
Hypoxic Intrusions to Puget Sound from the OceanR. Walt Deppe∗†, Jim Thomson‡, Brian Polagye∗†† and Christopher Krembs§

∗Mechanical Engineering Department, University of WashingtonSeattle, Washington 98195-2600†Email: [email protected]

††Email: [email protected]‡Applied Physics Lab, University of Washington

Seattle, Washington 98195-2600Email: [email protected]

§Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, Washington 98504-7710Email: [email protected]

Abstract—Oceanic intrusions of dense, hypoxic water regu-larly occur at the entrance to Puget Sound, WA (USA), andmay be significant to regional dissolved oxygen levels. Seabedobservations at Admiralty Inlet from 2009 to 2013 show a strongcorrelation of low dissolved oxygen concentrations with highsalinity, coincident with residual currents directed inward toPuget Sound. These intrusions of dense water to Puget Soundlikely are related to estuarine exchange flows, which are expectedto occur during conditions for minimal tidal mixing. Observationsare consistent with minimal mixing, which occurs during the neaptides and maximum diurnal inequalities (and especially duringsolar equinoxes, when these effects are combined). However, tidalconditions alone cannot predict intrusions of hypoxic ocean waterto Puget Sound. Coastal upwelling and Fraser River dischargeinfluence the availability of dense, hypoxic water outside of PugetSound. This likely is related to the larger-scale exchange flowin the Strait of Juan de Fuca, which connects Puget Soundto the North Pacific Ocean. This large scale process adds astrong seasonal modulation to the intrusion of hypoxic water.This paper develops a method to diagnose hypoxic intrusionevents at Admiralty Inlet. The method is based, empirically,on seabed observations, but application of the method relies onoperational data products. Using only tidal elevation datum andindices for coastal upwelling and river discharge, 100% of eventswith dissolved oxygen less than 4.0 mg/L are identified in the 3year record.


The waters of Puget Sound, WA (USA), are periodicallysubject to very low dissolved oxygen levels. These hypoxicevents can be extremely harmful to biological life andconsequentially to ecosystem-based industries like fishing andaquaculture. Within Puget Sound, Hood Canal is particularlysusceptible to hypoxic events that lead to fish kills andto the decimation of populations of other marine life [1].The origin of this low dissolved oxygen water can beattributed to two major forces. An obvious possible forceis anthropogenic modulation. Runoff from farmland andother untreated wastewater that is high in nutrients can causewidespread algae blooms under certain conditions, whichquickly consume dissolved oxygen in the water, reducingthe concentration to hypoxic levels [1]. These anthropogenicforces may play a role in the modulation of dissolved oxygenlevels in Puget Sound, but there is also an external forcing

factor. The external forcing is the natural modulation ofdissolved oxygen concentration by oceanographic processes,particularly the intrusion of hypoxic water from the PacificOcean [1].

The overwhelming majority of the water leaving andentering Puget Sound does so through Admiralty Inlet, andthus our study focuses on this location. Admiralty Inlet has aunique bathymetry in that it has a long shallow sill comparedto most glacially carved estuaries. The sill region is about30 kilometers in length and has a minimum depth of about60 meters with two major peaks along the region [2]. Thisdistinctive geometry plays an important role in determiningthe physical behavior of the flow of water between theStrait of Juan de Fuca and Puget Sound. Another importantcharacteristic in this region is the presence of strong tidalcurrents (> 3 m/s) [3].

The natural modulation of dissolved oxygen has notbeen studied enough to sufficiently understand the processesinvolved and its relative contribution to the overall modulationof dissolved oxygen levels in Puget Sound. It is understoodthat dense, low dissolved oxygen water can be upwelled fromthe deep ocean and carried through Admiralty Inlet into theSound under certain tidal conditions [2]. This water thenmakes its way though the main basin and eventually maybecome involved in hypoxia events in certain areas of theSound [4]. The relative importance of natural modulationcompared to that of anthropogenic modulation is not wellknown. The driving forces involved in the availability andphysical transport of these low dissolved oxygen waterinflows require more explanation but are expected to includecoastal upwelling, tidal currents, and river discharge.

Geyer and Cannon determined that high salinity intrusionsinto Puget Sound occur during periods of minimal mixing atAdmiralty Inlet [2]. Consequently, they found that the twomost important conditions favoring dense water inflow overthe sill are the maximum diurnal inequality and the neaptides, which coincide at the equinoxes [2]. However, Geyer

and Cannon also note that the presence of these favorableconditions for dense water inflow do not guarantee that ahigh salinity intrusion will occur and that there are otherforcing factors like increased river runoff that may accountfor availability of dense water [2]. Cannon, Holbrook, andPashinski, discuss that coastal upwelling and downwellingmay be important factors for availability as well [5]. Inparticular, Cannon, Holbrook, and Pashinski, observed thatcoastal storms in the winter, which cause downwelling,may suppress high salinity water intrusions [5]. They alsocalculated a strong negative correlation between bottomsalinity near Admiralty Sill and wind measurements at N 48,W 125, with a lag in the bottom salinity of about 7.25 daysfollowing wind events [5].

In order to asses the seasonal availability of hypoxicwater in the Strait of Juan de Fuca near Puget Sound, thepersistence of coastal upwelling conditions and the dischargesignal of the Fraser River must be quantified. The FraserRiver is the primary source of fresh water into the Strait ofJuan de Fuca [6]. Both upwelling and Fraser River dischargewould influence the density difference between deep oceanicwaters and fresher surface waters. An increase in this densitydifference could increase the strength a two-layer exchangeflow in the Strait [7]. Given Juan de Fuca conditions favorablefor hypoxic availability, an intrusion at Admiralty Sill wouldthen be expected to occur during neap tides with maximumdiurnal inequality.

This paper presents a method to quantify the combinedtidal and regional conditions necessary for hypoxic intrusionevents. Section II describes seabed observations of hypoxicintrusions and develops indices for the relevant conditions.Section III applies these indices to predict (or rather,hindcast) the seabed observations and correctly identifyhypoxic intrusion events. Section IV discusses implicationsand potential applications of the predictions for future events.Section V presents conclusions.


A. Field Observations

Since August of 2009, a Seabird 16plusv2 CTDO(Conductivity, Temperature, Depth, Oxygen) sensor has beendeployed on a Sea Spider tripod on the bottom of AdmiraltyInlet off of Admiralty Head at approximately N 48 09.172,W 122 41.170. The water depth is approximately 55 m (ref.MLLW). The CTDO is mounted on the tripod 0.5 m abovethe seabed, and it samples every 30 minutes. The tripod isrecovered and redeployed every 3 months, and each time theCTDO is replaced and calibrated.

A Nortek Continental ADCP (Acoustic Doppler CurrentProfiler) and a number of other sensors are also mounted tothe tripod. (The tripod deployments are motivated originallyby a tidal energy site characterization, see [3] [8]). The

7 8 9 10 11 12 1327







Salinty vs Temperature(Dissolved Oxygen Color Map)


ity (p


Temperature (deg C)

DO (m








Fig. 1. Salinity (PSU) versus temperature (C) at Admiralty Inlet from August2009 to April 2013. Data colored according to corresponding dissolved oxygenconcentration (mg/L).

ADCP samples currents in 1 m bins from 1.7 to 50.7 mabove the seabed and records ensemble averages every 1minute. Prior to analysis, all CTDO and ADCP data areinterpolated to a uniform hourly time base. This obscures thesmall scale variations, but provides high statistical confidencein resolving processes on tidal and seasonal time scales.

The CTDO sensor is a single point measurement, andthus cannot be used to estimate the flux of dissolved oxygenthrough the Inlet. Rather, we focus on diagnosing events oflow dissolved oxygen and related conditions. Before otheranalysis, the collocated salinity and temperature readings areused to identify the water mass associated with low dissolvedoxygen. As shown in Fig. 1, low dissolved oxygen levelsmeasured at the site correspond with high salinity water anda narrow temperature range, suggesting an oceanic source(water from Puget Sound is expected to be fresher as resultof the large river outflows). This confirms that occurrences oflow dissolved oxygen water in Admiralty Inlet can be pairedwith the dynamics of dense water intrusions, which havebeen studied previously at this location [2].

The full time series from the CTDO sensor is shown inFig. 2a, with a length of over three years. Missing sectionsof data are due to instrument failure or corrupted data. Thereis noticeable seasonality in the time series with the lowestdissolved oxygen levels occurring in the late summer and earlyautumn and higher levels occurring in the spring. There is alsosignificant variance on shorter time scales. Fig. 2b(I) showsa four-week period in which dissolved oxygen levels are lowand in which the tidal dynamics are theoretically favorable forexchange flow. In Fig. 2b(II), a Tidal Elevation Index derivedvia de-meaning and normalizing the pressure signal from theCTDO is shown in conjuction with the neap tides, which are

2010 2011 2012 20133







10Dissolved Oxygen vs Time (Lagged Upwelling Index Color Map)

DO (m



ed U










(a) Full time series

09/11 09/18 09/25 10/02 10/09




7Dissolved Oxygen

DO (m



Tidal Elevation Index


l Ele


n In



09/11 09/18 09/25 10/02 10/09−1.5







Neap TidesSpring Tides


ht (m


Residual Current


09/11 09/18 09/25 10/02 10/09





Velocity (m/s)−0.25 −0.2 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05

(b) Zoom-in of period shaded blue in full time series plot

Fig. 2. (a) Time series of dissolved oxygen concentration (mg/L) at Admiralty Inlet from August 2009 to December 2012. Data points colored accordingto an Upwelling Index obtained from the Pacific Fisheries Environmental Laboratory [9], linearly interpolated to an hourly time scale, and lagged 7.25 days(following [5]). (b) A four-week subset of data surrounding the 2011 autumnal equinox, showing: (I) dissolved oxygen concentration (mg/L), (II) TidalElevation Index (from demeaned pressure measurements), and (III) low-pass filtered residual currents (m/s), height measured from sea floor. Spring and neaptide periods are shaded for the Tidal Elevation Index time series.

shaded blue.

TEI =demean (Pressure)


As expected, the neap tides and the maximum diurnalinequality occur simultaneously during the equinox, and

thus there are protracted periods of weak tidal currents. Theweak currents are associated with weak mixing, and thusexchange flow is strong. The residual currents, calculatedusing a low-pass filter F40 (low-pass filter notation) on theADCP current velocity data with a half-amplitude periodof 40 hours [8], show significant exchange flow occurring

coincident with the minima in dissolved oxygen (Fig. 2b(II)).It is clear that strong exchange flows and lower dissolvedoxygen concentrations develop during periods of weaktidal amplitude. These flows and concentrations appear tobe subsequently mixed out during periods of large tidalamplitude, consistent with Geyer and Cannon [2].

Related to this tidal modulation of exchange via mixing,there is a significant negative correlation between dissolvedoxygen and tidal elevation during the period from Augustto November of 2011, an example of a period with a fairlyconstant background DO signal. While this correlation cannotbe observed for the full data set due to seasonal trends, itsuggests that tidal elevation may be a useful predictor ofexchange flow conditions. However, whether low dissolvedoxygen water is available to enter the Sound during theseconditions likely depends on other forcing factors like coastalupwelling and river discharge. Revisiting Fig. 2a during thesame time period, it appears that coastal downwelling is alsoinitiated at the end of September 2011.

To examine this forcing, records of an Upwelling IndexUI from the same longitude and latitude as the wind dataused by Cannon, Holbrook, and Pashinski [5], were obtainedfrom the Pacific Fisheries Environmental Laboratory [9],lagged by 7.25 days, and then compared with the dissolvedoxygen time series from the mooring at Admiralty Inlet, asshown in Fig. 2a. This factor appears to play an importantrole in determining the availability of low dissolved oxygenwater at Admiralty Inlet. Positive values indicate winds fromthe North that favor upwelling and negative values indicatewinds from the South that favor downwelling. It appearsthat, on a seasonal time scale, downwelling conditions reduceof the availability of low dissolved oxygen water to betransported over the sill while upwelling conditions increasethe availability of this dense water. This mechanism alsoseems to have an effect on dissolved oxygen availabilityon shorter time scales and appears to influence temporarychanges in average dissolved oxygen concentrations.

B. Intrusion Event Index

An Intrusion Event Index is developed based on the ADCPdata and is used to quantify the duration and magnitude ofa bottom water intrusion event. This index is independentof dissolved oxygen levels and is solely intended to identifyexchange flow into Puget Sound. Thus, the index is expectedto modulate with spring-neap tidal cycles and diurnalinequality signals. Due to a new tripod location startingMay 2010, only the time series from May 2010 to April2013 will be considered in all subsequent intrusion analysisin order to preserve consistency in the index related tosite-specific residual current patterns. Residual current datais first interpolated to create consistent bin sizes and heightsbetween different ADCP deployments. Then residual currentvelocities are vertically averaged for all bins with positive

(into the Sound) current velocities from the seabed up to thezero crossing (i.e., where residual current velocity switchesto negative [out of the Sound]). This depth-averaged intrusionvelocity provides average positive current velocities of bottomwater intrusions to the Sound and has a value of zero for allnegative bottom current velocities, at each time step.

Next, the positive (inward) average bottom residual cur-rent velocities are integrated in time. Once this time-integralreaches a point where the depth-averaged intrusion velocity iszero or undefined, it resets to zero and remains so until thedepth-averaged intrusion velocity is positive again and time-integration resumes. The result of this integral is a length scalerepresenting the distance that a water parcel would travel underan assumption of homogenous flow. Comparing this lengthscale to the approximate L = 30 km length of Admiralty Sill[2], it can be assumed that if the time-integrated length of abottom water intrusion is greater than 30 km, then a dense-water intrusion could potentially traverse all the way over thesill and into the main basin of Puget Sound. Thus, a non-dimensional intrusion index is given by



L, (2)

in which any intrusion that exceeds one before reseting tozero is considered a major bottom water intrusion event, withthe potential for bottom water to enter the deep basin ofPuget Sound.

C. Neap Tide Index

The spring tide to neap tide cycle has a fortnightly periodand is based on lunar orientation. Since spring tides reachtheir peak during the new moon and full moon and neaptides are prominent during periods of the quarter-moons [10],lunar phase data can be used as a basis for quantifying theneap-spring cycle. Daily lunar phase data downloaded fromthe Astronomical Applications Department of the US NavalObservatory provide a strong historical and predictive recordfor this application [11]. This daily raw data is formatted on ascale where a full moon has a value of 1, a quarter moon hasa value of 0.5, and a new moon has a value of 0. The equationin (3) is used in order to convert this raw scale into the NeapTide Index, a form where a value of 1 represents peak neapperiod and a value of 0 represents peak spring period.

NTI = (−2× |LunarPhase− 0.5|) + 1 (3)

Since the NTI has a period of about 14 days, it does not needto be filtered to remove a tidal signal in order to be comparedwith residual current data or the Intrusion Event Index.

D. Diurnal Inequality Index

The maximum diurnal inequality occurs when the differencebetween the semidiurnal tidal amplitudes is largest. This meansthat there is about a half-day period of very gradual change

in tidal elevation followed by about a half-day period of veryrapid change in tidal elevation, as can be seen in Fig. 2b(II).During the small-amplitude portion of the signal, tidal currentsare weak with minimal mixing. Therefore, during the maxi-mum diurnal inequality, average daily tidal elevation changesare moderated by these slow elevation-change periods. Con-versely, during periods of diurnal equality, large-amplitudesdominate the entire signal and tidal currents are strong withmaximal mixing. In order to capture this phenomena and itssubtidal signal, the absolute value of the time gradient of theTidal Elevation Index is low-pass filtered. The sign of theresult is reversed for maximum values to indicate periods ofmaximum diurnal inequality and then normalized on a scalefrom 0 to 1 for the given time series, producing the DiurnalInequality Index.

DII = −F40

(∣∣∣∣ ddtTEI

∣∣∣∣) (4)

Values closer to 1 suggest the tidal elevation signal is ina period of maximum diurnal inequality, characterized byminimal average mixing, while values closer to 0 suggest thetidal elevation signal is in a period of near-diurnal-equality,characterized by strong mixing. Strong exchanges can happenduring spring tides, but only during the lesser flood tide of adiurnal cycle. A subsequent greater ebb will cause mixing,and the exchanges are not sustained unless the diurnalinequality and the neap tide are coincident.

E. Upwelling Persistence Index

Persistent periods of upwelling or downwelling at themouth of the Strait of Juan de Fuca influence a seasonaltrend in dissolved oxygen concentration at Admiralty Inlet(Fig. 2a). A new index is defined in order to capture theinfluence of sustained upwelling or downwelling conditionsover time. Since the upwelling index has a much greateraverage magnitude during downwelling conditions than duringupwelling conditions (due to more intense storms in the winterthan summer), a conditional time integral is used to capturethis persistence signal. First, the 7.25 day lagged UpwellingIndex UI from PFEL is low-pass filtered. Second, the filteredresult is set to +1 if positive (upwelling condition) and -1 ifnegative. Third, this binary result is time-integrated over theseries. Finally, the integrated result is demeaned and termedthe Upwelling Persistence Index:

UPI = demean

(∫sign [F40 (UI − 7.25days)] dt


F. Fraser River Discharge Index

Discharge data D for the Fraser River measured at Hope,British Columbia, Canada, were obtained from the Water Sur-vey of Canada website [12]. This station was the nearest main-channel station to the Strait of Juan de Fuca for the FraserRiver that had complete discharge data for the appropriatetime period. The data obtained was linearly interpolated to an

hourly time scale, then low-pass filtered with F40, and finallynormalized to a scale of 0 to 1.

FRDI =F40 (D)

max[F40 (D)](6)

The resulting time series is the Fraser River Discharge Index.

G. Dissolved Oxygen Deficit

A Dissolved Oxygen Deficit index is defined to quantifytemporary decreases in dissolved oxygen concentration fromthe background seasonal modulation of the dissolved oxygen.First, the measured dissolved oxygen is low-pass filtered byF40 with the same 40 hour half-amplitude period as the othersignals. Then, the result is filtered again with a 610 hourhalf-amplitude period filter F610 that is chosen as 1.6 timesthe maximum observed intrusion event duration (the distincttime period in which the IEI is positive, from initiation totermination of an event). The Dissolved Oxygen Deficit (DOD)is determined by the difference in these signals:

DOD = F610 (DO)−F40 (DO) (7)

The Dissolved Oxygen Deficit value will be positive duringan intrusion event and will indicate a hypoxic intrusion ifthe observed seasonal dissolved oxygen signal F610 is low atthat time.


This section presents the two-part prediction developedto determine whether a hypoxic bottom water intrusion intoPuget Sound is expected to occur in Admiralty Inlet at a giventime. The prediction methods are based solely on indicesthat can be accurately determined without any in situ datacollection in Admiralty Inlet. The first part of the methoduses the Neap Tide Index NTI and Diurnal Inequality IndexDII to conditionally predict that a major bottom waterintrusion event is likely. The second part of the methoduses the Upwelling Persistence Index UPI and Fraser RiverDischarge Index FRDI to empirically predict availability ofhypoxic water. When both the tidal and availability conditionsare met, hypoxic intrusions are successfully identified.

A. Intrusion Event Predictions

All observed intrusion events that reach an Intrusion EventIndex IEI of at least 0.5 are shown in Fig. 3a as a function oftime during the event (i.e., from intrusion initiation to intrusiontermination). The middle panels of Fig. 3 show the Neap TideIndex (c) and the Diurnal Inequality Index (b) signals duringthese large intrusion events. Both the Neap Tide Index andthe Diurnal Inequality Index must be elevated at the sametime in order for an large intrusion event to develop andbe sustained. Events evolve according to these indices, suchthat intrusions terminate as soon as tidal conditions are nolonger favorable (i.e., when tides become stronger and mixingbecomes dominant). Other variables, such as local winds,

0 50 100 150 200 2500



IEI (a)

0 50 100 150 200 2500





0 50 100 150 200 2500





0 50 100 150 200 250−0.5






Fig. 3. Composite in time of intrusion events that obtain an IEI value ofat least 0.5, showing the signals of (a) Intrusion Event Index, (b) DiurnalInequality Index, (c) Neap Tide Index, and (d) Dissolved Oxygen Deficit.

and discharge from the major rivers into Puget Sound, andlagged Upwelling Index do not have noticeable patterns duringIntrusion Events. Thus, Intrusion Events are predicted solelybased on choosing thresholds in NTI and DII:

If NTI > 0.8 & DII > 0.72, Intrusion = 1 (8)

Dashed black lines in Fig. 3 mark these threshold values. Asis shown in TABLE I, using these two conditional thresholdsachieves a high success rate for correctly identifying an ob-served intrusion event at at least one time-step in its duration.In fact, these threshold conditions can correctly identify allevents that reach an Intrusion Event Index of at least 0.5.Futhermore, using these threshold conditions only produce afalse positive prediction 1.74 % of the times that the trueIntrusion Event Index is observed to be zero.

B. Empirical Prediction of Seasonal DO Availability

The second portion of the method requires an empiricalprediction of the background (seasonal) dissolved oxygensignal. Fig. 3d supports the hypothesis that intrusion eventscause a deficit in dissolved oxygen levels compared with thebackground, availability-driven seasonal signal of dissolvedoxygen. The deficit only produces hypoxia if the backgroundlevels are already low, and thus a prediction of backgroundlevels is necessary to combine with predictions of intrusions.


Intrusion Events with IEI Number of Events Percent Identified

greater/equal to 1.0 8 100

greater/equal to 0.9 9 100

greater/equal to 0.8 13 100

greater/equal to 0.5 21 100

greater/equal to 0.4 24 91.67

greater/equal to 0.3 28 85.71

greater/equal to 0.2 31 80.65

greater/equal to 0.1 42 71.43

greater than 0.0 78 42.31

The Upwelling Persistence Index and the Fraser RiverDischarge Index are regressed against observed dissolvedoxygen levels to determine an empirical equation for predic-tion of seasonal dissolved oxygen trends. Fig. 4 shows thatthe Upwelling Persistence Index follows the reverse seasonalsignal of the seasonally filtered (F610) dissolved oxygen data,consistent with the mechanism of upwelling bringing lowdissolved oxygen up from the deep ocean and into the Straitof Juan de Fuca. However, there is a lag in the correlationand the Fraser River Discharge Index (also shown in Fig. 4)may modulate the signal. The mid-year peak in river dischargewould decrease the surface salinity, increasing the densitydifference between the two-layers of the exchange flow in theStrait of Juan de Fuca, and therefore making the exchange flowstronger, increasing availability of hypoxic waters in PugetSound, despite the lag in upwelling persistence.

Performing a multi-linear regression, the Upwelling Per-sistence Index and the Fraser River Discharge Index fit theobserved seasonal dissolved oxygen data as

DOAP = 7.114− [0.0013× UPI]− [2.877× FDI], (9)

where the R-squared correlation value is 0.74. The resultantempirical Dissolved Oxygen Availability Prediction DOAP

is shown in Fig. 4c, where it is is compared with theobserved seasonal dissolved oxygen pattern. While this DOAvailability Prediction does not precisely predict the observedseasonally filtered DO data, it does perform adequately inreproducing a similar trend, which is important in assessingthe availability of hypoxic water for a given intrusionprediction. The availability prediction was not designed tofollow the observed hourly DO time series because there istoo much local variance for a regression to be accurate andbecause this prediction is meant to address the availabilityquestion and therefore must model seasonal dissolved oxygentrends. This is where the relationship between the DOD andIEI becomes important for predicting reductions in dissolvedoxygen concentration from the background availabilty.

2011 2012 2013−2000


2000Upwelling Persistence Index



2011 2012 20130


1Fraser River Discharge Index

FRDI (b)

2011 2012 2013






Seasonally Filtered Dissolved Oxygen& Empirical Availabiltiy Prediction



d O


n (m



Seasonally Filtered DODO Availability Prediction

Fig. 4. (a) Upwelling Persistence Index time series from May 2010 to April2013. (b) Fraser River Discharge Index time series from May 2010 to April2013; (c) Time Series of observed seasonally filtered DO from May 2010to April 2013 and the Dissolved Oxygen Availability Prediction constructedthough regression.

C. Hypoxic Intrusion Event Predictions

Finally, a combined set of thresholds is established, empiri-cally, to predict hypoxic intrusion events. If an Intrusion EventPrediction from the first part of the method coincides with anempirical Dissolved Oxygen Availability Prediction less thanor equal to 6.4 mg/L, this predicted intrusion event is expectedto be characterized by hypoxic water (less than 4.0 mg/L).

If NTI > 0.8 & DII > 0.72 (10)& DOAP < 6.4, Hypoxic Intrusion Event = 1

Conditions are regarded as favorable for dissolved oxygento drop to hypoxic levels in any time period of 8 days beforeor after an Intrusion Event Prediction that has a DissolvedOxygen Availability Prediction below this threshold. Thecombined result is shown in Fig. 5 and TABLE II, inwhich identified events are shaded in blue and percentindentfication is listed, respectively.1 The top panel showsthe observed Intrusion Event Index over the time seriesand marks when the tidal condition indices are both abovethe chosen threshold. The lower panel shows the observeddissolved oxygen and predicted events. Fig. 5 demonstratesthe success of this two-part method for predicting intrusionevents characterized by hypoxic water. Observed dissolvedoxygen data less than or equal to 4.5 mg/L is marked redto highlight near-hypoxic dissolved oxygen measurements at

1Dissolved oxygen data that is within 8 days before or after periods of noraw DO data collection or undefined NTI and DII points are removed in orderto remove bias due to gaps in data.


Observed DO Below Percent of Points Identified

4.0 100

4.25 95.05

4.50 90.81

4.75 87.69

5.0 84.09

5.25 80.37

5.5 77.89

5.75 74.54

6.0 72.17

6.25 68.81

6.5 64.53

the mooring site. As TABLE II demonstrates, the predictedhypoxic intrusion event favorable periods encompass 90 % ofobserved DO concentrations below 4.5 mg/L and 100 % ofobserved DO concentrations below 4.0 mg/L. These hypoxicintrusion favorable periods do include many DO observationsabove 4.5 mg/L, but this is because the predictions are basedon a sub-tidal time-scale, making these false positives aninevitable part of the prediction. This is why a hypoxicintrusion favorable period is only meant to indicate whenPuget Sound is at “high risk” for a near-hypoxic intrusionevent.


This two-part method for prediction of hypoxic intrusionsto Puget Sound can be used to assess the likelihood thatlow dissolved oxygen water will be transported over the sillat Admiralty Inlet and into the main basin of Puget Soundat a given time. The first part of the method is valuableindependently for predicting any major bottom water intrusionevents (which may carry nutrients or other water properties ofinterest). A key aspect of the approach is the use of readilyavailable information from standard tide datums, rather thandetailed in situ measurements. Lunar phase data (for NTI) andtidal elevation data (for DII) have enough skill to identifyexchange flow events, so ADCP data may not significantlyincrease the predictability. However, ADCP data does allowfor the ability to observe the duration and magnitude of eventswhich provide a better indication of whether a given bottomwater intrusion is capable of making it into the main basin ofthe Sound. The limitation of the present method is that it onlyidentifies events; it does not prescribe the severity.

The second part is specific to the question of hypoxia inPuget Sound and may help to better understand the naturalforcing of dissolved oxygen levels in the Sound. This partof the method also uses publicly available datum (UpwellingIndex and Fraser River Discharge) and does not require insitu observations. However, a similar limitation to event iden-tification remains; the present method does not prescribe the

2011 2012 20130




2Observed Intrusion Event Index and Predictions




t Ind



Observed Intrusion Event IndexEvent Prediction

2011 2012 20133







10Observed DO Concentration and Hypoxic Intrusion Event Favorable Periods



d O


n (m



Hypoxic Intrusion Event FavorableObserved DO (above 4.5 mg/L)Observed DO (below 4.5 mg/L)

Fig. 5. (a) The observed Intrusion Event Index time series from May 2010 to April 2013 with marks indicating when the tidal condition indices are bothabove the proposed threshold for prediction (NTI > 0.8, DII > 0.72). (b) Hourly Dissolved Oxygen Data (points less than or equal to 4.5 mg/L markedred) from May 2010 to April 2013, with background shaded blue for Hypoxic Intrusion Event Favorable Periods.

severity of the hypoxic intrusion or the overall impact to PugetSound water quality. It is likely that such details will alwaysrequire comprehensive in situ monitoring and hydrodynamicmodeling. Such efforts can be guided and optimized by thedominant variables identified herein.

It is a complicated task to determine where low dissolvedoxygen water flows after it traverses the Admiralty Inlet sill.Literature proposes that, after inflow, the dense water is nolonger governed by strong tidal currents and acts as a gravitycurrent that carries this water through the main basin until it iseventually mixed by other processes [1] [2] [4]. This could beinvestigated by looking for a low dissolved oxygen signatureat other locations in the Sound after low dissolved oxygeninflows occur at Admiralty Inlet. The spatial and temporaldynamics of the main-basin-transport will be important tounderstand if the methods developed here are to be usefulin decisions and policy making for water quality management.


Low dissolved oxygen water measured at the mouth ofPuget Sound is associated with deep ocean water masses,as determined by temperature and salinity. This ocean watercan intrude into Puget Sound at the seabed under exchangeflow conditions of minimal mixing, nominally coincident

maximum diurnal inequality and neap tides during equinoxes.Tidal elevation data can be used as an indicator for exchangeflow, as shown by the use of combined Neap Tide Indexand Diurnal Inequality Index thresholds. Residual currentanalysis from ADCP data validates the threshold basis foridentifying intrusions, but this alone is not sufficient toidentify hypoxic events. Hypoxic events also are controlledby coastal upwelling and river discharge, which set theavailability of dense, low dissolved oxygen water in theStrait of Juan de Fuca. A regression of dissolved oxygenbackground levels to an Upwelling Persistence Index andFraser River Discharge Index results in empirical DissolvedOxygen Availability Prediction that is well correlated withobservations. Ultimately, an Intrusion Event predictioncombines the background oxygen levels and intrusionpredictions to successfully identify 100% of all events withDO < 4.0 mg/L and 90% of all events with DO < 4.5 mg/Lover a three year time series.


The authors would like to thank the Environmental Protec-tion Agency, the Washington State Department of Ecology, theNorthwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center, and allinvolved in maintaining the sensors and moorings at Admiralty

Inlet, especially: Joe Talbert, Alex deKlerk, and Capt. AndyReay-Ellers.


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[2] W. R. Geyer and G. A. Cannon, “Sill processes related to deepwaterrenewal in a fjord,” Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 87, no.C10, pp. 7985–7996, 1982.

[3] J. Thomson, B. Polagye, V. Durgesh, and M. Richmond, “Measurementsof turbulence at two tidal energy sites in Puget Sound, WA,” Journal ofOceanic Engineering, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 363–374, 2012.

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