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    Human Resource Planning could be expressed as a process by which themanagement ensures the right number of people and right kind of people, atthe right place, at the right time doing the right things for which they arerecruited and placed for the achievement of goals of the organization.

    Human Resource may be regarded as the quantitative and qualitativemeasurement of workforce required in an organization.

    Human Resource Planning aims at the continuous supply of right kind ofpersonnel to ll various positions in the organization.

    Human Resource Planning is a continuous process.

    !n the words of "olman , #$anpower planning is the process of determiningmanpower requirements and the means of meeting those requirements inorder to carryout the integrated plan of the organization%.

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    & 'ccording to (eister, #$anpower Planning is the process includingforecasting, developing and controlling by which a rm ensures that it has

    the right number of people and the right kind of people at the right places, atthe right time doing work for which they are economically most useful.)herefore, manpower planning consists of pro*ecting future manpowerrequirements and developing manpower plans for the implementation ofpro*ections%.

    & 'ccording to +ale . -each, #Human Resource Planning is a process of

    determining and assuring that the organization will have an adequatenumber of qualied persons, available at the proper times, performing *obswhich meet the needs of the enterprise and which provide satisfaction forthe individuals involved.

    Human Resource planning can not be rigid or static. !t is amenable tomodications, review and ad*ustments in accordance with the needs of theorganization or the changing circumstances

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    .i/ ensure optimum use of human resources currently employed1

    ii/ avoid imbalances in the distribution and allocation of human res

    iii/ assess or forecast future skill requirements of the


    overall ob*ectives1

    iv/ provide control measure to ensure availability of necessaryresources when required1

    v/ control the aspect of human resources1

    vi/ formulate transfer and promotion policies

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    )he following points emerges after the analysis of various denitions 3

    HRP presents an inventory of existing manpower of the organisation. 'nalysis

    resource helps in ascertaining the status of the available personnel and to dis

    untapped talent presently available with the organisation.

    HRP helps in determining the shortfall or surplus of the resource by comparing

    resource needs with the present supply. !t also helps in pro*ecting future HR n

    HRP is concerned with the initiation of various organisation progammes

    depending upon the demand and supply of human resources.

    45ective manpower planning must encompass the acquisition, utilization,


    and preservation of the organisation6s human resources.

    HR planning aim at ascertaining the manpower needs of the organisation

    both in number and kind.

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    / 7isting or current human resources

    8/ 'ssessing the context to which the current manpower is utilized to theadvantage of the organizing.

    9/ Planning out the surplus human resource, if any,

    :/ 'nalyzing the requirements of manpower in future in the light ofexpansion plans, retirement of personnel etc.

    ;/ $aking human resource forecast

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    HRP helps in proper recruitment and selection so that right type of people

    are available to man various positions in the organization.

    HRP also facilitates designing of training programmes for the employees todevelop the required skills in them.

    HRP provides lead time for procuring personnel as the lead time given is atime&consuming process.

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    HRP is an integral part of HR$ and it helps in the followingways 3HRP results in reduced labour costs as it helps the management to anticipate shortages

    and=or surpluses or HR, and correct these imbalances before they becomeunmanageable and expensive.

    HRP is the scientic way for planning employee development that is designed to makeoptimum use of workers6 skills within the organization.

    HRP enables identication of the gaps of the existing HR so that corrective trainingcould be imparted.

    HRP leads of improvement in the overall #-usiness Planning% process.

    HRP helps in formulating managerial succession plan as a part of the replacementplanning process.

    HRP leads to a greater awareness of the importance of sound manpower managementthroughout the organization

    HRP serves as a tool to evaluate the e5ect of alternative manpower actions andpolicies.

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    HRP at diferent leel! :

    HRP may broadly be carried out at "orporate, divisional and plant levels. !t is better forHRP to start at the lowest level and them move upward. !f personnel lower down in the

    organization start the following process, the organization shall reach the benets ofthinking of persons who are more familiar with the day to day problems.

    HRP at the plant level can be inducted by an operating committee on the basis of pastdata and future pro*ections. )he committee would formulate a manpower plan for therest years. Planning would also include the number of employees required and thesources which could be utilized to meet these requirements. 't this level, HRP wouldalso determine the number of promo table employees for the annual HR plan. 't the

    end, the committee will evaluate the plans in the light of expected changes of all kindswithin the next ve years with the help of HRP experts. 4ach department will have thedivisional=departmental committee which would review the HR plans submitted by allthe divisions in the plant. )he divisional committee would integrate all the HR plans ofwhich in turn would be submitted to the top management.)he "ommittee of top executives will review the plan submitted by the divisionalcommittees and will develop similar plans for the headquarter sta5. !t will makepro*ections of HR requirements of various kinds during the next ve years. 'fter the HR

    planning has been done at the top level, taking into consideration records regardingemployee turnover due to death, retirement, resignations, terminations andabsenteeism also, it will be integrated with the other organizational plans.

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    )he process of HRP involves the following steps 3

    .. +etermination of HRP ob*ectives of HR planning

    8. "urrent HR inventory

    9. +emand >orecasting

    :. ?ob requirements

    ;. 4mployment plan

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    HR planning is a continuous planning

    @b*ectives of HRP

    !nventoryof HRkillsAnding gap/

    Bork studyand demandforecasting

    +etermine ?obRequirements

    'ppraisal ofHRP

    )rainingC+evelopment Prog



    Fig. The Human Resource Planning Process

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    ' brief explanation of the steps on the manpower planning process is given below 3&

    . @b*ectives of HR Planning 3

    'ccording to ikulaq, '.>. ADEF/, #the ultimate purpose of HR planning is to relatefuture human resources future enterprise needs so as to maximise the future return on

    investment in human resources%. HR planning is an integral part of he corporateplanning. !t must be integrated with the overall organisational plans. HR planningshould be more concerned with lling future vacancies with right type of people ratherthan with matching existing personnel with existing *obs.

    8. "urrent HR inventory 3

    tudy of current HR supply may be undertaken by department, by function, byoccupation, or by level of skill or qualications. 'ssessment of demand for theoperative personnel presents less problems of uncertainty but pro*ections of HRrequirement for supervisory and managerial levels presents a complex problem becausethe required talents are not available at a short notice. )his *usties the need toascertain the present HR inventory in the enterprise. )his will also help in drawingrecruitment and development plans to meet the needs of certain skills in the future.ystematic steps must be taken in order o ensure that a resource of talent is available

    when vacancies occur. )he search for talented employees in the organisation must becontinuous. )o be sure that available talent has been included, the inventory of variousskills in the enterprise should be indexed. +etailed bio&data of each individual includedin HR inventory must be obtained separately for the purpose of manpower planning.

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