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A Summer Training Report




Submitted to GLA University, MATHURA.

 In The partial fulfillment of the reuirement for the

A!ard of the de"ree of #a$helor of #usiness Administration


Submitted By

Simran Agarwal

Roll no '(('))'*'

Under the Esteemed Guidance of 

Mrs. Preety Shrotriya


Mathura, Uttar Pradesh

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All that is tau"ht in the $lassroom proves useful !hen applied in the pra$ti$al

field. +ra$ti$al orientation of a mana"ement student is must, to perform as a

 potential mana"er. It is for this reason that proe$t trainin" is pres$ribed as a part

of syllabus for my ba$helor in business administration,

I oined ---+L for my summer trainin". I !as pla$ed under the able "uiden$e

of Trainin" and evelopment .

I !as dire$ted to "o throu"h +rin$iples, +oli$ies of ---+L, Manpo!er needs of 

$ompany, re$ruitment pro$ess ,various steps !hile sele$tin" a $andidate /for the

 purpose of ma0in" the proe$t on RE!RU"ME#T A#$ SE%E!T"O#

PRO!ESS AT !!!P% .

In the follo!in" pa"es, I have tried to re$ord and analyses the different aspe$ts

su$h as 1ob 2no!led"e, Ri"ht person at the Ri"ht ob, satisfa$tion of employee

!ith the pro$ess of re$ruitment, +erforman$e of !or0for$e of the $ompany so as

to help Human Resour$e epartment to understand the $ompeten$ies of the

$ompany3s staff.

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My resear$h proe$t deals !ith )Recruitment and Se*ection system+ as

carried out at !!!P% "ndia %td. The obe$tive of my study is to understand

and analy4e the e5istin" re$ruitment 6 sele$tion pro$edure in the $ompany. The

HR professionals in the servi$e se$tor are no! stressin" on a systemati$

approa$h to re$ruitment and sele$tion for in$reasin" the mana"erial

effe$tiveness of its professionals.

The first se$tion my report deals !ith a detailed $ompany profile. It in$ludes the

$ompany3s history, its a$tivities and operations, et$. This se$tion attempts to

"ive detailed ba$0"round information about the $ompany and the nature of its


The se$ond se$tion deals !ith Re$ruitment and sele$tion. In this se$tion, I have

"iven a brief $on$eptual e5planation of the topi$. It $ontains the definitions,

 pro$ess and si"nifi$an$e of re$ruitment and sele$tion.

The third se$tion of my report deals !ith my observations about the pro$ess of 

re$ruitment and sele$tion at ---+L India ltd.. This is the $on$ludin" se$tion.

This se$tion also $ontains my findin"s and $on$lusions.

The fourth and final se$tion of this report $onsists of e5tra information that is

related to the main $ontents of the report. These anne5ure in$lude some forms

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and do$uments relatin" to the $ompany, also relatin" to the report and important

do$uments upon !hi$h the report is based.

I sin$erely hope ---+L India Ltd. finds my su""estions and re$ommendations

to be of some benefit to it in $arryin" out their a$tivities more effi$iently

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7Human Resour$e Mana"ement fun$tion that helps mana"ers re$ruit, sele$t,

train and develop members for an or"ani4ation. 8bviously, HRM is $on$erned

!ith the people3s dimension in or"ani4ations.

  9or0 for$e of an 8r"ani4ation is one of the most important inputs of 

$omponents. It is said that people are our sin"le most important assets. #e$ause

of the uniue importan$e of HUMA: R;S8UR-; and its $omple5ity due to

ever $han"in" psy$holo"y, behaviour and attitudes of men and !omen at !or0,

in all business $on$erns, there is one $ommon element. I.e. Human personnel

fun$tion, i.e., manpo!er mana"ement fun$tion is be$omin" in$reasin"ly

spe$iali4ed. The personnel fun$tion or system $an be broadly defined as the

mana"ement of people at !or0< mana"ement of mana"ers and mana"ement of 

!or0ers. +ersonnel fun$tion is parti$ularly interested in personnel relationship

and intera$tion of employees<human relations.

In a sense, mana"ement is personnel administration. Mana"ement is the

development of people, and not mere dire$tion of material resour$es. Human

$apital is the "reatest asset of a business enterprise. The essential in"redient of 

mana"ement is the leadership and dire$tion of people. ;a$h mana"er of people

has to be his o!n personnel man. +ersonnel mana"ement is not somethin" you

really turn over to personnel department staff.

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,R -,uman Resource Po*icies/

To hire the best talents at optimal pri$e and utili4e their servi$es to the

ma5imum benefit of the or"ani4ation.

To impart uality $ons$iousness amon" all employees throu"h proper 


To re$o"ni4e, re$ord, revie! and re!ard the talents after appropriately

 pla$in" them in the areas, !here their $ontribution $an be the best.

To evaluate the ;mployees performan$e, throu"h effe$tive performan$e


To provide annual 6 so$ial se$urity benefits to the employees in order to

safe"uard their rainy days.

To $reate a pride of belon"in" and team spirit throu"h $lose asso$iation

!ith the mana"ement at various levels.

To $onfer o!nership of the firm on employees throu"h employees Sto$0 

8ption S$hemes.

,R 'ision/

 To develop and implement best HR pra$ti$es to empo!er employees and

improve uality of life.

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,R Mission/

To hire the best talents at optimal pri$e and utili4e their servi$es to the

ma5imum benefit of the or"ani4ation.

To impart uality $ons$iousness amon" all employees throu"h proper 


To re$o"ni4e, re$ord, revie! and re!ard the talents after appropriately

 pla$in" them in the areas, !here their $ontribution $an be the best.

To $onstantly up"rade talents, and add value to their personality

To maintain a hi"h de"ree of morale and motivation

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-ar"o -onstru$tion -ompany +vt. Ltd. is in$orporated under -ompanies A$t

%:o. ' of '=>?& on )( September '==*. The -ompany is en"a"ed in

maintenan$e of TATA Lo! floor buses at elhi. TATA has sold @>)) Lo! loor 

 buses to elhi Transport -orporation and under ta0en annual maintenan$e

$ontra$t for '@B@ years. The maintenan$e of ')') buses has been sub$ontra$ted

to -ar"o -onstru$tion -ompany +vt. Ltd %---+L& at three epots i.e. Saroini

 :a"ar epot %')) #uses&, 9a4irpur epot %'') #uses&, Millennium +ar0 epot

%C)) #uses&. As per $ontra$t ---+L has to $arryout pres$ribed maintenan$e of 

 buses as per TATA Motors Ltd.

%TML& "uidelines on daily basis. The maintenan$e of s$hedules in$ludes aily

-he$0s, Ten ays -he$0s, S$hedule Servi$es and +resent ability of #uses. In

$ase of any brea0do!n onsite repair has to be $arried out to ma0e the bus on

road. ---+L has to provide $onstant servi$e support @(D* to ensure T- leet

of #uses are operational at all times. To underta0e these operations, ---+L has

to provide manpo!er and tools as per TML "uide lines to ensure maintenan$e at

the epot. 9a4irpur epot !as made operational on )? eb @)') and Saroini

 :a"ar epot on '> eb @)').

TATA Motors Ltd allotted the Millennium epot operations of C)) Lo! loor 

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#uses for -ommon 9ealth Games transportation to -ARG8 on '> 1uly @)').

-ARG8 su$$essfully e5e$uted the enviable maintenan$e and repair of the T-

leet durin" -ommon 9ealth "ames.

or last three years -ARG8 is maintainin" the T- fleet round the $lo$0 and

ensurin" uality servi$es are provided to TML and T-.

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indin" the ri"ht people is a ma0e<or<brea0 fa$tor for su$$ess in business today.

Re$ruitin" the top talent for a ob ta0es time and you have to attra$t uality

$andidates !ho have the 0no!led"e and s0ills needed to help your $ompany


The fa$t is, your su$$ess !ith re$ruitment depends on ho! !ell you prepare

your ob ad, and use sour$e of re$ruitment, and your intervie!in" s0ills.

+repare a ob ad that !or0s to start, you !ant to be sure that your potential

$andidate truly understands the ob. The $learer you are !ith the tas0 

des$ription, !or0in" $onditions and advanta"es, the less time you !ill !aste

e5aminin" and ree$tin" appli$ations.

The essentials of any ob des$ription areE

F A brief des$ription of your $ompany

F etailed outline of the tas0s involved

F ualifi$ations and e5perien$e reuired

F ;uipment and resour$es used to do the !or0 

F S0ills reuired usin" them

Ho!ever, you should also in$lude !or0 benefits %e."., va$ation, travel and

 per0s&, "eneral !or0in" $onditions %e."., s$hedulin", outside !or0& and the

spe$ifi$ traits reuired %e."., teambuildin" and $ommuni$ations s0ills&.

Ultimately, you !ant to be per$eived as an attra$tive employer in a $ompetitive

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ind the ri"ht re$ruitment vehi$le $hoose the vehi$le that best !or0s for your 

$ompany, dependin" on your bud"et and resour$es, 9ord of mouth, or simply

tellin" your employees, friends and $ollea"ues about a ob openin", is a less

e5pensive strate"y but "enerates fe!er $andidates. The advanta"e is that you

already 0no! somethin" about your re$ruiters and their s0ills, 0no!led"e and

a$hievements. This is a preferred method !ith $ompanies that have a finders

fee pro"ram for their employees.

Advertisin" is a toss of the di$e. If it "oes !ell, it $an help you find ideal

$andidates in a re"ional, national, or international pool. If not, its a $ostly

investment yieldin" fe! results. Ma0e sure to fa$tor in the time it ta0es to "o

throu"h a lar"e number of resumes.

;mployment a"en$ies $ost more but "enerally provide a "ood ran"e of 

$andidates. The employment advisors loo0 at your needs, s$reen a number of 

$andidates, and only send you the appli$ations that meet your reuirements.

#ear in mind that the lar"est employment a"en$ies do not ne$essarily offer the

 best $hoi$e of $andidates. There are numerous a"en$ies that spe$iali4e in

re$ruitment in spe$ifi$ se$tors.

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Re$ruitin" online su$h as monster.$om, !or0opolis.$om, and obboom.$om.

These $an provide ine5pensive, !orld!ide a$$ess to employees. In fa$t, ?> of 

 ob see0ers no! have a$$ess to these types of servi$es. Usin" the Internet for 

re$ruitin" usually involves re"ular visits to spe$iali4ed re$ruitment sites, oinin"

ne!s"roups, and postin" your ob openin"s on re$ruitment sites, ele$troni$

 publi$ations and on your o!n 9eb site.

After re$ruitment the ne5t part is sele$tion of best $andidates.



#efore an or"ani4ation $an fill a ob va$an$y, it must find people !ho not only

are ualified for the position but also !ho !ant a ob. Re$ruitment refers to

or"ani4ational a$tivities that influen$e the number and type of appli$ants !ho

apply for a ob and !hether the appli$ants a$$ept the obs if offered. Thus,

re$ruitment is dire$tly related to both human resour$e plannin" and sele$tion.

A$$ordin" to lippoE 7Re$ruitment is the pro$ess of sear$hin" for prospe$tive

employees and stimulatin" them to apply for obs in or"ani4ation.J

Theoreti$ally, re$ruitment pro$ess is said to end !ith the re$eipt of appli$ation

in pra$ti$e the a$tivity e5tends to the s$reenin" of appli$ations to eliminate

those !ho are not ualified for ob.

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Althou"h it $an be uite e5pensive, or"ani4ations have not al!ays vie!ed

re$ruitment as systemati$ally as other HR fun$tions su$h as sele$tion. urin"

the $omin" years, ho!ever the importan$e of re$ruitment !ill in$rease for many

or"ani4ations for at least t!o reasonsE

A maority of $ompanies thin0 that they !ill fa$e shorta"e of employees

!ho possess the ne$essary s0ills for the obs.

The do!nsi4in" and $ost savin" measures underta0en by many

$ompanies in re$ent years have left re$ruitment bud"ets mu$h smaller than


Thus, re$ruiters !ill have to be$ome a$uainted !ith ne! and more $ost<

effe$tive !ays of attra$tin" ualified appli$ants.



The process/

Karious fa$tors in the environment affe$t the re$ruitment pro$ess. The

re$ruitment pro$ess be"ins !ith an attempt to find employee !ith the abilities

and attitudes desired by the or"ani4ation and to mat$h them !ith the tas0s to be

 performed. 9hether potential employee !ill respond to the re$ruitin" efforts

!ill depend on the attitudes they have developed to!ards those tas0s and the

or"ani4ation on the basis of their past so$ial and !or0in" e5perien$es. Their 

 per$eption of the tas0 !ill also be affe$ted by the !or0 $limate in the


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Ho! diffi$ult the re$ruitin" ob is depends on a number of fa$torsE

Internal influen$es su$h as or"ani4ational !or0 $ulture, $ompany produ$ts,

$ompany3s si4e, "ood!ill of $ompany.

;5ternal influen$es su$h as "overnment and union restri$tions and the labor 

mar0et, plus the employers reuirements and $andidate3s preferen$es.

E0terna* inf*uences/

Go1ernment and union restrictions

Government re"ulations prohibitin" dis$rimination in employment and hirin"

have a dire$t impa$t on re$ruitin" pra$ti$es. Althou"h there is no "uaranteed

!ay to avoid le"al entan"lements asso$iated !ith re$ruitin", some basi$

 prin$iples of sound re$ruitin" pra$ti$es $an be follo!ed.

a& +ost noti$es re"ardin" the availability of a ob.

 b& +ublish a list of ualifi$ations ne$essary to fill the ob. istin"uish

 bet!een essential ualifi$ations and desirable ones.

$& Use re$ruitin" sour$es that !ill rea$h the "reatest number of potential

appli$ants in the ob mar0et.

d& #e !ary of establishin" ualifi$ations that mi"ht dire$tly or indire$tly

e5$lude members of prote$ted "roups.

e& #e sure the ob ualifi$ations are applied to every appli$ant in a

$onsistent manner.


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$"AG#OST"! MO$E%

-omposition of labour for$e and lo$ation of or"ani4ation

As the number of le"al reuirements has in$reased, it has be$ome more

important for an or"ani4ation to analy4e the $omposition of !or0for$e. Su$h

analysis is done to determine !hether the firms employment pra$ti$es are

dis$riminatory. The lo$ation of the or"ani4ation and the relevant mar0et !ill

 play a maor role in the $omposition of the !or0 for$e.

Therefore, "overnment and union restri$tions labor mar0et $onditions, the ma0e

up of the !or0 for$e and the lo$ation of the or"ani4ation are e5ternal for$es that

affe$t ea$h other. :one of these for$es are ne$essarily more important than any

other for$e. ;a$h of them must be $onsidered in developin" a sound

re$ruitment plan that results in an effe$tively fun$tionin" or"ani4ation.


The nature of the or"ani4ation and the "oals of the mana"er are hi"hli"hted in

the above dia"ram, as is the nature of the tas0. The te$hniues used and the

sour$es of re$ruits vary !ith the ob. As afar as the appli$ants are $on$erned,

their abilities and past !or0 e5perien$e affe$t ho! they "o about see0in" a ob.

The organi3ation4s 1ie5 of recruiting

Several aspe$ts affe$t re$ruitin" from or"ani4ations vie!pointE the re$ruitin"

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reuirements set, or"ani4ation poli$ies and pro$edures, and the or"ani4ational


 Recruiting re6uirements

The re$ruitin" pro$ess ne$essarily be"ins !ith a detailed ob des$ription and ob

spe$ifi$ation. 9ithout these, it is impossible for re$ruiters to determine ho!

!ell any parti$ular appli$ants fits the ob. It should be made $lear to the

re$ruiter !hi$h reuirements are absolutely essential and !hi$h ones are merely

desirable. This $an help the or"ani4ation avoid havin" unrealisti$ e5pe$tations

of potential employeesE an employer mi"ht e5pe$t appli$ants !ho stand first in

their $lass, are president of all e5tra $urri$ular a$tivities, have !or0ed their !ay

throu"h s$hool, have ') years of e5perien$e and are !illin" to !or0 for lon"


-ontrasted !ith this unrealisti$ approa$h, the effe$tive or"ani4ation e5amines

the spe$ifi$ations that are absolutely ne$essary for the ob. Then it uses these as

its be"innin" e5pe$tations for re$ruits.

indin" appli$ants !ho possess the needed s0ills for a ob is the s$ien$e of 

re$ruitin". #eyond determinin" !hether an appli$ant has the s0ills needed for 

the ob, re$ruitment in the $omin" years !ill also have to determine !hether the

appli$ant !ill fun$tion !ell !ithin the $ulture and value system of the

or"ani4ation. An intervie! performan$e in terms of interpersonal styles is one

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of the most $riti$al fa$tors used by re$ruiters to evaluate prospe$tive ob


Organi3ation po*icies and practices

In some or"ani4ations HRy*)<M poli$ies and pra$ti$es affe$t re$ruitin" and

!ho is re$ruited. 8ne of the most si"nifi$ant of these is promotion from !ithin.

This poli$y means that or"ani4ations re$ruit from outside the or"ani4ation only

at the initial hirin" level. They feel this is fair to present loyal employees and

assures them a se$ure future and a fair $han$e of promotion, and most

employees favor this approa$h. Some employers also feel this pra$ti$e helps

 prote$t trade se$rets.

Organi3ationa* image

The ima"e of the employer "enerally held by the publi$ $an also affe$t the

re$ruitment. All else bein" eual it is easier for the or"ani4ation !ith a positive

$orporate ima"e to attra$t and retain employees than an or"ani4ation !ith a

ne"ative ima"e.

The "ood or bad, !ell<0no!n or un0no!n ima"es of these or"ani4ations !ill

affe$t ho! they are vie!ed by the ob re$ruits. The or"ani4ations ima"e is

$omple5, but it is probably based on !hat the or"ani4ation does and !hether it

is per$eived as providin" a "ood pla$e of !or0. The lar"er the or"ani4ation, the

more li0ely it is to have a !ell<developed ima"e. A firm that produ$es a produ$t

or servi$e the potential employee 0no!s about or uses is also more li0ely to

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have an ima"e for the appli$ant.

The or"ani4ations ima"e is also affe$ted by its industry. These ima"es $han"e.

1ob appli$ants $an seldom have intervie!s !ith all the or"ani4ations that have

 ob openin"s of interest to them. #e$ause there are time and ener"y limits to the

 ob sear$h, they do some preliminary s$reenin". 8ne of these s$reens is the

ima"e the appli$ants have of the or"ani4ation, !hi$h $an attra$t or repel them.

In sum, the ideal ob spe$ifi$ations preferred by an or"ani4ation may have to be

adusted to meet the realities of the labor mar0et, "overnment or union

restri$tions, the limitations of its poli$ies and pra$ti$es and its ima"e. If an

adeuate number of uality people apply, the or"ani4ation may have to adust

the ob to fit the best appli$ant or in$rease its re$ruitin" efforts.

The potentia* emp*oyees 1ie5 of recruiting

The appli$ants have abilities, attitudes and preferen$es based on past !or0 

e5perien$es and influen$es by parents, tea$hers and others. These fa$tors affe$t

re$ruits in t!o !aysE ho! they set their ob preferen$es and ho! they "o about

see0in" a ob.

Preferences of recruits for organi3ation and 7obs

Re$ruits have a set of preferen$es for a ob. The re$ruit also fa$es the limitation

of labor mar0et, "overnment and union restri$tions and the limits of 

or"ani4ational poli$ies and pra$ti$es.The re$ruit must anti$ipate the

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$ompromises ust as the or"ani4ation does.

9hat fa$tors affe$t the or"ani4ation de$isionN A more edu$ated set 0no!s the

labour mar0et better, have hi"her e5pe$tations of !or0 and find or"ani4ations

that pay more and provide and more stable employment.

8ob search and finding a 7ob/ the recruit

It is not al!ays enou"h to be simply in the ri"ht pla$e at the ri"ht time. The

effe$tive ob sear$her $reates opportunities in a systemati$ !ay. ;ffe$tive ob

sear$h involves several steps in$ludin" self<assessment, information "atherin"

and net!or0in", tar"etin" spe$ifi$ obs and su$$essful presentation.

The ob sear$h pro$ess be"ins !ith self<assessment. The purpose of self<

assessment is for ob sear$hers to re$o"ni4e their $areer "oals, their stren"ths

and !ea0nesses, interests3 values and preferred life styles. This information is

later used in the sear$h pro$ess to help the appli$ant assess !hether there is a fit

!ith a parti$ular ob offer. The assessment is similar to !hat or"ani4ational

re$ruiters !ill be doin", only from the perspe$tive of the appli$ant.

Information "atherin" and net!or0in" are methods for "eneratin" lists of 

 potential employers and obs, information sour$es in$lude ne!spapers, trade

 publi$ations, $olle"e re$ruitment offi$es and or"ani4ational insiders.

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Most ob openin"s are filled !ith people from !ithin the or"ani4ation and

entry<level positions are the most li0ely to be filled by e5ternal sour$es.

Methods for internal re$ruitin" in$lude ob postin", s0ill inventories, ob

 biddin" and referrals. Methods of e5ternal re$ruitin" in$lude s$hool and $olle"e

re$ruitin", advertisin", and usin" employment a"en$ies and e5e$utive resear$h

firms and the internet.

"nterna* 1ersus e0terna* recruiting methods

Internal re$ruitin" methods in$lude postin" position openin"s, distributin"

memos !ithin the or"ani4ation and sear$hin" or"ani4ational databases for a

mat$h bet!een the s0ills reuired to perform the ob and the s0ills held by the

$urrent employees. This method of re$ruitin" loo0s to internal sour$es to fill

 positions and en$oura"es promotions from !ithin. ;5ternal re$ruitin" methods

in$lude advertisin" position. 9hether mana"ers $hoose internal or e5ternal<

re$ruitin" methods depends on the de"ree to !hi$h or"ani4ations strate"y

en$oura"es promotions and transfers from !ithin the or"ani4ation. Re$ruitin"

from !ithin $an lead to ob satisfa$tion and motivation if employees see ne!

$areer opportunities available. In addition fillin" positions !ith e5istin"

employees ensures to lar"e e5t?ent that these employees are so$iali4ed as to the

or"ani4ations $ulture and personality. Ho!ever problems $an arise if the

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internal promotion system is not vie!ed as fair.

The best !ay to avoid ne"ative ba$0lash !hen hirin" or promotin" from !ithin

is to install fair pra$ti$es and pro$edures. If steps are ta0en to ensure a fair 

internal promotional pro$ess, most people !ill a$$ept their loss and remain

 produ$tive and useful or"ani4ational $iti4en. ;5ternal re$ruitin" method helps

 brin" ne! ideas and approa$hes to the or"ani4ation.

Internal re$ruitin" methods

8ob positing

Many positions $an be filled as a result of postin" the ob openin" on the

 bulletin boards, announ$in" the openin" in a $ompany ne!sletter or postin"

announ$ement on the $ompanies intranet. A ob postin" pro$edure enables

employees to strive for a better position !ithin the $ompany. :oti$es of 

important openin"s should in$lude all<important information about the ob.

Some firms have turned to $omputers to ma0e their ob postin" more fruitful.

All employees !ho !ish to parti$ipate, $omplete uestionnaires about

themselves, !hi$h in$lude items $on$ernin" relo$ation !illin"ness and

 preferen$es as !ell as trainin" and edu$ational ba$0"rounds. A fe! s0ills are

sele$ted out of the total that best represent their fun$tional s0ills. 9hen a

 position needs to be filled the reuirements are mat$hed and $andidates

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Althou"h positin" obs $an be an effi$ient method of re$ruitin", numbers of 

 problems have been asso$iated. ;5ample it $an lead to personal bias and stiff 


S9i**s in1entory

Another re$ruitin" method is the use of s0ill inventories. ;ssentially a s0ills

inventory in$ludes a list of employee names, their edu$ation, trainin", present

 position, !or0 e5perien$e, relevant ob s0ills and abilities and other 

ualifi$ations. The or"ani4ation $an sear$h throu"h the $ompany s0ill inventory

to identify potential $andidates for the position openin".

8ob bidding

These pro$edures typi$ally spe$ify that ualified appli$ants from !ithin the

 bar"ainin" unit must fit all obs $overed by the a"reement. Those interested in

the va$an$y bid for the ob by applyin" if they are ualified. The individual fills

the position !ith the hi"hest seniority from amon" the ualified appli$ants. In

some $ases appli$ants ta0e $ompetitive e5aminations. Ho!ever only $urrent

employees are eli"ible.

Usin" a ob biddin" system is normally very easy. Ho!ever it $an present some


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An e5$ellent sour$e of information is $urrent employees !ho may 0no!

someone !ho !ould be ualified and interested in the open position. To enti$e

employees to ma0e ob referrals, some $ompanies offer a referral bonus. +eople

tend to asso$iate !ith people li0e themselves, if the employee fits the

or"ani4ation, $han$es are his or her referrals !ill be "ood. ;mployees, !hose

referrals are hired, are often !illin" to serve as a mentor to ensure their referrals

su$$eed in the $ompany.


Schoo* and co**ege recruiting

Re$ruitin" at hi"h s$hool or vo$ational s$hools is often a strate"i$ approa$h

adopted by or"ani4ations !ith position openin"s at the entry level or internal

trainin" pro"rams. Re$ruitin" at the $olle"e level serves as a maor sour$e for 

a$uirin" mana"erial, professional and te$hni$al s0ills.

The "ap that e5ists bet!een the s0ills those or"ani4ations !ill need over the

ne5t several years and those $urrently possessed by potential employees is

"ro!in". The number of obs reuirin" a $olle"e de"ree is on the in$rease.

Unfortunately for the or"ani4ation it is a very time $onsumin" and e5pensive

e5er$ise. #ut pressures from the e5ternal environment !ill $ontinue to for$e

or"ani4ations to be hi"hly visible and a$tive in this 0ind of re$ruitin".

In $olle"e re$ruitin" the or"ani4ation sends an employee usually $alled a

re$ruiter, to $ampus intervie! $andidates and des$ribes the or"ani4ation to

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them. -oin$idin" !ith the visit, bro$hures and other literature about the

or"ani4ation are often distributed. The or"ani4ation also runs ads to attra$t the


In the typi$al pro$edure, those see0in" employment re"ister at the $olle"e

 pla$ement servi$e. This pla$ement servi$e is a labor mar0et e5$han"e

 providin" opportunities for students and employers to meet and dis$uss

 potential hirin". +reliminary intervie! !ith employers is done. Students are

"iven detailed influen$e about the ob and the profile. Salaries are ne"otiated.

The e5penses are borne by the or"ani4ation. Many of the $han"es are desi"ned

to redu$e overall re$ruitin" $osts !hile maintainin" a stron" appli$ants flo!

into the or"ani4ation. The trend seems to be for an or"ani4ation to develop a

stron"er, on"oin" relationship !ith a relatively sele$t number of s$hools.


Advertisin" ob openin"s in ne!spapers, ma"a4ines, ne!sletters and other 

media sour$es is a relatively ine5pensive re$ruitin" me$hanism. Advertisin" is

useful for fillin" open position ui$0ly. Advertisin" usually does not tar"et a

spe$ifi$ audien$e. Spe$ified defined advertisements !ill attra$t ualified

appli$ants, dissuade unualified ones from applyin" and ma0e the re$ruitment

 pro$ess more effi$ient.

Pri1ate emp*oyment agencies

+rivate employment a"en$ies vary $onsiderably in si4e and effe$tiveness as

"ood sour$es of employee and must be $hosen $arefully by employers and ob

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see0in" ali0e. A preliminary intervie! is $ondu$ted for the appli$ants.

Unfortunately some a"en$ies are more $on$erned !ith pla$in" employees

ui$0ly than in effe$tin" a "ood mat$h bet!een the employee and the

or"ani4ation. The dis$repan$y $an be redu$ed if the HR mana"ers "ive detailed

and spe$ifi$ reuirements.

The internet and the :::

8ne of the fastest "ro!in" re$ruitment methods is the internet and the 999.

-ompanies !ho do use the internet as a re$ruitin" sour$e appear to be happy

!ith the pro$ess and the results. It allo!s a$$ess to broader set of people and

hen$e broader set of e5pertise and s0ills.


-ompanies freuently use a variety of internal and e5ternal re$ruitin" strate"ies

to lo$ate and hire their !or0ers. Althou"h one te$hniue may !or0 !ell for 

some or"ani4ations, the same te$hniue may prove ineffe$tive for others. Some

te$hniue may mesh !ell !ith the or"ani4ations $ompetitive strate"y, but

others do not.

#y inte"ratin" both internal and e5ternal re$ruitin" te$hniues, a $ompany $an

develop an overall re$ruitin" plan that is spe$ifi$ally tailored to support its

overall strate"y and result in sele$tion of hi"hly ualified appli$ants.

 ;5a$tly ho! many re$ruits are needed $an be determined from past re$ruitment

efforts. Spe$ifi$ally a yield ratio $an be developed for ea$h position to be filled.

A yield ratio is the number of $andidates !ho pass a parti$ular re$ruitment

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hurdle divided by the number !ho attempted the hurdle.

It is important to 0eep in mind that the plan should support the $ompanies

overall strate"i$ approa$h.

Re; Recruitment strategies

Re<Re$ruitment strate"y is a series of steps a $ompany $an ta0e and retain 0ey

employees. Re<Re$ruitment strate"ies are a "ood idea, but essential in turbulent

times su$h as after do!nsi4in" or a maor or"ani4ational restru$turin". 2ey

employees are defined as employees !hose loss !ould have a most detrimental

effe$t on the or"ani4ation.

8n$e the 0ey employers have been lo$ated, the ne5t step is to determine !hat

$an be done to motivate them to remain !ith the or"ani4ation. A fle5ible !or0 

arran"ement !ill mean somethin" different to every employee, so it is important

to dearly delineate !hat 0ey employees !ant and need !ith respe$t to

fle5ibility. le5ibility $an also be offered by introdu$in" $ompressed !or0 

!ee0s, fle5ible startin" times and $omp time !here !or0ers $an leave !or0 for 

an hour or t!o to deal !ith family matters. An in$rease in the $ompensation

$an also help retain a 0ey employee. Retention bonuses have also been used

su$$essfully as a means of "ettin" te$hni$al staffers. 9ithout a salary

adustment 0ey employees may be stolen a!ay by $ompetitors.

!areer de1e*opment opportunities

-olle"e "raduates enterin" !or0 for$e for the first time are $lear about their 

e5pe$tations and are less !illin" to adapt their values and !or0 styles to

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a$$ommodate to their employers.

The follo!in" fa$tors enti$e first $areerist to stay !ith the ob and the $ompanyE

'. Immediate involvement in the essential !or0 of the firm.

@. The ability to apply ne!ly learned 0no!led"e and s0ills.

O. The opportunity to understand the bi" pi$ture of the firm.

(. Rapid $areer development.

>. Rapid salary advan$ement.

?. The opportunity to learn ne! s0ills.

-ompanies are respondin" to these needs by offerin" a variety of pro"rams for 

ne! employees. 8ne fa$tor that should be $onsidered prior to sele$tion is the

fit bet!een the individual $areer obe$tives and the $areer path that $an be

realisti$ally offered by the firm. -areer plateau !hi$h refers to the point in a

$areer !here future hierar$hi$al movement is unli0ely, has be$ome a real

 problem in or"ani4ations today. o!nsi4in" and restru$turin" has severely

restri$ted the potential for verti$al movement in many mana"erial $arriers.

MA<E T,E "#TER'"E: $E%"'ER 

Sin$e the purpose of an intervie! is to identify and verify the $andidates

 potential, it should be stru$tured to brin" out all the desired $ompeten$ies and

aptitudes. Remember that you have to de$ide bet!een the $andidatesE you $ould

$reate a point system or analysis "rid for $omparin" their stren"ths and


Here are a fe! points to $onsider !hen stru$turin" an intervie!E

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F Ma0e a list in advan$e of the points for dis$ussion and $orrespondin"


F +resent the $andidates !ith a situation they $ould fa$e on the ob and as0 

them ho! they !ould rea$t. This !ill enable you to evaluate the $andidates

0no!led"e, s0ills and !or0 methods.

F As0 the $andidates to des$ribe some diffi$ult situations en$ountered in

 previous obs and to e5plain the !ay in !hi$h they !ere resolved. This !ill "ive

you the $han$e to "au"e the $andidates self<$onfiden$e, $reativity and problem<

solvin" s0ills.

F As0 the $andidates to des$ribe a diffi$ult situation involvin" $ollea"ues

and ho! it !as resolved. This !ill enable you to test their aptitude for 


F As0 the $andidates about their ambitions and plans to ensure they fit your 

$ompany profile.

#e!are of as0in" uestions about personal interests. They $an "et the intervie!

off tra$0 or annoy people !ho !ant to 0eep their !or0 and private lives


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Qour family

Qour friends

+eople at obbusiness

evelop a +rofile

evelop sour$es of re$ruitment

Initial s$reenin" andIntervie!s

Approa$hin" the Tar"etedre$ruits

Reality $he$0 

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The follo!in" are sour$es of namesE

+eople 0no! throu"h $hildren.

+eople 0no! throu"h spouse.

+eople 0no! throu"h hobbies "ames.

+eople 0no!n throu"h so$ial "roups

+eople 0no!n throu"h publi$ servi$e.

+eople you do business !ith.

riends of friends.

!E#TRE O "#%U#!E

+eople !ith influen$e and presti"e, other member of so$iety believe and

faith on them.

+eople !ho have a bi" $ir$le of relationshipsE li0e se$retary in so$ieties,

 president of an asso$iation.

+eople !ho are 0no!n to you and are !illin" to help you.

+eople !ho have $onta$ts !ith the $lass of people you !ant to deals !ith.

+eople !ho have faith in your leadership.

A $entre of influen$e is a person !ho is in $onta$t !ith many people

throu"h so$ial, politi$al, reli"ious or business an"ulations

Usually a respe$ted individual !ith influen$e over the people !ith

himher is in $onta$t.

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8ob Ads="nserts

This pro"ram should be on re"ular lon" ran"e basis.

P*acement consu*tants

M8A $an re$ruit a pla$ement $onsultant or re"ister himself in internet ob

sear$h sites to "et list of prospe$ts.

Seminars=8ob airs

Mana"er of a"en$y $an also or"ani4ed seminars at mana"ement institutes

and $olle"es.


$$$pl parti$ipate in the ob fairs and then short list prospe$ts and then

loo0 for further opportunities for them.

!o*d Prospecting

M8A $an use the telephone dire$tory.

M8A and tele$aller $an use the dire$tories of various business and so$ial



+rimary dataE ire$t $olle$tion of data of from the sour$e of information,

te$hnolo"y in$ludin" personal intervie!in", survey et$.

Se$ondary ataE Indire$t $olle$tion of data from sour$es $an be

 pur$hased from the open mar0et and various 0ind of database is available su$h

as telephone databases of various surveys.

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O'ER'"E: O ,R $EPARTME#T O !!!P%

7Human Resour$es are the most valuable asset in a $ompanyJ

8ur main obe$tive is to 7To hire the best talents at optimal pri$e and utili4e

their servi$es to the ma5imum benefit of the or"ani4ationJ

The follo!in" are the fun$tions $arried out by us.

Recruitment /

Lay do!n $riteria for all future re$ruitment, systemati4e the re$ruitment pro$ess

and ensure a uniform pra$ti$e amon"st all divisions #ran$hes of ---+L.

To re$ruit en"ineers from the mar0et that suits our $ompany3s reuirement.

Re$ruitment is $arried out off $ampus 6 on $ampus.

Ka$an$ies are filled in various $adres as de$ided by the mana"ement either.

a& #y re$ruitment

 b& #y +romotin" e5istin" employees.

!ompensation /

---+L al!ays re$o"ni4e ri"ht $andidate. -ompetitive $ompensation !ill be

 paid to the $andidates !ho fulfill our reuirements.

7Hi"h +erformer is al!ays re!arded in ---+LJ.

Emp*oyee :e*fare /

---+L is very mu$h $on$erned about employee !elfare.

It provides the follo!in" Statutory 6 non statutory benefits to its employees. 

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Medi$laim poli$y Hospitali4ation ;5pense reimbursement.

-losed -ar S$heme %Asset #uildin"&.

Housin" loan subsidy.

Gifts for !eddin" Anniversary.



Loyalty Re!ard B Life insuran$e.

Leave ;n$ashment.

Leave Travel Assistan$e.

+ersonal A$$ident +oli$y.


Training > $e1e*opment /

---+L is interested in up"radin" employee3s s0ill and 0no!led"e.

Trainin" department imparts various trainin" pro"rammes to our employee3s

inorder to enri$h their 0no!led"e in different areas that results in in$reased


Te$hni$al trainin" involves up"radin" 0no!led"e in $onstru$tion areas that

ma0es our employees to render uality !or0 in a hi"hly $ompetitive


To $ultivate a "ood interpersonal relationship in the !or0in" environment,

 personality development pro"rammes are also $ondu$ted every Month.

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Responsibi*ities of ,uman Resource $epartment.

• HR maintain daily attendan$e re$ord throu"h bran$h mana"er via ;<mail.

• Ta0e de$isions for approval re"ardin" leave notes.

• He ta0es the de$ision related to the re$ruitment, sele$tion and trainin"

of the $andidates. He tal0s to the $onsultant related to the re$ruitment

of the ualified $andidates. He also does s$reenin" of the $andidates,

shortlist the $andidate and ta0es the first round of the intervie!.

• He maintains the database of the $andidates to $ome for an intervie!.

He also maintains personal file of ea$h employee. He also $ompletes

the oinin" formalities of ea$h ne! employee.

• They are ta0in" surprisin" visit in every bran$h and $olle$t

information about employees.

• He is responsible for the monthly salary of the employees as per their 

attendants and passin" to the #ran$h Mana"er.

,uman Resource p*anning

This is handled by doin" the plannin" at the be"innin" of every year. At the end

of the year, the Human Resour$e department from ea$h #ran$h re$eives the

reuirement for the person for !hole year. Then the plannin" of re$ruitment and

trainin" is done by trainin" mana"er and re$ruitin" mana"er !hi$h is approved

from Head of HR epartment.


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Re$ruitment is a pro$ess of sear$hin" for prospe$tive $andidates for the "iven

 ob in the industry. As !e 0no! it is very important for an industrial $on$erns to

have effi$ient and effe$tive personnel !ith ri"ht uality and at ri"ht time and at

ri"ht pla$e available !henever they are needed. ;very or"ani4ation needs

employee time by time be$ause of promotion or retirement of an employee. or 

this purpose an or"ani4ation need to sear$h for the ri"ht $andidate. And so it

needs to en$oura"e this type of ri"ht $andidates !henever they reuire.

Sources of Recruitment

+ersonal data of $andidates and data ban0 maintain by the HR.


-ampus Re$ruitment.

-ompany3s o!n !ebsite.

+la$ement $onsultants.

Advertisement in the ne!s papers li0e Times of India, AMAR 


;mployee referen$e.

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Recruitment Process


• Sele$tion is the pro$ess of ta0in" individuals out of the pool of ob

appli$ants !ith reuisite ualifi$ations and $ompeten$e to fill obs in

the or"ani4ation. It is define as the pro$ess of differentiatin" bet!een

appli$ants in order to identify and hire those !ith a "reater li0elihood

of su$$ess in a ob.

• Sele$tion is based on probation base, they are ta0in" e5perien$ed

 person for ? month3s probation and for fresher the probation period is

' year.

• 9hile the sele$tion of the senior level post, is ta0en by head offi$e at


Training and $e1e*opment

• Trainin" aims at in$reasin" the aptitudes, s0ills and abilities of 

!or0ers to perform spe$ifi$ ob. It ma0es employees more effe$tive

and s0illful. In present dynami$ !orld of business trainin" is more

important there is an ever present need for trainin" men. So that ne!




Short*ist Screening "nter1ie5

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and $han"ed te$hniues may be adopted. A ne! and $han"ed

te$hniue may be ta0en as an advanta"es and improvement affe$ted

in the old methods.

• Trainin" is learnin" e5perien$e that see0s relatively permanent $han"e

in an individual that !ill improve hisher ability to perform on the


• They provide 7on the obJ trainin" to their employees in the bran$h as

they sele$t these employees for sellin" various produ$ts of ban0 by

dire$t mar0etin". 9henever they sele$t ne! $andidates for any post,

they use to "ive them on the ob !or0.

• In $ase of sales persons to distribute their various produ$ts, in the

 be"innin" the person has to !or0 under the observation of his senior 

then the have to "o in mar0et to have their o!n e5perien$e.

• The time for trainin" pro"ram for the $andidate is depends up on the

relevant position of his !or0 area. They also provide trainin" related

to $ustomer $are and $ommuni$ation.



Re$ruitment and Sele$tion system refers to sour$in" and buildin" effi$ient

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Human Resour$e to the or"ani4ation to attain its obe$tives.

This po*icy comp*ies 5ith? and supports? the !ompany@s E6ua*

Opportunities Po*icy by/

• ;nsurin" that every sta"e of the re$ruitment and sele$tion pro$ess is

$arried out in a systemati$ !ay, based on pre<a"reed $riteria, to eliminate

the potential for personal bias affe$tin" the de$ision ma0in" pro$ess.

• ;nsurin" that all de$ision points are fully do$umented to assist !ith

subseuent monitorin".

• Ma0in" the !hole pro$edure as open as possible, to ensure that all

$andidates understand !hy de$isions have been ta0en and, !here they

!ish, to obtain meanin"ful feedba$0.

•;nablin" demonstration of robust, transparent pro$esses and thereby

 providin" a basis for defense in the event of $hallen"e.

There are se1en main stages to the procedure/


+la$in" advertisements and dealin" !ith enuiries and appli$ants


Intervie!in" and sele$tion

+ost<sele$tion pro$edures


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Ana*y3ing (our :or9p*ace/

To assist you analy4e your !or0pla$e to identify re$ruitment or sele$tion issues

for !omen, !e su""est youE

• Revisit your !or0for$e profile to find !here your female employees are.

• -onsult !ith your employees.

• ;5amine your e5istin" re$ruitment and sele$tion poli$ies and pra$ti$es.

$e1e*oping Po*icy and Procedures

• +ut in pla$e a poli$y reuirin" re$ruitment and sele$tion pro$esses to

sele$t the best person for the ob.

• evelop a uality, $onsistent pro$ess for re$ruitment that delivers diverse


• Have a re$ruitment strate"y that lin0s to your business plan, and to a

strate"y to retain employees.

Re1ie5ing Recruitment and Se*ection Opportunities

• Monitor ea$h sta"e of the re$ruitment pro$ess to identify any pra$ti$e that

may disadvanta"e some $andidates.

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• Investi"ate !hether !omen have eual opportunity in the re$ruitment and

sele$tion pro$ess by $olle$tin" information on the numbers of men and


Applyin" for positions

#ein" short<listed

#ein" intervie!ed

#ein" appointed, and

Survey staff about their per$eption of euity in re$ruitment


• -onsider $olle$tin" diversity information as part of the pro$ess. There

$ould be a pool of diverse $andidates you3re not rea$hin" or 

unne$essarily e5$ludin".

Re1ie5ing 8ob $escriptions/

• ;nsure all ob profilesdes$riptions refle$t the real reuirements of the

 ob, rather than des$ribin" the person !ho filled that ob previously.

• 9rite ob profiles in lan"ua"e that en$oura"es both men and !omen to

apply in$ludin" !omen of and ifferin" ba$0"rounds. or e5ample,

avoid use of ar"on and a$ronyms that tend to be e5$lusive.

Re$ruitin" and sele$tin" the ri"ht people is paramount to the su$$ess of the

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---+L #A:2 LT. and its ability to retain a !or0for$e of the hi"hest uality.

This re$ruitment and sele$tion poli$y sets out the pro$edure to ensure that the

 best people are re$ruited on merit and that are the re$ruitment pro$ess is free

from bias and dis$rimination.


ollo!in" are the "uidin" prin$iples for re$ruitment and on<boardin" pro$ess.

F Attra$tin" and re$ruitin" the ri"ht people is one of the most important

a$tivities of the or"ani4ation and is the responsibility to be o!ned by ea$h and

every employee of the or"ani4ation.

F Merit !ill be the sin"le most important fa$tor in sele$tion pro$ess.

F They !ill ensure a diversity, both "ender and ethni$ity by tar"eted $andidate

sour$in" !ith the help of re$ruitment vendors and the referral pro"ram.

F 9hile s0ills and profile mat$hin" play an important role, they !ill hire people

!ho are team players and have the ri"ht attitude most relevant to the $ulture of 

the or"ani4ation. Attitude is as important as aptitude.

F They believe in be$omin" a $ompany of "iants and emphasis is in hirin"

 people !ho $an "ro! bi""er and better than they presently are.

F They believe in providin" their employee !ith fulfillin" $areer paths. To!ards

this, they !ill post va$an$ies internally as a preferred option !hile evaluatin"

e5ternal $andidates.

F They believe that ea$h $andidate intervie!ed irrespe$tive of !hether shehe is

sele$ted should be$ome a friend of the or"ani4ation. They treat all the

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$andidates !ith the utmost respe$t. They !ill be open and fair in

$ommuni$ation !ith them this !ay they also enhan$e the brand ima"e of the


F They !ill $ontinuously assess, identify and $ultivate strate"i$ talent pools

in$ludin" those at the universities, mana"ement s$hools, and $ommunity

forums to address their lon" term needs.


F All re$ruitment a$tivities shall be underta0en based on the hirin" plan as

approved by the #usiness Head, HR Head 6 the -;8. or ea$h approved

 position, a hirin" reuisition !ill be reuired prior to initiation of any

re$ruitment a$tivity. If the hirin" !as not in$luded in the planned bud"et, it !ill

also reuire approval from the -;8 based on a re$ommendation from the Head

HR and the -8.

F Re$ruitment e5pense !ill be allo$ated to the $on$erned business unit, and

e5penditure should be bud"eted and pre<approved by the business unit head and

the HR Head.

!A#$"$ATE SOUR!"#G/

The hirin" mana"er alon" !ith the Human Resour$e epartment !ould de$ide

the $hannel sour$e to use based on the nature of the re$ruitment. The follo!in"

sour$es of re$ruitment may be $onsideredE

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F Internal Sour$esE

< 9henever any va$an$y arises, the possibility of fulfillin" the reuirement

internally via reassi"nment and relo$ation, re<allo$ation of the responsibilities

or internal promotion !ill be e5plored by the hirin" fun$tion alon" !ith the HR 


< Internal ob postin"s to e5plore internal $andidates.

F ;mployee Referrals ---+L !ill en$oura"e employees to refer suitable

$andidates for open positions.

F 8ther e5ternal sour$es in$ludeE

< Re$ruitment a"en$ies

< ;5ternal ob postin"s

< -olle"e $ampus reuirement

− Reuirement advertisements


---+L !ill pro$ess all appli$ations promptly and inform the appli$ant or 

sour$e re"ardin" the status of the appli$ation. ---+L !ill respond to all

soli$ited appli$ations !ithin > !or0in" days of re$eivin" the appli$ation.


F All $andidates are reuired to under"o a fa$e to fa$e intervie! !ith the

intervie! panel before sele$tion.

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F Intervie!s may be $ondu$ted at a pla$e at mutually $onvenient lo$ations and

time in an effort to maintain $onfidentiality of the hirin" effort.

F 8ne on one meetin" shall be preferred as the intervie! format, ho!ever 

dependin" on the $onstraints panel intervie!s telephone video $onferen$e

s$reenin" $ould be used.

F or re$ruitment at unior levels, ob fairs, universities et$, !here lar"e volume

of $andidates, ---+L !ill use re$ruitment tests for purpose of short listin". The

$andidate may be tested on the basi$ aptitude, analyti$al s0ills or other s0ills

reuired for the ob of the $andidates.

F The intervie! pro$ess !ill fo$us on the evaluatin" the $andidates suitability in

terms of the ob des$ription and fit !ithin the or"ani4ation.

F ;a$h intervie!er !ill $omplete the intervie! feedba$0 form and submit it to

HR. HR !ill $ompile the results from a various intervie!s and provide these to

the line mana"er for the final de$ision.

The follo!in" are the "uidelines !it respe$t to the intervie! levels. The line

mana"er !ill o!n the overall intervie! pro$essE


Level ;uipment Hirin" e$ision by Intervie! by Salary itment 8ffer 

Letter Si"ned by

ire$t Report -;8 Head -;8 HR Head, Mana"ement Team %for relevant

fun$tions& Approval < -;8

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+roposal HR Head -;8

State Head Re"ional un$tion Heads, -luster Heads Re"ional #ran$h

Heads, :ational fun$tional Heads Re"ional #ran$h Head :ational

un$tional Head, Re"ional HR Approval -;8

+roposal HR Head HR Head

#ran$h Mana"er :ational un$tional Mana"ers Re"ional #ran$h Heads,

 :ational fun$tional Heads Re"ional #ran$h Head :ational un$tional

Head, Re"ional HR, -luster State Head Approval HR Head

+roposal - 6 # Mana"er HR Head

Senior Relationship Mana"er Re"ional #ran$h Head #ran$h Mana"er 

Re"ional #ran$h Head #ran$h Mana"er, Re"ional HR Approval HR Head

+roposal - 6 # Mana"er Staffin" Leader 

1unior Relationship Mana"er #ran$h Mana"er #ran$h Mana"er, -luster 

Head Approval -6# Mana"er 

+roposal Re"ional HR M"r. Re"ional HR Mana"er

or $ampus bul0 hirin" pro$ess, ea$h panel !ill be spe$ifi$ally authori4ed

!ith respe$t to hirin" de$ision, pay by the HR Head 6 -;8 prior to the


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F All re$ruitment e5penses in$ludin" re$ruitment fees, advertisement e5penses

and intervie! related e5penses !ill be allo$ated to the $on$erned business unit.

F The $andidate !ill be informed about the nature of the e5penses that are

reimbursable and the supportin" do$uments reuired %in ori"inal&. HR !ill

ensure that $andidate fills the ne$essary reimbursement forms and that heshe

re$eives the reimbursement at the earliest.

F 8utstationInternational -andidates < ---+L !ill pay for appropriate air fare

and e5penses in$urred for the stay for $andidates !ho they de$ide to fly from

other lo$ations. +rior approval from the Re"ional HR Leader HR Head is

reuired to invite $andidates. or $andidates from International Lo$ations, prior 

approval from the HR Head needs to be ta0en.


This !ill in$lude both a professional referen$e $he$0 as !ell as the ba$0"round


F +rofessional referen$e $he$0 !ill be $ompleted by the hirin" mana"er. ---+L

!ill reuest $onta$t information for @ referen$es from the $andidate, and $he$0 

the uality of previous !or0 e5perien$e and 0ey personal

$hara$teristi$s$ondu$t previous re$ord et$.

F or 0ey positions in areas, ---+L !ill also perform a ba$0"round $he$0 to

assess the inte"rity $ondu$t of the $andidate.

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F The follo!in" information re"ardin" the $andidate !ill be verifiedE

+roof of edu$ational ualifi$ations

Any professional $ertifi$ate that is essential to the ob

Address details

+assport details

ate of birth

+roof of previous employment %servi$e $ertifi$ate&

Any ne"ative feedba$0 and $omment in the referen$e $he$0 !ill be investi"ated

 by HR and if found "enuine shall be a $ause for disualifi$ation of the $andidate

or dismissal from employment.


F 8n$e the hirin" de$ision is finali4ed, HR !ill prepare an offer fitment as per 

the $ompensation stru$ture and "rade and 0eepin" in mind the internal euity.

F The offer !ould be $ommuni$ated to the sele$ted $andidates by the hirin"

mana"er alon" !ith HR. The $andidate !ill si"n the $ontra$t letter to formally

a$$ept employment from the or"ani4ation.


As an or"ani4ation, ---+L !ill ma0e all ne$essary arran"ements to ensure a

smooth oinin" pro$ess for the employees. HR !ill provide the $andidate a

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$he$0 list prior to oinin" to ease oinin" formalities.


9here the employee has to relo$ate and has been pre<approved by the HR Head

and the staffin" leader, the relo$atin" $andidate shall be eli"ible for the

follo!in" relo$ation assistan$eE

The oinin" employ has the option to avail temporary a$$ommodation

%!hi$h in$ludes laundry& for the first t!o !ee0s arran"ed by

or"ani4ation. The stay in $ompany provided a$$ommodation $an be

e5tended by t!o !ee0s further based on spe$ifi$ approval from the Head

HR. 9here the stay e5tends beyond ( !ee0s, the respe$tive !ill not be

 paid housin" allo!an$e foe the $orrespondin" period.

Lo$al travel assistan$e up to positions of R8RMeuivalent and belo!

!ill be reimbursed for one !ee0 and for SRMeuivalent and above !ill

 be reimbursed up to t!o !ee0s.

ood e5penses durin" the period !ill be reimbursed as per a$tual up to Rs

>))<per day per person.

Approved reasonable e5penses in$urred in transportin" the personal

"oods in$ludin" the transportation re"istration of one automobile to the

$ity of !or0. ;mployees are advised to use the desi"nated movin"

a"en$ies as per rates ne"otiated by Administration. 9here ne"otiated

rates are not available, the employee is reuired to submit O uotations

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and se$ure approval from Administration before assi"nin" the $ontra$t to

a movin" firm.


The or"ani4ation employs, purely on merit, the relatives of our employees as

lon" as it does not $reate a potential $onfli$t of interest. To avoid a potential

$onfli$t of interest and to redu$e the possibilities of favoritism the follo!in"

"uidelines must be follo!edE

Relatives are not assi"ned to a position !here heshe has the opportunity

to $he$0, pro$ess, and revie!, approve, audit or other!ise affe$t the !or0 

of the persons $ited and above.

 :8 one is assi"ned to a position !here shehe influen$es the professional

 pro"ress or promotion of the persons $ited above.

If one is a!are of a situation that appears to be an opportunity for people

to display favoritism to relatives, one should $onta$t the epartment

Head or Human Resour$es epartment.

;mployees !ill not be part of the hirin" pro$ess of their relatives

$E"#"T"O# O RE%AT"'ES/

Relatives !ould in$lude husband, !ife, $hildren, parents, sisters, brothers, first

$ousins, brothers<in<la!, sisters<in<la!, mother in<la!, and father<in<la!.

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;mployees !ho are a!are of $andidature of their relatives for the or"ani4ation

must immediately report to the HR fun$tion in !ritin" for information and

re$ords. ailure to immediately report su$h $ases !ill be $onsidered as a serious

violation of the re$ruitment poli$y and may entail a dis$iplinary a$tion.


As part of university hire pro"ram, ---+L !ill provide internship opportunities

to students. Su$h internships !ill provide opportunities to students to learn

!hile ma0in" real $ontributions to the $ompany. ---+L !ill follo! the

follo!in" pro$essE

F HR !ill $oordinate !ith business "roups to identify potential opportunities

for intern hires.

F Internship reuests $ould be re$eived either from the students dire$tly or as

nominations from the edu$ational institute.

F HR and hirin" mana"er to tele<intervie! the $andidates !ith subseuent

 personal intervie!s in the offi$e

F HR to $oordinate !ith the hirin" mana"er to develop the proe$t plan for 

the hire

#ased on the demonstrated $apability, the intern !ill be provided !ith the

opportunity to !or0 in multiple departments to "ain a !ider business


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"#TER#S,"P !R"TER"A/

Typi$ally, the intern !ill be a pre<final year student of the #a$helor or 

Master de"ree pro"rams spe$iali4in" in inan$ial Servi$esIT and any

other business stream as reuired.

Interns !ill be e5pe$ted to mana"e their !on a$$ommodation and it !ill

not be provided by the $ompany.

Intern !ill be reuired to si"n the $onfidentiality and $ode of $ondu$ts

do$uments of the $ompany.


The overall purpose of the ne! hire inte"ration pro$ess is to ensure that the ne!

employee is able settle in smoothly and is able to $ontributin" at the earliest.


---+L3s employee indu$tion pro$ess shall be"in as per the employee a$$epts

the ob offer. The pro$ess in$ludesE

:e*come pac9 E As soon as the $andidate a$$epts the offer, a !el$ome

 pa$0 !ill be sent to the employee.

o A $on"ratulatory note re"ardin" the de$ision to oin the


o -onta$t details of a HR representative and the hirin" mana"er.

o A brief $ompany overvie! do$ument.

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Pre;7oining chec9*istE In$lude details of the do$uments reuired from the

employee. In $ase the employee is relo$atin" from a different lo$ation,

details of the relo$ation pro$ess and the visa reuirement !ill be outlined

in this $he$0list.

;5pe$tations on the first day of the oinin".

Office resourcesE HR shall intimate the immediate supervisor the oinin"

date and immediate supervisor shall !or0 !ith the IT and administration

team to set up the follo!in" > days prior to employee oinin", the

follo!in" elements and are in !or0in" orderE ;mail I, phone,

$omputin" resour$es, !or0 spa$eoffi$e, a$$ess $ards, oinin" 0it

in$ludin" ban0 a$$ount openin" form, initial readin" material.

POST 8O"#"#G OR"E#TAT"O# A#$ "#$U!T"O#/

8oining 9itE The employee upon oinin" !ould be !el$omed by the HR 

representative and !ould be "iven a oinin" 0it that !ill in$ludeE A$$ess

$ard, information on employee3s email and phone number, #an0 a$$ount

openin" form, $orporate insuran$e appli$ation form%if appli$able&,HR 6

Admin poli$y manual, other relevant readin" material % to be prepared by

hirin" mana"er&

!*assroom "nductionE The employee inte"ration pro$ess !ill also

in$lude $lassroom trainin" and indu$tion !here the employee !ill re$eive

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 presentations and trainin"s on various topi$s that !ould further in"rain

the into the or"ani4ation

On the 7ob trainingE #esides formal trainin" sessions, the employee !ill

under"o on<the<ob fun$tion spe$ifi$ trainin"s that are fa$ilitated by the

respe$tive fun$tions to help the ne! employee a$uaint himselfherself 

!ith !or0 in pro"ress.


+robation is a trial that is mutual opportunity for the employee and

---+L to $onfirm suitability for $ontinued employment. The probation

 period is to establish a stron"er understandin" of mutual $apabilities,

e5pe$tations and understandin" !hi$h may in$lude fun$tional trainin".

The employee must demonstrate suitability for $ontinued employment.

An assessment !ill be based on fa$tors related to !or0 performan$e,

!or0 habits, produ$tivity, attitude and $ompatibility, attendan$e and

 pun$tuality, and any other matter that is lin0ed to ob performan$e and


All ne! hires !ill be pla$ed on probation for a period of ? months from

the date of oinin"

HR !ill initiate the $onfirmation pro$ess by sendin" an appraisal form to

the immediate supervisor before the $ompletion of probationary period.

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The appraisal form !ill need to be approved by the supervisor3s


All letters of $onfirmation or e5tension of probation !ill be si"ned by the

HR head and !ill be stored in employee file for re$ords.


F The Referral #onus +ro"ram is operated under the authority of the #ud"et and

-ontrol #oard3s ;mployee #onus Guidelines. Under these "uidelines, an

employee may re$eive multiple bonuses, the total of !hi$h may not e5$eed

@,))) in any fis$al year.

F Referral bonus payments may be paid in a lump sum or in periodi$ payments

until the ne! employee has $ompleted his or her probationary period. +ayments

$annot be made until the referred $andidate has been employed for a minimum

of one month. or e5ample, a ',))) referral bonus $an be stru$tured as


< @>) referral bonus a!arded after three months from the hire date,

< @>) referral bonus a!arded after si5 months from the hire date,

< >)) referral bonus a!arded at the end of the probationary period.


The Referral +ro"ram operates in a$$ordan$e !ith the follo!in" pro"ram


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F Referral bonuses are a!arded at the dis$retion of mana"ement !ith the

A"en$y ire$tor or his desi"nee havin" final approval authority.

F undin" for the pro"ram must $ome from e5istin" a"en$y resour$es.

F The A"en$y !ill provide a form for $ompletion and submission by either the

appli$ant or the referrin" employee !ith the appli$ant3s appli$ation indi$atin"

that the referrin" employee has made the referral.

F The A"en$y !ill desi"nate a position as 7hard<to<fillJ before the position is


F ;mployees sele$ted for eli"ible positions must be employed by the a"en$y for 

at least one month before a referrin" employee may be eli"ible to re$eive a

referral bonus.

Referred $andidates $annot be $urrent employees of the hirin" a"en$y in any

$apa$ity, to in$lude temporary, temporary "rant, resear$h "rant, time< limited

 proe$t, or $ontra$t employees. #oth the referrin" employee and the referred

$andidate must be employed by the a"en$y !hen any referral bonus is paid

re$eive the referral bonus.

F Any disputes arisin" from the appli$ation of this pro"ram !ill be the

responsibility of the A"en$y ire$tor or his desi"nee to resolve and !ill not be

$onsidered a "rievan$e under the State ;mployee Grievan$e +ro$edure A$t.

F The a"en$y HR 8ffi$e !ill monitor the use of the Referral #onus +ro"ram and

!ill report annually to the 8ffi$e of Human Resour$es information on the use of 

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the Referral #onus +ro"ram.

F The hirin" pro$ess !ill be fair and $onsistent !ith a"en$y poli$y and

 pro$edures, !ith no bias for or a"ainst $andidates !hose sele$tion mi"ht ma0e

another employee eli"ible for a referral bonus.

Amount paid to the employees !ho refer the $andidates and if they "et sele$ted

varies from Rs. *))) to Rs.@))) based on the "rade of the employee refereed

and the refereed $andidate pla$ed.

This amount is paid to the employees in t!o !aysE

'. Immediately !hen the $andidate is oined

@. After the $ompletion of O months of the $andidate sele$ted.

8nly middle level and senior level mana"ement employees have the opportunity

of referrin" the $andidates. This poli$ys$heme is not appli$able to the top

mana"ement employees. Also the employees !ho are under probation or 

trainin" period are not eli"ible for this employee referral poli$y.

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Resear$h methodolo"yE ;5ploratory method


Sample Methods < Random Simple Samplin"

Sample si4e < '))

+rimary data <uestionnaire



9hile de$idin" about the sample of resear$h, it is reuired from the resear$her3s

 point to pay attention to these under mentioned pointsE

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a Samp*e Units/ A de$ision has to be ta0en $on$ernin" a samplin" unit

 before sele$tin" a sample, samplin" unit may be a "eo"raphi$al one su$h as

state, distri$t, villa"e ;t$. so in this resear$h samplin" unit is :e! elhi area.

b Source of data/  ata reuired for the study !as $olle$ted throu"h

 primary sour$es i.e. -ompany employees

c Samp*ing si3e/ This refers to the no. of items to be sele$ted from the

universe to $onstitute a sample. This is a maor problem before the resear$her.

The si4e of sample should neither be e5$essively lar"e not too small, it should

 be optimum. This si4e of population must be 0ept in vie! for this also limits the

sample si4e .Sample si4e in this resear$h is ')).


 +rimary data $olle$ted throu"h sample survey from the sele$ted elements in

malls and super mar0ets. So for this purpose I have used the most popular tool

of primary data $olle$tion throu"h dire$t $ommuni$ation !ith respondents. The

tools I used are uestionnaires.

MET,O$ O $ATA !O%%E!T"O#

A$tually data is of t!o 0inds !hi$h are follo!in"<

a& +rimary ataE +rimary data are those, !hi$h are $olle$ted afresh and for 

the first time and this happen to be ori"inal in $hara$ter.

 b& Se$ondary ataE Se$ondary data are those data !hi$h have already been

$olle$ted by someone else and !hi$h have already been used as per reuired.

There are basi$ally t!o sour$es to $olle$t se$ondary data

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a& InternallyE +rovided by the $ompanyor"ani4ation

  b& ;5ternallyE Karious publi$ation of $entral, state and lo$al Government.

F #oo0s, ma"a4ines, ne!spapers

F Internet

After only 0eepin" in mind one $an thin0 about !hat type of data has to be

$olle$ted durin" resear$h as our resear$h is $on$erned I have to "ather primary

data for -ustomer preferen$e.


As the uestionnaire is self administrated one, the survey is 0ept simple and

user friendly. 9ords used in uestionnaire are readily understandable to all


I have made the uestionnaire in !hi$h uestions are a$$ordin" to the resear$h

and these are $onvenien$e for the respondent.

The methodolo"y for my resear$h desi"n !as ;5ploratory as !ell as

des$riptive. Study !as $ondu$ted on both the primary data as !ell as se$ondary

data. #ut main fo$us !as on primary data.

The methodolo"y adopted by me is as follo!sE

$irect consu*tation;  This in$ludes dire$t intera$tion !ith staff of the

or"ani4ation re"ardin" the problems that I may en$ounter durin" my resear$h.

And this also $onsisted of verifi$ation of su""estions and re$ommendation

"iven by me in my resear$h report.

$ata co**ection; ata !as mainly $olle$ted from the internal reports of the

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$ompany and "atherin" further information I have also referred to the various

se$ondary sour$es.

!o**ection of data /

 +rimary sour$esE

 < Handouts "iven by the $ompany "uide

Se$ondary sour$esE

 < Internet sour$es

The pro$edure for $ondu$tin" the study reuires a lot of attention be paid for, it

has dire$t #earin" on se$urin" reliable and meanin"ful information. It is

 be$ause of this reason that the Resear$h Methodolo"y adopted for the study

needs to be elaborated upon. At the same time resear$h methodolo"y helps the

resear$her to "ive hisher reasons for adoptin" a $ertain $ourse of a$tion, !hile

rulin" out the others. 9ith this idea in mind, the methodolo"y has been

separately mentioned in this study.

This study is mi$ro in nature. #asi$ally information and data for this proe$t has

 been $olle$ted from primary sour$es i.e. from various departments of 


or $olle$tion of information needed for the proe$t !or0, method of personal

meetin"s !as used and but formal uestionnaire !as not made. Meetin"s !ere

held in person !ith fun$tionaries of ---+L at various levels in order to 0no!

type of information they need to ta0e de$ision, its availability !ith re"ard to

time, a$$ura$y, $ost, reliability, utility and system of $olle$tion of information

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 both from internal and e5ternal sour$es.

Intera$tion !ith fun$tionaries at various level !ere made to obtain information

from their unpublished re$ords. Karious formats used in preparation of reports

!ere $olle$ted from different departments and si"nifi$an$e of ea$h term used in

ea$h format !as understood.

Many problems li0e non<availability of information , biased information,

$on$ealment of fa$ts And problems et$. arisin" due to $ross<$he$0in", !ere

$onfronted durin" $olle$tion of fa$ts and i"ures due to time $onstraint, the

study has been restri$ted to the do$umentation se$tion of ---+L.



9hile surveyin" I en$ounter !ith some problems li0e<

F A survey should involve a lar"er sample si4e other!ise the findin"s of the

survey $an not be "enerali4ed.

F #ut a lar"er sample si4e may in$rease the time and $ost of $olle$tin" the

 primary data !ith the help of uestionnaire.

F In some of the retail sho!room it is not allo!ed to "et the uestionnaire


F Many of the respondents !ere not !illin" to fill the uestionnaire.

F Some people !ere not !illin" to respond and fe! of them !ho responded

!ere in hurry hen$e the a$tive parti$ipation !as la$0in". ue to !hi$h I fa$ed

diffi$ulties in $olle$tin" information3s re"ardin" our uestionnaire.

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F Another problem !hi$h I fa$e !as that people !ere hesitatin" to "ive

information about their vie!s freely.


U;STI8:E 9hat are the sour$es for re$ruitment and sele$tionN

Internal =

;5ternal 'C

#oth *O

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Very Good; 17%

 Good ; 50%

 Average ; 33%

About *> of the mana"er say that they prefer both internal as !ell as e5ternal

sour$e for re$ruitment and sele$tion !here as only = "o for internal sour$e

and 'C "o for e5ternal sour$es.

uestionE 9hi$h method do you mostly prefer for re$ruitment and sele$tion

 preferred !ay of re$ruitmentN

Third party O

Indire$t O@

ire$t ?>

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Very Good; 17%

 Good ; 50%

 Average ; 33%

About ?> of the man"ers "o for dire$t re$ruitment and sele$tion and O@ "o

for indire$t and only O "o for third party re$ruitment !ay.

uestionE 9hen do you prefer to "o for manpo!er plannin"N

Qearly @)


 :o fi5ed Time >)

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Very Good; 17%

 Good ; 50%

 Average ; 33%

Around >) of the mana"ers "o for uarterly manpo!er plannin" and @) do

not follo! any pattern they don3t have any fi5ed time !here as @) "o for 


uestionE 9hat are the sour$es for e5ternal re$ruitment are preferredN

-ampus intervie!s @>

+la$ement a"en$ies O(

ata ban0 OO

 -asual appli$ants C

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Very Good; 10%

 Good ; 30%

 Average ; 20%

Bad; 40%

In ---+L O( of mana"er "o for $ampus intervie!s, OO "o for data ban0,

@> from the $asual appli$ation that are re$eived and only C "o for any

 pla$ement a"en$ies.

uestionE 9hat form of intervie! did you preferN

+ersonal Intervie!s ')

Telephoni$ intervie!3 @)

 Kideo -onfren$in" ()

 8ther O)

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Very Good; 10%

 Good ; 30%

 Average ; 20%

Bad; 40%

Most of the mana"er +refer +ersonal intervie!s, O) prefer to ta0e telephoni$

intervie!s !here as only @) "o for video $onferen$in" and rest ') adopt

some other means of intervie!s

uestionE Ho! do you rate the HR pra$ti$es of the $ompanyN

Kery Good ')

 Good O)

 Avera"e @)

#ad ()

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Very Good; 10%

 Good ; 30%

 Average ; 20%

Bad; 40%

>) of the mana"ers feel that HR department is "ood !here and O)say that‟s

its very "ood !here as @) says its avera"e and only ') mana"er feel it ‟s



Re$ruitment at an offi$er and mana"erial level is not done effe$tively.

Many people in the or"ani4ation today are in the !ron" obs and as a

result, they are not utili4in" their full potential.

Hirin" people based on personal $onne$tions !hen the person is not

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ualified for the ob.

Most re$ruitment that involves mana"ers is done durin" dis$ussions at

lun$h hour, at so$ial $lubs or durin" the $offee brea0 time.

Inadeuate re$ruitment pro$edures resulted in a number of staff not bein"

suffi$iently ualified either for the positions they hold or their "rades

levels, espe$ially in mana"ement positions.

+sy$hometri$ test is not $ondu$ted durin" the sele$tion pro$ess.

-onfusion in the desi"nation and level to the employees even after 

 permanent status for employment is "iven.

+roper trainin" is not "iven to the re$ruitment team and mana"er.

Rea$hin" fe! prospe$ts due to internal re$ruitment, internet advertisin"

most of the time.


• The or"ani4ation should provide or set up a $ommuni$ation lab for the

 benefit of the fresher and e5istin" employees that ma0es a $areer 

development and ne! opportunity to "ro! up in the or"ani4ation.

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• This in$reases the employee morale and helps to attain the tar"et.

• -ommuni$ation $lasses should be $ondu$ted timely to all employees

should be follo!ed by or"ani4ation.

• Refresher $ourses may or"ani4e intermittently for all employees in the

ran0 and file $ate"ory to relive ob fati"ue and monotony of every day

!or0 life. So employees $an "ain s0ills by -ommuni$ation.

• -andidates !ho enter into the 1ob Mar0et must ma0e sure that their 

effi$ien$y in -ommuni$ation is up to the e5pe$tation of an or"ani4ation

!hi$h !ill ma0e them to "o throu"h the Re$ruitment and Sele$tion

system of Royal Sundaram Allian$e Insuran$e -ompany.

• The respondents in the $orporate e5hibits that $ommuni$ation s0ills are

ne$essary for all the employees from different $hannels.

• 8S %leet on street& Team should be made involved to pass throu"h

more $ommuni$ation $lasses from lan"ua"e e5perts.

• The $ompany should allot funds to $reate a $ommuni$ation laboratory for 

the benefi$iary of all the employees.


'. +sy$hometri$ tests have to be $ondu$ted to assessin" the personality of 

the appli$ants !ill they fit inN

@. Loo0 for different s0ills as !ell as the ideas of the $andidate at the time

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of re$ruitment and sele$tion pro$ess.

O. Adoptin" adeuate re$ruitment pro$edures to employ effi$ient and

talented people.

(. 1ob responsibilities have to be $learly e5plained to the $andidate before

the oinin" formality is done.

>. -ampus re$ruitments, ob fairs may attra$t more s0illed and talented

employees to!ards the or"ani4ation.

?. +rovide orientation trainin" to all ne! employees before their initial !or0 

assi"nments and to all $urrent employees !ho re$eive a different tas0 or 


*. Referral s$heme has to be en$oura"ed more at times !hen the

reuirement is ur"ent.


Re$ruitment is essential to effe$tive Human Resour$es Mana"ement. It is

the heart of the !hole HR systems in the or"ani4ation. The effe$tiveness

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of many other HR a$tivities, su$h as sele$tion and trainin" depends

lar"ely on the uality of ne! employees attra$ted throu"h the re$ruitment

the re$ruitment pro$ess.

+oli$ies should al!ays be revie!ed as these are affe$ted by the $han"in"

environment. Mana"ement should "et spe$ifi$ trainin" on the pro$ess of 

re$ruitment to in$rease their a!areness on the dan"ers of !ron"


;ffe$tive re$ruitment is important in a$hievin" hi"h or"ani4ational

 performan$e and minimi4in" labor turnover. As of no! ---+L #an0 

Ltd. has a team of effe$tive human resour$e !hi$h is effi$iently

mana"in" the or"ani4ation at its best. Thou"h the re$ruitment pro$ess

adopted by the or"ani4ation needs to be improved, $hallen"es are ahead

for the HR epartment to re$ruit people after the effe$t of re$ession.

In the present $ompetitive 6 dynami$ environment, it has be$ome

essential for or"ani4ation to build and sustainable.

In $ompetitive advanta"e, the -ommuni$ation s0ill set has assumed more

importan$e than even before. ynami$ and "ro!th<oriented or"ani4ation

re$o"ni4es -ommuni$ation as an important aspe$t of the Re$ruitment and

Sele$tion system for mana"erial fun$tion in a rapidly $han"in" and

e$onomi$ environment.

The $ompany should ta0e the su""estions and ideas from the employees

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and $an $ondu$t and e5amine the $ommuni$ation s0ill set !ithin the

employees. So that they $an analy4e the need and a$t a$$ordin"ly for a

 better result and the "ro!th of its o!n and valuable !or0for$e.



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AS9ATHA++A, 2. %@))=&, Human Resour$e Mana"ement

;SSL;R, GARQ %@))C&, Human Resour$e Mana"ement

R8##I:S, ST;+H;: +.,%@))C& 78r"ani4ational #ehaviourJ of +renti$e

Hall of India %:e! elhi&

-HHA#RA , T. :.,%@))C&, Human Resour$e Mana"ement


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U;STI8:E 9hat are the sour$es for re$ruitment and sele$tionN

a. !ter!a"

#. $ter!a"

&. Both

uestionE 9hi$h method do you mostly prefer for re$ruitment and sele$tion

 preferred !ay of re$ruitmentN

a. 'h(rd )arty

#. !d(re&t

&. *(re&t

uestionE 9hen do you prefer to "o for manpo!er plannin"N

a. +ear"y

#. uater"y

&. -o ed '(/e

uestionE 9hat are the sour$es for e5ternal re$ruitment are preferredN

-ampus intervie!s

a. P"a&e/e!t age!&(es

#. *ata #a!

&. asua" a))"(&a!ts


uestionE 9hat form of intervie! did you preferN

a. Perso!a" !terv(es

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#. 'e"e)ho!(& (!terv(e

&. V(deo o!re!&(!g

d. ther

uestionE Ho! do you rate the HR pra$ti$es of the $ompanyN

a. Very Good

#. Good

&. Average

d. Bad

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