

===========-=================-======= --== I hnve forwardC4l to you, in nccordnnce with ,·our order~ 'L 8 ,.11op ·1" of' t f . . D. • . J • • • J .~ l'l'JlOr o th

cor~ m my 1:;trict which have completed their continuou:. drill for the ye:ir ending July, IS; I bn'o the honor to be Sir , ,

Your most obedient i;crv:int,

W. OSBORNE S.:)llTIJ, Licut.-Coloncl.

A. A. G. M. Col. .Mnc.Dou,,.all

~ , Adjut~nt-Clcncr.11 of l\lilitia, Ottnwn.


~ !! I ~ 1' ~ ~ I :::! I ~-i-, ~J ---------- ~ I z~ ~ J :i 1 ~ / ~11~~ R(lyal Gaidci -i--1-- ,-- -·-1--:Xo. I 'froop c~~:..i'" .......... .............................. 2 I 22 2 I :n i Montreal Field Ba;re"""'" ......................... """I 2 22 I 2 I I 3 47

I n Montreal Garriaon A7tii1~"'"' ......... ......... ......... 3 I 6G :1 ~~ ~ I'

47 I C ~ontreaJ Eogiaecu ........ ?: ............................. ! IS 190 ' 28 J 2-17 20

70 A

wontroal Light Ia! l '' "' ........................ .( G\I :; 90 I G 300 A

h.t or !riace or Wr.~:S ft~":;~........................... 6 I 93 15 189 116

· A Y1ctona Yoloote ~ill gt nt ....................... I JO 151 ' 2:i 300 26 330 I D Cbnsuon Can filr es ................................... , 12 156 I j • I :!5 450 C Hoyal Light I~racntr!......................................... lG I 232 ~~ .

21f-! 2r, :i:rn lJ

II hel n ,. ......... ... 7 I •v 32 440 I B oe aga Light Iafant ...... .............. ...... 177 21 2U

Tol41 City :~rp ... ~ ........................... , :: I 103 24 226 I ~g ~:~ t '"'""'''""""''""' H 1,281 16() J 2,163 m- -;,;oo-'

-----· CookJhiro Cat"alry 1 I I 1----6herbrooko Troop .................. ~........................ 2 49 3 64 .!!let (Rieholieu) B~i~ii"""""'"'"'"''""'".......... 3 34 3

3 55 Ac

50thB ta!' on...................... 15 1~6, 151 3

G I 3 651 , at ion Huntingdon Bordorors. ' .......... I I l 86 15 225 C

~lat Battalion Hemmlogford Ran era ................. 26 317 26 325 A :.o2aol (.Bedford) Battalion g ..... ........... 28 :~so 31 4dO I 29

:IS.'i !.3rd Dattalion ................. -............ 39 652 48

31 44o A 64th llatlalion .................. ......... ........ ...... ...... 25 I 2lll I 27 I 1157 50 770 ~ 65tb ()Iegaoti~)'!i~iu;ii~~· ................................ ,' 15 185 15 ~~1 / i~ I ~i~ D 6Bth Bn.ualion ......... ...... :::·.. ...... ............... ...... 26 249 29 I :in 29 !05 Jl nBeauharnois No. I Compl\n;:::::··...................... 29 I 4611 I :132 :;~.(31 ,. 3.~ I 5~ .. o I B

eaaharnois Xo. 2 Com •an .......... ............... 3 4S ~ ., vv fit. Ilyaeinlha Company1 y ....................... ......


1 3 41 1

:~ 4 t 3 65 D Sto. .Martine Company.::::::::::::::..................... a 55 I :1 65 I :l f15 I ~

......... ..... ...... 2 I 40 2 50 :i 6a "

Tot.a.I Rural Corpa ................... 2'i9j 21866 1-;Q" a,:JM• "'2:113,7tl9i' Total in Lioat.-Col. Osborco Smith's District.. 313 I 4,147 1406 I 5, i50 1472 I G,lllHl I lifn.-UclatiYe emcicncy ihcwa by lottera A b • b' h • emg 1g est, D Jowett.





A. A.G. M.


~lo!'<TREAL, Auguat., 1868. Sm.-T have thc)onor herewith in accordance with your orders to forward to you n

return showing tho strength of the various oorpa in my District, which have mustercJ nt their Tiead.quartcra, nnd at various points on the J!'ronticr Linc, for their annual drill for the

Financial year ending on the 1st July, 1869.

It ii\ difficult to estimate sufficiently highly the value which the system of oontinuou drill contributes to the efficiency of the Force, not only as regnrds the improvement presented in organization, discipline and drill, but in respect to the general fooling of s:iti faction which

is equally shared in by officers and men.

You will observe that whilst some of the corps were billeted, others, from special causes, were provided with tents; this latter method works far moresati8fnctorily than the former, and I respectfully trust that at the ensuing course of training it may bo found convenient to nllow the rur:il corps in this District to be assembled by Brigades, under canvass, at such suit.aLlc

8pots as may be selected.

This method would enable the Di:-.trict St.-iff Officer personally to superintend the drill and interior economy of the whole of the varioUB corps compriliing bis District, during the entire courRe of training, nnd by nccu8toming the men to work together in large bodies,

manifestly improve their efficiency.

I have the honor to be, Sir, Your mo:-;t obedient r::ervant,

W. OSBORNE S~IITII, Licut.-Coloncl,

'l'h<' A<l.1ut:mt-Grncrnl of Militia, Ott.'\wn. A. A. <l. 'I


..... 0 (.) II) ~ ::: 0 0

0 0

I .... ::: (.)


0 . 0

.::l ~

.. .c Q

~ ~d

8~ I




V OJ.U.NTEER C.rn:r, '"'t. Andrews, 30th .June, !SGS.

Sm,-Pr· ure of duty prevented lllY rcp<>rling to you as early as I ehoulil h-1\e wished, uq to the movc1J1enb in the Volunteer Camp at this st..'llion. I h d the honor, bQwevcr, t.-0

inform you hy telegram, that the S•. Andrews Troop of Cavalry and the 11th B ttalion or

"~\rgcntcuil ltnnger:1,1' marched into Camp on 'I'hurs<l:iy e\'ening la t, 440 11troog of all

rnnh. Arr nteuil Ranger:!..................... 390 8t. Andrewf'\ Troop..................... 50


,\ rcr) fair urn Lcr c!ln i1lcrin~ that five cQmpanies hn I to march n d' Lanco of from 1 S to 2J

miles !01111 their lh• <l Qu rlt·r-.

I huvc much :-ati f'nction iu rcportin..,. tu you that the force is in the hi..,.he.,t spirits, nnrl

manifest great intcre,..t iu ncquiriu~ a knowlc<lge of their military duties.

111 compliance with your i111::tructions, conH!)Cd through J,ieut.-Colonel Smith, 1

n.~umcd the comm::md of the camp on Friday mornin! las•, pruvious to 'Vhich I h:iJ made the nccc•rnry arrangements with the officers of the ~everal corp as to the ~ituation of lhe

camp und the erection of temporary board hut!!, in the nb·cncc of regular camp equipage.

'L'hc camp is formed about a mile from St. Audrc\1!', on a ri::.iug ground on the Lank of

the Ottawa river. with a large parade ground adjoinin". and well adapted for the purpu e; the huts arc ranged in rl'gular liuc. One for each company, the officers' and other tent.'! bein~ rall!:cd in carnp order ; the Urn·alry, with horce~, arc al"o in camp in re:ir of the

' 1 Hau~crs.'' l r.:umot l'prak too highly of the appc.aranco :ind 11tate of tbi- troop. The

C'onun1mc.liu~ Officer, "i(h the a~istnucc of n 11011-commi·--ionec.l officer of II. M. 13th

Hus:;:mi, is tukiug good n<kantagc of the time in drilling the corp· in all the dctail!I of c.amp

<lutics, nn<l the various troop nnd ~quadron ruovemcnh in the ficltl.

With 1\·gard to the · ltongcr-,'' a markctl impro,cmcnt ha taken place in drill nml

Hteadinc" >'inc<' they l'amc into c:anp. '\Yith c..~ccption of thrco of the Gore comp:ini •, which were mo~I dctieicnt iu drill, I can report fa\orably ns to the general i<tate of the corp~, tht• rncn aro tine fellow-:, aud H'lllO of the companic:< arc Ycry good indcc<l. Th(! .Junior )ln~or :ind Adjutant arc mo't dlicicut ofllcer-i, and render yalunblo a~~i--tnncc in

<'amp, in instructing othrr oflil•t•rs who have h:ul but little esperience, if .my, iu .Batll\lio0

clrill. ~t'vcral (J:iptain:- arnl "ubalterns, being cadet" of the )[ilit:iry ~chool, arc of grcaL mlrnnt:tgl' to the corpit. und the ('Omp:mit·~ to which thc--c officer n. ached, arc far in

ndrnncc of' the others in drill. &.c. 'l'hc t•i~ht dny ' drill. ulthough n short period to wield into shape rur~ compauie~

'1 hich have nc' er been drill••<l in battalion before, l have no doubt will l roduce the mo•t

· ati factory result , nrnl should a eimil:lr nrrnngcmcnt !Jc carried out ucx.t yc:ir, I Ehould Slt • !i'"t that instcnd of only ei!Jl1t da) the time hould be extended to !ixleen da) in c mp nnd the pr •ut SC!I on of the ye.u is certainly tho best for cnmping and taking tho Yoluutecrs

from their homes. u


In m king my Officinl Report~, I r-hcll enter more into detail, anrl furnish copie of ell the order nnd r 0 nlntion- Lsued in

I m!ly ~t te here thnt the honr:i of drill :m from half-past four a.m. to half-pnst ~ix a.m., from nine to eleven n.m., nnd from s:)t. p.m. to eight p. m.

Jct. ~er,..,cant-Mnjor's 1>nrn1lc, ~quad nnd C'omp1my drill.

Znd . .Adjutunnt ' p:irnde, Dattnlion drill.

3rd. Commanding Officrr'~ pnrade, Battalion drill, &c.

'l'hc object I lt:n·e in '\'"iew is to !!ire them as much llatt:ilion drill as possible.

To-morrow being the nuni-rcrsary of the formation of the Dominiou of Cannda, tho force mil p:irade nt noon to fire a p .u-dc-ioie,-tu.e::c is no ::\liliti:i General Unlcr that I hare 8*n

directing the '\'"Oluutccrs to ccleLrnte the day in this manner this yc:tr, but 1 pre.sume thne

can be no objection to ;olunt er,, in c:imp a"'~cmblin!.! for thi,, pur110,..c.

l'i'ill you kindly inform me what time I may order the 1 th llutuilion to a·~emble f, r

the ci!!ht dny ' Jrill in camp, n~ the hay har>e"t begins about the 15th July. it would be adri.::able to have the rur:il corupnnie" out as early as po•-<iblc, the only companic~ of this coq ~ in which the !'er-rice nt the pre.sent time might be nttcndcrl with inconvenience to the Yolun·

teer:i and their em1 lo)ers, nro the two Hawkesbury companies, employed in the mills oftht Mc~~rs. Hamilton Brother:>.

~uppo,,;ng thc-c 11£0 companies could not turn out ju:;t now, how would it do to order out the aix cou1panic3 of the 18th at once, and attach tltc .. Lnchiuc

1" " Como,'' and

"Thurm" com panic to the Ilattalion, and a•semblc them at lia.wkcgbury, or a better place­

St .• \n<lrcws-the prl:~cut cnmp. I can arrange that the huts shall l'etuniu for the use vf the lSth Battalion, ~hould this be desired.

I filiould he pleased to reeeh·cd a tdegram from you indicating your wi»hcs in regard to this subject.

Colonel ,\lncdougnU,

.Adjutant-General of Militia,


I am, yoUis very faithfully,

J. l\IACPilERSON. Lieut.-C:olonel, I>. A .. \. G. )filiti~

l'. '.-I may slate for your infornrntion that Captain Brehaut, Dii;trict P.~I. •. mil'cd here yesterday, an<l ha" paid to each captain the amounts for drill pny, the Hcce,•nry J\cquit·

<'.tl.ncc Holls being furnished in proper form for i:amc ; this F.ali factory arrangement enabb

the mcu to rcceire their money for the Etervice the day the comp bre:iks up, Fri<lay moroin!:, 3rd July. .I. )I.

UA IP ST.,<l July. 156". Sm,-Thc d. Andrews Cavalry Troop and ".Argcntcuil Ilnngera" ha, in!! cornplewl

the eight days' nnnunl drill for 1868-6!) in camp, in accordance with orders. the mcral

corps marched otT for their company head-quarters this morning at six o'clock, a.II in the bc:t of 6fiirita.



I have much plcttsure in reporting thai everything has pll!!Cd off in tho most satisfac­

tory manner ; the conduct of the volunteer. during tho serricc in camp was mnrked by the best order and di ci1 line, not a single ca..•e of in. ubordination having come under my notice.

The improvement in Battalion drill, and general eflicirncy of the corps in camp, enable'

rue to report favorably n,; to the manner in which the Regimental Officers ha"°e dir.chargeJ

their dutic11, which reflects much credit upon all ranks.

Colonel l\Incdongnll, .Adjutant-General .Militi11.1


T remain, yours faithfully,

J . MACPHERSON, Lieut.-Col., D. A. G. Militia.

Vott;:-;TEER CA.HP, L 'Orignal, 11th July, 1"6S.

Sm,-I have the honor to inform you that the 18th Battalion Prc...-<:ott Infantry, and Thurso Infnntry Company, marched into c:imp at this :.tation on Thursday afternoon, the

9th instant ; tho following is the strength of the force iu camp:

18th Battalion, all ranks........... ........ ........ 338 'l'hurso Infantry Company................. ...... 40

Total...... ... ........ ......... 398 'fho force is under tho command of )fojor Shiclns, Licut.-Colonel Higginson being

obliged to leave here on I•'riday last, on urgent prirnto nff11ir•1 he being in tho employ of

l\le~srs. Hamilton Brothers of Quebec.

The camp arrangements are mo~t excellent, the board huts being erected with W.!ry

regard to the comfort of tho men, and in this rcsprct arc far :oupcrior to the ;;:t. Andrews camp. The camp is located on the bank of the Ottan-a river, about half n mile C!l. t of the rillage of L 'Orin'Il'll, ndjoining which there is ~ '\'"cry good parade grouud ; the field h:u

been placed nt tho dispo"al of the Yoluntecrs by )lr. O'Brien of thb pince. So far, I have to report most favorably as to the succe:;s which ha.~ attended the camping of the 1 ~th Battalion.

The ann1u\l in~peclion of the seYeral companies of thi:> corps. 'IYhich was po!lpone<l

Mllle time :i,.,.o nt the request of )Jr. Hamilton, took place on I'riday, the 10th in. tant, nt

11ix p.m., and I have the honor to re1,ort wn.o; i;ati~fnctory.

Tho :;~me orders hnvc been i~sued for the ~uidancc of the cnmp ns those adopkd at ~t..

Andre""· and l ha.Ye much plcn«urc in stating that tho duti~ nro l'einc: carried out i11 :\ very satisfactory manner i :\ marked improrcmcnt is nlrently manifested in the <lriil of tho

11errr:il companic'<, the officers and men being au. ious to improre thcmsch-e~ in thdr militnry d111ic . Xo c·oruplaints of' nny kind hnTe been mnclc, nnd tho conduct of the men i mo•t. prni~cworthy.

The ca;np wi:I break up on Thursday at noon, l uth imtant. 1 shall return fro:n .Montreal on WP<lnP. 1lny, the 1 :>th in-.t:mt, to in11pect tho Bntt.nlion, before &epar~ting; the l>i trict

Paymaster "ill pro>iJi tho rcquisit-0 fnnJ~ for tho p:1ymcnt oI tho ae\·oral compnui on tho

•ame d:iy bofore le:\Ting for their r IOJ)00tin hea<l.rp1artor'.


The Como Rifi , t. Thcrcse Rifles, Lnchine and Three Rh......, Jnfi "'° antry Comp.111ies, I .shall in in fow dny nt their own head-quarters.

I leave thi cTcning (or 1\fontrcnl.

r remnin your most obedient scn·nnt,

J. ':'II.ACPHirn:-o~, Lieut.-Oolonel, Colonel MacDoug:Ul,

Adjutant General, .

D. \ . .\. (l. ~I. tlilitia


~ QUEBEC, 10th ..... eptember, 1 GS . ..... m,- I ha1e the honor to report that I in"pected th 17th (Levi ) B ttalion of y .

t th 5h• OUD eers on e t m tant and found it in e\"ery way mu h improved and cffic" nt.

. :be Battalion was put thron_h manual and pl:Lto0n ex rci , company and battalioo

drill. In 11 \"Clj crediuible mann r nnd I h ve much pl sure in bringin" to your notice th re:idin and aln · t ·th h. h II


. ' en Y m w 1c a rank etro>e to acquire proficieu y in the -hort period of drill they hn>c had

I lm>e the honor to be 'ir Your obedient servant

I A. CA."Al LT. J,ieut -l'ol oel,

AA.G. Colonel. P. L. l\JacDouga..11, A. G. lilitin, Otum .

QUJ:BEC 11th S ptembcr l ·G·. .::rn,-I h:i.;e the honor to report that l in"'""',.tcd the 9th .. - J B 1· ....1. • . -r~ 'o unt er tta 1onye&eruaJ

!!\"CDlD': on its r tum from the C mp nt Ril"i ~ • Oo I , th t their dr"'l :ind CTI1l • ance ga•e m gr t f t" n g PJX'M

_Their bebarior at the camp has been c:xempl ry, and offi rs nnd m n did th ir ut U>

acquire that kn led of dri land camp dn · which ar in di 1 to !di rs on rti

I co 'dered this b ttali r dy for fie d Eer\"i •

I be-~ 1 Tc to report m fi bl h B ttal' \'Ol"a Y on t e good fii ct of allowing m"n of r oluoteer a ion to put in th ir time of yearly drill in cinht c o ccatil"C d y in cnmp. Ei ht days

of camp li_fe with ix hour drill d ily bcin"' in my o ·n·on equ I t?Ocnty rdin:iry dri day11 at difi'e:rent times durin" the yror.

J ha\"c the honor to be 1r,

Your obedient runt

C I p L ;\j D J, A CA A J./r, J,ieut. Colonel. 0 • • ~ no ougall, Adjutant General, Ottn\I"•. • G ... .A ·"· '




Fredericton, New Brunswick, 16th .April, l 6~

:::m - In nccordance with the in·truction contained in your lctwr of th 15th in t.nnt I hat'c the honor to submit thi, my report on the state of the l\filitin in the :MilitAJ) ))' tri t,

~o. ~ (New llrunswiek), in my charge.

'I his District now consist of three Brigade Diruions and r.neen n !im ntru Din · n

The 'i\Jilitia Law of the Dominion of Cnnada not having come into force until the 1

October last, my report muct nece arily be brief. It cannot he d nicd h wever, tl t

importnnt change for the welfare of the force of.~ w Brunswick have all'C!ldy bcc-n effi ted by the General Go>crnmcnt, of the.c-e I propose to tr • in detail when offcrin" m tionc: as to the mean of in.~urin~ the succ -ful working of the New .M iliti L

In my ri.:port, of 1 G I endeuourcd to recapitulate fact connccwd with th rn Hep of pro-:re • in this Prorince, the object in view b in~ to render at I • o hr the serv'ice-the voluntcen;-as effectil"e n.s po -·Lie, and to prcp:irc in some m

remaining portion of the :\cti\"e )filitia to accept. the adrnntagcs or a gencrnl SJ ton f, r i better trnininz. My fir:rt. duty, on this occa-ion, will be to refer to still forth r JT

made by the force.

The manner in which the Y olunteer.; or X cw Brunswick r ponded to the c JI t

when Fenian mnrauders threatened our frontier early in l "'66, drew forth th<> ju co 1

tion of the then Commander in Chief and the community generally· and tl d grasp the opportunity afforded them for improvem nt in drill and d" iplin , displayed when the system of concentra ion of c rps f, r d i I. ad ptcd by th v Qu bee and ntario, was extended to the }force or thi ProTII!C during t

C3.D I think, rcely be considered I prai!eworthy. Alth n"'h comm ndin offi rcqu ed t • decide as to the m <t suitable time f, r mnstcr in th ir ~ti•i.: d" tri w n the men could best be i;parcd from their ordinary pursuit -it w f! u t accompl" h thi a.- ti..cfactorily as could bed 'red in m- ry c ; h dn to tho officers and men who left. r munern.tfr occupati to j in th "r d

ta\:e part in the drill.

Th Toluntecrs, numberin" 1,401 of all ranks bled at which ooncentrntion of corps w effected, each bran h or the rric w v rious proportion

1 :is shewn in Jnc1icction Report hereto nppcnded. At

pohnqui the men of the Rcciment, Ycom:mry C v lry, Li ut. Col. und r c:in\"~1 ih<' hor piquettcd concct1y. .At another the Batt.nli n 1st arl t

Baird, occupied n largo bnildinrr, the rc:nt of which was defrayed from thedrill 1 the regulation re..~ting the interior economy of n B ttalion wi.:r (u y carri were nlso nll in£truclion!!. i ~ucd for the guidanoo of th r0100 at th I place \\h re m n "ere billctro. It i here my pl 'o • duty

con1mnnd nL c:ich point was efficiently filled b) I ur ly v lunt ofiic rs; nor did I find it necessary in any in tnncc to apply to th offi r com H er l :ijcst1'11 Troops for tho aid of in tructore, and n L only wcr

s 9

e coun;es of rvi w tl a by se

• e ecessary qualific ·on and postinc them t im rw:t

fapnt de C rp ' established, the annual training c d be carried d 8 ~ nnd effident force plnced at the di po 1 of the Com-


up their cxpccta · n and m .. 1 it being J)tt~llecl take deeper interest in tbeirwelii re -as th who are d" ·n · from military duty only if the "\ lunteer m em is su ul-th t

me seemed compnrati'\" ly easy. And the nbcrrc arguments con · dered can it bed ub

each city and wwn, ca h '\"illn!!e and settlement, will furniEh its quota .

. r 1

ti . ucccssful adoption of such n EJ tem, the erection of ])rill Shed! nh ..-ace, nnd one of permanent benefit to the Dominion.

tl1 t in ti is Pro .... ince all a -.J • • • •

f} . re engagt:u m mdustrrnl pursmts convinces me of

I nn Jnll co ducted "th r I . . nd in t} • WI u att c mconvcniencc n po iblo to the m n, e " nan when pr:icticable :is tl1 d" d ·1

tv. o of drill j b 1

bl d ' • e or mary :u Y occupation finished, an hour or an agrcen o ut,_. A d h .

tt) d distri t f J" B regar S t O mstruction Of re idcnts in S}•ar-e!J c m n o cntcrprisin..,. char t •

mu t. u ril 1..._ d fi 0 nc er, aclll"O energetic habits, n "P cinl orrnogemcnl Y uc ma o or tholll."


'Yheu tran witting to you sen ice roll of recently formed oor1 m of whi h had u

att:1incd tho minimum numerical strength rcquircd1 I 1m1ilcd W) If of U1e occ3Si n to

tl1at, while I ad witted tho.t no corp• hould be con · dered organized untili tre th I.If' completed, I could not bu concur with the oommnndin • ofii to the ur pur u

not h tily enrolling men of the migratory cl ibut rnlh .. awnitin,.. tl e return to tL h

qu:irtcr of their corp of tho c ,;ho e rertlccs arc to be '° lu d nd who temporary a

"Chatham BAtl«1ry" pre\ nt thew subsoribin.,. their nam to the C wp:my Roll. • • t

"\ ic1orla R10u" to corps such ns these I gladly ad .... crt to two compani con · tin of O\

100 men cnch.


" ith rcfcrcn to k · l ID) rcmnr A!> to :I. spcc1a Rrrlln!!Cment for tho in. !ruction f re-ideal-.. of 'P rscl~ ttlcd di t · ts · t b · ·

0 the . nc ; I Ill~ llll]lOrtant that the n·iccs of ml'n of this cl

.:-hould lie ccurcd, I r ~1cctfulh rec1uc:-t. that I ma,· L1.• pcnuitt•'d to . fl" I ti • • • • • • J " .1 or1 wru nn 01"111r

tt101t) to cnr l by -ub-<h~ 1 ion-: m the n·i.JIC ·tivc dist rich i 11 ... te·iil of. 11 · · I r • • • a< acrmg ~trict y to the rile ot hn\"lll0 the l'OIDJl3ll) fom1c1l entirely at one 1ioint · care of cours, t l t k h ·· bo · ' .eo>cucntar prov1-10n madl.' fi the drill of c:ich sub-division by the officer. of ti I h

-" . :-s 1c corps, ns we J as for t o :-aie kcep1110 oft nrm~ nntl other Go,·ernmcnt propcrt)· en trustcil t > tli' h I h I

· < c1 r c argc and n t ong 1 they coultl not rcn:.onnhly expect 1111 the facilitic=- for improvcrncnt 1· d 'JI 't h r 11·1· ' llrtnte f 1.:-po-· • t 1e1r more fortunate brethern in cities nod town8 on ti t · d • . · • 1c coneeo ration of corp.~ for rill l1c111"' cffectc<l in i.ummcr months, good re.suits would nccruo to thci;c isolated detach­ment-.

A careful ob-en er of the yariou:. changes which our \ o!· ctcer organization has under· :..'01:e, nu<l one who hn~ tho wclforo of the i;cnicc at heart: cannot, I think, fail to be gratifi I at .ho prc-ent a J>eet of operation:-. -

,. oluntcer, will rce in! annually a "pecified " fi d ·11 fi · . . . _um or ri s per ormed nt time:- rn0,t <'liD·

~cmeut to tho-o re-1d10~ either iu town or country, :ind though I pr~umc. tLis ~um i~ not 11

11.tend·!d. .1~ be ndcqu:ite rc:muueratiou for st>n ice:. r('ndcrcd, Dlll) it not be con,i<lerc<l a mark

o recc~mhon of -ueh sen"tce- and n · <l I · . . . · nm ucement to vo uutecrs to pay mcreascd attention to mil1•ary dnuc-.

I con,ider it of iufiuitc iwport:incc however, that drill" lJe conducted l I " with fl'i!ularit), :n< t iat by ~u mean- ._Jiuuld the u:.ual weekly <lrilh be discontinued. Uniform clothing will

f cour be 1 ueil :'.t •tate<l I erio<l~. and in accordance with prc1'cribcd rules. Added to thi~ the benefit to be demed from Jin,·iu" a fi )) • )'fi d · . ~ n Y qua 1 e m,;tructor, fur example one who ha; t buuued the uece- ary ccrtificat f th 'IT I

e roru e - 1 itary ~chool, attached to each corp~ as doubt. ,; e' cry corp will I ccdih- -end r •pre'' t t. , h 1 •

• J c ~n a n c!> to t •' scnool; there haYc already been more c:md1datcs than it ha been po- "LI t <l · · h. h . -~1 e 0 !?Tant n m1~:-1on to, owiu!? tn the limited sp.icc '' ic the drill room at the di ... po-al of the commandant afford~. .

.11 ~ •• c aid offered by the Oo\·cruu1cnt of the Dominion townrds the erection of drill ~hcd~,

wt 1 t;ust, be the means of induciu!! energetic ~cutlemen in every· <li trict to l'fforts to attain thi c d l I r

11 c prompt

• ~ 1 nui t icreiorc ccurc the grcate-.t boon tothe ..,·olnnt\!cr. I came:,tly hope that the mumc111:1l nuthorities at. St. ,Jl1lin ... 1·11 - " avail thcmsdvc~ nf the liberal sum offered to supply the 11ro ·n, wnut at thut 11lacc.

I ow propo c briefly to offer Eomc ·e . k h b . . . . • i mar s on enc rauch of the :;crv1cc 111 <letml.


'l'hi l'orc con i t of a r ". f .. . .. . cl

eollll nt 0 seven troop . :-;IX 111 Kmg'11 County one lU wc~I mor an I, comm ud d hv I ic t C' ) I S 1 . , . . • ' u ·• o One aunc crs. who 1 rll!~irous tn 11lacc this Force 1111 A more efficient footm , and umon , t ti I . C I t I ' g 0 icr c rnnge' to organize :ulditioual troops in York nuJ

are .onl. Lope he mny be sue ful in this rc-1 ect as I nIU well uwuru of the ,11)uablc mntcr1a -m n and horses in tl . . red . - icsc couutie , and, ehould the sen ice llt' tl11 e troops be


t aoy time to form continuous links of communication between fro lcricton an1 \l\tcre du Loup as the u e · h . .

' 1 u composmg t em re Hie on tltnt route thi dut1· could Le sreed1ly ~~~. i • r


On a l'rovious occa ion I cnJc:tvourod to explain the variou causes which impeded the

succc s of the Force in King's, not tho least of which was tho difficulty of obtainin.; suitable

hirll<l drill shoos in that county.

However, the crc<lit:lhlc mnnner in which tho troops mustered <lnrmg the past rummer, and the d<-greo of proficiency attained during the limitctl time particul:irly cit' caYn.111 ap­pointed. for the annual training, afford 1:ufficicnt yiroof that Lii>ut.·Culonel. 'auud..irs has llll(l"r

his commnn<l mcn of whom he might ju8tly feel 1iroud..

Ifis 1'.lxccllcncy tho Licut.-Governor was prC8Cnt nt tho in pcction of the r~~iwcnt, awl

was plcai-iccl to cxpre:-s him:,elf in terms of the highc; t commendation.

Captain nnJ A<ljut:mt Otty, a very zcal011c; officer. recently returned from the C:mllry

School of lu'<truction at 'I'oronto, where he obtained n •· tir~t cln.-;s cerlificatc ;" has nlready commencell a. rC!•uhr i-ystcm of drill in the r~illlent, which I tru t the men will bo careful to avail thelllsch-es of, M doubtless improvement in general efficiency will he the rc.•mlt.


Tho importance of this arm of tho scrrico at Saint John and other ~board citi nn.t towns of' New Brunswick cannot, I consider, be too hi~hly (') timntc<l. In thi"I I nm glad •o think I but express your opinion, a::1 well as that of other authoritic.~ of experience, I hn\"e, therefore, great pleasure in inforllling you of the succe~~ which Jin,; nUemlc<l the cner~ •tic

efforts of Licut..Colonel Foster and the officer.:; under hi..; oommancl in carryin~ out tho prl)­viHiom; of the new law, ns regards the re-enrolment 11nd enrolment. 'r11c • 'crvicc Holl transmitted to Head Quarters i:hew :l lar~c incrcn.,o in lhe nmnerical strength of the r\.\,;i

ment, n. Btill furtl1cr incren o can he effected, if r~1uirlld.

T rc:.:rd thnl owin~ to my temporary nbscnco :it .;\Iontrc:1l l wns unable to in:;pcct th!! Force :it .._':iint John whill<t undergoing training; I w:i.c: however entirely .. ati;;ficd with whnL T saw oftht.! l'fficicnt Batteries :it Chatham and Woodstock, and I may with atlrnntn!!o extract

the following from ::'IIajor J ngo's Report of drill and 1•ractico nt .~aiut .Tohn ho ~tatcs: •' I c:mnot speak too highly of the practice made by the different Batkrie.-, and I beg to refer you to my Heport on the practice dated October :;, lSoS (hereto nppendcd) for full 1mti·


'l'hc conduct of the men durins; tho eight day~ training was exemplary, thcrc wa.; llll

absence from drill, no drunkenness or other crime...;; indeed on tho p:irt of both uon-commis· 11ioncd officers unJ men, 1 oh:-erved u stcadinc.-~ during the drill hour• which :-hcwcil that"

they were nnxiou~ to make the mo~t of their opportunitic~ of le:miing. 'fhat they did I can confidently affirm, and I consider that the practioo rcport-i bear me out in my n scrtion.

'l'he officer.~ all gnve me the grcatc"t help in my duti~, nncl I ha.Ye to thtmk them from Lieut. Uol. Foster <lownwanle, for tlwir willio~nc ,; in undertaking e' cry --en ice. '.J'o the

good feeling Letw·ccn offi<'er,, and men, and to the heart) desire of both to .lllnkc tJ1 u1 he thorourrlily Ul'•iuniutc1l with thoir duties, 1 · ttributo entirely tho ucoos- of the eight J . .:

urill." 10

With l\Injor J. !!O' Heport on Drill :md }>ractico of tho New llrun wick Artillr.ry I

h:ivo the honor to submit, for fovornble c.onsiderntion, hi opinions on '' hnt will most cou1Ju, to tho cilicicncy of thnt l~orcc in i cw Brun "ick unJcr tho follr,wiug heacls; (1st) Uarrisou

Batteries l'CT tis l'icld .Artillery urguwent<> in favor of tho former, and with re. peel to their nrmarnent. (2nd) .As to manning the Coast Butteries nnd rendering them effective. (3rJ) Hecommcn<lin~ the arming of nll \Oluntecr artillery" ith the rcvohcr.

When i,ubmitting the opinions of nn oniccr of seven nn1l 11 half years i,crvicc in n Fict.l Brigu<lc of tho Hoyal .Artillery nnd three year::> with the .Nt'W Brunswick Forcr, I gh<lly avail my:-elf of tho 011portuuity t.o bear tc timouy to the valuable :isi;istaucc which Major

Jago has at rul times mo:-t readily affordcJ me in his capacity of Ai:;sist~nt Adjutant tlcncral of Artillery, nnd to offor him my sincere thanks.


In my last report I referred to the Engineers in terms which may with eciu:il truth lie repeated, Yiz: " This fine corps commanded by l\1njor Boyd, still retains the l1i"h po,itinn amongst the volunteer:- of Xcw Brunswick, for which it hns hccn remarkable. Ucsidc8 licing

well drilled, the men, nll of whom arc mechanics, have attcnde•l lccturc::1 on fortification', military cn0in«Xring and other interesting subject,,


In my rcmnrk.;: on the other brnnch.,;~ of the volunteer <:crvicc, 1 briefly referred to the satisfactory mnnncr in which the re-enrolment was conducted in those Rpccial cnrp8

1 n111l, it

being a.-sumed that they hn<l nlrcady, or nearly so furnished the rl!r1uirc<l numLcr:' in proror tion to our quota of volunteers, n.; n body, as compared with tho strength of simihr corps in other <li-trict-, it wns therefore clear that tho Infan•ry must be recruited.

It became my first duty ns Deputy .il.djutnnt Gener-JI, with tho view to at win this object, lo seek informatian on the following points :-1st. A-. to the most uitnblo pince.~ :1t which lo

form additionn.l corps. ~ntl. A to the willingnc...<>s on the part of n sufficient numhcr of non· oommis.;ioucd officers and privntes to participate in the ndvnutagcs of such nn org:mizntion, anJ 3rd in regard to n competent officer to comm:m1l at ench place.

I rccch·c<l prompt and tisf ctory nn wcr fo my cm1uiric'I on these point ; anJ ~ll'l" were speedily taken in Ynrious quarters to tl1is end. 1 nm glad to 1- y 1hnt lillCCC H h:1;1 alm11ly abundantly nttended tho enrolment. It i~ true, time is ncvdc<l before the npporliuuinf.{ of \'Oluntecr:- can he cous:idcrc1l complete in every count.}.

. In some inst.ancc~in country ili tricts-the ah ·11ce of colllpc ent officers to comurnnrl d~l~yetl the m~vcment j in oth re, the men desired to ho thorou,,hly iufor111c1l :1~ In th1' con dttlllUJ! of service before sub ribing tl1eir nnrues to the roll. 'l'hc for111cr cau-:c of dl'1:1y will be obviated in due timo, when qualified instructors from 'the milit:iry chool arc uv:iilahl1'.

Our more efficient \olunt rs would have desired n r:ipid trnnsition from the oltl i;y~tt~i to the new, nnd nt once to be put iu po ion of clothin ·, &c. 'fhi . of course. mlS impr:idi cable, but., far as I C!ln I m from C¥ ry qu:irt r, good" ill :111d forbe.m11100, 111 to pre\'nil,

difficulti ' ill thu be m00Ll1 1 nw y: ml th succ ul 'orki11 •of the new lnw will he the lit

My o!Jr:;crl'11tion1c1 in tlw early part of t hi report ink'ndcd to con\cy my sense of 1.'Tltiro sati lil<'tion ut the 111 mncr in which \Oluut~rn grru;pod the opportunity :1fforcled them for i111prmcmc11t in drill, may, with truth, lie :ipplic<l to the lnfnutry na \Veil as to the other • brandies of tho ~crvico under urms.

In the case of' the Saint .John Voluntoor Battalion, being aware of the careful ohscn·nncc of ddail:-1 at itfi wockly drilltt all in the ordiuary rontino of 1lutics, I expected to find efficiency; uor Wl'rc my <'x1wctations in nny way di appoiutcd, hut, in tlw training 11f the l!C\ ernl B:il. 1.1 ~orlh11111l11irlu1ul talion~. :u1 pct· margin, in \vltir·h thl' \'Oluntccrs nre rcinforcc1l by llomc 21"'


1"1"' <:uarclQ, little drilled oJ' late. :1111! 'L fi1ir 11ropor1ion of rccrui~. no c.a,c:v wk l nr111 Qll J

:.!1141 Carlu11111 dc\'oln l upon officerti in l.'Ollllll:lt11I, m11I (I(' the untl eucr~y of these

i.;1·ntlcmrn I cannot speak wo highly.

Licut.-Coloucl Otty who ini-pcctc<l at ~t Ucorgl.', bore nwplo t~tilllony lo the efficiency ilisplayc<I at thul point.

In proof' of the cx<·ellcnt spirit which tlrn ,in!ltruction frrn11 rl for the guid:inoo of the Fnrco were cnrric1l out, I cannot refrain from hf'r\l quotin,, hl'i f cxtrad,; from B:ittalion nrtlcrs at the termination of the training. .\ltl1ou"'h \'Crbatim copic.:; of' nll orders will IJo 1mhmilwd with thio report. In 0110 in t.nnco Licut,..('oloncl 13aird, 1st Cnrlctou, states: 1

• '!'he hearty rc~onso given to the call nf your officers to nsscmblc for eight daya drill nntl exercise, at a season when your intcrc5ts lie in the direction of your harvc:-t ficlJ~,

i8 tho Htrongest evidence of your loyalty; n11 l tho point of efficiency to which you :1rrivcd iu drill by constant au·l per- \Cri " attention to your <lutic<: is de.serving of the highc:;t col!lmcndation." Iu another, Lieut ·Colonel '.1'1111per, ~nil C:irleton, says: "Ac:unp of Instruction for tho militia, the fir,,t ever instituted and org:mized in the County of Carleton, and th:it too, in this rur:il district, may well be !lJlprccintccl ns cxhibitin~ the benefits which we as a people derive from living under British Go\·cmment nnd British lu~titutions, &c. The gre:it proticieney mndo by the men in drill an.I exercise durin,,.tho eight Jnys hns surpa.4"'od his (the Uolonel's) mo'<t sanguine cxpccfationf', &c.'' And in nnothcr in tancc. J,icut.-Colooel J\lcUnlley, 1st :Norhumbcrland, st.'\tc5: '' Tho Commnnduut cannot p:1rt with tho officor;;, non­r01ul!li-sionetl officers nnd men compoi>ing tho camp without th:mking them for their good.

1 sober

:md orderly conduct during the eight days drill, which reflects the gro."Lk',t crc<lit upon them· sckc.~ ancl tho county to which tl1cy belong, the proficiency made in <lrill nnd the prom1•t obedience of orders nre dc.-:erving of nil praise.''


During the piu::t yo:ir steps have been taken in v11riou!I directions with an important ohjcct in \'iew-tho better trnining of our loc:U force~ in tho U'~o of the weapon with which thr.y arc armed. Thc."c mny be coni>idcrcJ under tho following hcn1l;1 :-1st. 'fho formation of tho •·Dominion of Uanndn Hiflc _.:\q ocintion'' and tho S\lb cqucnt. operations which en urotl

the successful competition nt J,aprairic, nil of which were c:irricd out 'vith cnthw-in. .. m. I have much plc.isure in stating that twcnty-fh·c New Hnmswiokcrs nttcndc<l, noel notwith-.taudin~ tlan• m:uiy of these hnd the Snider Hille hut recently i sued to them, they woo n large proportion of prizes. :.!nil. '.l'hc R ctin I ~c·1r't1 working of the .. ·cw Urun wick Pro\ incinl Rifle Associntion," under tltcablo 1un11ngcmcnt of Uolcincl Thurg:ir nnd the Collllllittoo of tho Associntion•.


llnving nssumerl eommnnd of the Forcu n 'emhlcd for the competition at ~u :;ex in scptcmber last, I nm cnnbled to bear nmplc testimony to the exemplary conduct of th men a, " cU ns to tho remnrknblc accurncy of their shooting. I mny aJJ t hnt in couSCf1ucnce of the intcrc-t mn11ifc.dc1l in the competition by Colonel Hawley, commanding the 4th Hatt. GO th Hifie,., mnny of hi,, hc-t mnrksmcu entcrcJ for the .All Comers .:u :itch, aucl it is crediUible to our J,oc:il Force.:; to t-:iy that the fir:>t prize in that well contested match wns won by a

rrimto Jnmcs r crken•, :\cw Brum•wickcr, the more i;o as that Battalion of the lliflcs proved to Victoria m R s, be the bc"t :-hooting corps in the Dominion <luring the pnst year. Col.

Hawley. moreover, wa:; good enough to exprcsi him$elf well plcn:-ccl with nil the arran,.,cment.~ 0

made for tho competition. 3rd. '' County Associations." ]from the manner in which county mntchc-., in connection with the Provincial A~:>ociation, were conducted, it is evident that the importance of the object is appreciated. It is to be hoped that County Associations may thi, year be incren...:cd nnd their member:; augmented ; this will doubtlcs11 be accomplished in 11roporlion n, the numerical stren~th of Yoluutccr corps increases, nnd thus the ba~is of the or.::anizntiou will be more firmly e<t:ibliohed, the succession of steps were completely formed, each County will send its quota to the Provincial Rifle :\latches, the Prov . .Ai;,.:ociation, in return, will send n lnr!!'Cr number ofwcll-traincil marksmen than heretofore to compete for the more valuable prize, offered by the Dominion of Canada Rifle A.«sociation. Indeed, thanks to the very liberal ,-um;i placed at the di:.po..:al of the Prec;idents of the several A,.:sociations by the Govern· mcut of the Dominion. valuable prize-: were offered and well competed for in every instance, io Dominion, 1'rovincial nncl County meetings respectively. To the New Brunswick Govern· me:nt the thnuks of our Provincial ~L-ociation are also due for the handsome and acceptable .:um ($1.000) grante<l in nid of the funds of tho Association.


In order i:uccc.«sfully to carry out an efficient syi;tem of Uiflo Practice in this Province the supply of Iron 'Pargct-, the opening of ~mi table rangc11 arc ncccn;ary services, and which n-ill doubtle rcccirn favorable consi<lcratiou.

In my report for last year, 1 n.:commcn<led tliat u high <lcgrco of proficiency in Hilk I r. eticc hnYing been attnincd by n lar~c proportion of the Voluntcer:s, and wi th a view to th 1.ioYcrnmcnt allowance of nmmunition being expended wilh increased advant.-ige, addi­tiou:i.l rulc;i a- kl the future system of conducting tho prncticc Le framccl, bn cd on the mu~ kclry regulations for Tn1perial Troops, that, in~tca1l of all volunteers firing four consecutive courses at 200, 300 ancl ·100 yards, the first and second periods as per Ilylhe regulations he substituted, by which means all those who foil to obtnin the required number of points at the

hort di tancc , ''ill ngain practice at those di tances, while the successful m:i.rksmen will k pennittccl to fire up to GOO yards. I also recommended that 10 ronn<ls per mnn be expended at volley firing.

lmsER'\"E l\!IUTIA.

'Phis Pro•;nco now consist of l!J ltcgimcntal Divisions and 12~ Company Divi•ion~.

From the reports received from J,iout.-Coloncls, as well :is from personal obcen·ntion. I mn led to the. conclu ion that the in tructfons nn1l rci;ulntions regarding the enrolment wrr~ carefully ~"d out. I ndmi thn irl QlnC inc;l,.'11\(:Cq owinrr to the uow storm'I whkh 1•rc,

' Q , •


vniled nL the time tlley were ordcrecl to enrol, nnd in others to the novelty of tho duty, en­

rolling offiecra founcl l11:1t no easy wk l1ail l1ccn allotted kl them. UuL ~cw Urunswickcni 11!1 a rule, will not Fhrink from that which energy and perseverance can oyercome.

It is nccdlc1<s for me to offer an opinion ns to the effect r1roducetl hy imhstituting for cur militia Bnttaliou!! (4·1 iu number), fift<'cn llegimcntal Di\"'ision , tJ1c fonncr arc no lou~cr in cxi~tcnce, while tho lnitcr di vi ion is nu ar.co1u11lishctl !.'let ; f>ltffico it to say th:il ns in l'Hry well comititutod force it i11 nccc:;.<;ary that tlwrc shoulrl lio A1hn11cc Gunnls, ~upports, aml Rescrvo, fl-0 in tho organization of the Dominion amplo provi,.iou hn.s been made for these

several branches.

Tho fact that n. cnrcful enrolment will he mack every nltemntc year, wltile it indicate that tho Law must he carried out to the letter, an<l that all -,vith but few c.xccptions- nre required in turn to contribute to the defence of tho Rtatc- houhl tho volunteers fail to

1mpply the required quota.-wi ll, I doubt not be the mean of inducing lhosc to enter the ~ervico who have hitherto been rductnnt lo tako p:irt i11 it, nn•l men Ruch :is these, will I tru.'lt, join, not tho Ile"crve for, pcrhap-., the purpo o of obtaining rank, but the Yofuntt.'Cr .Foroo in which ro prove their willingoe;" to be founcl in lho A<l\"'anco Guard.

I have the honor to he, Sir, Your mo~l obedient i;crvant,


Lt..Col. W. Powell, D. A. CL, Canada. D .• \..G., ~I. D. ~o. ).;,

SAI~T JonN, New Brunswick, December ~nd, 181.S. Sm,-In accordance with instructions rceciv('c) from you, I h:lve the honor to fom nrJ a

report of the 8 dnys drill of the St. J oho Batwricl'l of the N. B. Hcgiment of ,\.rtillcry.

Tho men mustered, ns directed in gcncr:i.l orderl'. ou the 10th ~cpli'mbcr, J,icut.-Uolonel Foster, N.B.A., being in command. The total strength, w , oflicm, (including tl1e stall

of tho Regiment) 11, N. C. officers and men l'.? L

Ilnving been ordered by you t-0 "upcrinten<l :mil direct nl! drill r •l 1•r"clicc cru-ricil 011,

l first obtnincd lhc JICrmission of the officer~ comm.mding tl1c troops in • L J ohn t-0 drill i11 the Barrnck Square on the gun mounted in po:1ition there.

The officer commanding the lloyal Artillery most kiuclly placed nt my tli~posal the ~idc arms &c., of the different Batteries, nml alliO nllowccl me the i,en ice. of tlm'C of his non

commissioned officers as drill instructor:-, who were of went ns; bt!luco to me.

The hours of drill appointed by Col. Vostcr were from !l n.m. to 12 noon, null fn:nn ::

p.m. to 6 p.m.

Tho doscription of guns on which ,\"e <lrillC1l w('ro : :~ poun1lcrs of !)li C\V t., mounted on ~hip cnrriag~, nnd 8 in. gun!'l of ;>O c\Vt .. mounted on d'mrf tr:iYC'r.tlng I lntform .

A11 n proportion of the men were comparnti\"'cly EJlC!lkin~ recruits. hn\ ing cithrr Intel) joinccl the HL•ginwnt, or from wnnt ofa suil'lblo clrill r()('m in I . . John h:ning l1:id little <lrill 011 h1 '.Ivy gun~, I had in the hcginniu0 L'nd1 hattery dh·idcd into 1uads, nud pu~ ill chaq;c of


ono of tho drill in. tructor , the offic ra of the different. HattcriCJ l!ltpcrintcn<lin men. ~ I th drill \Vas c:irricd on in slow time, t'i l consiclcr1•d it hould first le:irn to do every mo\"cment sJo\\ly nnd correctly, k11o,>i

t:iinerl thi , it would be cnsy to impress upon thclll the aJ,·nntng

their own

ntial that the min ~ thnt hnvin once nt

of firing with celerity, corubinCll witlt accurncy.

After tho second <lflys 1lrill, I turned each Battery O\Cr to their own offic •ra ·I I ·11 I • • c OJ \I II) l ~1 c1 it cnhrcly by themsclv ~. tho <lrill instructors being i1rci;c11t in ordl'r to correct :my mistake-...

'l'ltc Ja;;t three. <lnys wero occupied in firing for the Go¥ernmcnL nml other prizes. I l:tnnot speak too lughly of tho practice mnde by tho diffcrcmt Batteries, and I J1cg to rcfor you to my r\lport on tho prneticc dated Oct. 5th, 18G~. for full information.

. The conduct of the men during the t> dnyR Wlb cxcmplnry, there wns 110 nh~ncc frfllJI tlrtll, no dmnkcnncss, or otl1cr crimes. indeed on t110 part of both N. O. otliccrs mul mC'n, I obSl' a ste:1dinC1 <luring the drill hour,,, which showed thnt they were anxious to 1uak · the ruo ... t of thcir opportunities of learning.

Tltnt they did so I cnn confidently nffirm, nnd I consider thnt the rr:icticc reports hear mo out in ruy nsscrtioo.

, '~'he officers nll ga.¥0 me tho grcnte-:::t help in my duties, nnd I hn\"e t-0 thnnk them frollt ?nI. 11 ostcr downwurJs for their willingness in undertaking every f!n·icc. To the good fecJ. tn!!; hetwecu officcr:1 antl lllen nnd t th 1 t d · f . , o o tear y es1rc o both to mnkc themselves thorou!!hlr ncqu:untc<l with their duties, I attribute entirely the 11ucce~s of tho 8 days tlrill. .

1 ha>e the honor to be Sir ' '

Your obedient serrnnt, DAl.\'IEL R. JAGO, .Major.

A.A.G.M. l.iieut.-Col. n. Mnunscll, A. G. 1\1., N.B.


. December 31, 18G8. . Sm,- In new of my present position of Assisbnt Atljutnnt Gener~, New Brunswick

A~t~lery, haYing lapsed nt the close of this ycnr, I hnve tho honor to forwnrd to you my opinion on what will rno:it conduce •A tl ffi • f h · · .., 10 e c1ency o t at corps m New Brunswick, us I shoul.d be sorry to quit an nppointment which I 11nvc held for nearly thrco years without showing what my nim haa Jvv.n <la · ti t t' · h' · · · . '"" ring 1a 1mc, nn 111m w 1ch I am happy m tlunk1og bar; luthcrto met with your approval.

lst. I nm ·~tnlly opposed to the formation of Volunteer Batteries of Field Artillery. From my cxpemnce of seven and n 11alf ycnrs in n Picl1l lMgadc of the Hoynl Artillery I nm com·incccl thnt it would 1·e u I t } f \' I · ·

• • • 11 s o iopc rom n o untccr or:rnn1Bnt1on, thnt faculty of mobtl~ty w1thont which Field Artill"ry j filmJ>ly u cl"~. Hor brou••ht from 1bc Ii rm and put into h rn that h ne\cr been fitted to them cannot Le cx1 c I o make Ion~ mnrchcs without bcin thorougly used up. Drivers tnkcn al o from tlic f, rm ,viii be found utterly UW1CS3 'vhen mo t wanted. It is nlrro a custom w gi¥c volunteer I?iclu llnttcrics tl1c


ix or nine J!<>Un r _funooth bore gun. I submit for your opinion that to arm men ' ilh n ~10 thnt i ccrlninly not relin1'le over one thous:ind ynrd in these dnys of the , oider En field, is to '~nstc in an unnecessary manner the most difficult material to be got, ru.: J/cn 'l'hc number in the gun detnchment would be infinitely better employed in the ranks of the \'oluntocr iiflcs, nnd woul<l I believe do infinitely more execution.

If fiel<l Artillery is considered nccc,sary for volunteers, I should recommend that they be armed with the twelve poundor Arm trong, that only two guns be given to a battery, that a regular i;torcman be appointed to look nftcr these guns, stores, &c., that l1orscs b procured in the same m:umer that horses for fire engines now nrc, that four horses mil ho amply sufficient, thnt they be driven nud not ridden, nnd further thnt it should not be expected that tho guns would proceed more thnn ono day's march from the t0\'111 to which

they belong.

~nd. With regnrd to the real use of Volunteer .Artillery, I submit that it i::; in m:i.nning the coast batteries of this I>rovincc. 'Wherever there is n hnrbour or n ro:ulstead that i useful for either strategical or commercial purpo as, I consider that there is the proper plac0

to throw up n slight earthwofk, and to mount two or three smooth bore gunq, either thirty­two pounders or sixty-eight pounders, the hcn\"icr the better. A battery of artillory rniscd at n place of this kind, with a certain proportion of ammunition always in store, with men who were always drilled on these b'lln, who h:id shot and shell practice from thC'01 in the summer, an<l who hud noted down the distance of each prominent JlOSition on which the gun \Vuulil

bear, would in my opinion vrovc a mo~t formidable force to any c:nemy Urnt mif!ht attack the position, :ui;'l might even be relied u~>0n to hold it for the sborl space of time nee ssary

to concentrate suppoi ts.

3rd. l ngain recommend to you t11e nrming of nll Volunl<!Cr Artillery with the rc\"oh-rr. Hitherto batteries in this Pro\ince hnvo been nrmcd with the Enficlll rifle. Thi most

UAeful wc:ipon for nu infnntry •ol<lier, witl1 an arlillcrym:m i quite out of place. Wbil t

serving the guns in his battery, the rifle must be piled iu ro:ir, nnd to get to them he musl ahfl.1111011 his gnu, an notion which with nrtillcrymcn is 60 ucnrly quivnlcut to defe:it, thnt it would be u clcss to expect them to make nny suwd filter.

WitJ1 the rcvoh·er the cnso is different; the gunner hns no crolll!-hclt. to impede the free n o of hi~ arms, for on ono aiclc of his waist-bclt is his pi to!, 1111d on t110 other his c:irtriJgc hox, he cnn antl enc his gun to the last moment, knouing that in CMO of infantry ~torming tho !Jnttcry, ho line still a more <l\l:idly weapon for close fightfon, 'l'ho mornl fore that U1i wropon would ghe to an artilleryman would nl o i11 my opinion do much to do

nwuy \Vith the nee ity of keeping lnrgc bodies of infantry in reserve.

\ rnngc for tl1c rc,·oh er l'ouJ.l be found near c>cry drill room, the first cost of the weapon i~ rmnll, the nuununition inru pcnsi¥c. Iu c:iscs of populnr di turb:wco in town ... , n few m•ll clrill I m 11 nrmcd \\ith them, nnd J roficicut in their u ' oul 1 be of groat c.rvice, nud I

con irlcr that a full kuowlctl!!C of tho chnrncter of the wc.1pon \\'Ould i•ive to tli 1 f ~ . . . . . "' o vo untoor a n:<C o power wlnch nddcd to h1~ J1 c1plmc wouhl make him a mo::.t formidable enemy.

~II, ]~.

I ham tho honor lo be , Sir,

Your obe<licut scrvnut,

DARBLI1 R .JAGO, Mnjor, A. A. o A


0FFICY.~ OF .A . G. }\[. Halifax, 29th December 18GS

s I 1 I • • m,- mm tho honor to furuh-h you with the enclosed Report concemi· ti N · · D' · · ng ic ovu

...,e<1ll:m 1n ion of tho l\Iilitia.

l.' ~o ~ner:il muster hail hccn l1clil this year; but the approximate strength of the total force Wiii not vary matcrinlly from the return5 of last year.

. ., The Halifax Volunteer Artillery performed their u~ual nnnual shot an<l ~hell practice with Arm trong gunq. It wai; reported excellent.

. .Thi~ fine corps i'I a 'fcry ancient. one, and it is to be hoped that it will not fail to main· tam its high repute for efficacy und <li~cipliue, un<ler imch regulationR n~ may be established.

. :t The 1st. DiYision of the Naval Brigade, (Halifax) trained an1l wnll inRpcctcd by Cnp tam Carpenter, IL N., who:;c fn\Ourablo report i hereto nnnexc<l.

Thi, is n.s yet the only Ilrign<lc of this important force. The establishment of other

Ei~nilar Briga!les .0~ !)jyj _ions is rcco111111cn<lcd if practicable. Experience indicates the expc· ih~ncy of.such <li~mons m tl1c country, when formed in re.~pectivc .Militia Regimental Di,. tnct , hem<P ndmmi trnthely u111lcr ti ffi d' · · · · o 1e o 1ccrg comman mg l\11hll:L Ilcg1ments, so fnr a~ r:°ll-ealb and general muster.~ arc conccrucd ; but being executivcly uu<lcr their own officers,

... nval Instructors and ln<rnN>tors ~0 · l 'T · · · · -1·~ , 11 r l'JlCCta mu ters a.~ .. ,aval BrJ<Ya<lcs or D1v1s1ons nncl for trainin" und iu pcctions II l l" · .

0 ' • o ' a reports or cup icat-OS of them pnss111" throuuh commanding

officers of -'lilitin UC!!iments t• ti · ffi I I · · · 0

" . • • • • " 1 us o cc, RO t int t 1c ::\l1ltt1:i. T>cpartmenL an<l the D11str1ct

~I 1liha Officers rnav know what · l t· J l li " · · · · .1 men arc' u .1c 1cr rom A1hll:L Commands for N avnl instrucl100 nn1l cluty and the rncn not. to b~ liul l • t , · · . ' c J c o vcx,1t1ous su111moni::cs for absence on nccount of tho Lwut.-Uoloncls not knowing them to huvo hccn cnga0cd in another l!crvice.

4. The or•lcrs to call out. r. 000 1· l · · · · " • .,, men or r:unmg 111 the current year were Rall~u1c-tonly re ponded to Moro ll an ti f JI r 11' · 1 1c u <1uota ic 10to the rnnlcs, nn<l mnny moro wero relurncJ williug to traiu.

::i. In every instance but on t • 1 11 • . . c or wo unavou :1 J e exccptums such ns the Hahfu Bat-talion, the 1 nspccting J~iclrl Offic 11 . •

• • • CT!l pcrsorw y llll'}iCctcil the men tr:1iuiu" prim· to their bcmg p:ud an<l <lIBm1 sc l and 11.F. c ta" I I . n . . c r met t tut every mnn was of 1111lit11ry 11"0 n111l bo1w fids capable ot bcar111 • ar111 ·.



6. Tho inspecting officers respectively report that somo trouble waa encountered bceause of misapprehension circulating among tho men rei;pccting the terms of their serricc. I make no further remark on this than that their accounl, coincide, and that returns ahow that the credulity in unfounded and irre:.-ponFible reports rocms to have 00cn ro limited as not.

to hnve affected tho duty rcc1uired.

7. It is my duly to represent that ns the chief part of tho Militia forces is now in reserve, con,.cquent on the ordered formation of a proportion of first service men, it will be expedient that the latter be officered by gentlemen of the beat standard in training.

8. The Deputy Assistant Quarter MaF-ter General's report concerninz the arms ·~


!l. The most of these rifles were issued during a. Fenian threat, and, uuder the sudden emergency, many Commanding officers of regiments seem to have been unable to take proper precautions for the aare of them, by strictly complying with the regulation- laid down for their frequent periodical inspection. The consequence i, that too large o. proportion of them are in a state of a deterioration, not wanante:l by the limited time they have been in i- ue They are being recal' d, cleaned by the Militia Staff and returned into the Imperial &tores

prior to issue of the new class of arms in smaller number.

10. Arms issued in this District will always req-::.ire special supcn·i"ion and care. The

prevalent damp winds nnd fogs from the sea are ycry penetrating nnd injurious to the rifles ,. which suffer severely from rust on every recurrence of easterly wind!!, unle~ stored in

armories properly heated, or cleaned and oiled by the indiYidual in char3e on each occasion. On the issue of :i. more limited number of brccch-loadcr~, it i. hoped that lhe officers and men in charge of them ";11 take reasonable pain~ to maintain them in a ervieenble state, tho former securing more control oYer periodical in!'pcctions. To effect this tho rifles i;hould not be i-.:~ued unless the officers, be1<ides giving their own bond!! can also "how to ilie l.'ati4;iction of the authorities, that they have good subordinate a~~urance that the weapon~ will be pro· perly looked after, subaltern and non-<:ommi"'ioned officcr1' a.~"umiog their i;hare of the

du ties of io"peetion near their rcspectiye re,.idcncc~ .

11. I have to recommend for consideration, the benefit that would accrue \\ere depart­mental duties imposed on the inspecting officers or some of them, in addition to Lhcir cirdi­

uary duties.

1~. One Field officer could bo very advantageously given charge of arms, necoutrcmeut~, nnd Government stores in nctual i~:me, the Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General ~till re­taining the ninnngement of IIend Qunrtcr books and first issues and the account~ couueclc1l with thci<e MJ other mntlcr~, tho samo inspecting officer alro h:wiog :mpcn+•ion O\'Cr mu~l.:etry


13. In addition to other duties another Field Officer could h:m.: the "UJ'lervi~iou of all or n11y or tho ~chool!I of Militnry In. truction which it i-. understood arc to be e..-.tnbli,hed.

1 J. In the prc.-.cnt. t:tto of the organization of thi par ieulnr di,·i~ion of t he ;)lilitio, I ~ubmit that Fhou!tl it bu rcr1uircd, in addition to such fir~t. service men M may ho ordered supports or rcinforcc1ncnta of men le trained than tho fin1t ! •r\'iOO Juen, hnt. of hi •her,



grade of training than tho rc,erni, could I belic>e, be formed and maintained in a state of

organization nnrl di:.cipline 1mffici£'nt for the purpo!le and improvable on occasion, at little more cxpcn'e thnn uniformin; nnd :mnin~ tbC'm1 adding payment of n sub~idy of proportiona~ 1~~

amount than thnt paid to the fir:-t ~ervice men under more training, providing that their disci­

pline an1l training be equal to the standard required on Inspection nnd report by their lnsp<'clor.

l ~>. .My r 1 port is nN.'CS'iarily brief, the stnff officers having subordinnt-0 char~e of training

nnd dcpartmentnl duticcc, ha\"in~ cxhan;-;tcd subjects which it would only bo recnpitulatiou to

rcpc:lt. l hn"'e the honor to be,

Your most obe.iieut humble servaut,

R. B. SINCLAIR, Colonel, Tho Adjutant Ueneral of Militia, Canada, Ott.'lwa. A. G. N. S. Militia.

(District C.) :!1::!.

OAKFIELD, 1st December, 1868. . • IR.-1 ha"\"e the honour herewith to forward a. State of the Volunteers in tho District,

under my snpcrvi!'ion who offered their services for training under t!;e order of the 2nd July

la.~t. and weN inspected by mo on tho completion of their drill.

As the quota named for my district was originally fixed for 1,250, I waR obliged to

ref1i-c the offers of service made by tho Commanders of several Regiments, and to limit the

number from tho.;e Regiments that did furnish Volunteeri:1, nod although I was subsequently authorized to incrcru;e my number to 114001 I was still far from able to accept all who offered.

Had the authority to train been given in June, arrangement., could have been made for

the training in tho latter part of that month and early in July-the most lei!\ure time of year for our 3!!ricultural population, but owing t-0 an extremely unfavourable autumn, that, the

mo_t numcrou~ ciao;-, ha.c; had no time to spare from the labours of the farm, and many meo after att ndin!! drill for .:;everal daycc were compelled t-0 givo up attendance alleging that they

could not lea>e their crops any longer. All sorts of ab~urb reports were circulated in refer·

cnce to the drill. '!'he mm were told th:it they would be immediately drafted to tho frontier,

that ha>ing enrolled themc:el>es they were permanently liable for scn•ice, and in two regi·

ments in which the men had given in their names, they were induced not to attend the training.

f am happy to bo able to make a most favourable report of tho nttcntio11 paid and tho

progress made by the men under training, not a sin~lo instance of mis-conduct wna roporteJ

to or ob-erved by me-the weather was mo t; unfavorable, day after day, rainy and cold, but the 111en were extremely punctual in attendance.

By availing myself of the arms in transit to llend Qunrler~, I was able to nrrango with

~iardly :my extra expense to arm all the detachments under in!ltruction except two, to thc.!!o

lt ''as impo ible to forward 11rm11 without incurring a. grent expco!\0-1\ portion of 11 third detachment <lid not rcccivo nrms owing to the refusal of tho Lieut.-Colonel Commanding a neighboring regiment to C-Omply "ith tho ordcrci forwnrded to him nnd hnnd over ~number of arma.


This Officer's conduct i!! now undergoing investigation a!\ to hi11 refu ·1 to comply with orders. •

Twenty rounds of practice ammunition were &erved out touch 'Volunteer, nnd the shooting

was very creclitable. Besides individual practice, tho men were exerci C<l in file and 'olley firing at 300 yards, and some detachments firing at an ordinary anrl third cla"~ target G by 4

feet, averaged a point a shot.

I fed aure that hero as elsewhere tho iblsue of ammunition nnd con!!equeut largd pr:ie

tice, exciting a. love of competition will tend to incre:u1ed intC'rC•t hciu~ m'.mifosted in the

mainwnance of military organization11.

From what I t!:LW and heard during my tour of iu'lpecliuu, l h:ne no doubt but that if

the s:1mc opportunity al; that of this year be again afforde<l. moro than twice the number of wen rvoul<l offer their service:>, and it would becolllo n difficult matter to wake a selection. I feel it my duty to place on record that in many in~t3nce' Ufficer:1 .who are strong politicnl p1rti.,ans and much opposed to the prC!;Cot constitution were among tho fir:.t to come forward, and offer their services, in cbedience to the orderi! of the Commander in Chief, thtti ilicwinrr theruselveH animated by a right spirit of discipline, and olhcr!I, in e>ery instance but the one mentioned, although themselves prevented from turniug out, ga'"e me every 11.Bsistance in their


The Adjutant General of Militia,

Nova 1-'cotta.

I have the honor t-0 bo,

Sir, Your obedient Servant,

J. WI~BUR~ LAURIE, Lt.-Colonel, Col. & I. F 0., :-I :--. M.

HAr.IPAX1 l~t DocemlX'r, 180".

Rrn,-1 J11m.' the honor to report that I inspected tho several companie~ of .\Jiliti" Volnntcer11 in tho We~tero Dilltrict, trained under the Order of the 13th July, 1 "(h,

PtrC'ngth 1,590 ollicl'r:. and men. The men performed eight days' drill of aix hour'! each, and

nt the conclusion wcrt.l paid before they left for their home~.

No complaint!:! were made by officers or men, and I consider the drill wa-< performed

in n 11ati!'lfoclory mnnuer.

During the lir~t four dRys of training tho men were drilled at comp:my drill. the next

two al Hifle )fanunl Exeroi-e, an<l tho last two Light Infantry. . ~ix of the Rr~imenlll were formed in Battalion at their respoctiTc Head Qur.rtcrs, nnd

pcrformcc.l ~cvcrnl Line and Column movements very wdl under their Comwaudcl"!'.

'l'ht.l Fourth Anonpolis County Militia llogiinent, under the command of Lieut .• Oolonel

J. L. Harris, volunteered e1• 1rnme and were drilled at their Head Quarters, Bridgetown.


Two hundred men of the Fir~t .AnnaJoli:. Hegiment l•'iftv of the Grnn,·'Jl 4 •11 B · ... l l F'ft ,. ' • ' I o ~\rh ery r•~~ e, :in t Y of thu l'•r~t ... e0iment • helburne County C\Ii11't1'n ·'·o . I t od d ·11 l . • .. iw., 'o un ccr to

n , mt m conscqnenco of the telc~raoh wirc.<1 being broken they d'd t . · to tra

. t'l . t 1 . ' I no J ecc1ve the orJer 10 un 1 1t wa ... oo ntc.

A much largt'r number of men than has been trained volunteered a d Id h drilled ha!l t h rf1 I · . • n wou nrn no f'UC powe u political interest been brought to bear against the movement.

I hnvo the honor to be Sir I I

Your moi>t obedient scrvnut I

J. ~III.SOM, Lt. C'ol.,

Colonel Sinclair, N. S . .JI.

j'\jt. Gen. ~!iliti11,

(Discricl B,) No. 1 j8.

Halifax ..

c• I h SYDNEY, c. B., 23rd December 186 . oIR - ave the hono t · · t l.t • '

201! Cape ~reto th. . . r o su.bmi t e followmg report on the training of Volunteer~ in l1t Vi t •r1a,

0' is district (furnished from the corps named in the mar.,.in) under the l)rder

3ru ln\'Croe-s, dated Ottawa the 2nd of July 1868 ° 4th Uu l 1 •

5th llu • Hh d <lQ11 It will a~pcar by reference to the second Company returns forwarded to en uarter.;;, (toacthcr with my report f . . )

district has not be;n full . s. o mspect10n , that the quota allowed for this

h . ail d h Y made up• only seven hundred and eighteen (718) of all ranks

ann,. av e t e 1 . f h ~ , l'l m.e ~es o t e u<lvant:1ges offered under the above named order.

From the reports of the several 0 d · O misrepresentatio l I tcd - omman mg fficers at inspection'l, I found that groi<.'!

. 1

. - nq ~a c~ a to deter men from voluntccrin!? had been freely circulated by misc uevous and dcs12111n"' h' h · ~• · c :> perimns, w ic will account for the deficiency alluded to.

I have every rea.•on to be!' ti 1 . with the promrct w1 t. f iheve int tic '."ah!lfactory termination of the late drills toircthcr

11 r-ymen o t e Volunteers on co l · f cl .11 removed the false · . . uc u-ion ° rt , have in aw-cat mcn1mre impressions winch had been prom I •Ad d I

culty in conductin< fi t t . . u gaw ' an do not anticipate any diffi· c5 u urc ra1mngs.

I ham m11ch plea11ure in brin,.in" to not. h progre!'i! in drill and d' . )' l" o ice t at the several companies made satisfactory

isc1p me, tie Officers both Comm d' d C zeal and eoergv and tho

1 ' an mg an ompany, evincing much

"' men, w 10 were rcruarkabl te d d trainings !!howing an a t't d f; 1

. Y 5 a Y an well behaved throughout tho ' p i u c or earn mg their drill and duty under the instruction afforded.

I have the honor to be, Sir,

Your most obedient Servant,

0. CREWE READ, Lt.-Col.

The Adjutant General :Militia I. F. O. l\I. &:c., &c. &c , ' .,

Halifu, N. S.

(District A.) llAI.a'AX, • • . ..: .. 18th l>ooember, 1 GS.

Sm,-I have tho honor to report for your information that 1,-!G!J meu-includin"' officer11-bclonging to the di~trict under my charge, enrolled themsclYe~ r1 volunlcer , were

drilled and paid, under orders dated the '.:!ud and lath .July, 1 "'fiS.

}~ach comp1ny (with the exception of the volunteer Thttnlion nf llalirux) was inspected

by me the ln:)t da.y of drill.


ln<1pectcd by mo iu the Drill room at Jlalifu on the o\'t.!llin~ of tlw 2nrl XoveruLer, 1 G ;

the rarade state !'bowed a: total of 89 Officers nud men present, this <'Orps is the longest ~tab­lisbed of. any in Nova Scotia., and ret:i.ins the hi2h po~ition nmongst \"Oluot.ccr:. a~ r ~ards discipline and general efficiency for which it ha:; been rcm·1rkable. '!'Ito annual practice of tie Company took place during the past summ~r. f:i~ pounder Arm tron:; gun m~ro u ed

and the firing at a. range of 1,600 yards wa<; fair.

~A.VAL BRIGADE, llALIP.\X. :>. 8.

I was present at the inspection of the ~ ·nval Bri~adc. commanded by )Iajor l' itt•, Cap· tain Carpenter, Royal Navy, was the lru;pecting officer; hi~ report, I bc;ic•c, hll.i been '<uli­

mitted to His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief.


It is n. pleasant duty for me to report upon the proficiency obtained in drill by the Volun­

teers after RO short a period of instruction, aud the zealou energy and dc,,irc shown to aCf1uire n knowledge of military duties in both branchc-.. of the i,erviee. and the unque tionable loyalty

of all.


The dny selected ( ) for tht' competition provec.1 favorable. '!'hctl'

were 119 competitors, nod ~30 subscribers to the a:.,.e>cintion. The tiring was fair.

OE:SEIU.L RElf.\.RK.s.

In consequence of tho mistatements publicly mnde regarding the numbers an•l 11trnlit r of tho men who drilled o.s ;oluntecrs, and in cru;e :mch statement ~hould have reach tho

authorities at Head Quarters, I con~ider it. my duty to htall\ that the mcan!l tv delude the people had the effect of prevcntin~ a large proportion of 01rolbl mc1 ber-< to

nltend muster, other:1 not to complete the number of drill~ required to make them effcctiH• In reference to tho quality of men , the majority hnvu for :-ome yc:ir:: pa ... t !'Crvcd in the militia forces of ~ova Scotia and from n per,onal in,pection appeared to llc within the at,rc·

of 16 and 45 years, and well able to undertake the duties of :.ololicr~ .

I have the honor to Le, Sir, Your obedient scrv:mt,

C. S.\. WYirn. Licut.-Coloncl,

To Colonel Sinclair, A.G. 1\1 .. N. S. \ ,j'\ .G.1\1.

Rrportiny E'ffici"'UC!fi tC:l'.1 of .N11uut Jlri':;ud,._,

(Copy ~o. 66.)

'·HOYAi, .Au·n1·11,"

ITalif'nx, 'ith ,,\ugust, 1 liS. Sm,-In accordauco with your .i\lemoranc.lum of the 4th i11:-1l:mt1 I prncccdcrl lo Oart­

mouth, accompanied by Lieutenant Shccp~hauks, and inspected the First l)i, ision of the :i'lnval Brigade.

2. There were present 122 officers &ncl men. On aniying on tho ground I in~pccted the Division, and founc.l tho men, generally speaking, very fairly tlr~s~crl ir\ the uniform of the N~val Brigade, nod clean.

Twenty-four men v;ere then put through the 11 v Uutlac:" Drill. which they dicl fairly,

hut ~hey were picked men, and the only men of the DiYi~ion who hn l any kno"fol!!e of thi~ ilX :cise.

The Dartmouth and Halifax Divisions were then cxcrcisecl nt gre:it !!Hlls ~cparatcly.

a. Both of thc.~e Divisions he.-ve a rOU!!h knowlcd~c of the Great Uun Excn;i<c, but there is room for much improvement, especially in c:pondng and loading, arnl layin~ the guns on nn object.

4. The1·il were only a few men capable of taking the 11lacc of :Xo. 1, c~pccially in the Halifax Division, ns the officers were obliged to take thnt umubcr.

5. At the conclusion of the inspection, I addressed a few to the Divisions, point­in~ out where they were deficient, and the necessity of coni-t:mt practice and exercise.

ti. There.' seems to be a Ycry good spirit amongst officer:; nnrl rucn, uncl I 1·unsider their cfiorts prai'!ewr>rthy and worthy of encouragement.

7. I beg to enolo~e l\Iajor Pitt's statement re~cting the Fir:-t l livi:.iou.

Vice Admiral Sir Rodney Mundy,

Commander in Chief .


I have, &c.,

'\'. ('. 0AUPY.~TJ:R, C11ptain.

.J.Vamlier of Ol]icer4 mu! JJ,~11 nf the Pir~l Divisio1~ Nwml Rri:iodi•, T/a l/riu, i\''r11·rt S1·r1/ir7,

• Dominio11 o/ Oa11arl<1.

Co111miBSioucd Officers .. . . . . . ... . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . 11 ~Ieu...... .. .. .. ... ... .. ... .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . 20~1

Tot:tl............... ............ :!Iii

!'resent at Inspection at Fort Ilope Dartmouth, Au"u t •Ith, 1 ti : Cowmissioncd ()fficcr ... : .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . ~

)!en................... .. ........................... I 14

'J'otnl............ ...... ........ l~~

i'\umber of xncn absent............................ 94


.N utnbcr ,,f lllCn 11ualified for Captains of guus ..... ·• · ·· '".' .. · · • Jo having n foir knowledge of 1st Instruction. · du 2nd ~ 3~


l~i~neil), I>. li. PrTTs, . Mojor Commanding Na.'\'al Bmtnd •

01' Non Scalia.

lit~\)) .. j,\R'r lrn ~ :{.:..V/d, lln.10.A.DP!.

ll:tlihx, Gth .\u'.!;nst, 1$tj ....



l\IrLITARY DISTRICT No. n. Hcturn of (fo\'Ol'llnlC'11t property in charge of Corp~, Militia. and Volunteers, on

the :n .. t December, 1868.


C'llRI'S. ~ I f! Clothinri. I

"-~ I J ~ • ~ ~ ~-,-o-· I j ~ ri 0 g ~ = I ~ .. ~ •i • .. d !? a .. ':;:: ':;:: I .~ ·.:: I !'; .~ I " < :..:: 0 cd ::s ::s ts... ... ... ...

~ letC~anvlllc Ilri:;~'.le of--:::,-, • 2~0 m 280 / ~ :-· ... ~ ... .. . ~.... UJ: I .. ~.~ ..... ~ .. .. !? !'\ u:t .. AD~llf'O IS e.. ............... 2 ............... ····· ......... · •••· ·•·• ··· ······1 100 ······ ........ . :: -n• o ..•.. .......... •••.. 1 SO ll:su 4 I I 3rl 41•> .......... :·· 1······ 200 200 2 ::::::::. ::::::::: ::::::::: .:::.:::. :::::::·: 54th do ... ................. 200 200 • I r.htRei;t..Antii:C1nid1 ................. ...... , .O 20 " ....... .. , ... ·· ·················1····· .. ··

.. d d 3 ................. , •... •.• ·•······· ........ . j -0 ••·•••••·•••····•· .... ...... ..... ••••••••·• 3

3rl Jo ................. ...... 20 20 ...... : .. ::::::::: ·:::::::: ::::·::::,::::::::: ::::::::· 9 4th - clo -············· ........ 1 411 40 I

Jo Ju rle t. t'aJ.o Breton................. ..... 0 60 •···• ·••• ......... 1········· ·········1········· ........ . 1 "J d GI 1 ·•·····•••••··•·•• ••········•·•··•· ..... . I -n " .................. ••...• .s


40 ...... :. .... ... . ........... , •........ , ................• I" :lrJ •lo ....... ... . .. .. .. .. . .. . GO ;: ......•.. .. .. ...•. ... ...... . ............... . ~·'!::: ::· ···· .......... Jo 200 200 2 ........• , .......••... . .....


........ , ........ . l~ llth •• ............ .. .... ····1 ......... , ................... , ......... ·········1 ··· .. ···· ................. .

" 0 ... •• .•.• ...... •..• 20 20 2 Ill '."th d I / .................. •••••·•·· ......... ••··•·•·• l: 81h I tJ ...... ..... •• •• .... .. "'' 40 ··••··• ·· . ........ , ......... ·· ·····• I . ······ ········ 1' !Ith J', ..................... , IO 40 !! .......................... , ... ...... , ........ .

..... .......... 1 •••. 40 I 40 ., 111 I t Ite.!t .. ColebeatcrCo .............. ,. · 260 2tSO ' -() ········· ......... · ····· ··· ....... · ........ . 20 ~nd do · · ··• ... . ................. . ·••• ········· •··· ... . 21 !lrd do _ ...................... / 40 I 40 I 21······· 1 .. ·······I ........................ . 22 -4th •lo ................... ····•· 1~0 140 4 ................. ········· ................ .

i.~ ~:~ ~~ :.:::::: .. ·::·::·:::!.::·:·, ~~ I 1~~ I t /:::::::::!:::::::.:/::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: '>5 •1h I ...... ............ .. •. 2110 260 3 ... .. .. ,. .•.•.•.•• ... .... .. .••...•• . ....... . ~r.'1h :1" ................... ,...... jjt) 401 ? ········ ..... ............. , ................ . 2'7 ht ltt •L. Cumberl 1 _;· ................ , ·· · ··)

40 I 40 ? 1 ·········1 ·········1 .. ······ ......... , ...... .. J: • Du ............... -, .... , llO llO • " 2nd d · ·• ....... .. ······· •· .................. ........ .

~~ ::~ ~~ ·:::::::::::::::::,::::::I:::::::::::: I:::::::: ::::1 ~ i::::::::: :::::::::I :::::::::1 :::::::::1 ::::::::: ~ .. r.tb d ........ •····••·· ..... , 40 40 3 1 ............................................ . ;;; ~•h d: ... . ... ........ ..... i~o ioo :i ·•·•·•··· ·········1········· ................ .. "4 Sth d ........... ..... .. . i.u r,o I :1 . ........ ....... .................... , ....... .. 35 llt'i d~ .................. 1 ..... , .......... ············ :1 j········· ......... ........................ .. :.Ii ht Digby Jlrlgado f i;;;·,jj~·;;; :::::: · "ii' ...... i!ciii I ···· 4''o'ii'I 36 ·· ...... ········ · ... 1 .. 6.0 .. . ········· ........ . :17 ht lt!'gl , ll 1 l> C'o , I · ·· ··•••• I• ....... I ......... , .. ··· ··· :is 2orl •• ~ y ..................... , • .. hO I 110 ••••••• r ............................................ .

!~ :~j~ .1 • .. :::. :::.:: .::." .:· :::::.1 4.;~ "';~ I ...... ~., ·::::::::I::::::::: :::::::::I ::::::::. i ::::::::·

~J 4.,:f ~,::=.~i::i:-:; :·::;;::ij:':!:;:1H:1::::<~,1:::::::i;;;:/ ~ , ~ :~;;;~:: ~;;~~;;;; ;;;1;;0;0;;;,; +-::.

4., D d 1 1 ••••• •• .................. ... ·····•·•• ••••••••• ...... .. .CG.rl ...... ... , l.O ..................... ! .. ................ 100 ......... , ....... .. 47 .Ctl1 d .. , I I ...... ..... !! ... ................. ....... 1...... JJO • I ' 1. i:t llahfnx •• . ...... r.o I ~o ········· . ....... ........ 83 ......... ! ........ . 411 2nd

1110 ................... •••• •••••• 100 ............ ........ ....... • . ... .... . ..................... ..

l ... -...................... I SO · ·•

~: z~i ~~ ...................... , ... I ::o i.:·::: ::::: ::::::::: ::::·::::1::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::·:::::.: ..

I c, a ...... ............... =,-~l==,1==1...:.::.::::: ==1== .::.:::.::.: ::.:.:.:.::

a:ror ootr ............... , 20 ..... ..... 1 .............................. , ................................... .




Return of Government property in chargo of Corps, Militi~ and Volunteers, 011

the 31st December, 1868.

0 z



~ I 1 ~ Clol~~1 ~ ; ~.; ..: ::: ~ ~ .; ~ § _!_ I ;~ ~ I ~ ~ ~~ ]} ! < ~ u.> ~ 8 8 ~< z~ ~ - -1---1----

6217th Regt., :f:1~r::.~.:~~:::·:::·:.:::::: :::::: ..... '2(i' :::::::::::. ::.:::·:: ::::::::: .::::::::11:::::::::\:::::::::1::::::::: 63 Sth do .. . .... •• .. ... .. .... • . .... I :n .. ... . .. ... . .. .. ..... · .. ·.. ... .. ·· · .. · · ....... ·· ... · .... · ..... •· · 64 lltb do ... .... ............. •...•. 200 I 200 5 ....... - ........................... , ....... .. 65 10th d 2 ••••.••.•••••. , .............................. . 0 ......... ............ ...... ............ ............ I 60 lllh do .............. ..... .. ..•. 40 20 3 ................ ~ , .......................... . 67 12th do ........... ......... ...... 110 60 3 .................................... ! ....... .. 6S 13th do .................. ... .. .... 20 ...... ...... ......... . ........................................... . 69 u1b do ..... •••.••.• ...... ..... 420 420 I 5 ......... ......... ! ..................


- ...... . GO l !ith do ..................... •.•• . 20 20 1......... ....... . ................................. .. 61 16th do 220 2!0 ......... .. ................ •· ..... " .. ............... . 62 lat Rdgt., lle.nts co::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: 80 ............ 5 ......... , ........................... 1 ...... .. 63 2od do 20 20 3 ..... ·•·• ......... "....... ......... • ... _ . .. ~ 3rd clo ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: 60 ...... ...... 3 ........ . ............... ................... . 65 ·1th do ..................... ...... 100 100 3 ......... ........ .. ....... , ................. . M 5th do ..................... ...... 200 140 5 .................................... , ........ . 67 6th do ..................... ...... 40 40 3 ...........................


............... ·· 88 7th do .... . ...... ......... ...... 100 100 3 ............................................ . 808th do ................... . ............................. 3 ................................... 1······ .. . 70 11th cl 3 ......... ....... ........... ................ .. 0 ..................... ..... ............ ............ I 711 t B t I , 40 40 2 ........................... , ................ .. • og., n\erncss .............. ....... ...... ., 72 2nd do ..................... 1...... 60 GO • ••••••••• ................................. .. 73 3rd d 60 60 2 ......... . ........ ,.. ....... • ............... .. 7• 4th cl~ ......... ............ ,...... 40 .co 1 .................................................... . 76 5th do :::::::::.:::::: .. :::1:::::: 60 60 5 .................. •••••• .. ·1······· .. -...... . 76 0th do ......... •• ... ...... ...... 40 40 2 ......... .. .......


......... ···· ..... .. ...... . 77 8th d I 60 60 .. .. ..... • ••• . .... •• ... .. .. • .. ...... .. .. ... . • • ...... ..

78 lat Regt., K?ngs co:::::::::::::::·::::: :::::· 220 220 I ~ ........................ ··1 ......... 1::::::::: ;~ ;~: ~~ ::::::::::::::::::::: ·:::::r .... ·~·;a· 1 .... ··2·so· 4 :·.:::::::i::::::::f ::::·:: ::::::::· ....... .. :~ :~~ ~~ ::·:::::::::::::::::: :::::: ....... 20''1""'" 20·1 ! !:::::·::: :::::::::,:::::::::!·:::::::: :::·::::: 83 6th do ......... ..... ..... • ...... 60 60 3 ......... ........ • ...... • ................ .. 84 7th do "00 200 , ................................................... .. sf> Stb do ::::::::: .:::: :::::: :::::: - so I so I 3 , .................. , •.. iiiii'I ........ .. .... .. 86 ht Regt. Luuooburg Co.............. 2 60 ............ ' .... .....


......... 1 ................ .. 87 2nd I d }60 160 """"' '"""" .................. , . .... .... ''""""

:~ !~~ ~~ :::::::.::.:::::· :::::· 1 :::::· ::::::· :::::: :::::: ~ I:::::: .. ·1 :::::::::1::::::::. ::::::::· ::::::::. 90 !ith do so I so .... ..... ......... . ................. J ................ ..

~~ ~thb do ::::::::::::::: "':j' 3:?0 ...... ~.:~. i 1::::::::: :::::::·:,::::::::: : .. :::::,::::::::: t do ............... ..... ...... ...... 1"7

113 lit Drigade Picton Artillery 10 200 200 I 5 ......... ......... • ................ . ll'2ndRegt p· to c ........ 100 100 2 , .................. ! ......................... . 96 3 J ., 10 u 0 .................. ...... ........... 2 .................... - ..... • 1 ........ .

r do .................. ...... ............ 3 I 118 Ith .CO 40 .................. ......................... . 117 6 do .................. ... . 20 100 4 .................. , .................. , ....... ..

~:1~m i~ :::::::::·::::::::1

::::::1 14 ~ .. 1

........ ~~. .. .... 3·· :::::::~ :::::::::, ::::::::J:::::::: :::::::::

ml::~ :: · , :::::·::::::::::::11::8::::/ ::::~:::1 · .. ·~!::· ... ~~~·I:::::::::!::::::::: ·::;;JI::~:::::: :::~~~:

lllRtrf(w outr... .. . . . .. ... . .,,




.MrLITA.RY DrsTarcT No. 9.

Return of Government property in cha.rgo of Corps, Militia. and Volunteers, on the 31st December, 1868.-Conclude<l.


CORPS. i I i ~ 1~:1h;~ ; ""' ~.. • : IQ I .... 0

0 I~ 1

... I "01j ~ s s .. J1 'di ~ "' ~ LI .i ~ E & 8 I~~ I ~i I ~

102 10th ne;;i., :r:~~~~~'.".'.::::::::::::: ::· .. ~~.II 82~~ I 74!~ ... ~.:~ .. ::::::::: ::::::::.11 ... ~.~~ .... ~.~~ .•


1 ... ~.'.~ .. 103 lit Regt., Qaoon'11 Co ................................. ,..... ...... 2 ....... ·1··· .. ···· ......... . .............. . 104 2nd do ..........................

1............ ...... ..... 2 .................. , ....................... ..

l 05 3rd do _ ...... -···· ...... , .... .. 40 4.0 2 ....................................


........ . 106 ht Regt., Richmond Co............... .••... 60 GO ..................


.................................. . 107 2nd do ............... ...... 40 I 40 ........................... /········· ................ .. 108 3rd do ............... .... 40 40 .............................................

1 ...... .

1011 ht Regl, Shelburne Co............ . •••... 320 320 3 ..... .... ........................ .......... . 110 !!nd do ............... ...... ............ ............ 3 ......... ••••••• .. I···· .. ···•• ...... , ....... .. lll 3rd do ..... .. ....... ...... 160 I 160 1 .......... ~ ...................................... .. 112 4th do ............... , ...... , 80 SO ............. .... .......... !········· ................. . 113 let Regt., Victorin....................... ..... 120 120 2 ........................... , ................ .. ll4 2nd clo ............. ...... ..... 40 40 , .................. """" 1 ......................... . 116 3rd do .......................... , 8 l 40 2 ......... , ............................... .. llll,Yarmouth Artillery..................... 2 I .............. ........................ , .........


......... 1·••"'" I 17 lat Regt., Yarmouth ................... . .... .. 320 320 4 ........................................... . 118 2n•l do .••••...•.• ......... 2 300 300 .................. , .........

1 .................. 1 .. ·· ···

1111 3rd do .......... ......... ...... 120 120 3 ........................... 1····· .......... . 120 6lh do ......... ............ ...... 80 80 a 1·········1 .........


...................... . 121 Gth do ...... ............... ..... 20 20 1 ········· .................. ·· ............... , ...... .. 12% let Battery, Halirax Vol. Artillery., 6 100 100 .•.....•. ........• ......... ..... •.. ......... 125 123 H&lifax, Vol. Battalion........... .... .. ...... 640 10


......... ......... ......... ..... ... 625 124 Shelba111e VoL Company.............. •.•..• SO 80 .......................... ................. ····· ··• 125,Somenet Vol. Company............... ..•..• 100 100 2 ......... .. ........................... .. 126 King'a College, 'Vindaor ............... _.... ....• ...... ............ 2 ......... .................................. .. 127 ht Nani Bripde .............. .... . • 8 100 100 ......... 1 60 121 .•....••. 350 ....... ..

~;:/~~~:~ fr:~r~0~:1ci'si;;;~:::::::::::: .. ~~. ·····2092f'"63.4s .... 1i·· ..... 6ii' ::::::::: ::::::::: ... i.60 .. '2g"zii

l30I L"'" du:~.:'.::::::::::::·:::::::::::1~1 ,,::: I),~ ";~;· ~ 7. ~ ~ ~ M11w.-No. of Rilles io charge, lat January, 1888 .......................................... 17,160

Receind from. Imperial Stores (Soidon)............................................. 6:l

Total ............................................................. 17,21:1

In poasesaion of MiliLia an1l Voluoteor Oorp1, a1 por Rcturn .................... 11,0lfi ReturnM into Imperial Store• 1inco ht January, 1868 ........................... 4,000 In l'ro•inoial Armory andorgoiog ropair1, &o...... ......... ......... ............... 2,0!12 l>cstroyod by firo at Yarmouth............................................................ 1111 Charged 1<1 Cor111 io Contingent Account............................................. 6

Total. ................................................................. 17,213

ROBERT BRECHIN, CAPTAIN, JJ. A. Q .Al. Oi!nr:ral lfil-itia, N.8.

llA1.TrAx, N • ..:., :nst Dec., 18118


~ 1 fj A ~ ~ ~ ~ <


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Montreal, 3li;t March, 1869.

8m,-In compliance with your instructions of tho 11th inst., 1 11ave the hnnor l(')

forward enoloscd o. report for the year 1868, respecting the Schools of :Milil:lry Instruction

established in tho Dominion of Canada, and in operation during tlu1t period

During tho past year no new schools have been csl:lblishcd, in connection wilh tho Adivc Militin, nnd the number of the schools open for tho instruction of ca.dct.'i up to the 31Et of

December 1868, remained the same, as reported on for the previous year namely, four; two

in tho Province of Ontario, and two in the Province of Quebec; cst.3blliillcd in tho cities ol

Toronto, Kingston, Montreal and Quebec rcspecth·ely.

The average number of cadets attending the four schools of military instruction through­out the year has been about 220. The attendance at tho Quebec school being about 15 per

cent in excess of that at any of the others, and the average attendance at the Kin~ton acbool

being about 50 per cent below that of the school!' in operation at Toronto :i.nd .Montreal. .A fresh impulse however seems to have been given to the resident.~ of the 7th and 8th Brigade

Divisions of the Province of Ontario, and the nttendnnoo at the Kingston school, is now equ11l

to that at the others. The number of certificates taken nt the Schools of Military Instruction, abo;e r"'f"'rred

to, during the yen.rending the 31st December, 1868, is ns follows:-


School. \1st cl"'8.12nd clo.."· i Tola!. I School. bt ''."" I 2nd :b.'" \ To~ T?ronto. I 23. \ 258. \ 281. I :Montreal. I ~~· I ! 19. I ~95 . Kmgiiton. 28_. _I 84:. 112. Quebec. ~-- __.::::::__ -·16.

Tot..'11 .... !-ui. I 342. -\ 393. II Tot:il. I 4 . I 393. \ 4 4.1 •

Total number of certificates taken during tho year 1SG8.

First class. Second

99. 735.



Tho total number of cndcts who havo obtained certificate~ to the 31st December, 1868,

1:110co tho first establishment of tho Schools of :Military Instruction in 1864, is as followa :-

PnoVINOE OF ONTARIO. I loT. CLA:;s. 2Nr>. ULA!:il'. I TotAt •.

t>,umbcrof cadets on 31st December, 1867.11---3-GS-.-- __ 1_4_6-7.--1--1~ ~~:l~~~i~;.~:~.~~~ :.~~ ~1.~ .~~~:~~~~~~ I

---------------------------·-----Di11tribution of cadets of 1867, on the 3li;t

December, 1868 . .......................... . Cftdets of the year 1868 .................... .

1 t4!). ~n~.

-·------,r-tnl--------\---. .i-~-1.-- 1 .. G1 :!18'.!. ..._ ...__ ___ o_ .... · _ .. _ .. _ .............. _._ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. ...:·...... _,_ ___ ,_. --1----

PBOVI!'IOE 0}' Qm:m:o.

Number of udcts on 31st December 1867.

<) ...

lsl'. CL.ABS.


2:-m. CLAStl. Tout.

---------·-1150. 176l

Of these 20 obtnincd lat clna~ certificnks

<luring 1868 ........................... . ..... 1--- :-----!·---Distribution of cndcta of 1867, on the 31st,

December, 1868 ..................... .. ..... , 639. I 1130. 1 1769. Cadets of tho year 1868........ . ........ • • • 26. 362. 1



Total ...... ................... \---6-6-5.--1-- 1492~-2157-. -----

'l'otnl number of Military School Cnde!B in \ho Dominion of Canada on the 31st December, 1868. .t

Firiit Class. 1086.

Second Cl~. 3253.

Total. 4339.

The total number of cadets attending the four Schools of l\Iilitary Instruction on lhc ht .January, 1869, wa.~ 213.

Tho nnme of all cadets who obtfil.ned certificnks during tho yenr 1868, together with a

lleturn of Regimental Divbions showing the number of cadets contributed l>y each, since the first eotablishment of the Schools, in 1864, to the 31st December, 1868, will be found in Appendix.

In addition to the above establishments for Military Instruction, the " Schoohi of Gun nery," opened at Toronto and Montreal respectively, as well as the "Cavalry Schools" in t

U1e former city, wcro in full operation during the course of the pai;t year, and every effort has been ma<le by tho officers superintending these Schools, to impart as much information concerning the duties of the branch<IB of the service to which they respectively belong, as cadets could possibly obtain, during the short period allowed to them for attendance at the same.

I havo the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient servant,

E. ST. G. SMYTTI, Major, Lieul.-Coloncl Powell, Superintendent, Schools of Military In~truclioo.

Deputy Adjutant General, Ottawa.

TORONTO, Mny 17, 186!>.

Sm,-Aa owing to the Raio of tho Troop horsoa of the Regiment under my. comm1111d, the Cavalry School cannot be cnrricd on. I do not like to rcaign the o.ppointment of Com mandant without iq>ecially bringing to the notice of the Minister of Militia, tho great zeal 'vhich I havo found exists in all ranks. With very few exceptions, I have found tbnt every officer, non-commissioned officer and private came there to learn, nnd did his best t-0 rcnd~r himself efficient, and it was <1uite surprising to me to find how much very many did lcnrn 10

the short time they were uuder instruction, owing to their unremitting attention, nltbou"h some coulu hardly l'it on n horso when ihcy entered the School. .

tea~ many ofilccn and non-commiliaionc<l ofiiocrs IU'O quito onpablo of drilliDg ihoir


rcspootivo troops, p:irtioularly as a. considerable number of men under them han passed

through the School. I hnvo tho honor to be, Sir,

Your Most Obedient Servant, SOAl\IE G. JENYNS, Colonel,

Tho Deputy Adjutnnt General Militia, 13tb IlUCIS!ll'!,

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