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Page 1: Humanities thinker

Chart of Thinkers and their Beliefs

Hobbes: Beliefs: that humans are naturally selfish and could live in peace by giving up all of their political rights to a ruler who would in turn protect them.

Classical Liberalism: His concern was with the interest of the individuals and freedom. This relates to classical liberalism because of the emphasis on individual rights and freedom and the right to be who you want and do what you want within limits.

Locke: Beliefs: Focused on reason and logic to determine actions. Believed humans had inalienable natural rights: life, liberty, security, private property.

Classical Liberalism: He supported the rule of law and protection of civil liberties, rights and freedoms under a constitution.

Montesquieu: Beliefs: separation of the executive legislative, and judicial branches of government which would keep the government accountable.

Classical Liberalism: Placed high importance on the rule of law, the constitutional limitations on government, and the primacy of individuals rights and freedoms.

Smith:Beliefs: Believed that if individuals were free t make their own decisions in a free market, their self interest (invisible hand) would benefit society as a whole.

Classical liberalism: Economic ideas are directly related to economic freedom, self interest, competition, and private property. Ideas can also be tied to rule of law (contracts) and individual rights and freedoms

Mill:Beliefs: believed in individual rights and freedoms as well as free speech. Only limitations should be if ones actions could harm another.

Page 2: Humanities thinker

Classical liberalism: he believed in the ideas of individual rights and freedoms.

Bentham:Beliefs: Utilitarian. Liberty rights and so on exist independence of government. He said “ the greatest happiness for the greatest number”

Classical Liberalism: Majority protection. He wanted the majority of the population to be happy.

Ricardo: Beliefs: The wages paid to workers should be determined by supply and demand for their skills government should not regulate this at all.

Classic Liberalism: Self interest, competition and economic freedom.

I believe that the person who is most similar to my beliefs would be Mill. This is because he believes in individual freedom and freedom to do what you want as long as it is hurting no one else. I think this is a good way to create boundaries of freedom because individuals have the right to be free but should not have to hurt others to have this freedom.

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