  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012
















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  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    This is first health book Ive read that was hilarious and covered every

    part of the body, but not in that way that wouldnt be able to hold your

    attention. Its amazing how Jacobs actually applies so many theories and

    related studies. This book is downright hilarious and should have a laugh

    out loud warning for anyone who reads it in public (unless you like the

    weird looks from people around you). Great read, funny, and helpful all

    wrapped into one book. Mark, General Manager, Roanoke, VA

    2012 BOOK



    Simon & Schuster


    Excerpt from Drop Dead Healthy

    It occurs to me that writing a book about health is not healthy. In fact, writing any book is bad

    for you.

    Theres the sedentary lifestyle (which Ive curbed somewhat with my treadmill desk.). Theres the

    isolation being alone breeds depression, which helps explain the absurd number of authors

    whove come to unhappy endings (Hemingway, Woolf, Plath I could fill up the rest of thepage).

    And then theres the pressure. Im way behind schedule. My publisher keeps reminding me of my

    deadline, and I keep replying that deadlines are incompatible with health. As are book releases.

    If and when my book comes out, what if I get the flu or an eye infection or something? I worry

    about that a lot. You see the worlds healthiest man? theyll say. Hes the one in the corner

    with a hacking cough.

    See last page for exclusive A.J. Jacobs essay.


  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    bestbooks of the

    YEARnon fiction

    Other books about the killing of Bin Laden may have made more headlines

    this year but no book gives a more complete picture of the events

    surrounding the mission than The Finish. Bowdens insight into the special

    ops community provides a rich background to the mission. If you are like

    me and Blackhawk Downis your favorite military book then you will not

    be able to put The Finishdown until you reach the last page.

    Justin, Marketing Manager, Atlanta, GA

    The Finish


    Monthly Press


    -by Mark Bowden

    Christopher Hitchens final book, Mortality, is written in his usual

    penetrating, intelligent and witty style and considering that he was going

    through harrowing treatment for esophageal cancer at the time of its

    composition this in itself is a remarkable achievement. He continued toengage in writing this deeply personal and philosophical series of essays

    right up to his death making the books final chapter, a collection of

    fragments and half ar ticulated thoughts all the more haunting.

    Anne, Buyer, Atlanta, GA




    -by Christopher Hitchens

    On some level each of us wants to fit in. Some of us achieve that goal,

    some of us dont and then there is Jenny Lawson. Her mostly true

    memoir is one of the few books I have read that has made me laugh

    out loud and the ONLY book that made me call various friends around

    the country to read chapters to them over the phone. My long suffering

    husband actually asked me to refrain from reading it in bed because,

    not only was I laughing so hard I was disturbing his beauty sleep, I kept

    reading passages out loud to him fur ther interrupting said beauty sleep

    (the chapter entitled A Series Of Helpful Post-it Notes I Left Around The

    House for My Husband This Week was a big hit in that regard). By the

    end of the book you will not only have laughed yourself into an acute tizzy

    but you will also feel like you have found the friend that all of us are truly

    looking for, the friend that can appreciate and point out the absurdities in

    life but the friend that makes you feel like you truly do fit in.

    Shannon, Regional Book Manager, Chicago, IL

    Lets Pretend This Never Happened



    -by Jenny Lawson





  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    bestbooks of the

    YEAR non fiction

    Thomas Jefferson was a master politician. While he hated confrontation, he was

    able to persuade and use proxies to navigate a very young country through a very

    contentious, partisan era r ife with economic issues and foreign threats. While he

    had many passions science, architecture, food, family, women Meacham shows

    us Jeffersons drive for power, progress and individual liberty. He was a man of

    many contradictions which are not excused but examined in the context of his

    times. Sydne, Buyer, Atlanta, GA

    Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power

    Random House


    -by Jon Meacham

    Caitlin Moran is so funny. The last thing I thought I wanted to read was a book

    about feminism. But, I devoured How To Be a Woman. OK, I blushed A LOT and

    hoped that no one was reading over my shoulder. With opinions on pornography,

    big undies, her childhood love for Chevy Chase, slang for body par ts, wedding

    trauma, sexism, childbearing and abortions, Lady Gaga and David Bowie, shes

    daring, revealing, righteous, and (despite her sarcasm) poignant. You (and not just

    you women) MUST read this book! Sara, Vice President, Atlanta, GA

    How to be a Woman




    -by Caitlin Moran

    In 1989 I worked in a chain bookstore situated in a strip mall in La Jolla, California. The only Salman

    Rushdie I had read was something called Grimus, a fantastical flibbertigibbet of a book. It was

    disappointing. Having heard good things I had more recently considered picking upMidnights Children

    but the lingering stink ofGrimushad dissuaded me and anyway who cares about the Booker prize? It

    would be years before I corrected this mistake but once I did I quickly went on to read and enjoy many

    of Rushdies other novels. I am now a fan.

    But back to 1989. In February word came to us from on corporate high regarding the special handlingof Rushdies new book, The Satanic Verses. We were told to merchandise the book towards the back of

    the store, given directions on how to handle odd phone queries and told to report anything suspicious;

    pretty much a perfect recipe for paranoia. All because of something called a fatwa. This was a word I had

    never heard before.

    And of course speculation ran wild. We scanned the strip mall parking lot looking for strange vehicles or

    men in robes. We exchanged unsettling accounts of odd behaviors exhibited by our clientele; actually this

    last bit wasnt a new practice. I dont remember who first came in wearing one of those I am Salman

    Rushdie buttons. It wasnt me. Nor was it me who placed 3 ribbons of the book in the middle of our front window. It would

    be nice to say otherwise but such is nostalgia: ever the challenge is to avoid lying to yourself.

    It was then with a cer tain sense of nostalgia that I came to Rushdies new book,Joseph Anton; his account of his years spent

    living under the shadow of that fatwa. You dont have to be a Rushdie fan to enjoy this book. Aside from being a straight

    forward autobiography and compelling account of his dark decade the book serves also as a bracing defense of free speech,and a case study of the recent history of militant Islam and the ever volatile Middle East. And of course given the fame and

    life style of the author we find here aspects of the tell-all. The book is rife with celebrity gossip and name dropping. Some

    people go for this, me not so much but the book possesses so much else of merit that I am willing to overlook this occasional


    Much has been made of Rushdies decision to tell his story in the third person and for good reason. The strategy allows him

    sufficient authorial distance from the subject while also granting him access to the novelistic tool box. He takes full advantage.

    The book is fascinating, granting an inside view of the process of being taken into government protection while also providing

    a sense of historical and biographical scope and establishing context over the whole. Matt, Vice President, Los Angeles, CA

    Joseph Anton

    Random House


    -by Salman Rushdie





  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    YEARbestbooks of the

    non fiction

    Reader Alert: If you truly are a book lover, you will be unable to put this

    book down! The author, who has worked in publishing as an editor-in-chief,

    and as a journalist, tells a very personal story of his recent time with his

    mother in what he calls a 2-person Book Club. As he takes his mother to

    chemotherapy treatments, they develop a tradition of reading the same

    book so they have that in common to talk about during long hours in the

    hospital waiting room. What this book brings to the reader is a story of a

    very unusual family; a mother whose life has been extraordinary, a powerful

    love between mother and son, and a testament to what the power of

    books and reading can be in our lives. Prepare to immerse yourself in a

    smorgasbord of books! Margaret, Bookseller, Pittsburgh, PA

    The End of Your Life Book Club



    -by Will Schwalbe

    Some women deal with a life crisis by splurging on something expensive or

    updating their appearance. Cheryl Strayed, however, hikes the Pacific Crest

    trailalone...with no former backpacking experience. A memoir about a

    womans grief and her mission to come to peace with a divorce and the

    death of her mother, Wildis powerful and profoundly honest. You will feel

    the suspense, the hear t-break, and the overwhelming joy that comes with

    trying something so bold and gutsy after going through a time when just

    getting out of bed was a struggle. Georgia, Bookseller, Roanoke, VA




    -by Cheryl Strayed

    Comets Taleis an extraordinary story that cuts to the heart. Comet was

    an abandoned race dog that ended up as a withdrawn fosterling until

    Steven Wolf entered her foster home. Steven had a serious spinal condition

    making everyday tasks challenging, so adopting a Greyhound seemed an

    overwhelming endeavor. But Comet had been gifted with superb intuitive

    abilities that kicked in the moment she set eyes on Steven. Comet knew

    Steven needed her. That was the day Stevens life changed forever. Their

    life journey is full of humorous antics, failures and successes as Comet is

    trained to become Stevens service dog. It speaks so highly of this gentle

    breed of dog. This emotionally charged book is a MUST READ!

    Valerie, Bookstore Supervisor, Cleveland, OH

    (owner of a former cancer detecting/hospice volunteer Greyhound)

    Comets Tale

    Algonquin Books


    -by Steven Wolf





  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    1. Beautiful Ruinsby Jess Walter

    2. Half-Blood Bluesby Esi Edugyan

    3. Mortalityby Christopher Hitchens

    4. Music for Chameleonsby Truman Capote (1980)

    What to make of the work and career of Truman Capote? One of

    the most gifted prose stylists of his generation, author of the ground breaking

    non-fiction novel, In Cold Blood, raconteur and high society gadfly; Capote nevertheless islooked upon as someone who didnt quite stack up. He left more than a little on the table is the

    sentiment most often voiced. And this is maybe true, probably in no small part due to his active

    social life and near constant self-promotion, not to mention his liberal use of various substances

    (controlled or otherwise). Certainly he was not as prolific as his noted rivals Norman Mailer and

    Gore Vidal. Nor did Capote excel in the long form novel so often associated in peoples minds

    with literary accomplishment. Much of Capotes best loved work comes in the form of novella or

    short story.

    This year I went on a Capote jag, careening thru Breakfast at Tiffanys, Other Voices, Other

    Rooms, The Grass Harpand finally, Music for Chameleons. Any of the other titles could havemade my list but I chose Music for Chameleonsbecause it is so representative of Capotes many

    gifts. In it you will find reportage of the first order, a haunting true crime novella that reads like the

    perfect whodunit, and poetic short stories that evoke the subtlest shades of human emotion.

    5. Ready Player Oneby Ernest Cline (2011)

    6. Joseph Antonby Salman Rushdie

    7. The Revised Fundamentals of Caregivingby Jonathan Evison

    8. Billy Lynns Long Halftime Walkby Ben Fountain

    9. Damascusby Joshua Mohr(2011)

    10. West of the Westby Mark Arax (2011)

    Bookseller FavoritesMatt Vice President, Los Angeles, CA

    1. Mortalityby Christopher Hitchens

    2. How to be a Womanby Caitlin Moran

    3. Dodgerby Terry Pratchett

    4. Captain Vorpatrils Allianceby Lois McMasters Bujold

    5. Hide Me Among the Gravesby Tim Powers

    6. No Safety in Numbersby Dayna Lorentz

    7. Sparkby Brigid Kemmerer

    8. Stormby Brigid Kemmerer

    9. Master & Godby Lindsey Davis

    10. The False Princeby Jennifer A. Nielsen

    Beware of beginning The False Princeas it is the first book in a

    brand-new trilogy, the rest of the series cannot come out soon enough!

    Bookseller FavoritesAnne Book Buyer, Atlanta, GA

    bestbooks of the



  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    1. The Dog Starsby Peter Heller

    2. The Finishby Mark Bowden

    3. Makersby Chris Anderson

    If the idea of being able to make that plastic thingamajig that broke

    on your car instead of going to the auto parts store to buy one intrigues

    you, buy this book now. Manufacturing is being digitized and democratized

    and could possibly be the next big thing for you to do with your free time.4. This Machine Kills Secretsby Andy Greenberg

    5. The Walking Dead Book 8by Robert Kirkman

    6. The Twelveby Justin Cronin

    7. Chew Volume 5: Major League Chewby John Layman

    8. Nocturnalby Scott Sigler

    9. Locke & Key Volume 5: Clockworksby Joe Hill

    10. The Revised Fundamentals of Caregivingby Jonathan Evison

    Bookseller FavoritesJustin Marketing Manager, Atlanta, GA

    bestbooks of the


    1. The Prisoner of Heavenby Carlos Ruiz Zafon

    2. Lets Pretend This Never Happenedby Jenny Lawson

    3. Telegraph Avenueby Michael Chabon

    4. Sacre Bleuby Christopher Moore

    5. Building Storiesby Chris Ware

    6. America Againby Stephen Colbert

    7. Wherever I Wind Upby R. A. Dickey

    In Wherever I Wind Up, Major League baseball knuckleballer R.A.

    Dickey tries his hand at writing his first book. Although it is clearly not written

    by the pen of a professional writer, R.A. creates an achievement of storytelling,

    casually telling the tale of a struggle from poverty and abuse to achievement

    in the major leagues. In a sport where egos often rule, Dickey holds back

    none of the embarrassing details of his childhood including growing up with

    alcohol abuse, facing childhood molestation and even wetting his pants just

    because he didnt care. A teenage sensation in sports, Dickeys dreams came

    crashing down when he lost his signing bonus and his prospect status on the

    same day, when an MRI in his team physical for the Rangers showed he lacked

    an ulnar collateral ligament in his pitching arm. While combating his personal

    demons, Dickey battled back by teaching himself to pitch the most elusive

    and mysterious pitch in baseball, the knuckleball. Released in the beginning

    of the 2012 season, where the 37-year-old Dickey pitches a Cy Young caliber

    performance rivaling the best pitchers in baseball, Wherever I Wind Upis a

    quick and pleasurable read that seems destined for a movie deal.

    Bookseller FavoritesShannon Regional Book Manager, Chicago, IL


  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    YEARbestbooks of the


    My personal pick for the Best Book of 2012 just so happens to be the sequel

    to my personal pick for Best Book of the last decade. Justin Cronin ups the

    ante in the follow up to 2008s The Passage. Cronin goes back to the time

    before the fall to better explain the rise of the Virals and the fall of civilization

    as we know it. The original storyline picks up shortly after where it left off in

    the previous book, showing us how the times are changing. The characters

    that readers fell in love with in the first book are given more page time and

    are fleshed out into living, breathing people who become your best friends.

    Be forewarned, this book leaves you wanting more! Long after I read the

    last sentence of Cronins unbelievably brilliantly woven story, I found myself

    wishing I was back with these characters following more of their adventures

    as they battle the Virals for survival.

    Josh, Bookstore Manager, Chicago, IL

    The Twelve

    Ballantine Books


    -by Justin Cronin

    I just finished this wonderful book & Im drying my eyes it was that good.

    Growing up I didnt have an imaginary friend, but I could have used one

    exactly like the one in this book, Budo, looking back, maybe, in geometry

    class, to give me the answers because the nun was a really mean evil one.

    The character, Budo, was so thoughtful, helpful, independent, unselfish & funny.

    Read this cant put down book for a really good story about friendship and

    courage. Susan, Bookstore Manager, Pittsburgh, PA

    Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend

    St. Martins


    -by Matthew Dicks

    From page one, Evisons emotions are unmistakable. The Revised

    Fundamentals of Caregiving, the newest novel by Jonathan Evison, shows us

    another layer of this talented author. His debut novel, All About Lulu, wasa poignant coming of age story, his next bookWest of Here, was an epic

    saga, and now we learn about the courage it takes to take the next step. Ben

    has lost his children, wife and livelihood, and at rock bottom, takes a class to

    become a caregiver. His first assignment is Trevor, a nineteen year-old, with

    advanced Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The lack of control they both have

    over their lives bonds them and leads them on a life altering journey.

    Sandra, Bookstore Manager, Seattle, WA

    The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving




    -by Jonathan Evison



  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    1. The Flight of Gemma Hardyby Margot Livesey

    2. The Soldiers Wifeby Margaret Leroy(2011)

    3. The Inn at Rose Harborby Debbie Macomber

    4. The Hobbitby J.R.R. Tolkien

    5. An Invisible Threadby Laura Schroff & Alex Tresniowski (2011)

    6. Unbrokenby Laura Hillenbrand (2010)

    7. Memoirs of an Imaginary Friendby Matthew Dicks

    8. Hearts, Smarts, Guts, & Luckby Anthony K. Tjan

    9. Fifty Shades of Greyby E L James

    10. The Marriage Bargainby Jennifer Probst

    Bookseller Favorites

    Susan Bookstore Manager, Pittsburgh, PA

    1. The Twelveby Justin Cronin

    2. Gone Girlby Gillian Flynn

    3. The Wind Through the Keyholeby Stephen King

    4. Mud, Sweat, and Tearsby Bear Grylls

    5. Cyndi Lauper: A Memoir

    Whether youre a fan of Cyndi Lauper the musician, a proponent of Cyndi

    Lauper the actress, or a supporter of Cyndi Lauper the activist, this book is an

    exceptional read for any fan of the musician biography. This memoir, penned by

    Cyndi Lauper herself, follows the Renaissance woman through her thir ty year career,

    from her years as a troubled teen punk rocker all the way through her present

    duties as a mother. This is a must read for fans of Patti SmithsJust Kids!

    6. My Life as a White Trash Zombieby Diana Rowland (2011)

    7. Breedby Chase Novak

    8. White Horseby Alex Adams

    9. The Raven Boysby Maggie Stiefvater

    10. Alice in Zombielandby Gena Showalter

    Bookseller FavoritesJosh Bookstore Manager, Chicago, IL

    bestbooks of the


    1. The Dog Starsby Peter Heller

    2. Beautiful Ruinsby Jess Walter

    3. How to be a Womanby Caitlin Moran

    4. Gods Middle Fingerby Richard Grant (2008)

    You have got to read this book! The jacket blurbs are no hyperbole. It is

    simply fabulous travel & adventure writing, and I couldnt put it down. The blend

    of machismo & mysticism that Grant encounters is surreal. The land is wild &

    magnificent. And Grant himself is an ideal companion; intrepid, witty, and insightful. Ikept reading sections out loud to anyone who would listen.

    5. Drop Dead Healthyby A. J. Jacobs

    6. We Learn Nothingby Tim Kreider

    7. Everybody Loves Our Townby Mark Yarm (2011)

    8. City of Bohaneby Kevin Barry(2011)

    9. Things That Areby Amy Leach

    10. Half-Blood Bluesby Esi Edugyan

    Bookseller Favorites

    Sara Vice President


  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    bestbooks of the


    In Barbara Kingsolvers newest novel, she returns to Appalachia whereDellarobia Turnbow lives with her husband and two kids on her in-laws

    sheep farm. On the verge of changing her stifled life, she witnesses a natural

    phenomenon that changes her in ways she never could have imagined. This

    amazing novel illuminates the clashes between faith and science: immediate

    needs and long-term goals, and studying life and actually living it.

    Sydne, Buyer, Atlanta, GA

    Flight Behavior


    $ 28.99

    -by Barbara Kingsolver

    I came to The Dog Starsboth curiously and skeptically. Peter Heller has

    written some very good nonfiction. In fact, The Whale Warriorsis one of

    my favorite books. But a poetic novel about the few remaining survivors

    of a flu pandemic? In retrospect, there is a sensibility and style that I lovewhich informs all of Hellers work. And I neednt have worried about The

    Dog Stars. The rare imperfections make it human. And that is one of its

    central questions it makes us think about what that really means. Also

    about the myriad connections that create and sustain life on this planet,

    and what happens when they fall apart. There is a scene in which the main

    character, Hig, has to calculate and recalculate the weight hes taking onto

    his Cessna in preparation for a desperate take-off from a short runway.

    Not a regulation take-off. It is terrifying, and when he clears the trees,

    exhilarating. The Dog Starsas a whole is more than a little like that take-off.

    It is risky, adventurous and unfashionably earnest. But, like poetry and thewings of Higs plane, it is well-crafted, and it bears the weight, if only just.

    Unapologetically romantic, in the old sense of the word, The Dog Starsis

    unbearably sad, acerbically funny, a riveting adventure, and piercingly hopeful.

    I love it. Sara, Vice President, Atlanta, GA

    The Dog Stars



    -by Peter Heller

    Gone Girlis Gillian Flynns breakout novel. This stunningly dark thriller

    is brilliant. Thereve been missing wife novels written before where the

    husband is suspect #1 but this one will snatch you and test your ability

    to hold on through the ride. The wife (Amy) and husband (Nick) tell

    their stories through alternating voices (Amy by journals) that when put

    together form this skillful thriller that is sure to become a genre classic.

    Ron, Regional Book Manager, Los Angeles, CA

    Gone Girl



    -by Gillian Flynn





  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    bestbooks of the


    Iraq war vet and author Kevin Powers has delivered a war novel worthy

    of the many comparisons it has received to classics like The Things They

    Carriedand All Quiet on the Western Front.

    On its face, the story is intriguing. Told in non-chronological episodes it

    chronicles the training and deployment, and wars aftermath of two young

    soldiers who become quick friends. Beyond the plot lines, though, Powers

    has created a powerful story that reflects on things much larger than

    the experience of just one or two soldiers. That all being said, I would

    recommend reading this book based on the sheer quality of the writing

    even if what Ive already said doesnt grab your attention. Striking images

    abound. Powers has an undeniably poetic touch.

    Kevin, Bookseller, Denver, CO

    The Yellow Birds

    Little, Brown &



    -by Kevin Powers

    In this debut novel Tom Sherbourne is a lighthouse keeper on the isolated

    island of Janus Rock where he lives with his wife, Isabel. They have been trying

    unsuccessfully to have a baby. A day after Isabels stillbirth a boat washes up

    on shore. Inside it they find a baby crying and a dead man presumed to be

    the babys father. After much conflict between Tom and Isabel they decide to

    claim the baby as their own. This decision becomes a very tangled web when

    they return to the mainland as others will be impacted by the ramifications of

    their deceitful act. The characters are brought to life in this hear tbreaking and

    thought provoking book. It will haunt readers long after its end.

    Valerie, Bookstore Supervisor, Cleveland, OH

    The Light Between Oceans



    -by M.L. Stedman

    The award-winning author of national bestsellerThe Financial Lives of the

    Poetsreturns with a gorgeously romantic new book. Called by Richard Russo

    an absolute masterpiece Beautiful Ruinsis the story an ill-fated love affair

    that begins on the Italian coast in 1962 and is rekindled in Hollywood fifty

    years later. At turns funny and elegiac Beautiful Ruinsstakes new territory for

    a writer of great promise and accomplishment.

    Matt, Vice President, Los Angeles, CA

    Beautiful Ruins



    -by Jess Walter





  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    bestbooks of the

    YEAR fiction

    1. The Twelveby Justin Cronin

    2. Tiny Beautiful Thingsby Cheryl StrayedThis is one of those books you try not to read too fast because

    you want to make it last as long as possible. Life can be hard, but Strayeds

    words are all at once honest and full of comfort and encouragement. Set

    aside any reservations you have about self- help books, because this one

    deserves its own genre. Keep it on your shelf to go back to later or share

    it with a friend who is going through a rough spot. Tiny Beautiful Things:

    Advice on love and life from Dear Sugaris timeless, life- changing and

    beautifully written.

    3. No Easy Dayby Mark Owen4. The Orchardistby Amanda Coplin

    5. The Light Between Oceansby M.L. Stedman

    6. Wildby Cheryl Strayed

    7. Divergentby Veronica Roth (2011)

    8. Ten Girlsto Watchby Charity Shumway

    9. Flight Behaviorby Barbara Kingsolver

    10. The Dog Starsby Peter Heller

    Bookseller FavoritesGeorgia Bookseller, Roanoke, VA

    Alif the Unseenintroduces the reader to a fantastical world as the Arab

    Spring unfolds. Combining cyber hackers, jinn, and a popular revolt, G. Willow

    Wilson has created a thriller that works on all levels. Alif also serves as a

    gateway to the Muslim faith, easily accessible to readers of the East or West.

    The character Alif serves as the everyman as he is transported across the

    spectrum of the Arab culture. Wilsons Alif the Unseenis readily comparedto the early works of Neil Stephenson and William Gibson.

    Ed, Manager of Inventory Planning & Analysis, Atlanta, GA

    Alif the Unseen

    Grove Press


    -by G. Willow Wilson



  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    1. Gone Girlby Gillian Flynn

    2. The Twelveby Justin Cronin

    3. Driftby Rachel Maddow

    4. A Wanted Manby Lee Child

    5. American Sniperby Chris Kyle6. All I Did Was Shoot My Manby Walter Mosley

    7. In One Personby John Irving

    8. What Color is My World?by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

    9. Black Countby Tom Reiss

    10. Smart Trustby Stephen M.R. Covey & Greg Link

    Stephen M.R. Covey follows up his million-copy bestsellerThe Speed of

    Trustand its revealing importance of global trust with Smart Trust, a powerful

    book that identifies trust as an important leadership skill in both personal

    and professional lives. Covey uses many stories, illustrations and principlesof apprised people who benefit from trust based relationships. They attain

    enduring success in work and play. By becoming a trustworthy individual, one

    can change the environment and the attitudes of relationships that result in a

    more beneficial workplace and home life.

    Bookseller FavoritesRon Regional Book Manager, Los Angeles, CA

    bestbooks of the


    1. The Light Between Oceansby M. L. Stedman2. The Hypnotists Love Storyby Liane Moriarty

    The Hypnotists Love Storyis a suspenseful, heart racing, fast paced ride!

    Widowed Patrick tells his new girlfriend Ellen that his previous girlfriend is stalking

    him. Ellen has a desire to meet the stalker, but unbeknownst to her and Patrick the

    stalker is already a patient of hers. The stalkers motives become more disturbing

    as the relationship between Patrick and Ellen deepens. Ellens life becomes full of

    complications due to Patricks ghost wife and the stalker. Readers will not be able

    to put this book down!

    3. The Scrapbook of Frankie Prattby Caroline Preston(2011


    4. Dancing on Broken Glassby Ka Hancock

    5. Love Anthonyby Lisa Genova

    6. Comets Taleby Steven Wolf & Lynette Padwa

    7. The Time in Betweenby Maria Duenas (2011)

    8. Hes Goneby Deb Caletti (2013)

    9. A Stolen Lifeby Jaycee Dugard(2011)

    10. Turn of Mindby Alice LaPlante (2011)

    Bookseller FavoritesValerie Bookstore Manager, Cleveland, OH


  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    1. The Revised Fundamentals of Caregivingby Jonathan Evison

    2. Bring Up the Bodiesby Hilary Mantel

    Historical fiction at its best! Hilary Mantel brings to life 16th

    century England in the second installment of the Wolf Halltrilogy. Bring

    Up the Bodiesfocuses on the demise of Anne Boleyn, as orchestrated by

    Thomas Cromwell. Mantel gives us a glimpse of this significant time period

    and the pressure that Thomas was under to keep the King happy. In usingthe viewpoint of Cromwell, Mantel is able to add interest to a story to

    which we already know the ending.

    3. Quietby Susan Cain

    4. Drop Dead Healthyby A. J. Jacobs

    5. The Fault in Our Starsby John Green

    6. The End of Your Life Book Clubby Will Schwalbe

    7. Flight Behaviorby Barbara Kingsolver

    8. The Power of Habitby Charles Duhigg

    9. The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmoreby William Joyce10. Short Nights of the Shadow Catcherby Timothy Egan

    Bookseller FavoritesSandra Book Supervisor, Seattle, WA

    bestbooks of the


    1. The Fault in Our Starsby John GreenNot only the best YA novel Ive read in 2012, the best novel Ive

    read all year. John Green brings his wry humor and intelligence to tell the

    story of Hazel and Gus, two teenagers battling cancer. After meeting in a

    support group, the two fall for each other and deal with the normality of

    teen love along with struggling with their bodies limitations. This book will

    make you laugh out loud and stay up until three in the morning, sobbing

    your eyes out. A MUST READ.

    2. Every Dayby David Levithan

    3. Cinderby Marissa Meyer4. The Casual Vacancyby J.K. Rowling

    5. Feedby Mira Grant (2010)

    6. Size 12 and Ready to Rockby Meg Cabot

    7. Redshirtby John Scalzi

    8. Telegraph Avenueby Michael Chabon

    9. The Long Earthby Terry Pratchett & Stephen Baxter

    Bookseller FavoritesLaura Bookseller, Pittsburgh, PA


  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    Do you think youre a good leader? How would you know? From the writers

    ofEmotional Intelligence 2.0comes a great new book, Leadership 2.0.

    Sometimes the hardest thing to do is look at yourself clearly and objectively.

    Whether youre a CEO, small business owner or a group leader everyone

    needs leadership skills to succeed. Leadership 2.0breaks down all levels

    on what makes a great leader and helps you develop those skills. With 22

    leadership skills defined and an on-line self-assessment tool you can learn the

    secrets of great leaders. The book provides access to 360 Refined tm online

    testing, a program designed to test yourself objectively. This testing helps you

    identify your weaknesses and provides you with the tools to correct them.

    The objectivity and individual assessment is the most useful component of

    the book. Most people will not tell their bosses what they are doing wrong in

    an organization. The information provided will help you communicate more

    clearly; learn to seek knowledge over information; mobilize others and learn

    to embrace flexibility. So if you want to take your business or career to the

    next level I highly recommend this book.

    Rosa, Regional Book Manager, New Jersey

    Leadership 2.0


    -by Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves

    Have you noticed that when someone is described as outgoing, it is usually

    meant as a compliment? When someone is described as quiet? Not so much.

    Why is that? Why are outgoing, talkative people more likely to be perceived

    as strong, capable leaders than quiet, soft spoken people? Quiet: The Power

    of Introverts in a World that Cant Stop Talkingby Susan Cain addresses thatquestion in depth.

    You dont have to be an introvert to read this book. Of course, there is a lot

    of helpful information for introverts. But there is insight for everyone into the

    Extrovert Ideal and its effect on both business and personal success.

    Kara, Bookstore Manager, Nashville, TN




    -by Susan Cain

    A fascinating, insightful and fun read about habits (and we all have them).

    Broken down into 3 sections- Personal, Corporate and Societal The Power

    Of Habitexplains how we develop habits (good or bad), how we can change

    those habits (good or bad), and how companies use those habits to market

    their products to us (good or bad).

    Shannon, Regional Book Manager, Chicago, IL

    The Power of Habit

    Random House


    -by Charles Duhigg

    YEARbestbooks of the

    business interest





  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    bestbooks of the

    YEAR business interest

    Dont be scared away by the topic (economic policy) or Krugmans credentials

    (Nobel Prize winner). This is a book written expressly for the non-expert. And its

    expertly done. Using as little jargon as possible, and relying on clear, understandable

    analogies, Krugman takes the reader where few post-2008 recession books have

    gone: toward remedies for what is ailing the economy. The book is strongest when

    its exposing the kinds of red herrings politicians use for political gain (cut the

    deficit now!), but prove ineffective in jump-starting the economy. Krugman focuses

    on America, but explains world economies as they impact Americas. If you haventread much on the current economic crisis this is great place to star t. Those well-

    read on the topic will find this book a must read for its authorial clout, and focus

    on how to move beyond the blame game and toward a brighter economic future.

    Kevin, Bookseller, Denver, CO

    End This Depression Now!


    & Company


    -by Paul Krugman

    It may sound like another trip to Oz, but Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luckis a true

    story about what it takes to start your own business and become a successful

    entrepreneur. It is a solid, enjoyable read, as well as an inspirational tool for anyone

    who wants to take their passion and ideas to the next level. Not interested in

    business books? I challenge you to pick this one up, get creative, and apply it to

    your life. I think it will change your mind!

    Georgia, Bookseller, Roanoke, VA

    Heart, Smarts, Guts, & Luck


    Business Review



    -by Anthony K. Tjan, Richard J. Harrington,

    & Tsun-Yan Hsieh

    1. Quietby Susan Cain

    2. Wildby Cheryl Strayed

    3. Things That Areby Amy Leach

    4. Along the Wayby Martin Sheen & Emilio Estevez

    5. The Dog Starsby Peter Heller

    6. The Yellow Birdsby Kevin Powers

    7. Gone Girlby Gillian Flynn

    8. Albert of Adelaideby Howard L. Anderson

    9. Dragons Love Tacosby Adam RubinSome people say this book is crazy. I say this book is crazy good. The title kind of says

    it all, Dragons Love Tacos. The book has a lot going for it. It is educational. Did you know that

    dragons love tacos? I did not know that. It is entertaining. It shows us a never before seen look

    at dragons par tying poolside, playing charades, and dressing up in costumes! It is suspenseful.

    Will your house survive a par ty with taco eating dragons? It is adorable. The artwork is joyous.

    It is original. The story is hilarious. It is controversial. Is spicy salsa really the secret to how

    dragons are able to breathe fire? You decide. Most of all, it is FUN! Every time I open this book

    it makes me happy. Read it now. Thank me later.

    10. Moreby I.C. Springman

    Bookseller FavoritesKara Book Supervisor, Nashville, TN



  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    bestbooks of the

    YEARyoung readers

    This is my choice for best book of the year for many reasons; its beautifully

    written, has amazing dialog and a great cast of characters. But mostly its

    because I love a good love story. This is an epic love story. It follows a terminal

    cancer patient named Hazel whos 16 and depressed. She is sent to group

    therapy where she meets Augustus; a fellow cancer survivor. John Greens

    ability to channel teenage girls and teen interaction is exceptional. To make

    cancer funny is no easy feat; yet he does it easily. Follow Hazel and Gus as they

    fall in love and live life to its fullest. This is a book that will have you laughing

    and crying at the same time. A guaranteed must read.

    Rosa, Regional Book Manager, New Jersey

    The Fault in Our Stars

    Dutton Juvenile$17.99

    -by John Green

    This picture book touches upon so many aspects of lifebooks, journals,

    aging, friendship, passing-it-on and paying-it-forward. This is a picture book for

    All Ages. While appropriate to read to children, I would really recommend itfor older readers and adults, those who have a passion for books. But I think

    that the book would be far less special if it werent for the illustrations.

    Mark, General Manager, Roanoke, VA

    The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

    AtheneumBooks for Young



    -by William Joyce

    Check out Jon Klassens picture book, This is not My Hat. Children and

    adults will get a kick out of the search for a missing hat, and the darkly

    humorous conclusion leaves it up to your imagination on whether themissing hat is recovered or not! The illustrations are awesome, every page

    is a delight Anne, Buyer, Atlanta, GA

    This is Not My Hat


    -by Jon Klassen

    Feiwel & Friends


    A clever reimagining of an oft-retold fairy tale: a cyborg Cinderella with too

    small feet? With an android fairy godmother? Cinder lives in the futuristic

    Eastern Commonwealth, working as a mechanic with her trusty android, Iko,by her side. When the handsome Crown Prince Kai visits her stall, Cinder gets

    pulled into a conspiracy involving the villainous Lunar Kingdom, the deadly

    plague that took her stepfather and stepsister, and a missing moon princess.

    Fresh and imaginative, this is one of the top debuts of 2012, and Im eagerly

    awaiting the next installment. Laura, Bookseller, Pittsburgh, PA

    Cinder-by Marissa Meyer



  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    bestbooks of the

    YEAR young readers

    Author I.C. Springman wrote this story for her grandsons but it brings a universal

    message for all. Dont hoard stuff because it may be your ruin! A hoarding Magpie

    is questioned by his mice friends about having too much stuff. His love and

    collecting of shiny things overwhelms his space and puts him in danger. Can he be

    saved? Does he learn his lesson? Brian Lies beautiful and clever illustrations bring

    to life this simply worded story. Its a counting book too that will help all kids learn

    lessons about overconsumption and looking out for friends.

    Ron, Regional Book Manager, Los Angeles, CA



    Mifflin Books for



    -by I.C. Springman

    1. Beautiful Ruinsby Jess Walter

    2. What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frankby Nathan Englander

    3. Sweet Toothby Ian McEwan

    4. The Yellow Birdsby Kevin Powers

    5. The Dog Starsby Peter Heller

    The Dog Starsis a post-apocalypse story that balances the physical, tactical, and

    emotional difficulties faced in a desolate world. Peter Heller creates a narrator in Big Higwho has a unique voice, and an insightful intellect. Most important, Hig hasnt lost a desire

    to hold on to all the things that being human meant before a mysterious disease wiped

    out a large portion of the population.

    6. Quietby Susan Cain

    7. Drop Dead Healthyby A. J. Jacobs

    8. The Miseducation of Cameron Postby Emily M. Danforth

    9. The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fryby Rachel Joyce

    10. Satan is Realby Charlie Louvin & Benjamin Whitmer

    Bookseller FavoritesKevin Bookseller, Denver, CO

    1. Flight Behaviorby Barbara Kingsolver

    2. Requiemby Frances Itani

    3. Far From the Treeby Andrew Solomon

    4. Wildby Cheryl Strayed

    5. How to be a Womanby Caitlin Moran

    6. The Coldest Nightby Robert Olmstead

    Robert Olmstead has the amazing knack of being economical with his words

    while delivering maximum emotion. The Coldest Nightis his third book to follow a

    member of the Childs family, though each stands on its own. When Henry Childs

    relationship with a judges daughter is broken up by her disapproving family, he lies abouthis age to join the Marines and is sent to the Korean War. After being bewildered and

    broken by love, Korea shatters what is left of Henry with atrocities, exhaustion and freezing

    cold. Returning home after his time in the Marines is as foreign an experience as was his

    time in war. Olmstead takes us from the ache of first love to the pain of battle and back to

    what is supposed to be normal with the skill of a master storyteller.

    7. The Age of Miraclesby Karen Thompson Walker

    8. American Ghostby Janis Owens

    9. Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Powerby Jon Meacham

    10. Lets Pretend This Never Happenedby Jenny Lawson

    Bookseller FavoritesSydne Book Buyer, Atlanta, GA


  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012


    Am I happy that Hudson Books has chosen Drop Dead Healthyas its

    Book of the Year? Absolutely, without a doubt. And whats more, I feel healthier.

    Consider this: A University of Toronto study found that actors who win Oscars live almost four years longer than their

    non-Oscar-winning friends.

    Scientists have yet to study the average lifespan of Hudson-Book-of-the-Year authors. But Im ready to be a guinea pig.

    Who knows? Maybe four additional years of life is too much to ask for, but Im hoping the Hudson bump gives me at least

    a few more weeks on this earth.

    Im especially honored because Im such a Hudson Books fan. Ive spent many hours browsing the aisles of this wonderful

    bookstore. No doubt its the best part of the airpor t experience, right up there with scoring the last available electrical

    outlet in LaGuardias Concourse C.

    I try to buy at least one book per trip along with a couple of bottles of hand sanitizer, of course. As I learned while

    writing my book, airplanes arent exactly sterile. If you want to lose your appetite, try Googling the list of germs that lurk

    on airplane table trays. Its a microscopic menagerie. Your more germ-conscious doctors recommend wiping those trays

    down with a sanitizing cloth.

    In fact, since my book is about my quest to be the healthiest person alive (a journey that involved revamping my diet,

    exercise regimen, sleep and stress levels), now seems a good time to give a few quick tips on healthy air travel.

    --Turn the airport into your gym.

    Well, maybe dont do pull-ups from the metal detector the TSA might not find that amusing. But try walking as much as

    possible. Doctors recommend that we strive for 10,000 steps per day. So I try to avoid those People Movers. Yes, I move

    my own person. I actually roll my suitcase over the stationary ground. I know! Heroic. Also, if your luggage isnt filled with

    bricks, try taking the stairs.

    --Go nuts.

    Finding healthy food at airpor ts is as hard as finding overhead luggage space when youre stuck in Zone 14. My friend Tim

    Ferris author ofThe 4-Hour Body recommends unsalted cashews as the best airport fare. Theyve got the good kind

    of fat, and also protein that keeps you satiated longer. And of course, go ahead and have a cup of coffee. I was delighted to

    learn that coffee, in moderation, is good for you. It staves off Alzheimers and certain types of cancer. (Too many cups per

    day can lead to heart problems, but one or two is generally beneficial).

    --Get up out of your seat

    Theres an alarming amount of data showing that prolonged sitting is harmful to your health. One doctor told me sitting

    is the new smoking. Which is an exaggeration, but the gist is true: The sedentary life increases your chance of heart

    disease. When Im on the plane, I try to get up every 30 minutes and stroll the aisle for a minute or two. Or if Im stuck

    in a window seat, I at least try to stretch my legs while seated. This also helps prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis a rare but

    unpleasant blood clot from prolonged sitting.


    Travel can be stressful. You cant eliminate that. But you can adjust your attitude. In my book, I describe being frisked by

    airport security. I was furious, a supernova of negative energy. But for what? Halfway through my pat down, it occurred to

    me: Im spending a lot of my brains bandwidth being annoyed. Is it so bad to have this guy touch me? Is he hur ting me?

    Hes just doing his job. In fact, doesnt the research show that human touch is healthy? It helps fight depression and high

    blood pressure.

    What if I thought of this as a free massage? Its kind of relaxing when hes patting my shoulders. Get him some coconut

    massage oil and a citrus-scented candle, and Id have to pay him $100.

    At the end, the guy gave me a friendly pat on the back. A signal that Im good to go. Thanks, I said. My government-

    mandated shiatsu may not have lowered my blood pressure, but it probably didnt raise it either.


    A.J. Jacobs


  • 7/30/2019 Hudson Booksellers Best Books of 2012



    Now we walk fast in the dark. Me and Jasper,

    the sled scraping behind. Cold. Good and cold.

    High stars nettle the black, no moon, crossing

    under the Milky Way like crossing a deep river.

    Never will get to the other side. We never do.

    The argument with Bangley still rankles. Now just our breaths. Winter

    fat. Can feel it in my legs. Good to move, move fast.

    I pull the sled on a lead with my right hand then switch. Pack is in the

    sled, rifle too. This time, Thanks Bangley, wearing a subcompact hand-

    gun, a plastic Glock weighs almost nothing. A sense of more survivors

    around, increasing traffic, dont know why.

    Pass the tower on our right. Pass the Spot without a shudder. Thoughts

    come with the rhythm of the fast steps. Can get used to killing the

    way you can get used to a goat on the doorstep. Uncle Pete. With his

    bottle and cigarillos and stories. His living on a yacht with Louise. Their

    living in a trawler in Alaska. As if somehow being afloat could make

    a life more compelling. Never liked whisky, he told me. But I drink itbecause it has a storied history.

    Books were chosen by a committee of Hudson booksellers in the

    field and in the buying office. Thank you Alden, Anne, Ed, Georgia,

    Jennifer, Josh, Justin, Kara, Kathy, Kevin, Laura, Margaret, Mark, Matt,

    Michelle, Mike, Ron, Rosa, Sandra, Sara, Shannon, Susan, Sydne, and

    Valerie. This would not have been possible without you.

    Meet our Booksellers at

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