Page 1: I ",, I. "I ~'" ,. ". 'SCOOP!· • • SUBSCRIPTION $2.5~ P.r Y••,. 1 ' Tb~Wari'en:BarrettAgency




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SUBSCRIPTION $2.5~ P.r Y••,.

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Tb~ Wari'en:Barrett Agency QQkS par.ents to note: We now,offeJ'

HIGH SCJJOOL GUtLS 'Class 1 Automobile Rates


. wha nave completed Driver Training.both given 10 <;\:l discount in rates;

See. Write or 'I'hon&WARREN Bt\RRETT.


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City ProposesGas, Fag .TaxesL. F~.Dryden ' BULLE 11 NNamed Clerk; Officials ot Alamogordo, Capl-"'. i. tan and Carrl%OZ~ the U. S, Por-

.Re-appomt Gann :~=c:'he~elf:::e~:rt~. , . ' • VWIlClt, of Ruidoso. RuidOSO (Val-

RuldOllO's new mayor. zrwOnl In Ie,} Water llllrn assoclaUbn metMonday nlCht at '1:300 p. m. In a' lri a' ealle(! semon WednesdayQuiet ceremony in tbe city hall. night in RuidollO to discuss tbe,W~t'~t,to,wOJ'~-.w~IU:l:hia reo- 14~bWt,y~·rt of ' water avail­el,YIltalo. ~~e 1 ap~lIIg ,~ inBl·~Jr. a tribUtaryaU Of recommmda ona tti'thelr of the B 0 ·'riteraJied.fitlt meeting to.ether. The meeUnshere waD called atl,1POD"~'~01~r 1hcrf~~ J\Jamo,ordo. There

DanS~ 1M coundl" ,po.~35'hi .tterldanee. Firat :atepl

~~~~~~~~.~~Q&~r&J!kd:ti~'~=l;n~t1~den hu~ ierv •{or~ yelll'll with 'it:rld0ll0, Capitan and I't.In the eapaelty. retlriDJr.,m JIm 'ttMtoD II memben. CarrhotO ha.awhen Culver wall eJ~~'w the lenl word It wanta to join. AlPno­POJt. ~H.J'JnIin·1I recommenda- IOrdo ~i\.~ join, PrJ­Uch1·to'-emflloentbe firm of J'ruler. ::tsJl or the orpnltaUcn

, .n" .~D.teieavJ..i;~ !~~ e, 'Wj'ltetr~.t,~~· h

n:' J~I~,."",~~.... :".. 0"'r" fa.·m:..··.·• t',.0'~(SO'.•".·l'; •.~.• :...l·.·.~',..:..·~,..f:',' .·.S,~'H 'r,"";_.~ • ~iL~~~~~S~~=i~;~~ ;.

• 1>" ,~. •.• . PSBlm!~!l "l~' ~e',JI.£1i;~ Pi! ~,. r '.. _ 01 ~: WI . ~~i' ,ud~f:'- ...Wet..:JJcI',,,",0,1IDIaH'.lIUch a, " lor, -ut" n~li')lh;$' !~~ , 11_0 t . :s.~e ..~.~~. m~l;:l=:1o~~.: ~=d~ #:b:'~/i~'~~Itrfed:~:~

~~'llrl TiUI ~~OI&'8.ti=t'&~t~~j at• es on 0 ~ ~1l'Ql&;lt~~ (Edlto~. Note: Sliieertl.Y work. p!, I '," ,. ,I, j ItI 'ft.. • . ordinances dNlgMd to' b It' 'or Dih' Sweartnlin f nul

oI:J~'~'';g!, .::..~•..:ilt~ .' (':e' ,,1',. <! ~ , .... wtM p~04~.lil" ~'foJ' ~ood ,ov~ent. hi' de- DEEP FltDZB KillS dltlonal revenueIIlnk, tbe dt, r:.,o,t: dolO, who presided, aaJd if would·.l'.mt v_ 1.i Club I I 'J votta.: 117' qJl&-of-:ecnmt1'J.~: c:l~. uldoso·. new mayor. Dan VAl"," Al'1"LI: 0Il0,1' fers. One would tQ, PfPl1JJ~ IOld t>9 up lo the proJ)Oftd water IUP-

'J)ieIen.~···daOw ,..+ • ~ La Graer and Pean &&ft. n, SwelrJngln this Week pr~plred ~w,~~ Oft u.e In the city at ODl: cent a raDon- ply corporation to work out me-,s.turday-miiitYri~G~: Qnru BIDS ~. BoU7Woedj ~trlee 0.,. tlIe slatement below for general nidi""_l" llUl« 21~1:le1lD'V~ the tax to be ~Il~ted from dis· chanica ot dQmmlng Eal1e Creek'tum, for iU'J1rIt~¥rU1ua1 AJlPl~ ,i;~ll . ...-anilAJllb' ••e.8&li1"altle1o. JtlfoJ;matlon of tho pubUc. It I. a f.ohaTCIIlWe4acreattiel'COftta&'e trlbutors. The oth1lT wou.l~ be one and plpillLJt to commlJnltI~if~Jouom:r..u\"alfor the. three' val· HERE'.> T' TIlle til_em wu pklb4;" U\C! dlaCU$lllon 'Of th& budget, which ap· 01 tile IllS" ap~e c~Pt ~onI· cent a packallo on el«tretl. also to and wlien SOulhem Pacific wouldms of Llnt»1n County.· "ODA'Y JUana eft t.hOH ....u. !5% lor pelln ,al the end of \he arUcle. Il;le &0 pioneer cm:bardlaan WU· be collected from wholesale dis· sell Ita water right to tbe eoJ1)Ora-

, ., ~Ib1fibUng the· fllt1val wu a ~ ,talent.~~ tor1C1I~,Z59f This year's budget Is nbout the b.r Coo 01 GleI;1~ trlbutors. All of the tund. from the tlon. Ft. Stanlon already hllll II wa-talent and beauty contest 1D wbJch .• :. . , •. t' , fer~Utl' and H% for~D· llt,inie 08 It has been the last four Rnllollne tax would be earJJ1llrkcd tar rlghl In the creek.&. dozen beautlfiil ~CeQeI ~ sealed bids arc to be opt!l1ed in 111&1; Allple bl"" "en used Or five yean.) C Saf tor street work In tile vtUnge. nn.dTeRJ1tinK ·thd '1nm7 n~bOr- ,c-.Dea. 6CJ11on of tbe.RUldoso vn. profuse17 in the etooenUons. AD Eaeh municipality In Now Mme· ounty ety will brlnR In nn estimated $7,1100 Joe Coe PI-eked .'hooda, eomPt!tl!d for the tIUe of luge Council tbfa momlnl <Friday) eaUmated IIOt peo,le 'a«ended leo must operate un.der 0 budget a yellr hcro. (At Tularoca a sim-e ftD. MJU Eth~'l1ne PhlUlpS of at 1011. m. in the city han on tbe Belora I'ue~d 1'aW1 MaUll· (ke lete. - which covers each Item of cxpenso C iI1 M liar tax. collected through five ter·

Incoln. who ,tttnds school at proposed water IIYBtcm Improve- ClWI, Gree1lVeia81taa1 anel CAIUION ~IU.I'" ""OTO. and mcome. This bU~llet eovers oune 0 eet vice stnlfons there, brlngu in about A L- B·Capltan. and Is a junior In the men't project. ReUring Mayor Ray- . • tho period Juno 30 to June 30 of $6,000 a year.) Huldosp hila nlnll S Ion OSSlhlsllschool at Copltnn. wos crown· mona Buckner said last week con- B C b Mother's Day PrlVn'am each year. Tho munlelpallh' est!- CU,. MRS. GEORGE SISNEROS) scrvlre atlltlonll. servw by elllht .ed Queen of the feaUva1 by Peter tracb had been Blgned for sale Df ursum 0 ean -;;I- mates the Income in ono pari ot The Lincoln County Satety distributors. The gasoline tnx or- Joe Coo, rnnnaller or CommunIty

,Hurd ot Sll,I1 'Pa'trtcJo. intemalfon· $180;000 In revcnue bonds to a . , , Is Planned the budllct nnd expcnds It In the Council will hold Its third organ-. dlnnnee would Relnto effect June Public Sorvlrr Co.. was clectl.'dally known crUst. CroWD benrer Denvcr finn and tbnt c check for B cit And L k B B U_1. Cb ch other. izlltlonal meelfnll Thursday May t. Tho clgnret lax. which cnn he Lton no~s surc('cdln/-l Wrldon Oar·llIld benrer 'Of n gift for tho one the amount WIlS duil to nrrlvo this U ,'s Y apoUJU ur Euh quamr 01 tbe "car lbll 13, al 7:30 ~. m. In the hondo UJled only tor rcerentlonnl fac11l· ncr tn Tul'ndnv nlllht·s 1.I0no ClUbselected by OlIt=ilt·county judges WecK. Ho llllid a1l:o' that ho ·knew 1-.,. Tho Mother'o Day Program Sun· Oil)' Olerk must prepare a state- Valley JIlgh School, W. S. Camp- ties tor JuventlC!l. will Ito Inlo el- ml'C'tlnR Th,,' Llona enjoyed 011were tho lIttlo nadcll1f beYll or the tllere were ceverlll bIas ready lor L dine · ty day, May 9, In the RuldollO Flnt ment. to 'be chetkrd b, the .ta~ bt'll. I,rellident. nnnounccd. tcct JUI.v 1. II is expected to bring n1llrh fun as the people ot Ihe .tntclower vallcy. BUbmltUng ta tbe nMew by ti.e ea oun 8llptiJlt Church at tho Morning eomptronera otnee to lee Ole I\n Intcnslvl' mcmbel'l.lhlp drIve In about $150 per month. (Tular- In thC'lr annunl elCC't1on. with hv-

Competln« in the contCllt were councilmen thl. moming. \Vol'llhlp 1I0ur wUI be all tollows: VUII&'Cl hall nol dD'Vlate-d Ir'em \\ III be' Iliunrhl'd nt the mecllm:. 050 ill rollel'lInll' nbout $125 n clay of politiI'll Ihroullhout Ihe vol-U otbeJ' 'prlme5!:C11 reprC/l(!J1tlnll neplaecment 0 f considerably R Id d LI 1 Organ PrelUde. Hymn "Take 1111 buclwet. . Wh Ill.' the Counrll hnd itll slart in month now on sUl'b a tax-wand nil. It han nol hl'en provrtl thaIRuidoso G~ TrCe Hollywood. worn maln plpCllln the vl1lage,wa- ~ osa an nco n county Time To Be Holy"; Prayer. Ben At tho end of tho year II caretul IIII' rommunltl~ of the RuldOllo. plans to build II Ilwlmminll pool Ocnrllr ~'urhB boul/ht cnoul;h votcsHondo. TIrinlll, San Patricio, A1a~ ter II'Ystem and other Improve- ~dn t:r:tr quJto u~et~h~ rt!'lIt f~ Donathan: Announcements, Scrl.P.· Dudll is mode by an outlll<le audit· Hondo nnd 11onl\3 valleys. It wall wllh Ihr mont'y It provides.) Hul- to bC't'omll Tall TwtntC'r. hut themo,Canyon. 'LIncoln. Capltnn Ft. mcntll ore to be mado with the th~ sDem~r~me 0 d Ifc;~~¥fcan ture ReadIng, Proverbs 31:'0-;n, lng tlrm to thnt the Wlage oxtended ut Itlliust mccUnll Inlo 0 d090 hn" llCvcrul pork area_none moltl'!' IR BPet'1lll1lrd. ,,:ltd oneStanto'/4nna Plcllcho. moil 01 money from the bond /lale. Aetull1 'Ptlmarlcs TueliJo:n Rev. Walter L. Brinn. past'O!j . 'bon conformed to tho budget. 80- county-wide It l' 0 up. I'rcJlldent or whlrh havo ever hnd any 1m· m..mber. Otller ortlrl'rll ,llrked. towhOm li'reIefttect-brlel t:tlent nets. Work on the proJect may begin in Th ty t tal' ( mel 1) Solo-"That Wonderful MotheJ' fore any budget Is flnnl It must Cumpbell UI1lCll Inlerc:lted l'ltizenn pro\·emenln. It to the plan at the tnke over on I G~,t1cs Nlllht. June3'udges '))1cJctd. .;tho. .q"~ pn fbi.! 'May. ~'",_' -_ --'..!j....f.:. conte';::f~e~ w~reUfo a on of Mine," ~ttt'1llnna ChrbUnni bu lU>ProVCfJ

hSby t~ StatJl Tax Ulreugbout the county to attend clly to provide recreational tllCI1l· 29, WOf(" Zneh C'ollll'r. flfllt vlro-

bolt .at beauty•.tnlJ!nt.. lSehtilJii,; .New mll)lOr ";Ian ~wellnnJllm Demoeraflc • Honorinjt Our Oldent And Youna- C'<lI1'/mJt::Il~. 0 mul'U tor the me- Ih.. mootinll lIfa)" 13. liC's tn tho narkA 011 tho fundll bo- prcaldl'nt: Hl'rb 01't'r:llrnlOn. see-ahlp.. ana 'JlI!l'lIOnalJty; prCIIldes In (0011)''8 lIessron. The Lit. G • 11 t 5'10' ettt Molber; ProclamaUon For ehanlcs of thQ budget. TIre th:::Ji A hard hlttlnll lIOund mOVie on rome available. on" vtrr-prtl:<ld"nt. flay namett, •\ Allhwrh all of the mtricls tna eouncll may ra]cet any and nU bids La ~Ott OVl!mor- on O)'n 'Mother'o n-" 'Mrs. Claude Peter- that 1 want to get to In the act traWe satety lI'urnlJlhed through Tho two tux lawl will likely be third vlrt'.prl'lI'denl· II M Orn-

not present an enterta1nml!Jlt aet, /lUbmltted. Bill! were compUtea ~ of Stotp-Arln 108' Buck toni HYmn, Talth Ot Our Moth- budget 'n Ruld030 for Ole comlnn the coopcratron ot tho State Police pan.qcd. for all cOllncl1mm cxprl!u· hnm. ro-..I..rlrd ~llcrl'trJry; EricthOle Who did included: Barbara from plana and l1Jlcclflc:ntlons lor 389. ~1i 139 l\. en'i_TrIbu'tt's to Mothers ArolUld ,yellT. June 3D, 1054 to June 30, \\ III highlight the evenlnlI's pro-· cd thomselvllll aR In fnvor of them nrure. rc-ell'cted trrrJIlurllr. andMc:Knlltht. Pieacho. comet 1010; the proposed ~rovementa lIS llet A' dit nt; . 164' Hann II tho world, M1slI Marthn Ann U..- 1055. • grnm. Mondny nlllht. Thoy are to IuIve Trurnnn Sdlllltl. 1.lon TnmlOr. nobV~ra 'Slui~, Capitan. ben sOlo; up by Wl1Ion (Ie 'Co•• Albuquerque T:eQ~~ t • 41t. ~:. din,: The eXpt!l1ditures of the vmaao The Council wm stUdy tint tho three rendlnguln tM nlOxt two reR· Knufmnnn and W A. "nrt wereEtbel1n'PhudPlt,Llncoln,1>lano Ie- englnet!rll. 282 n. r SpeeJal JaU!l.!£1 "My Mother'. Bl- art! pubUnhed eaeh month bu.\ to cnUl:l!1l ot all \ypClI of accldlmts. ular meetingll, and will likely bo naml'd to Ihe board of dlrl't'toTII.lecUoo' 'SOfOU Fuchs, Grt1!D ·Tree. Sch it 'S t L k 41'2 N blc"i. Seilflllll, walter L. Brlan: In- my knowledge this Is tbe flrat ume those In lind around the home ns pJ.lbllllhcd In tull by the end of _e __;;;;~,;;:;clarbet :solo.,pllM solo aDd ,"od1 Theatre To 'G!Y8 '300 00 up - us ; uno vltauon Il3m!I1, "Jeaus b Cal!fnl''; that the budget hIllI been pubUllh- well liS thOlll! on tho hlahwll)'•. It Mny. It WllJJ pointC!d out. JlJNJOK DEPtrl'Ir.~ ACf ..,-1010· 'Lucia Salcido Alamo "Ctn.. ' . Com. 'Comm!Bslo 'Plekett Cl~~.Mn. Walter Ddun; cit. ThlD bUdlet II kncwri IS the will then do wlult It ean 01 an or· CommC!n\!ng on the gnsollne AR PALL ftEAKEKS '~ • IOnIC and a Metidn ·aiDee: Orch1ck To 'Molh81'l 1110: 1i!OYIlihan 185net' - HYJW1 b;sr enolr. "Blcst Be the. 'OeneJ'al Fund bud~. fund Illlniled Jt'OUJ) to correct and e11m· tax, Rood', Commlllllioner S. K. Somr or Ihe members ot theLIDda liIoore. R\lldQllO.~~/lIIlk:e, Att ndlng 'In........, ~p COurt JUitJ~XlJcer 202' Till." 'coven all o~t1onI or the VIDlI,c Innte these CllUlIC!tI throuith muca- KuykcndnU IIQld that under Ihe Junltlr Deputle, arted nl honornTyti:ct'Jlt 1Il:l~ aaxQi)bObe.1I01o, 'Plano • j;JU,," 'McCuIksh 301' Arled«e TlSO ' . 'l!Xcept the ;re ;1l1l!T Depart- tlon. leploUon and per'llOno1 ae- present budget. ht' had onll a tow poll bearers at the funeral ot Arb"1O~'De11a Joiner, HondO.''a'ZUd- J •• C. ~.• i»uehl0 Tb~tre COunty lComm. DIIt. 1":"J'res- Groum1"BreaJdng ;!lIle~! a,ndt the_lIre Q'Ind. ltJ tion. dollars yeatl)o for Jtree work Jonu. fonnet rouri oJlC!rotor andIn... Ada ~ Grau.H~ , Manqer,eilild'i1ilaI",efk Unlt·an .' 33t:"U T i • , . .... &l1lte ~eues OW 0- Tho cou~n lllCccutive eommlt· ft'el'C!-nnd tbot tbe added fundi city mArahal here. held lLut Satur.tlIa:Do~~t..~~net»oJo"'~;mo~UI ~aJrt. tho 8boW eli~~ e lUll ..4 • Plumia'Sundar I .~.,or C.~When, lbe'Vl1- tee held Its finst mectln« A~O would allow for IllrioUJlly neatfd' dny, Mny I. In San Jon. N. M. 'rbe:YLIr'Io·~TlIJU.W"~ .;I!On':~ Sundliy Uttrooon ana e'letlbil wm Con'I:tlsII (2 to be nmiUntted)- 'Q.. 'a.o-'A.u- ...e ren1llle ClO!MI 1',.., Ilere at tho GletlCOl! clubhouse. t tc!~ITII. Commlll8loner D. E. Sny.. werl' Tommy nnd Jlmm)' Grahamattiee:Ocaez.8«J1 Pa~""IOil" be Ilftllca 'VlrJ1Ua .ore'hld1 a IC11U1o Q>Wan '48fJ. diildera 270' Rendon ....z· .......t".~ ~aanHDte wm be 'm'1DlIe1'a~_ were W. S. Campbell. Green Tree, d~ ptd RuldollO has more re..on Lee OIlUeOCk. D1rkle Kelley Jlt'edOGlIet~.thet:OOteatbi- ine orcbld ftowu. tolRUIaoso 'fr9rb' 238' , SUDI!i.r~OOQ the I'lnrt n.". ._..... p_rtsldent; Mrs. George S. Simetoll, to lMW n I(uollno tax than IIny Sturman And Murrav Thorni.. U-W.u'~ 1llt'Ire:tP1.... ''The ....~ do -B m. 'St k. tlst Ch\Jl'df, lJtlldoso. \11m break' The amount let~ b1 the bUd...· TJimle. vlC«l4lrelldenl: Tom Bab- munlclpaUty In,ywbere In HIM be dlt'd Il11t Wednesitny. Before hi•

. ana"'aada ~·n.'BtaJi\On. ture is. ~ 'ObIer.v.1!IIWDf~'1on;;~0Z' unrum • oc lttotU1d for1be new chtU'cli auetl.. III M!.'!:!!8n'8: ~1on Uke~J!' et'f, San Plltrlel0. tTeasurer, and M~Jco, for tho tourlri traWe here movln. to Ro,well Mr. Jonet wu. ~ tM..hit:roaucUon of Day, he sald, and 'be Iald h6'Il ~'State-b ca na.'La' 225 teriU\'rt. "1'Jtne is a:30 II- m. A COOdi <emer.".""eII t ar1llO du...... W. G. Bradley. Carrlzlno. and woitJd then contribute thrOU.h the lponsor of Ihe Junior Deputlellthe 'anct!tb«flr aco~ ha=re Jllenty df ~e1ove1)'nowen eountY'Comrn.aDIst.~l:e~ proiriuft it llJlttrted, lrJ1d to041 thesT:" oIftcla1tl f Gat Ute Wade lIedgllCdkll, ,Ruldoeo. m~m- tnx to the upkeep of the Btreelll hert". AllIO ntte-ndln, the funerlllMrI.I .~ ;h!D1 •...A1>ple SOJ?'Ital1=tt , .1Un! to 'Ruleto~ 11·"ScltO.~.. jpt!ab:ra "Iiill·.be Pretent for thll, .....t &hata~..b~". bers of tbe 'board of dJl1!C!tors. they we~__i .... L'" B from RUidoso bdltIell f'CllltlvOlJB!oIioin,?-,:::,.e1 and ano't1;Ier.num.. _..... ..oneil or .~"NeIIi.IDaW ~ Ift'Vlef; church oID-, _. comm..... OD&:~ ynUm Wen!' Mesdamt'8 R K, Knox Pearlber. "\Irltfi MrlLGene 'no<bon lie- and ehu'of"BonUo "'Ill In Pmlnlltl UI !'naHc 'BaraJas ~la1i declare. The chUl'eh is espe- <~~.m!!:!l~eoa11 eM IIAI8T BUJLDlNG addM lhat more JJeOp'lo get more BOlItian. Nora LuniUn C. V· Cun-~ J'ennln M6c..,iron- act as holteJ." Jilr1till\& lhe ~t'-O 4 lhCuinbent 'Cd! da1l)' JiM1dted in every member '"'-"'"- ........... ... 1lllClat- CONSTIltlC'l'ION C0NTINl1E8 ben~fltl ff'()tn Ruidoso I attrli:Uo'ni. nlnlham and Lonnl~ 'Elute;do 'Khoo1 ;()fDclalier~mailer fit ~ge; fo;: the.'thej~. r:ee C::~klnl the.Demoa~ belnlllfl!3l!nt at thIa hIstory mak-I ~M.::.r ,rOller o,eraUn ., Uae Construction. Whleh hal bel!Jl In and pay less In return for usln. Jm", ailed 11'1. bad been 'In IIIeel't1J)C)l)k!I; T9~ . . the CQUrt, ,..~...._ . _ I' ilomtnatl far c:ori!tabl 1f4'to 88 inl _Betwlce. spurts the last few montld. II un- thOlle fael1lllcs, thon In any com· health for onlY a few weeks unffT.oU1ae JIaNe7 IADIIlt!Vetal'lOllp, &01'AaUU'lO "CO}h·&lSVlB 1 the.:m., 1 a1 reilnet, C I)' ~ a 1I))CC:Ili invltaUon Is ex-' ~ you ean see the amount of derway 'JilIn on Ihe large now munlt,y In the Southwt'llt. hod JUlt moved to R_II fromrtctlyJAt, ~encom. ~er lilt. TO CAlII' 1fCEIOLItOX8BlP W~ ea.ed :t i. lIL 'Graharrt tended 10 ~l ~barter. members ~,;t on which the Vma~e mUit roncreto tUIl IItudlo And rtsldmCllI Arter uslgnmcnt bY Mayor RuJdoso. Ilo suffered a hcnrt at-'lSf':l:Ol1fRi..... et tradttlotiiil "My F'l~~~ GDL e1 to VI to get Dim'ocnrtie re- tbl\ c\1urch'to'be present. . Idd i~quJte mtan when you for Louis Phnfppc. photoll'llpher. Swenrlngln of the tour rommls- lltt'k and died within a tow min.A&:ibe Hati .. whkhwuwrlt· AW"'_ It1 thfir~ noon rntn.U f JusU o'fUle cti A cord1a1 inYJtaUm. Is ntended cons ..r e servlCel that must be The photo sludlo IJI operated by Blonl'rs to the various commItlCCI, utes11l!%(b)'~ hUSband. Mnt"Mable. lun~afNav"'oLodce~trtb-~d Earl°~~han=Uei1;zea , to tbe nelrhbor chu~cs, and to ren~1~~~Il!o. Coat. Mr. and MI'8. L. P. HIllat opposite the group then elected D E. Sny- H~ wnll born April 12,1807. InMtI!'t~ WllbUr-eoe IiDdthhla utnlr'l._,,{U. "metlibehl IiYins ... At Caliltatt, tor c:onstalSle. BW :th6 ~ornnbutlt7 ~ alUnd this 1Ift- lI:r ha. _1_ ...':'''N &6 Hon:e Shoe Courts on Main Road dar 11!1 cholrman of the board, to Pawhuskn, Okla. In 100'1 he moved

liIoUntalD J3OYt, an cm:hestra at do. ~); Petree won over Alfred "W. 'Luck, 'Viee. • ~ aJ·ln~ ..=!ec""'.....:....... here. Part of the building Is two oct IIJl mayor pro tern. Bnrder wOs to New Mexico ICX'Qtlnll In Qua'"w'p1ityed lor lII!Yera1 zenerations fout-vreek umping-.cho. fee .'1 to 33. .,' e '.. ..0 ...~ ...-. Iff -.. oJ... • storlell tn hetl/ht. n arne d Airport CommissIoner. C ty. th' b W I'of d~ In the three 'Valleys, for Sorora~ RUidoso .. • . 'IltJlDOSO W1lRDWARE lit"';.'"'" JI,.,~.. alte,. - Bulldlnl Code Commissioner and Dun • llt e out reo ot or dpr'O"k1ed the mUsle'fOr a Ir811d Sc:ho¢ atud~t tr~~td fTom -n;er~~~osovtltl!tIln the m: NBW. MUE . . . . . ~~ '. ~.,~ lU1. mollth or 't.500.00 per year. Rul- Mun'e1pol Propmy Commlsaloller. ::~ll~h'it:~~I~::~d~~~ ':l:e~It!i:march•.JoAhe orclW!Stra were Cae amoo&mse:br ~ 1 'Scouts to at- contested ~. . ~ RuidOli6.Hl1rdwll1'e moved trom ope,._IoU.,. etI....'atent dOl:O needs taclJltles far morc than a very responsible pest now Ihat dlJlchurge finished hi ed tlon Iand J11r ~e. Ml1t 1Jla1lie, Elzy ~d lIarjr"Whlfe tbIs sum.- • REPtinLtCAN Iii dowtltoWn ·loCatlon this W1!clc get ~Jary toOt' Ute 1l'IIet.•~ the average community. The VI1- Ihe city hna obtlllnrd lann land. La V N MAt' ut'n d nPerry, Jr.. RalPh lJotme11 and Dan mer. Tn Ultne 1:

leamp.Iwlll rtc\Uve, 'Prec. II-A . Precinct 19-B to Its new ItOI1crele tlte bUildin«. t~~.11lJj ~~..~"~I llQiedbnll t1tJll to vlet:!..valuable parhk for cecurlnlt water riRfitit. and t. ntl~n ~~a~l'Ilt I~ th~f~~I:::t1:;

Storm. traln1n, aders'b~. eamPinlt (Grad Sc!hoo1) (Legton ltliU) 2Ox40 feet In ~:te. on Main Road _e '!". , -1 ftll1lt u.o.,...._ nn'2 for cxump e. ",e Orcll at t e addlnll mnehlncry and plans to add Service I EI PlUlO:2Uso do the'~wettl iii bel- IIdlls and other 'Girt Scout '&llb'".... Cone 2 west 01 Alpme"Courtll. New stock btI7 an.•.r.:~. The ClIft ..,... confluenee of the Ruidoso and Cllr- park equipment. A f n .

Ie£: dance byPatty '.l'atteio Cif· Albu- Jecf$. . ror grtolS ( to be ntJM\nated) is bein, added. and. althoulh the 1D6 roacJ walt .. &erdndJD tbfte rlzo, but hna never been able to B1I1um Willi nnmrd S:lnltll ew year, ago hI' and bls wlfl'!J11erQuo, ..l1esta: aat1t'Je by'''Hondo Visitors at the meeUnI inclade(} '31 C'Obean 44 store· II opm and -serving Its CUll- un .. e,er,ou k,...".. dCVl!lop It due to the IlIck 01 land.. C'ommlllllioner. a fC-nppolntml'll7- ~lTbased 0 molt'l at Ruldooo.Ht,gb SChool dancets;" 'fbe Hat John DIPaolo. SOD' of JaCk DiPaOlo. 19 ~~:: ~~ I tomers, Pat ana 'Lean Farrar said The Village Of ~Uldoso hM avall· The Income from a cigarette tux and Kuykendall wal re.apPQlntcd nJt~I:W tb~~vt;'~l'r~ a ter. ~~'Dtnee bY He:nUlD!lez and Earl Vandervoott of 'Sweetwater. 'Gonmor Ith!s week It woUld be a lew days ed itllelf of every fonn of Jncome would be a rood basis tor a park ROlld ComnUlllfoner. lIarola Jones, f h'7 Id hO !II0.we I' d b0

cecJ1la 1fookY~ with ~. ,l'ennin a BUmmer vlllltor 1It the Rol:a%y , betort! theIr "'n:al" oPEning 13 an- posSible with ex~pthm Of three BYBtem In Ruidoso. I have recom- who hnd been Airport Commbt. hrom s w ow e lIurv ve y1il'orites~panbt. Mrs. "Dodson, Club here. and Vie Lamb. ~ = .~ 1I0unced. In the meantlme. bome- malin" It4!u)$,. gasollnc tax, eJ,far- mended Its ))3S!lalle to the eouncn. sloner, wns nllmed Wnter Commill· 0:11s~lltf:~' ~f7.f Fanny B. Jonl!ll,llI'tt.: eo. lltId MtL Moates WI!re A, financial -report llJlbn1itted by ~ 0' state • t(ilks, and Yfs'itOrs aUlce are in.. ettIl! 'taX' ~ll parkfna meten. Or- The other remaining source of In- 1I10ner. The mayor nutomatiCilUy , . .amoatr those Jdvblr pl~ a~- Secretary Betnara Rooney \fts 19' Baca 21 vlted In to InJpect thO new BtruC- dmanC~i'*ere· Jnttod~ed bt tho come, p:lrklng metei'll. doel not BCMfes lIJI Pollee Commlnloner. TO SEE FREE SnOW8J)IIl'iimeht tb the many acta pre- read. J6 'Laws '26 lUre.' first meatJng of the new council f;eem advisable In the fO~llbTe Other buslnesB tackled Mondny Whhltl th t f dllentt'ict that night. ' , _ MotIon pl:ctures 'OD fishing in 0 0 fRio DIaL 1 . . ' to avail to the VUlIl!tf ',dmUonnl future, night Inclu<t,cd first reading ot (ln 0 n~ cw 0YII. on, ,~ents of aanfurJlClle8, North Ameriea were shnwn as the s 0. ~sn n;r 11 10ft. Vue Sho-l>.Yn Drive-In thea- Income. Thq 1J~t pr6dOsed. ordln· Your Vlllago offlc1lllJl have dIlI- ordinance to"'tet up ThUr'lldny fil,;ht ~~ceeu~vll aft,rn~lI, Fh~OI t'~.~an4 tiottdrlnks were llOld·w :Pt0Jr8m. . '33 'S'o~f:l '311 tre and COtleession lItartd. readIed ance ls a 11!l!nllCUOllttl"Ux. The cunacd tht'lle ordlnanceB thorough- nt 7:UI as the r4!gulnr meellng t t? On nCll ~ nn e. IIn R •

~luIHe"lI8iStln.~.(lf~g' ..,,~ ,... 'w' 'SherUl tor the new lleallOtl. W111 open next Apri111l5,4 New Mcxlc;Q Tox Bu.I- Iy and teel that thoy nrc for 'he time 01 the council. In place of the ::"0, l1~n~ ~scale~o andt ~-. '!esUYlL Adm~IOD of'$'1 for 1l'1T. And Mrs. 'J. H. J1kerson 0 den Cnr:ro1l ( It· 2 mld"wcek wIth ,. me show tor lettn ilQY.Jf fJ~ ot ~al to by best Interests 01 all. original M 0 n d a .Y and Friday hi th s ~ teeCD ow a •dill( W.. Cibarl~ .An eftIitlated and ions of A11dleIVs. Tex:all, were g B aT wr e-ID) 43: CVffloi111 on 'two bItlrts. Thursday munl~1.P"UUl1stl\ N,cw . meleo. The rn~ome: nlghl•• 'the counell will likely be. C 0 11 e~~e. . 't nppll. ow:;er,'

:people .wertl. In: attemlanee. up 0'Vf!t thO'~..end to do lOme DEr.t&rfATlC Idnd l"rldflY. The E1flllll'1a said this 1ill~ coulifed. 'III s..ntmfe1p UU" 'With OceupliUon taxes and 11- gin meeting on ThUtcdt'Y/l about i,por •h e wan evcry ~ 00~,..e~tJhIU~U J)y,J~ lJo.YJan. flsblng.l'r!h. W'1lkl!pon Is a. daugh- lJeliUnattt 'Governor week UieJt staff ts IlbOut1!Otnp]l!te gliiollne l!IX',lln1l jrlcltided bt thIs cet1scl _M••••_ ••4 •••••••••• 'lI,500 May 20. It' WlUl suggested. At that h dt~ \te are~ tOIf;C!e la .!the Bhl~w

{:If 1htf Lincoln~~ let l)~ the Gamer.. Theyreportcd 511 Montoya'" tor:the open!nr. and DIat1ast JnIn- number wtte 1'u1aron. Carrl%btO. Liquor Licenses _m..._ •••• 7.8'15 time. the counell wJll trleet In the y e _me ~ 00 ene s. e la .. ,. . . '. wona(!t!U1 luck ac~ todk bome :; I.e 6 ute J)l'l!PlItIlUOID ate bl!tBg h~Jed Corona. ~gotdo, and Roswell. SpeetQl licenses and permtts 1.000 fire department rl!«:teattonnl hall B 5 h

WE ATK £ It ~~li .!o ~rOV~ it.: . . ,'. Seerewr:t State for the Thursday and J'r"aday illJfhf ~ul:tfSa ~od ..thelc .u Ux on DtIvera lIeenses ~oo inste.d of tJte pre.ent city build' Lln:J\~ 8~~n~'&~e::,~e~t °trl~~" . - ~, , . Mu.........~ ""- Paul Card 10 At'ias 15 pi'ogr!Uti. re ary 1, 19~".I..and In eleven Building permits ••••- ..---. 400 ing. delc'rlbed by the oftlclllls fii er Allsocl lIO"" li k t u: I t:te Hi 'w PreeJp ~~-",. .,, ...~ - 4'1 B "'" 411 . '1' ., '" months raised 'iJ.w3.311. Carrlzo:!o Dog tuxes and pound fees.. 150 'Inallequllte In lIftC! . I Q n. s 1I us 0 e p «ee 11 41 .00 • nero .former l:ura~~ ...e noiDS8S U"A ' Clayton Bennett. sa1esman bere raised $3,51111.8. wtth a % <lent tax. Police ffnet and tee•••••_~ 3.000 T1!o councll has two other meet. the word around thnt, with the

& 65 2'1 .00' CI~~n':;'MdCJl1/thtU resl 8 r:~ 13 tor Powell Chevrolet of TnTarosa; Judling from Carritozo and Tltl. Sate of Matulal .m_....._. ISO frt/Cllllcheduled tor thla wet!k-one :(~{ I(!hool ~~r'tall ~ us lIhflUid~ ·51 ~ ..0$ dent ot' \he club ---........In~ tb; 1'1 eLopez 11 and Harty Powell.!. owner of the ato.aI ItRUlIs felt that the ..sollne !lanchbse tax (from ullllll~) 2,000 held Wednesday night when Alil- tchoolr\~ll~ The ~l bol:e~~v~~2 eo 10 :oe f~'"'~ Ch·.~· 'r''''t::''''. It M" H hill..... fJtm••llmded a ~nevroll!t meet-- tax: n dOlI) WIll brln,ln be· .moVin, permit. ••-........... ISO mO"ordo "I'u offl"1a1ll ......•.....t..d to .... t ~y i 0 ..3 70' 19 :00 = ..v...,~ Of ...~ cqmm- "'" a na .... int lri E1 Paso Monday. WedDesday. tween $~.OOO.OO aiDcl' ,$;000.00. Gti\dlfr ~rvlce ••••4 ..00 meet WJt.h "'If, and thf."mt,;nln auvut mote wi h Sen or trip, lUId,4 '18,. 31... '.~ ii~~cliatf1s-t!~l1~~ 't~::.:~ 41 ..~:" !II the pllir deJlvered ,s'new O1chnto- .TJte~.'",.-:-..u.t:-laU MUcellaneou., •••i"" u.. Joo ,,(Frlday).at 10 a. m, to~tewblaf :~~ ft~~It:aoJ~n~~, KO ::'(L. ~~~..... "'" 33c.' cJI~. ' 'illd a bitt, tit ~'" ~ff~f;, declared 26 Eager' 21 ::ut:e..aJItOt'iifll th Truth or con.: =~=: ......1"= B~==~ble1t!lit before1000 ~n tthe pro~t«!d watei' .Improve- 9rICl on the road. "Let's m~:ft an-~ <i!OtJl~cu us A. , 'a complt!le rote;e#JJ1; mn.WllbUr 4" fIIdj()Ol Si~Jt4ent· ... '.' , . • .., , ., ~.._ c.Ut' ~.. Total Iri ..-··".........2it425 pten P1'O~ee . olhlh' I(!hool term without. dllath

'. ' . VC'~~...e~M 'COt<. 'PUb1,lcil~, eh8lfmlibi. all tie.- .. Ll,lslt· 55 reporilbt: ~obeari 120M3' Ch11del'll Ude· • we L ..lit'; ..col: :'1-;;;"". • " Upeom. o.n~hG ~ouncU'aaim- ~n '(lUI' IIChdoJ hus record" he.. S • ...,..J"I&.....,utIO(;~ ~ll'a b~ .~yCllt";fh« add- 24 :N'UlIii,., 23 12;64'1: Rendon M48.·· i HOD ..: '~" 1'.a I' . . ,. at" a In th . 'Oftl' foW months art' pillaa-. " ') ....x .t '" e' ". :ed. e' .... :" . , (lo.,..,.tIon eo;n.,..IOftft' .~ l>EMOCRATIO . m.f'tocar ' , ,.'. u.a salary lind wagel ..._•• 3.700 any ImJk)tfflDl~ tbe new .... ",' ' .•,' ' .. ,. . ,

. .. ... .. 53 Pickett 55 Lteutenant Governor '10. f 044 The lfu::t't· catJ~t~ 'let: Offlee expcllll4 ....M ••__•••":, .IOQ e ayor r~lPliIifed hli"trust~il, They Jald he would meet with the c()un.,~~3 " ,e;,' .;",:. 'i-' ,'" " 14 " M'oynlbon. , 19 dlvblOtiil reporiJri~ M~iltor~ at,.., ~:::X:J.Uif'sn:t=:'I~f:1" !!.eauJ~~~ld ~m~.!"..£:;~I.JOOOoo edl?rlevkWllr1d~lb1'eOdIIY cilftomUmetotlmelntheft.iture

". --, '" ......' . , ' s.,.,.&~ .J-.uee 40'7' 'LI!:YV'. l'lmJP' , .~ , ........ "''''' ,. ..............., CAlst nil or~ ntttle~1f, pIon fo ,and aaId he Wllll available to· aa-c'., il:fa:.&e.DMorintii IiT~··· ~4 ' .. ktku eO e" 261,~ IIOUi'~ of Ulcom1,:v$lUable. §Ome .PoUc:a ifept, expenJCI ........ 100 in expanded elt)' bu1J\ilrtl ~d !ltrt ilnyWl.\Y hd cll\lld, All of the

.. I. !'. . . ' i: " 'I ." " ..' 28 ! -McCUlloh - 29 vlllllfl\s' reporiin' ~ Aflu 20,710; ye8rs '::h~\~ Ill'dt:ifu~,l r()ojl '~t dept. expense ••---.. 2,000 jltber mattffl. • . cOUllelltl'llllj(ixpreucd theIr appre-•• ." ,e ~,

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" . " ~.. ,. ., . _ . ,,": ;" e / . 4t "'" ,,' ~lleZ: 38 Iii' ~nl ", '~;~~,,:,~. 24 9~8' HaJi' . e. 1.' '..,. (! . e I , -- It. and then iurnc:d t 4 bustnll'lIS work..... ,;:,:"1.:1),.... ;'",,~,:, . ;;P;.••ah"",' .-' , ": _~. . ,_ Jytetel.1lJl!, ,11 ~ar31;3118, n,• .MOpcZ • • - t/owleo. . ,~J:Id1Jeeti~$~"" tr«r~ltlonJlta¢tUt' 100 of llt'l!Jldlng ovpt tl>. Jfwelrti)gln Dt.leknct bUd l:c"ed lour yeal'1J

...~~~ unu.. 110 .;&e,l'~~.~ ( state 'r~ iAI••t; Aft 1ft Sta~'1'feaj\l1ii'i"7Qi' M4 dlVf... t!d at. thllt ~ Wdittlght nOW hille Altp(>rt ex~Dse, ~••_....."," .. :60 Whl!Jl '1M llitfei WIU 1W0rll In. ~n at Q; citY otfli:laJ, ltaVint. beCtt(.". ~,,";:ih f8"'....... ~..... . ' Thif iitate toW, wmaJl1l'I:lIiall j[OMmHmIn,~ Otant Ilaf4' Ea". :OJ.ej~le..~~,~.~~'tl{;t~~.~ 'PoU'Ilb,llff~~' {Jl~""·-~"rh'.,;..l 100"00 pa....rw1J(tJ,DUp!'~~t' i!1(Jlr~ lll. »1>'" eJeCt4l<l q Q trmh!4t ... 1"1'0, I.Jet

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" ..~,,-~t:" '('Ii... • C ii. Ii- ,', Ii", "'I, ,,;' '1' ," u·,.; ·t.;¢yrmlW;''loool.9«votlng di" 1)85' ~llnit "1144... " ' .' ,.'. • 'Il 7'.,tJlftal,. ,pu~ ,.~~~~b~rae~t;.,-•• 1~ and OXI)l'eued thcl ;lIllllllon tltat. a. ,oUke tile 'clty, oftielali 1'ook. '$tid.. . ",.<.,,\ ,':<:(.; _SII:I.KE']t" ';;,' .¢." .. ;. VIllCit$:~~e~~m.94ln:~Uon~~[onj1M,ot;20 ci-' ,~.1tt.~ ".vlal1 ~~T:'7;';.It' .......l!'.!'M........M~ ~atdYl6f f!lno~.blp 'b~dbHtt Ils1ct!d;.tl)b~ Ilfudl~tlt $UloUllleJlt

t .!I'b1A'.. .. . 1"·\';nt::'I'·: tiO':·W~.:r,"· .,:' s.=!Ii;Wg{,l~Jjllii,btjnai ..:1\~~~~iId~7P ~kett :~~~~~~~~d~;:t~.;~;:~~,,~.;;:.~~~ ~ ~ormoUofi~f-=~~ ~~~~~~,=.=...",V·,:: e..~,:~ " a J\ ·l .. " ~~g: ~.: ~O..~; .~~~,"1bi':J« dI"hiIlIHJPtt#tl Wt .n4'''t,~Pf~ :;,·$kHt'I:::~::::::::::::;;: too. tI' rue~'~ U.ld~"w ¥i' If<< ~d~ ,~,brttll .\alement" OA .

'c ••.. 'CC'<'.''''".",,,e.',,,, h., ~-.. ' -'"" , '~b~~,},~~~~~ .. ~·~~_::~~,~··~pW~1f'*::.vCfllt ". _~-'\\UfJr~'" " ~, ., t'"MI':"'~tQ7't' ~P.l'l)lfllrj~~lt!I1I6.Q(1~ ·M""lIS' ,....."..a8i.2f.CIO. Me: ¥@'1(,ot .hU i:\)~U~;· • 1nl:. . ' "

Page 2: I ",, I. "I ~'" ,. ". 'SCOOP!· • • SUBSCRIPTION $2.5~ P.r Y••,. 1 ' Tb~Wari'en:BarrettAgency







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Tha'e'. nothlna quite I'ike,money in the bank

Steaks - SandwichesHome of the Jumbo Burger

For n.fue1lDg

MAN OR MOTORStop at the Frlmdly

Thl»mpson Service Station & CafeWhile You're Refueling at our Finc Cafe

We elln Be Refueling Your Car.S... Tim. - Get 1h. Btd

We Now Have a Full-TIme Md.an1c00 DUiy in Ou:r Garage Dtpartmtnt.Featuring Conoco Petroleum Products

Hlway 10 - Hollywood




Mr. IUld MR. Vic IAmb ' £ctitOJ'J &: Pu,bl4her.Jim I.A.mb -.~". - ,.. - ' ' Attociate'( Founded May 16. 1946 by UQyd and Ida Bloodworth)

P;"tpr"d all Recond 1:1I11III at the POll! Oftlce, Rllldolo NewMexleo. under Act ot March 30, 187P.



Sub."ripll.a .2.50 ....r " ••r ... "'~...nM••b"r. No. M••I.,., Pro.. A.-__laUo.


Dining Room and Cocktail Lounge

Rout Turkey? •• T-Boue St.ab?.- • BabdHam? ••• f"rtnch Fried Shrlmp? ••• Guaeame.J.Salad? ••• Mex1c:an Dbh..?

You'll Find Them AU At •••



:~ ,






, ." _ - ,.-"~.""-,,~,,,, ....",,"'" "F~¥' ", '" . ','- '. '." •. , - .,' " .... ", ,, ,,' .,~ ., :' ",' ~-

Page 3: I ",, I. "I ~'" ,. ". 'SCOOP!· • • SUBSCRIPTION $2.5~ P.r Y••,. 1 ' Tb~Wari'en:BarrettAgency

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On Display at Clayton Bennett's-

Now Offering Fish On Our MenuOPEN YEAR JROUND


. R,ES TAU' RAN T.·fPcdm~r Go••way-, Ruidoso, N. M.Sandwiches . :; . . "

.'. "Chicken. . . .i\"'" .; 0 •• -~ Steaks

A '. ." •

, " Che~, With 0 View"SERVING HIGf.feS-r QUALITY FOODS

- Hours: 11 a. m. to -9. p. nt. -


1954 Chevrolet 2-door 210. Radio 8t Heater.DirectIonal Signals. E-Z Eye GIas••

Morocco Red1954 Chevrolet 4-door 210. 'Ivory over Bright

Blue. TInted Gl81l. Dlreet1()nal Signals,

White Sidewall TIres and on Bath Cleaner.1954 ChovroletPlck",Up. Green. Sida Carrier

for TIres and D.Luxe CabOn D1Jplay at Clayton Benneit'.

CHECK THESE TOP USED CARSIt" ~let 2·clool' Ii ~r. new .at.1 " . ' "15I'" bl'-ttlblle t ••OfIt', " II bea~. brdral'l'lllUe.

new tJ&btc •. • .m1152 BeI·AI, Obn'roIflt, .....10 " be.w.o. IIOWmllc1e $1411IN. Kalter C·'"I' ' , . .'.. .' $IU1'51 CbllVtftld C·4001'. nell hKkl'. "_raUle ., , .'HIIN' JIIrmrt7 81at_ W.,. htatn. ntrbtYo _. UtaIN7 ClMrYnIet. I·T.......'- .. e1Lulha •_. ""Itn POI'll ~·Ton Pkk.U. __ •.. _. "52151 Pit'll t·Ton, cab A elsa" ' ......JIS' F 1·1'OD. cab "('hllda . . . n_. S1NUll Ii ~·TlIft Pltk·Op • •• -, ......

. tfU "·'ten Pkk·tr. _.. . • _..•.• tm


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the revolutionary4

new soft collar on •.-Van HeusenCentury i~""'/Shirtswon't wrinkle...ever!


J),umy'lCA'YE.~c ... P"ramolU\lPiclllret'

"ENOCK ON WOOD." .CoJot br T«hlIIooIor










COMBINATION OFFER-(Th!a BargaIn r.Jm1ttd through Mar 'IS)

~ATER HEATER ·: Reg. Price $99.50

REFRIGERATORReg. Price -$238.95

: J>earbom Beauty~e '0

Reg. Priee ... -....$249.50.-GAL.BUTANE TANK(t ~ Price ,85to ~ $687.9It

aoaalli.(d ,···.·'··ot,srob~

• I . Sacra Bros. CO.-, ' '

,,' '""OfUneomCoun ....

j'~. ,·,>,,~'~WeJ_u. ' '. ,,~.. ':; ,'_amiAppJiadees·11~ ." ~

'. ',;~iMI"C . . . '. . II.oDi Ir~lY""---' ,', ,,' ,'';:''If.._' ' $ '.".11"" .,,',",'" """"'i"'jJ!·"'W·iI(I·iii'.•".' 'Ii·._"'"••'''fI~~'~~'·i1i'~~'ii:''' '<,:i'<"_.,, .~'. ~",'" ::,,' n'; ,,,.to.', ',""'. ~ ",",roo,

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ANTIQUESGoing Out ~f the AP,ijquo BUIlnoJS'Belling All AnUquet at Cost


• PhoD., 68


In Crepe and Imported Irish LinenBy Eunice Ann

Among- the Many Lo.e11 New It8mlJm AttlYlng for- Sprlng



. ~ .-

, , .For Mother's'DayJliOTJtEa'S DAY OARDS '

OOMft'l'E BOSB8TATlOmm~ - OC)~(lIiJ


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Bank By Mail

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~~'A.,I ."

LelandRealty Co.


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S1fl$.~tri4 ..''''; i':--, t~··'-$ ~, ,,-< .. , ,~'•• <:;


Phon. 182-01•

...~QPebjQj; of tIi~

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NowAv.Lle lor'tJie Season ••."

Cholce Meail, Veq~, ~Already Prepared to Tab HQJneWarm It and It~.~dr to Serve.Y~u?t_~••~~~

~~Wliti~Ii~Plan"FblfMeDu.AlJG !JUea: GOoc& iallauna Out Your Meal


Down:toi!m RuldOlO

. "

;; . ,


•"., ~ .. .

-Now Located 1 BlockEast of Bank

Ow: New Phone No.214·01

RuidOlO, NIW Mexico.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!~~~:!!~~ ...--:----,.'p"*t·'-,-,----

" .' '.



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Page 4: I ",, I. "I ~'" ,. ". 'SCOOP!· • • SUBSCRIPTION $2.5~ P.r Y••,. 1 ' Tb~Wari'en:BarrettAgency











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"} -

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, , , '~'.

Hau.vwaao, NItWMII:XIQO

. ... ,,'0--" '" . ~

. In .. UghtR Mood- ' ..Now, Mom, if the old man forgot to get :yopsomething (they'll do .it sometimes) you justcome on down to our ,store and pick out whatyou want and we'll bill him for it-ifyou thinkhe'll pay for it. And, anyway, we'd like you tocome in and drink a cup of coffee on us whileyou're visiting.


1Q .. Sedo1,II Mood- ..In our hearts we aU bow !lother deserves asho~ex: 01 gifts on ~er day.......and, most of USj~c~ t glve ~er. the gUt she Mould have the most-It's not In nut power maybe.. Bu.t, as we $aielshe deserves the finest, doesntt she? .;




-,.. ,:

, ., i,;.,"


.r •

g~qulUPhon. 210·01

We Are SOO Mothproofing atNo AdcUt10nal Colt to Our CUitOmt1'l.


Beginning Today.SPECIAL OFFER

H.•'in tr~de &99,CentsA Bea'P!iful EDlarg$d 1J8I1d Colored Portraltof Your Own 1n Simulated Leather Frame.The Photo can be Reproduced from 8l1Y .

Photo, Snapshot or FIlm.


• H..-dwwe • Notiont. • P_t • Dr7' Q.ocNh ' ..~••'_ • . (;N•• T..... H, M..

. We have many patterns teduced in 'pricein oneof theFine.$tTailoring LineS in Amerlca.You people that are hard to fit should enjoythis sale as we have had 30 yeatS eXperienceIn measuring and fitting tailored garments forboth Men and Women.SulU, Coats, Slacb, Shirts, Wet!m:a Weer

Would be glad to I1iow yO'll. through the &e


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"'. ~. -t.i' •


$.,ooD.OI. or lMI"

to thlt ofyour hom••

wllb St.r. Bro'. World'. Cham.pIon FRUIT TREES, SHRUBS. <

VINES. ROSESl and otber'O.....MtJItal.. No obI cation. Writ. OfT.lephone


w. S. CAMPBELL...... I-ll (Jrea Tree

•d • r· 51' 7 f, .,.

om) , ,I,r .. ".

10 R.!!MINO - .~.•

6\t~G I •

~~.:> '.

....t.~~O l'



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OnIon SetlFlJh1ngIJcel1Ulfor '54


Hardw.,. Ifema





2 i




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of _ .





£ -

: :

,._- ""--'. .--

. , .. ',- .


FOR SALE-Hamllton Automatic Cloth.. DrI.r

We Sell and Install•

Tanks and Appliances

-',' '

Call 67·04 CoUld For Semcem LINCOLN COUNTY



F ...• is forReasonable

Fuel!Butane Gas is truly one of the moat

reasonable fuels in use today. In urbanareas $)r where lines are not available thisgas is as close as your telephone.

Ford PBBsenger Cars, Pick.Ups, Trucks


PROPANE and BUTANEPhone 61·04 Ruidoso

. ", -,- - '

Palmer Gateway . .DOZE& won ALL JaND!I or ,aOAVATlHO CaU8111q) oaAYa.


FBEE ESTIMATE ON JOBS. P. O. Box 235, Hollywood. N. M.

Phoul26-01 J. B. CLOSE

Used Can, Pick·Ups and TrocktPbD. In Marvlll Ilebeiu ,,,,....._. N ........- ..


•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••M••~. ~_._.~..~.~__~~".

Mother'. DayCudl-Grad~Carda .AI' .' .«I'Glfta FOX' All 0ccaJ10Q .' .•...·.·oun ."

RUIDOSO VARIETY 'HiSkooJ'B A.............• '.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. '.. nm" ~ ..IP'The Junf<ir-iSelJ1orProm li1td, Btmquet wJU be beld Frldll,Y. $IllY

14, with the Il!Jnquet to be~t th~Ru1do~o CllleferlQ lind ttle Prem'at'Slwteland. .... ". ThiJI annual affafr 15 prescnttl!::l' .

to the &lnlor cluss jWlt before:."graduation by the JunIor class~ ..

Prom Quc,lm wlll be elected fronfthll Senfor clllllS' by lhll JunfQf'nnd wfll not be known untIl tti"Umll of the Prom. .•· .' .,The P~p Club hnd a meeting lastw~~ to elllct otfJceJ'$ and Cheer­Ieadel'll tor next year. Offlcet'll wU~

~~o P~~~~,e~fl!l;:e~li'el:;r~~! ~ All'J'O i~ca"QJ.'J1IJ.t....

~~;;~;::.~.:.~.~.~__:.;:_.;__;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;~. retail' Nnnc1iChIlPmnn; Treuur- Jlow.raDufl Ita... .In the aew_ ..,,. . er, .hlrlc:y ftA olinesL pnd Parlla. acet~ pIcture, "8.' 01 thementarlBD, .",Uy Carpenter. r....,..," a .klry 01 ••to ...c!J,d"

RUIDOSO GRAVEL SERVICE .ltl:/lld Cheerl811del' wl1l be Tber- lIbowln, T1iesda~ and WedJlet-, ~~Te:aW:~~I~~IOju~I~~rl~~ da~ .~. the Paebl~.ben:' "

Moore: Sophomore, Joan Marje '.'Matthew.' lind Fresbman, JOR. Holman: Pat Wllllngbl\J1l. 1311lyphlne Haiey. ,GIl1JCocl', and Glen Westall on the

• • • team,Eta Bit, PI elected oUlten lor Pean Holman. Olen Weatall,

the comtng year. Helen Whltel4!y Billy GlatcpCk, and NyleJ Laelte1wlli .ucctcd Mary Lynn 1Iart u E:aCed aeeond In the 440 yard re-Praldent. Theretla BaraJu will be y. .Vtce~Pre..; Linda Moore wUl be J RuJdolO won JeCOnd Jft the m.ed•

. Steretary' Joan Marte Matthew. ey relay with Westall, Holman,Trea.urer'. Nancy Chapman. 1ClC~ !.jckey and JJmmy Owem u theand 8oc,-Treu.; SUNblne officer. team.Betty Carpenle!j and, ParUamen. J In thce mUe relay thCl team oftarlan. MarlJo nart. ' el"C"o...' b.ajlman. ZVartsto MOralOl,

• • • LoweU- No.lur and WUllnlhamAt the PlIlrld ~.B tnck meet won I1fth.

• t NMMI lut 8aturdaX. Rul~ t.!y}!'o Lacke)' placed lourtb In~~ t1IQl with SQ SlOlDtI., KUblco "'!.1I 'Yard dam.wem the meet, Capl.tin plac«ll4lC. •..S'.. J..tland, track coach, an4 ~ones, Ha~ thtrd im4 Canl. ........... bOY. who plactd IlrIt or Me·IOZO foUrth. TWelve toama woro ond 1ft lndlvlduaJ ContoN It theeatand' In the mMt. D1Itr1et Meet, 13m, RI.II1er', &art

I:JtJ /oUlJoa won flnt~ lA AU1Ion and J~ v..tar, leftthe 120 ;yard hlp hurdl..• B1U.Y 'l'blU"fdly tor AJbuQuerquCl.lrhlrfIluam-won .-c0l1d in the javeUn the boY. wlU particIpate iD 'tbtthmw anCllOdy WOIl,.coM sState Track Mm there today andIn the mUe run. atun:lay. ft... bo7I "'III tbt

In the fe1a.Y l'aCOI1\uJcSoto plac. ,~ on.. eUllbJ* fOT tho State~ fourth In lb. .10 wtfD DlJO .........

e ..


CCKTJrP:D AT WOOL curao~0lllIAL Twenty·llve New 'Mexlco wool

.row.... and coUnty extenilOSl .J.=:-C..... eflta were cemWtd u competeDt--J....~ fleld-e:I..,Wlln ot .heep and woolv_~._ by chute ,radin, telta at thfl re-

ft&_ta ",_... cent annual .beep and wool cUnIc......-.. .~ at Vauchn. .

b7 County aleota certJtJIld IncludedII Corral Court ~.. nalph n. Punlap, CurllOZO.

In Sk)o1a.nd .~;l::~ .'. CABIUZOZO SOLDIEa.. 'I'~" G'I' .1:1,..,..,..". 8EaVES IN KOBEA~~ '~""",Q,; X CorP' Koue-Ann,- Bit~ n·ts CharJea r;. Torrence, whOl(,wile,

l-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"iiii•• Jeule, lIves In Carrizozo, N. M,.I- II IClrvlng In Korca with tho lQGlb

Field ArtJUery Dallallon.Serillant Torrence. Ion of Mr.

lind Mrs. Ullrvoy Torrence, Tren·

~~ac;;'~'io ~nl:red~:n'=~1: ~~~~~~~~~~~';,~~~·ii~~~~..~;"~~~"~ii~'~;~ii~~~i';' ~;:~~'~a~i~ii~~ii~~F~". 1950 llnd hlllJ been ovotseas .Ineo • ' , -Illat Peccmbcr. •,


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Page 5: I ",, I. "I ~'" ,. ". 'SCOOP!· • • SUBSCRIPTION $2.5~ P.r Y••,. 1 ' Tb~Wari'en:BarrettAgency

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24 Modem Cabins

~L~c The Le oi BOel '

• In i Cabin rn the PIn....


Among The Pines

• On The Noisy River

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Fox MercantileWe Give S 6' HCreen Stamps

How Best Can ITell YouThat ILove You, Mother?'


:'. '....:' , .::' < ~" 1 '

" '

A gift is only a symbol of our love, Mother,and it never says just what we want it to.Not only that, mere words cannot conveythe meaning-the closest relationship inan the world.~etweenmother and child•and how we feel about you,Songs ar~ written, poems are made andpaintings. have beel1 done, all in tribute toyou, yet they miss their mark in trying toexpr~ss what is in our hearts,We are"mute in trying to find the waytoM youknow=w~standinawe{)f you,we love you. Those three words, maybe,enn carry some of the power of our devotion.



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Se,.lcft !v_". 21'11I' _1\4

4.h S"MO'

The Chapel is open formeditation and



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: 1 , to ),, .

Burdett-Campbell-SwearinginDependable Insurance

Pllette .n B1d4.... Hew Mnkle

And Mae lector at th.

TIEASURE CHEsT. 223 w. ~ffI4'

. Anti ues, FinePoififih····sjObjeds of Art


'Howd Do!The' ..... J

. "00". . .

,. '. ' . .

Invites You'T,~

t.ftYOUi CarNAl OUtrroat.·IJDot·, ' . ". ..' .. ....

-.()mf sn.e. Y_, .. .... . 1-~~.. " . . ... . .. .' .,·MllIf ,II;: UI\Ii

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From 0. S.T~ and Approved CowaDel1Y~ M YCtV U _ r.,.1I11e 1I1e,. Da1b'. .





ELECTRICMelvin W. Knox \

":":Eledrical Contractor-Pho.23-11 It O. Box 185

• Ruidoso, N. M.J~~~.~,~~-'~.._~'.;-~.. ;.~,~..~.~.~'.~.·~:~~.~'~i.~'.;~i~;~"~'.~.i~i~••~.~.......~·~'$'. ~;~-Wr,~',.~.s;.~·~~;En~'R3·O~;jSwS~n~~5'~~J"U;;i~·~~PCs'~~SS,iS~~9~~~·'SjS'~SU~9n~'~'







-$·-E-:R¥EM 0 R.I'DAJ ttyFOOO~





-Our New Phone' No. 224-01

For-Mother's Day


• Commett. HOte• Stationuy

.. Fin. ToUthiu

And Manyt Many Other Gifts

From our ~ew Enlarged Stock,

w. AI...,. GUt WnpAt No Extra Cod

. .







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( .' " '.. 'M""n b' • .... .' , :'li'Ot;tlUl'~' ($pecl~ll~Ta .. ' .bout'". ' ,.. •. .........•. , " .. J" ~~Il "",rs. '. ,0 cr, ~,ew of. (Ql:lt~n~rl,)\1M ~t~:N¢w M~..

. Gle~l:ae. Are, a~n()lJnf;!SM '~beapo. lelt U:niVc:t;1tYlln4~tQtc:1Qn!t th~..~~ _~1'_~!!!..~.;'~_~~~J:.l!!c ___ .prQ8cpb

Wg marrillie ot lIcr da!,IB}1'"'\:(lI'\Vcmt1<ln Will. llW... !P!t to I( for.."'"=->9V"""~.,...."" -""wY*"""C"""'" teI" '. alS>: AUce Coco to Wj.I~r, .merne~tQt'<tm!ln ,\voO' JUlS tlA'ded

'rJje )1isC<lJ~r9 ~mllrl~anZ.eglo~~JID;th",CcoPPllr, sonGaf Mr.!!l11l "ian ·q!.l(Shl~~lng~9,t~ <m tl\~Pll,5t ~o, ,,8. this year wID sp0nsJ;lt . ~~rs,......... Qoper of . N:en 'l'rl:c! grldlto\:l. '.' '.Justin Mendil%. son of Mt\ and MI'l>. . Wile w~ddlng will take place . Ile is Bm Engmlln, sOn of Mr.14$andro Me.ndl!,?; at. Mesca.!ero,tq J' 1>, 1954 in the Green Tree and ~rs. ft. J, Engrl1lllt' nOW living See U$ For Your Parties .Boys' State to be held in June it ~aptlst CbUt"llh with Rev. J. F. Al- In lluld050, N, M. Engmnn cll~e tothl: COllege of Mines, Socorro, New len QUlclating. .' Eastern frQm Heretordhigh. school RUIDOSO, N. M.'M~lco. .. . Both llttepded Rulc;loso llcbools two years IlgO o.nd ra~icUy t\lrll{ld .

A, new club organb;ed la:;t year,- Illl their lives and are members ot Into II fine defensive halfback ..~ • . 1'011 <IAN BRINQ TOW FJ\1\DLY-the Mescalerof\pa'cbe 1ndtan· wll1l-knQ'!Vn pioneer families. Pat- last year he wns good enough to '

.' 'Women's Club. wID sMnSorll·bt;l.~· fW III to be salutatorh.m for the make the all-New Mexico confer- .:;:::::::::;:::::::::::1:":.:":;:A:Y.:,E:::N:O;:;DAR========:;supper and' b1rlBo at t4e .M<l6Cal~ - pl;"l!Slmt graduating c1aSll. Pete hQs ence team..' :. •C~mm\1l'lity Hall On l?atl1i:dll:Y recently been disCharged from the When 1953 rolled o.round wHh '.' ,~liht, May 8th. Proceedl! wlll 1)e . ' , '., ". NaVY. - .' the national swing to the one-p~- lOBused to rebuUd Jh~~l~g PQoX . " 'i~ .. '. toon system, the ENMU Grey- . ' •located ;lflhe ag~neYt IIp.d 1I1~ tile f '. ,.;" :". _ Hondo Valley Club hound coaches thought EngmlmbUlId4lg ot a llkatl.m: rink wbel'fl {,.,';. '~.. ~ ,;., . could fUl the quarterback slot. HILLthe tennis courts were located,. ;: ~,:f·"\c."'~ InitiaJes 15' New Throughout the season he showed '~. Ell!!n Yazw ill President o~ .. _, '." -' ''''''''''''-'~'''''''''' 4 H _1.._ he could do just that. But hl,l!1hls club, " 8 .'. ' ' ~R"9l( "IlJ~1,11'lII ,1l0TO. • eUUJUl'S strong point Is still as a driving

"l1eMe~alerp' I:)ay .Sc!lQQl Mll OO.-.,&' P mJ.l'$..." ~rril~ tht fb'J~ flTO orfJblal ~,:ea of At an evening IlrogI"llm the Hon- defensive ace. . LODGEhave s.raduatlon exerclse" tOT WW!:!ma "r TIi\:llOJI, .i\fJz.; who m'IUlo ever Cb'awn up- d lei~ do Valle)' 4-H ClUb initiated 15 So wheJ,l spring training beliP,seilClJ.t· eighth ade studepta,. aD. :,",'10 mq;y hit i1m~ fDehldlnl' te~d. ~ the I1IJltb oenilu'J, be new 4-H ClUb members. They are: for tho Greyhounds, work wlU w.. .Ca ~ro mmpnlty __ ltu- fm • . · M ~ ..... ., own, p 0.- Hope SJlva~, Della ~qu~ Vi- ;veal'll before him, he wJU be badly • • • . .dents will ~ter elther ,th~ Albu- own an __ot, fa aCaID tore b a COPJ' ~ a IOJII' ' On tho ola Sanl:hez, Anne Nunez, Kath- needed as a field general •• , lUld SiDUnf,)DI.BuulJ'rMt Mattrel... _.querque ~ool or "~d. vWt.IJII' ill Ihtl!lCIIIj ,oOQC M,hb ~1Ih:l~ wlililh e]QMlUDU Une Cuey, AureUa Pineda Jones, training lIS an offensive worker rt.cho SlJlo Fwauture .. Tiled S'urw... ad IJathaon:.~f ~t!~~,..bfI~f..b\~S·~~~~~: le.!I~-rt ~~P~t'!~J~~tw.~'1" Pete Bowser. Fred Cole, Gene wllJ turn bim Into ;ueh a man. . "W.ththe Wotld', Mo.t Beautiful Yiew'. "", -..,...... .,., F~ 1.1- 7A~''''''''' . TI"',,~ ..... .... ........ - .......,... "'110. Cole, Sammy Montoya J a ck· 'p4ll'Y/sor otHllhway Colli • & . -]HI .. (f&DIe4 ClOP)' oClI,IJ.e ot whtclt, be ~. Thom.. and Stanley ThornQ N" xl a. .. a. ' . ..,J\(aintenanc.~.and wbJ> fa . -'f '.;, .1.'" j ,.", • - !'red l'it-worth was In c:har;e 01 OW ........0 • CO~'preiren~Commander of the Mea-~ GaUHl • Coal". Equlpmont the InIUatton, A degt.anstr.UOIl of Officials Meet Here . Girl Scouts Plan GUlL SCOUT NEWS~;:., d~J:fcf~~O::.::~ ~tral qrW, in downt<rrro Ilul" & lleeonzed ~~~e:~d~:~~tl~~~ Twenty..fivo New Mo.x.Ie:o Am*- Dar Cunp In June lDt-eraetl1ale Tn•• N•• 1 •er at the Dllbict American LeatOn ~~I wIDbe'()~n ~~~WlIn.flSJ2r . 'Dr ""___ TftiworUl, Mra. Ch.lrlei lean AutO'l1lObUe ~1.UQn rep. ~.,.lUA¥.'tNNB1II4S!~J) - W. want. to thank tho membera

- meeUnc hetd,at CJnizo. New14ex-'f'e·, aumml:r ~ ........-en... ....Ill ~ ~1l'8D18D '. J'uUer and Mr. Gardner, ~ntaUv~ from cl\\!:ie ~ Albu- ....0 ne1l~bodu»dc; committee of the Woman'. Club, who are ou.rleo. on April 24. "rgfm:rn:f-:e~ ~n,,~~.., CarmQU Ph.WJ~ llufdoeo&o- A cake walk: to nlJe money to ¥::J'quo. Banta 1'0. BUver' 011.1, rrd arooPc~:deJ'S are ~lannill.. IPOOIOrIt tor their kind .ttendance~. x.ew.. H. CorblQ reported tral Bar ' t"~o....... ... loll'llpher, PYa Call mo Lue: .. help .tmd club members to camp CruCOl, Carllbad\Lot Al.m~l diVOt 871 BP!~ 'both IntenD.. and nlcerefrelhrnentlt at 0\U' In-

for duty at tho 'nflYr IIUlIntenance" w.hlle vWUna the Navajo . it Wat beld at the tinal event of the E1 PlIO I1'Id oUler PClIlIU, .1t1tt<l~ \I 0 I1'Id row...e 8cOuu. The' veaUture April 11,endnen- on Mond.,., l(a,.: ~. J4. OABD or 'l'BANKS .bout mJdnfcl\t S.turday nfcb~ • eveninr. Tho club raised $U.OO in a~ conference here'lut :me~!.!tm~Zkin June, !lon- About eleven teeC!ived thOU' OldCorbin and~ came here~m 1 wish t take tbII' tbod f prowler en~ his 'car and ~ tbLs way. The room wu well dec- mfd-weele at Navajo LoclICt. Le.d- ay ..... 1 from $1:,,0 •• Scout pins, nine rec:olved aec:ondI+P)uqllerque• .New Jlexteo, wbl!re ~ay~~ you to d~ moved'. liiIlIt' cue In which M orated ll,T • cornmlttCle of ....n era tlo1d1n1 ..1.. aeal~ AAd Mr- ~un~:3~~l' eae:!Mlay~e clua bad(e. lUld Qne-~&l'=

. ~:J0=lKt.~ffg:eiL:M:i ~~~0~J:3$nl~L.:' t:a~~~~~~nt1,OOO In Elbo- ¥he:n~;~ttU:o~ ~:: ~:~Wo~~~~f:d:f ~n:~ fu3 ~r ·Scout. Xfi ",lltl'laU; r:race:~~ fJlUIOI~yrSeout-~.!~ol'C~= ~'o:·.~'f'r~ It:J~ ~: ~d~in~af~:: 'bome.1':J:o=-~'\~= ~~:;~d~::;the dub are 1~~l~odJ:6:~~U'w;'x'rt£Tm~u~.fn: '1ira. Dram VMdtratok wu our...... of thb ::rear. Lo~ ih ·anti:Mr:t R ~ H boo tumed lmmediatel1 to the hotel Mra. J_ J.ata and Mr. J. P. Me:- lell~ral m&naler o~ tb~ New Hex- .. or re.-tmId ~t. onlY. ~ .peQU' at the InvatUturo.~_~ ~~}ht nge8'~~~ 11ew ,ood of J'qre.t Home, 14;" W.&er and te1~8<l tor,.poUCfl aid, KnfKh~ aailtant leader, ~, J. P. ~1I!°1~ Clmub ~1.t1Io¥)i CUff JtoJb~~Plt~ID 'l- dcUVlded into s~:' told ut .bout tuUp fteldJ, the... ew ...........17 on . ,.,.......,. Jr{a1 of Mldw. Co~ I d itr and Almoat at the same timo H.pp,. :McI(nICht. y~.. A>uar: 0, ..ex,. II" man- I' ... W ... III .e. or .nd u- cl..... tho tarll'l. and tna!1Y of th.:a, where abe wID take part mtblt '14ft, LltUl 01 Horae~hoe Courts !to,f_Thoma.. entertainer' at the OW' next 'meetinMUl bo May ;.!er tor tho Texu PlJfhandle. and 4utant luder for each Wllt. There euatorna lQ Bolland. 6bt also

r;:c.mdtnr~~'Sh~~~~~~~o:ltr:~:'~:dvf~")~~ort~Jff1=~ l' ~t uon~o HlIIl 001. for't~~r.~~~~:\r: ~n~ :t1e~:~ ~t':Uaiam: ~;~hto·:~:==~~of the main apea!cm.t thb l!ro- could Ita¥. with each 0; y!lUr-and She anUttd, Irowled and renoral- BOWL'DII SOLI) .re.. It was tho f:lJtt time the tr I pat"tnt. who ~ fl.lmbh &n7 very much.

I ~k." I . tor the lh.l1doto New.. thanb I)' expreaed tho Idea that lOme- BANQ11BT AND DANOI: lrouP has met In :Ru.ldCllO, fa~rtat!fl1._ared urced to con- We want to 1hanlc tM poop!.a ani Urne ~t ot the .nJn I'U be 1n r b thing was amlll. NotIn, her un- TIl, rotxed bowl1n. leacuo beJd' , c ...e, ..'0"" aUlhteT'. rftPeee of llu.ldOlO, H01l1wooc1 and Green

~~~~ten,dlld suddenly .t rune'17th. lee' )'01.1, opo, eulJieu. Thomas ~apped on a • dliuler .nd dance Tbunda, Ho.pita) N g"':..ontroop leader or Mra. Pede Tree for buyJnj our Girl Scout--'Aba-..;l'b0 boon A~31l0._ .._ Mn, W. n. Ware Idalou. Tex. 1Iuh1i1ht jurt In Ume to catch in nJlbt. Aprll 3D, .t c.rt1%o x..oo",. ~ ews • Itt' ehlnalnnanG of~nelJb\lOr cookl.., AU thnie troo~ 8en1o~1

, 1. ....wey. Wat ' Its beam a figure lurldn. at • PieHnt we\'tl J,f~. and M-. c:omm eo reen u"'V. Brownie; ""d InlermCdJ.~ IOlQ~ID to lleV

th' d Hn. Wen4eU llulb, w•• alIo bom ~:Mr, and nearby bulldlni. Tho man, desctlb- dam~Sid CourveUe/ Weldoo Oar- . Tho DOWa .t the hOlPltal thll • fWe plan, to otter a full pro,ram $280.00 worth or cook1t1.

_...._"".n~o.t e :Mescalero J!ptpltal Kr:t. Fred CollWle:M .t the Mea- ed at wearllll: • white ah1rt .and nul BoD MOOI'O. :Hel F.l1rbI.Qb 01 week WB that twJnJ were bom to 0 oUMoor <:lpJlp craft, Jneludfn, We ar1l'DOW our da)t!l? A¥.,rU 21. A baj!J!;1. calero Hl»pltal on A:iPr1liii23iii'iiiiiii~ probab17 blue Jeana. duhod ott as ),'C!r .o.c:ar ·8amelJon. Jade Mr, and Mn. Allen It. SherrW..l CJIu mp ..~el')', luhln,. conterY.- eamp lor tho Unt weele of June.

- lOOn as he Wd I~tted In the DIPaolo,~~ WrlKht. Bob HoUl. CapItan. A daUlhter, wel.etltna., em,....c1n. and lame.. Patent. Dy AAlItant Bc:rlbo-" 11th.. Thomu Ald. GolQl to the «nd Oene~~ llob!l1lQo J~ e 0%., and a IOn, mlct!b2, &1'Cl

1• Invited to como to camp and Jera!Jtnno MAIM",

., .. 'POt wlm'o he bad Men the man. and ElIlo Evjen. 3 IbII., 12 0%. arrived 011 Ma,. 3. v alt ut .t 11'11 time. ~. ~__--• Thomu recovered Ph1lUpl' cue 01 . Born, to Mr. and Mn. Lawrence We are VOl')' happy to have a BETA II~OHA 1"10 MEETS• equipment unopened and uncWn- Mr, anet Jrn. EmNt Wll10n and Tafoyah. nufd~, • aon, wellhln, ~~ tsJ'OOP leader. She l6 Mn. Vir· Phi c:bllpter ot Beta Bltma Phi.,ed. twin 00"1 or 11¢17w00d left e.rl,. 7 lbi.. April 30, .....,1. )J)ear, who will bo In char,e met Mon~ evtnlnl, April 25 at Ut:KEroaD trruDlNTS

POST 0(flCE 0l0CK Returned to PhllUPI, he dcclar- th" week lor Lon, Beach. Callr, P,UlllIla recelyln. treatmllllt the 0tof ~n~llrtoot rank. We abo want tho homo of Mildred Hawkln,. Tho VISIT Itt1lDOSORUIDOSO. NEW MEXl<» eel be wu probablY the luckiest to fett theb: IOn Jack who hal $UIl lalt lOVeflll daYI In nuldOflo-Hon- wlank her hwband, Mr. OdeU now pruldent. Lou Horton. pre- For their end-ot-,c1l.001 trip,

man In tho countg'. 'PeaCfl olflcen, rl1ltumed to tbc StAlea ~r 17 ~~"'yaUoy Oeneral Jlospltal bave Bpearr:.nd bb Boy Scouts. tor vol- ,Ided during tho bUlllneu mceUn". Uel1lford. Tcx., U1ah School StD­led by Cit)' Mal'l1ial Dewey Oann '1'nOl1th1 In Kere.. Jack fa In the """,,: unteorWI' to crect our Ull' polo 1..01110 ChUbbuck WllJ prolram lol'll, IOmo faculty memben andwere un.Wo to ple:k up tho tradINaV1 and ho and the tam1l.7 are Henld 1), PQj)Ct, CanUo%()i caUJ- Md c~fllP nrc /lhcJJ at our dll1 leader lind wu .bly usilSted by 'PQOJOI"lI, numbcrlO. 100 In au. .r-qf the would-be robber. expected bac:Jt In Ruidoso satUr-1 erlno nora. Rotwelli. Jalce Ram- ~p, Jo Leland who lave 0 most In- riVed heN! Tbul'Idll,Y tor tho week-

~.....----- d.)'~ Irc. A1lJmc~()rd0.i, J. MI!N~, tclre,lln, cUlCUlllon of tho Daha'i end, Tl!.ey ani .la7In, at NavajoPIT BAa-B-Q STAND Hn. J. A. Tcmen of San Ancelo G~ Trft: Mrs. vfvcm GonzalOl, TULAft08A LIONS mnt£ Temple at Wtlmlltto, m. Uostellea LodJ(!. TIlIa Ia tho third year thoOPENS AT 3UN0'l10N And Mn. LJ1lIll Graham and MI'I. loin. Pat Simofll, MI'I. Viol. San- IForty-/l(lycn Tullll"OlUl Lions and for tho evcmlnlt were Lillian Dar- Uorelord mlh School Bc:nlora have

Don TrIpp and Fred Griswell Carrle LaulbUn ll1so of Ban An- chez. John ~rkle, Ruldo:o. w vC!llThaue~~,c:d II LodlCll Nile Do.n- nett QIld JOin Lamb. vllited here.IlIvo opened tho Pit Ba.r-B-Q /eclo, arrived In RUIdOtO this week. quet Ur~l1Y. April 20. at the -:::~~==-=-::~~.~~~~,;,;,;;;~;;;;,;;.:.---------lltand attJacmt to Ruidoso June- Mra. OrublUn .nd MI'I. .Lauthlln DONOK STUDENTS NavllJo Lod,c. A IIp<<lnl IlmOrllll-tJon. and .ro otterln, a:rndwlc:heI, a IUJM\er cabin b~11l on }'Int nOM CAPITAN bord dlMer WWI ccrvc:d. Dingo and .IOtt drfnU. e:MdIe5 and Q vnrloty Btreet and,pent tho Jut five 8EE MOvm UEaE dandng were (injoyed durinSl tho Ellftlc.a aotenu.Uc Etoetrlo V~... Sweeten01 barbeeuo for tAko-homo orden aummm hlal'O. HI'I. Terrell 1'0- About 25 NnUonlll Honor lltu; ct\'(inlng. I'1eIllo 311I" .. "leUllln ISetU.. • W...lebMJretllor to eat there In the WAd)' parle turned to 8M ,,"Ielo the latter dents or CapUlin IIfIh !khool, In .aNSWL:. _. 0 a.lt8~ W.1ft' Cans • ClMh- flam.......nCAr the ltatfcm. put of tho week. c:omJJ,:!rI)' with~ IJ)Oneor, A. J, Dlv-'" t>........"" ALL ... '"", ' " . , ma...lWl~ Pueblo Theatre hue Holbwood. Omm Tree, RUldo:o SplIrtamall'. CaPl • FWtIq Tackle~ Tue!ldoy nlgbt lont WI!t'Jc. Th.oy and tho FOl't'l:t BuNleO o~wored Oarbqe CaDs .. Baelld.t loll" Tlabtl

• . mado tho tr!p viII cdlool bulL lIl:- .fJCA" to the buUdlnR which homed PIaaUc and allllbtr Oa~ UNCI " 8prlailiera

W'U Be Gladcordlnl to Thl!lltro OwDlU' J. C. Il l1Illc MCOM' &rvlco StDtlQU nndCoPP2- vlnl qWlrtl!1'll Wl!llt 01 lluldo:oe. ,Junc:Uan on U. S. ll1ihWlly 70 I4rlt

• • nOM EL PASO wet!k-end. quickly dOUlllnll a tire.M..... Victor Moore llJld J.en. Vic- 'l!:2Mbulldlnll lD owned by W. n,

fo checlic your car from u.m to 111m tor, Jr., and othor ml!mbtl"ll ot tbe ........

• • •1__ .&.1__• 1.,_.uL_. _..1... • lrtllfl of tho Southwestern CbU·

~.......... IM-U_"~.&'_" dren'll Homo of E1 PAID, were httro

Plttll1r _.:II_lIor __ ..I ..'L.~ !m-.......... Sundl1,y 1mIJcJn. PrtlpllnlUonll to-,.., ...~ auy, o~ .t""..&aa.W> aJl4ltl thCllt cummcr camp IlOOl1 ntor

polnU ••• do,' trouhI.WO" it sfa1U. the old gmdll school ItJr thclrchatlClL

W. Ha,.. DIMtl FntI TmtU'~-n""":'A~NC""":'E8-fJ-tT-"'_EARL..'8_ NIck DiPaolo lind orchestm 01Lubtloek. Tex.• wiU ptl1,y tor dances


. Sunday Wlht. BlI1 RHd & 111I'. .' Unc:oli'J Ccunty DoYli wUJ be pll1.Y•Oft Hlfty 70 - tltOJ!l. 133"91 . ~~~ranCInR lrtarlD lit g p. m.. ClllCh IIw.V~ CIH!1 EYerr OuThal W. WMh HAVE oaANDSON

~!~~•••~"~,••••••"""•••••••",,, Mr. and ltra. J. JL MorrfJ of. . . . Ruf~ were pmutil.1 ttlU1ng or

. lhetr flnt IWIdchUd. 0 boy, bt:1mMay 2 to Mr, nnd MI'1l. HowardM'otr1a In La ,Junta. Coto, Thoyounpter, n Iil m (! d Joe 8c(rtt"wetgtied 1 Ibs.. 2 oz.

. -The Dill Mnrlowa, fcrm.erly op.

WIlen of the RuldoM BowUil,Alley In downtown RuJdcsn. whldlWall deIDoyed tw tire lnst ~.rt:POrt tho toum{ ccurt, the Ala­Motel. em U. S. HJlhway 70 smrth Iof AtmMgordo. wUl be cpm to \bopuhUe In about two~ Theyare to mnna(tl the new c:curt. ,



, ..' .;" ", .1f '

Page 6: I ",, I. "I ~'" ,. ". 'SCOOP!· • • SUBSCRIPTION $2.5~ P.r Y••,. 1 ' Tb~Wari'en:BarrettAgency







•> &







Ruidoso, New Mexico• !


'."',' ... ,. "

Right On The Comer


. .'


"'" u


,". ...t





. "... ,.

WE DO NOT saVE LVNOBUDul.-.tat..- to apecla1 parUes, For reHfYaUOI1I for breaktutI.lunl:b~lU or dlnnC!N tor speela1 occulona or CTOUllItpbone H-OJ,ova Nd SCUEDVLE STAaTINO nIDAY, HAY 1&

01Iea 'I :It II, .. , ... 1SftUfu&.:It 'M DInerTHE BBICKELS

,Bring Your Mother To - • - \ .


/;l AlW 'Dinin{} fRoom IYour Favorite Dlnlng Room it AUJ(O~ ~

For Dinner from 5:30 to 9 p. m. on Pl.. S~ ad Car100a

. On Mother's Day SUNDAY:MONDAYHi·Openlng Saturday, May 8, with Dbmen .

Each Day 5:30 to 9 p. m.


... ,..

While They Last . _.


In ('oroluroJ. (10tlolUl, Wuhabh. Perraan,nll'll'alt-d OrlDIUI, Valu.. 10 17."


HUll II I'f'W HI.1'lI Ll'fl. Exe'IIUanaJ Valan,1'0....1' '17.t~NOW


Th080 and many moro Values aro offered as

Sweaten- ,

FIaaJ Mal'1l·Dflrn. 8WI ..... ., T"-e ~

We" TJtnt. YOn OBotCE


MOdred Helma In P. o. Block

- . ,

Rig~t On Th. Pric.

.' '. D ,ETRuidosO, ·.w Metlco ',~. ',','.123-01

'., r , ...

, 'Do ~ot Otvlook Your FroDtJe~ j

w. wm ~\f. Soma HOT ~,,~~Week.j 1,1,. . . . .

• t~ .J .","",

ClUSCO ~(jIj.~G ." .~sEB .I ...... J'aU __••__*_....;._+~ ..__.... '. ' 'pi.~ •• l.:",.. ,.'-..c

, , II I I I I _ ',." ~• ,~ I ..... ~1" • II

_................................. . SUc.1U " . 1eo~' "SUGAR AIIC1.1., .•JllI" • 1"- " • ~ ..Free Ordd" t. All IhUlenI

.. lIetiIeI'a Da7 8......• Pl.. New. ... C&rtMII:- .. .~ ..~ .......-_......._---...,...__.__:

•- TUES•• nz:.u. .-.",__1_.----...--......

OLEO -Xbnbel1 "C.=_ MARKE.T = IOCIS I?r:~:' ~.e ~ u4t;-.Qurten -_..~- u..&1 q . ; ,

TOMAtoES l'4CA o.H' ca:if..... __ u HI c.•. 0sa1T




u., ~ ,'if ,., ... , . r ~ . '"' ,". " ;,- ,.,.' " , " ' _' ' , ," ~ , . ., -', ._,' " .. ",','. ' ," .."\ .- ,,' - , A',,' ,f" "'"r- i:;.l-- .. ·f,.'.':',i.~:.·,_ .. -,:,-;, -"""~'-""'.'. "<"',"',,"';-,;,",,.~ ;"1',,,-,,/'.', ..'(',', ,t,;:,:"t',,".-

l~>" .",,' ';;":';:1", ":',', ~ ..;, ,,'-:~\. ""'1""" ljo. , " ,', I, ", { if' ~ " ',' .'''"", j. , ",,' • l • • , ,'~ 1, . "'. \. ' • oM ' .: i '

"",' '.' .':' f" .-",:_:," " " , .• ',' ""," ,

, ,",::' 'i ' ..~. , ' .. ,: ,,-",," '. - ,'" ~-~;.•,'"t,'· :" '.' " - , " ... ; i}' -:-, " c. . . "'. ... • .'

_ , ,.~, , ~ __ " ' J '.' ,,< .,','" \ - • ,:'

i·····················..••••••••••...·~·····!···\"~\"\"·!'·1I!····l!·~~"'~·,·"'·~···.~"'''''''·~·'''·'!!'''.''''' ..··''lIi~~;".,: . . ....... ....•. 'J.l(.r~;":• ~r~....~·~l"!·;";~~'!'~ldtI;:.; . . ".·.:r.nif"J~;'~",a ..' .• • tuted· '.' ". e' Uexk~j.;,;i'· JJevi••.........)J).,I.....\'fjZ~A1.!..r.~\e 11' . BAU1S8~ct ;'

•: .••=~tlfoo~n-~1qli!j:;.•·!tm..~~khlied:~~j j.:..,'.:.... '~~~~~ti~;t:~~:J. 0 •

.... %09..... wen 4",~ . .' t:l ...~ .. ,.... ~' .. , .' ..", 1 . Ruldoilcl: ' •• £a~ U1~itPtaltQ ~* .·..~9!n~.r \ .' .,s~~l!X'/ ~~~JQ .. J!flree'~~1ha• '

• .~...• 'Y-~d"; sBeIriYcl!e·nl1. ··ulC)Qn·~" .We'",eI'eMXJ'1><1. .,t•....' .• tor.~.:Ul\'Yd·~t!1r·':bllclt;.1d.J

• .. '" ", d~" ...." ue lB.. Very .a. ..0. .,..• . .,. ... ..... .,.. ,,~ .. ... .' ' ...,. , ""Ns .•~\ldi.:q. $I) .i@1.~ .tllr .;li1,$1m,<,.,.e.7:,• < • Wig llDd.·~ ··iulltlim ago; the owp... . ,~

• • ~lI, J.<fr', andftfl. C~J.<~2"Or:o " ~. CJiQ:~beJ paJ:kei~ '~i.=tnV;hfPAA.\ntar=7:e 'Ul~~t'" . \'. ·lnUt~ COlllmlU»ty ~l:IJ g' .' .. ce• • I .' .... P~C?Vg 1 .... POP. . Year"', ottIce, • • .• ".found ""Ntlg~,rpprovem~t. ba,y~ . . . .';,beJ;'a1l1 l\4ayers, ate. bere~or

-' . • jn~l,lded te~tlnl llDd miDtsbr·tbe·ll~mer, 'n1ey·ve'bCle~.Ulesa.

: ~.,\-" FRIDAY"SATURDAY NIGH·IS · . =::t~. ==~~=n'b~:e:'t~g' ' ~"th!llJiSt S!lv.~Jw~,: ~.,., • gUarferlj WeN buUt in the B~IJIO:rl'~~lil~~b~b::wl~"::1lO!ai• • . - ,f"" '1;IlooIXI, to. be Ute DeJ30rdtl' pel10plll QIJ .* ~.P4 ~ ...0 1iV,lI&. .. < l!l.• M 78-Startin· 9 'Til' ·qUilrte.... I . • t!Je h!tJlq... s~ ~ "Ic_~)"• • "1 ay.. . . g p. m" .• ;; beVf!t}fft1~~_~~blth~urnco·~e=gs~o ·~g..~,'()~-<~i;~~tJ;·. :* ~t~:I&:f"4=':• • ............ ...."..... l"'f!jk It .....~ liI........ I'bI .' j. lUi ..... , *1 &0..: ~i NICK DIPAOLO AND ORCHESTRA =:e;~d~~esom~time in ar.'!r~tTy~~'~tT~ =N:~ct';~:;=;~=.... "! • • •.'. HenryJJe(lk of lclalou; ~!lX" W!U .... '~hi';-:"~~~lIl == llefC, tl·. ~ 1~' . "~• ' • UP fo~a feV{ daYlii laat weelt.JJJit'I4u, rMia"'~ ~'jll~ ," CAllIi~H ..tllf.\;!...· J'JI9fo.

: SUNDAY NlGHT " E.' r

5 ". ~1~ ~' , May 9-Starting 9.p. m. 'Til? 'i. GET YQU'R TIeKETS-A': RAY REED AND HIS =. Don't Fot"e! ~·,~t;W~~.··GlVbig•~~ WWs·.: r".J~.~!w:.•.(,.,..,... LINCO'LN C'OUNTY BOYS, ' '... Every DQIUar 1'0'" ~peDd ,~ ·l1.t 9J* ,June' 1.~~

"1 WIll WID a NewWonderbjr Elec;trlc: Rffrig'"emor snad8 .J. J}',. , ~.

• .•.:... • .• .• • MZ "sm.l~' . " ' .

•= RUIDOSO SKATELAN.D' B,At,LRO'0,·M' ..' =.. Below·~~~. r"'Qf the ~e~ rou~ ..~~.Bo~U'.. PrIced'u Cb,-p ·uYouc.B1l1 Them Anywhere UI 'iht,u: .$•.: ~ . '. I 210 POui)d i1ttck BUtt ' 1~.';~ ~ ,= Admission-$l.OO Per Person 'I J.. ~1.. P1~oOd

'"!!!!..ITI' TO nONoa For lOme It Wat their 11m try at water dtuatlon Tuesday atternoon .~'.~is' " ~a~ Y'au' Ar::.h"':·."JJ,~ t" an··.::la 'Ir'on 'D.00'.: f'm"g' , . '.~'. '~.• ,,' • per, '.....~,"',,' .JlVA""'S IN Burna trout fllbln" Dat, u.ed wa. dllen, at Caqizozo. ,-011--'" ..o~':.~· ....~..~ . , WI': at. .,.. +. . Q _

In honor of theIr Mothen. tbe WormJ or citator., an4 lOme ar· , ..". ......... 4 '......... ...........-.k', , AU'Types' of W<l.lTh"';....ds P . i. .&'" 'o;~memben ot tbe lacal chapter of an,." nat fJah. Shaul had reperil Bt1ILJ)INOrDJllT8~r.fZJl1UJl.ermart haa return· I"~~'- - . . ~"IYC:U am" ~y~~()rSBettI SI.cma Phi w1Jl be boat"", of lOme llmlt. taken. lie call. at- I'Oa AI'IUL TOTAL e4 trOD) lUi eJetended vJaU Ju the For your nice vote in PlyW9QdS I . Hm.. ty Electric' Lawn Mow.ers,.tor a cove~d lUsh dinner Monday. tenUon to the mOlt frequent of· .SI.... IN aomolJo ~.a" He reJl9l'ta two unusual aport ., CMar 10. at 8:10rf.' m. The dinner fmc. - atrlJl,ln. two to four City merk C. A. Culver thJa ~PWlIn"ln two .ucc....v. daYJ. the pnmary. ru do my .ol.'llnlodes Power M6w.ers 'wU be held.t ob liJII ne.taur~ cutclle. on on. lirln,ir. week f8pC!rled bul1dlnl.Ptn-rUtflor «nw ·~t1nt apd' only Jr'Y b st t' '. 't . . ' Lava'torl'es Ml'.lorgam·te 1l',.........iliz·.e.rant Elteh member will brlnll a ~prJl In nUldoao lotale.d '25 000. . o~ "Determlne If eyer to win e 0 men your SUJr J,' ~"rovered dl.h II1Id will InvJl4l their TO BUY IUr They woro Juued as tollow.: Now the Kentucky Derby- 'Ind the fol- port ;Bath Tubs Lawn & Garden Toolmothl!r or a friend II their ruc:.t Ruldoao Vlllal' Council haa ou~ homell, tour: tourist cabln, 1: prl- 10wlnl6 day In St., LollJl he IIlW ' .. . . . Slor tho acca.lon, Ihortzed tho city waler deportment vato ,arago, Ij .ludlo, Ii nuraea' Stan Musial break tho world', ree~ FBANK BARAJAS Steel Showers Water HoseFlRIIINO IN NOOAL LAKE to purchoso • new Jeep to replaco home. Ii. ahed, I; alteral ona and ord for number of homo I'WIJ (5) , .' ;, . I I ' , .: ' Pipe & Fittings Cam'pI'n'g Equl'pmentREPORTED 'OOOD' tho ID48 model. Did. ore to bel ro~ repalra, is. In II double header. , " , , "b

('elVrd trom thrt'o Jeep doo.lccfl for ' Sprm'gs S ,..;., G dsDid,,,, I Worden John Shoul at Ihe purchoso, It was voted, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "por"&./l.g 00

Ihe NllW M"XI"u IJopnrtmcJnI otI . 'IIKattresses R!lum" bn.l FI.h '''(>arta DOmo TO OARRI7.oZO That DeUc10Ul Old-Time 11 ...y~ everewareIIlIlIhly 1101,,1 Ilahlllll Inal wcC!k 11\ I Moyor Dtln Swenrlnllin and City Glass Electrical SuppliesNUlla I Lok.,. II.. callmlll... lhlll well TruslcoD S. K. Kuykendall lind PIT BAR BQ R 11 B d"Y'" a hund'l'd Ilahl'T'm..n. Jarlll'I, I Ilnrold Junel met with a proup at " • • . 0 away e s Ea'O'e TroughsIrllm f1".wt'1l Dnd Ah. II1Ollordo., Cnpltnn nnd ("OrT17.o%O otllclolli In- THE A T RE Diamond Edge Tools for Sacre'te Ready.MIX' Concretewrrl' Ir)'lIlll lhelr lurk uri RUIlIlu)' loro.ted In dlll('ulUllng tho Donlto TO GO . It

••••••••••••••••••••••••••-............ No~:~;..=e4 Home Craftsmen Floor Covering(Cooked wUh Oak Wood) • • • Garbage Cans. Appliances

ECKERT'S BAR"B.Q CAFE SATURDAY ONLY Good Wood Burning Heaters Paint Brushes~ Don't Forget-ThIs Is the Only Place In LIncoln County

Highway 70 Hollywood ~v. \ You Can Buy Genuine .Congoleum 9x12 Rugs for Only••~.~~.~~••!!~~.!!.~~~!••••~................... ~~1r,!I-


Bonnell Hdwe. & BUilding SuppliesBolC 1640 '" 'hoM. 122-01

_-;-1:~-1II1 =-:;i 'III I 11I1. 1111_:

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