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    by S. Philip Clements WHY HOMCEOPATHY ? - - - - - - 60

    by Beta THE SIMILLIMUM 64

    by Noel Puddephait HOMCEOPATHY AND ZONE THERAPY . . . . 66



    DISORDERS by Cyril Scott

    A LAYMAN'S EXPERIENCE IN FRANCE - - - 71 by Meredith Starr

    IS HOMCEOPATHY FAITH HEALING ? (continued) - - 72 by Dr. D. Shepherd


    SOME PROSTATE CASES 77 by J. Ellis Barker



  • FOR NEW READERS HOMO3OPATHY is a system of medicine founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann 150 years ago. Since that time it has spread to every country of the world.

    It is based upon the law of similars" Similia Similibus Curentur " , this means that a medicine which, if given in comparatively large doses, produces specific symptoms of ill-health will, when administered in small doses, cure such symptoms. An example of this is Ipecacuanha. If taken in large quantities it produces vomiting, but taken in small doses it cures vomiting.

    The homoeopathic materia medica contains over 1,000 remedies. The action of each has been ascertained by healthy people .taking frequent doses of each one and carefully noting all symptoms produced. These symptoms were carefully tabulated and recorded and the remedy in a potentized (that is highly diluted) form was tried on patients suffering from these symptoms, and In every case it was found capable of curing the patient.

    It will be realized that Homoeopathy has been built upon a truly scientific oundation and, unlike orthodox medicine, it does not change.

    It does not treat complaints for their name on the principle " insulin " for diabetes, but treats every individual patient individually, for so few cases are ever alike. For a more detailed explanation, see First Steps to Homeo-pathy, by Noel Puddephatt (price Is., or Is. Id. by post, from the publishers of this Journal).

    Homoeopathy uses minimum doses which are absolutely safe3x means a thousandth of a grain, 6x a millionth of a grain, etc. Space is not sufficient to give a detailed explanation of the method of preparation of homoeopathic medicines. Beginners should confine themselves to the use of the low potencies, 3x, 3, 6x, 6, 12x and 12. The higher potencies 30, 200, lw, etc., should not be taken unless under the direction of a homoeopathic doctor or a fully experienced practitioner.

    In this country, at the present time, there are approximately 250 doctors who practice Homoeopathy. They are fully qualified medical men and women who obtained their degree in the orthodox medical schools and who have adopted Homoeopathy after being convinced of its superiority over orthodox methods.

    In other countries, Homoeopathy has made much greater strides. In France, Germany, the U.S.A., etc., there are large numbers of homoeopathic doctors.

    Homoeopathy can be of the greatest help in every, household and in the hands of the competent practitioner has attained greater success than any other system of medicine in the treatment of chronic disorders and the so-called incurable diseases.


    J. H. CLARKE, M.D.


    J. Ellis Barker

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    THE PRESCRIBER by Dr. J . H . CLARKE 10s. : 6d. (by post 10s. : lOd.)

    Gives brief instructions for the treatment of numerous ailments and indicates the exact dosage of each remedy. Includes an introduction on how to practise Homoeopathy. Over 55,000 copies have been sold.

    HOMCEOPATHY FOR THE FIRST-AIDER by Dr. DOROTHY SHEPHERD 5s. : Od. (by post 5s. : 4d.)

    An excellent little work for both beginner and experienced homoeopath. Gives details for the use of the common remedies in a variety of ailments and injuries. A book that is thoroughly recommended.

    HOW TO USE THE REPERTORY by Dr. G. I. BIDWELL 7s. : 6d. (by post 7s. : lOd.)

    Probably the best book on the subject yet issued. It includes an analysis of 40 of the leading remedies.

    HEALTH, DIET AND COMMON SENSE by CYRIL SCOTT 7s. : Od. (by post 7s. : 9d.)

    Another most useful book by one of the most popular writers on health matters.

    THE HOMCEOPATHIC PUBLISHING CO. LTD. 24 St. George Street (Hanover Square), London, W . I

  • HEAL THYSELF (The Homeeopathic World)

    Edited by


    All correspondence relating to Editorial matters and appointments should be addressed to The Editor, c/o The Homoeopathic Publishing Co., Ltd., 24 St. George Street, Hanover Square, London, W.l. In order to avoid misunderstandings The Editor wishes to make it clear that he neither accepts responsibility for, nor necessarily agrees with, the contents of any contributed articles or letters published in this magazine. Subscriptions and correspondence relating to back numbers, books, advertisements, etc., should be addressed to The Manager, Homoeopathic Publishing Co., Ltd., 24 St. George Street, Hanover Square, London, W. 1.

    MARCH, 1949 Vol. LXXXIV. No. 999


    THE recent correspondence on the advantages or otherwise of pure Hahnemannian Homoeopathy with or without ancillary therapies, prompts me to publish very briefly the details of

    the following case. Mrs. A, fifty years of age, had been suffering for over ten years

    from rheumatism, and during the last six years had been under the care of a practitioner of the single dose, high-potency school. Despite this practitioner's treatment, she had slowly but surely become bent and could barely walk, and her hands were becoming deformed. She complained that she was steadily getting worse and could no longer help in the family baking business.

    Despite the most thorough repertorization it was impossible to uncover the simillimum, such was the mass of symptoms she presented, so that I decided to prescribe symptomatically and, in order to get the case moving forward, to use spinal manipulation, local manipulation and massage, together with a suitable diet. The result of this compound or " poly-therapeutic " treatment was that Mrs. A was back working in the family shop after only four months' treatment.

    The remedies were prescribed on the leading symptoms, two or three at a time, to be taken in alternation, and were changed as the case improved and the symptoms altered. Among the remedies employed were Medorrhinum 200, Aurum met. 200, Ruta 3, Causti-cum 6 and 30, Pulsatilla 3, 30 and 200, Ferr. phos. \2x, Kali mur. 6, Silica Ylx, Rhus tox. 6x, 12 and 30, Hepar sulph. 6, Nux vom. 3.


  • March, 1949 HEAL T H Y S E L F

    WHOOPING COUGH By S. Phi l ip Clements

    THIS acute, contagious, epidemic disease is mainly associated with children, but it is as capable of rendering hors de combat a seventy-year-old as a seven-year-old. It very rarely attacks

    twice in a lifetime and is more common in the fust seven years of life, but where it is contracted later in life it can be a very dangerous and painful disease and must be viewed with genuine apprehension.

    There is no given season for whooping cough. As an epidemic disease it appears at all seasons of the year, but it has been found that it is usually associated with outbreaks of measles and similar catarrhal infections. It is transmitted by infected persons or by infected cats and dogs, and the sneezings and coughings of the infected person are sufficient to pass the disease to another and it usually takes some fourteen days for the attack to develop following infection.

    The first stage of whooping cough is often mistaken for an ordinary cold with watery eyes, running nose, frequent sneezing, loss of appetite and restless sleep. A cough slowly develops and becomes harder and drier, and during all this time, some two or three weeks, the disease is highly contagious.

    Then the paroxysmal stage is reached when the cough consists of short irregular jerking expirations following each other in rapid succession and interrupted by a deep crowing inspiration or " whoop ". While coughing the face turns purple, red or blue and swell s, and there is usually every sign of congestion. The paroxysms often end in vomiting and, while they are more frequent at night, they may return at irregular intervals as frequently as fifty times in twenty-four hours. This stage invariably lasts from four to eight weeks and is followed by the convalescent stage during which the cough becomes looser, more infrequent, and the whooping gradually disappears.

    In selecting the appropriate remedy for the patient, the totality of the symptoms must be considered and, should there be any difficulty in matching the symptoms with the short descriptions given under the following suggested remedies, then reference should be made to a Materia Medica.

    The selected remedy should be administered as suggested, using two pilules for children and three for adults, until there is either an aggravation or an improvement, when the medicine should be stopped until the position is again stationary, when the remedy should be repeated or a new remedy selected according to the symptomatology.

    Aconitum is the remedy for the early stage with chill or fever alternating. The patient is restless, anxious and thirsty. Dry cough from feathery tickling in throat, with hoarseness of voice. No appetite. Usually dry heat, but patient feels better for perspira-tion. Cough worse at night. 3rd, 6th or 12th potency every two


  • HEAL T H Y S E L F March, 1949

    hours for three or four doses, after which a further remedy may be indicated.

    Drosera is most probably the most used whooping cough remedy and is indicated where the cough is of a hoarse, barking nature and the paroxysms follow very rapidly on each other. The patient holds the lower chest when coughing, and the spasm usually ends in retching and vomiting. The attacks are worse at night when lying down and especially worse after midnight. There is no marked thirst.

    6th potency every four hours or the 30th potency once daily. (Dr. J. H. Clarke recommends the use of the 6th potency night and morning as a prophylactic.)

    Ipecacuanha will be the remedy when the patient feels continuously sick or gets relief from vomiting. The cough is violent and con-vulsive, with much rattling of mucous but no expectoration. Much loss of breath. Face blue or pale. No thirst.

    3rd potency every 2 hours.

    Antimonium tart. This remedy is needed when the attacks seem to be aggravated by anger or excitement or eating. There is much rattling of mucous with little expectoration. The patient is depres-sed and very irritable. There is a marked aggravation from warm drinks.

    6th potency every 2 hours.

    Belladonna. In sudden violent paroxysms of whooping cough without any expectoration and with symptoms of cerebral conges-tion, this remedy will be found useful. Cough excited by tickling in throat. Child cries before coughing and grasps throat; clings to mother.

    3rd potency every 2 hours.

    Corallium rub. The keynote leading to the selection of this remedy is the gasping, crowing attack before the cough. The cough is short, quick, ringing and very exhausting. Patient complains that the air feels cold when breathed in.

    6th potency every 3 hours.

    Cuprum met. When the cough is accompanied with convulsions and is very violent, threatens suffocation, this remedy will be useful, and a great indication for it is seen when the patient is better for a swallow of cold water.

    6th potency every 4 hours.

    Mephitis. The " whoop " is the most prominent part of the cough, where this remedy will assist. The paroxysms are few by day but many by night. The patient can't beathe out, and com-plains that food " goes down the wrong way ". Often sick after food.

    3x potency every 2 hours. 59

  • March, 1949 HEAL T H Y S E L F

    Pertussin {Coqueluchin). This is the nosode or disease product remedy and should be used where the cough is spasmodic, hacking and deep sounding.

    30th potency once daily. (Dr. J. H. Clarke recommends that it should be taken in alterna-

    tion with the best indicated remedy two or three times daily.)

    REFERENCES Clarke, J. H., M.D., Materia Medica. Dewey, W. A., M.D., Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics.


    THIS journal commenced publication in 1865 under the title oiThe Homoeopathic World, and continued as such until 1932, when the late Mr. Ellis Barker changed the title to " HEAL.

    THYSELF ", and throughout its long life, it has endeavoured to make Homoeopathy known to the layman.

    Homoeopathy is the result of the work of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, who publicly stated the principle, whilst at Leipzig University, and suggested a new approach to the treatment of disease.

    As a result of his work, which was far in advance of the thought of his day, he was compelled to leave Leipzig, and eventually he left Germany for France, where he set up a practice in Paris, and taught whoever was willing to study his methods.

    He encountered abuse and opposition from the medical practi-tioners and pharmacists of his day, but in spite of this his practice flourished and his pupils came from all over the world.

    When Hahnemann was having his Aesculapias in the Balance, printed, he wrote to the publisher as follows: " Bring it especially before the notice of those, who are not doctors, by so doing you will achieve a great purpose, and prepare the way for a reform of the whole medical profession, an event which must and will happen."

    Another writer says of Hahnemann, * * ll is clear that he regarded a laity enlightened on the broad principles of medical work and in history, as a likely incentive to the profession, to which he belonged, to improve its art ."

    Hahnemann held, at his own house, each Monday, informal gatherings of lay homoeopaths and homoeopathic physicians, who were passing through Paris.

    Homoeopathy was introduced into England by Dr. Quin in 1827, and in 1844, the British Society of Homoeopathy was formed and published its British Journal of Homoeopathy.

    By 1851, opposition was in full blast, and was brought to inter-national notice by the refusal of the University of Edinburgh to grant a degree of Doctor to a medical student, Mr. Alfred Pope.


  • HEAL T H Y S E L F March, 1949

    This student, having satisfied his examiners, was asked whether it was his intention to become an Homoeopathic Practitioner after he graduated.

    He replied, " I am not now a homceopathist, but after gradua-tion, I mean to enquire into the truth of i t ."

    As a result, he was not granted his degree, and there was plenty of correspondence in the lay press and the medical journals on this injustice.

    An American Medical College offered to have Mr. Pope examined and to grant him the Degree of Doctor, if he satisfied the examiners.

    A petition against this injustice was signed by graduates of the University, and prominent personages, a total of 3,337 signatures, and presented to the Town Council, as Patrons of the University, and the Council, after discussing the matter, forwarded the petition to the Senate.

    In 1851, the Second Congress of Homoeopathic Practitioners was held in London, and in August of the same year, a monument was unveiled, before an international gathering of doctors, in Leipzig to Hahnemann's memory.

    A clergyman, the Rev. Thomas Everest, who knew Hahnemann personally, preached sermons and wrote articles to the press in defence of Homceopathy. He wrote " a medicine is merely a substance which possesses the property of making a healthy man ill, and if advantage be taken of its disturbing powers, and if they be rightly applied and directed, changes illness into health, as it changed health into illness."

    The final paragraph of one of his articles contained the following prophecy, " If you medical men do not practise Homceopathy, non-medical men will."

    Nowadays, the opposition persists, but not in so active and vituperative form, and although it is officially recognized, it is not encouraged, there being only about 200 homoeopathic doctors in this country.

    If the average person is asked, "Wha t is Homceopathy"? if he recognizes the word at all, it is probable his reply would indicate that it was a system in which medicine is given in small doses.

    By giving the layman an appreciation of the principles behind Homceopathy, and the method of drug selection, he will appreciate that small doses are only a small part of the principles.

    No two individuals are exactly similar, and if two individuals develop the same illness, they do not have exactly the same symp-toms, they have their own individual and different symptoms, yet orthodox medicine, classifies this illness by a disease name, and having diagnosed the disease prepares to treat it by means of the medicines listed as suitable.

    It is a probability that both individuals will receive the same medicine, one may get well, the other may not respond or may have a long convalescence. What is the explanation? The disease name was treated, the sick individual was not considered as a whole.

    Nowadays, it is probable that the choice of the medicine would 61

  • March, 1949 HEAL T H Y S E L F

    be made from a short list, which would contain, amongst a few others, the sulpha drugs, phenol barbitone, and penicillin.

    It is no use denying the wholesale use of phenol barbitone, one has only to listen to the wireless broadcasting appeals for lost or missing drugs. Surely phenol barbitone could not be the correct remedy that matched the symptoms of all these patients, it sounds more like routine or empirical prescribing.

    Dr. Julia M. Green in The Homoeopathic Recorder of 1912, wrote that " The best way to spread faith in Homoeopathy was through educational work among our patients. In endeavouring to lead the patient into right thinking, for instance, dwell upon the idea of treating a sick man and not a disease.

    " The effort to train the patient to observe general conditions; so as to report symptoms, with their concomitants, so that eventu-ally, the patient recognizes himself as a sick person and not as a healthy body containing one or more diseased tissues or organs.

    " We may develop the idea of disease cause as something lying behind its expression in symptoms, the idea that pathological changes are disease results and not disease causes, that is, man is sick before his organs and tissues are sick, and that he needs treat-ment as soon as symptoms appear, to prevent disease of his organs and tissues."

    The administration of homoeopathic remedies selected from those which produced similar symptoms, in the provings, as the sick patient complains of, will act quickly on any illness, and prevent a long convalescence. This will show the difference between treating the sick person as an individual and treating a disease name.

    For instance, after the administration of the sulpha drugs, the patient is left in a low and depressed state, and has a long con-valescence and probably develops neuritis.

    In attempts to eliminate toxic and unpleasant results the manu-facturing drug houses have produced about fifteen varieties.

    In addition to the effects of the sulpha drug on the disease, which may be either cure or suppression, it has destroyed the vita-min B in the patient's body, and has prevented the body from manufacturing or assimilating further supplies of vitamin B, hence the depression and neuritis.

    A sulpha drug having been used once, say for pneumonia, is rarely successful if the patient develops another attack of the same illness, so that another type of sulpha drug or penicillin must be used, and the patient during his convalescence must overcome the after effects of this second remedy.

    Under homoeopathic treatment the patient has no need to get over the effects of the remedies, he cannot have too much of them because they constitute his cure, and the quantity of active ingredient is so minute, that there is no strain placed on the kidneys to elimin-ate any surplus remedy.

    Cases have been reported in the medical journals, where adminis-tration of sulphathiazole has prevented the kidneys from functioning altogether, due to the actual crystallization of the unused or the chemically changed drug in the kidneys.


  • HEAL THYSELF March, 1949

    The latest suggestion from a member of The Medical Research Council, in order to deal with the congestion* that is occurring under the National Health Insurance, is an eight page pamphlet on stomach troubles, to be used as a " hand out " by doctors to their patients, in order to save time and the necessity of explana-tions, and there is a suggestion that other simply written pamphlets on self treatment for other complaints may follow.

    Why not study Homoeopathy, for years this journal has been showing the public what to do in the first stages of various illnesses, and if homoeopathic treatment is started early, the trouble, in the majority of cases, is rapidly corrected, and the sick person is restored to health.

    Study what lies behind the methods of choosing a remedy, through the symptoms produced in an individual by his own personal illness.

    In the past 30 years, if one has studied the stream of publicity put out by the manufacturing drug houses on the very latest drugs, and then watched the medical journals and counted the number of adverse reports and toxic symptoms produced by these wonder drugs, after a few years you will only find an occasional mention of them, and if you try to buy one that had come out five years previously, you will find it is probably listed as a dangerous drug and can only be purchased if you have a doctor's prescription.

    A very recent publicity stunt appeared in the daily press, a " wonder drug ", which is going to end the tsetse fly menace, and put the Argentine out of the meat business, and only one great daily paper commented on the slender evidence on which this publicity was based.

    Yet Dr. Pctrie Hoyle writing in The Homoeopathic Recorder of 1942 mentions the fact that during the first World War he learnt that the natives protected themselves against steeping sickness, by crushing tsetse flies and simmering them in milk and then drinking the milk.

    From the reports that he had received of the symptoms of the African sleeping sickness, he was of the opinion that Gelseminum would be the remedy.

    He deplored the fact that, owing to the length of the war, he had been unable to accept an invitation to visit the Belgian Congo and investigate sleeping sickness.

    In Homoeopathy, over a period of 150 years, no remedy has been written off as useless, but the number of proved remedies has been added to, and as a result the homoeopathic materia medicas are a store of priceless knowledge and wisdom, from which anyone may draw according to his ability.

    " Homoeopathy offers a life of service to humanity, and it is the only method of healing that surely sets the sick man and sick woman on the permanent road to recovery."DR. H. A. ROBERTS, Principles of Art and Cure by Homoeopathy.


  • March, 1949 HEAL T H Y S E L F

    THE SIMILLIMUM By Noel Puddephatt

    We seek it here, we seek it there Hdmceopaths seek it everywhere. Is it in heaven ?is it in hell ? That d simillimum; we cannot tell !

    {With humble apologies to Baroness Orczy.)

    THIS has been the despairing cry of all those who have endeav-oured to practise Homoeopathy without first studying the philosophy of the art.

    The result has been discouragement, and discouragement has led to practices which are not only a parody, but a complete mis-representation of an immutable truth, which the Masters of the art in their practice have substantiated over and over again.

    Out of the homoeopathic firmament one star still shines brightly, illuminating, guiding, and beckoning all lovers of truththat star is the late Dr. J. T. Kent.

    Of all Hahnemann's disciples, Dr. Kent perceived in Hahne-mann's great work The Organon the spirit of the science, which he has interpreted with such skill in his work Lectures on Homceo-pathic Philosophy.

    Dr. Kent has been accused of dealing in metaphysical subtleties and not Homoeopathy; but the homoeopathic art concerns man, that masterpiece of creation, made up of two spiritual and dynamic properties, will and intellectthe source of every action and thought, whether good or evil.

    This is the person we have to treat, and if we wish to cure and not palliate, we must base our prescription on the totality of the symptoms of this invisible man.

    We will now summarize these symptoms in the order of their importance:

    1. THE WILL. This constitutes the very centre and inmost man. From the will springs all his loves, hates, fears, desires, aversions and longings. " As the affections are, so is the man, extending from the centre to the circumference. When you know his affections, you know what trend is taken " (Dr. Kent).

    2. Proceeding toward the circumference, we next have THE INTELLECT, which is the reservoir of all his thoughts, whether true, false, delusive or imbecile.

    3. External to the intellect is THE MEMORY, which is either good, bad or indifferent.

    The symptoms of these three headings are the first-grade general symptoms.

    Now still proceeding from the centre to the circumference, we come to THE PHYSICAL GENERALS, that is, those in the physical body. Before going any further, please remember thisthe physical generals cannot be cured with remedies that do not have the mental conditions, as mentioned in the above three categories.


  • HEAL THYSELF March, 1949

    PHYSICAL GENERALS (in order of their importance). These relate to man as a whole, and not to his parts:

    1. Reaction to heat and cold. 2. Desire for rest or motion. 3. Reaction to temperature, weather, wet, winds, etc. 4. If a woman, her menstrual functions must be considered,

    whether she feels better or worse, before, during, or after men-struation.

    5. Whether better or worse from eating, before, during, or after eating.

    6. Better or worse from bowel action. Still proceeding from the centre to the circumference we come to

    the particulars, the most external of all, for which the patient comes to be treated: his pains and aches and what-nots of the body.

    When the case has been properly taken on these lines, and we have found a remedy that covers the first-grade and physical generals, it is quite on the cards that the remedy that covers these generals will not have the particulars for which the patient is craving relief.

    Never mind, forget the particulars, and give the remedy which you find is the simillimum as far as the patient himself is concerned, and he will be cured from the centre to the circumference, and the particulars which he wanted cured will in due course mysteriously vanish.

    As an illustration, I will record a case of Dr. Kent's. " A man with a rectal ulcer was advised to be operated on to relieve the copious haemorrhages from the rectum. He was urged to consult me before having an operation. I found a persistent mental symptom was the need of intense restraint to prevent himself from destroying his own life. Natrum sulph. had this symptom, but has no rectal ulcer recorded. A few other symptoms present, together with this strong mental symptom, led to the use of Natrum sulph., and he had no more haemorrhages " (italics mine).

    Finally, we must reiterate that our remedy must be based on the symptoms of the patient himself and not on his parts, such as head, liver, heart, lungs, kidneys, and so forth; for the patient is prior to his parts.

    When the remedy is found that covers all his symptoms of the will, intellect, memory, and especially those that are strange, rare and peculiar, plus the leading physical generals, then that remedy will constitute the simillimum, and will cure, if the patient is still curable.

    WANTED: Books, old or otherwise, by Ellis Barker, Louis Kuhne, Henry Gilbert, Forbes Ross, Kellogg, Hindhede, Lane, Keith, Mackenzie, Waerland, Hippocrates and other health experts. Also Liek's "Doctor's Mission". Box BGH/1. "Heal Thyself", 24 St. George Street (Hanover Square), London, W.l.

    FOR SALE: Examination Couch and several Hanovia Lamps in perfect working order (can be seen in London). Box JL/1. " Heal Thyself", 24 St. George Street (Hanover Square), London, W.l.


  • March, 1949 HEAL T H Y S E L F


    By W. E. Robinson, N.D.

    THE unorthodox practitioner as a rule, specializes in one of the various therapies, be it Homoeopathy, Biochemics, Massage, Osteopathy, Herbal Medicine, or Dietetics, etc., all in them-

    selves natural methods of treatment. However, it is often the case that he uses one or more of these therapies in conjunction with his own method when necessary, to obtain quicker and perhaps better results. In fact he should when assisting a patient back to normal health, use all the Natural methods at his command, if by doing so the patient is to be spared pain and suffering. All natural therapies will work harmoniously together, if prescribed by a competent practitioner.

    Another such therapy, as yet very little known in Britain, is Zone therapy. This method I have found to be most valuable as an adjunct to Homoeopathy, particularly for checking the symptomatology, through the various Zone reflexes.

    Zone therapy was discovered and developed by Dr. William Fitzgerald, an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, who, after leaving the London Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, was in charge of the St. Francis Hospital, at Hartford, U.S.A. It was whilst there, that Dr. Fitzgerald developed his system known as Zone therapy.

    His theory was that, for the purpose of Zone therapy, the usual factors of nerve origin and of distribution, are entirely ignored, instead the location and boundaries of the ten Zones are used. He divided the body into ten longitudinal Zones, five on either side of the medial line of the body. The first, second, third, fourth and fifth Zones begin at the thumbs, the second, third, fourth and fifth fingers respectively, and after following a course through the wrist, arm, shoulder, face and head, on each side, continue down the body anteriorly and posteriorly through the thighs, legs, ankles and feet, and end in the toes of the same side. For example, the fifth Zone on either side extends from the fifth toe up the entire height of the body and terminates in the little finger on the same side, and so on.

    Furthermore, the reflex to every organ and gland in the body can be located on either of the soles of the feet, the position of these reflexes being the same in every individual. Sometimes pressures are given at special points at the wrist, elbow, shoulder, tongue, pharynx, spine or the knee joint, depending entirely in which Zone the organ to be treated is situated.

    Compression massage, alternated with rotatory frictions, to the painful area of the soles of the feet, have definite beneficial effects on the various organs and glands of the body, within the Zones under treatment, as a result normal physiological functioning is restored. When the practitioner knows the exact location of these reflexes, it can assist him or her greatly in his diagnosis and treatment


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    of any case, with one exception as regards treatment. Zone therapy is useless if suppuration or pus is present, this condition must necessarily be treated by other means. However, Zone treat-ment can reveal the presence of pus, insofar that pain is aggravated at the seat of the trouble on giving treatment to that Zone.

    I give a few case extracts, where Zone therapy has helped, com-bined with homoeopathic treatment.

    CASE N O . 1.

    Female, age 42 years. Injury to right ankle 1936, unattended, has walked with a limp ever since. Inversion of foot occurs 3 to 4 times daily, black and blue around malleolus. Dorsiflexion of great toe during day and night. Has to straighten it with heel of other foot. Right sided hemiplegia.

    Arnica 6x, Mag. phos., \2x, Calc. fluor. 3x, Gels. 30, Oxal. 6x. The above remedies were used for 7 weeks, but results were

    not too gratifying, until regular Zone treatment was given. In two weeks all disturbing symptoms were gone, and remedies changed.

    CASE N O . 2.

    Female, age 62 years. Asthmatic~-chronic. Attacks usually occurred 2 a.m. after 2 or 3 hours sleep; if no attack at 2 a.m. a chronic bout was experienced on waking at 6.30 a.m., after which the patient felt ill for the rest of the day. Walking on the cold linoleum cuts short an attack.

    Arsen. 6x, Ipec. 30, Aralia r. 3x, Canth. 6x, Bac. 200 weekly. Tub. 200 weekly.

    These remedies covered her total symptoms and were given in alternation.

    Zone treatment was given twice weekly, for half hourly periods and was applied particularly to the reflexes of the heart, lungs and bronchial tubes. The patient was so pleased with the immediate effects of the treatment that she asked for instructions on how to give herself the treatment in her own home.

    Last report was that the patient feels better than she has done for 15 years.

    CASE N O . 3.

    Male, age 52 years. The main symptoms here were rheumatism in both knee joints, worse by resting, pain in region of the liver, and periodic attacks of sick headache, settling in and over the right eye, sometimes followed by a bilious attack.

    Zone treatment and homoeopathic prescriptions were given together from the start.

    Chel. 6x, Bryonia 6x, Iris v. 3. Attention was given primarily to the reflexes to the liver, and the

    kidneys and the eyes, relief was felt as from the first treatment. After 6 weeks, cessation of all symptoms. No return after 9 months.

    Very often with Zone treatment as with other natural methods, a healing crisis often follows on a treatment, this may take the form of a headache, a slight cold, or even a rash. The Naturopath


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    appreciates the fact that this so often follows corrective treatment and that it is merely a process of elimination, to be desired, and not suppressed.

    In America, Zone therapy was looked upon with much scepticism, especially by the medical profession, in its early days, due no doubt, to its revolutionary claims for a new aspect of physiology. It is remembered however, that William Harvey was ridiculed when he first gave out his theory of the circulation of the blood.


    THE MINIMUM DOSE By John Brown

    THE study of occult chemistry, interesting though it is, does not, unfortunately, go far towards solving our problem of the minimum dose. The hydrogen atom, for instance, is

    popularly conceived to be a single positively-charged particle (the nucleus) around which a single negatively-charged particle (an electron) rotates. The weight or mass of the atom is concentrated in its nucleus.

    In occult chemistry the hydrogen atom has been further dissected and its parts analysed. " It is composed of six small bodies each contained in an egg-like form. The six small bodies are arranged in two sets of three, forming two triangles which are not inter-changeable but which are related to each other as object and image. Further, the six bodies are not all alike: they each contain three smaller bodies, each of these being an ultimate physical atom, but two are arranged in a line, while in the remaining four they are arranged in a triangle."

    Now suppose we follow through the description until we come to the ultimate physical atoms.

    " The ultimate physical atom hasas observed so farthree proper motions, i.e. motions of its own, independent of any imposed upon it from outside. It turns incessantly upon its axis, spinning like a top; it describes a small circle with its axis, as though the axis of the spinning top moved in a small circle; it has a regular pulsation, a contraction and expansion, like the pulsation of a heart. When force is brought to bear upon it, it dances up and down, flings itself wildly from side to side, performs the most astonishing and rapid gyrations, but the three fundamental motions persist. . . "

    The atoms are of two kinds, referred to in the script as positive and negative or male and female. They are heart-shaped, and appear as interweaving lines of force tracing out the shape as an image is traced and seen on a cathode ray tube screen. The lines of force are seen to flow outwards from the physical towards some


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    superphysical destination in one case and inwards as from fourth dimensional space in the other case. This is a very short descrip-tion : the original is in great detail, accompanied by diagrams.

    As described earlier, the hydrogen atom is made up of eighteen ultimate physical atoms. In arriving at the atomic weights of the other elements the grand total of ultimate physical atoms are counted and the total divided by 18 gives the atomic weight in terms of normal periodic tables.

    Gold, atomic weight 197, for instance, is a much more elaborate affair. It contains 3,546 ultimate physical atoms arranged in fifty groups; each group being a separate symmetrical figure. The main atom figure is shown as an ovoid standing vertically, within which the fifty groups are arranged. The top half and the bottom half are alike. The figure is detailed as follows:

    12 funnel-shaped figures of 97 atoms each . . 1,164 1 central ovoid figure . . . . 101 2 smaller ovoid figures, one on each side of

    the central figure. 38 atoms each . . 76 The lower part exactly as the upper part

    shown above . . . . . . . . 1,341 Connecting rod, 4 figures each of 84 atoms 336 Connecting rod, 16 figures each of 3 3 atoms 528

    Grand total 3,546

    In order to simplify counting these were counted in groups; the atoms in one member of a similar group were counted and this multiplied by the number of similar groups as detailed in the table above.

    All that this contributes to our fundamental problem is that occult science agrees with physical science on atomic weights and confirms that subdivision beyond the physical atom is not possible if the individual character of the chemical substance is to be retained; further, it discloses that if subdivision is continued to the limit we are left with only two different substances, differing only in that one is positive and the other is negative. We have reached finality on the physical plane.

    I do not think we can get over it by assuming that the figures given in my previous article are not the weight of single atoms. The weight of protons has been measured against absolute standards; the number of protons plus neutrons in any one nucleus has been known with sufficient accuracy for many years and now confirmed by the latest researches into nuclear physics.

    Readers are referred to Atomic Energy by George Gamow (Cambridge University Press) as a lucid and simple exposition of nuclear research; and to Occult Chemistry by Besant and Lead-beater (The Theosophical Publishing Company).

    BOOKS WANTED. Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book and Allen's Materia Medica of the Nosodes. Box MS1/X, "HEAL THYSELF" 24 St. George Street, Hanover Square, London, W.l.


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    DISORDERS By Cyril Scott

    IN a previous issue of this journal I drew attention to crude black molasses and its therapeutic properties. Since writing my booklet on the subject, I have received many letters giving me details of further cures. Some of these come from Mr. James Persson of Palmerston, N., New Zealand, who was the first, after the late Dr. Forbes Ross, to draw my attention to molasses as a polychrest. Mr. Persson, since he became interested in this valuable substance, has been in touch with hundreds of cases of various disorders, including growths, arthritis, heart troubles, and many others. One of the latest cases he reports is that of goitre. A woman had been suffering from this disfiguring complaint for some time; in fact the goitre had grown to a considerable size. She was then advised to try taking molasses in the prescribed manner (as mentioned in my booklet), with the result that her goitre entirely disappeared within two years. With regard to asthma, Mr. Persson reports that long-standing cases have yielded to the treatment in twelve months. He has witnessed so many successful cures that it is not extravagant to say that molasses constitutes a rational treatment for this obstinate and distressing affliction. Moreover, it has the advantage of being entirely harmless. I may now again briefly mention osteoarthritis, for the results in such cases have been truly remarkable. But, of course, the time element comes into the matter. Where the sufferer has had the disease for a number of years, it usually takes about one year to complete the cure. True there have been speedy cures, but these must not always be expected. The important thing is to persist, and not to give up hope merely because spectacular results are not experienced at once. I may add that cider vinegar diluted has been found most useful in cases of osteoarthritis, especially where there is swelling. The details about this simple though remarkably curative fluid I hope shortly to place before the public.

    {Concluded from page 71) of his child patients (he is a famous specialist for children's ailments and also a general practitioner) on homoeopathic linesand continues to do so (since 1945).

    The only homoeopathic work I had with me in France was Boericke's Pocket Manual, 9th editionI found it invaluable, and do so still. But I realize I am only a very humble beginner but I have become so enthusiasticespecially since reading Ellis Barker's Miracles of Healing and back numbers of " HEAL THYSELF "that I intend to switch over from my psychological work to homoeopathic treatment.


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    By Meredith Starr

    IN my practice as a psychologist (at East Challacombe, Combe Martin and later at Frogmore Hall, Watton-at-Stone, Herts.) from 1929 to 1940,1 found Homoeopathy a most useful adjunct

    my choice of remedies being mainly decided by an intensive study of the mental symptoms, but the amazing efficacy of homoeopathic treatment only dawned on me while I was marooned (with my wife) in France during the war. We went there for a short holiday in 1940 for five monthsand had to remain for six years ! After my release from an Italian concentration camp at Sospel, we went to St. Gervais-les-Bains in Upper Savoy, where after the collapse of Italy we hid from the Germans for about two years in the mountains, helped by the French peasants, the Underground Movement and various French people. As there was a good deal of illness among the peasants I decided to practise Homoeopathy in a small way. I made no charge for my services, but the peasants insisted on bringing us bacon, eggs, milk, etc., which were welcome in those difficult days. Most of the people who came to me for advice, starting with the nearest peasants, either recovered or were greatly improved in a short timefor instance they were subject to heavy colds lasting as a rule for three or four weeks, catarrh, liver and digestive troubles, etc., entailing weeks of allopathic treatment and much expense; whereas under homoeopathic and commonsense treatment the colds vanished in three or four days and other ailments in proportion; 1 was frankly amazed. The news spread, and before long I had quite a big practice, since many people left the three local doctors and came to me.

    A few sensational cures occurreda case of suppurating varicose ulcer, open for two years and pronounced incurable. The wife of a French general who had been a nervous wreck for fifteen years, among them. Finally an open-minded French doctor (Dr. Paillet, founder of the first Open-air Convalescent Home for Children in France, on Swiss lines), one of the local doctors, came to me himself (after I had successfully treated a number of his patients who came to me !), and though he frankly said he did not believe in Homoeopathy, he also said he would take any remedies I pres-cribed for him for the following ailments which had troubled him for about two years: severe writer's cramp, and a very cold spot about 6 inches long and 2 inches wide on one of his legsthis part remained icy cold even in summer. To his amazement he was cured in two weeks. Then he asked me to teach him Homoeopathy as far as my experience went, even though he knew I was a layman, and he sent me a number of his own patientsincluding the general's wife whom he had given up. He was so impressed by the results of homoeopathic treatment that he soon prescribed for most

    (Continued on page 70) 71

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    By Dr. Dorothy Shepherd {Continued from p. 38)

    NOW let me return to that large house in the country we have been talking about, full of budding homoeopaths. You should hear the children discuss Homoeopathy and the contemptuous

    way they speak of the ordinary bottles of the G.P. They tell their friends at school, " You should come home to us and let my mother give you some little sugar-pills; you are well in a jiffy. We do not have to stay away from school as long as you do ." Now to prove my contention that faith is not necessary to cure even a chronic case, let me mention the following history. A man from the North was sent to me about eight months ago by some homoeopathic friends for some psychological trouble; unbeknown to him, I had a letter from his boss with the following details. He complained of his temper which he could not control, he was rude and frequently insolent, always knowing better than anybody else, obstructive in every way. He had always been the odd man out, always anti-social, never keeping a job for long since he left school. A general misfit, constantly stirring up rows and making trouble. His boss did not think he could keep him unless he improved in his work and in his behaviour, so self-opinionated he would not take any-body's advice, and certainly did not require any treatment, he said; ' ' Why should he ? He was perfectly well; he'd just got over a cold and was a bit tired in consequence. His wife was the real invalid and required advice."

    He looked seedy, had a shiny greasy face, sallow and spotty. While attending to his wife, I managed to persuade him to let me look at his tongue and teeth which he admitted were bothering him, and I popped a powder of Natrutn mur. 10/;; on his tongue, which I told him would help his toothache. It was done so quickly, he had no time to object. Now for the result, which his boss was delighted to report to mc. For ten days he was much worse, so tired he could hardly drag himself about, looked like death, could not eat, had violent sneezing attacks; all of which he just put down to the anxiety over his wife, who had been hemorrhaging badly and had given him a thorough fright. Sabind 30, two doses in 24 hours, completely stopped the violent haemorrhage and made a new woman of her, but that is just by the way. After this spell of aggravation due to the high potency, he suddenly began to improve: he became amiable, his face was one long smile, there was an aura of happiness and contentment round him, he was more co-operative, fell in with all the suggestions and plans made by his colleagues, he was most energetic, could not do enough and became a totally different individual. My friend could hardly believe that


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    he was the same man, and was much impressed with the power of the correctly applied simillimum, the right homoeopathic drug given in a high potency in the unit dose. Such a remedy as Natrum muriaticum in a high potency is a deep-acting medicine which will go on working for a considerable length of time; there has been no need to repeat it yet after several months, not until all improve-ment has ceased and the old Adam comes back with his suspicions, his opposition, his contrariness, will a second dose be required.

    In such a case one can rejoice at the great benefit a correctly applied homoeopathic remedy can vouchsafe to the sick person and his friends. There was the right combination of an observant friend who read the mental and spiritual character of this man correctly, and reported it to the physician, who was thus enabled to find the right remedy corresponding to the state of the patient, without any repertorization. There was little notice taken of any physical or pathological symptoms; the prescribing was based almost entirely on the mental and psychological make-up. In the early days of homoeopathic apprenticeship, it would have been necessary to consult Kent's Repertory, carefully taking every mental symptom, excluding those which were not exactly similar, and eventually Natrum muriaticum would have been arrived at, but practice in Homoeopathy, as in other things, makes perfect. There was one symptom which I forgot to mention which made the diag-nosis of Natrum muriaticum absolutely certain: this man had a mapped tongue; that is, there were markings on his tongue which resembled the outlines of a geographical map. There are very few remedies which have a geographical tongue, and so, together with the greasy complexion, the psychological peculiarities, a person who would not own up to feeling unwell, did not like company or pity or consolation, Natrum muriaticum was just homceopathically right, and now there is peace and happiness in that home instead of strife.

    Now tell me, where did faith come in with these two little children suffering from bronchitis ? They were too small to have any faith; and, as regards this man, he was not told anything, except to open his mouth and take the powder on his tongue; only after the first surprise was over did he ask what it was for, and he got very little satisfaction out of the answer that " the powder would ease his teeth ", so I claim that faith did not play any part in any of these cases described.

    Now another case which required careful case-taking and elimination of the many different medicines consumed in the past, before the correct disease picture could be obtained. In May, 1947, she came to me as a last forlorn hope when everything else had failed her, so you might say that she had fired herself to have faith. She was old-looking, sixty, skinny, deeply jaundiced, eyes showed a dirty yellowish cornea, very constipated in spite of salts and calomel, weekly attacks of violent abdominal pain with vomiting and deepening jaundice which lasted two to three days; had had three operations during the last twenty years for gallstones; doubtful history of partial removal of gall bladder; poisoned by many septic teeth which she hugs and refuses to be parted from, is afraid of


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    extraction which might bring on these devastating sick attacks. No symptoms obtainable, which is not surprising considering the amount of calomel she has been swallowing for years and which has to be antidoted with Nux vomica. A strong suggestion of malignancy about the lady. Bran was ordered for the constipation, her diet was adjusted, calomel and salts were forbidden and one hoped for the best and feared the worst. One would have liked to have taken her into Bramshott, the Homoeopathic Diet and Rest Home, for a thorough cleansing and to teach her to prepare her food, to know what to eat and how to cook it. Alas, domestic difficulties at that time made such a plan impossible; she would have required a great deal of attention, which with the untrained, inefficient nursing staff available at that time could not be provided.

    We had a long uphill fight with the disease. She continued having the weekly attacks of jaundice with vomiting, gradually losing weight, until she went away to Swanage where they ceased at once until she returned home, when back came the attacks. They were relieved with Arsenicum 30; she was restless and pros-trated with the pain, thirsty for warm drinks, and the attacks usually came on after midnight, although they now lasted for only four to six hours under the action of Arsenicum instead of two to three days; but, though relieved, the attacks continued as before. Medorrhinum 30 was given on modality, " attacks better while at seaside " ; this helped somewhat, attacks and pain not quite so severe, nor so long lasting, until the beginning of January, 1948, when she had the worst attack she had had for years. I suggested again that her bad septic teeth had something to do with it, but she refused to hear of extraction. I suggested another X-ray, the previous one having been taken two years before; and on the report that she was usually worse in the afternoons, had a great deal of flatulence and was very nervy and full of unnecessary worries and felt the cold very much, I decided on Lycopodium 6 night and morning. A month later she felt very much better, no further, attacks since the last medicine, so she decided with fear and tremb-ling to attempt to have her teeth out.

    March 6th, 1948: two months since her last attack of jaundice and vomiting. X-rays showed no gallstones, only that her gall bladder was not functioning; gained 4 lb. in two months, eating well. End of August, 1948, no attacks since January, when Lye. 6 was ordered; has had eleven of her teeth out since March, 1948, gained a stone in weight since January; can eat almost anything, is careful about fats still. Lye. 6 only to be taken should an attack threaten.

    Seen January 1st, 1949; has had no attacks for a year; there was a mild warning of an attack in December with some nausea and slight pain, which two doses of Lye. 6 removed in a few hours. Now weighs 8 stone 10 lb., a gain of one and a half stone in just over a year. Looks years younger, enjoys her food, works in the house, which she has been unfit to do for years. Her husband says, " Homoeopathy has done what no other doctors and surgeons have been able to dofor years they tried and failed to make a


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    cure." It was a slow job, it took about a year before the con-stitutional remedy was found, which built up the vitality and prevented the attacks and so made her of some use again to her husband and family, and that at sixty years of age, when most doctors would have said " she is too old to be cured ". Of course she was badly poisoned with calomel and her septic teeth, but she was well before her teeth were extracted in the spring of 1948.

    Again I say that faith had very little to do with the cure, she had faith enough to persevere while the spring-cleaning of her body was attended to, and her patience was rewarded in due course ! She did not have very high potencies, her health was too feeble to withstand any strong shocks or strong reactions; regular doses of the sixth potency were required for two months and were then repeated later at rare intervals when she felt not too well.

    Now for a resume: Two cases of early broncho-pneumonia in young children cured

    within a few hours, rapidly, painlessly, without any complications following, each case prescribed for on the totality of the symptoms, not on the pathological basis, that is, broncho-pneumonia, but on the symptoms presented by the individual children, hence the different remedies.

    During my student days and the early days of my professional life as house physician in orthodox hospitals, I never saw such results; we dreaded broncho-pneumonia, it had a high death rate and such cases were always nursed with great care and devotion by the nursing staff. As a medical officer in children's clinics for many years I watched the sad results of respiratory infections and their almost invariably fatal results in the young toddlers. They were strong and healthy, brought up on breast milk, given the best orthodox medicine; but such a number of them died in the second and third years of their lives. It was heartbreaking, while the children I treated in my private practice survived on homoeopathic medication. So I decided to use constitutional remedies in one clinic at weekly or monthly intervals to build up the constitution and prevent respiratory infections. The result was a 100 per cent, success, while in another clinic in the same neighbourhood, where I gave exactly the same advice except that no homoeopathic medi-cines were given the death rate from respiratory diseases continued as before. Surely this should prove to the most unbelieving person, be he medical or lay, that with the same doctor the identical advice in a neighbourhood with similar type of working-class families, the difference in the results of these two clinics could only be ascribed to the homoeopathic medication" the small amounts of sugar " given at rare intervals; not due to faith on my part nor due to faith of the small children who, for all they knew, were just given a few granules of sugar.

    Then the case of the man with the difficult temperament. What could an orthodox doctor have done ? Advise him to attend a psychoanalyst, so that he was cleansed of his childhood fears and phobias ? A slow business and impossible for a man who had to earn his living and was too far removed from town to be able to attend a doctor once or twice a week for an analysis of his psyche.


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    He had no faith in the sweet-tasting powder, no knowledge of what it was for, and much too concerned about his wife to wonder about the powder that was given him; and yet he was altered out of all knowledge within a few days.

    " Faith without work, is dead " the sacred Book tells us; but Homoeopathy is not dead, for it works !


    By Nemo CASE N O . 1.

    Two years ago I was consulted by a young married woman about disfiguring warts on her hands, mainly near the ends of the fingers. She also complained of sweating, worse in hot weather, which stained the underclothing. She had been to hospital with one crop of warts and had them cut out, but of course another crop soon appeared. Warts are usually of sycotic origin, but may be psoric and in this case I had come to the conclusion that they were psoric and that a tubercular tendency was at the root of the troubles. The lady was tall and beautiful, with very even features and blue eyes, but she was obviously too thin, and had a slight stoop and the narrow chest which often mark the tubercular. So I prescribed Baciilinum 200, once a week for about four doses and a mixture of Calc. carb. and Culc. phos. in 3x potency to be taken three times daily for about a week. The sweating soon improved but the warts, after improving slightly, made no progress. Indeed fresh warts appeared. I repeated the prescription three times, at intervals, after which she began to get disheartened and I began to wonder whether I was on the right lines. I could, however, make nothing more of the symptoms and after an interval of about two months, resolved to try the calcium prescription for the last time. Before the prescription was half-way through the warts began to change colour and soften. Medication was stopped at once and in about two weeks they had all disappeared.

    The moral of this case is that remedies have sometimes a delayed action, especially in chronic cases, and one should never give up.

    CASE N O . 2. A friend complained to me of a patch of discoloration on his

    leg which had been a trouble to him for some years and was now getting worse. He showed me the patch. It was a curious reddy-blue colour, went deep into the skin, and had irregular edges. It occasionally gave considerable pain, especially after a bath, and my friend was getting alarmed. He had seen a specialist who had prescribed the usual ointment which (perhaps fortunately for the patient) had no effect.

    My friend displayed such obvious sulphur symptoms that I did not think it necessary to ask questions. I prescribed Sulphur 200


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    to be taken once a week and enquired hopefully for results. After about six weeks there was absolutely nothing to report. I was surprised at this, for there could be no doubt about the indicated remedy; and my friend obviously began to think that homoeopathy was quackery. I resolved not to be beaten. There is a remedy closely allied to SulphurPsorinumand I asked my friend if he would take an occasional dose of the \m. potency. He agreed, and the next time I saw him, he was all smiles. Psorinum had worked and while the patch had not completely disappeared it was healing rapidly. ,

    The moral here is that where a clearly indicated remedy will not work, the appropriate nosode may unlock the door.

    CASE N O . 3. My wife complained one morning of a severely stiff back with a

    general feeling of coldness. The pain was so severe that she could scarcely walk about the house. I had not time to take all the symptoms, although I knew from experience that her constitu-tional remedy was Kali bichromicum (stringiness, spottiness, yellow-ness, and, I would add, a placid disposition). I did not think, however, that this would be of any avail in an acute condition, but asked her to take three doses of the 6x potency, at two hourly intervals. I expected to see her in bed when I arrived home at night, but to my surprise the back was better. Only one dose had been taken, about 11 a.m., and after the mid-day meal the trouble had disappeared.

    The moral of this incident is that the deep acting constitutional remedies are thorough in their action and will sometimes work in acute conditions, where a study of the immediate symptoms might lead one to choose something different.


    By J . Ellis Barker

    ON January 24th, 1934, Dr. X wrote to me: " I have an enlarged prostate. As a medical man myself and a homoeopath, I have treated myself in, I am afraid, a somewhat perfunctory manner,

    but professional colleagues are advising me to have an operation. To this I am very averse for many reasons. Now I should very much like to see you and get your opinion. My age is sixty-four and the chief discomfort is the difficulty of holding the urine more than a couple of hours in the daytime, and the general fear of complete retention." In a subsequent letter he said: " Perhaps the most annoying symptom is an occasional involuntary ' leaking '. But I have the feeling that you are going to save me any operative interference."


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    On February 2nd, 1934,1 was visited by him. He came with his wife. He told me that he had great difficulty in starting, when he wished to empty the bladder, and the difficulty filled him with anguish. He also told me that he was troubled with dribbling. He had been trying a number of homoeopathic medicines for his complaint, but they had been quite ineffective. I then asked him about his diet, and he told me that for breakfast he had porridge with cream and milk, and heaps of sugar, half a cup of dandelion coffee, and toast with heaps of butter. For lunch he took large quantities of fat meat, hardly any vegetables or potatoes, pudding, but nothing to drink. At four o'clock he took a small cup of tea, and in the evening he had an egg, fish, or something of the kind, and cheese, but again nothing to drink. Before going to bed he took a glass of distilled water.

    After having described his dietary to me, I looked hard at him and asked: " Are you not ashamed of yourself, eating and drinking as you do ? Would you allow any of your patients to feed as you feed ? " He humbly said that he would not.

    In my directions I stated: " You are nervy, and bolt your food. Your prostate has not the slightest indication of malignancy, being slightly enlarged, firm, and in much better condition than the prostates which one usually sees. There is no pain on pressure, and I do not see the slightest need for an operation. The condition ought to clear up promptly, provided you leave yourself entirely in my hands, and follow my directions as closely as would any ordinary patient. I take it that your trouble is entirely due to your most unsuitable nutrition, which is undoubtedly responsible for your rheumatic developments, and for your bad septic throats three years ago which led to something like an attack of angina. You live on concentrated, heating and irritating food, and have been taking large quantities of flesh, fish and fowl, a few vegetables and practically no liquid. Consequently you are and always have been terribly constipated. Stools consist of little hard balls and you effect a daily clearance with washouts. Almost the only liquid you consume you take by way of the bowel, and if you go on like this, there is bound to be disaster. On the other hand, I feel confident that you will become a young man again if you alter your way of life."

    I gave him a fleshless and (ishless diet, which is strongly indicated in all cases of constipation. He was to take from two to three pints of milk, two to three eggs, in some form or other, nine heaped tablespoonfuls of bran, an abundance of raw fruit, salads, six tumblerfuls of water or other liquid, in addition to large quantities of extremely weak tea. He was enjoined to chew everything thoroughly.

    As he took quantities of condiments, and especially salt, he was forbidden condiments, except salt, which he was to take in the minimum quantity. I started medicinal treatment by giving him Sulphur 6x, a dose morning and night, Nux vomica and Carbo vegetabilis combined in the 6x potency, to be taken three times a day before meals, and Aurum iodatum 6x, a dose twice a day between meals, to reduce the prostate.


  • H E A L T H Y S E L F March, 1949

    Dr. X promised to follow my directions implicitly, and to act like an ordinary patient. A few days later he wrote to me: " A week of your diet has already begun to make me feel better, and the assurance you have given me to put out of my head the idea of an operation has begun to have effect. 1 hope to give you a more satisfactory report as to the constipation before long."

    On February 13th, ten days after treatment started, he wrote: " In spite of a very heavy cold I have contracted, I feel much better and have made up my mind to give up permanently all animal food, in spite of the gloomy prognostications of one's friends ! I have gained one and a half pounds in weight, and what is perhaps more to the point, I am beginning to forget that I have a prostate."

    I continued medication as before, as he was doing so well. On February 17th his wife wrote to me: " My husband was very much better last week, but unfortunately a severe cold set him back somewhat. His constipation is very much better."

    On February 21st his wife reported: " T h e liquid intake is perhaps the greatest difficulty as he finds it difficult on his rounds. He has been taking about three and a half pints of fluid in the day. His bowels have been wonderfully better, two actions a day, and he never remembers this before."

    (7b be continued)

    CORRESPONDENCE DEAR SIR,I am so pleased with my latest triumph of Homoeo-

    pathy that 1 must tell you all about it. First of all I am a shift-worker in a chemical factory and have been an ardent student of Homoeopathy for over ten years and have had some wonderful results; but to get started with my tale: On Thursday, January 6th, 1949, my right lower eyelid started irritating. On looking in the mirror I found all the signs of an ordinary stye; without bothering to look in Boericke I took a dose of Hepar sulph. 5; at bedtime I took another one. On Friday morning my eyeball was all bloodshot and my lid very much swollen with slight oedema, so I glanced in the Materia Medica and took a couple of Silicea pilules and set off for work a bit earlier so that I could call in at the ambu-lance room and get an eyeshade, because the plant I work on is very dusty. I must explain before I go any further that our factory employs two doctors, a qualified sister, six qualified nurses, and about eight or ten ex-R.A.M.C. and naval sick-berth attendants and has equipment which would make a lot of hospitals green with envy. Well, when one of these attendants saw my eye he said, " Oh, I dare not touch that; you will have to see the doctor at once," and he told the Sister, who took me to the doctor's room. The great man looked at it and asked if I had had a splash of acid or anything in it, and when I said no, he said, " It's a boil " and turned to the Sister who sat with pen and treatment card ready. " We will give him a penicillin injection." I said spontaneously, " You won't give me any penicillin injections; I absolutely refuse to have any


  • March, 1949 HEAL T H Y S E L F

    penicillin treatment." Well, the shock was terrific: the doctor seemed stunned, the Sister looked at the doctor for guidance, and the air in the room seemed to stand still. At last the doctor asked why, and I said because I did not believe in it. He said " Very well " and told the sister to cross it off the card and to put sulpha-mezathine tablets, and told me to come and see him on January 10th. I had to take the card into the ambulance room to get the tablets and had to submit to a hot bathe which I knew couldn't do any harm. While bathing my eye I sat nnxt to a young girl about 20 also bathing her eye; she told me she had been having penicillin treatment for five weeks and was no better. You can guess what I said to her. I was sent back home with instructions to bathe the eye frequently. When I got home and looked in the mirror I was appalled. My eyeball was like a piece of liver and the lid inside was all cedematous, which I felt was caused by the hot bathe and then coming out into the cold air. I flew to my Boericke and with my good eye searched for a remedy. I chose Rhus tox. 3x and Tarentula cub. 3, and bathed my eye with Calendula lotion. I got no sleep on Friday night, my eye was so painful; and on Saturday morning when I looked at my eye I found my face was swollen on the right side, with a great hard lump under my eye the size of a nutmeg; my eyelids were glued together and there was a bag of fluid on my cheekbone. I bathed my eye in hot Calendula, a teaspoonful to a pint of hot water, and used an eyeglassful of the warm lotion to wash out the eyeit was very soothing. I took my Rhus tox. and Tarentula alternately every two hours and had a good night on Saturday. By Sunday morning the swelling had gone from my face and the hard lump under the eye was soft. The eyelids, agglutinated with thick pus, were bathed in hot Calendula, as was the eye. The eyeball was still suffused, but not so badly. The lid started to discharge on pressure, but no pain. I carried on the same treatment all day Sunday, the eye improving rapidly. Monday morning the eyelids were stuck together, and there was a small lump which disappeared on pressure. On looking into the mirror all that could be seen was a small red blob on the corner of the eyelid and the eyeball very slightly bloodshot. I went to the doctor's to keep my appointment as proud as a peacock, with the sulphamezathine tablets intact, ready to give them back if my cure was put down to them. I couldn't help having a sly dig at the Sister as she escorted me into the great presence, and I said, " Not bad, Sister, for a bit of home treatment ? "she did not reply. The great man looked at me and said, " There is a big improvement; carry on with the treatment and let me see it next week." As I write this letter on January 11th, my eye is perfectly normal.

    Yours faithfully, JOHN G. DOVE.

    93 Weardale Crescent, Billingham, Co. Durham.

    DEAR SIR,It would be very interesting and helpful to have an occasional article on the homoeopathic treatment of cows and goats included in " HEAL THYSELF " . Goat keepers especially are


  • H E A L T H Y S E L F March, 1949

    accustomed to looking upon their animals as individuals and to studying them as such, so that they readily appreciate the benefits of a system of healing that depends upon the individual reaction of the " patient " .

    We have found Rhododendron 200 exceedingly helpful in dealing with poisoning from eating the plant leaves and, if $iven in time, it prevents any unpleasant results. By the way, the Materia Medicas do not give the symptoms we usually notice when a goat has eaten rhododendron leaves, and the following symptoms may be of interest to readers. Shortly after eating the leaves the goat begins to look miserable, standing with the head drooping. Then there is great pain and violent sickness, often with diarrhoea, which goes on often for twelve to twenty-four hours, together with complete loss of appetite. If the goat consumed its ration of food just after eating the leaves the effects seem to be much worse, and it is several days before it eats normally again.

    A goat with troublesome scouring after kidding was at last cured by the use of Ferrum mur. tincture, four or five drops in a little water, thrice daily.

    Variolinum 200 (one dose) or Antimonium tart. 6 twice daily are excellent remedies for the smallpox type of pox on the udder, and we have found Nux vomica and Ferrum phos. rapidly clear up a case of acorn poisoning.

    We wonder if the wild raspberry has ever been proved: it is such a help at kidding time, and might be even more efficient in potency.

    Yours sincerely, (Rev. Mother) W. MAWSON.

    Carmelite Convent, Cilgerran, Pembs.

    DEAR SIR,On page 327 of the December issue John Brown quite properly takes me to task for omitting so much from my article on " Potentization ", in the October issue. He is quite rightmy explanation as to how it works fails to clash with modern ideas on atoms, etc., only down to molecular size, say about potency 9, 10 or 11. Beyond that either atomic theory as we at present know it is wrong, or potencies work only occasionally and much less seldom the higher we go, or there is some failure of single molecules and atoms to comply with the present laws for their action in bulk. Potencies may, of course, affect the diluent with which they are made, as both John Brown and Beta, quoting G. B. Stearn, M .D., on pages 320 and 321 of the December issue, state. Apart from this and some possible form of catalysis, as John Brown suggests, it may be that there are one or more " dimensions " of which we as yet know nothing, functioning at and below molecular and atomic levels.

    It is extremely hard to believe that present theory, whose " laws " have produced that horror the atomic bomb, can be wrong. On the other hand there is an equal if not a bigger weight of evidence that sub-molecular or sub-atomic potencies far, far higher than the 30th, act characteristically of the molecular or multi-molecular dose. Nor


  • March, 1949 HEAL T H Y S E L F

    is there any phenomenon of " hit and miss "the whole substance is potentized.

    It is quite clear that Physicists, who so far do not seem to have taken the phenomenon of potentization into account, and, as far as I know, even fail to mention it at all, will have to put on their thinking-caps again to cope with the evidence for continuity of division of the atom. It may be that this takes place for particles somewhat on the lines that chromosomes divide.

    Whilst agreeing with Beta that well-founded therapeutic measures should not wait for scientific explanations before being put into practice, it is thought that all homoeopaths will agree that it is at least comforting and may be useful to explain where we can.

    Meanwhile, I am grateful to John Brown for his comments and for proving so ably that the heading of my October article should have been" PotentizationA Stumbling-block to Credulity partly explained " .

    L. R. OGDEN. Dublin.

    DEAR SIR,There has been considerable correspondence lately on the subject of Polypharmacy versus pure Homoeopathy, each writer submitting that he was correct and the others wrong. Is this not a case where both can be adjudged wrongthe polypharmacist because he administers his remedies without clinical proving of their combined effect, the other because he condemns Polypharmacy on purely theoretical grounds and by his obstructive attitude hinders further progress ?

    On examination, we find very few of our remedies are pure substances. Some are nature's mixtures and some man-made. What homoeopathist would be without Gunpowder ? Is it not possible that other mixtures may have a far greater curative action over a given set of symptoms than any natural single substance yet known ? What we need to learn is the " law of mixtures " . Let us therefore stop this useless bickering and carry the torch of Hahnemann one stage farther by careful experiment and pooling of data, and then, when we have accumulated sufficient facts, I feel sure it will be found that they follow a certain definite lawe.g. that certain symptoms, when blended, will increase their intensity, others will cancel each other out; yet again, other symptoms may be found which have an overriding effect and remain predominant in any mixture, etc. With such information available, to what new heights can Homoeopathy rise yet remain within his great Law ? With this new data, a physician would be able to use his skill to blend two or more substances together to produce the perfect simillimum to any given case, where none at present exists.

    Homoeopathy must be " pure ", but the remedy may be blended to produce the simillimum. On this road, and this road only, lies the advancement of this great science.

    Yours faithfully, DOUGLAS H. MUDD.

    " Lindholme," 39 Cecil Road, Lancing, Sussex.


  • HEAL T H Y S E L F March, 1949

    DEAR SIR,1 would like to comment on the observations made by Miss Kathleen Goodwin, M.Sc.(Lond.) in a letter printed on p. 21 of the January number.

    (1) Kent's Repertory gives about 30,000 facts of pathogenesis in the section of that work headed " M i n d " . Leaving out " peculiar " symptoms, 30,000 facts take a lot of assimilating. As I think memorizing any part of the vast pathogenesis is unnecessary, why trouble ? Use a repertory.

    (4) The preface to Clarke's Presenter mentions thirteen remedies which between them have a pathogenesis, according to my reckon-ing, of over 37,000 symptoms. Here again, why trouble to memor-ize when you can get along without so doing ?

    Yours faithfully, C. D. EWART.

    7 Great Brockeridge, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol.

    DEAR SIR,I have been a keen reader of " HEAL THYSELF " for some years now, and a lay practitioner of Homoeopathy for an even longer period, and feel I must express my pleasure at noticing signs of what can only be an impending increase in general interest in this branch of healing. At least, I think that the recent spate of con-troversial correspondenceeven if somewhat acrimonious at times can be taken as a healthy sign, and I hope that it will lead not only to a better understanding of the healing art, but also to increased co-operation among exponents of the art.

    Full marks should be awarded to Mr. Ogden (October issue) and Mr. Brown (December issue) for their interesting letters on a subject of primary importance, one which needs considerably more scientific attention than it has had in the past. It is a pity that the scientific men of our movement should concern themselves so little with fundamental principles and seemingly so much with points of mere academic interest. I refer particularly to the correspondence which has appeared for some time now on the subject of Polypharmacy versus pure Hahnemannism.

    One wonders why Dr. W. H. Roberts should wax so indignant on this subject. After all, polypharmacists not only make use of the principles of Homoeopathy but also admit their indebtedness. And to me (as well as to my patients !) the important thing is curing the patient. Any system of treatment that produces consistent cures is a legitimate therapy, and I for one feel somewhat amazed that any such system should be the subject of acrimonious con-troversy, whether it be Polypharmacy or West African Voodoo. And if the polypharmacist produces bigger and better cures, I shall be humbly grateful to follow in his footsteps.

    Yours sincerely, W. A. HERALD.

    151 Hale Drive, Mill Hill, London, N.W.7.



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