Page 1: HWMO 2013 Outreach Events Review

HWMO 2013 Community Outreach and Education Summary

By Pablo Beimler

2013 has been yet another solid year for HWMO in terms of reaching out to a vast number and range

of people about Hawaii’s wildfire issues. Our outreach strategies have broadened over the coarse of

the year with the creation of a re-vamped website (see below), increased social media presence (see

below), and an array of different events we have attended or facilitated (see following pages for event

details). We have also completed two different school curriculums: the Know Fire K-8th Grade

Classroom Wildfire Curriculum & the Waikoloa Wildfire Safety Park Demonstration Garden

Curriculum. As of right now, we are in the middle of developing the state’s first Hawaii-specific

“Ready, Set, Go: Personal Wildland Fire Action Guide” that will become a focal outreach distribution

material for HWMO and other fire agencies for years to come.

HWMO’s Web Media Expansion







New HWMO Website

Project page now organized by HWMO’s 3 areas of

concentration: Prevention,

Pre-suppression, & Post-Fire

Page 2: HWMO 2013 Outreach Events Review

Feb. 2: Cherry Blossom Festival, Parker Ranch Center, Waimea

HWMO attended this year’s Cherry Blossom Festival to promote current projects and to hand out material regarding wildfire

prevention and awareness.

Mar. 1: Nahelehele Dryland Forest Symposium, King Kam. Kona Beach Hotel, Kona

The 7th annual Dryland Forest Symposium was headlined by presenters from multiple agencies concerned with restoring Hawaii’s

rare dryland forests. Elizabeth Pickett and Tom Loomis were invited to present our poster representing both HWMO and PFX.

Sep. 14: Wiliwili Festival, Waikoloa School, Waikoloa

HWMO’s newest addition to the organization, Pablo Beimler, and Nalani Ludwig spent the day at the Waikoloa School handing out information regarding fire awareness to community members. The event, hosted by the Waikoloa Dry Forest Initiative (WDFI), attracted a couple

hundred people who took interest in the important mission of saving our rare Dryland Forests! Wildfire is one of the biggest threats to the dry forest, and WDFI is an important HWMO partner.

Oct. 5: Hilo Fire Prevention Week, Bayfront Park, Hilo

Pablo Beimler set up a booth representing HWMO and PFX down in Hilo for this year's Fire Prevention Week. The theme for the event, "Prevent Kitchen Fires," did not go unnoticed, as local firefighters helped kids put out demonstration stove fires with fire extinguishers. Other exciting demonstrations included a "Jaws of Life" car rescue and a helicopter rescue right there on the shore of Bayfront Park. Although it rained throughout the day, a few hundred people (mostly families with their kids) made it out to the event. We passed out a number of "Ready, Set, Go" preparedness guides, NFPA pamphlets, and a great deal of Smokey the Bear gear. We also spoke to a few firefighters about the Pacific Fire Exchange, which they took great interest in. All in all, another successful event that left the kids more aware about fire safety and with a smile on their face.

HWMO 2013 Community Outreach Events

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Oct. 25: Parker School Presentation and Workshop, Parker School, Waimea

The HWMO team traveled down the road from our office to Parker School for a “Make a Difference Day” event. Carolyn

Stewart and Elizabeth Pickett teamed up to give presentations to a class of high school students regarding watershed and fire

issues, respectively. Afterwards, even given a long day of field work the students endured, the students were enthusiastic

enough to join us for an outdoor activity. Pablo Beimler and Tom Loomis set up dioramas that demonstrated direct/indirect point

source pollution. We had students simulate pollution events ranging from leaky septic tanks to agricultural runoff to post-fire

erosion. The students not only learned a great deal in such a short period of time, they had quite a blast pouring cocoa

powder and Kool-aid (“pollutants”) into the model and watching the unfortunate aftermath. If only it were as easy to start our

watersheds from scratch the way we did by simply pouring the “pollutants” out of the “sea” and giving the dioramas a nice rinse.

Oct. 26: Kona Fire Prevention Week, Wal-Mart Parking Lot, Kona

Once a year, the entire HWMO team gathers together for an outreach event. Saturday, October 26th, 2013, was that day, which was Fire Prevention Week in Kona at the Wal-Mart parking lot. By showing up in full force, we were able to reach out to a great number and variety of visiting families, ranging from local to mainlanders to even those from Japan. We gave out a stack of "Ready, Set, Go" brochures, among other important fire safety guides; And, of course, the kids walked home with a collection of our Smokey goods. Some great events

occurred throughout the day including a simulation put on by HFD firefighters demonstrating a live-action Jaws of Life "rescue," which kept the crowd on their toes. Afterwards, the annual Bucket Brigade Competition was held, featuring 16 teams of all ages and backgrounds. HWMO happened to be one of those teams, and we ended up landing a 5th place finish. Our team was as cohesive and fluid as ever, but we fell short to those who know how to put out fires best: HFD and their staff.

Oct. 26: Kona Home Show, Sheraton Resort, Keauhou

Pablo Beimler extended our outreach day into the late afternoon by representing BIWCG and HWMO at the Kona Home Show at the Sheraton Resort in Keauhou. The indoor event hosted a wide range of vendors, but our booth was unique in that we provided valuable information for protecting homes and families from disasters such as wildfires. From 2-5pm, when HWMO hosted the booth, a few dozen people stopped by to talk and learn about HWMO and PFX and information on how to safeguard homes and communities from wildfire.

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Oct. 29: Ocean Warriors Fire Lesson, Park and Ride, Waikoloa

HWMO collaborated with the Ocean Warriors program for a Fire Day in Waikoloa. Elizabeth Pickett and Pablo Beimler met with Tom Loomis and Maja Sommerfeld from Ocean Warriors to give a lesson on fire ecology and issues relevant to the Waikoloa region. Wildfire issues in Waikoloa are some of the most rampant on the island and are tied into ocean issues due to post-fire erosion and runoff events. The middle school students also enjoyed an informative guest lecture by Jen Lawson of one of HWMO's

many local partner organizations: Waikoloa Dry Forest Initiative. Jen touched on the importance of restoring native dryland forest vegetation to help combat the vicious fire cycle that has severely reduced the populations and chances for the repopulation of native dryland species. As part of the concluding events to help the students visualize the fire cycle, we put on a game of "fire tag" which the energized kids thoroughly enjoyed.

 Dec. 7: Waikoloa Parade & Banjy’s Keiki Festival, Waikoloa

As another example of HWMO's strengthening partnerships, we connected with DOFAW's Smokey the Bear for this year's Waikoloa

Parade and Banjy's Keiki Festival. A full day begun with Smokey marching along the parade route, only to fall behind due to the

constant inflow of fan photo-ops. Not only kids, but adults were just as happy to take photos with Smokey, who in turn reminded all that "only

YOU can prevent forest fires." The fanfare continued into the Banjy's restaurant at the Keiki Festival's Craft Fair. Pablo Beimler set up a booth with all of our outreach materials, including new Firewise

brochures and HWMO overview flyers and a brand new poster-board layout. Dozens of keiki stopped by the booth to collect Smokey gear

and a great deal of adults received brief lessons about fire safety and the newest updates from HWMO and PFX. All in all, another

successful, exciting outreach day, thanks much in part to Smokey's generosity!

Event # Attendees # Booth Visits

Cherry Blossom Festival 1000 100

Nahelehele Symposium 150 100

Wiliwili Festival 200 50

Hilo Fire Prevention Week 400 80

Kona Fire Prevention Week 500 100

Event # Attendees # Booth Visits

Parker School Workshop 30 -

Kona Home Show 500 40

Ocean Warriors Fire Day 10 -

Waikoloa Parade/Keiki Fest 250 80

2013 Outreach Event Summary Statistics

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