  • 1. * Handling Spike Events Reza Rassool, CTO Kwaai Oak

2. * Kwaai Oak212/13/2013 3. SunMonMINSatKwaai OakTueWedThuFri* 312/13/2013 4. Recovered revenue (x$100) Lost revenue (x$100) Servers ROI% (x100) Page load time (s) Bounce Rate% (x10) Traffic (100s) 0Kwaai Oak1234*5678910 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Hour of the day412/13/2013 5. * Kwaai Oak512/13/2013 6. Standard cloud elasticity can cope with slowly* varying loads But what about unexpected spikes?* Kwaai Oak612/13/2013 7. 300.00* Linux bootlatency results in lost revenue250.00 Total Traffic (x100) Servers200.00* Cloud billingBounce rate %unfairly pads charges long after the spike is over.Cloud Cost150.00100.00Not to scale50.00500550600650700750800Linux Boot time 15mins Kwaai Oak712/13/2013 8. * Faster booting nodes see GCE * Sub hour billing * Google GCE (10 min) * MS Azure (1 min)* Kwaai Oak812/13/2013 9. * Kwaai Oak912/13/2013 10. * Faster boots * Sub-hour billing * Also * Timely feedback metrics* User centric performance metrics * Load test (SOASTA) * Dont be afraid to compute ROI * Lost revenue * Recovered revenue* Kwaai Oak1012/13/2013

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