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Human Alkyladenine DNA Glycosylase Employs a Processive Search for DNADamage†

Mark Hedglin‡ and Patrick J. O’Brien*,‡,§

Chemical Biology Program and Department of Biological Chemistry, UniVersity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-0606

ReceiVed June 3, 2008; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed August 13, 2008

ABSTRACT: DNA repair proteins conduct a genome-wide search to detect and repair sites of DNA damagewherever they occur. Human alkyladenine DNA glycosylase (AAG) is responsible for recognizing a varietyof base lesions, including alkylated and deaminated purines, and initiating their repair via the base excisionrepair pathway. We have investigated the mechanism by which AAG locates sites of damage using anoligonucleotide substrate containing two sites of DNA damage. This substrate was designed so that AAGrandomly binds to either of the two lesions. AAG-catalyzed base excision creates a repair intermediate,and the subsequent partitioning between dissociation and diffusion to the second site can be quantifiedfrom the rates of formation of the different products. Our results demonstrate that AAG has the ability toslide for short distances along DNA at physiological salt concentrations. The processivity of AAG decreaseswith increasing ionic strength to become fully distributive at high ionic strengths, suggesting that electrostaticinteractions between the negatively charged DNA and the positively charged DNA binding surface areimportant for nonspecific DNA binding. Although the amino terminus of the protein is dispensable forglycosylase activity at a single site, we find that deletion of the 80 amino-terminal amino acids significantlydecreases the processivity of AAG. These observations support the idea that diffusion on undamagedDNA contributes to the search for sites of DNA damage.

Although DNA is remarkably stable, it is neverthelesssusceptible to spontaneous damage via reactions with cellularmetabolites and environmental mutagens. Chemical reactionsthat alter the structure of the nucleobases within DNA aremost commonly recognized and repaired by the base excisionrepair (BER)1 pathway. Some base lesions can block DNAreplication and transcription with cytotoxic effects, and manymore alter the base pairing properties so that replication leadsto mispairing and mutation. The BER pathway is initiatedby a DNA repair glycosylase that must locate the site ofdamage within the genome. Once a damaged base is located,the glycosylase flips out the damaged nucleotide andcatalyzes the hydrolysis of the N-glycosidic bond to releasethe lesioned base. The subsequent actions of an endonuclease,abasic site lyase, DNA polymerase, and DNA ligase arerequired to complete the repair pathway.

It is estimated that ∼104 base lesions are formed in atypical human cell every day and that the vast majority of

these are correctly repaired by BER or other DNA repairpathways (4). On the one hand, a large number of potentialmutagenic events must be corrected. On the other hand, theselesions are very rare considering the size of the humandiploid genome (∼1010 nucleotides), with only one of every1 million nucleotides sustaining damage on any given day.To underscore the magnitude of the damage recognitionproblem, this level of DNA damage requires a search of ∼105

nucleotides each day per enzyme molecule for an abundantprotein of ∼105 copies per cell, and less abundant proteinswould need to search a larger number of nucleotides.2

Despite its importance, there is still much to learn about theinitial recognition of DNA damage and about the mecha-nisms that ensure a complete and continuous search of thegenome.

Human alkyladenine DNA glycosylase (AAG) is a 33 kDamonomeric protein that initiates repair of a diverse group ofalkylated and deaminated purine nucleotides. These lesionsinclude 3-methyladenine, 7-methylguanine, and 1,N6-ethenoad-enine (εA), as well as the deaminated purines hypoxanthineand oxanine (refs 5 and 6 and refs cited therein). Aconsequence of this broad specificity is that AAG removesnormal bases at a low level (5, 7, 8). Substrate selectionappears to be governed by a combination of selectivity filters.The first selectivity filter occurs at the nucleotide flippingstep, since AAG preferentially selects lesions that are pre-

† This work was supported by a grant from the National Institutesof Health to P.J.O. (CA122254).

* To whom correspondence should be addressed: Department ofBiological Chemistry, University of Michigan Medical School, 1150W. Medical Center Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0606. E-mail:[email protected]. Phone: (734) 647-5821. Fax: (734) 764-3509.

‡ Chemical Biology Program.§ Department of Biological Chemistry.1 Abbreviations: AAG, alkyladenine DNA glycosylase, also known

as methylpurine DNA glycosylase (MPG) and 3-methyladenine DNAglycosylase; BER, base excision repair; BSA, bovine serum albumin;εA, 1,N6-ethenoadenine; Fp, fraction processive; FPG, formamidopy-rimidine DNA glycosylase; I, ionic strength; NaHEPES, sodium N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N′-2-ethanesulfonate; NaMES, sodium 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonate; PAGE, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.

2 The abundance of AAG in human fibroblasts was determined tobe 2 × 105 molecules per cell from glycosylase activity in cell extracts(1). This is similar to the abundances of other base excision repairenzymes, which have been reported to be between 0.5 and 3 × 105

molecules per cell (2, 3).

Biochemistry XXXX, xxx, 000–000 A

10.1021/bi801046y CCC: $40.75 XXXX American Chemical Society

Published on Web 10/08/2008

Page 2: Human Alkyladenine DNA Glycosylase Employs a Processive Search

sented in unstable base pairs. The catalytic mechanismconstitutes a second selectivity filter. Once the lesions arebound, the use of general acid catalysis ensures that AAGexcises only purine bases, even though smaller pyrimidinescan fit into the active site (9, 10). The third selectivity filterconsists of unfavorable steric clashes with the exocyclicamino groups of guanine and adenine, so that purine lesionslacking these functional groups are preferentially recognized.Finally, since alkylation of N3 and N7 of the purine ringleads to destabilization of the N-glycosidic bond, AAG isable to effectively excise N-alkyl lesions with a relativelymodest rate enhancement.

In this study, we focus on understanding the mechanismby which AAG searches for sites of DNA damage. It iswidely accepted that genome-wide searches for specific siteswill be most efficient if a correlated search is used wherebyeach binding encounter with the DNA involves a search ofmultiple adjacent sites (11-14). This can be accomplishedby diffusion along the DNA, which can be mediated bynonspecific binding interactions. A large body of work onrestriction endonucleases and transcription factors has dem-onstrated the ability of these proteins to slide along DNA insearch of their recognition sites (e.g., refs 15-17). Studiesof several BER enzymes have also found evidence ofprocessive action at adjacent sites on DNA, albeit withprocessivity decreased relative to those of the restrictionendonucleases (18-24). A common criticism of many ofthese in vitro findings is that processive action occursprimarily at salt concentrations that are below physiologicallevels. Nevertheless, these studies provide compelling evi-dence that these proteins are capable of diffusion along DNA.In several cases, mutants have been used to directly correlatereductions in processivity with reduced biological func-tion (25-27). This correlation between in vivo function andthe ability to conduct a correlated search in vitro suggeststhat diffusion along DNA is important for lesion recognitionin vivo.

Our studies have focused on the repair of εA lesions. Thislesion is thought to be the result of lipid peroxidation, andit is found at low levels in human cells under normal growthconditions (28, 29). Since εA cannot hydrogen bond withany of the normal bases (Scheme 1), it is expected to presenta relatively low barrier to nucleotide flipping. Indeed, itappears to bind more tightly than other substrates (5, 30).The crystal structure of AAG bound to an extrahelical εAlesion shows that it is readily accommodated in the activesite pocket, and the backbone amide of His136 donates ahydrogen bond to the N6 atom (31).

We have developed a simple in vitro processivity assayand used it to characterize the ability of AAG to diffuse alongDNA. We find that AAG is able to search at least 25 bp ofDNA prior to dissociation at physiological ionic strength andpH. The ability of AAG to diffuse along DNA is eliminatedat higher ionic strengths, consistent with the importance ofelectrostatic interactions for DNA scanning. Deletion of thepoorly conserved amino terminus of AAG results in de-creased processivity, presumably by increasing the rate ofdissociation from DNA. These observations demonstrate thatAAG is capable of performing a correlated search of DNAin vitro and that this ability is expected to increase theefficiency of DNA damage recognition in vivo.


Proteins. Escherichia coli formamidopyrimidine DNAglycosylase (FPG) was obtained from New England Biolabs.Full-length and truncated recombinant human AAG wereexpressed in E. coli and purified as previously described (5, 9).We refer to the amino-terminally truncated protein as ∆80,but residues K80G81H82L83 have been replaced with residuesG80P81H82M83 that remain after proteolytic cleavage byhuman rhinovirus 3C protease. The concentrations of AAGproteins were determined from the absorbance at 280 nmand the calculated extinction coefficients. Under low ionicstrength conditions, the excision of hypoxanthine shows burstkinetics (see the Supporting Information), with a rapid initialturnover followed by a slower steady state rate. We usedthis burst amplitude to calculate the concentration of activeprotein. The results from the burst analyses were in excellentagreement with the calculated concentration of AAG,indicating that greater than 90% of the recombinant proteinsare active (see the Supporting Information).

Synthesis and Purification of Oligonucleotides. DNAsubstrates were synthesized by Integrated DNA Technologiesor the Keck Center at Yale University. The εA-containingoligonucleotides were synthesized using ultramild protectinggroups, and all other oligonucleotides were synthesized withstandard protecting groups and deprotected according to themanufacturer’s recommendations (Glen Research). Afterbeing desalted using Sephadex G-25, oligonucleotides werepurified on denaturing polyacrylamide gels. DNA wasextracted and desalted with a C18 reverse phase column(Sep-pak, Waters). Concentrations were determined from theabsorbance at 260 nm using the calculated extinctioncoefficients. For εA-containing strands, we calculated theextinction coefficent for the identical sequence containingA in place of εA and then subtracted a value of 9400 M-1

cm-1 per εA residue to correct for the weaker absorbanceof εA relative to A. For 5′, 3′, or dual fluorescein-labeledoligonucleotides, we assessed the labeling efficiency bycomparing the absorbance at 260 nm with that at 495 nmand the calculated labeling efficiency was greater than 85%in all cases. For routine burst analysis that aimed to measure

Scheme 1

B Biochemistry, Vol. xxx, No. xx, XXXX Hedglin and O’Brien

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the glycosylase activity and the fraction of active enzyme,the deoxyinosine-containing oligonucleotide 5′-(6-fam)-CGATAGCATCCTICCTTCTCTCCAT was annealed to thecomplementary 5′-ATGGAGAGAAGGTAGGATGCTATCGoligonucleotide with a 2-fold excess of the unlabeled strand.The sequence for the doubly labeled εA-containing oligo-nucleotide duplex is given in Figure 1.

Glycosylase ActiVity Assay. Reactions were carried out at37 °C. Unless otherwise indicated, the buffer consisted of50 mM NaMES (pH 6.1), 10% (v/v) glycerol, 0.1 mg/mLBSA, and the ionic strength was adjusted with NaCl. At pH7.5, NaMES was replaced with 50 mM NaHEPES. Theenzyme concentration ranged from 20 nM to 10 µM. Controlexperiments demonstrated that both full-length and ∆80AAG retained greater than 60% of their activity whenincubated under these conditions without DNA for up to 15 hand greater than 90% of their activity when incubated withDNA substrate under multiple-turnover conditions (see theSupporting Information). The reactions were initiated byadding a small volume of enzyme to a reaction volume of20-60 µL that contained between 20 nM and 5 µMfluorescein-labeled DNA. Aliquots were withdrawn at varioustimes and quenched with 2 volumes of 0.3 M sodiumhydroxide to yield a final concentration of 0.2 M. Thequenched samples were stored at 4 °C until they were furtherprocessed to prevent base-catalyzed ring opening andsubsequent depurination of the εA lesions (32). Samples wereheated at 70 °C for 15 min to quantitatively cleave abasicsites. Control reactions demonstrated that negligible εA siteswere cleaved by this treatment (e1%, data not shown). Afterhydroxide-catalyzed cleavage of abasic sites, the sampleswere diluted with 3 volumes of formamide, containing 10mM EDTA, and resolved on 20% (w/v) polyacrylamidesequencing gels containing 6.6 M urea. Gels were scannedwith a Typhoon fluorescence imager (GE Healthcare) todetect fluorescein (excitation at 488 nm and emission witha 520BP40 filter). The resulting fluorescence signal was

quantified using ImageQuant and corrected for the amountof background signal. A standard curve was constructed byloading different amounts of fluorescently labeled oligo, andthis established the linearity of the assay up to 2 pmol ofDNA per band (data not shown). The intensity of each DNAband was converted into a fraction by dividing its intensityby the sum of the intensities for all of the DNA speciespresent.

Single-TurnoVer Kinetics. The 47-mer processivity sub-strate (Figure 1) was incubated with excess enzyme to ensuresingle-turnover conditions (this required a >2-fold molarexcess of enzyme). The reaction progress curve was plottedas the fraction of product versus time and was fit by a singleexponential F ) e(-kobst), where F is the fraction of reaction,kobs the observed rate constant, and t time. In all cases, thenonlinear least-squares fit was excellent (R2 < 0.95). At asaturating concentration of enzyme, the observed single-turnover rate constant reaches a maximum that we will termkmax [33; we have previously termed this value kst, the single-turnover rate constant (5, 9)]. The concentration of enzymewas varied by at least 3-fold to establish that the observedrate was independent of the concentration of enzyme,indicating that enzyme was in excess and at a saturatingconcentration (i.e., kobs ) kmax).

Multiple-TurnoVer Kinetics. Steady state kinetics for thedual lesion substrate were measured with a range of a10-1000-fold excess of substrate over enzyme. Unlessotherwise indicated, 2 µM DNA and 20 nM AAG (100-foldexcess of substrate) were used. Although reaction rates werelinear to >50% consumption of substrate, we used only thefirst 15-20% of the reactions to calculate initial rates. Theinitial rates for the disappearance of the substrate werecalculated as a fractional change per unit of time. Values ofkcat were calculated by multiplying this rate by the concentra-tion of DNA and dividing by the concentration of enzyme[Vinit (nanomolar per minute) ) Vinit(fraction per minute) ×[DNA] (nanomolar) ) kcat[E]). At pH 6.1 and a low ionicstrength, the rate-limiting step for multiple turnover isdissociation of the abasic product. We have fit the ionicstrength dependence of kcat with the cooperative model kcat

) kmax[In/(Kan + In)], where I is ionic strength, n the number

of cation binding sites, Ka the average affinity constant forbinding of the cation, and kmax the maximal single-turnoverrate constant.

Determination of the Fraction ProcessiVe (Fp). The ratioof processive events in which both damaged bases areexcised in a single binding encounter divided by the totalnumber of enzymatic events is defined as the fractionprocessive. Since only the ends of the DNA are labeled(Figure 1), an expression must be derived that depends onlyontheinitialratesofformationofproductsandintermediates(15,34).Accordingly, Fp ) (VA + VC - VAB - VBC)/(VA + VB +VAB + VBC), where VA and VB are the initial velocities forthe formation of the two products and VAB and VBC are theinitial velocities for the formation of the two intermediates(Figure 1; see the Supporting Information for the derivation).Averages and standard deviations are reported for 3-10independent determinations. The fraction processive de-creases as the rate of dissociation increases. We have fit thisto a cooperative model in which cations can bind to multiplesites on the DNA and thereby affect the rate of AAGdissociation. This model is analogous to the Hill equation,

FIGURE 1: Design of a simple substrate to monitor processivity ofa DNA repair glycosylase. (A) A 47-mer oligonucleotide duplexwas prepared that contains two εA lesions, and the lesion-containingstrand is labeled at both 3′ and 5′ ends with fluorescein (Fl). Theimmediate sequence contexts of the two lesions are identical(underlined). (B) Expected products after AAG-catalyzed baseexcision and alkaline cleavage of the abasic product. Only thelesion-containing strand is shown, and the asterisk indicates afluorescein label.

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which takes the following form. Fp ) Fp,max - ∆FpIn/(Kan +

In), where Fp is the fraction processive, Fp,max the maximalprocessivity observed, ∆Fp the difference between themaximal and minimal processivity observed, n the numberof cation binding sites, and Ka the average association rateconstant for cation binding.

We found that a small percentage (∼4%) of the substratecontains a ring-opened form of εA, such that only a singleεA lesion is available for AAG-catalyzed excision (see theSupporting Information). This heterogeneity is expected todecrease the observed fraction processive. Assuming thatAAG does not distinguish between oligonucleotides contain-ing one or two lesions, it is predicted that single εA substrateswill constitute ∼4% of the binding encounters under initialrate conditions (this has the effect of decreasing the initialrate of product formation by 4% and increasing the initialrate of intermediate formation by 4%). AAG-catalyzedexcision of εA from a substrate that contains only a singlesite of damage will generate an intermediate-length oligo-nucleotide of 37 or 34 nucleotides that cannot be distin-guished from an intermediate that arose from distributiveaction (i.e., dissociation by AAG prior to engagement of thesecond εA site). Thus, even if AAG were 100% processive,our preparation of substrate sets an upper limit to the fractionprocessive of 0.92 [Fp ) (Vp - Vint)/(Vp + Vint) ) (Vp -0.04Vp - 0.04Vp)/(Vp - 0.04Vp + 0.04Vp) ) 0.92, where Vp

and Vint are the sums of the initial rates for products andintermediates, respectively; Vp ) VA + VC; Vint ) VAB +VBC].

The processivity function predicts a minimum value of 0for purely distributive action. In this case, the initial ratesfor formation of products and intermediates will be identical(Vp ) Vint). However, for initial rates that proceed up to 10%of the reaction of substrate, the probability of rebinding areleased intermediate is not infinitely low. For example, at10% reaction, the probability of rebinding an intermediateis 10% of that of binding a new substrate, if one assumesthat the majority of binding encounters involve nonspecificinteractions with DNA. The gradual accumulation of inter-mediates is expected to cause downward curvature in thereaction progress curve for the concentration of the inter-mediates and upward curvature in the reaction progress curvefor the concentration of products. The effect of rebindingan intermediate in a purely distributive mechanism can beroughly estimated by evaluating the processivity at both 10and 20% of the reaction. When 10% product is formed, thepredicted velocity for formation of product will not beaffected because binding to either substrate or intermediatesgives rise to the same products (Vp,corrected ) 0.9Vp + 0.1Vp

) Vp). However, the corrected velocity for formation of theintermediates will be decreased because fewer enzymaticevents form intermediates from substrate and because actionon existing intermediates decreases the amount of intermedi-ates (Vint,corrected ) 0.9Vp - 0.1Vp ) 0.8Vp). This gives apredicted processivity value of 0.11 [Fp ) (Vp - Vint)/(Vp +Vint) ) (Vp - 0.8Vp)/(Vp + 0.8Vp) ) 0.11]. At 20% of thereaction, this increases to an Fp of 0.25. Therefore, the plateauof ∼0.1 that we observe for the fraction processive at highionic strengths is likely to reflect a fully distributivemechanism rather than a residual ionic strength-independentprocessive mechanism.


Design of a QuantitatiVe ProcessiVity Assay for Charac-terizing the Ability of AAG To Diffuse along DNA. We wereinterested in examining the extent to which AAG can uselinear diffusion to search multiple nucleotides during a singlebinding encounter. Previous studies have shown that otherbase excision repair enzymes are able to act processively atmultiple sites on concatameric substrates (18-21). However,the previously employed assays have the limitation that mostindividual intermediates cannot be resolved. Therefore, wedesigned a synthetic oligonucleotide substrate that containstwo sites of damage. By labeling both ends of the DNA,base excision at either site can be observed (Figure 1).Similar strategies have been used to study the processivityof restriction endonucleases (e.g., refs 15, 17, and 34), anda recent report (35) described an internal labeling strategyfor investigating the processivity of E. coli uracil DNAglycosylase.

The premise of the processivity assay is that an enzymecapable of diffusion along DNA will randomly bind to asite on the substrate and then diffuse along the DNA to locateone lesion or the other. Under multiple-turnover conditionswith excess substrate, most substrates will not have a proteinbound. When the enzyme dissociates, there is a low prob-ability of rebinding the same DNA molecule. If the enzymecan diffuse along DNA and sample many binding sites priorto dissociation, then it may be able to excise both lesionsbefore dissociating. We refer to the ability to remove multiplelesions in a single binding encounter as a processive modeof action. In the extreme case of 100% processive action,no intermediates corresponding to a single excision will befound. If AAG lacks the ability to diffuse along the DNA(i.e., dissociation into solution is much faster than translo-cation to the other site of damage), then intermediatescorresponding to action at only a single site will accumulateat the same rate as the terminal fragments [enzymatic eventsE1 and E2 (Figure 1)]. This extreme is called distributiveaction. Depending on the distance between the target sitesand the solution conditions, the behavior of the enzyme isexpected to lie somewhere between these two extremes. Weuse the fraction processive (Fp) to define the fraction ofenzymatic binding events that are processive versus the totalnumber of processive and distributive events (Scheme 2; seeMaterials and Methods and the Supporting Information). Theaverage processivity can be determined by following manyDNA binding events under steady state conditions (15).

AAG is a monofunctional DNA glycosylase, and itsproducts are an abasic site and a free nucleobase. To monitorcreation of the abasic site, enzymatic reactions were quenchedin sodium hydroxide and mixtures heated to quantitativelyconvert the abasic sites into single-strand breaks. Substrates,products, and intermediates (resulting from base excision atone of the two sites of damage) were separated on adenaturing polyacrylamide gel and their relative intensitiesquantified with a fluorescence scanner (see Figures 1 and2). The internal fragment [B (Figure 1)] is unique toprocessive enzymatic events, but it is not labeled and cannotbe detected directly in our experiments. Nevertheless, wecan calculate the fraction processive because all of the otherDNA species are observed and independently quantified (seeMaterials and Methods and the Supporting Information).

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Human AAG exists in at least two splice forms that differslightly at their amino termini, and the larger splice variantis 298 amino acids in length (36-38). The amino terminusof AAG is poorly conserved even among mammals (see theSupporting Information). In contrast, the carboxy-terminalglycosylase domain is highly conserved across vertebrates,and sequence conservation can be detected in some prokary-otic DNA glycosylases (39, 40). The amino-terminal portionof human AAG is sensitive to proteolytic degradation, andit was not included in the crystal structures of AAG boundto DNA substrate and inhibitor (31, 41). Our initial experi-ments used a truncated form of AAG (∆80) that lacks thefirst 79 amino acids. This protein appears to be fullyfunctional for N-glycosylase activity in a variety of in vitroassays (9, 36, 42). Other studies have implicated the aminoterminus in interactions with other proteins, hHR23a/b andMBD1 (43, 44). Therefore, we have also examined theprocessivity of the full-length recombinant protein (longestsplice variant).

Characterization of the ProcessiVity Substrate. We per-formed single-turnover reactions with excess ∆80 AAG overDNA as an initial characterization of the substrate (Figure2). Under these conditions, both sites of damage can besimultaneously saturated (two AAG molecules per substrateoligonucleotide), so that any differences in reaction rate atthe two sites can be monitored. As the two εA sites havevery similar sequence contexts, it was expected that the twosites would have similar reactivities (Figure 1A). Indeed, thesingle-turnover rate constant was essentially identical for bothsites [kmax ) 0.20 ( 0.01 min-1 (Figures 2 and 3)]. Thisrate constant is identical to that of the previously reportedsingle-turnover excision of a 25-mer εA-containing oligo-nucleotide that shares the same sequence context [kmax )0.2 min-1 (5)]. The observed disappearance of substrateoccurs at twice the rate (kobs ) 0.4 min-1) since excision ateither of the two sites depletes the concentration of substrate(Figure 2B). For two independent excision events, theintermediates, in which only a single εA is excised, buildup and then decay as a function of the rate constants forexcision at both sites, which are identical in this case. Welet the AAG-catalyzed reaction go to completion so that wecould directly compare the fluorescence of the 5′- and 3′-labeled fragments (Figure 2). The almost identical fluores-cence of the two bands indicates that the 5′-(6-amino)fluo-rescein and 3′-fluorescein labels that were used have very

similar quantum yields. Therefore, no corrections need tobe made to the raw fluorescence values obtained from scansof the gel.

Since εA is susceptible to ring opening, especially atalkaline pH (32), we were concerned that some of the εAsites might be damaged during solid phase synthesis,deprotection, and purification. Indeed, this could explain thepersistence of the AB and BC intermediate fragments overlong reaction times (e.g., Figure 2). Since AAG has little orno activity against the ring-opened from of εA (45), suchdamage would lead to an underestimate of the degree ofprocessivity because the enzyme could act on these substratemolecules only once, regardless of residence time. Weallowed the single-turnover reaction with AAG to proceedfor more than 10 half-lives and determined that greater than99% of the fluorescein-labeled substrate contains at least oneεA that could be recognized by AAG and ∼95% containstwo εA lesions. This is consistent with an ∼2% chance thata given εA nucleotide undergoes spontaneous degradationduring synthesis, deprotection, and purification. Controlreactions with E. coli FPG, an enzyme known to be activeon the ring-opened form of εA (45), confirmed that themajority of the AAG-resistant lesions could be excised byFPG and are likely to be ring-opened εA bases (see theSupporting Information). This small percentage of substratethat is refractory to dual excision by AAG (∼4%) leads toa slight underestimate of the processivity. We calculate atheoretical maximum Fp of 0.92 for a fully processiveenzyme acting on this substrate (see Materials and Methods).Since none of our conclusions rely on the exact value of thefraction processive, we have not corrected any of the ob-served values of Fp for the heterogeneity existing in the DNAsubstrate.

To ensure that the AAG ·DNA complex is fully saturatedat high ionic strengths, we investigated the ionic strengthdependence of the single-turnover reaction at several con-centrations of AAG. At saturating concentrations, the single-turnover rate constant reports on steps that occur subsequentto DNA binding up to and including N-glycosidic bondcleavage (Scheme 2). Since base flipping is expected to befast, N-glycosidic bond cleavage is likely to be rate-limitingunder these conditions (5). In the ionic strength range from30 to 300 mM, the single-turnover rate constant is indepen-dent of ionic strength and identical for both sites [kmax )0.20 ( 0.01 (Figure 3)]. These data are for ∆80 AAG, butthe single-turnover rate constant for full-length AAG under

Scheme 2

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these conditions was the same within error [kmax ) 0.23 (0.04 (data not shown)]. These data confirm that theAAG ·DNA complex is saturated at both sites even at highsalt concentrations and suggest that AAG-catalyzed N-glycosidic bond cleavage is insensitive to ionic strength inthis range.

ProcessiVity of AAG at Low Ionic Strengths. Previousstudies of processive action of enzymes on DNA haveconsistently found that processivity is greatest at low ionicstrengths and that it decreases with an increase in ionicstrength, presumably because dissociation from DNA isaccelerated at increased ionic strengths (15, 18, 46). There-fore, we performed multiple-turnover experiments under low-ionic strength conditions (I ) 50 mM) to address whetherAAG exhibits a processive searching mechanism. AAG hasa slightly acidic pH-rate optimum for excision of neutrallesions, including εA, so reactions were initially conductedat pH 6.1 (5, 9). Under these conditions, the multiple-turnoverreaction was very slow, requiring incubation times of up to12 h. This corresponds to multiple-turnover rate constantsthat are 10-20-fold lower than the single-turnover rateconstant. Stability controls indicated that both full-length and∆80 AAG retain at least 50% activity over 12 h whenincubated without DNA but are considerably more stablewhen incubated with DNA substrate, so that no loss of AAGactivity was detected during the course of the assay (see theSupporting Information). Figure 4 shows a representative gelfrom a multiple-turnover processivity experiment. The left-most lanes show time courses for reactions with no enzyme,∆80 AAG, or full-length AAG at an ionic strength of 50mM (Figure 4A). For both enzymes, it is apparent that theproducts resulting from processive action build up muchmore quickly than the intermediates that result from distribu-tive action, as expected for a processive mode of action(Figure 4B,C). Surprisingly, ∆80 AAG was ∼2-fold fasterthan full-length AAG for multiple-turnover excision of εA

FIGURE 2: Characterization of the processivity substrate under single-turnover conditions. Representative time course for AAG-catalyzedexcision of εA with 35 nM oligonucleotide duplex and 350 nM ∆80AAG at pH 6.1 and an ionic strength of 300 mM (see Materials andMethods for details). (A) Fluorescence scan of a 20% denaturingpolyacrylamide gel showing increasing incubation times from left toright. The positions of the 47-mer substrate (ABC), 37-mer (BC), 34-mer (AB), 11-mer (C), and 9-mer (A) products are shown at the right(see Figure 1 for a schematic of the substrate and expected productsresulting from N-glycosidic bond cleavage and hydroxide-catalyzedabasic site hydrolysis). (B) Amount of each labeled DNA expressedas a fraction of the total fluorescence. Since the substrate contains twolabels and the other species contain only a single label, the maximumfor the product and intermediate bands is 0.5. The very similar maximalfractions observed for products and intermediates demonstrate that nocorrection is needed for either the labeling efficiency or the quantumyield of the 5′- and 3′-fluorescein labels. Furthermore, the almostidentical rate constants indicate that both sites are recognized by AAGwith equal efficiency.

FIGURE 3: Single-turnover excision of εA is independent of ionicstrength, and the two sites are equivalent under all of the conditionsthat were tested. Single-turnover excision of εA at site 1 (O) andsite 2 (0) was assessed with 1 µM DNA and 3, 6, and 9 µM ∆80AAG. The observed rate constants were independent of theconcentration of AAG, so the average and standard deviation areshown (each data point represents at least nine independentdeterminations of the rate constant). The rates of excision at bothsites are the same within error and independent of ionic strength(kmax ) 0.2 min-1). These results are the same as those previouslyreported for excision of a single εA lesion from a similar sequencecontext using a 32P-based glycosylase assay, suggesting that theactivity of AAG is not affected by either of the fluorescein labels(5).

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under these conditions (see below). The fraction processivewas calculated as described in Materials and Methods andgave values of 0.76 ( 0.09 and 0.88 ( 0.04 for ∆80 andfull-length AAG, respectively, indicating that both enzymesare highly processive at low ionic strengths.

Under multiple-turnover conditions, there is a very lowprobability of multiple proteins binding to the same DNAmolecule so any intrinsic difference in binding or baseexcision at the two sites can be detected. Both products(fragments A and C) are formed at essentially the same rate,and therefore, AAG does not have a preference for eitherthe 5′- or 3′-εA lesion (Figure 4A and data not shown).Although much smaller amounts of the two intermediatefragments (AB and BC) were formed under these conditions,the rates for their formation were also the same within error

FIGURE 4: Multiple-turnover processivity assay. (A) This representa-tive gel compares reaction mixtures containing full-length or ∆80AAG at pH 6.1 at an ionic strength of 50-150 mM. All reactionmixtures contained 2 µM oligonucleotide substrate and 20 nMenzyme. Three time points between 5 and 20% of the reaction werechosen for each reaction condition (the time varies between 0.1and 12 h, since the steady state rate is dependent upon ionicstrength). (B-G) Reaction progress curves for products (fragmentsA and C) and intermediates (fragments AB and BC) are shown foreach set of reactions. In this experiment, each reaction wasperformed in triplicate, and additional time points analyzed onadditional gels are included. The average values for each conditionare plotted, and the error bars indicate the standard deviation. PanelsB, D, and F show results obtained with ∆80 AAG, and panels C,E, and G show results obtained with full-length AAG. The ionicstrength was 50 mM (A and B), 150 mM (C and D), and 300 mM(E and G). The fraction processive was calculated from these dataand from additional experiments to produce the average Fp valuesthat are shown in Figure 6A.

FIGURE 5: Ionic strength affects multiple-turnover excision of εAat pH 6.1, but not at pH 7.5. The multiple-turnover rate constantsfor ∆80 (O) and full-length AAG (0) were measured at theindicated ionic strength. The average of three to eight replicates isshown, and the error bars indicate one standard deviation from themean. The solid lines shows the best fits to a cooperative model inwhich multiple sodium ions cause an increased rate of dissociationup to the threshold at which the rate of dissociation is greater thanthe rate for N-glycosidic bond cleavage (see Materials and Methodsfor details).

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(Figure 4A and data not shown). In principle, it is possiblefor an enzyme to exhibit different processivities dependingupon the site at which it acts first [i.e., E1,2 or E2,1 (Figure1)]. We considered this possibility but did not find asignificant difference between the two possible pathways (15,17; see the Supporting Information). This suggests that AAGrecognizes and excises the lesions from the two sites withidentical efficiency despite the different polarity and distancefrom the two DNA ends. Therefore, we routinely determinedinitial rates for the sum of the two products and for the sumof the two intermediates (e.g., Figure 4B,C). This facilitatedour ability to measure extremely slow rates of formation ofintermediates.

Effect of Ionic Strength on the Multiple-TurnoVer Reactionand ProcessiVity. The ionic strength dependence of the steadystate reaction was characterized to improve our understandingof the slow steady state rate at low ionic strengths and themodest, but reproducible, increase in the reaction rate forthe truncated form of AAG relative to the full-length protein.Since the DNA binding surface of AAG contains manycharged groups and because linear diffusion along DNA byother enzymes is very sensitive to ionic strength, weanticipated that an increased ionic strength would cause aswitch to a distributive mechanism. Comparison of theprocessivity of full-length and truncated proteins at increasedionic strengths would allow even a modest change inprocessivity to be detected.

First, we determined the effect of added sodium chlorideon the steady state reaction rate. The kcat values were obtainedfrom linear fits to the initial rates for disappearance ofsubstrate for reactions in which the ionic strength wasadjusted between 50 and 300 mM by the addition of sodiumchloride (see the Supporting Information for a representativeplot). The results for both full-length and ∆80 AAG aresummarized in Figure 5A. For ∆80 AAG, the multiple-turnover rate constant increases with an increase in ionicstrength until ∼200 mM, at which point it reaches the single-turnover rate constant. The full-length AAG follows a verysimilar ionic strength dependence but does not reach thesingle-turnover rate constant until an ionic strength of ∼250mM is reached. Across the ionic strength range from 50 to200 mM, the truncated enzyme maintains an ∼2-fold fasterrate of reaction. Although this difference between full-lengthand ∆80 AAG is modest, there are several reasons to believethat it is real. To control for possible differences in proteinconcentration, we performed active site titrations of bothenzymes on the same substrate to determine the activeconcentration of the enzyme (see the Supporting Informa-tion). To control for possible differences in DNA substrateconcentration, since the kcat value in a gel-based assay is alsodependent upon this concentration, the steady state kineticswere performed side by side with the same stock of DNA.Furthermore, both enzymes gave the same kcat value at highionic strengths, and this rate constant was in very closeagreement with the kmax values for single-turnover excision.

The ionic strength dependence of the steady state excisionby AAG strongly suggests that a different step is rate-limitingat low and high ionic strengths. The rate-limiting step at lowionic strengths accelerates in response to added salt up tothe point at which an ionic strength-independent stepbecomes rate-limiting. At high ionic strengths, the excellentagreement between the single-turnover and multiple-turnover

rate constants indicates that the rate-limiting step is the same,hydrolysis of the N-glycosidic bond. The rate-limiting stepat low ionic strengths for multiple-turnover excision mustoccur subsequent to hydrolysis of the N-glycosidic bond andis most likely to be dissociation of the DNA product. Anincreased dissociation rate constant at higher salt concentra-tions is consistent with weakened electrostatic interactionsbetween the positively charged protein and the negativelycharged DNA.

We compared the ionic strength dependence of the fractionprocessive for both full-length and ∆80 AAG, and the resultsare shown in Figure 6A. Both proteins show a steep decreasein processivity with an increase in ionic strength; however,the full-length protein shows significantly higher processivityat intermediate ionic strengths (100-200 mM). We believethat the processivity of ∼0.1 that both proteins approach athigh ionic strengths is reflective of a fully distributivemechanism, since this value is expected for distributive

FIGURE 6: Ionic strength affects the processivity of AAG. Proces-sivity at the optimal pH of 6.1 (A) and at pH 7.5 (B) was determinedat increasing ionic strengths, as described in Materials and Methods.Both ∆80 (O) and full-length AAG (0) were examined. The averagevalue of three to eight independent determinations is shown, andthe error bars indicate the standard deviation for each condition.

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mechanisms at 10-20% of the reaction due to the low, butfinite, probability of rebinding an intermediate containing asingle εA lesion (see Materials and Methods). The observa-tion of decreased fraction processivity under certain condi-tions provides an important validation of the processivityassay by addressing a trivial alternative interpretation of thelow levels of intermediates observed in the steady state assay.For example, if AAG preferentially rebinds a substrate withan abasic site, then the pattern of products would appear tobe processive even though the mechanism of base excisionis distributive. Further evidence against this alternative modelis that linear initial rates are observed for more than 40% ofthe reaction, indicating that even when the abasic productand εA-containing substrate are present in roughly equalamounts, AAG preferentially binds to the substrate (see theSupporting Information for a representative time course).

Multiple TurnoVer and ProcessiVity of AAG at Physiologi-cal pH. The initial processivity experiments were carried outat pH 6.1 because this is the optimal pH for AAG-catalyzedexcision of εA in vitro. However, since εA base excision isslower at higher pH, we also performed processivity experi-ments at pH 7.5. The kcat values for both enzymes aresignificantly lower at pH 7.5 than at pH 6.1 (Figure 5).However, in contrast to the ionic strength-dependent multiple-turnover reaction observed at lower pH, the multiple-turnoverreaction at higher pH was independent of ionic strengthbetween 50 and 300 mM (Figure 5B). The change in theionic strength dependence suggests that multiple-turnoverexcision is limited by N-glycosidic bond cleavage at pH 7.5and that dissociation of the abasic product is relatively fast.

As described above for the pH 6.1 conditions, the fractionprocessive was calculated for full-length and truncated AAGas a function of ionic strength at pH 7.5 (Figure 6B). Theresults closely resemble the results at the lower pH, withmaximal processivity at low ionic strengths (Fp ) 0.87 (0.04 for both full-length and ∆80 AAG) and with decreasingprocessivity at higher ionic strengths. The midpoint of theionic strength dependence is shifted to lower ionic strengthsfor both full-length and truncated proteins, relative to themidpoint observed at pH 6.1. For intermediate ionic strengthsat both pH 6.1 and 7.5, the full-length protein exhibits higherprocessivity than the ∆80 truncated protein. Although thecontribution of the amino terminus to a processive search ismodest, it is interesting to note that this effect is greatest atphysiological ionic strengths. This observation is consistentwith the idea that residues in the amino terminus fine-tunethe nonspecific DNA binding activity of AAG to allow forshort-range correlated searching of adjacent sites.


We have investigated the mechanism by which humanAAG, a DNA repair glycosylase that recognizes a widevariety of alkylated and deaminated purines, locates sites ofDNA damage. We describe a processivity assay that allowsquantitative measurement of the ability of AAG to removemultiple base lesions from a simple oligonucleotide substratein a single binding encounter. This assay has providedevidence that AAG employs a processive searching mech-anism that makes use of nonspecific DNA binding interac-tions to carry out a highly redundant search of adjacent sites.By comparing an amino-terminally truncated enzyme to the

full-length enzyme, we found that the amino terminus playsa role in nonspecific DNA binding and increases theprobability of a correlated search at physiological ionicstrengths. These results are similar to those obtained for avariety of DNA binding enzymes and further support theidea that nonspecific DNA binding is an important featureof enzymes that must carry out genome-wide searches forspecific sites (e.g., refs 11, 14, 15, 23, 24, and 47-49).

The relatively short, dual-lesion substrate that we haveutilized allows a simple and quantitative measure of theability of a DNA repair glycosylase to translocate betweennearby sites. This assay has several advantages over morecommonly employed assays involving concatameric sub-strates. Most importantly, the small substrate size allows eachpossible product to be quantified and any inherent direc-tionality of the scanning process to be detected. In addition,these substrates can be directly synthesized to allow for awide range of site-specific modifications, such as theincorporation of fluorescent labels. However, the dual-lesionassay has the disadvantage that long sliding distances cannotbe measured, because solid phase synthesis is limited torelatively short oligonucleotides. We have overcome thislimitation by increasing the ionic strength to weaken theprotein-DNA interaction. Beyond allowing quantitativecomparison of mutants or alternative substrates, the ionicstrength dependence provides mechanistic insight into theDNA damage recognition process.

At low ionic strengths, both full-length and ∆80 AAGexhibit a high degree of processivity at both pH 6.1 and 7.5(Figure 6). This demonstrates that nonspecific DNA bindingby AAG enables a correlated search over a distance of atleast several turns of the DNA helix. Since the εA lesionsare separated by 25 bp and the pitch of B-form DNA is 10.4bp per turn, these lesions are predicted to be on oppositesides of the DNA duplex. This rules out a hand-over-handmodel for diffusion along one face of the duplex that wouldbe analogous to the models that have been proposed for themovement of motor proteins such as myosin and kinesinalong either actin or microtubule filaments (50, 51). Thesedata are consistent with either a one-dimensional mode ofdiffusion along one strand of the duplex (52, 53) or a two-dimensional mode of diffusion in which both strands can besimultaneously searched (34, 54). We have fit the ionicstrength dependence of the fraction processive with acooperative model whereby multiple cations affect theprobability of finding a second site of damage. In principle,ionic strength-dependent changes in dissociation rate, scan-ning rate, or excision rate could be responsible for the ionicstrength dependence of the processivity. However, the baseexcision step is insensitive to ionic strength because thesingle-turnover reaction does not change at ionic strengthsbetween 50 and 300 mM (Figure 3). Therefore, the simplestinterpretation of the ionic strength dependence of theprocessivity is that the dissociation rate is dependent on ionicstrength and that the rate of scanning is not. Consistent withthis, the ionic strength at which half of the maximal kcat isobtained is similar to the ionic strength at which half of themaximal processivity is observed. Nevertheless, these ex-perimental observations cannot rule out the possibility thatthe rate of scanning is also dependent upon ionic strength.

At physiological pH and ionic strength (pH 7.5, I ) 150mM), AAG exhibits a processivity of 0.45 which is near the

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midpoint of the range of processivity values that we observe[0.1-0.9 (Figure 6B)]. Under these conditions, AAG has aroughly equal probability of finding the second site ofdamage or dissociating. It is possible that interactions withother proteins or covalent modifications of AAG increaseits processivity in vivo. However, the observed in vitroprocessivity is consistent with the requirements for a genome-wide search in vivo. The dissociative extreme in which onlya single base is sampled per binding encounter would beinefficient because the search for damage would involve theentire three-dimensional space of the nucleus. The associativeextreme would be inefficient because the repair protein wouldbe restricted to distinct domains of DNA and movementbetween accessible regions of DNA would be limited.Therefore, an intermediate level of processivity, in whichshort sections of DNA are exhaustively searched prior todissociation, is expected to balance the requirements ofcovering every single base of the genome (14, 16).

At the optimal pH of 6.1, the kcat value for both ∆80 andfull-length AAG is dependent upon ionic strength. Since thesingle-turnover rate constant is independent of ionic strength,this suggests that dissociation from the abasic DNA productis rate-limiting for multiple-turnover base excision. The AAGDNA binding surface has a high density of positive charge,so it is not surprising that high ionic strength weakens binding(Figure 7). We fit this ionic strength dependence with asimple model in which the rate of dissociation is dependentupon the number of sodium ions bound. At high ionicstrengths, dissociation becomes sufficiently fast that an earlierstep, presumably N-glycosidic bond hydrolysis, becomes rate-limiting. Consistent with this interpretation, the multiple-turnover rate constant reaches the same value as the kmax

value for single turnover (Figure 5A). In contrast, at pH 7.5the value of kcat is independent of ionic strength, suggestingthat the N-glycosidic bond hydrolysis step is rate-limitingfor multiple turnovers at even the lowest ionic strength tested.This is consistent with the observation that the single-turnover rate constant for excision of εA is ∼8-fold lowerat pH 7.5 than at pH 6.1 (9).

The slow rate constants that are observed for dissociationof the abasic product, reflected by slow multiple-turnover

excision at low ionic strengths, suggest a relatively long-lived AAG ·DNA complex. For example, at pH 6.1 and anionic strength of 150 mM, the full-length protein has a half-life of 7 min [t1/2 ) ln 2/kdissociation ) ln(2/0.1 min-1) ) 7min] for its dissociation from DNA containing an abasicDNA product. This can be compared to the half-life of 3min for the ∆80 truncated protein. At an ionic strength of50 mM, the half-life of the AAG ·DNA complexes increasesto 46 and 23 min for the full-length and truncated proteins,respectively. Presumably, dissociation would be faster fromundamaged DNA, but even 100-fold weaker binding toundamaged DNA would imply a dissociation half-time ofmany seconds. A single-molecule study of 8-oxoguanosineDNA glycosylase provided an estimate of as many as 3000bp sampled per second on undamaged DNA (55). If AAGexhibits similar fast sliding, this implies a massivelyredundant search of adjacent sites in this long-livedAAG ·DNA complex, in which case our lower estimate of>25 bp is an underestimate of the distance traveled duringa binding encounter.

The importance of electrostatic interactions for the stabi-lization of the AAG ·DNA complex is apparent from theincreasing rate of dissociation from DNA and from thedecreasing processivity that are observed with an increasein ionic strength. These observations are consistent withthe positively charged DNA binding groove that is observedin crystal structures of the AAG · εA-DNA complex [Figure7 (31, 41)]. The DNA binding groove contains four positivelycharged residues that directly contact the phosphate backbone(Arg141, Arg197, Arg182, and K229). It is not knownwhether there are additional contacts between the aminoterminus of AAG, which was not present in the crystalstructure, and the DNA. However, there are 13 arginine andlysine residues present in the first 80 amino acids, one ormore of which could provide a positive electrostatic interac-tion. The increase in the multiple-turnover rate constant andthe decreased processivity at higher ionic strengths that wasobserved upon deletion of the 80 amino-terminal amino acidssuggests that the amino terminus either contacts DNAdirectly or alters the conformation of AAG to slow dissocia-tion. However, the amino terminus does not appear to haveany effect on the rate of base excision since the rate constantfor the full-length protein reaches the rate constant of the∆80 truncated protein at high ionic strengths (Figure 5).

Although it is difficult to quantitatively compare theprocessivity results from AAG with the two-lesion substratewith the results from concatameric multiple-lesion substratesthat have been reported for other base excision repairenzymes, there are some obvious qualitative similarities.Whereas several enzymes exhibit processive excision ofadjacent lesions at low ionic strengths (e70 mM), includingE. coli and human UNG (19, 20), Micrococcus luteus (56)and T4 endoV (46, 57), human APE1 (18), E. coli MutY(21), and E. coli FPG (21), their behavior becomes distribu-tive when the ionic strength is greater than 70 mM. Only E.coli FPG acting on an 8-oxoguanosine · cytosine-containingconcatameric DNA showed processive behavior with an ionicstrength greater than 100 mM (21). It appears that AAG is moreprocessive than these other enzymes that have been previouslystudied, because it shows a bias toward processive action ationic strengths of up to 200 mM at optimal pH and up to 150mM at physiological pH. Taken together, the results from a

FIGURE 7: Electrostatic surface potential of the AAG catalyticdomain that reveals a positively charged DNA binding surface. Thecrystal structure of the AAG · εA-DNA complex was used togenerate this figure [PDB entry 1F4R (31)]. Electrostatic calcula-tions were performed on the protein alone with Pymol ( and APBS [58; using a plug-in written by M.Lerner (∼mlerner/PyMOL/)]. Acontinuum from -2 (red) to +2 (blue) is shown. A view of theactive site and bound DNA is at the left, illustrating the positivelycharged DNA binding surface, and at the right is the moleculerotated horizontally by 180° to show that the positively chargedsurface continues around the protein.

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variety of eukaryotic and prokaryotic base excision repairenzymes are consistent with the idea that a coordinated searchis important over relatively short distances along DNA.

In summary, our results reveal that AAG searches manyadjacent sites on a DNA molecule in a single binding eventprior to dissociation. This observation suggests that themajority of lesion recognition events involve initial nonspe-cific binding to undamaged sites followed by diffusion alongthe DNA. This searching process is expected to be highlyredundant given the long lifetime of the AAG ·DNA com-plex, providing ample opportunity for the enzyme torecognize and excise lesions that minimally perturb thestructure of DNA. As the ionic strength is increased abovephysiological levels, the rate of dissociation from DNAincreases and AAG switches to a distributive searchingmechanism. In addition, deletion of the 80 amino-terminalamino acids, a region dispensable for catalytic activity, resultsin significantly decreased processivity at physiological ionicstrengths. These observations suggest that the nonspecificbinding affinity of AAG is tuned to allow for correlatedsearches of a local DNA domain while still allowing freedomfor a long-range three-dimensional search.


While this paper was under review, two independentstudies were published in which similar techniques were usedto examine the processivity of other DNA repair glycosylases(59, 60).


We thank Abby Wolfe for providing comments on themanuscript.


Characterization of the εA-containing oligonucleotidesubstrate, active site titrations to determine the concentrationof active AAG, protein stability controls, directional pro-cessivity analysis, and derivation of the processivity equation.This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


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L Biochemistry, Vol. xxx, No. xx, XXXX Hedglin and O’Brien

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