Page 1: HYPOTHESIS TESTING: A FORM OF STATISTICAL INFERENCE Mrs. Watkins AP Statistics Chapters 23,20,21


Mrs. WatkinsAP Statistics

Chapters 23,20,21

Page 2: HYPOTHESIS TESTING: A FORM OF STATISTICAL INFERENCE Mrs. Watkins AP Statistics Chapters 23,20,21

What is a hypothesis test?

• Hypothesis Testing: Method for using sample data to decide between 2 competing claims about a population parameter (mean or proportion)

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What question do such tests answer?

Is our finding due to chance or is it likely that something about the population seems to have changed?

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Why Statistical Inference?

The only way to “prove” anything is to use entire population, which is not possible.

So, we use INFERENCE to make decisions about a population, based on a sample

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• A new cold medicine claims to reduce the amount of time a person suffers with a cold. A random sample of 25 people took the new medicine when they felt the onset of a cold and continue to take it twice a day until theyfelt better. The average time these people took the medication was 5.2 days with a standarddeviation of 1.4 days. The typical time a person suffers with a cold is said to be one week.

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Questions from our cold study:

What is the difference between the population mean and the sample mean? 1.8 days

Is this difference likely to be due to chance?

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How could we compute how likely it is to see a mean of 5.2 when we are expecting a mean of 7 days? Use a z score!

z = 7 – 5.2_ = 6.43 1.4/√25

probability of this is nearly 0…so unlikely

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Hypotheses: Ho: μ = 7 (the status quo of cold duration)Ha: μ < 7 (what we hope to be true about the

new medication)

Our evidence suggests that Ha is more likely to be true.

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Writing Hypotheses:

Statistical Hypothesis: a claim or statement about the value of the population parameter

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2 Hypotheses:• Null Hypothesis: claim that is assumed to be

true—usually based on past research Noted Ho

• Alternative Hypothesis: competing claim based on a new sample suggesting that a change has occurred Noted Ha

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Kinds of Tests:

Two tailed: Ho: μ = 7Ha: μ ≠ 7

Right tailed: Ho: μ = 7 Ha: μ > 7

Left tailed: Ho: μ = 7 Ha: μ < 7

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Hypotheses Example 1:

A medical researcher wants to know if a new medicine will have an effect on a patient’s pulse rate. He knows that the mean pulse rate for this population is 82 beats per minute:

Ho: μ = 82

Ha: μ ≠ 82

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Hypotheses Example 2:

A chemist invents an additive to increase the life of an automobile battery. The mean lifetimes of a typical car battery is 36 months.

Ho:μ = 36Ha:μ > 36

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Hypotheses Example 3:

An educational research group is investigating the effects of poverty on elementary school reading levels. Prior research suggests that only 46% of children from poor families achieve grade level reading by third grade

Ho: p = 0.46Ha: p ≠ 0.46

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Hypotheses Example 4:

A cancer research team has been given the task of evaluating a new laser treatment for tumors. The current standard treatment is costly and has a success rate of 0.30.

Ho: p = 0.30Ha: p > 0.30

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Statistical Significance:

The results of an experiment or observational study are too “different” from the established population parameter to have occurred simply due to chance….

Something else must be going on…..

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Now go on-line and watch this video carefully for good example of hypothesis testing in use:

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α = rejection region

α is the rejection region on the normal curve, accepted to be the highest probability that cause you to uphold the Ho.

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Let’s assume α = 0.05.If p < α, then we reject Ho.

The sample result is too unlikely to have happened due to chance, so the Ho is overturned.

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If p > α, then we fail to reject Ho.The sample result could have

happened due to chance, so the Ho is upheld.

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What does p value mean?

The p value is the probability (based on z or t curve) of seeing a sample mean of this value or more extreme if the Ho is really true.

If p value is low, then the Ho must not be true. The sample data suggests that the status quo has changed.

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Conclusions of Hypothesis Tests

Rejecting Ho = Statistically significant change

Failing to reject Ho=Difference between sample mean and Ho mean was not statistically significant.

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Testing about MeansWhen investigating whether a claim about a MEAN is correct, you have to decide whether to do a t test or a z test.

Z test: if you know pop. standard deviationT test: if you know sample standard deviation

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H: HypothesesA: AssumptionsT: Test and Test StatisticP: P valueI: Interpretation of p valueC: Conclusion

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A newspaper article from 5 years ago claimed that 9.5% of college students seriously considered suicide sometime during the previous year. If a sample from this year consisted of 1,000 students and 144 claimed that they had seriously considered suicide, is there evidence to suggest that the proportion has increased?

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Null Hypothesis: Ho : p = 0.095(the stated claim about the population

proportion)Alternative Hypothesis:

Ha: p > 0.095Ha: p < 0.095Ha: p ≠ 0.095

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Z Proportion Test

There are no t tests for proportions, only z.Note that we are using p not for standard deviation of distribution.

Test Statistic: z = P value: use normal cdf

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1. Random Sample or Random Assignment2. Large enough to assume normal model:

n p > 10n q > 10

Note that we are using p not for verifying normality assumption.

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An educator claims the dropout rate in Ohio schools is 15%. Last year, 280 seniors from a random sample of 2000 seniors withdrew from school.

At α = 0.05, can the claim of 15% be supported or is the proportion statistically significantly different?

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