
PowerPoint Presentation

I dont like what I do3 options:Change my job lifes too shortAnalyse why I dont like it and change my attitude towards itFocus on the things I do best and like most and bring them to the jobCamAWiSE Career Workshop 3

Career Management CycleWhere are you now? A self-awareness review. Think about your career priorities and values. Evaluate your current skills and abilities, experience, work-life balance, family commitments and constraints. Where do you want to be? Explore your options - anything from improving as a researcher to a complete change of career and life pattern. How will you get there? Make plans. Decide how to achieve the desired career outcome. Set manageable objectives and be prepared to revise these plans if things change. Getting there Take actions to fulfil your plans. What have you learned? Achieve your goal - celebrate! Begin the new cycle with a review and record of your completed activity: evidence of what you did and what you learned to use in the future.

CamAWiSE Career Workshop 3

Capitalise on career enhancing momentsPlanned happenstanceMake your own luckResponsive to change .. actively encouraging changeEmbrace new ideasExplore different opportunitiesAwareness of the big pictureInterest in others

So youve got an interviewTypes of interview - Find out how to deal with various interview types, from telephone to panel interviews.Preparing yourself - Steps you can take to ensure your interview goes smoothly.Making an impression - How to present yourself in the best possible light in graduate recruitment interviews.Interview questions - Tips on answering even the most difficult interview questions, as well as questions for you to ask recruiters.Interview problems - What to do if youre not getting interviews or job offers.Job offers - Great - you've got a job offer sohow do you respond?

Interview answers - STARStep 1 Situation or TaskDescribe the situation that you were confronted with or the task that needed to be accomplished. Step 2 ActionThis is the most important section of the STAR approach as it is where you will need to demonstrate and highlight the skills and personal attributes that the question is testing. What you did and how you did itWhy you did itStep 3 ResultExplain what happened eventually how it all ended. Also, use the opportunity to describe what you accomplished and what you learnt in that situation. SituationTaskActionResultInterviewsInterview SkillsGive examplesUSPsConfidenceKnow yourselfApplication form/CVPreparationDress SmartlyBody LanguageCamAWiSE Career Workshop 3

CamAWiSE Career Workshop 3

CamAWiSE Career Workshop 3

Building ConfidenceRecognise your strengthsWhat do other people value about you?What do you like about yourself?What are you naturally good at?What have you achieved?Posture powerChose your role modelAnd finally

CamAWiSE Career Workshop 3

Say it with ConfidenceKnow yourselfThink PositiveTalk PositiveAct PositiveLook PositiveLive PositiveBe ConfidentEmergency ActionStand uprightCheck your postureAre you frowning try to smileLink your fingersYawn, deep breathingShake your arms, hands and fingersTry to think of something funnyWatch your body languageRemind yourself of your motivationCommunicating with Confidence?CamAWiSE Career Workshop 3

Adapting your styleMORE Control, LESS emotionTalk less, control your enthusiasm, make decisions from facts, acknowledge the roles of others

MORE emotion, LESS controlExpress feelings, pay personal compliments, spend time on relationships, engage in small talk, socialise, use friendly body language

Tell MORE, Ask LESSGet to the point, volunteer information, be willing to disagree, act on your convictions, initiate conversation

Ask MORE, Tell LESSAsk for others opinions, negotiate decisions, listen without interrupting, adapt to the needs of others, let others assume leadership role

When youre with TASK peopleWhen youre with PEOPLE peopleTo INCREASE your assertivenessTo REDUCE your assertiveness

Listening SkillsWhen you listen do you really HEAR what the other person is saying?Devote you attention to listening not thinking about your responseUse attentive body languageUse checking questionsListen to their body language tooBe comfortable about responding laterCamAWiSE Career Workshop 3


Preparing for SuccessGoalsTradesAlternativesRelationshipsExpected outcomesConsequencesPowerPossible solutionsCamAWiSE Career Workshop 3

Making requests.SignpostingIn order for me to..WIIFM (Whats in it for me)See how I can save us time Make your requestI need to ask you about..CamAWiSE Career Workshop 3

A Positive ApproachHow could we improve upon our outcomesWhat would you like to achieve from this meeting?What could we do differently next time?What is currently working that we can build on?CamAWiSE Career Workshop 3

Handling objectionsUse FEEL, FELT, FOUNDCamAWiSE Career Workshop 3

Your PI/Boss is reluctant to let you have time off to a development workshop I understand why you FEEL that I should not go, other PIs in the building FELT the same at first, but what they FOUND was that their staff identified their priorities and needs and their productivity and output increasedFeelFelt Found

SaySaid Realised

Think Thought DiscoveredCamAWiSE Career Workshop 3

CamAWiSE Career Workshop 3

Useful resourcesCareer Trends Building relationships New Perspectives for Women workshops Interview Skills AcknowledgmentsCamAWiSE Career Workshop 3

Laura Thompson Vitae Ros Taylor www.rostaylorgroup.comShape Personality Type

CamAWiSE Career Workshop 3

CamAWiSE Career Workshop 3

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