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bachelor of law --------------Sample Translation of Financial-Legal Document English Source Text TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Account Services Authorized Signatures Facsimile Signatures Statements Review of Statements/Reconciliation Availability of Funds Set-off and Security Interest Credit Interest Overnight Investment of Excess Funds Debit Interest Payment Terms/Compensation Methods Electronic Transfers Authorization and Security Procedures Payment Orders Execution of Payment Orders Cancellation and Amendment of Payment Orders Payments in Currency Cut-Off Times Advice of Funds Transfers ACH Check Services Check Disbursement Services Advice of Issuance Stop Payments USD Cash Letter Final Credit Services Global Check Clearing USD and Foreign Check Collection Trade Services Letters of Credit Bank to Bank Reimbursements Documentary Collections Reimbursement Collections Other Cash Management Services Courier Services Miscellaneous Assignment of Terms & Conditions Conflicts/Disputes Involving the Account Confidentiality Termination Applicable Laws Compliance with Law Waiver of Jury Trial Invalidity of Contract Provisions Indemnification Liability Waiver Legal Process Correspondent s Representations, Warranties, and Covenants

Entire Terms & Conditions Use of Correspondent s Account US Legal Holidays Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia DAFTAR ISI Pendahuluan Layanan Rekening Tanda Tangan yang Sah Tanda Tangan Faksimile Laporan Pemeriksaan Laporan/Rekonsiliasi Ketersediaan Dana Bunga Potongan dan Jaminan Bunga Kredit Investasi Singkat Kelebihan Dana Bunga Debit Syarat Pembayaran/Metode Kompensasi Transfer Elektronik Prosedur Pengesahan dan Keamanan Perintah Pembayaran Pelaksanaan Perintah Pembayaran Pembatalan dan Perubahan Pembayaran Pembayaran dalam Mata Uang Batas Waktu Pemberitahuan Transfer Dana LEMBAGA KLIRING OTOMATIS (ACH, Automated Clearing House) Layanan Cek Layanan Pembayaran Cek Pemberitahuan Penerbitan Penghentian Pembayaran Surat Kas Dolar Amerika Serikat Layanan Kredit Definitif Kliring Cek Global Penagihan Cek Asing dan Dolar Amerika Serikat Layanan Perdagangan Surat Kredit Pembayaran Kembali Bank ke Bank Penagihan Dokumenter Penagihan Pembayaran Kembali Layanan Pengelolaan Kas Lainnya Layanan Kurir Lain-lain Pengalihan Syarat & Ketentuan Konflik/Perselisihan yang Melibatkan Rekening Kerahasiaan Pengakhiran Undang-undang yang Berlaku Kepatuhan terhadap Undang-undang Pelepasan Hak Peradilan Juri Tak Berlakunya Ketentuan Kontrak Pembayaran Ganti Rugi Kewajiban Pelepasan Hak Proses Hukum Pernyataan, Jaminan, dan Janji Koresponden Seluruh Syarat & Ketentuan Penggunaan Rekening Koresponden

Libur Resmi di Amerika Serikat Posted by Hipyan (Mr) Time Sunday, May 04, 2008 ---------------------------------

Business Letter - English to Indonesian Translation Source Text March 4, 2009 To Shri Bapak Buyuang Panggaleh Sub: Letter of Interest (LOI) Dear Sir, XXX Group of Companies is a well-diversified professionally managed group. It is an Rs2000 crores group of companies in India. XXX Group is having its activitie s in FMCG, Newsprint, Writing Instruments, Health Care & Hospitals, Retail Pharm acies, Department Stores, Biodiesel, Edible Oil, Real Estate and Construction. Further XXX Group has diversified its area of working for setting up of Cement P lant (3 MTPA) in Chattingard state and coal-based Thermal Power Plant (1000 MW) in Madhya Pradesh state to meet the future demand. XXX Group has substantial cash flows from its well-diversified activities. Recen tly the group has acquired YYY Pharmaceutical Works Ltd. at a value of Rs750 cro res. There are sufficient internal accruals of the funds to sustain the fund req uirement of the group for its diversification activities. As per diversification strategy, XXX Group has planned to enter into the busines s of coal mining/coal trading. We are exploring the possibility of investing in coal blocks in Indonesia as may be directed by prevailing Indonesian Law. We are also interested in trading Indonesian coal in India. In this connection, we express our interest in forming a mining joint venture wi th your company, mutual understanding as per mutually agreed terms and condition s after due diligence to our satisfaction. Thanking you. Yours faithfully For XXX Natural Resources Pvt. Ltd. Vijay Shankar Authorised signatory Indonesian Translation 4 Maret 2009 Kepada Yth. Bapak Buyuang Panggaleh Perihal: Surat Pernyataan Minat Dengan hormat,

Grup Perusahaan XXX adalah grup perusahaan dengan berbagai bidang usaha dan dike lola secara profesional. Ini adalah grup perusahaan dengan nilai aset Rs20.000.0 00.000 (dua puluh miliar rupee; catatan penerjemah: berdasarkan kurs hari ini, j umlah ini setara dengan Rp4.669.462.276.432,82) di India. Grup XXX bergerak di b idang usaha Barang Konsumen Bergerak Cepat, Kertas Koran, Alat Tulis, Pelayanan Kesehatan & Rumah Sakit, Apotek, Toko Serba Ada, Biodiesel, Minyak Goreng, Real Estate dan Konstruksi. Selanjutnya, Grup XXX telah memperluas bidang usahanya dengan membangun Pabrik S emen (dengan kapasitas 3 juta ton per tahun) di negara bagian Chattingard dan Pe mbangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Batu Bara (1000 megawatt) di negara bagian Madhya Pradesh untuk memenuhi kebutuhan di masa depan. Grup XXX memiliki aliran dana besar dari berbagai bidang usahanya. Baru-baru ini , grup perusahaan ini mengakuisisi YYY Pharmaceutical Works Ltd. senilai Rs7.500 .000.000 (tujuh miliar lima ratus juta rupee). Grup perusahaan ini memiliki cuku p perolehan dana untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dana grup perusahaan ini dalam berbaga i bidang usahanya. Sehubungan dengan strategi diversifikasi (penganekaragaman) usaha, Grup XXX bere ncana memasuki bisnis pertambangan batu bara/perdagangan batu bara. Kami sedang meneliti kemungkinan menanamkan investasi di sejumlah blok pertambangan batu bar a di Indonesia sesuai dengan undang-undang yang berlaku di Indonesia. Kami juga tertarik melakukan perdagangan batu bara Indonesia di India. Sehubungan dengan hal ini, kami menyatakan bahwa kami berminat mengadakan Usaha Patungan pertambangan dengan perusahaan Anda berdasarkan syarat dan kesepakatan yang disepakati bersama setelah pelaksanaan studi kelayakan yang memuaskan kami. Terima kasih. Hormat Saya Atas nama XXX NATURAL RESOURCES PVT. LTD. Vijay Shankar Penanda tangan sah Posted by Hipyan (Mr) Time Sunday, March 15, 2009 2 Comment(s) Label: Contoh Terjemahan 19 April 2008 Sample Indonesian to English Legal Translation - Akta Kelahiran Indonesian Source Text PENCATATAN SIPIL (WARGA NEGARA INDONESIA) KUTIPAN AKTA KELAHIRAN Nomor: 2445/D.Ist-98/2003 Dari Daftar Dispensasi Istimewa tentang kelahiran menurut Stbld. 1920-751 jo. 19 27-564 di kota Padang ternyata bahwa di Padang pada tanggal dua puluh empat Dese mber seribu sembilan ratus sembilan puluh delapan telah lahir seorang anak lakilaki yang diberi nama BUYUANG PALALOK, anak kedua dari suami-isteri: BUYUANG DAT UAK NAN KUNIANG dan UPIAK KARIBO. Berdasarkan Keputusan Wali Kota Padang Nomor: 477.45-291 2003 tanggal 16 Juni 20 03.

Kutipan ini sesuai dengan keadaan pada hari ini. Padang, tanggal enam belas juni dua ribu tiga Kepala Kantor Catatan Sipil Kota Padang Ditandatangani dan distempel BUYUANG SUTAN PARABO, S.H.,M.Si. Pembina NIP 480 066 808 English Translation CIVIL REGISTRY OFFICE (INDONESIAN NATIONALITY) BIRTH CERTIFICATE EXTRACT Number: 2445/D.Ist-98/2003 Based on the Special Dispensation Birth Register by virtue of State Gazette 1920 -751 jo. 1927-564 in Padang Municipality, it was recorded that in Padang on the twenty fourth day of December in the year nineteen ninety eight a male child nam ed BUYUANG PALALOK was born as the second child to the married couple: BUYUANG D ATUAK NAN KUNIANG and UPIAK KARIBO. This certificate is issued in accordance with Decree of the Major of Padang Muni cipality number 477.45-291 of 2003 dated 16th June 2003. This extract is in accordance with the current conditions. Padang, the sixteenth day of June in the year two thousand and three Head of the Registry Office Padang Municipality Signed and sealed BUYUANG SUTAN PARABO, S.H.,M.Si. Supervisor NIP 480 066 808 Posted by Hipyan (Mr) Time Saturday, April 19, 2008 4 Comment(s) Label: Contoh Terjemahan 18 April 2008 English to Indonesian Business Translation - Google dan Yahoo Akan Berbagi Iklan Internet English Source Text Google and Yahoo to share web ads Yahoo and Google, the world's two biggest search engines, have announced a two-w eek experiment that will see them share advertising space. During the pilot, Google will be able to place ads alongside 3% of search result s on Yahoo's website.

Analysts say the move is designed to frustrate Microsoft, which has offered to b uy Yahoo for $44.6bn (22.6bn), or extract a higher offer. The news came as both sides were reported to be forging other alliances. The following article will be translated to Indonesian soon Google and Yahoo to share web ads Yahoo and Google, the world's two biggest search engines, have announced a two-w eek experiment that will see them share advertising space. During the pilot, Google will be able to place ads alongside 3% of search result s on Yahoo's website. Analysts say the move is designed to frustrate Microsoft, which has offered to b uy Yahoo for $44.6bn (22.6bn), or extract a higher offer. The news came as both sides were reported to be forging other alliances. Joint offer Microsoft and News Corp are discussing making a joint bid for Yahoo, according t o the New York Times. The idea would be to combine three of the world's most visited websites: MySpace , Yahoo and News Corp had previously discussed working with Yahoo to see off Microsoft's off er. At the same time, Yahoo is looking to Time Warner's AOL to keep out of Microsoft 's hands, according to the Wall Street Journal. It reported that the deal would involve Time Warner making a cash investment for 20% of the merged firm, which Yahoo could then use to buy back shares. 'Less competitive' Microsoft criticised Yahoo's advertising trial with Google, saying any lasting d eal would not be in the consumers' interests. "Any definitive agreement between Yahoo and Google would consolidate over 90% of the search advertising market in Google's hands. This would make the market far less competitive," Brad Smith, Microsoft's General Counsel said. But Yahoo said the testing did not necessarily mean that "any further commercial relationship with Google will result". Investors reacted positively to the announcement, with Yahoo shares rising 7%. "Yahoo has made a really clever move here," Cowen and Co analyst Jim Friedland s aid. "It looked like Microsoft had all the cards, Yahoo is at least now able to use t his for leverage to get Microsoft to pay more," he said. Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer on Saturday gave Yahoo three weeks to ag ree to the company's offer or risk having the offer lowered. Source: BBC NEWS Published: 2008/04/10 07:27:06 GMT BBC MMVIII Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Google dan Yahoo Akan Berbagi Iklan Internet Yahoo dan Google, dua mesin pencari terbesar dunia, telah mengumumkan eksperimen yang akan berlangsung selama dua minggu di mana mereka akan berbagi ruang iklan . Selama uji coba ini, Google akan dapat menempatkan iklan berdampingan dengan 3% dari hasil pencarian situs web Yahoo. Para analis mengatakan langkah ini dirancang untuk menggagalkan usaha Microsoft, yang telah mengajukan penawaran untuk membeli Yahoo dengan nilai penawaran $44, 6 miliar (22,6 miliar), atau mendapatkan tawaran yang lebih besar. Berita ini muncul ketika kedua pihak dilaporkan sedang mempersiapkan kerja sama lainnya. Penawaran Bersama Microsoft dan News Corp sedang membicarakan pengajuan penawaran bersama kepada Y ahoo, demikian dilaporkan the New York Times. Tujuannya adalah menggabungkan tiga situs web yang paling sering dikunjungi di d unia: MySpace, Yahoo dan News Corp sebelumnya telah membicarakan kerja sama dengan Yahoo untuk menggagalk an penawaran Microsoft. Pada saat yang sama, Yahoo sedang melirik AOL Time Warner untuk menghindari ceng keraman Microsoft, menurut berita the Wall Street Journal. Jurnal ini melaporkan bahwa kerja sama tersebut akan membuat Time Warner mendapa tkan investasi tunai sebesar 20% dari nilai perusahaan gabungan tersebut, yang k emudian dapat digunakan Yahoo untuk membeli kembali sahamnya. 'Kurang Kompetitif' Microsoft mengecam uji coba iklan Yahoo dengan Google, dengan mengatakan kerja s ama yang terwujud tidak akan menguntungkan konsumen. "Segala perjanjian pasti antara Yahoo dan Google akan menggabungkan lebih 90% da ri pasar iklan pencarian di tangan Google. Ini akan membuat pasar jauh kurang ko mpetitif," demikian kata Brad Smith, Konsultan Umum Microsoft. Tapi Yahoo mengatakan uji coba itu tidak menjamin bahwa "hubungan bisnis lebih l anjut dengan Google akan terwujud". Para investor memberikan tanggapan positif atas pengumuman tersebut, di mana sah am Yahoo mengalami kenaikan 7%. "Dalam hal ini Yahoo mengambil langkah yang sangat cerdas," demikian kata analis Cowen and Co, Jim Friedland. "Kelihatannya Microsoft menguasai keadaan, setidaknya Yahoo sekarang dapat meman

faatkan ini sebagai landasan untuk mendesak Microsoft mengajukan penawaran yang lebih besar," katanya. Direktur utama Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, pada hari Sabtu memberi waktu tiga ming gu kepada Yahoo untuk menyetujui penawaran perusahaan tersebut atau menghadapi r isiko penawaran yang lebih kecil. Sumber: BBC NEWS Published: 2008/04/10 07:27:06 GMT BBC MMVIII Posted by Hipyan (Mr) Time Friday, April 18, 2008 0 Comment(s) Label: Contoh Terjemahan 17 April 2008 English to Indonesian Financial Translation - Foreign Investment Notification Fo rm for the Acquisition of Newly Issued Stocks English Source Text Foreign Investment Notification Form for the Acquisition of Newly Issued Stocks Term of Completion: Immediate Foreign Investor Name: PT XYZ Nationality: Indonesia Address: Address as stated in the SIUP Domestic Investor Name: Foreign Invested Enterprise Name Korean: English: Capital Before: 50,000,000 Won After: 12,000,000 Won Business Registration Number (Head Office): the NPWP of PT XYZ Address Head Office Factory (or Business Place) Business of Intent: Korean Standard Industrial Classification Code Number: (Will be provided by the Delegated Agency) Present Foreign Investment Amount and Percentage Acquisition Price: Won (USD ), % Type of Investment Creating Corporation (Single, Joint) Purchase of Newly Issued Stock (Domestic Company, Foreign Invested Company) Others Objective of Investment: Establishment of New Factory Establishment of Business Place Merger & Acquisition Others Method of Investment: Cash Amount: 50,000,000 Won (USD ) Intellectual Property Right: Won (USD ) Capital in Kind: Won (USD ) Stock: 12,000,000 Won (USD ) Real Estate: Won (USD ) Content of Stock (Shares to be Acquired) Type: Obligation

Quantity: 2 Face Value per Stock: 2 Total Amount of Face Value of Stock: US$1,000,000 Acquisition Price per Stock: US$500,000 Total Acquisition Price: US$1,000,000 Foreign Investment Amount and Percentage after Acquisition Acquisition Price: 12,000,000 Won (US$1,000,000), % In accordance with Article 5 Paragraph 1 of the Foreign Investment Promotion Act , the above is notified, Year Month Day Applicant (or Power of Attorney) (Signature or Seal) (Telephone Number: ) Delegated Authority ________________________________________________________________________________ ____ For Applicant Notification Number: The above notification is confirmed, Year Month Day Delegated Authority: This notification does not confirm the arrival of investment. When any authoriza tion, permission, or notification is required by another law, the applicant shou ld meet the requirements prescribed in that law. Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Formulir Pemberitahuan Penanaman Modal Asing untuk Pembelian Saham yang Baru Dit erbitkan Syarat Penyelesaian: Segera Investor Asing Nama: PT XYZ Kewarganegaraan: Indonesia Alamat: Alamat seperti dinyatakan pada SIUP Investor Dalam Negeri Nama: Perusahaan Penanaman Modal Asing Nama Bahasa Korea: Bahasa Inggris: Modal Sebelum: 50.000.000 Won Sesudah: 12.000.000 Won Nomor Daftar Perusahaan (Kantor Pusat): nomor NPWP PT XYZ Alamat: Kantor Pusat: Pabrik (atau Lokasi Usaha) Bidang Usaha: Nomor Kode Klasifikasi Industri Standar Korea: (Akan diberikan oleh Badan Perwak ilan) Jumlah dan Persentase Penanaman Modal Asing Sekarang Harga Pembelian: Won (USD ), % Jenis Penanaman Modal

Mendirikan Perusahaan (Tunggal, Gabungan) Pembelian Saham yang Baru Diterbitkan (Perusahaan Dalam Negeri, Perusahaan Penan aman Modal Asing) Lainnya Tujuan Penanaman Modal: Pembangunan Pabrik Baru Pembangunan Lokasi Usaha Baru Merger & Akuisisi Lainnya Metode Penanaman Modal: Jumlah Tunai: 50.000.000 Won (USD ) Hak Kekayaan Intelektual: Won (USD ) Modal Barang: Won (USD ) Saham: 12.000.000 Won (USD ) Tanah dan Bangunan: Won (USD ) Isi Saham (Saham yang akan Dibeli) Jenis: Obligasi Jumlah: 2 Nilai Nominal per Saham: 2 Total Jumlah Nilai Nominal Saham: US$1.000.000 Harga Pembelian per Saham: US$500.000 Total Harga Pembelian: US$1.000.000 Jumlah dan Persentase Investasi Asing setelah Pembelian Harga Pembelian: 12,000,000 Won (US$1.000.000), % Informasi di atas diberitahukan sesuai dengan Pasal 5 Ayat 1 Undang-undang Promo si Penanaman Modal Asing. Tahun Bulan Hari Pemohon (atau Penerima Kuasa) (Tanda tangan atau stempel) (Nomor telepon: ) Badan Perwakilan ________________________________________________________________________________ ____ Untuk Pemohon Nomor Pemberitahuan: Pemberitahuan di atas disahkan. Tahun Bulan Hari Badan Perwakilan Pemberitahuan ini tidak mengesahkan kedatangan investasi. Bila suatu pengesahan, izin, atau pemberitahuan diwajibkan oleh undang-undang lain, pemohon harus meme nuhi persyaratan yang dinyatakan dalam undang-undang tersebut. Posted by Hipyan (Mr) Time Thursday, April 17, 2008 0 Comment(s) Label: Contoh Terjemahan 14 April 2008 Indonesian to English Medical Translation - Hasil Pemeriksaan Radiografi Indonesian Source Text Nama : Tn. Ucok Tampan Umur : 53 No foto : 123 Klinis : Ca lidah, Dependant on ventilator Tanggal : 30 Agustus 1995

Pemeriksaan : Foto Thorax AP Yth. Ts. Dr. Buyuang Palala Foto Thorak AP Supine Foto thorak tampak goyang dan terpotong karena pasien tidak kooperatif. Dibandingkan thorak foto tanggal 30 Juli 1995: Jantung: kesan tidak besar Aorta elongasio, mediastinum superior sulit dinilai karena terselubung. Trakea relatif di tengah. Terpasang trakeostomi tube dengan ujung setinggi korpu s vertebra Th. 4. Kedua hili suram. Corakan bronkovaskuler paru kasar, masih terlihat perselubungan homogen di paru kanan atas dengan gambaran honeycomb dan kalsifikasi di paru kanan atas. Terliha t juga fibrosis dan penebalan pleura di apeks kiri serta masih tampak infiltrat di perihiler dan parakardial paru kanan yang bila dibandingkan dengan foto thora k tanggal 30 Juli 1995 stqa. Tidak tampak nodul/coin lesion di kedua hemithorak. Diafragma baik, sinus kostofrenikus kanan terpotong, sinus kostofrenikus kiri ba ik, tidak tampak efusi pleura. Tulang dinding dada yang terlihat intak. KESAN: Dibandingkan thorak foto tanggal 30 Juli 1995 Cor relatif Stqa. Masih terlihat infiltrat di paru kanan dan proses lama di kedua paru curiga aspe k aktif. Tidak tampak nodul metastasis di kedua paru. Terpasang trakeostomi tube setinggi korpus vertebra Th. 4. BTK & Salam Sejawat Dr. Upiak Rancak, Sp.Rad. English Translation Name : Mr. Ucok Tampan Age : 53 Radiograph Number : 123 Clinical Diagnosis : Tongue Cancer, Dependant on Ventilator Date : 30 August 1995 Examination : Anteroposterior Thoracic Radiograph Dear Fellow Doctor, Dr. Buyuang Palala, Supine Anteroposterior Thoracic Radiograph The thoracic radiograph is blurred and cut because the patient was not cooperati ve. Compared with the thoracic radiograph taken on 30 July 1995: Heart: there is no sign of enlargement. Aorta elongation and mediastinum superior are hard to assess because they are co vered. The trachea is relatively in the middle. A tracheostomy tube is installed and th

e end extends to vertebral corpus T4. The two hili are vague. The bronchovascular patterns of lungs are rough, and homogeneous coating is stil l evident in upper right lung with honeycomb patterns and calcification in upper right lung. Fibrosis and pleural thickening are also evident in left apex. In a ddition, the infiltrates, whose conditions are still the same as those of the th oracic radiograph taken on 30 July 1995, are still evident in perihilar and para cardial right lung. There is no nodal/coin lesion in the two halves of the thorax. The diaphragm is good; the right costophrenic sinus is cut; the left costophreni c sinus is good; there is no pleural effusion. Bones of the thoracic wall appear to be intact. Findings: Compared with the thoracic radiograph taken on 30 July 1995, the heart condition s are relatively the same. The infiltrates are still evident in the right lung, and the long process in bot h lungs indicates active aspect. There is no metastatic nodule in both lungs. A tracheostomy tube is installed and extends to vertebral corpus T4. Many Thanks and Best Regards Signed Dr. Upiak Rancak, Sp.Rad. Posted by Hipyan (Mr) Time Monday, April 14, 2008 0 Comment(s) Label: Contoh Terjemahan 28 March 2008 Sample Indonesian to English Legal Translation - Akta Cerai Indonesian Source Text Lampiran Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung R.I. Nomor 1 2007 AKTA CERAI Nomor 05/AC/2007/PA Solok Panitera Pengadilan Agama Solok menerangkan bahwa pada hari ini Selasa tanggal 3 Juli 2007 M bertepatan dengan tanggal 17 Jumadil Akhir 1428 H, berdasarkan Putu san Pengadilan Agama Solok Nomor 17/Pdt.G/2006/IA tanggal 14 Maret 2007 M yang t elah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap, telah terjadi perceraian antara UPIAK PAIBO BINTI BUYUANG SUTAN RAJO AMEH, yang lahir tanggal 18 Januari 1968, Agama: Islam , Pekerjaan: pegawai swasta, Alamat: Jl. Tambun Tulang No. 311, Desa Baruah Sawa h, Kecamatan Salayo, Kabupaten Solok dan BUYUANG SUTAN RAMBANG MATO BIN BUYUANG DATUAK ANGEK GARANG, yang lahir tanggal 2 9 Desember 1967, Agama: Islam, Pekerjaan: pegawai swasta, Alamat Sebelumnya: Jl. Garudo Tabang No. 212 Padang Timur, Alamat Sekarang: tidak diketahui tempat tin ggalnya yang pasti di wilayah Republik Indonesia, Kecamatan: -, Kabupaten: dengan cerai gugat dalam perceraian yang pertama. Penggugat (bekas isteri) dalam keadaan ba'da dukhul. Penggugat (bekas isteri) ti dak diketahui apakah dalam keadaan suci/haid/hamil. Kutipan Akta Nikah dari KUA Kecamatan Salayo, Kabupaten Solok, tanggal 14 Oktobe r 2002, Nomor 44/03/K/2002.

Demikian dibuat Akta Cerai ini, ditandatangani oleh kami BUYUANG DATUAK RANGKAYO GADANG, S.H., Panitera Pengadilan Agama Solok. Panitera ditanda tangani dan distempel BUYUANG DATUAK RANGKAYO GADANG, S.H. LEGALISASI Coret yang tidak perlu Mengetahui sesuai dengan aslinya Pengadilan Agama Solok PANITERA Ditanda tangani dan distempel BUYUANG DATUAK RANGKAYO GADANG, S.H. English Translation Attachment to Circular of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1 2 007 DIVORCE CERTIFICATE Number 05/AC/2007/PA of Solok Clerk of Solok Religious Court declares that today, Tuesday 3rd July 2007 AD, wh ich is equivalent to 17th Jumadil Akhir 1428 H, based on the Verdict of Solok Re ligious Court No. 17/Pdt.G/2006/IA dated 14th March 2007, which has permanent le gal power, a divorce has occurred between UPIAK PAIBO DAUGHTER OF BUYUANG SUTAN RAJO AMEH, born on 18th January 1968, Religion: Islam, Occupation: private emplo yee, Address: Jl. Tambun Tulang No. 311, Baruah Sawah Village, Salayo Subdistric t, Solok District, and BUYUANG SUTAN RAMBANG MATO SON OF BUYUANG DATUAK ANGEK GARANG, born on 29th Dece mber 1967, Religion: Islam, Occupation: private employee, Former Address: Jl. Ga rudo Tabang No. 212 Padang Timur, Current Address: no exact postal address but s till in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, Subdistrict: -, District: with divorce petition in her first divorce. The petitioner (former wife) is in post-intercourse condition. It is not known w hether the petitioner is in her menstrual, non-menstrual, or pregnant condition. Excerpt of Marriage Certificate from the Office of Religious Affairs of Salayo S ubdistrict, Solok District, Dated 14th October 2002, No. 44/03/K/2002. Thus the Divorce Certificate is drawn up and signed by BUYUANG DATUAK RANGKAYO G ADANG, Clerk of Solok Religious Court. Clerk Signed and sealed BUYUANG DATUAK RANGKAYO GADANG, S.H.

CERTIFICATION Cross the inapplicable This document is the same as the original Solok Religious Court CLERK Signed and sealed BUYUANG DATUAK RANGKAYO GADANG, S.H. Posted by Hipyan (Mr) Time Friday, March 28, 2008 0 Comment(s) Label: Contoh Terjemahan 25 March 2008 Sample Email Translation English Source Text From : . . . Subject: Coal Spec Date : Tue, 18 Mar 2008 To : . . . Specifications and conditions below: Total Moisture as received: 14% reject >17% Total Moisture dried basis: 7% Ash dried basis: 8% reject >11% Volatile Air Dried Basis: 42 approx Sulfur Air Dried Basis:

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