Page 1: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment:

further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and

depth variations in soils, streams and groundwaters of

the Plynlimon forested catchment, Wales

P. Shand, A. H. Haria, C. Neal, K. J. Griffiths, D. C. Gooddy, A. J. Dixon, T.

Hill, D. K. Buckley, J. E. Cunningham

To cite this version:

P. Shand, A. H. Haria, C. Neal, K. J. Griffiths, D. C. Gooddy, et al.. Hydrochemical hetero-geneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depthvariations in soils, streams and groundwaters of the Plynlimon forested catchment, Wales. Hy-drology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, European Geosciences Union, 2005, 9 (6),pp.621-644. <hal-00304875>

HAL Id: hal-00304875

Submitted on 31 Dec 2005

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Page 2: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations
Page 3: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 4: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 5: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 6: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 7: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 8: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 9: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 10: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 11: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 12: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 13: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 14: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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6m (60%)

11m (15%)

31m (25%)34m


not pumping

cooler waterlower ECfluid entry



water inflow and % contribution when pumped


wrapped trace


Plynlimon borehole VB 3

Log datum is casing top (0.15maGL) SWL: 0.95mbd.Water struck at 1.3, 3.4-4, 4-4.3, 5.9, 6.2m . Borehole pumped Q=18m3/h, PWL:1.2mbd.TEMP of discharge was 7.7C,




(mm)85 110

Penetration rate

(mins/m)0 30 Lith


gy V


Focused RES

(ohm.m)100 350

Gamma ray

(cps)50 100

Fluid TEMP 15/6/95

(DegC)8.4 9.2

Fluid TEMPQ 15/6/95

8.4 9.2

Fluid EC25

(15/6/95)300 450

Fluid ECQ 25

(uS/cm)300 450


(%)0 100











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Page 15: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 16: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 17: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 18: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 19: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 20: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 21: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 22: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 23: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 24: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 25: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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Page 26: Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further ...Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations

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