Inr eStI'anrdiiiary I'c-[•s. i m j i r o v e j i i e n i H , i i n d | i ' u ' r i '

oldi i r ]i.-u'ls oj ' l l u ' l i l i i l d i n g ,

I'hil llllUBi-

ngry iiab hh u l l i i l u i r s . ; ill

i n g In i l i r Hi il Hi " *' 1T l i o 111 1 t•> i ' l - p e n l thci I H l l i y l i n n , n i l i l " " " f i f ' i n T n ' w

llpo l i i i r r i i w u r i i i i ' l I r m l i ' - r " I ' i i i n n i ' j - In m n k o e u n -I r i i o l f , l U i n j ; 1 l iu 111 t e Hi" i 111 (• it-jj 1, W H C i l i s e u s s u i l b yMi>sMi-s K v i u i e li t i l l . I N I I U H i n I l i p t i f f l n i i a l i v e , i i r i i lM u - r i i I ' i u k U i , W l n i l i i i i . l i i M w n , V l u i l n i n l W i l l sin ( In ! i i u g i L i i v o . T\w b i l l W H S l u s t — I I m o m b e r sy u i l n g i n il«o i i e u u i i v i 1 .

6 2 8p


HOOPwii, T. ii&i'ia

£KiRTS. 628i-ii "OWN MAKli"

i l 1

"ICICYHTONEHKIIITn r i ; tliU ijujll. iLllll . I ' M K A I ' K M J.UH l.'UIURIl- l l i l l i p

r - S l i i r l a - . i i i , i l i i f - i i i . t i " l i « t . - « - T r n i l . " "j - c h i l l i ; .'ill s ; n i n n s ' . $\:'lil : nriil 4ll q i r i n g i i , S I



wliich, [f.treiLtefl wilh (JUK'S Uiji;oA DAI.HAM in

it will uuiu-CWutiuiiipnijii, but-tEULgfiiiiUyl l (

t.hut ffp , uttULgfiiiiUy roliuvu i ' '

any Uougli. Thuy hitvu a onrtllluiito (rum a gon. T H E CHEAPIST aElIOIO'D'S W E E K -!!?i1i"^^1"!!'1 HlWi"iftns JJronounood inaumblo 1Y IN THlWOmit ' "'winli Congmiiiitlbn, stiitea Coe's, "(Juiii'hijuruil him.





O K . W M .

BIBLE DICTIONARY.,«>(!(» 4;iri;cj otitnvu pngud. COMMENDED


l,F-a p , ; H l m i l l t i l l ! l U W T .

^uL g u i i t i i i n ? HYvv l . i M H l p i

AlTi/ii* lire iiuiii'j athis Wart: '

Tn iiiiiic! who wiijit tiij! ^ j iAy . i.Q^.ty.iy. ]yii,

tluiC tUy wurk juii

illil httxintss luith

Price $SMJ0~1jy~MaiI) wa.uu by Carrierin New York and Brooklyn,

Copies serrt Gratis.

h u l l IHN' (iin liiluriur (viirlt) h l w boon copiod, wfllhi; lurriifhiHl in .Mnfuh ut S S 7 3 per.ouiiy, 75 uontslupii llwin tlrn-Tlfiiui'idairiJrliLlu•--"Jr'ur full

}, CQ,_}_i s 3gii Asyluin St.", Ilnrtfiird,

A If il I' iVfiiiiril, lion- refill/ fur Utltiriitxtrx


I T S ( ' . i r s H H , ( ' I I A I I A ( ; T K N , CfiNiii ' i 'T A N I I R K S U L T S

)iy i j i i n A L E X A N I ) K R l i . S T E V E N S .Sisncl I'nr Ci r i ' i i l i i r i i , w i t h t u r t i i s , n m l » l u l l d o s o r l p -t i o n of t h e w o r k . A d d r e s s N A T I O H A L P L ' J J .

| t

AMATEUR •CULHVAT0K'8"QU-iDE"To tli3 Kilc'iDn auJ Flower Garden,


ADESCRIPTIVE wdrk nt^UO ptigea, fully in U i -t U l i h b t i f l l l j


ITS CAT5-Ifni!CErPTS"'the pmlsix rnhnlhalargor• Ihitii over bolbpe during thu uprr ip

ponding jioj-iuijL ' '

ITa CASlt HECUrPTS during the pastluunths larger than eyor hol'ure.


ITS CASH KECEIl'TS in January largur thanever bolbre.

pg ytniUil with n buiiutifulciilureil pjiitu and 100

utigfnvinjjs, ijuiiliiiniiijj a lUt'uf uver 2MU vurloiiesiif Fkivvty; und.\"u^utu.blu Sijoili!-^iilsa, l iO vn-riet-iciof the uhuiuust Frunuh J lybr ld Uludiulua, All thoNovelties, bulli (if the Fhnvor nrnl Vegotiiblu,l i ir1H0B, ivil! be IViund dogeri^ed in thoTibove w o r k , ^Xiiatufulljf hiiuiidiii • cloth, 2 ooliirod jilrites, price,pu.»l-piihi, Oil uld, ; in |>upor»oi>vets, pmt-pnl(l |*2i'u U A d d W A H H U I l N J U U H i i 1

pAddnj UU T-Hurticititirra1

Hull, jjiialon, .

" ^ WS SEWING MACHINE. ""^ f a a T O m\> A IJ iAV T O A U E I V T S .

T T is thu liirgqat, buiit, nnd strongest uhuiip mft-Auliiiifisolil. I j innltosii scMini whiuh will not r ip ,T I l o l O i l l i V K H V T l l l l l l i S T i r i ; ! ! B E U I ' T . ' N o t l l U l i l y

should bo witliuut olio Tho only $10 Sowing Ma-chino sulil that will sew heavy bunvorolotli. SontbyKspruss, vvilli full instructions, on reuolpt u-priuo. Ajjents wnntoil qycrjwlibrO; , $qnd ~ furuiriiuliir. TSMIHilSSM SEWlJjU MACTimE^CO.iUliO Druadn-uy, Nusv Yurk.


— |

ilkiwiii^, lf«H a jn'iMtinlile

fiijiy ii oijlmnn <it' mir K

H ilutions iJiisHud hi Uii!

Muimliug thu uocciiUmeouustUutiuiiJil Aiiu'iHlnieitt

whicli wouldiU'O, nm the:

lust wfiok,of' the XIV


Gen, Thomas -withdrto 'the room of,


-hrirt-Ttiwnsi'iiii, will)

l ine iH.mieH l i d

order, m !u; \v;i« tooniuiii in thii ili'p.'irfcinnur.

tov tho

uiiwuH to ru-


T H E rinjfirHKXT IMi'Oa Moii'lay al'li'riiDuii, rii'loiv a loiii; ilb-

li:itu, tho SUmm ui Hi'iii'imi'iit;itIveH, vulod'.that, • 'Andruw ,I()hiii!(iii, I'Hisiili'nL nf thiiUnitotl KUitmJ, • tw iiniMiiiclnjil of his>h

d d " tr l i' vAod

1. We it rnscilvfiil by Iliu Hiinrilu rind f iononi lAsjinmlily ill" (ho S i Iu uT Now ..lo rfiiy, T h n t Iliujo in t ! rotnjliilinn' iipprDviMl Si'iito inlier t

sjiringii, ff.i (JuiiIf : i|(l KpriiigH, 51,1 j f' iind^pring'i. $!,2.i. \Y <l i r'u Hint in frt'iii rtsutf!

••Uur UNVX Miiku" uf IINIIIN SKl I tTK," ElevenTiipa TiuilH, from 211 to iM n[iriii»n, ijl .2(1 to %'l SO,r i n i i l f S l x :']44pl;Hr M (tl-ftfl #|H'H1J!>^ ft'ylll US (juntalo SU lin. TliPHb Skir ts nro butter thjin thosu euldb j ' iitlior (JstiibliiihiUBiilii tis Ural ulna? gnud^,. and utuiuch lower priced.

"OurOWS Muko" of "OIIAMPrON'SiailTS"nre in every way supuiior to nil othor lliiup Hklrtibeforu the pujjliu, rind only havo to bo cxnininail_!if. wurii to iiiiiLviiwn every ona of thn fnnt. . Alnnu.^iwil I ffiTfnTihdllTr^S1"

t i v o l u r i i n o n d i i i g i l l : C n n . < t i l u t i " 3 uf i l i u ( . 'n i t i t i lS l a t e s , h o iiild I l iu « n i n u i s h u r u l i y rnf tc in i l i i i l , a n d

K l H S r 1 ^ i T ^ h ^

2. A n d ho It rns i i lved l T h n t uci|iiua ••( thu l o r n ,g n i n ^ (irOiiuibJe lend ruSolut iN!i ruort i l i i id . tu by thyPresident of the Sunalu iiuil Spoiikor of thu t iunor .ivI'Assemhiy; lie"(iirwurd«d'**•'We' President iif the 'n i i : i j > ' I w ' i f * j | t (* •

vury supyi-inr tupos, mid tho s ty l e of tliofuMitsiiingB urnl nittmiejr uf-se i iur ine thain

aiid i i inondinni i t tii t he C o n a t U u t l u n

resolutiou-12(> iWllllO 47 VOlOd NO.;;

The acUoivaf tlfo

•;'' coiiniry"J?rggtfli;

sii-JH i.udoread.hytlvrouj/lioiil. thu

oihf' s|i«i:uiis the

^guilty iho' PrusKluiU- wlll^JVoiii ihtit. ilio-nioiit bo duprivod of liii*. "oiliiji thn luiiy.tions of wliiijh will tk'vnlvii upon Ihi1

I'resiilpnlrof the .Syiiitti1, the lion; Bc;ri)ii-vmii i -ar^ 'ado Of' OliMU-,..'-"-'.'.' "> .'•' ~'. - •;"•

Tho trinlof rrosidcuL.JoIinsnh will ninkJito oitp-bC^tlic ino.i't I'clrbj'uti'd

stato trials of -nil tinu'.s.'

JjUiyu bodyjVit-hjoiiikiiigo ail Jntoresrarit will WHteh the,, ni'Uon at. (JOJI^KUM In.tins Trnpeai-liniontcaso, iuui thu (k-'uisionof tho Huuatu, whalevur it nitty bu, will

-inako"n. profouud '1 mpi'ossioirt h rouglroiTttho world.

U.nitud Sliitus, tn eatdi iif o n r Suhiitiira aiiil Itej.iri,'-sentiitivosi in tiiingi'iiiM, a n d to thu Uuvornord of therdspGutivii.HtiiteH,

>3, And bn it nriiinicd, Thnt those resulutions'shnit talio ull'uut iniinuiiiiituly,

AKOTJlHll r O H T i l A I T . ••••'

—TI i-U-«y-Hfl Hije-of—iVssefttfttjY*''m b—w'-c-a k-,-\Mi', SuiHli oMuruil n'TOMiiluUuii to sippijlutn (Miiijiiltti'C to jHlrclui»«; a irorirait (if

•Andrew JiihiiNun, ~tu, iuiiig uppimitc thnt:'pf .Abraham Liuwjliijin thu liousu, •

tiv, >(isoh oiipimud tho piirehnscf be-...i l J h ' i i ] i

~otMiniT"wiiiiml iirL! riiiilly elieiipur tlinn nil ulliors.Imly x/iuiilil irii i/iem. They, ars huing sohl . . .tuiijiivoly.Xiy.MiJl-uliiints througlwitt Uiig.u,i1d,tlio ad-jiiininj; sliiti'a lit very inudernttLnriues. Ifyou

,of living luuii in wiuh pnrp•-Mr: MoloHCj^moviHrilre siibHlHiitiou nf

tho iinmCt ol' Andrew .Jackaoii, i3ilr..Whclnii rcninrkcd tiiat it was only JJu>diflbrfninfi'lretWRi'ti"'* ;7ackf'"nnirrt JoinTT''''Mi;, iruutlrliikfiou favorod the substitution,

nd thfi ivfoltitiou afi ameudod W'M ymm-d

Skirt ." If you do not 11 ud llieui. got tho maruliuntwilh whom you dual to order thunf fnf yum or ooineor Bund dirisijt to ns. Mqrehauts' will rtnd our' diffitrUnt graduiiuf Skirts exiiutly what thuT need, sindwe egpuuiaiiy iiivito tlie.m to cairntid isxainino ourpxtijiialvo asaottiiioiit, or solid for Wholusuto 1'rlqoJ i t •


Tli ninl 3311. , Apiil 15ili iJllnj1111,1 i.'. 11.. ! ' . ' ' '

With Xew Hlciiuisliljis of tho Firs t C I M S ,


Fur further iriforuirilloii uddross the undersJBnodat 177 WostBt., N. Y. ,

D N. CARltlNcJTON, A»ent,

jX titotl.

W33 wantrirst-LdasB Agorita to introduce our PfewNui rS Ic MEWING MACIJINKS.

Ihor partieulars and Bnuiplu work furnished on ftp-plioBtinn to W. U. WltiiiON it (JO.. Cievnland,,

JiAJUfllejBmted-lLblfcWITH - "

STOP.Pfondtaiioedbynllrwho hftyoh enrdtiinil nnd be.-mtiCiil iuututiun nf tbow,HM.Ajy.

llluL-OJ TinhlH 11 ^ n 4 ,-,fT fy ^lUiiiil Trade gonerftlly, nnd n't Whulc'anlu hf theALnniiFaelurgr only, tu whom al4 oidori irbould beadilruasud, • .- ;,' • .

UotwuisiilJlh iind 7th Sla,; Philadelphia;,

. 21.

APPLETON'S EDITION.... OF TtlE . • * . ,

with thu dlijsoiiUug Yoicu of Mr.-g.initul

—Tlie-btti for tliR

^ y wants'to-pay any taxes,—ComiulttuuM aro coiistantlv- at Washing-..ton, from every iniagiuabjo' T)r;ii»;lL_Qf.TDusIncsJ, ifrging upon Coiigri>sft thti iin-

upon their particular productions..- They'.any—tax'-llio-'•'luxuries11—wlmtovcr theymay be—while the. ••supposed luxurypeople:—tho tobacco men, Uio whisiwy

j n o u , . UigiMr..uiooT-those,

Iwoks ' aivd- pCTitid+eahtj—infrroihicotl- in "theLeglHlalui'o, pruvidoH thiit ovury povsoil

sale, or giS'o or 'purniit to bo taken from•his-br her liosBomioii-anyobaoouo *painplili»t, pl<M,uro, .prihtv p"apbr,'or- other,•piibli'eatipn.of a-vu-Igiir ur induuent (.•lnu1-autcr, sliiill, in eveiy mm. on (.•onvlutionJjji.'rcof, bo guilty o l ' a inisdiipKianor, andITIiaii by jninisiu'd bj' a (Tne notJ i v e . b l ^ l l l

,. UigiMr



Liox.-i—Audthoi1' Tyng ease has pecur'red•n\ ProvSilouco, H.J . , where the liev.

"i b b lfinnstjfiijirics. &C, <frt*. -h v'irrnronsiv

-• engaged hi lijy^'rng i l io tax"fDiVib'\'Gd"ffi?'reduced, as "the" others. J3ach desiro to"

, • tlirow tliFlnxos upon "bilinrs, pay any if it.c.ihbe liulpnd—•

'_ that ia, if Congress- will kindly L^iige,.^Jthoin i t that_>v^-y.—.ill aapthor Tqitarter

"tliov aro hanimerinjFjit:jUin±HUBtit'n loppression of the income tax—by tlio waytne eaglesf tax ever' iinposeil—'i"ithers blt.torly_<jsmplain"of havhig- thoU'XJovdrnnTont -bonds, vtaxed—others- theirbank stodk^-aiid go^ tho end cf the

Jfobody wants tq-pt5- - mty'trat-

.Jjooh-osoliangiug..pulpita..with J'Mr.-DennisQU, a Baptisirmimstoi!, agaiiiitthe express and oarnost prohibition ofBishop Clark. In his reply to the Bishop,Mr, llubbnrd indiuates ft purpose whichhas not; perhaps,-. been so fully avowed.-,

"tnrt of whiuli MiguUluiVuL hiulb luivu boongiven .alHowhero, and wbieli is succinctlystated in tha following extract

If by any auoli legialation you out mo•" ' — ot cease to —' -"

—At-lens,Mf-any-iB• ©U6"i»mst'.do it."•,.

= • - .

TUB for Voting Peoplo,"TUB BiVEBsiiotMAOAiHJK fo Voting p ,(or Mnielj, coAlui tho followjhg tablu of con-ik^^Wijl^l^d<A, SputU* 4UICE1OOII City i

Bhakoipeare j Little Lo a >g

. ,i Terms."" of aubscrliition—iL*yciir, Iii advance.

..likeChuroli. Many bolbvctl brothroiiniyBOlf, thus cut off, will bo with mo,shall, if thus forced to it, form a uew andmoro piu'o branch of the J ProtestantEpiscopal Church."

^TBHIeaVr TUpnmsfa-baf befrr'aiia" Mir»'Antoiuetto EuflRor, both colored,' wereruirrled at St "Vincent's Church in StA t R , ,ruirrled at St. "Vincent's Church, in. St.Louis, on "Wednesday. The bride haproperty and money to the value of $400,00 The husband is also worth.nearl

of Ladies la

lie presented his wife "Fthe same amount.with a check for $10,000 as a weddinggflLJTha bridal vfiii cioRtJTjQ^njLghgwore ear-rings coaling SoOUt).


evtryist introduoGd. J, ESTMY, k 00 ,iH, Vt,, tho original Inventors nnd Mi'inu-

fiicturors ,11-7 Brofiiiio St , N. Y ; 270 itiver StIroy, N , i : , ; U) 1 . Fiiyotto St., Syrnouse, N Y •18 Nortli 7th at,,Plillii; Uj Itandoiph at, Bhion-b

WA'NTED-IN ycOUNTYm.the' Stfttos, A aOOD MjVN to sell by inmnl

tlllAnillBKIiAIN'S COUIll^tl', PLUMB,

Tito grontest Iiivptition of the n,je, iind ono tlintoTdry MBchnnic. WtirUman iind-'li'uriner in.tho "landwill buy, SeiiantUlress, with naino, Stato, puuntynnd I'ost.Ofliuoi ptiiiiily writtan, and wo will iontl

^ I l r t l ^ t

mm now Ktureniypo 1'liitoa, un i lu im with" llioNow "KditUin nf Diukona, ouiitiiiiiinjj nil Iliu

NotiM uf.tlm.AuUiyr, iiiid p r i i i t B i l f r i i r n t t h e - - 1

liitrat oiliUoii of (he, Aulhorlztsd Tos t ,

Tu .Jit.. •Mpmjiffkit_ iii: ^ Tii'entn^Jivn^

^ Pr ice OS (Jfiui E n r h .Printed nil finu whllo pnper, olo;i.rL typCi nlid eou^

"W'nvrflt1!/,jiitnitiUr, ;Kflll/lrurifl,


15 '1'e.frril of tliF, ffiih,HI,'

:• 'f'/ir. lilari-lhe'irf, ij-"" A Legend of Main-, ' "P liridf. oj Mammer-

iiinur, ' ,0 limit ijfMiillothiiiii1 The Mdnimeni,I V k r • A M t ~

18 liNlftnuntliU,

20 The Tali small,21 Waudxtark,32 Fair Maid afPttlli,'2H AllH* tlf litilJitGift,—


tlfUoiunPar is,Tlit tiurgevn''s


0ns Bbllar ••Purchasing- Agenoy,iteociviiig our goods direct froin Itnporiers nin

Mnnufiieliifori, wo tiro ennbleil to. «oll bettergoodsrfor Sf than any dtlterBhnin tho country, I'lirtlsatlniiring to mnlto purolisiaei of any goodi in our line^JI«—Cireninr) will flfiil it. inr tliftiy__n'ifv,nntngj; fngive us 11 trliil, and thereby save from 25 tu. ]pOpoive}:_ Our Btoflk eoniiats ofDry and i'iiney.Qpods,'SnyBfrl'rafBd1^TOWriniril~an~ea81e3'rTd'fl6iy*^l8 f l 6 i y ^

selni\tad_fur-^durahilitv nnduiility,: oomprlsing. a list ,of over 200 differonarticle!, liny one of whioh will be as nt upon reijeipt of ONE UOLLAll. If nny iirtlolo recelTCCdoes not provo asropreiontocl, it mny bo TBturnoilnnd the money will be rafunded by return mail,-,:.];*or,a. list of Two artlyhji send . . . . . . . . 25 oonts,

...'.T.-.-WFor li list of T a n , . . . . . ; . , , , , . . , • • • ..SI

whlish will be fteeoihpiiriiod with ii fu41-tle!orlp£ionof eiiohnrtieloT-any oiio of which wlllboTOntfor $1.Addltinnnl list frcim 10 to 201) will be lentMlOats

-polrr~~3^o-qftoirtlro-)aTgoir 1 rrdTOfffnonts Io ngenf)of any firni,eriauBodin tho fausinosi. OurPurohai

'inm^AgaaW-Smt 7- thu liitjjiiaL_ciHEbBBn engiiged in

TS PROSPER IT? IS UNPRECEDENTED in thehlitory of religious jourtiiilisui,

!T IS THE ONLY PAPER SOLD to any extentby iiowj iigonts und buokstores in all ~~~

parti of th.Q.enuntry,

T EMPLOYS Xim-A1JLKST WR«EKS-in the, country.

ITS ARTtCLES ARK ALWAYS HEADAULE,racy, atiij jjriiolionl; not dull, muta.

physical, and atupld.

T PAY'S MORE FOR ITS WEEKLY C'OSTIU-• li-t/TItlSSilifinaivy crthirf TmilJE"i-o-

ligiuui piipers In the country.

IT HAS THE ABLEST CORRESPONDENTS Inail parts uf tbo country and Europe. %

DON'T FILL UP itioolumna with "acissoracontributions." -

:-T- DISCU«§ES-BQLBTiY-ti»d feaTlosaly all reVugloua, nioriil, and politieul topics.

IT HAS M0RE,0RIliINAL CONTRIBUTIONduiiil othor rundiiig nmttet "thiin any

other weekly foligious paper.

Mt*fliogreAt-iBflMirtii(iyaa., i . fln<l whftt thoy propose to do. •

ByHo.N. UEiiilY W I L S O N ;United Stales Senator from Mass,

GRANT anF C0LP AX,?• „ REPRESENTATIVE PUBLIC MEN,I|l»«j)eoplui8 cliulcc for rrealtlunt * Yieijliim'ti

Wintnd.i of lite War—•ir Freedom in Peril,.

Pust, Ul. Lauiii Mm —Taxation.— The .


By. Ucr.JUEO, L,.&UYLER,P;J),y- —f^^..,.— — ' Brooklyn, N . Y 7

Praying in the Holy Ghost-TUB GRIlAT BXPERI9IENT,

LETTER from WASHINGTON.i51eetian-gf€lutr.-.-Ba(ttty-filittt»lrioi Thetiratgun nt

a froui tha. . .., —. _ .--nectiout Else.:

tlons. Supremo Court on lteoonstriiotion.Tho Presidont and his Cabinet after

_ (Jen'l Urant, ipoakor Colfux's re.coptiona, oto.

By our \Va.«lilngton Correspondent,;T) -\v BARTLETT.D. W;

Tlio Lost Jpiiiug-o,- -ChiipterlX-oFanOriginnl Btory,

Written by an Ofttiodoi Ulorgyman ojtpreisly for'Tho Indopendont, and destined to be, we hollovo,one of the most popular, rany and instructive

eorloa of contributions over given to a re-ligluui nowspaper,

BOSTOIV Cm-TCHAT.Bnston never says die. ReligiouiProipority, Art.

Urawn of Now England, Oould'a Andrew. Low'and Bisordor, A Triok on Mossrs

H.iTriion, tJray, Otis, etc.By our Busion Uorrelpondont.

HABITE,-Oite-of tha abtest and 'muaL Bpluy wiitlT^-in-tHy



XliuUiitii'dinii AiiEiiI nnil IVoinooJ.


ITri VVKITEHS a™ ohtisen- .frdmWhrrstiaii d-e

all theluadliiy

ITS REAnKRg'1ipo"thu" thinking, '" proKrewido-uwako, and iniwt autis'o mull and

women nf the times.


IT IS A-S RAllirAL AS TRUTH and justice canin.ike It, and uieuns to bo so always

ami forever,

IT IS TJSSECXAHIAN and oarneitly aeeka Chris- • " • : ' ' • — - " w * " " t h r B H r B i U n l . — • "•"- ' •

WOOBi,AH Original Poem, _ _ ,

" B y JOEL B1KT0N, Amenift, Now, York.


Endorsed by a "Blessed OldBlaok Woman.1'

A S I O H V W l T l M f U l ' A 'MORAL,^.i^T.J'UM OHILDlilitf-

By ABSY SAUE.-Qharlestown, Mills,

WILL,;IIAVB .MORH-BlLIfflTOUS, NEWS,than evoT befpre,

IT WILX TAKE A TJECIDED INTEREST in thocoming great Presidential eontoiit,

IT WILL EARNESTLY sEWC the moral, pulltkcal and religious interests of thu whulu

pooplo of tho nation, irrespective of. race, uolor, or oundition.

IT WILL DISCUS rilEELY ABL .FINANCIALMATTERS from a highly moral d i "

IT WILL INSIST that every Bngageinent and ohlligatlqn of tho country shttllbb promptly

:JMtwia^^d;jte/; ; ;'



TSSQ WAYSpirLOVINQ=Loving the good and Loring the Wieked.


'KRit, AsiKs, Du KissLEr, KriWAiin, TiioK-

~ ^=~~TJ3niMtiiiilibVroanboiiit.1 '1

& ULiJ AJi.WSi'Al'BH—TilR-FsiiRnAt. SPY AKD-UAILV Anv-nnTiaen, of-Dmt, id, ITOi.

'pyftre-.-iiT, • . . —SHALL WE LOSE "THE EXCISE LAW ?







Tffl^MMifFomninjranany further eontraation of the ourronoy.

IT WILL NOT BE IN HAST1W give political,power-to thoie who have hoeo rebula.

IT WILL7ADVOCATE REOONSTiiUOTIdlf on abasij (and that only) of exact and

_- _' '__ Inipurllal juitiee. - •

COMMERCIAWND FINANCIAI, DEPABTMf NT, --: A S F O L L O W S f • • • ' . ' • • ' . • - •• •






IT WILL. OPPOSE ALL'POLITICAL" MAN-••" '-;(£(<-V;'£Rt'if8''' sRid'*ra'A&himry"'etilculat6(l-"-*''*i"

.to lower the strliiJiird of -national-

IT WILL CONSECKATE-ITSELF with all itspower and. influence to the grout work-of—--

mcin'l, politioiil and religious raforinand Christian fieedom, the world ftvot^T _

IT IS T i l l PAPER FOR FARMERS, HAVINGweekly produoo and market reports

and prices current.

K E R S i 0 alists, haviiig weekly money article!, flnnn

Oii.rooeipt of SIX, BOI/LATiS wo'will *sond theentire sot i,.f Waverloy Nuvols, us publiahad, and ae n p j " a f n n o w . " " • ' ' , . ' • ' • '

gg ho bustnuss tur OTSpirirtve )>eiirr—and Jill artieles ore warranted to'glv'e sntislao.<ion, Reforencei given if desired. Circulars HI>H(free to any address. Ulvo us a trial, and see ifour reproiontatlons nro not- ifrietly true. Address,with full nimio, ptate, Co., and town, MABBB A Co.,3 Tromont Row and 12 Howard St., Boston, Mass.


SCOTT,from n, pnintine by Sir Thoinas Lawrenoo, suit ,blafor training; the books and engraving to bo «entfree of postage to any part of the Unftod Statei,-

Either of the nboTpsentioany addraii, ) M ^ h k ^ * ^ 4 k *M ^ e | ^ ^ « j k t n » ^

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Hi««rfl.,.Aiso-h^afEHT-pn- tfciB-

EBllQEB. AljUalBcBnd DISBAHEB whiob deBtrbythei.'inanly pbwafi, and' eroato -inipBdimonti," to''MA.BKIAUEi.witU suro means of rellfo., Bont inionlodluttor onve.opea, free of qhnrgo Address,Dr. JLSKILliIN IIOUOHTON, Howiirl Aiiooia.,tioh,* Philadelphia, Pn. ;- • —


nsn hr; put »p nt nny TifiigStore—and with Biiccesii or no ibn igc , all easesof AeitiAj Qhrouif,, orPrivnto 3>tRcaH0Sj Ypnth.fid vice, PeiiihiD Dhense, Ohmtrnbiloam, &a,—Send stamp to Box 80, Hancock, Man,, for Circii.lar.

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RATES.One eomplete fot, 2S yols, $6 Oft.

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-JTanpy (Jootjir&o.rito.r—Send^Ton oonti fqrsPRtentPen Fountnin, with,ilip desaribing on article in ourdollftr aalo. Any person (male orTemnlo,)oan lendin ft olubof from 30 to 1,006, lit thoinme rate (10oti,for eneh), nnd got a premium for io doing. SESDIN RgfliiTBiiKn LBJTBBS. Sample mailed freo to

pBrson outainingLBY NdVBfcj nn


t i t l d t


eaponse. ~mrR subscribers loriliffremitting ui $1, will bo

T AHentitled to n set of DiesBKSi;? Tots, SBAtismailed at our cipnnia. x.

Any person obtaining Ihjht suhioriberf.'Bnd TO-mittin* S18, will reoeiyba copy qf•tK5^^W,ttTo^leyGallery," containing Sft Btoel EnarnTlnH af'thVm Steel BBgWTinBi of ths

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No -less than twenty-four .ships .loaded•with teas are now due in New Yofk from

trious men nnd women to m5ko money, us everyman, woman and child will parchaso the WAV«II-i.BV'NavEi.s atffiirlow prioo, _• For speoial r'ateff, ippty lo 11\e PubliSmrs,


-EASTMAN ,L^ Bostoni Mjks|^


p , or Saul Clnirii,iiiB „Jf How either lex mnyvfu6oinatu and jain the nf.festions of nriy one ihoy ehooso, inpfantly • alsoieeure prosperity in lovo.OT busineji,. Every oneenn noqnlre thiiilnjijlar power. Thii queer,- ejpciting book hM been published by ni tin yeara, thegitl of. whieli hai'tesn enormous, imd ia tho onlybook of the kjpdln the "Englislv aBBuaga sentry,in'all": for 23 eta., or, flve for qno donar, 'ionSTbr^ith^goida-tp'the nnmarriod, ^Addrtia I . f f H

No. l"Poruvian Guano, Best^_J» u j . jk ^. * -^J- • Buporphosphat, Pure GroundBons.i'ialiQnano,Plaster,Phospnat'eGnsn'os, fto ,for mloby GBO,B.JYHWW!>160'Sr— o l -""-""

fft 11 e a t «r r c in 1 u iu sHOWE SEWING-MACHINE.

Wo hayo mmft special eontraet with the HOTTO Saw.—ing- Ma»fline-gpmpany-&) furniih their TIQrlB^jl•

Premium for SewTO

THErfurlng tho preiontyear. Anypsrion whawUl sond_,i» the names ef fwentyjfoux new yBayly suyarl^..

IT IS THE PAPER-BOKMERCIIANTS, h g> weekly dry goods reports, with latest quo- "

tations and general prices current, ' ; , .

IT IS THE PAPER FOK^USINISS MIN of all,classes, having wookly discussions on bus.

• iness matters. .

HflilTJAVoiiiEwiTnoiiHspREjhaying wjeklj jtories from Ibe.ablost writers..

IT IS TUB BEST ADVI11TISINO MEDIUM, itis beljevoa, in the country.

WE ASK NO SUBSOniPTIONS to support us asa dharitahlo institMtion, J.

;W1 vABK-FHIENDS to help ns inineronging ourvffirniilaHftil-Jllifl i i » i . f n l n g M i f l i m y h i i - •

nre doing- good—and not otherwise.

WE EXPE0T TO GIVE IltEVERY NUMBER Ofthe papir thrQUgh the year reading mntter to

theeitent of any.ordlnary.slsod volume ofSOO.pagos suld at the bookstores.

WE EXPECT EVERY SUBSCRIBER of thii pa.J J — _". pey to any that the'mon«sy pnidToT— ""


as nBoyo) wilTbe presented with oho si thole oeio-bratod raaohinei, the lowest prioa of which it SBO.-*'"It will bo paekert and ahippad by expraii, or otharTwisa.'Ks dirpoted. . - - -

Wo limply want the jjam«s (wltB the money) ortwenty-lour,persons who do not take our paper,and who rially iubieribe for it,' they nifty be sent:-'oab «at,.a »tlnio,.orBll.togathei;j' they at ens;;,-post.offiee.^pjLmoreilian one—we are oiily partieo-liif that they ihail be bonS.fideiu.wgitiien.befi. ""Any oiti porlon sUbsoribing' for2*y*arij-ior"Biiy;'-

two- persons: for 12 years, or my three perrons for 8*yours, will bo entlTled to the naohin» under above-offer ~

Persons intending to tako advantage of this offer,,and Bonding the subscribers' namesastheyobtninithem, will please state in each instaSBo that they

J t this nooount, _--w.. : .:. ,y< j --._. ,: , %ti nt-untOT this offer mnst begia :

Wit lTthe nrnnborfliotfr paperOEtPt OF THB StoKBy. " -. . . ,

.RemTOaiioes must be made by posboffleo money.,order, hank.eheoli, or eapress (paid),.

.CARPENTER'S BOOK, '• Sia; months at the Whits Hi/use,

it The But iBTeilurnl


. Vi'e.expeet to have a good moiisuro of sneoeii inwhat,we shall aim to do. We expect some oppQ.sitlon from rival newspapers, some" priiieUm formistakes of judgnioBt, some fuult-findirg becausewe nro radioul, nnd lots of advico,'n9 ufsnnl, fromnil n.mrtnn; bat " "live amever hefore

irteri; bat, notwlthstandinei wa aipeot loid thrive, and do more good, porhnps, than

Any peraoHtt-, .,-- _ . . . _ , , - . _ _ _ - _subseribor for THE IsniPESOBHT for one year,,with: tuo-moneyrwill-be-preiettted-sHth-tiiii[bookr-It wHrbo i«nt by mail, postage paid, €t dsltwrfiat the daikof pnr own publifhing oBoe, Oldinb- 'ipribers, notin arrears, on renewing their ittbisrip- :Uoni, and sending ui fifty eents eitra^wlll. ftlio bopresented with a> eopy of tt«*o*iW< have *l r

&s3^ ^iy€Drettdy given ttway m u r r t l r B i ^iea of this remarkabla, volume, BndJhBdemanaleontinues nnabateaf^Mt1eni1it;to be m overyfam-ily J n the oounfry. I h e l e t n i l p r w e at Ihebpok-stores W$1 SO,-•" : •'.-":r

:Our Ypung.J-Ms., .The demani ' t tr this periodiflal eoptinMis,' and

we hope eTery family.which is not already, supplied^—nt— -<Hio«-allOJf US to prr.vrnt them with n fiopy

* ' " ' simple condition thnt a new

W II m . h t Bn AfrniB|icnniiiLwith a liye man in every County, who wiehen to

make monoy. and oan give good * roferetooeaV 'TNoonplUlreqaired. Will sell nbmineM'ntof pWlng$l',600,par month, androlyon ftS'lbA d d » J ^ C T I L ^ O » T { U t

for one year, on the simple condition that a newsubscriber with tho money be sent us _ Old Bubaertbern,-'*"^ in arrmtit, will bn guujiliud »lm, if^thay TTtll.-ini-KHiMiwutg-thjHr-snbBcmitianj^atmd nsflfty benta oitra MMo more approf1"'11'* o r T»'nablepresent oonld be desired, or one which would bb so-gladly looked for, fronuraonth to n»athr at 'fkUtmonthly nuigaxtno of EHniioit itones and bennti-

fc«t Th''pnbUlier's-tiioo is $2.00

Page 3: HPGRTSTOWN, FEBRUARY 27, 1808. WHOLE NO. 1174 filelllslfiips ^^^J \*=c^^f rrrj.-1-u.- # «SfJ33p:af*R HPGRTSTOWN, FEBRUARY 27, 1808. WHOLE NO. 1174 J. A. EXTON, M. D., (Formerly of

CqrrKE,-If yot«vivntii. eup Of'goed

got tirjjountrof

mini tiieati-.-niannlmt HrinjTil U HSU AX, JTJSBitUAB"?' S7 bo a less a criminal tliiti infmedlutely reSoTt to u ruiiiudy tliufthu flum'tic-h and dlgcNtivu or.

For, as soon as thiH destniblu uliji;ct Iiusi M 1 | l r . . v s , i L n . l

pair of shoes ; but if she bo so unfash- jand Mure.will be inserted at the following t a . Try Ci.AriK'a T.IMHISNT, for frosted feet,

iiut^r-iM«ii>al#liVr-ill>«UTivati»inr«te, Hiild' to tighten the same cord about

to Uu a pOHltlve enre.atorga'iii this borough

t h e put ienf rc'smiifH His uaiml ]n.'i'80iial upbouUOSTKTTKU'JJ HTUJIAUII UITTEIIS

s, n-ml lius-u b u e n p r o v y n t l i e l i u s l m id

iifi of luniiiiviiiif cnjiStljUillUi), g i v i n g UMc,;L-gy Ip

T»t«S .-OnTduam, 1&Ivery iubsoquentiniortion

..Ihre'«rmonthi...,itj;10.0026 0050 0075 00

8i_iiiO-ths»On« year, including papoi1.•Quarter of eolumn, 6 months,SIS—one yearHalf oolumn 8 months, S22—one your,

,,Onsfiqliimn 6 inonths, ISO—ono yonr,• Notices in the local column!, S OUSTS- a l i n e

iyiVeaeh insertion. LongoomiiiiiriieattoniTmloiila-' fed ' to subserve prlvato or oorporato ends alone,"•will be charged six cents a line or mare, according'la agreement a f the time of insertion

JACOB STULTS, Editor Iiml Proprietor,

A largojiunibe£bf fi'ientiB niicl oltl-•mm aasertibtecl on Monday aftor.nooh,1 topay the last tribute of rospoutto their latefellow .townsman, Samuel -Holcombo.' Aportion of tho Episcopal burial servicewas impressively read at the house a»f thedeceased by..BW. .Me. .Dcaly,.,Jiegtpr. M.Christ Church, freehold, who had"visitedMr, II. during his illness and administer-ed to him the sacrament of tho Lord's

tho M, E.T'inirch," where Services' were| ..conducted byTiev, Mr. Clino, pastor of

-•--thttt"chtireli."'"'i"A:S''tft»o coffin wns "deposited;.:. ••• • in. the olinneel, the choir chanted selec-

tions, from trio-30th attd 00th Psalms, (asrcont-fthietHn tile-Episcopal burial service.)commencing, "Lord, let me know mineend, and the number of my days." Therending of a porLiou of -Seripturo was fol-lowed by tho singing of tho hymn, " Un-veil thy boeoin, faithful tomb;" afterwhich n, brief and interesting narrationwns read by Mr, Clinq, of his acquaint-ance-with "the deceased, and the Inter-views hjMwjth him during his last ill-ness,* closing with cheering testimony ofhis dying hour, Tlio anthem, "I heard avoice from heaven," was then sung withmuch expression anil feeling, followed byprayer by the Rev, H. E. Morrison,

""" " the- coinetory, where tho remainder of the Episco-pal service was reall by Rev, Mr, Dealy,and Eov. Dr, Boggs of New Brunswick,who solemnly committed tho body to theground, "Earth to earth, ashes to ashes,dust to dust,"

. =- =: -***.-.= = = - =iO- We hnvo reeulvptl tho Tliird Amiuul Bc-

" port of~tli'6"TJew Jersey "State Iteform Schoolfor Juvenile Qfrondurs, from.which wo luuwithat the objoutof thu School is really Kuforimi-tlon, and not T-DBLSHMKNT, unit that mnlnuntsuccess lina thus far tateudod the effort. The

, Ihiildlng Js how'VuiidyTnr'MMVfitioimf Ihiiilif' T i r o .TrpiiBTirar reports.:, appropriations,

• Sff.

ducts unsold nrg of about tho same amount,TUc,$unerlntoii(lent gives In dytutl. In a most

Interestingcommunication, neomplulu ucoouhtof tho %™rltlng9 of the Institution, tli(j,.uo»(!!;.tlon, trea'tm'uiit, employment ami discipline ofthe boys,, There Is hardly room to ilouht'tliat tinder thu

present efficient inunagcinent thu .School will InU fewfyoars beoonio self-aiijiiioi'liiigi

To tlloso who are interested in tills subjectt m foiu..>wiTiy*p*tfRtfrfyptit*Er*\ff

Biifldorio ntldroaa nt tho openingOut. Bfl, 18071

u, -uini''sit-ins Iji tlio oourroom of'our comity, a bright lonlciiiK-boy o

beut-bwel • '-'

Some years agocounty, _oU

lureeny. The jn'usiding Judge, perjilirxcil willthe sentenoo of the law, and the >jii«liIiiB sym

"--' * i.thu mem.I (lo wit I

,,_. , Buthi'.of Jiia;kiii,ajieai:t, uupojiiing to:'~ Mrs of the biVr, said; "Wliiiti BhuUl

a, felon1^ eell, anil probable ruin, from ussouiritioii with older and more hiu'Uimecl oiVendersThere was nd Itefoi'm School, not yveu a l lnmof Itefuiso, for this poor, erring boj-,. The Stute—Ills State—in all her wide domain, 'with bei•briBht, happy homes and toomiiig \vpulth, haino lit home fo? this little, wfiiilc, glimlUK childIt seemed eiTiel, 1 thought of the tender com.

__ _pasiinnof Him whosald, "Hutrurlittleuhlltlrniitooome unto ine, iuul forljld them not," ttnil feltthe reproach us u, liOLivy loiul on my spirit. Asaiiian I.was i-abukud s sis. a Jersovman I suiishiimotl, and rosolvetl to do my part to i'ighthis great wrong: - ' '•

are eertalnly lengthonlng, but the" lotai l i—i cold "Winter aeems to bo no more incline

••_ t o o n d Its days now than in Deoembei• wa ImW'kshpiv'storm witl:

tho mercury at zoro, in the last week irWho eyerj—.*."

eoncor.'of»the -Musicalwill be given this evening, "wo trust to

Tn uvul'V Wi• Hnouse, T n e e. ™ L_-Jvorthy the attention of tho community,

•To the musical portion' of our population.Jjhat ouT-;cltizons in genera;

are indobteS, ~BiIt few occasions otpublic natura occur, to the interest

. _wjjioljjhaydonot largely ."contribute.—"—Their:, .gongs . inspire-our—patriotism--o

Tant-choruses, enlivenadd to the attraotlons

eelabratiqn ; ^tlieirQurJFestivaii


iiisornble death, she" is thought to bo bo-tiiQ- Ceacli, o f:.

lan drink to excess, ho ii outcast, andven when-he would-save himself from

.slavery ofviiasslon, ho limis no outs-tretched lianfl • ,but-a -glutton wlio saysrace -before nieiit, whoBe-dTOw^y "devo-iAns in ilia prayer inceting tell of au over-oaded -stomach, is not supposed to be inrotidago to any.siii, -In l'L'gard to drink-

it is tho direct moral elVycts rathor.han. the worse physical ones that are flup-

cated, wliilfl of tlio olluetH of surlbltingie mass of mttnk-iiul aro. in prot'uund ig*

THE ANNUAL EXHIBITIONof th6 Higlilstown ClasaLonl Inatilute, will boiio J i n if II uiyji i iisijiErHirttT;SiV'ing. Mar. 4tli. nt 7i o'ljlook,'


THE ANNUAL EXiMINATIQNSwill bo hultl ill llio schtml rinim, mi TUOMIUV nlid

cl i ig nt O o ' i d n s k A, M- .F u r wiiiit..jif. riii.nn, u i i L J o nyoUl ijiCuJiV.isiiLljiuiiL

a n d i n i o r r u p l i n i i i 'mm c n n v j i n g . (i is iirii|,,,si>il 1..ftilriiit 4n t in ; nsniiifmitiniifl o n l y flic puri'iiiK unitjjunrdiiinM o f tilo se l i i i lnrs , pua tn ra nihf ti-m-hori ' ,n n J ft .mleeu eu l i im i t t ue U l i b j i u i l i n i i t i i i i n


.oranee.j'«di!y ilisuaso is tho cause of many

rimes,"Health and virtue and happinesserrilly haTC their dwelHrtgHiogcthui1,——

rho cleanliness that is so Very near toaodlinesa must pervade tlio whole body,

clean faco and -white liauds niay.beloutfo a body iu which, through its owner'sffuttTTroiaoiiuUM' impirrHtrt-coin-so ttitaiigli,

Hightstown' • I Uarrrrt

'rice Current.i-mi>i-hjT\ - - •••—

WHEAT. .OATS,' pur


i t t f i i i u f

s i . , i t ( ! t ' s | ) h i i A , I I H u l i f f i - l i k K , i u u l h i ' i i i ' t U ' l u r

f r e t s n n 1 . l i l g l i l y . - i m U i - i t u f b y t I I O I I M U I H I H , w h o

m i l ' t i l iL l l l i ' l r I T s t n n i t l u l l t i l i l i u i l l l i . N , i r e s t . , ,l u t I v i ! i l l t i n ; ii l l 11 II I H i if I I U M I I I - I I I I ' Mi l l s l i t i n III ij.c Ir h ' ! ' - s u i i i i ' p i M M i h i r f r y i n t 1 H I M i o i ' i ^ j iHi ' -v f i t ' t i i i u s

i t i i u s l i i ' i ' h I j i t ' t i r i " t i n ' i i i i l i l i i ' , i n ; 1 m s si m i t i n -i-i l i f t e e i t ;li(*¥wn.i « r a 15s j u m t v i - a t s i k iSfiv ? i£B>-f4,>f!«j i u WS,1

t o n i c - . J i n n y > »t t i i i - p r i ' i i i i r i i i i n n s , i i i i r p u i ' t i i i i ; t uh i - (Mii'iMu-t i v p « n n i l j ' e . i i i r i j j . i v j . ^ , I K I V ^ bi - iMi . m -r r ! " ! i l t ' . f ' r t T ~ n r j 1 iir^ i ^ j i r T M s T u ' i l i i i i< r ~ny (ftiV> \ y l f i l ' .( I n - i i i n n i l i u - i t y u f ( | i K ' r i-"l"l*l-: If.-** S T i i M M ' I II t l ' I ' . T K l O i - u i l t i l i l l i ' - l u l l l i ' l - r i H i T i l l l i l i M l i i i , i-, . .e T i i f n i K i ' i l n* n s t i i i i i l i i n l ) i . o i t s i - l l i * l i l n i ! - i l i i " i l i i ' . ~ -

• M w l l i i - l . i u l l i ' i u l n I 111- 11H1' III ' I l | r I l l l l i - l ' - i

is \w\\\v* HI mi•I'h1-VlllUfH iU .ill. ' .-t y m i l l aif.i'il.»i'»t i IHli i- t w il Ii


in I ' « t l it l l i i

i i i i a i - h ' . . ( ' i - r i i i i i ' i i t i — .i u i i i i i i i b i - i - . - i i u v i - l n ' i ! t i p u b l l > . l i ( ' i l ,

i i s i r i i l j i i i i n u - i i l i H i i j p o H ' i ' r ' i n r i - i u n v -p i i l i u ' i i l i u u l 1'iMi'flil d l s i ' i M i ' s . A n d rit

pur biishWiiKATFi.oihi,

lie hlood, hua-tins "tho passions, souring,ho temper, and depraving the soul,

ignorance of what are called^ mail's-iioral'.obligations 'm Th,bugi},t" $pJTJirruxViremely. he'athcnish,:,,lmt .. ignorance-,. qr.;ven wilful disobedience of flip laws thatgovern the lifo and weltiiro' of- thebody,hat temple of the Holy Ghost, 'is nut.bought wiirLhy of censure.

Society has something to learn. It.loecls mi acquaintance wi.L.lI thu truth. Itleeds the very '.'beginning of wisdom,"'—t needs less loud praying, and more ac-luainlaneowith God's fearful and wnu-lerl'til works. • II

m~ Tho "Baptist School in this borough'e-tipchert yesterday; utfilerTho temporaryihargfttof Hev, L. Chase, the whole boardif instructors and a largo number of pii-)ils having luft a1 fuw days ago,

A card

per uwt.

POTA'TIIES. per barrel

i .aa.7 liil

.Bi '-rtKU...Kiicis;'p(!rH A M S , , , ,

S V ' ' V ••1 C t •


r n i i t l n n r n r l n - i r i T n t Tc inP i ly n f r h p MUI' , i n d i M t i u 'i n I I M i l k i- ii ii u i ii i f H I t i ' i i t u m" i u ii.« i ' . s i - i . | | i ' i i i - c , _I t i — t l U ' o n l y p r i ' i i i u ' i i i i i t i i m ' f l u ' U i n i l i l i u i !•. r<>,H i i b k - i n i l l : i i w - j . i m i l i t in i l i i - r f f o N ! w u r t l i vt h u u u i i a l i l m i u i u i i u i ' i l i i ! u n i i c i u d . l

tliv ui'l'ljl

^ it I


Dr. J

in tjieTliu


i i i u l9«« Wu liiiyii received "lSurniiliy HIKJlurtlii Uluiz-zlewlt" of Aiiiiluttju'H iiiiiiiiUii-

lltion of DicUciisi' works. ' The iH'iei! of 1 lit!

ciitlro sut is lint, whieh hriiijj* It within

hi*. iMjiich of nil, Siiiglu cupli's in' Hi'ts limy liu'iildlit Wtiollyy's Ijookstoi'i;, Thoso «Jio orilur

.llrtjiit fi'oiu tiro iiuljlisliufsii 1), AppU-lon & L'n.,

45 Bi'oudwuy, Kew York, vuiii'isn u lintily uxo-

iiitoil stuul-iiliitu iiorlriut uf Ului.rli:s I>ltilcujii<.

Bne l l i lvi.-i ' t i^i ' l lU-ilt o f t l l« Nr iv

ruiLd tliiijirtiiMu liijjlttiill.'.s I r v i n g Agu for-, Full, 'ii, uiliAUiid'"Ait WiiUur siliott," Allwho road HilN will w a n t tlm Novfla, irnd till w h o

Wistar's Balsam of-Wild Cherry,.T h i s remi'iLv hus lon j ; IJUCII t jhurls l icd liy t h e

cui i i i i iu i i i iy fur Its ruiiiiirli i i l i lu cfliciu-y iii r i j l iuvi i ig ,luinlillfj-iiilcl ULliiiiU tlm Iliuat ul ia tkl i i t . j , puL'fifiil n n dlimi/ .s l i i i l i l i r ig I'lifiJ.-i 1 r Cough, Liilil. liijtnriii.i,Sorn •Throut, liroiiehitis, tV/wo/:lii/r Cough,Cain/i, A'thiiht,' liilliiiiiinilitiw ul' t/in I, II ii a < ;w l i i l n - t - T B l l Cuiisiiiiipliiiii I t i ' u l f h u s y i t i l i l u i l t u i t s

m n g i u i i i n i H - n o f " w h i j i i n i l u i l i c r m u i I I I I m v u f n i l i - . l .Its wlioio history y,r vtrt thut tho imat IULS pruduuiiltiu remuily of iqunl viilue, iia u uure fur thgiiuimirims rtiiil tlsingerous puluiontiry aiuotiona

which jircVMl nil ovur thu liinj.

•DNSOLIDITED TESTIMONY.'From AxBHKiv Anriiui i , Esq., of Piiiriielil, M i

11 About olght yuiira sinoo my Jon, Ileiiry AAri'liur, now I'ostmiinier at Fuirliukl, Humurset< uiirity, Mu-, wns nltiitlicil with apiitin^j of blouil.

intitfh sii t h i i t ou r t'ntiilly pliyaiisiiin Juehiroil liiiu toUavq ii ';fiKJ4XBI!_yossi.-Jli'Tios,''_ l i e wiy umluruiiiJitjiil troiitpinont for ft n u m k i of mont~s7~buT ru-uuivcd riO.beneHt from it. At leiijrtli, froin-thosoliuitntiuii of himsulf nn.l utliors, IWIIN intliiuuilto ?inrolimo_e«c bulth nf WISTAH'S IJALSAM OVWILD C l l l i l W V . whioli bimeiitfil him so muoh IuhtiviDutl iinother bottle, win ill in a short time re-ato^cjd^ l!.ijiLti~,Ii ia..liaji.ii I s t i te of honlih. I think [o.'iii"~snfely reoiiiiiini'iiil this n mody to o'thfi-H inHkuvciiiilitiim, for it is. I think, all It pm-fiorts tobo—TUB lillKAT LrMIi HKHBtlV FOll TIIK TlSIBS ; —Tho ubiii-o atiitaiiioiit, gciitlemoa, is my va' to ynii in fiivur of j-uur Biilsiim, imd is inyour diapiiaiil."

••rei.nrccl by BKTIt W. FOWL*! k HON. IS Tr.,--inciiit St. . Bustuii, mid fur sulu by Uruggistii g.;fiur.

t h e l i f i i i u s t suiMH.a.i , b vii m l A u r i . i l , [ I ' u r i n i - r l v " I ' L.'

i l i j i i u t i d , j N o . JStifi A l i l . ' l l t^t , . P i ! t i , A o i n , t !

•I,"*'? t> us tri l l ii i s f r o n t i l l 6 J i ius t - r y l i l i i > l c , s w u r ^ ! / HQi\S a m i B o n n t f y y i i n b o s u u i i l i t h i s o i l k u.[IiiMllyiil i ' a i n l l l y i i r u i n v i t e d t.s n i f i ^ M n p u i i V t h e i rp n i i u i i ; * , M« In ' h « y n n s i n ' i p i s i n Iliu j . r . n ' i i , . , : , .Af .i l i i d i i l i ;yi . . i i i i s o r i t - i l . w i t l i u u i p i i h i . M i , i - h i i r g o s ii i i i i i l o f u r i > . \ . i u i : n . n i i ' i H . , m y i i - r j -


loi;t, Ln<e:i/ H,l,iIlia/intuit iV all irhujifjci.'j <p,i

l>If. TOJ3IAH'

•Venetian Horse Liniment^hi Pint JhilLlus, ul Our dijllnrt

F u r tha u u r e of LiiiiiL'neaa, .Si'raUjhijH, SViml UiiLU.*Hprilisis, I J ru i su - , H| . l ! i i l s , ( i i i l l s , C u l s . ( ' . . l i r , S l i p .p i n g Hlll l i ' , (. v j i l i u i i l i n y , fjuru T h r o i i l , Niiil i n tliu

A l l wlni o w n o r e m p l o y liorHoa, nrft nwi i ru . l tliPitth in L i n l n i u n t wi l l d o ni l u n d m u r o tliiin \* s i i i t i 'din c u e i n g thu uhove-ii i i t i iuil oo inp ln i i i i s . D u r i n g

-44-lHHMIi)V<jrfailLil to

, iu Ci>r[lnndt.Str<Sulil h y (ho i ) r i ig j ; i - i» . -

ml, N u w Y y i l i , I'liJT-

i i i u l

(NiVliy A'tirtii-nl tfeli'-AiljBStiiijj'Rkfrt', is Kjf.T siiw is I'liivi'ii'i.u, ttml its liiiproveinuiitai . iivoi- iill others tiro obvious ut n

I ' I I M I M . K I K I . V

•iM A N Ai l t lM KN'i i J i l f l o i h o i u ' t i n n • > r 111 •.• i i i ' i i r o r . i n A L L p ' O S r r i u S N ,in ' i ' i i | i , vhv i , ' NIP M u m : s i ' . u ' K , I n «l( i t riif fir l y i n g d o w n ,

t h i i i i ' m i n i i l i n i i r y i i n i i s l i n » U i r t . I I w i l l s u i t n i n nw e i g h t M[' I ' l o i h i n ^ i i i n r i i t l i a n i l M u b b j l l i i i i o f u i i y

r l n w i t h m r l J l l t h u

it is l i gh te r ; s t run-h i i

11 Ii i! r , ii in I r i i i u i i i u s p r o p ! ..uii i t ulTi-i- l i i i ) ; t h u t r i i l I . ' V

;.M'. j i n d i i n u c d u r a b U ? i h i i n i i n y t ' t h . ' r i n ilii.^ i i u i r -i e t , n n d f o r i ' l i ' ^ n i n ' M u f f o r i n i L i i d i M i m t u r t o f s T e a r ,

i l . A l l i.- xlL-II.Il-iL lll-.T l i | i l i i ' l l j . ' I IP!


. h u ti i t l U ' i u i i t

thi?-nT|i!?rir'n!5n nf vhlu dl'HliJliStrilljj i t?VulllL', WI3


lillll u

I ' Jvor j lilijf'rtiiiii tliiil^ hc-rutbfore lu-un,urjri;ilitgHltf^''1!fiiiip-.*i-liI'!'l-*""rj»''1aiiUfeTy*Jri'iuiivi!ir by" lluTUiiJ.llA' H K J H T ; irnil , i i i . p r o p o r t i u i i ti« nil o i j iu rsiiiii i i i iyiivlilinj; , clifiii'iilt in IMIIIIIIJJU, nnil l i i ib lo to^ut MIH u r^h i i i . o . nn On* t''* Mi V .<K 111 i m MLIAI ILUus uuuil'iiriiUili! us a Musi MI. S k i r l , mid rrlmTin its-*)»:;•' , i . him; <!.-• il,',' «/.-.•/ / ' • / / / /,-(.;•, ] 'n i ! l " i im ' i 'dby a l l A rijMi'iMtr A S H IU ,KH.KISI ; . M.iiiuf;i^ =l i i r i 'd in liie liilost I ' i i r isi i i i i K i y l u s , lo r w i i l k i n g orfull ilri'.-.-i.

.- l,nil.:iM-ilru ih.vilvd—tt^reTiii~Tiitu-tmTsolvi'» IPT tiro oliMra uvri 'uijliigsa of Iho l ibuve .

N. 1! - Isunt por

Wilist11 i j-s^, , ,

ing :it ;i distiini!f cun hiivu'S5, by i ' t rwurd ing . luyasu ry -

•" I 'nit MKAsriH; ;.iiIUiibLT of iimht.s round.

i vie ioqui fud^-w huihur fur walking , full ilruss,l

I ill »lur(by iill huiisi/s nnil lir.-t fIn.-'" lo

mid I lot nil

1'urtiierslilp JS'otice. ,•VfilTlOK IS "lEKKI'V (IIVKN THAT 1HEJ . \ aubauribtsrs Invo this day formud ii pnrln.-r-i f h i p u i i d u r t l i u i n m i o o f F i s i i M H , t I ' r i . i . K N , u sd u i i l o r s i n H u u d a , t ' u r t i l i i i i ' r s , A > ; r i u u l t u r i i l l i r p i o -mijnts, Au.


HAML'KLW, 11.11.

.X*atcut Co.,

7 JkHr Hi- •nil,;,,, '„)!,/ i

I I P K . - I . n . l i , ' .

rih Artim?,

S k i r t sI I I I . . • V n ' I ' l l ' K . — l . l l i l n - r ' p l i r i ' l l i l

m i d b e j i n r t i i i i i i a r t u h i t v u t h u s k i r t s f i t

IIVI'I Ihr Jliju NO Us t6

r"friu iiiivui?3'i5iioiiii.t ruuti. wnaL is—sum yi HIL

vulist, - ' _

O- Attention, is culU-il to thu iidv't, of tho

A"(tsvtti1lc-l'iUeiitJ,ojll.hiuL,Ca. This in uiie of tliu

gast cstiililiBhiiieiitH nf Hit; Kind In thu uoiiii.

try, (Hid. the leiithnr'iniitiiifiivnirt'il by them Is

very supurinr, Duiiliii's In liiduH will find a i'u;i-

ily siile for tlHMn tit highest rules, by m l drugs.

T the (Jo, na above.

triv tlif* voililfr fnlkM.

1'UQuivyil, I t lms notwjO.OJUHe.OB

for cjhlUU'on be-10 youVH,ot a rinu 10 youi'H, it is

with Ktent tuut, aluTfliicly' llliiHti'utod,—Jfilin Tj. Wltariay-l'ii

13 WiiBuingtoii s t r ee t , Hostcm,

oC tlia"Tfiis""-' gp" Aif tlio rltiriiml iwobtlntGGS Ot' tllO.iN'JiSv JliliSi';! t^liitseitA L_A.i 1JS-J1ENTIPICJ .ISSTITUTIS, hold III Jllgllts-town, I'ubrurtry 18th,. foi- tho purpose ofgiving tho fullest aBBimiuco to sill Inter.Dstocl'iii the success of tho enterprise, thattho School under their .care 1B touontimie,;and to bo mado trorthy tho -patronage ofthe Dc'noniiuation, the fullowlng resolu-i i M X !

ORACE'S CILEBRATEDSALVE;""' ^~' lAsiKflllrll*, SfiisSi, Old. I3lh. 1803.

Afr Ururf,—Dear Sir'.—Iluvingboun ullliutudrscvuriil ivijoks with ii severe ribsuoiiagrieviiujiljLjbr s c u r

upon my side, I uted several romuiliuafor Us oruili.eiition without ruueiving nny roliel uiltH I iippliotlyour salvo, which effect oil u speoilj' nnd pcrinnnehtburn, I therefore feol linppy to isurtify ray qonft-donoa in its virtue! Vuurs ivith respuet,

, JAMES MEAN.I ourlify to tha truthfulnens of the uhovn fltrtte.

ment I I , « DKAKBOHN, M. DH A V F O \ Y T E A ^ O a a t t P t

r-*—>..f IL'JIA.J.1 f.i II TIJII I I i*.K*-J^^*Jii--•' irr^*Tt*^*^tgg*T-^'*^fcH'*iin-l--T^=j_|

Roltl by nil Druggists, at 25 aunt! ft bos. l!y mnil

STOP m hTloyoil nsk, wllrit i-o'l.ilii-i-1 Why, Fiitlicrtlinij,

liH' friitii-mil-o t i T m T ! i r ^ l r n t f t fl ions Uf liUiiiliiOL'Uiiir. AIus!, . , . , -'.„•. I I IB-, CAN?gC'.JBW h a t t l i i ' i i ! i l ia ruvittft-'W (,'ii'n'hu. ropulrci l

That this Doai'd, will maiiiteiii here ina flrgt-olasi Sclinol'in all ros-

noiniuation of this Statq... .•...-.,...•. ..:.• L , o i i A S K ,

- • f- Scuretim-of tlio Uonrd.Iliglitstowh, Fel). 10, 18U8. , ; '. . ^


"Clover abeil *S, Tii-Otl)'y'$3.30,.u't FISIIEllStockton St., l l ig l i t s tow

OnCIIAlIT), ITJihDi AND I . A V N GnASSivt-I'll»Uei'-&—P,u.l-lfl»*a. *

| r e e d l v i e i L a ttho Seed iind Agriuul t i i rul Wiii'ehciusq of Fieii-KB Jb Pui iBK, -Stooktoii alreot, Hlgbts towii , a

ti'Jjsh ana piire, Solil only by woiglit, _ *

OSAOE 0HAKGB SJSKn—Direct from Texas,CLAltK'B,

..:.'.. _ 10 Bust Stato St., Ti-enton,

I.nnili'cth's new oi'ojj Seods, pouiiil Una iiiiper,

llai'ves•Home. In t.ho sorvlbesof the sanotuarthey lead tlw hyuiii of pmlso, and oveth-tierbf our dep&rtecHfriends, they chant

Bojemn,dicge,^.. •-.•,,;.-. „,_. ."., .„, jWo enjoin It thon as a matter-.of simple"

..'duiy, jifion all who can, ;:tp jhpw Mmv:up.pteolatlon..o£the prescLnt eflbrt," which has.f«r its-.object-the advancement of moa(

rth i t t 4 t M h h d

NOTICE"—All of the pnjmhir ModielHes of thedny aro to betoimtt at STONEllEHOKlf S NBNN'DTtlTO BT.OItE, on Stockton street, oiiposito thenpjv It, It, Ue'jjgJ, ' . _ *

INIt U -tioii ilono. Nn tvoublo, no dmitfer of iiiju.ring iliu nliruH, Not a slHln, * •

CiSISXAIJOBO'S I IAI1S-BYKeiiiifi'i's a siipui'l) bhuik or any shade 'of brownwith ill! butiiimiisuloiiN VHrpUilty, —

Miinuf ictiired-by J , CliEISTADOllO.OS Muiden-Liinn, Nuiv Yiirli. Sultl by (ill Druggisti Ajiplicd\>y (ill lliiir Drossors, , , fub27-4t

ss-'j'O:iiiE yERvorw-AyD m;uiL.I ..whoso. suJfumngi hiivu..h.euji.pcotriiatcil

'JEBSEY,'i'i's nf all licMt-viptIiin-i nf P A T E N TKNAMKI.Lfij! Ll iATIIKl i furiuul

Carriages,Or'doi'si by mull will riHM'ivp pi'iniipt iitliMil Inn.N, Ii, Highi ' s t i i i i irkel ratCB puld tin- l l joi ta,

Harness, and Shoes.



le "Slock & Farming Utensils,X i n ii s u o H o r i u e r i i i i v i n j su ld lua i ' . i r t n , n n d i n -

t o n d i i i g tu oiiffiigo in n l h c r IHIBIUWH^ wi / l se l lat I'ubliu Vondua, on TUUKSI)AY. JIAltOlf flrh,

r i i l o l yI'I"IM-I n e t i i i i - .

- \V *\ a r u HjiiKi t • r I il t r l i i l

h u i ' . ' l II 'fekti). l i l l l IHI-l i l l l


^noil tliiit l iny li i ' ly i^ivin^ t h e UuUouii iii 'vi.r hi* iiidiiijuil in wuiir liny

A'uliuHll lrr£t.mtisuii.

Jltttfie Liniment,

JUuy u i i i e y . - W n u p , l ) ipt l i i*r i i i , Ho ru - ' J ' l i r en t , -t"(iof i he JuiiiuH. pii i i i in tho 11: i u !< o r linibii, C o n t r a u ,l i u l l n f llii) Sini-iV!-, UiitMrrliilI AllVglions, I-'r»»l"Wiiiiini?, I'ili-x, If i l ioiis Cliojii-, l ' n i n s iii t h e aidiiiul.l'hi!!<(, T D U I I I A«l ie , i n s h o r t , in nil ciiJiis W I I I TI:I Lini i i i i ' t i ! i-Hii he a p p l i y d . is fiiir t r i a l , n e e u r d i n .tu i h o d i r u u l i o n s g i v e n , w i l l bu fu!luwcd by r t l i en m l oil r i ' .

T h i s L i i i i i n p n t t ins bi'i ' ii In u"'o nl'mul If*iilid in iill i i i l l i i i i iniat ionH, f rum w h i i t e T y rt h o y i i iay p i o u e o d , i t riets l i k e m n g i o .

• s f i o t " • " " "LJ> lip. \\ I l i l U U i 1 1 ,Fi)r -jl'l" «t tliu i l rug jS<nriu in lUal'.lslownlubia-;im, ™ U. (.). ULAltKV l'mprlotor.

j , ^ r."li-ip. Alonmiiiitb Uuunty, on tho Turnpiko roiidlui.ul.iinj froiii_ll.ij{li.tstoiv!i,.tp rurrjIJuvil^j, 2 iniloarnyiirnuntrt't'of'piiiunv'iiiriiii '—^-- - • --~— -

eonftisting of I piiirold black liii^liiiw Jlor^us, 1fliiy ij(li.||i°ijrd. Colt uninilii/ 2yeurs old, 1 bliiuit l'utBiiqnStiillioii I! years old, 1 Km-jiiro lionu Oyoiirrulirn ^iiudiiiii horHi'. 1 extra Buddie. ydid, 1 Hrouiling Mnro, 1-pnir Inrije Muli's, I finuliirgu Hull, \2 Oow» (2 being frCKli ii|llIcerB), 3(1iiteu Hwes (sunio with hiiiibH.hy thoir.stde), 3Duuks twu-ibirila Hiiifthdnwn ; 1U0 Fowl!

FAltMINIi IMl'LOiUNTri.—TlireeRiiiiil Farmlicnrly new, I ('urrynll, rtwo-eoiited CiirriiiBB—2_f A l N j i " ' " " ' • " •-'•• ------•»-••

e. lliir?o.cauiiri»?j_yearanir Inrije Muli's, I

i f l llI

f r e O T SIf you lire autl'erlrig or'lnive sutreriid From Invol-unfiiry diaolitti-goi, wlmt efloqt doua it ]iroduc.o up--on ygiir gbnoriil- heidih t])a you foul weak, do-liilltiitud, (juiily tirodi? 'pom u H'ltlu oxtra oxer^

i"tii)nprorinqo"p:ilptiutii(ii of-tha lnjiirt'! -Bous yiiiirliver, or tirtnnry. tirgiiiis, or your kidneys, fro.riuently'jset out ofo.der 1 Is your ur ine sume.times tliiuk, millcy, otflouky, or is it lopy on iot-

_i.l'ln[f.'f...-OB_f1ini« n Hiinlr iiniiin Han in llmfnnV Oria a sediment at tlio bottom utter it has stood a-

* 1 ' y " l l V ' f h b t h idyspepsia'? Aro .your bowels aonrtlipntad? -Doyou hiive spells ot fainting or rushus of blood jg_thebond >' I s your iiomory iinpiiireVn la your mindeonstiintly dwelling upoii.. thia lubjwef?^I)o__-yqufuel dull, llstltsss, moping, tired of company,'of life?Do you wialijo be left (ilono, to get iiway fromeverybody 1. Does nny little thing uiiiko you Htiirt

lor; j i imp 11_ Ii^y^uj^fofP-bxakaiLojJMLlJBiii-.^Iathb luatre of your oyi HB bri l l iuht! "Tlio Bltiom onyour cheek ris bright? Do you enjoy• yourself inaoeioty ns wollT 130 you pursue your -businesswith tlio gfltno enoTgy 1 Do youfesl aa muuh _-_eun-Uilanoolia yourself7 Aro your-'ipimjTSun."andflagging, given to fits of rnelunoholyT If so, do.


a mec|ting of Amerlous Enginel

iho following icsolutionB wore adoptocl:WiiMnEAs, I t imth ploasea thu Almighty Riilm-

of tho nnlTorso to remOTP from, na by rtotttlrpus late honoi-od onrt. rosifeetcd fellow mom.ber, SAKBJL HOLOOHOE, thoroforo^ § S ? l v e a * h t i floathflf Mr, Holeomljo

l»onore<l. useful, nnamourn m» loss,

-lift,the OOrttUnty ofaleatn.

BesolveatThtttlmombcr,to ui b;


M, ThBt In all our interoourie •witho always found him a warm and trueonfl a aevotoa fireman, , . .- . ....

That we tender to Ills afflloted andmils'the tendereat of human sym

IBs, a,nq-polntJih8nv for eonsQlat'oniif thoi_vt ncofl to th'iirJBeiog trfio death nil thing*

BeiqlTQd, -miat :in nppreetatlon* ofceawd fenownmemBer, we drape oaf fa

our de-home and

I .OTT- .DBT,—yol i 'v Iflth, by l l e v . C. P.-Wor-re l l , n t t h o h o m e of t h e l ir idn, JIv. W n i , I , J t tt J I l K n H M D l f h t f t liluliif 8, Dor, ail of MOliroo towiiship,

^CIIASIS—STBQJfQ,—In AlcWdnder, K f . , Ddc.aftth, 181)7, at-the rbsiilonue of tlio brldcn futhqij," " 0. Htrontf,) l)y Bey. pi JitrJtsen*, WiiltPi" It.

, -—_•» . - - - .C-. - i ~ -™, •-^'•-^"a-gja^Olp.Btvniiifltt

;- Died.— nlT,™Oii the • BScl Inaf,, near IllglitstoWn,Elmer P., §pn of Thomas I'oy, HBGCI 1 nionth,'

-Dissolution :of-Rartner:i hip._Xot'iec Is hercliT1 BITOH that the partnership

heretofore existing 'between the suhsovlliprsiindor the name of BOWNB 4 MAttioiiy, la tlig.soivea hy mutual oonseht,

JOHN P. BOWSE; ' J Q H S l j : J t A t S l !. ; ,J.Q.HS,j._tl!Wjy.._._

_ tgt=Tha Jlonlta of airi rirm are plaeeft in theliancla of fi; M. SOHASCK, 1[»q,, or HightR'tbwn",fou eolleotlon. All porsoiis Inaeljtetl to saidfirm are requested to call upon him Immedi-ately ana settle their aoeounti, and tlius avoidooatsof a suit,' _ ' feba?-4t*i


Oomniittee ofBast Windsor will be held at the" " * " ' ofaKieHABDsbs7 — — ' —

_ All j>eFs;Qna_ii aylng; imilaesi.witB'.taie5lown..ihlpwlllbepreBontB'tbartlmi, v . •

SugitiiiHV^i Hloijot^n Wiig.iii, 1 Slu'i^'Trdiili^rjinJJ'mtgE,.niiK HupkcyttMoi

I. Hixft'l i

j p r T H i i w T S r nSliBllor, Fishiir Pliiw, 1 liii|R3 Plow,.1(1 olliof plHws,-ono'Revolving liorso iliike, 2 CuJtivntiirs,-"2-FiH-lofr ILiirfows; 1. Kdllor, ' 2 (irHinCriiilluH, 2 ISrlorjjuythos, fi SfUuf Double Ilnrnesafl silver, pint oil),2 sois Sin(l ' i l J i r 4 e a a l ; i ( Y l I r F j Mh

y , fl i v e r pint oil),2 sois Sinj(l'i lJiir4ieaa,..l;i(uY..lIa.r.neai!,: Fojjta, Mhov.,els, line's, Wlieollmrrnw, •lliiy Shi.dviriHs, Croivbur,,,2.Ox-0hiiina nnd Voltes, 1 lnr>/o I"'nflii«r's Bell, itu."

" Iso.lliiy by tho UJUJ Stullsa by tho bundle, ItyaOitta Htraw, TIIO liusliulfi of Corn,. 7A bufliola'ofnnil

----- ,,-,._., =,J l i c k lullilurkfii|id,ia,-g*oat,iiiimy. othe-r^articles-; no t y a o n -tionud, .

(rrefH (tr.ihi hi l/ngruiiiit/—10 acres of Wheat." r t t M t

Bnjo. to uWiimonog iit 1« o'eluck A. M. If tlioclay should prove stormy | p siilo will liiko plncijthe next fair day, l,^' Six mnnihs orodit. niven.

" " " ' " "JOSEPH V, APPl.KfiATE.fiib20-2sv


resUeaa'Tmflrtrr Ybur1] b«o£".iVeiik, j o u r ktiuesweak, and hiivo bnt ..little nppotlto, and you at-tribute this toilyspapsiii or llvor-eoinpliiiiit ?

Now, reiidBr, ifllf-uhuao, Tonoroal diaahaos bud.,ly cured, nnil soxunl exoeaaeji, oto all aapnhle ofprodiioing ft weakness of the generatlvo orgiins,Tho 'orgftiiB orBonoration, when In nerfoot bmilth,miiko tlio man. Hid yqii ever, think th«.t thoseboW, doflanr,. qnBrgBtie,'-poraerering,.-«raijeessful"buriness.Hion are nf\vays thqso w''osu gcneriitivo-orgnni n r t j n lne'r^eBj;."h'o.«lth'"^',."hen.r¥iieh~)Mun- eoinpliiln ofbmng meliinelioly, of^iiei'r.voiiaiieaa, of pulpitation of tha heart. Thoy aronever afraid they cannot auooqed in business;they don't beetitno'ffiiriiMlliTOoiiragod; thuy arealways pollto and pleniftnt in the eonip"nny oflii-•diel, and look "you and them right in the fueo—nbno at ycfar downociit laolca or any other mcun"neas about tliorrij- I do not niBiin'tliiisa who i^ecpn,n npjnn< inflmnnfl hy MinninjT fn evenes. 'j'hnanwill not only ruin their onnstifut"anj"but nlio thoSothey do bustnoiij with or for,

How mfiny mon from baiJlj'.eurBd>dlsenaes, fromtho offeots of self.abuio and exeesaos, hiiTO broughtabout tliat atato of wonknoaa in thogo organs thatlias reduced tho genornr'gyatom so maohjia to In-duoe annoat oVery otlrenllWWa—idlflByr lUinmy--pttntlyaia, Ipiilul .ITubticins, aultlJu, und uhuottyy-ery o th i r form of diseasa whleii humanity ta heirto, and tho ronl oausq ofjho trouble jearuoly..over.suPpeBtod, and have doctored for a but the righto n e , • • • ; . . .

J>i»iscs of'thele organa require tho'uio of a din-retio,. - UELMBOLD'f FLOID - EXTRACT BU-OHU ia-the grent IMuretie, and ti a certain core

Dropay, Orgnnio-Wefthnega.-B'smfilefiOomplnrHti,General Debility, and all disoftsoi of thn.llrinaryOrgans, whether esiaUng in Male or Female, from•whatever eauio qriginating anino matter of (lowlong standing, . _ V

Inianity may onauo. •Our"4esh and Wood are sup>ortea fran^tBeia ionreea. and the health andported fran^thflia ionreM, and the health and

happinegi, and that of Posterity, dependiuponi " V '"

elmHoimbolds Eitraot Buchu, established: iipwo-rdof IS y-arij prepared by H. I HELMBOtD,_ ^ . ,> . . , - - -Brokaway, New York, aad lOi,Sout lot- itrett, Philadelphia;-*-P».-

..__ flSiSOr.Afliivered to any addreu./';Bolji"b7 *1I Diafgilts

thoOf ej'ery stjls and ni cheap as call bo bought in

•" .•"•"•••• the Stato,Aiiionw his atrrak of lints and Ciipa may be found

Fashionable Silk Hu t s rBnu W'k fussiinuro Huts,I'enrl and 1',, Bl'k and Drub Soft Jliits, fine.'Ut'k.nnd I'tinrl Brighton JIatH) Low UrownFoItlluia oColl aulora, prioes and qjiiilitius, JJnlioJjearIliitB, Unnndn StruwBraid UiU:!,; Trimmed Leghornlints. Canton Braid Hilts, $fi»kcr lloudii, and allk1iiili'vf'i*iiliaiii(i"uii4,Strnw'lI^tev ' • •••-.•"-• •' --

SUOKS, GAITERS. Ac'., of every style at.niVMH Biirnufi; .tt_PJJfiES,.i___l_j_;_

than tlieie goods liavo boon oilerod fi«r y«»nrfl,Partleiilafnttotition paid in Customerwork.

The best nintcrinls are used, and JII work is flnJshed in a siiperiorinnnney, _ .._ _, ; ,-."

T N1 di

PaintingA L L I T S B R A N C U E S !-Tho un-

dersigned having a eoiiiplBte knowlodge of thebusiness, is prepared toexeeuie uU orders entruited to him in n workmnnliko uiannefr ;~ ~

Also, Wall Painting, China Gloiiing, tie, '

L5P RoonsJ! paintol innTitation "6f"CfSU~anreiisontlbloehftTge. . , '—Shop (onand aftor April 1st) over A, J, Asliton'Boot and 3hoe Store, Main Btroot, llightstown —All ordera left at Aihten'i atoro will meet with

ntion.jnSlB-2'ni" "OHASrWlLBdN:

Partnership Notice,rplIB SUBSCRIBERS having entered into-J.—copartnership and..purebuaed tho

HIQHTS"ir01TO^ H. J ,WM. -WmslmWWmiformerly _

.re-PiHe with iupirfor ^lour, .Meal, Jfied,

repniett. to lurnith the pu.Meal, Jfied, •U,,

liberal patroitiigo is loWholesale or Retail. Alioitedv V: _.:;:,.•• Highest rates will be paid for Grain—floutiellT,i^d^to»sy-paffrof^he boreu

\ -;, c wdoDWAK->?i sit^


f,fiisi: |ih ITnii t , duue i i iu i j ; i i i fe i id in e x h i b i t 111i ueuounL tg. ;b.a J u d g y ^ . y f ..iliu.,Ujr|>Jia~4',. ;L'oar

ir t h o t ' i m n l y ( i f i l i i l i i . l o . j cx . In t h e t e r m iif A n r i

niiiu being•iite.


l if t :iii.11 :ilid Ktn.ttid by the Kurri)III 'S 'T. ,lit,,II i" NT, , ' •

JOHN" K, I ' l l T t ' l l I N . S U N . 'W11,1.1 A Si i ' l ' l i l K i : ;HI I . V A X l ' S i l l t u V K I l .

KSTATl'-f'"?. r.UV..\\:Kfp U l i S U A K T tiithti -Order

Cui i . i ' i t y i ifi A. 11.

TAXTrM.l.-il|i: H i i r r i y i i t o of th

!-, III . ' I IIR'VUI Iliu l l i i r i i ' d i i yimril imij ir ini l i;lglit liiiiiiii 'qd titi<;ivu;ii lo n i l iiorsQjiv g . . l j j _ . j a j _ j _ J . . H ! ; . jaijjJiLiJiit - H . i i . b . B t l

hn 1 inn ,"1 hTo":TiT| "rtur^T1 n i l rTiy^f-AirrSSrr t lva ' 111 tirtvaunt t h e Stirne, i i m l o r m i i l i i*r iiniriiiiifioii to thi u b c q i i b e r , fin Iir bel'iir'o t h e th i rd , d n y uf Knvei i ib i j

e x l , lsoiiij; n i n e inui i t l is i'riitn thu d a l e iif siild orer : jind i iny e r e d i t i i r n e g l e c t i n g to b r i n g in nilx l i i b U liis i i n h f t l i m 4 n j l i i r u U h o f i n i r i i t J

viiliin llio lime »n limited, will be foreverf bis or- her notion therefor ngnlnst aiiiil Uxouu.or. • I i ; C. nOlSlilNB, Eieeuior .

lliiteil the third diiy of .li'ubriiary, A\ 11, 13U8,

Mai!\u faetured only byAUtHI k HOSTS, I'liilftdolpbiA,UitTII.WESTKllN F E t t T l L I - I N G CO

Raw- Bone p4iqsRh«t§,''

au gh's Chicago Blood Manure.


•Kur ilBtiiiled description of these nrtielsi, toalie JoHi-iiul of this Furm.A monthly Ayiou l tu ra lspur ;.-«i bo'prouursil by addrqssing IW" Qoneral

JOI1IV & CO-,IS I lioiirl Street, New

.49 (,'mUrni Whiirf, Uiiaton, Mail.

tf l-'.ir »i!o*liy lineal Dealers wlio biive in nil the important cities nnd towna in

lio I niiI'd Hifites ami the Duniinion of C'unndiil'riiju I'irculnr-, iind all information furuishqdfi addrcHsinn

(Hncodaso's to 15 ,ugb Bros, i Cd ,)181 I'KAIU, STREET, NEW YOBK.

~jf .Sul4-l.y~ia.SHEll .tJCTIAU-nl'i-ts in Sueds nnil Fertiliuer

U g ,to whom please



Deulur in

"L'-l-hoTU Y.UliCUMln.niid

ILllliD (fitAif!J HtiElJ;

riupniur Heed (hit.«, Mid the niust njiprotedof SKEI) PUTATOES


UTATOES,altuiition given to ordors pur mail

tit) TOT E A M ,

It v *v

Thos, E Agnew'S\One B-ice House,At IIi« Cdi'rierof

Gruvuiricli & illiirrny

I, Nen-Vorti, Sviitirc you will flmi

i-OjL"i)'jBJis, Vis-.(i viMiin,•Ttfiiu

nu! sifOTi-r-

nprlB ly,


lliis opi>n»d hiii New and Extensive Rtiiros NoaIHIi and ,1H8 Eiahth.Aveniio, riiniiinj through anilaiwinectinjs wltb his preiont Store's, 207, 200, nnd271. Thirty.Fifth struct, Ktw York, forming a per

^ " """" WUiet A.rmirie, wiiit'ii, lor extent, btunUH uiirn Auotiin thu United Hiiiies ;• and nyw olfyrs for aalo al.iihi...iiul ni.Il -~luat«i

LSuflo10, MaIiigriiin Ciirpeti, ftesh from thu handa (if.tho,Man-

iifagturers; Di! Cloths, Mnttings, Window Hhndui,.iu. 'Ovt-r.Onc Million worth of Piirlnr, Bfjilruinn,' .

turn, mid warranted to (ho J'liyer. ...All thu 11. li..«!jrsi)iiss.i.n thoiiouiediato_yieiii.^.;..,.^.

3l,y niotto is, . . . ' - • .

All "iimls packed and siii[i[ied froo of uhurgB,ju 13, iHOT. l y • , .

AWe bng In uiiil spccliil iitteiition tn riir immerrftf'and •noi.t.eli.ffimLJiliiek iif M m j i m i i O l _ f l 0 0 D gfar snr|ind!'Iiig anytbiiig ever before uflgro'd. AT"the'jjreiites't Tiiirt lina ijeen bought for oa«b, at animmense (uiurlfioe,: during the late grout doprosrioii.111 businoos, uintiy lots'iiro much below»ii,—'.Cluj-Svtflbk-consists 111 nnrf of ENd"MWILJiUMllA.zraKS.EllJJNOiniOftlUAZmES,EMI'BKSS CLOTHS,! and JJiSMAltK OLOTllB,'


u iiu i U P , ffnm .10 int'liijs to 74 iilehcs wide • Uf-AaUlTK and COLUEAUp OmTltfJ, MELGIQI.^

" J J J 1 ^ ALPACAS, Mot To »f- IHt l i l POP^ 7

very low; FUENiJH POPLINS, onuiiliy.ACKOUQS UllAiN MILKS; from 4»" ™

nelies wido, real bnrgalns. Also, an immenao v«.'itity of desirable Second Mourning Drosa (Jooda,nine Ints. at JUST HALF r i U C l i ; COMPJSTI.

N,,]J..-BQNNET.S'..MAl?i.tttAS, and DRESS-.,:AK iM in cmT: ATLY EiDiT0Errn.WE8, • "

No. ftal

N wmn-, is imu_Ji»v utviQfrTiW^y virtue^of a warrant issued by lUiniliil.U. linbbins,

TlVcTif "llio tfiistioes of- the 1'iiaeu-in-anil for tlio.Juunty of Moruor, to mnke the tux laid on unim-|irovoil find iiiitenantoil -IniiUt^iiud-on lniid teiinri.led>Y_),OJW^J»njLhn^lftM(jl_JLruiirii!tiirii wlio arei t b l l f r i t i t l ' I.imtljle l o pay flieir tiiit in tho'Iowniniip of j^iaitVindsor, in naiil county, llio siibsqriber. Collootof. f sn id townabip, will, oil SATU11DAY the 21st

diiyjif SIAltCll, iit 111 o*o[pgkj_. j t , nt-lhajiremv">o_,"",~siil_l"i'IiW*:tlfiibfli*;7;wo;niljr;Wr, t^rbj Riiininnfthe promises tnxed to- Isaay Brlttori"and V :

l^lUUWJ.-ill.diuiu t.i.lliaUi, tliu ta.,_f,,l JliHinintiK IO'$u5 7(H» aiidVf 2:85 uosts, A'lfO, thetax fur 18H7, fiHiounlinff to Slid 85,-nnd 52 84 ensis,

jiin2;i J.TS: IIOOUIIS, Collcdtor,

^Ecxiaus_c-s^iB_^TJim.i!,,-iRB.A.Tl-fxraoii t and riadionl Curoof Sominal WesknofStr Hnnrinatorihffi-, '• indueod b J ^ l f A b y i


M M c M U R R M ' S ," . " Fof Fall of 1867. ""•NE\V,"GbODSV - ' • ' : " " N E W -

fhJsiiiiy received a large assortment of.Ijiidies,niintsT'.Missej,_j,nd.Ohil(lronis-lSoots and31ioos Jall the . " ' " . ,


anil to bei sold to the oiti7,ens of ,Ilighlslow,a nsurroanding country aj the lowest nogsible_.prjioi1_

RUBBERS-! RUBBERS!For Ladies, Gents, nnd Misses,| y Boots and Shoes munufaoturod to_order,'at

i ter t notieo, Keiiniring promptly attended to

ing elsewhere, and SAVE 1'UUE MON BY.

lllghtatown, Oot, 3,1SB7,

East_ ."account of tho iindersi^ned may bo fuundat thooffiooof S, M. apHANOK, Esq., in, AU perioni indebted to us atb requoited tosail and isttle withoat delay, nnd thereby laveqost, HEHBY WJEBTOOTT A BON,

r h 6, 1888 4t • • • .


. Situated in Milford, Merew Qoiy"g- j,~

Fitst-rate.^onn, aid 4, utti etHBd'KdjoialBgv

Just FuhlMi'tt, in a Stdtrrt Eiivelojie,Price six- rents.

f, and iinptfdlmehts to Marriiige gonflrally; Oon--juiptian, Mpilopgy, and Fits; Mental and Inoiipiioltj i e ,~By KOD. J, CULyiKWlLL,

M."J)., Author of tlio '"'iircen Bjok," itsThe world-renownud author, in tbia admirable

.ecturB, clearly proves from his own experienceIiu t tho awful epnseciueneoBOf Self-Abuse may 1)0

cffeoluiiliy removed, jvlthout modiuino, and with-out 'diin'|e'tBu»Turgi*(ir'oporations, bongies, in-itrumbnts, rings, or eoriiiali, pointing oirt a -of cure at enoo. oortain and^effectual, b yevery sufferer: .no matter what his condition maybo, may euro himielf eheaply, ^ivately, and red.

JcjtllyJ_..JTJjJaJentuj'e TFJIJ prove aboon to thoBaanda*and • thousands, . • '

Sent under ieal, in a plain envelope, to any...address, on reoeipt of all eenta, pr two postnge'Itmmpi, by nddressin^ tho publTa ijojja, , .,VAIio ,Dr . -CUJLVEUW-ELIPS ."-Miyringo-Guido.'r-

CHA8, J , C KLI-NE A"-Co.,1ST Bbwsry, New York, Post Offloe Bos 43B6V

Collecior'8 Sale for Tames.

tee of the township of' Ifct Wiiidteri on the SOtfc'day of Jmmary, 1189, to make Iho tax nueiieff•thn-fnlinwlnp; yeraon onjennunt of the real eitatyaereinaftor described, which iaidja* wai pay able'on the flrit,dny of April, 1S86, I the subieribsr-,.sUall in pursnanoe of an netof the Legislnturo en',titled "An act to make taxes alien on real oetate,

iamof""appToriaifth-Mireh,'iBHfiiifli rojplmerit thereto approved Marah 2S. 1898, irilUIhe aist day- of Maroh, 1868, at the llotel.of &,Hughes,, In tho borough of HightstpWB, Mtwef^y''--''-.12 smd'5 p'cloek P.. M.7, iall the following teal ee- .:tate in laid towniWp, ai dpiarlBed"By tti» MBBBSOF ',-. f

M h i w m t i t i h O t 0 W a i 4 < ^

Page 4: HPGRTSTOWN, FEBRUARY 27, 1808. WHOLE NO. 1174 filelllslfiips ^^^J \*=c^^f rrrj.-1-u.- # «SfJ33p:af*R HPGRTSTOWN, FEBRUARY 27, 1808. WHOLE NO. 1174 J. A. EXTON, M. D., (Formerly of

Oireult Court Judgo—Poter Vredanburg, F-roo»hold. ' "':

hold • Charles H . Qonovor, Marlboroughi CharlesButohor, Turkey.

^_-Oouaty_j^jerk^'Hulmcm "Wp"M:fiTp1iyy FreetmM-r;Burroga ta~Anron K. Throokuiorton, Freehold

• Collqqtor—William II , Conovor, Freehold.

, iuportntarldont of Public Schools— Rev. Sam.



WATOIIES, C L O P K 8 _ a i d• ^ J K W-EXJt j H

hand, Much na fluid, nnd Hi!-er Wiiteiies, Uold n-iil Sil

iBllvar PonoilM, Clt.l.i I'ei-sGoldModulliun*,Dre««tPiri»

Knives, Scissors, Rneedles , Ac FS ISII II tiirgu vari-

Ml leokwdod, KeyroTt. 5 'Jl"!^!^?1™' ^ ^ " ^ *"* a i r i ' l ! i " ' ^ ™ "SliorlflWWm, B, Sutphoii, Freehuld, Particular attention puiJ in rcjiJilriiig of nil kindCbS-oners—Willinm Armstfong, Maimliipati: Oet l i IRfi) .' •

Charles Lewis, Long Brnrieh; Benjamin H Stan- ! " * ' " " ~ • - . ; • • •ton, New B e d f o r d , " <• • " . V " V " j CJAMDBN ftAHBO*

J3oilfd of Chosen 1/reehuitlrrs. I E^ie alii 5K ^ 5 SEIECharles Buteher, Director; Holme. W. Murphy, • J>aJ^ ^ Winter Arrangement - i887- ' 6B

/ C l e r k , l l i ' g u l a r M e e t i n g — a d W e d n e s d a y i n i - - - - - -

I n S e p t e m b e r , ^ _ , , , „ s l ; w v , , l l t .

T h o f o l l o w i n g i s a l i s t o f tha; l u e - n i b e r « , t h e i r F i r s t t r i v i n l e n v c a a t . >• 0 4 , i "u l in" l t . A M^ t o w n s h i p s a n d P . 0 , a d d r e s s . ' " , H c u t i n d d o . ( K i i i i g n i t i l ) a t , , H 4 b " I ' . M .

C o l l i n I t , M o i r s r r p p e r FrLM-lmU, "l-'fitiiVi",??^'''?"""^"™'"" '" " " '""FOB"ri iTir .nr-H'TJI 'urA;" '"""

C h a r l c i A l l a n , M i l l s t o n e , C l u r k u b u r i r : S U I H U B I ' (.', ! F i r s ] t r a i n a t , . . . . . . . . ' . . ,',R 4 I D el c nrk A . JlISowne, Mi iBa l i ipun , E m j l i s l i l n w n ; Hniiiuul C o i m v e r , ', •" l l ' ' '" I |d d o . 1-n-iglit. a t , . . . . . . . . 11 , iu

F r e e h o l d , F r e e h o l d ; C i m r l a s If, C.muv-er, M u r l - i ™ r d d,, p f p r o s j , a t . . . . . . . . . . . •' ••

b o r o u g h , i l a r l b o r o u j j h ; C h a i l u s I j u i c l i e r , 11 u iv t; 11,, |

Bttper-lhosphate of Lime, Ammonia &Eotash

ANTl:n m m ; I'ltoii AnL't.TEiiATlo.f.

I'lieAiil in Iliiirx nf'lM) lbs e.urh.

• niifudgiiiMl crops uf Wheat. Ciirn, Oats, Po-, liruBM, Cotioiij Tobacco, und Vegetable!) of

all kinds I'uI meri iiiu.uld.du. wall tu Illuliifv iinurAl ilrahc iHfrrii I i Trr* tis Iu the. retiilix

is v l r t u t a , ' j ,

H u u l l i . t i .Jurriill , IJiii.-mHt.-s P l i l h u l a ,Wi'lliiiiii? il MiM^ 'Cl i i 'mNta , I ' h i lml i i .

•C. l i lo i i i l iuc l i , C h e m i s t , .Ne,w. Y j r l i

A n d b y a l l n l in liiivi! used it.fiji to th i i l i m e .W o liiive iiiiinuriiua i._• • 11m.>nIuIs to tho tfT.-cl

t h a t II is an iiivniiiiibie• 1-VrtiltuBr. a m i we r ™ ,'iiii'ii.d it highly !i« .; ii,p ilifsxntg fur Whtnt u'ut

• S I P P . I ; . M i K S T H ,

8'j ffui/i/i Wiitrr anil -10 Sinith llVm' rdJ,

I ' ! ! I I . M i i ' , I . I > I I I A .

WM HEVNULDH, ,TU Smith .Strict,


r p l I E ,ST1SV!N8 HOUSE is well nnd widelyX known to the traveling publ ic . Tlie location

Is especially suitable to iiiorohatits and businesi EDITED BY

Hm lii^liivjiv of _Sn'nlharn nnd Aided by a numerous aaleet eornii nf wrjterai ifli i * " - . . k i. L I * • • l it 1 I i~i = " i I * • . ' -%—:— ; -

of tbii r~ity iWestern travul—und adjucoiit to all tho principalliuilroiid and Mtoiiiiibuat depots. ; "

lions fi*f !,vor ',fW guijsts—it is well rurnished, andpudsuNses every modern iuiprovijmont for the com-fort and oiitsrtaiiiinuHt of its luuiatui Tha roomsaro spuoiouH nnd well ventila|cd=provided withgas nnd wilier—ibiratteiidaneii' is prnmp^and res-peytful—and tlio*ti#tjlij I* generously syjfpliod withevery delicacy of the sen.i^n=al inoiluriitt; rates.

UliO.'K. CUAHE it UO., •- j j.-1 UCrn iProprietori.


all branchus of Beiaiioii, Art , andTjJtoratiira,•-— •/'* 10 large volumes, 8f.fl.

— i i O « fi% | t I JV » E II ¥ '"


700 dauile-eoliim/i pages in each V . /MBM •The leading olairas to public e tn i idorat ion

which tho Ifew. American Cyaloptedisl. poiiossea.inay be thus briefly stated!

"2. . No other work eoiitains Jo many reliablebiographies of the loud ing men of this and otliorniitioiiB.' In this rospeoEit is1 far iuporior iven tothe more bu lky Enoyelopiodia Bri tanniea.

'•3. Tho best minds in this country havo IjeenBUiployoy in onriohing its pn^os with the . la tes tditta nnd the most recent diseovefiea in every

h'of inan'ufiiortirm, 'mcchrnVior,Iglenae.\ ' ' J . I t ja a library In ilsnlf. whnrc

" V E I t 0ME : MILLION B g T T L l ¥jhave boeii iSW arid not a •linglB-iriore is known. We havo, io" our

; j W u i p i u « , . C i W p « r . , t J e 0 | M i . r . » r . B T J r « . r t . i _ - ^ , I h , l u : t l i K n ftt,,,,, « v , : : , ; . , I 4 3 3 T . Mc o b y , A t l n n l i ' : , C u l t i Niicli; W i l l i . u u I' ' ' du " "" tin i)j "

•_Ti ! f flrsi, tniiii fIJX J MyJjiil w I pli i ii connects with jtftifii lt;HVii]«j Tiurfiunlnwn iit/JiiH. -, ' * • '

ScijbyConovor, Si irewibury, It,ud lianli; Julin K. 'I'Mtun.

tan, Keypor t ; Wai, U. IIiinilrlck'sonMiiliIlutrjivn, Passfin|»ur.>i fur Nuw nrunswluk, lljihivay, Je rs rv

' I•tifnnliters leave New Y"'rk fnnii I ' l t r I ^Jllvcr, iiM JI. »i,

FI-.IIH -l'liila(lid|ilii:i—It-av.i fiint of WUlnut Ptrec-t \at (1 A. M., nnd 2 and li.iiii I'. M. >

r u n n u n n r : K t ( j W N it TiliiHTheirve-littFdfrn=tuwn fur T r ^ i

, , . , , r , , , , , , _ , , , , , , . - I (Jiiy, iind fi.uwari, wi tu tu 1 be H 1)4 u, in , andJfiddlotown; J h h n ' M . U»tT, Hul.iadfl,' ki-JTorl; | .,",„/.( ;; ,; , ,",, , ){„<,* r\mi,g,• e.,r.< at Jaui..-S\iurfiWillinm H, Ilt irner, Mnliiwim,;J , WLcefof, LIiKuln, Eiih-iAuwn. _^

J II stii-rs vfilir !'•• a-:.

Tb.6 fij |ures dcnoLc jvhc i i tho t.i.inti- ? s j i i ^

J 7 P , W e l l i n g , IS72; J i;.

f J a r r e t F u r n i a n , 1H7L1; ,


Martina t o u n t , 1H71 ; W i n , A , l ' l i l u n r , 1 .-• 7 5. J . . h i , l l i i w u s ,

1 8 7 1 ; J a u i e s P . K i i r l e , 1 » T I ; J M I I I I W . T i a v j H i . H .

1 S 7 0 ; S n i n u e i K . l ' . - g e r * , l « 7 n ; A\,rZh.<m \Uiv^

J R J O ; B l u o t i i i i e l d K u w i i i i m , I ^ T u ; l l e n j ^ m i u 1'

I ' o n r c o , isjTO; I ' o t c i r t). K i i i f s k i r n , l > 7 i i , i»:i:ic

I l e r b e t , ] i j 7 U ; - I l u b c , r i . M i l l i T . \~-T» V. IS W.- i in-

e t F u r n i a n , 1H7U; . l . i h n II . M o r r i s . ! « T J ; A I - j *" |",V.n've T r m i t i i i i fu r l i u j - d v u t u w n lit li i l l n i t , i n nI I . C a m p b e l l , \M2, W - J | J e w i ' l 1 - 7 1 : J i i m c - i - IU •JH."J'. '>u. uli 'd M ••!) p m .i n , 1871" ; J ' l l u i W . I ' h i l l i . , - ; 1 - 7 1 : J m i n IT. I ^ d r u l U « • — A A - R i i N C H W A l U ) . A « " l -

^ BUOK43INDi^(i.

t, 1K/0; J , C I.invreiiiM', ii; Win . l i

• J l i i y i o n , J S / I I ; j . , u . ' r u ' r n i i i i i i n i r h i i i , I n v i i , . M i i i

B , U i i r t o n , I s r i ) ; J o b n J I . J l u l m i . I - . T c ; ,/ ,M.-.N'in-

"noy, is^r^nniam cv TFivni^iKTyTirich.rrTlrB t r o n j , Ifiilil; A n l l i o i i y T r u f i ^ , I S W : TIIHIIIM« l.:if-

e t r a , 1BH9; B e n j a i n i u D e c k e r , IHIHI; I-Jlijrih Ci imbs ,

ISfiO; B e n j a m i n W a n l r l l . IHnB, .Mark li M i i i i i .

1SI18; Hnimiel F n i k f . . l - ( ' « ; Wi l l , : im 11. Hlnoum.

la i iS; Diinlul 1!. Ht rnn j ; , Hi lS; T h u i u n j I . J jedlu ,

1S0B; T h o m i i i Fi i r . I i .n , lSUH

I" PI ' rF r e e h o l d ; J f i sc j ih '.'. T l i ' i m p s o n . Mi. l . - in i io : . lu iu rn

I . V u o r h e c " , J u l u i L a i r d , M m i a h i p a n ' , Kl i \* [ l : i n .

1 ^ ^ Ftn^§ti':-, J n b n Nenf l^ , F r i ' t l i i i i j , JT.iLl]i;i>i

UiilJiwiiii i (•iinirgi! Jl .-iKi'in^, %l.ii l l i . .r-

I ' io ld , Miclil lufown> ,1 iiiitcs Hieklr« , Ai l i i i i t lc ; J.-.!n1"

S, Andur^ijn, Wn!!; Pytor Aiinijujli, Clhiirk'S IC,iiiY: -Jjimca Xolmj, f)i*gini;

John II, Jaek ion , Uinspiu;,—.lljdinilpL;_I)jmd II•Conovor, JInwull,

lASt Qf Cl?rf>*i Fl!),nir!l>t, ' /* / G'fl/lui ,f ultd

Bh?>ilfs vl JMuiuunJii/i Utiiuiii;

(From the earliest reaorda Ui tho present time.]


]',i-]]ryf \u _Sintiil /VM/7/,V and Quifkl l i n v ' I h c r e l ' i i r u t u v i l o n i l w l i n l i f t v c i i l i j . l i i n d l l i a I ni l " . t u c u l l a n d l o i d : l i t t h e i r


i i l i i i 'h a r n I . I W I T t h a n t ha?e ,,(,,,,y ul/ifr titaMiih-

Tlu-y ilhiu i n a n u n i i j t u r e rill kiii'l.i nf


AKU »KL1, 'i'ilHM AT M AN V ) 'Af"n'HIJlLS

,'t:NTS A \ ' I ; I >

V -IiATTEltN,,

mlimn I7ns, Wcml.lurLlnyd;

1S17, Joseph I'bililps; 1H20, Willinni Ten Kyek;.1830^ P e t e r Vrcdi-iiliurB, j r* ; ia;il , D'niiivl 11,imw mil,, emiiiini iSI-iiv.- I Ait n lynrm.i ciirwin;

wniil.l oiill ill Ipiillun tn liirlnrgo

No 27 West State street, Trenton, N, J,

IA fuw duurs libovy Wurreii atrcui.)

hiis aliu ujiunej in aoiiueetTgn thurciritb?afirsi,class

;'~lfIf lafllY ifoal,"^tiiiiy iju fiilmd n nne uasHrturtnt ot •




Jiffhot/ 1st Jiooh Concern,


..Turillshodal AV.w I'ari prltcs, -


mylT 27 West State s treet , Trenton, N, J

HARNESS! HARNESS!rr i i i lssubsijr ibcr offers for sale, a t hiaaiilci rooms


an asNnrimcnt of"

F.aiicy ami Plain HavnctNKijUiil tu c i t y m a k e . i n s t y l e a n d finish, a n d ntuiiiub luwor jifk3ySi A l s i i\ ouni[ i lc to ug^or ln ien t ot

Robes, Blankets, Saddles.-' Whips, etc.

quant i ty of Certificates, lomo <jf tlifm from

. - - E M I N E S T PHYH1CTAWR ,who havo used it in their ptnotie,o, and giT»n It

; but i ,oo8iiivs I T ,, a u " to eaablfl tlje jjationt to eipegtftrato freilj,-,I Two or three doies, . . .

j Will .Invariably, Cure Tickling in the,; / , 'Throat .' .

la treated, and where informatliiu ciin be „._ _wlilch will onublo-n student, If he is so dlMpoaod,to eonsult other authorit ies, thus BlTurdlug himad invaluable key to knowledge,

"a. I t is neatly printed, with readable typd,on gijod^ piipor^ and contiiins^a moaI copious induk,

- I . n, nun mime nns oiten ooinpiolply cured the^ j must iSiiihlmiii Uuiigh, and yet , though it i l i a

ifJTi g i v eapproaehing. aorreijt deserliitions-nf flitieg lto'ivna of Atnorioa, or eiubriicci! reliiiblo statisticsshowing the wundorful growth of nil seet inns ."

Every ono tliut' roiiUs, every uno that mingles'in.soelety, ia constantly meeting with allugiQ.ris toBubjeots .oil wMol!~^W»«di-^yrflfl*HjBfHfivrUiOrfTintormation. In eonversation, in trade, in pVo-feasional life, on tho farm, In the fiiniily, praotioiil

..qu_Mtiona-Faro---flon4Jiiitally_aii|)iinyr whieh-no M'ntr;"well rend or not, ean alivnTi atttlafiit'torlly nnsivor,lf.fne,i|lti«s,J«r,.-,rcrBrsncoTaro,.at,ihjind, t t o y n r edonsulted, and not aiily is the curiosity g r a i n e d , 'and tho atoelt of knowledge' increased,.~but per.lians information ia gained and ideas are sugijcatod that will direotly contribute to tbebuginoaKsuccess of the party concerned.

A Cy'clopiudiu is preeiniiiently the work for ourcountry arid jjoHeralion. Thla is the ago of slonmNo one has time togroupe litiioug a hundred clif-i e i o r l ^ k J ' J i L t I J ' i d i t h

p m / in us upuiiiuun, it IS porThurinleaa, boliig purely vegetable. I t la varyagrec-iiblo to the, and may be adminiaterod tochildren of any iige,IN OASES OP OltOltP WE"1 W I L L GUARAN-_ _ S M ^ , ill! A Ji^MLTAKmL IN_ SJJ AflOjl.^^

JNo.Jramil.y snould be without it!.I t is vfrthiii the roach of all, it being the oheapwtand best medicine extant .

0. fl, ,, f roprifltopii.

y q ,out the oortuinty of finding it at last, With aCyoltipajdin, embracing every conceivable subject,ahJ having its topics nlphabeticiilly arrnnged,not n moment is foil. The iniittor in question isfound at unco, digested, eyndoneed stripped of filltha t is . irrelevant n M unneoossaTy, and verified

-h-y, lueauvpdrijKin. at—tho-b^M—o-ubhuFUics. M o r e -over, while only man of fortune oiiii eolluet ft H-

-linity_a.oinpjeto. jn_.nlLih_e_departments of knowledge, a' Cyclopiudin, wurtli in ilsulf fur purposesof rofuronee a t loast a thousand voianies, is with-in the reaeh of nllT—tho-eleTlfriuo uioreliiint, thoprofessional man,, the farmer, the mechanic. Ina country lilie tttfrf^vh'eru' tho 'humbles t may boOTltoil ta'-yd'ijp6nsrWu~puKitioTi» iui|iiii-iiiB intoillgtjiice rtnd generala work ciinnut bo over-estimated,

Pl t lCEH AND STYLE OFJQ} II IZ.rlrii Vlui/i,,,,,..,.,,,,,,,

. In IMirrin/ Lr 'ither,In Half fl*urke.y Murocni, , , , « , , ,/ / / Half Hiixxin, eTtra.gilt,,,,,,/ / / I'iill J\lor. Antique, gilt eUgesIn Pull R iissia,,,,,,, 7 , , , ,

T i l l

ANNUAL CVCCOPAEDiA.Cemmeneed in 1801,

Tha sa

o_valur of

NDINH,.per vul*,


i i


5J 000 0(1OHO7ftOti tio9 00

AtiK>,T!4 —I'ri 'ib Bennntt, Hnrili'Rtown : A. A.Yiinl. Frei-buld • Y't-Aiir,}. Wyi'kiiff. llightsti.wn ;Me,lint' A (rhiiiiibc'riiii, Purrinuvlllo.

a.? uiii.iio to order and ' 'warranted. .



inn price pertho Niiw AMl ' l ' H I . I S H F . I I

'volume, niid


FOR IRREGULARITIES 1I ha r e tested these Drops in my own praotiea,

overtei iyJiVfi , and "do not hesltuto to any, thatnothing hiiii yet been dovelnped by, tniodiual reieiiruh, thiit acts su powerfully, poaitively, iindhiirmlosaly, in enses of female irregulari ty, a i doe»this inodiclno. In nil recent eases it never fails,while thousimds who havo bnen long siiflbrori, a r tindebted to it-tor the ljuon.ufiiuaUiite.dnj!.,.™, .. -

Although so powerful and positive, they are per .feetly harmluss, rind \xu\y bo "usud at nil tiuies, e i -eept when specially furbTddeii in the directions. '

They luiye beeu_c.\tensivi>ly ouiployed by e m b "nont physiiMiins in I-'rimoo and England, na well asIn my own praetloe, over ten years , and I b a r o•yet lu hear of 4he first in.-tailoe of failure. I oould

i A i j l J i l ^ h t H frnm 1n,ll«,

all over tlifl—niirtheni iintl wt<attirn wsrii

U V l l l . r . M B A v v i ' . U . l . V .




At Caffler;B Millg, BOTJTH AMBOY,

pher; 1B515, JehuPii t tersoi i ; ISiH, Julin W.•ibri*;'ias8riKMW" S^

jni(nnmpl|.|which liu if sullingilt lliu vevy linvnst Unsh figiirus

I'urnhaaerfl aru reniicstert to uull befuru g ' l injelscivhcru. They •a'dl find nil kinds of


A vcr;- fine a.»sf



iis U'laVk'

• To fill'vaea'nay.

(Orphans' Court eslnbllshed"in.17S-I)1785, Thuniaa Henderson; ' 1794,'Jo& Sc

1707, O, Llnyd; IRQ I, Win, Itonsel (April lii); IHIH,Hiohard Throekmortoii (December 'ii); 1'ril.l, J»'-aeph Phi l l ips ; I8.l.7wdiileb_'Lloyii; 1822, Puter' C.-

;. Vanderhoofr 1833, .llenry D,-l'uilicmiis; 18l4,. Ar-. thur V, Co.never;, 1808, .Aaron 11. Tliiuckinorion :

isT" niuc, LAUD, ififsir, cijiuisis'jWTTIili, liC'USr KUAI', CANDLISi,,


-'• • I 'UWlJElt, MllUT t UA'PS,. i o . •

1821, SCwl i es^ I;l nyd r! 11S37, p e t s r ^ 'rodonburg, j r ; 18a2, .Joel r i i fkcr ;iSS7,-A"in»i.-C,-JlcLgnn; l8l5"j itoticrt ' .AUcn, j r

IWn, n a v l a -fthoiit ITiH, iJanrei I l eml r rduo i r ;1700, KJislia Walton, 1703, William Lloyd; 170(1Jamea Lloycl; 1709; Samuel P. Foriniinj 1802,Eliiihi- Wflllon: -180S. .Triniea L.lii.vd:~l'8tl*JrT)aviil'

1811, 'Lowii Gordun;,«Al8U,i 0 ,1817, J . J . Ely; 1S2D, J , l,l,,y,l; 1811, Iltcliard

E A l t T I I U N A N p "STf.iNU WAKE

-by-tti'o-f-j-bbl., j bbl, and bar re l , Tboso wiintingto piirhlilisu, will li ii t i l t to tlieir advantagu tii call

-,, A^'iiliWU'l'-KJnVMr'u.f-,. ,.


of the choicest branda,


Cunsta;iit!y on hand at Iu'woltpridcii, •'.'• '.'

A couipleto assortment of TOBACCO A S1GAIV3

T i . n - n « n . n t ; . , g n fMnl i i i i i n m y l i n e a r n e a r n e s t l yi n v i t e d t o e ' u l l * •'- '••> . , -=-^v^^- , . . : : : : . ^ - ^^-=-f^^~.:, ^ , - -


_.. _ . .....1831, J . M. Perrine; IRIU, Thomas lliller; ia;!7,IIorntK-EiyT 18MV jAbran, (3. NenOe; 1811,

' Charles Allen; 1814, lioimos tonqyer, IHlT,,Siim-uol Conovor- 1820, Jiihn 0, C o l i l % 3 U

JCohovcri iriJo, Suuiuol Conuver; IBM, .JiWepb I;Thompson; 1802, Jordan WotiHey; ISOJ'r-.WilUamB. Sutplicn. , ' ' • ->-• . ,

i)V ALL. KliNDb wahted, ._„f « whifth the highMt market ratM will be paid.

A fjEJElSn PIS11BINB,jlightgtown,'aiay:-],- 18ti6,-tf •__- ;

TIIK PUBLIC ABE I N V I T E D TO CALL ANDexnininu our liirgc'st'ook, wliioh.eoisislsof thonewcststyloii iimlbo^t qjjiilit£flf imp ,TMA ..,,,.. ;_- X



i£jl,iif T

in tho vicinity ,of Jlightatown havingdi r y g g

lirpiin in sijlj, can at all times find ready sale for it

0 , I , COWAliD, AGENT,st rutoi given.

yvents, too nuniarous to bo remembered! antop ruuoh iiooount to bo lost.—'Cieeelaud Jlniiij

*ffijn*ri &•'_ T E A

^••y.1 haf -

"ou'r Cblifaty Courts, Miss 'EinBia W. ' t i reen' suedJohn A, Tan tum for branch of promise of mar 'rtago, Tho ju ry rendered a vurdiet fur tho plain-

. tiff for SS,800 damngei , . Tantum, as soon as thoverdiet was made known/disappeared very inyH.,teriotiily, and i t was disoovcroi.yiat ho had p re .

- vioSsly pwt- itlr-hir- propdrty into the liands of aJ reiatlvo, M r ICingman, Miss (Jreen's 'Tawyer,

'has folldwed'lho ma t t e r tip, and on Wednesday oflast-week pbtaindd a deeisioh fronijtlio«Cliahoellordeolaring T a n t u d i ' ! transfer o f - h i s - p r o p e r t y - t ooilier httnds void. The Chancellor concludes his

_ opinion a ! followj ,•'" I cannot- help believing that Dr . 'Tan tum was

oonvineed. in_^snita of any rnnrejeniajlana by hia_

M O R O I ' l l I L L I P S '

Super-PKosphate of Lime.

brother to the eontrary, thathis brdl'her'ii objectwai to part with hii ioourlties, and bnv(rh~Ir{nrop-

•erty in eaih, ap thatlio might avi id being com.pBllod to pny the judgment of the complainant,Thli makni the_ tranifer to him_ void as againstt l lg GGIB~OI!!I'1MIlLm HllU 111 **5 lilH^L QQ:IL uuyr^Q Inaeoordanoe.with this view " '

Wo aro Disnrod t h a t this decision will saeuro" W M i i i Oreen not only thofu l lamountpf damages,

.. bu t also oil tho ooiti ,'• - • • . The Moiimouth Inquire,

AnnoAii,—Theftllowing is• literal §opy of tha lisU of queitions proposed fordiieusilsn in a debating olub ont wait ; , \ .

.••; Suhgejti of dukuskioik, • '^ ,.I i r f i « « « : B o r T a l I e r p n g ? • ; . " . -

v i i it ncoeasary..-ait tomnm sttud roieays thor-w^tJti*ftien*ip^"}noiB<iiBM :•>•"• ;>;' -i. .-•.-. •'' ••• •.•*...

y. ji J )n t dreagoonrtitnte tMa morral part of wiminin ?MmAsiMm^'f^!ii^^-j^i£:i:"^':^i^ I.;.--.....,,' •••••••:

• • • " • • 'S tANDARD GUA

fon iALi AT ilAsitpAcftiRBn's DBrora,

*h o; 27 Mrrih Front Street, Philadelphia,

• • ' * •'• .. A S H . ' " ' . . •

—iVor05-So»/A. HlrMl,J3altiniore-. '

And by Dealfrs in general througliout the country.

The S O M B B I J I t O . O l I A N © of Svhlch'MQIUJPllILLIPS' PIIOSPIIATE is nnd always baa beenmaniifacturod, (and of .whiuhjlie has the sole uoii-trol for tho United States ) coritnluH ftfty per cent,iiiHfH Buiiu Phualdiiitu than -Haw BffnWIherefure-itis moro duTablo, TJiertddiiionflf Auirnunia givesit greiiter fprtilizing value.

Over Six yotfrs1 experience has proved to thoFarmer that it makes a heavier (jrain than evenstable manure, and ii not only active but lasting.

Price, S50.00 per ton, 2,00(11118;

" to aeatery. MORO P H I L L I P S ,Bole proopriotor and Manufuoturef,

J u l y 1857, tf, . '


By Itoamship and Sailing Packet, at Rodueid, Itatoi. ' . . .



CqatinBg to,iisii EniiafpJTiQlfeta, i

mand.for anynraount fiom Jll'BnJinpwBrai,

I , r i t f l t l 3T LrSED-GOUD -fi"A'*D, TiSJPlnin an Figured, Imported nnd Amerieaii (irnniteand ComiUiiii Wifrcs. A, large1 and" liciiifHful as-sortment of (ilnss Ware, cut and pressed, -nt lowprices,-•. A large aloe]; of Lumps j)t_every.iliiseript;-a !-_—_-_ £ '.: I j ' r r i V".t T t^=-i*rrrm1 .>-. j*S •• - -J11, - i <t ,-t—__= t 1 I iV^X . T • g-t j l ,. I ii y jl

Mas stood the test of mv6nbefore ihe'publlc jundtno-pi.^i,^*,alionfor theliairhas i/et heenclis-covered thai will produce the.samebeneficial results. It is an entirelyiir>tij sr.lnntipn Msenver^i, combin-inffnianyoftheinosi-poiom't'MaiMt-restorative tinmvts in the VEOET-

qntucy-tjood^r'iu Obiiiiir-UIWares. A beautiful assortment of

Plated Castors, Cake 'Baskets,S K 6 k ^ t

sisUng ol rFIf'*I(Tn'trsriit"fousuifable"p"ricos, EooRLngGlasses, Photograph Frames, Toll Trays, Willownnd Wooden Wtircs, such as Tubs, PuMa jjjiskets,.Jlriiihes, Clotlibs Wringers and almost overythinnin'the-hou€o furnishiiig line. A good Ie'. of" Hotc'IGoods alwnys on hand, Itemembcr the nuinbor,• fla.TJ'cift Mtnlc 8 t . , "Went of W n r r o i i .

Let_rill emne^who jvish to bsii gnftd' goods^ftt rfl;

all; look to your own interest, and oxamino ourstools before purchasing elsowboro, ••"•-—••"'•" - ""' J . T , KINNEY,

ESTATE OF-EHZABETJI DOWNS, ' D E C ' D ' . . •Pursuan t to tha order of the Surrogate bf tho

Uouiityof Mercur,-' mado^ori the-efghtoanili day ofy .igh

... , . _.__ "yigbt hundred urnlsixty eight, Notice, ts-ltrrehu given'lp all purronshaviiig elaims ng.1 inst~llitf^estate of ^lianbetliDowns, lute of the County of Moroer, deo'd, topresent the sriine, under oath or iifflrmation to theaubsoribor, on or before the eighttienUi day of" next, being nine mbntbs - f ro^Jho date of

in and exhibit his or her claim (under dnfli or afBr-mat:on,) within tho time so 1 mited, will ,bo foreverbarred of his or her action therefor against saidExeeutor , ABIJAII C, MOUNT, A c o u t o r .

Dated the eighteenth day of J a n u a r y A, I>. 1808.

MQTIC1E,E S T A T l O F - J O I ! » > B A S T b W r D E C i A S E D r

• P U R S U A N T to the order of the Surrogate of OnI ^ - U o u n t y of Moroer, made on tho ninth day of

Jonuiiryj- A, D, one- tliousand oight hundred andsixty eight, Notioe,is heroby giyen to.all Dorion.shnving olaims against the estate of John Bnitew,

l a n i i inaar ontB or affirmation to the subscriber,,on or before tha ninth day of October next , beingnino months froni "the da te of mid order ; and nny3Fe4i»or.iiegleotinr to br tnf inmad exhibi t his orTier •elaim (uudar onlh df nfflnnatioa.') M t b i j A

. . t ine s o n i m i t t d i will Bo fore-rer barred of Bit orh i t h f i t id I

D i W Otm aiBth.doy , A, ! ) . jg67

tdiTi-omofNAtFill. COLORi It malees Hie scalpwhite and clean; cures dandruffand humors, and fallmBT out of

li'air-aged persons, as it furnishes thenutritive principle uif lohich the

" i t is an enterprise or linmoiiao value to lirepublic, and ought to bo in every l ibrary, piililijiind priv|ijCj._as_ an=inyalji.ab!o bjiyk^/if reference,"—Atlas anil Argiix, Allmiiu, N. V,

'•Wo can eoniidciitly and ounsoientiou-ily reoom.iiieiid the 'Annual Cyclopaedia" to all wfio neourato and'rftadnhle history nf cmitein-porary eyents eloae sit lianil. and" as a sale work of

IIM .Traveller^" I t Is Indeed a most excellent work.i I t is

thorough" %nd reliable, and jus t sueh it. work as Is

;.;,... ,.:.o. ooi 0 51)

la Jlut/ Jiiissni, er.tra gilt •,,In Full Mor, Aittiqm,gUt edges., " y 00In Full MnjmiK,,,:,,.,.,,.,,,.,,.,; •' 9 OU

. , iSold by; JSuLiseriptivn, only. , .Wo are in want of Bonn AGENTS for thoaboye

work, to wliom it will nffijrd u haiidsorne l ivingin obtaining subscr ip t ions ,"Ternu made- knownon application, We also publish tho following bysubsuriptioa, and for which wo want agents; ,Ilislaril nf lhe_Amn<ir,in Ar,in» -dnrrnir Ihr.liarnl

lielicltiuu. In two vols, Pr leb(5each,T.he Militari) and Naval History oftheB.ehei

Vow.. 1 vol. . P r i c e 8 5 , ... ', • „

they not in ,their na ture private. Over 100,000bottles havo been sold tlie pust ynnr, nnd I hopoiinj trii«t ill ninny suffurors linve been bonentod,—I am well iiwiiro'that a remedy so potent to removBa!! ubsliiH'liiiii!', iiiay bo used for a bad purpose,but trust tliiit where guc buttle is thus usedf tenmayTiill intu the iiiinds of really needy suffurors.

To nil wlio suffer from nny i r regular i ty ; painful,difficult; excessive, offensive or-i ibstructed Menisirutttion, liiHTirriiua, or the train of diseases thutfulloiv, I would say, t ry n battle of Dn. Lvo.s ' sFiiKNcii Pi'iuuniCAL tJmips Being a fluid prup-arntion, their nyiion is more clircijt nnd poiitivathan liny \-<-\s or p,.'.r.lpr«. Kxpliaii direct loni ,

ijf be'obfHiiteii i-t iiiiinily-e:vory dru^gist^iii tin! cnuii'.rv. nr \,v. hii'lusiiiif IKB priuu to (J* UC'LAUK A Co , Xvwlhivi. i i , I ' t . " r ' "

mid J


New Ilivven, Conn,P r i c i . i l 50 per Dottlg:"

0, H. VAS SVCKIL, Trenton, Wholesale Agent. 'aprlS-ly. . . " "

Hifhtstown IronAND MACHIBrE SHOPX nytiirb, (ft The; old Stand, ovory variety w

IllO.N' CASTINGS CniiAP FOIi CASH,i l i l l Work, and other. Machinery, 3uch- ;ai'

lior3o"l'D>i?t-» and Tlii.-cliliiii Muiiliinu'.— ComShBlleM, Bartlo - i-Vaughn-'a Sirawduttori , made-Iu order at aliort i '"'

l*riBO-SO-BBTltsi_ • _ . . • - •Ilisiori/, In '8"vols, Prjoo pa'O:l6ne*h

History ef the United States of AmericaIn !• vol. Price 55. , , :

The. Cyclopadiaof Wit nnd Mtimof. Jill todby Will iam E,iBui*ton, the celebrated Comeiir.

-r. an. I n 2,yols».,. Piuee $4 each. -, ~ - —The liepiiMican, Court, 1 vol."'Brioo«S5,-•...-.-.-.''"-'•••—•'•••!. of Commercial and Business An-

2 vols1, Price f i .onoh.

PLOWS AND PLOWKB.iri'v all the different kinds of Plows in goner' :

al use will also bo found at his astftblishmeLt, meluding the celebrated D15AT8 PLOW. AlsoSleigh and Sled Shoos,, Wagon Boxes, Mo,, id',' Having made a set of patterns lor the right and '


lie is prepiired to furniHh'tliiisamo tojjriy .who may,',liiive use for tin- avtiule. at Sew York 'prices.IEJN TUKNINO. AND . IflTTING,..", S 0 M L I».


will horeiifter reji i irgtho cash of Its c^uiviilant-Vfor all work ordered,.

•'A fji/cloimdia of drawing. Deslgnod as n, Toxt-liuuk I'm, jlie.Mcohnujii! Aniiiitoatl Enginuerj aiid."Surveyor. In 1 "vol!" "Pride Sl f l ,"" . ' " . . . ' "_ 'Suud to tho Publishers 'for OironlBri and Termi ,

" 443 and -H6 Broadway, New York.


iair—i8~nouKlsh4d=attd-8ii2ipovted,Tt makes the hair moist, soff, midi L A s unsurpassed as a

n7tw.s ^ J^£bnj fE grclioaijcst firepdrqUdnemP offSreuto tlie public, as oiiwtfotile ivlll ac-complish more and -last;, longerthan three bottles of any otherprdpctraHon,

It is recomitlended ana" used bythe First Medical .AutliOPity,™

~~r 'JChe Wonderful, results••producedby QUr&lcttiawlXairJienewer haveinduced .many - to , manufacture..preparations for iJie Mair, undervarious names. i_ and, in_ order toiiiditce the trade-atidiJlepiibXiofo-purchase their , compounds, theuhave resorted to falsehood, byeta lifting they were former .part^iiers/or had some 'ddnriettlon-'tottftour Mr, llall, and their prepara-tion was siinilar to oiirs, IJQ notbe deceived by them1. Purchase theoriginali it has jiever yet. beeneaiici^ed,, "Our Treatise on thellali'f tvtth certificates, sent free

IBON FENCES.• O ATTERNS of all tho modern s ty l i i 'o f WrpiightX. and CnBt Iron, l,'on(iing,fgr*.€«inctoiies, DuurYards. Buildings, i e . , may be soon and examinedpy OiilI lnBun,thaiubioriber,wJioii p iepared^opi i tup t!io"T(iiiiio with eitlrtr: iTon"or wri 'blr"irosts, iuc iod order and a t short notli'o, r -_- —••—

A l l l p l t t J M .;:.,.' .THOS.C.PBAnCE,v

jljghtitownjBERING SHANGLE.

..;!', ISOi. . . . . . . . : "

IS I I E B E D Y " C I V E N , T H A T ' A L L - T H E . c ' l B - - 'culat jng notes- of tlie Central Hank of N J , o r

urer for redemption within two years from thadate hereof, nftor which timalhe funds deposited

to the Association, " ' ' •"•: '-'"•" XTho nojles will continuo to bo redeemed at par

at Manhattan Bank, Now York, Trenton Banking:Co, Trenton, and at Banking House of the Asso.«lntibn ih ilitthtstown, - — '•-

Ladies requir ing special . medioal-advioB-willmoot-iv^tli^liondrablo amiLjaiqntiflo_treiijmj

S T B E E T , New York, personaliy or By letter ,inlVilliblo Mohthly Ilogultttor sent" everywhere byniail or express, seouroly packed free from obsof*vniion. Prioe, S5. Th i r ty years ' experience en-ables him insure a positive cure in, all easel.


bit mail. tfiut eaeTirbittttti FIUMS

bit mail, iSee tfiut eaeTirbittttti FIUMour private MevenMS Stamp overthe top, of theJbQttle, All otheraare'iinlfoiloiia, •'•-. " . >

R, Pi-HalH^Go.j Prop'si Nashuaj N,.H.SM by BU Jhiingists and Deaieri in Medicine.

COAL BY—THE-GAE "LOAD, AT W - H O L E S A L a - _, Prices, s u e a a s 0 6 u n e i i R i d a e , B u q k M o u n t a i n J •

. Honey Brook, S c -; A good- lupp ly for tha I le tai l Trado e o n i t a n t y •

*i Cftimes and Jlell^of all Sines fur\% Chnrches, Factoricu, Academies,

Bttamtoati, IlaatatipBIi LoM- "msttTti, 4<!i

Made of Pure Ball Metal,AmSai,


JONES A CO.. Troy. N. Y.

JOHNSONIflarrlion Mircclj Ili^hintowu, IV. J

; Jlanufttatnror of

B O O T S , • . • • - . • • • : ' •"". B H O E S ," : . GAITEHS, SLIPPIRB, i o ,

A Good ajsortment pf Biiady.Mad* Boots and


imall qutintitiei, will find it Jo thoir-intorest to-give mo it call. f

apli-tf. JACOB 1ARJ ,Y,

0 0 K H I E ET O O K H I

Gilt, .Wi»lnut1._and riBMtaiion.BjMeifood Ploture__ FrnmBH, oval nrchod 'and i^uw*! .tOOKINfl-QLASSIB M all ilirt, and ^arioul

" • " " " ' • • • • - — • i , a t . .


Where m a y bo found a general assortment of Chi-

BIBPS, warranted good aingtri,

If you want to make a ioleetlon from a eoniplota'Tariotyof * , '


- . : SHAWLS,

at the. loir t r t P a i n priMl.'Oall Immaaiately and ie«-

,-... V..T.;S,MASON,.;

Main itreet, Hightstewniaew ,toek ofjoodJ J i ;Dejiidayi. « srter to iattiry_tB94 PAILY BPSH OE OPWOMBBB,

n't for-

af Jflnn^rj, A,!). jg67 peafally lollottaa^ -,. •. - ^ , BIBPS, warranted good aingtri, ; f ; . ^ i I mS&" Jj^gg^ twg ^ ^ ^ ? ! x

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