  • 12

    T h e german at Devon Inn on. Tuesday e v e n i n g was a del ightful affair. Tho hulls and puf f fy t ways wero profusely decorated wi th flowers and the dining roem, in which dancing took place, was ablaze with e l e c t r i c l ights and fragrant with the j>er-fame of choice spec imens of, horticulture. George Dallas Morroll led tho german. for whloh there were six figures, five ef them being favors, A supper followed. The pa-tronesses were Mrs Mareellus Cexo, Mrs. Kdmmid II. MoCullougli. Mrs. Daniel Hutchinson, Jr., Mrs, Ilobart A. Haro and Mrs, i i mi. Samuel.

    Among those who attended woro Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Kiley, Miss Taylor. Miss Thomson, the Misses Hart, Mr. and Mrs. W, I'orcv smith , Miss Handy, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Skmlokton, Miss Maggie Clydo, the Misses Littleton. Porter F. (ope, Miss Eve-lyn Howell, Miss Lillian Smith, Miss Mo ynlloagh. Miss M. Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. An-drow Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis Kng-llsh, Mr. and Mrs. A. (». Hetherinir-ton, Miss Kllzabeth .Norrls, Miss Cregg, Reuben Ktting. George w . HurtOn, Linton Landreth. Newbold Ktting, Miss Flossie l>u Harry, Miss Tiers, Miss Mer'ndden, Miss Gertrude L Tiers, Ltholbert Watts, K. J. Ktting, Miss Itilev, the Misses Heyl, Miss

    (Barton, Robert Glendlnning, Percy Glen-dlnnlng, Harry McManus. Herbert Hart Boyd, itobert Q. tlotiann, Clayton Fot-teral Mc.Mhhael, KmoiV MoMlchaol, Walter Hatfield, Dennlson Smith, RenJamlO Harris Brewster. Miss rant-oast, Miss F.dlth Uoherts, Miss te l l ers , Alhort Kelly, Robert S. W. Koons, Frederick B. Stovell , Frank M. Dick, F. L. P.odlno. Miss F.ll/.ahoth Glendlnning, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Itullitt, Mrs. Samuel t o w e l Grlffltba, Mr. Krnst, George W. Kendvick. SO, Mr. and Mrs. P. Wil l iamson Uoborts, Miss Tucker and K. J. bellors.

    The Inaugural dance of the Washington Lnno Athlet ic Associat ion Has held at the Club house on Monday ovoninir. The pa-tronesses wero Mrs. Charles vollrner, Mrs. Charles July, Mrs. Mergcnthaler, Mrs. Knill and Mrs. II Miss Miss Theobald, Miss Kdlth Kcndordinc, Miss Stephanie -'oiy, Miss F.ngie, Miss Parquet, Miss Outwutor, tho Misses Mlddleton, Miss Helen Middle-ton, Miss Louise Vol I mot", tho Misses Zuiser, Miss Dora West, Miss Sadie T h o m p son, Miss Addie Roger*. Miss Merihow, Marry Kenderdtne. Thomas 1'otts, Walter A. Sp'ence, Harry S. Dorlss. Frod Vollmer, Adrian Vollmer, Mr. Fit /gerald , Joseph FritS, II. C 1'otts, Fred Thompson, Mr. l ioehm, ( ieorge Hochm, Charles Yotliucr and Thomas Ohor.

    James Fox gave a small dance on Thurs-d a y even ing at W issahlckon Inn.

    Miss MOP Die Tluunas, of (Chestnut Hill, g a v e Q sin ill dance Friday n ight in honor of Miss Louise Gilpin.

    A series of dances will bo g iven during the season hv the young members of the Wayne Country Club.

    * — A number of woll known amateurs will

    g i v e a dramatic enter ta inment on Wed-nesday ovonlng n e x t at the Brvu Mawr Hotel." T w o plays. "Poor Pi l l leoi ldy" and '•Popping the Question," will he presented. They will have the fol lowing east: Poor r i l l tcoddv; Mr. I'illicoddy. S. Murdoch Wondrlek; Captain o'Scutt le: Frank It. Stenhenson: Mrs I' i lhcoddv, MlM Alice Litt leton: Mrs. O'Scuttle, Miss Mlnnio Sellers; Sarah blunt. Mrs. P. W. Roberta. ' T o p p i n g the Question"—Mr. l'rlmrose, A, It. Kellv; H o m y Thornton, A. K. Kennedy; Miss Itl'ttln, Miss M. Sellers; Wlnterhlossoii i , Miss BurJlngl Bobbin, Miss Alice Litt leton; Ellen Murray, Mrs. Dallas Sanders.

    The biennial lair for the benefit of the Uethcsda Orphans' Home at Chestnut Hill was held Thursday evening, and was nil un-qualified success . The patronesses were Mrs. Kdwin II. Trotter, Mrs. J. Sorgcant Price. Mrs. Floyd White, Mrs. J. Willis Mm i In. Mrs. Alexander I'.lddle, Mrs. J o h n I B. Wat-son, Mrs. Kdward N. Benson, Mrs. I J o h n Storey. Mrs. J o h n II. North, Mrs. J. Bowman Wheeler and Mrs. (ieorgo K. Thomas. The commit tee consisted ot Miss Nina Bonson, Miss Catharine North, Miss Susie T. Price, Miss Mary Welsh, Miss May T. White , Miss -Soplilo Thomas, Miss Mary KewboHK Miss Anna North, Miss Daisy I lulse .

    Walter* Ilatl leld gave a coaching party from Bryn Mawr to tho dance at Devon Inn on Tuesday evening . Among the gues t s were Miss Kthel Tiers, Miss l'ancoast, Goo. W. Kcndrtck. ;id. Robert i«. McGann, Mr and Mrs. P. \V. Uoborts, Miss Tucker, K.J. Sollors, Dennlson Smith. Worth Andrews, Frank Stevenson, Mr. Krnst, Herbert Hart Boyd and Frederick It. s tovol l .

    Miss Kvclyn Howell gave a dlnnor on Tuesday at Devon Inn. ( o v e r s wero laid for twonty- two. In thy party were: Miss Frances MeCulIongh, Miss McFadden, Miss Kdythe Tyson , Miss Lillian Smith, Miss Kdlth Uoborts. Miss Gertrude Tiers.

    Albert l l e ther ington gavo a dinner of e ighteen covers on Tuesday oveu lng at D e v o n Inn. Thore were present among othors Mr. and Mrs. Cralge Llppincott , Kthclbert Watts , Mrs. Mercer Middle, Miss peering, of Washington: Miss Coatee, L. 6. Landreth, Mrs. Samuel Hrlfllths, Miss Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. T. Cramp, Mr. Hor-wit/. . Dr. and Mrs. Martin.

    Mis. ( ieorge L. Harrison gave a luncheon on W'ednesday at tho Bryn MaWr Hotel to soven friends. There were present Miss Adelaide Thomson, Miss Norrts, Mrs. Kd-•mtind MoCollough, Mrs. Kdward It. Wood and Mrs. Morton MoMlchael.

    Dr. J. II. Woodward KHVO a dinner of twenty covers on Monday even ing at tho A n c h o r a g e

    James W. Cooper, of Wayno avonuo, Wayne , will g i v e a dinner cm Dotobor x, a t the Hellovuc, Wayne.

    The Palmyra Progressive Kuchrn g a v e a surprise last night to Mr W. I>. Walkor, of Berkley ayenuo.

    An enjoyable s m p r i s e party was g i v e n

    Wednesday ovonlng of last wook to Air, and Mrs. John Gardner at their homo on, Bel-mont avenue . Among tho part ic ipants were RnssollSt. .Clair, Miss Bertlo I'aokor, Mr. and Mrs. ( ieorge Dykos, Mr. and Mrs. Ki win Deckort. l a m Ruby, Miss Mamo Mur-phy, Georgo Hoist , Miss Lena Krehcr, Al-bert goat , Miss Mame Jones , Fred Wahter, Miss Annie Kreher, A. Kuby.Miss H. Krelief, Charles Freer, Miss Annie Hanlon, Wil l iam Archer. Miss Clara Campbell, William Mac-Nell, Miss Maggie Walters, Charles Urn-stead, Miss Becklo Randolph, James 1'ughes, Miss May Fulmer, Harrv Petty, Miss Llzxle Mnions, George Kiiydor, Miss Alice Herman, .John Dawson, Mlsg Mlnnlo Vogel, John Randolph. Miss Laura Ham-mond, Frank Wilson, Miss Fannie Bram-ble, Clarenco Johnson and Miss Kate Young.

    A pretty reception and house warming was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. John Fres-coin at thoir new borne, at the corner of Union and Aspsn streets , on Thursday.

    A pleasant progress ive euchre party and recept ion was g i v e n by Mrs. R. Iverbaugh, of 077 Union street, West Philadelphia, on Tuesday evoninir. The prizes wore won by Miss Jos l e Potts, Miss (i. Wallace. R. f, HArned and J. A.

    Metzgar. Among those present were: Mrs. K. F. Sexmnu, Miss Louie Joyce, Miss Lvdlfc Frost, Miss Sadlo Story, Miss Geno Wallace. Miss Robeeca Baker, Miss Klzasio Little, Miss .lo'sie Potts , Miss Mamlo Scat-torgood, II. C. Alexander, Harry Anderson. N. II. Parks, K. Marselus, Kdward Moore, Daniel Parks, Georgo Lukons, Goorgo Owens. R. T. Havinor, It. Joyce , J. A. Met/,-gar, W. H. Peters. C. Saxton, W. P. Mar-se i l l e s and W. M. Hoke.

    THE P H I L A D E L P H I A INQUIKI3K-SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1892 - " • " ' ' • » " ' ' ' iimiai in . • • i ; i i ii i i | • J l i ,11 i i n mmmmmmmm \ i i i mmmmmmmmmmmmmv+immmmmmmv+mmmm 11 l Is • II i i I i t n i • i • i

    — . • • • • i - • • , n n I. , „ M . , . t W n n n w n , . • In II—una. • n >. — • ^ • • — ' Ul lM. I I II .Nil — . . . — H — • • i n — ^ . i M f c . — I B I * . - n i l — > ' • ' " • ' ' • < * f ' • ' " • - —•* • • ' » • " •• — . - I . . W " * • * " ' » ' • ' H I • • » l | | l l ll I M i - W * . . , , . , , » , , | , | . I 1,1 I . I. , , , - . , . , . . i i « . . 1 , 1 , W . « ,1 l | . | . . I W , i . l . . l , . H . > , . . , , i . I H i i i l l i M l l . W | W . . * 1 I | ! • * ! • • > • ' ! • '

    M a t r i m o n i a l M a t t e r s . A fashionable wedding was that of was that Of Miss

    Kdith Maud Cornelius, daughter of Rouol-t Cornfliu*, formerly of Germantown, but now of Pittsburg; and Theodore M. l lopke , also of Pittsburg, On Thursday morning, In St. Luke's Protestunt Kplscopal Church,

    C. Potts. Among those present ] Germantown. Rev. A. D. Hort'ern, rector ot Clara I'owcts, Miss Redtleld, the i 'rotestant (Sntaoopal Church of tho

    I l iood Shepherd, of Pittsburg, performod Sbenherd, the ceremony, assisted by Rev. D"r. Samuel Cplohn, of St. Luke's.

    The maid of honor was Miss Lillle Wlck-ersheim, of I'ittsburir, and tho bridesmaids wero Miss Fanny Blaklston, o f Chestnut Hill: Miss Ethel soal. of Philadelphia; Miss Kmina Cornelius, Of Germantown, a cousin of the bride, and Miss Halite Cdokman, of Philadelphia.

    The best man was Geonro Scbabberbar, of Hastings, N. Y. The ushers were Thomas O'Connor, of Now York; Henry R. Corne-lius, of ches tnut Hill; William A. Cornelius, Of Pittsburg, and Jus tus C. Cornelius, of Philadelphia

    The bride was att ired In a whi te Benga-line silk dress, full veil , en train and lace and ribbon tr imming, and Carried a bon-• piet of b n d o roses, l i l ies of-the valloy and smi lax . The maid of honor wore a Whlto silk mull dress tr immed with ribbons, and woro a whi te hat trimmed with ribbons, and carried a bouquoc of whi le superb roses and snitlax.

    A iter the ceremony a rocoptlon was hold at the home of the bride's uncle, John Cor-nelius, 110 West Tulpohockon streot, Ger-mantown, after whloh tho newly wedded couple loft on a tour, at tho conclus ion of which they will reside in Pittsburg.

    Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Cornelius, Mr. and Mrs. II. ('. Cor-nelius, Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Thomas, Mrs. Kdward Bcdloek, Theodore R. Bedloek, Miss Pease, Mrs. II. T. Mason, Miss Belle Clarke, Mrs. Charles R. Clarke, Sirs. Samuel Upjohn. Mrs. J. K, Murphy, Mrs. Ar-thur Wells, Miss Kthel s tokes , Miss Maud Stokes, Mrs. Briuton, Miss Itrlnton, Mrs. Goorgo F. KltOrr, Miss Lena Knorr, Miss gather Aertsen, James M. Aertsen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sorgeant Price, J, Sorgeant Price, Jr., Miss Agnes Morgan, Sirs, . lacob Rlegol, Miss Mamlo tte>, Miss Alice Haines, Mrs. WUlIuin C. Morgan, William Morlev, Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Rodine, Mrs. Joseph B, Barry, Miss Mattie Barry, Miss Mary Barry, Mrs. Giiil laumo Wells, Mrs. Jus tus O. strnwbridgo, Miss Kinma J. Cornelius, Mrs. C. it. I m l t n .

    Miss Pearl Kloise Provost, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul • . Prevost, and Thomas L. Wilson were married Thursday morn-ing, at the home of the groom, at iiU'l Mor-ris street , Germantown. Rev. Dr. Luther K. Albert, pastor of the Trinity Lutheran Church, Germantown, officiated. Miss Kate Bayllss was bridesmaid and Samuel Row-land, of Holincshurg, acted as best man. Tho bride wore white silk mull tr immed with white satin and carried a bouquet of Bride roses and li l ies of the valley. A wed-ding breakfast followed and was at tended by the immediate families, after which Sir. and Mrs. WIIson started on a two weeks' tour. On their roturn they will l ive In Ger-mantown.

    Jlrs. Henry Pletchor. Mr. and Mrs. Will iam D. Rlloy, Miss Unto MoKvoy, Mrs. Clmrlea Murphy, Miss Mamlo Murphy, Miss Li i s l e Madden, Mrs. Murtagh, Mrs. Loughery, Miss Anna Nichols, John Lynch, Miss Mamie Lynch, J^fin 8. Parker, Frank Ber-nard i»••••"-• 11•• a. Miss Annie Bcunls, Mrs. Madona, Mrs. Floronoo Swank, Miss Annio Dolan and Miss Kttlo Dolan, of Poikasie: J. Greon, of Scranton: Frank Keonan, John Roll), Patrick Condon, John O'Oonnoll, R. T. Porter, James A. Con ray, Robert Mo-Nally, John McNally, Joseph Dorvln, Miss Lldio McCool, Miss Marv Fisher, Janios Flt/.siminonn, Miss Mary Murtagh, Miss James Murtngh. John Murtagh. Mrs. Sohuhort, Miss Solmbert, Miss Mary Finn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles IloWlott. Mrs. Tomp-kins, C'narlee Mchlator.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Siiehcs, Miss Kate Suohes, Wil l iam iSachos, of Now Y'ork: Miss Langdon, Miss Mary O'Brien, Miss Ida Davidson. Miss Mary Gallagher, James Tully, Mrs. Kttingor, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lennon, Samuol Born-yiendorfor, Charles Moilena, N. G. Scott, of Boston: Charles Flannlgan, Miss Anna Flannlgan, Frod Allord, , the Misses Loughery and Patrick Howard.

    Miss Corn K. Schneldt . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J o h n P. Schneldt, was united in

    Jionds of matrltuonv on Thursday even ing o Frederick A. C. halil In / i o n Kvangoll-ca4 Cliurch, Germantown, by ltov. James D. Acker, pastor of the church.

    Tho maid of honor was Miss Joslo Harris, And tho bridesmaids wore Miss Katie Dahl, a s ister ot the groom, and Miss May Btul-den, of Lumborton, N. J. The host man was William Dahl, a brothor of the groom, and the nshors were Daniel W. Busslngor, Jr., and Robert Hearst.

    The bride woro a whi te silk mull dross, with full voll en train, and lace and ribbon tr immings , and carried a bouquos of Bride roses. The maid of h o n o r ' w a s dressed in

    ! a crcani-oolored henrletta, tr immed wi th lavender-colored ribbons and d o l o r s , and carried a bouquet of La Franco roses. The bridesmaids woro whlto silk mull, tr immed wi th lace and ribbons, and carriod bouquets of superb roses.

    After tho ceremony a reception was held at the home of the groom, at -1810 Hancock street , fo l lowing which the newly wedded couplo wont to reside at 300 High streot, Germantown.

    Among the guests present wero Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Dahl, "Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dahl, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Dahl, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wil l iam Kagsr, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Wrdtcomb, Mr. and Mrs. Phi l ip Dahl, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Dahl, Miss Clara Schneldt, Miss Clifton svhnoidt . Miss Kva Schneldt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Iiouser, Mr. and Airs. Joseph Ilousor, John Hart, Alex-ander Pratt, Samuel Kvorman, Richard Hartley, John G. Moty.ler. Kdward Bohn, Herbert Ziogler, Harry iletl'ner, nli\ and Mrs. Joseph Dougherty, Mr. and Airs. Frank Scblslcr, Miss Mary Watson, Miss Bertha Searing, Miss Ida HotTner, Miss Cora barber. Miss Sadie Knoodlor, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flowers, Miss Agnes Wil l iamson, Mr. and Mrs. John Llmiku.'Mr. and Mrs. ( ieorge Rahn, Mr. and "Mrs. James Brooker, Miss Mary Spreckley, William Buckwald, Miss Mary MoCartVjMr. and Mrs. Harvey Watts, Mr. and Mry.ilonry Watts. Miss Irene Doane, Miss Clara Slbel,

    M i s s Hannah Geary, Miss Clifford, Miss Maggie G a l v l n , Miss Ida Smith, of Wil-mington; Mrs. Charles Brine, of Newark-; Mr. and >>irs. John Runnnell, of Mt. Holly; Mr. and Mrs. Howard ApploKatn, of tyt. Holly; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wise, of New C'nstlo; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Malatratt, Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Farm, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Springer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crouso, Miss Kmma Warden, Goyolin Shoemaker, John Sterns, John Sniedley, Miss Sarah Thorn-ton and Klwood Burkctt. \

    Miss Ida It. Bonner, daughter of James Ronner, was weddsd to Charles'Kdgerton, at the homo of her parents, at Bybcrry, on Wednesday at noon. Tho marriage was according to tho Friends coromony. Miss lOla Kay Kastburn, of Wilmington, was the maid of honor, and George H. iMorce, of Moorostowu, N. J., the best man.

    Among tho guests wero: Miss El isabeth B. Bonner, Arthur Bonner, Kdwln K. Bon-ner, Mr. and Mrs. Kdward S. Lowry, Wil-liam Konnard. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bonner, Mr. and Mrs. Will iam C. Bonner, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver B. Knight, Harriet K. Kirk, Miss Helens Davis, J, Cooper Cloud, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. George, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. George. Kdwln T. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Collins, Miss Mary s. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. l'ancoast, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Llppincott , Miss Carrlo 8. Busbv, Mrs. Amy R. Conrow and daughter, Will iam J'. Bonner, Will iam C. Bonner, Harry 8. Bonner. Mr. and Mrs. Kdgerton, on thoir roturn from an e x t e n s i v e westorn trip, will reside In this city.

    A pretty wadding oocurrod Wednesday In the Church of the Saviour, Thirty-eight Ii and Ludlow siroets . Tho contract ing par-ties wero Miss Lyiiiv Dorcas Kllison, daughter of L. P Kllison, o f Cecil county, Md., and Peter Newman Brooks, of this cicy. Rev. 8. Lord Gilhcrson, the ass i s tant rector of the church, read tho marriage sorvico. Miss Mabel (ially was the brides-maid and K. D. Ell is the best man. Tho nshors were J o h n T. Slaymakor, of Bryn Mawr; W. Frlsby Smith, John I'atton and David Lavls. After tho ceromony tho bride and groom left on a tour. On their roturn they will l lvo on North S ix teenth streot.

    ire Varty anil Mrs.

    St. Vincent Do Paul's Roman Catholic Church, Germantown, was the scene of tho wedding of Miss Lillle M. O'Neill, daughter Of Mrs. M. K. O'N'olll, and John It. Wllinot, of Scranton, and formerly of Gormantown.

    High nuptial mass was celebrated by tho pastor, Rev. P. Mcllale , (,'. M. Special music was rendered by the choir. Tho bridesmaid was Miss Annio M. O'Neill, a sister or tho bride, and the best man was Daniel O'C'onuoll. The ushers were Thomas J. Knowles and Kdward MoDevltt.

    Tho brldo was att ired In a white c h i n a si lk dress, tr immed with lace and orange blossoms, fill I veil , and carrleda bouquet of Brldo roses. The bridesmaid was dressed in cream colored Henrietta, tr immed wi th lace, wore a hat to match, and carried La France roses.

    Among those presont wero Mr. and Mrs. P. Wllinot, Mr. and Mrs. John Bross, Patrick McCool,. Mr. and Mrs. James Mc-Cool; I'otor Mahor, Miss Annie Little, Miss Mary O'Neill, Miss Nelllo Skolly, Miss Mamlo Skolly. James Skelly, John Skol ly . Mr. and Mrs. James J. Plotoher, Mr. una

    Miss Carrie Dlttman, daughter of Mrs. Caroline Dlttman, was wedded to Hurry W. Croutzburg Wednesday even ing at tho home of her mother, a t l»18 North Sixth streot. Tho ceremony was performed hv Rev. Dr. Nledecker. The b ib le was att ired In whi te satin, with duonesse lace and car-ried orange blossoms. Sho was attended by Misses Kmma and Carrie Croutzburg ns maids of honor. The groomsmen were Dr. A L. Foster and A. L. Thomas. A reception followed, and later the newly-married couple loft on an ex tended tour.

    The rocoptlon was at tended by about 800 persons. Among the gues t s wero Mr. and

    gAlrs. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Brcnker, •Mrs. K. J. Croutzburg, Mrs. Caroline Dltt-man, Mrs. O. Long, of Baltimore: Harvev Weber, Louis Bache, Miss I'illic Schlecht, Miss Carrlo Shobcr and Meyer Holt'inan.

    One of the fashionable weddings of the weok, across the river, was that Which took place at> the residence of Mr. and Mrs. j . Qeodfellow, ol 4321 ogden street, when their daughter, Miss Rebecca I. Goodfollow, was married to Truman rainier. Tho offi-c iat ing clergyman was Rev. Dr. W. II. Me Caughoy of the West Hope Presbyterian Church. The best, man was F r a n k s Pat-ton, and tho bridesmaid Miss Lillie Pront-2.el. Tho maid of honor was Miss, Vera l la l lman, whllo K. C. Flennard and G. W. Chrlstlno acted as ushers. The bridesmaid and maid of honor woro dresses of whi te China silk and carried bouquets of pale pink roses. The gown of 'tho brldo was of

    cream colored s i lk tr immed w i t h duchess laco and orange blossoms.

    A reception followed, and among those present were; Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Han* man, Mr, and Mrs. P. C. Clarke, of Reading: Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Huston, Mr. J. 11. C. Huston and Miss Gertrude Huston, of Moorostowu, N. J.: Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Flen-nard, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Flonnard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. II. 11. Buckley, Mr. and Mrs. Fruhk Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Warren, Mr. and Airs. J o h n Ghoen, Air. and Airs. David Ward, Air. and Airs. Joseph Goodfollow, Mr, and Airs. T. R. Alcorn, Air. and Airs. W. Goodfollow, Air. and Mrs. John C. Dannehower, Aliss Blanche Pawitt , Aliss A. Lukens, Aliss Alln-nie KssHngor, Aliss It. Ranch, Miss Loulo Lukens. Goorgo Onimus, Miss K. Kcipes, Miss K. 6torm,A.8.1Iouldsworth,John Jarx-lin, Dr. LoulS Ranch, Wirt. Haines, W. II. Christine, James T. Armstrong, G. W. Chrlstlno, Wm. Flennard, Kdward Baxter, Joseph Archer. Tho brldo and brldogrooni left after the rocoptlon for Florida.

    Aliss Bosslo Hancock, daughter of Airs. Chalmers Hancock, was wedded to II. Irv-ing Gibbon on Tuesday evening, at tho homo of hor mother .at lfcll North Fif teenth streot. Roy. J. A. M. Chapman, of the Park Avonuo M. L. Cliurch, officiated. At the re-cept ion that followed thore woro over two hundred guests , among whom wore Rev. and Airs.J. A. Al. Chapman, Alr.anQ Airs.Ben-jamin Llppincott , Air. James Irving, Air. and Mrs. Hugh Lloyd, Colonel and Airs, AL I. Ludtngton, Alias Klla Jacobs, Walter K. Hovor, Airs. Rose Truss, Air. and Airs. Sam l l e i / a r , Airs. Emily Truss. Alr.and Airs.AIar-vln Truss, Mr. Ring, Air. and Airs. Churlcs Gibbon, Aliss Faniiio Gibbon, AHss Alary Gibbon, Airs. William Tolan, Air. and Airs. John Statl'ord, Mr. and Airs. F e n i m a n , W'al-tor S. Abrahams, Air. and Airs.Harry Blebel, Aliss Anna Parker, Mr. and Alrs.RussoltSmith, Aliss Alalia Jacobs, Air. Frank Sawyer, Dr. Lewis Brlnton, Air. Joseph Bvinten, Mr. and Airs. Lewis Bean, Air. and Airs. Prentiss Luckerman, Aliss Kthel Luckorman, Ctlca, N. Y.j Dr. and Airs. Jannoy, the Alissos Chew, Fred II. Ralston, Frofossor John S. Pullman, Ilorbort Thompson, Frank Wat-son. Harry Porter, Kdward H. Thorpe, Dr. and Mrs. K. 8. Sharpo, Aliss Faunio Mat-lack, Air. and Airs. Joseph Hancock, How-ard Hancock, Willie Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hand, Francis Hand, Alias Anna Hand, Aliss May Hand, Norman Hand, Aliss Harriot Casoy, Airs. Jennio Pancoa'st, Aliss Alamo D. l'ancoast, Louis l'ancoast, Hon. and Airs. Albert Hlapo, Aliss Salllo Boon, Frank Acton, Charlie Acton, Aliss Llnnlo Blackwood. Air. and Airs. K. Fogg, Alr.and Airs. Harrlo Wood, Alr.and Airs, Streoter, Air. and Airs. Amos Gardlnor, Air. and Airs. Thomas i leavos , Air. and Airs. William C. l le l s lcr , James W heolor, ( ieorge Carpenter, Herbert Hannah, Arthur Whoolor. Wyatt Wister, Clement Hall, Harry Ilall.'WUl Adamson, Charles Coul-ston, h lmer N. Hancock, Air, and Airs. John Hancock, Chicago; Air. and Airs. Foster. Air. and Airs. J. S. Nowoll, Robert Nowoll, Airs. II. Llppincott , Ray Llppincott, Air. and | Mrs. J. Smith, Aliss' Salad Smith, Air. and Ahs. Charles Dunn, tho Alisses Fogg, Mr and Airs. J. Thompson, Miss Gertrude Lawson, Aliss Sarah Dunn, Air. and Mrs. Matlaek, Air. and Airs. tW. Alatluck, Aliss Amy Matlaek, Air. ifiul Mrs. Ferry, Aliss Gortrudo Perkins, the .Misses KoiiHbov, Air. and Airs. Ford Lashley, Air. and Sirs. J. K. Llppincott, Miss Ll/.zlo Llppincott , John Llppincott, Aliss Lena Dickinson, Miss Lillle Dickin-son, the Missos Pancoast, Air. and Mrs. Alarlon Wanamakcr, Mr. and Airs. John Carpenter, Miss Carpenter. Air. and Airs. William Carpenter. Aliss Kva Carpontor, Airs. Annio Jones, Aliss Curry, Aliss Stretch, Air. and Airs. J no. Burkhart, Aliss Rebecca Dennis, AHss Abugaret Alarkln, Airs. Alary Stotsenbnrg, Mr, and Airs. II. l lcberton, W. Foarg, Frank Kstabrook, Professor and Airs. Thomas May Police, tho Alisses Police, Air. and Airs, George Zoigtor, Aliss Robertson, Dr. and Airs. Gibbon, Aliss Kttlo Sharp, Air. and Airs. Geo. Sharp, Altss Alary Thompson, William Burkhart, J. s. CummtngH, Pros-cot t Stoughlcr, Aliss Kdna Hancock, Air. and Airs. Thomas Lynch, Miss Klla Han-cock, Alisses Lynch, C. C. Hancock, Airs. Mary Tryon. Ahs. C. HaiK^ook, Air, and Airs, . lames Meaglier, Air. and Airs, Henry Frank-laud, Mr. and Mrs. Wheelor, Mr. and Airs. Joseph Knight, Aliss Alalony, Airs. Kmma Cummlngs, Now York; Air. and Airs. Milton S. Wood, Air. and Airs Milton Wood. Air. and Airs. William- Kirk, Aliss Kmliie B. Fogg, John Lawson, Aliss Jano Lawson.

    Dr. H. L. Sidcbotham and Aliss Kva C. WllaOll wil l bo married on Wednesday, Oc-tober 10, at the homo of tho groom, at 1181 Shnckamnxoii street. Dr. Sidcbotham, al though a young man, Is an export on in -sanity, and holds the responsible posit ion of Coroner's phys ic ian .

    Miss Klizabeth Winter, of Gormantown, and Charles 8, Warts will bo married Tues-day, October 18, In St. Luke's P. K. Church, (•omautown.

    Miss D. K Detwei lor will be Joined In wed look to Winlleld S. Wil l iamson at the rosidonco of the bride's aunt, at 47M Knox street, Germantown, Ai October (I.

    A fashionable wod'ding will be that of Aliss Alargiiret Woodvil lo to r rank H. Boh-Ion, the well known cricketer, which will take place in tho near future;

    Inv i ta t ions havo.lust been Issued for the wedding of Dr. George P. Stubbs, a son of Rov. Dr. Knoch Stubbs, of T h l r t y l o u r t h and Chestnut streets , at tho Asbury Al. K. Church, West Phi ladclphlo, to Aliss Jennie Heard, of London, Kngland, on October 6.

    K o o l o l y a n d C r l o k o t . Socloty Is rapidly becoming at tached to

    crlcicci, as ev idenced by tho large attend-ance of fashionable people , at tho match yesterday and Friday botwotn the Gentle-men of Ireland and the Gent lemen of Phil-adelphia at Alanhclui. The grand stand on both days was well II1 led with ladles at-tired in nrotty fall cos tumes and thoir es-corts, whi le the ropijU oil'square surround-ing the Held and the porches and balconies or the three club houses were crowded with members and their guests . Tho live-liest Interest was manifested In the match and applause was frequent. Visitors came In by the tan Ins, eoaclnu*;' drags 'and tally-hos." Seven of these Occupied tho space be-tween the Junior c lubhouso and tho grand stand. The turnout.'


    NOT A QUESTION OF AGE. "All the girls Wear thorn." "Do vou etill call youraolt'a girl?" "Why not? My husband )• still ono ol the boys, though my senior by twenty yeara,"

    s belonged to K. Rlt-tenhousc Miller, who drove tho foreign players to the grounds and back again, to thoir quarters. J. K. Wldenor, Samuel F. Houston, J. AL AlcCnrdy, Harrison K. Cnnor, 0i Davis Wnglls|i and Kdward Browning. '

    Among the notablos w h o witnessed tho games wore.

    A—John Alburger, Loinuel C. Altomus, JI. C. Adams, Geofge Atkinson, J. C. Ar-nold, Frank Albright, V. K. Arohanibanlt, Miss Arelnuubnult, lionjumln Allen, Benja-min Allen, Jr., John Allen, Aliss Minnie Allen. Aliss Bessie Alien.

    It -Aliss Bennett , John Rlakcslle, John Rohlon, Aliss Bruce, John II; Blye.Thcodoro Bedloek, Air, and Airs. Kdgav II. Builor, 1). Murray Bohlon, Air. and Airs. Kdward Browning, Aliss Marian Biddle, J. Al. Bid-die, Dr. and Airs, Alexander Biddle, Alr.and Alrs. J .Wilmor Biddle,Airs.A.C.Barclay,Miss Barcluy, All>s Alargarot Brown, Airs. Beau-veau Boric. Henry llarclav, Aliss Buckloy, Mrs. K. S. Buckloy, J. Priest ley Button,Airs. K. N. Benson, AHss Nina Benson, All. anil Airs. James AL Bennett.

    V—K. AL Cregar, Mrs, Ciaroncc Coulton, Harry Crawford, Mr. and Airs. A, Sydnoy Carpenter. Wil l iam Carrigim, Air. and Airs. Georgo W. Carpenter, Airs. Will iam B. Churchman, ColonAI and Airs. Joseph V. (h'awford, Aliss Ktta Crawford, Aliss Jennio Crawford, 'Mr. and Airs, l ioorgo II. Colkett, AHss (Joikott, Har-rison K. Caner, Aliss Caldwell, Vincent Cuui'ofl, Alr.and Airs. Alfred Clay, Miss K. C. Cowpertliwalto.C.T. C'owperthwaito.c.Al. Carstairs, Air. and Airs. K. W. Clark, Airs. K. Wr. fjfarki Jr., Ilorbort Clark, Aliss Uos-sle C'arpenter, Walter Cassidy, Portor F. Cope,

    J)---Mr. and Airs. Alexander J. I). Dixon, John Dunn, Miss Dickinson, of Brooklyn; Robert Morris Darragh, Aliss Davis, Georgo 11. Deacon, Mlsa Bessie Dobson, Aliss Florence Dobson, Richard Dunlevy, J. K, Dlsstou, Dr. Robort N.Downs, Jr.

    B—'jOnU T. Kinlen, Air. and Airs. John A. Llcock, Aliss Alary Klcock, Wilson Kyrc, C. David Kugllsb.

    V Porsll'or Frazor, Airs, Will iam Frazlor, Mrs. Fox, Air. and Airs. F. Al, Fox, Air. and Airs. Flniettor, Georgo Harrison Fisher, Aliss Anna Fisher, Francis Flslior, F. Por-cival Farmr.

    . Floniliigs, F. B. Wa Frank R. Frtstcr, Dougal, Charles .» Al. E. Hoyt. J. W.

    Burham, N :ut Shadol, a. E. Farrand, W.

    loyt, J. W. P. Dyer.Charles A. Terry, *t. R. Fleming, O. G. Frisbio, Charles 1). Gicon.

    trip to the shore. Aliss Alary Lewis, of Germantown, who

    county, has boon sojourning in Delaware has roturnod.

    Dr. S. B. Shoomaker, of Germantown, has returned from Newport.

    Air. and Airs. Joseph AL Shoomakor, af-ter a delightful season spoilt at Prout's Nock, havo returned to their homo in Gor-mantown.

    Air. and Airs. Jacob Rolgol, Of Gorman-town, who havo boon doing tho Continent*, have reached home.

    General C L. Killburn, of Gormantown, has gone from Plko county, Pa., to tho Ad-lrondacks.

    Airs. Charles W. Ilonry, of Gormantown, Is home from Beach Haven.

    Miss L. G. Von Utassy, of Germantown, who spont the summer In Europe, has reached homo.

    Lemuel Klnsler, of East Alt. Airy avonuo, b a s r e t u r n c d from a trip to Somers Point, N. J.

    1. W. Kemblo and family, of Chestnut Hilt, are at Hartford, Connecticut.

    Miss Watson, of Stonton avonue,Chestnut Hill, husroluvnod from Europe.

    W. A. Dick and family havo va-cated their country homo at Chestnut Hill, and removed to Locust street, Philadel-phia.

    Airs. Alordooal and family, during tho winter season will reside In Philadelphia.

    J. AL Karle, of Stonton avenue, chestnut. Hill, has returned from Pocono Mountains.

    Colonel Thomas Potter, Jr . , of Summit streot, Chestnut Hill, has lott his cosy homo In tho country and romovod to his c i ty r e s i d e n c e

    Jiunos Young and family, of Chestnut avonuo, Chestnut Hill, aro now at Kant Moorostowu, N. J.

    Airs. L. S. Thalholmor and daughter ro-

    Wasbiwjtoo. Wr*8iiiN(rr(ox, I). C , Sept. 21.

    Tho sufo return Of Airs. Harrison lo her own apartments in tho Execut ive Mansion is a source of groat relief to tho President, tho members of the Excout lvo household and tho ladies of the higher circles of fash-ionable life w h o wero on terms of personal lhtlmaOJ.i In speaking on the subject members of the houeohold express a deep sense of surprise at the sudden turn in her condit ion at Loon i-iike. When she tlrst arrived Airs. Harrison manifested marked ev idences of Improvement, sho had recov-ered Biiillelont'stroii'ith to take short walks and after tho arrival of tho President drives of s ix and e ight mi les woro not ap-parently overtaxing' , to hor strength, These practical s igns ol Increasing vigor gave great hopes of s teady improvement If not permanent convalescence .

    Tho sudden appearance Of pleurisy and tho sevsrc methods' necessary to moet this iiddml complicat ion threw Airs. Harrison back very seriously and loft hor In a very weukmnd exhausted condit ion. ' '

    Tho President, sott ing aside all Slato cares except such as imperat ive ly demand his personal at tent ion , nils boon a lender, thoughtful and watchful nurse, and for days denied himself sufllclcnt s leep or rost. ills time at the Executive Mansion Is now most ly passed at his wife's bedside. Although he v i s i t s his ofllc.e at intervals tc> ook over matters loft for his at tent ion and

    to g i v e the necessary direct ions lor the dis-position of public .business ,

    All the members of the Execut ive house-hold are now here, and will remain in at-tendance upon Airs. Harrison hoping for tho host. ttif ,

    There is no f i irtherdonbt of tho ox is tence Of vary serious pulmonary troubles. A l i i t l i a t c a n b c wis. ied for is to stay tho pro-gress of the d l s s a s e

    Tho call of ex-Prosidont Hayes upon President Harrison was very a i lcct lng to | those d is t inguished c i t izens . The ex-l'rosl- i dont st i l l keenly foil tho loss of Airs. Hayes not many months ago. The President, j lillcd with anx i e ty anil grlof, spoke of tho | condit ion of Airs. Harrison. The mooting was brUf. The Chief Magistrates mingled thoir grlof and fear and parted with v o i d s of comfort and encouragement for the best.

    Tho ex«Prosidcnt is looking remarkably •! > i mimttm*** MI M i i i i •

    • , • • • v r • ' • • » - . t • • - - • -

    WfYt'oiYcr i J11i'ii special "train. The Cllt l A I ' K , l l * l l , >1 I t ' l l V I l l l U ' e l ' l ' l ' l l < m l l X l l A V I I l l l l . • . . . . , . . . . . . * , 1 .. . . I . .1 1 :

    T o u r * . , Tim Pennsylvania fytflrosd company,

    through l i s personally conducted will run a tour to the sonrIi, leiivl


    You Don't Object to Saving Two, or Three, or Five Dollars-A handsome China Tea Hot, 4 pieces and

    waiter, whl to and gold, was $10, now $0.50. Addorloy China leo Cream Hot, 18 pieces,

    decorated, was $8.50, now $5. Onvx Table, was $15, now $10. A lino of French Clocks, Onyx, at about

    two-thirds regular prices. An Onyx Ctook, Fronoh m o v e m e n t ,

    alarm, now on ly $10. A Hiipnrb lino of decorated Vases that

    wero $4.M, are now $2.50.

    -Do YouP All our Ster l ing Sllvor tabic ware Spoons

    Forks and fancy piooes, wo odor AT ACTUAL COST.

    Sterl ing Si lver Hair Pins, filigree tops; woro $2, now I t

    Sterling s i l ver J low-knot Broodies , woro $2, now $1.

    Addorloy China Toast Hacks, deoorated, very handsome, wero $4, now $2.50.

    Fronoh China—Llmoir*—Cops and Saucers, decorated, now only Mo. oaohr

    sphere of act iv i ty , however, has materially enlarui'd from age to age, under the Mosaic and ClitlSJ Ian dispensat ions , but she hints the culmination of her intel l igence and moral tone in tho clos ing decade of tlio n ineteenth century American womanhood.

    In tho fest ivi t ies of the past week sho had no battles In the Held to light over, but she had plenty ©f battles to recall when her husbands or fathers or pons woro at tho front, In caring for tho homo and children.

    Tho women of tho Revolution did as much with tho sp inning wheel in tlio homo for Anierioan independence as tho men did wi th thoir muskots In tho Held. They did more tu tho preservation of tho Union, as they hail greator opportunit ies , as tho nurnoM tn hospitals and sanitary and relief soc iet ies show.

    It Is not a surprise, therefore, that so many mothers and daughters accompanied the veterans to Washington. Tho women's enter ta inments woro large nnd brill Ian tj and snowed great business method and patriot ism on tho part of those who had th is branch in charge.

    tour will embrace Uottysburg battle fields, I I.uray Caverns, the Natural Bridge, Orot-I toes of the Miemiu'loah, l i iehmond and • Washington. Tills lour covers a period of

    ten 'lavs, The round trip rate i t $58 from I Pliibid'elphlii, and Includes travel ing ex-! penscs and hotel accommodat ions during i the tour.

    On September W, the last tour of the sea-1 son will leaye Proud Street Station for j Niagara Kails. F.xcursion t ickots good to I stop off at Watkins and Rochester wi th in I the limit of the t lckol, and good to return ; via Buffalo, will bo sold at a rale of $10. • The tour will be personal ly conducted and ,' carried out in that high detail for comfort • and pleasure as onlv Pennsylvania Kail-' rond tours are. Application for space on either of these tours should he made at once to tho Pennsylvania Knllroad t icket agents or tourist agent, 233 South Fourth street, Phi ladelphia.

    The Manhattan Athlet ic Club will hola a ton-mile road race 011 election day.

    Rogers' Plated Forks, $1.88 por set. W o u l d It n o t i»i*y y e n to l a y s w a y s o m e Of t h e s e b a r g a i n * f o r C h r i s t m a s ?

    GEORGE EAKINS & SON, Bold and Silver Smiths, Temporary Stora, 6 0 9 C H E S T N U T . S T .

    Will Remove Oot. iBt tO 930 ChettnUt St. (Nearly opposite Public Ledger building.)


    "go you have had some exporlonco with mon this Summer." "Well, yos. I relused sovon and accepted llvo."


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