
I * . . • . . ., .

J_, lll , lta.

Dotar lila• Po\l'lldr l

t .. oaolo•lac ...,\her .,.,., or ._..,..uee loneH.

!'baDk ,.,.,. eo .ah ror MD4llac ..,_ ru u.

Mho A. s. l'eUulc,

I ~ 8 . t: . klo\1;</

I'J'lft\o S...""F•

l oUou\ Co-or41MUJ!« Coollluoo,

uo •••• ~\h ~"'··'· lew Yotlc, low 'lOJ'lc.



LIS'r OF LETD!lS niCII n:h"'l' TO IIISS JII!LUCX JA.WAllY 31, 1939,

Helene Boll on behalf or Dr . Feli x Lo~antha1 D9cember 10 , 19)8

Zrnot Worits Daniel, Berli.D I. 50, Regenaburgeratr. 25, JIU!.UJ>r7 3, 1939.

llax Bers)loimer, 53 Wetealf Street,

Oellale Blel, Solotwty. woJ. Stanielawow, Fblan4.

Now Be.rn, llorth December 25 , 1938.

Ch, Beclceriii&D, Lo4s. December 30, 1938.

Dr. Ernst llorgentlwl, ll~deburg (OerJOIUIT) , II, lantatr . 12.

December 31, 1938.

llr. A lira. DflT14 J:pohi.D , Bor min Stroot 12 - III, N. o. 18. Berli.D. December 15, 1938.

Rota Strauatlar, Bodonin , C. S. R. llaevyla>vo nam. 21. December 21, 1938,

IIU«O Brull, rarmer 1n Sanbeltdorf, Bovaria near Liehtenhlt, Oe~. December 27, 1938.

!rnat BoineliiiUUl, Gerl in-Baloneee, Joa~Priodriehttr. 32 Oth. pt. Deeenber 22. l 93ij .

Aleltt\ndor Paeh, lien, II, Betirk Obara Donanetra .. e 63/35,

January 11, 1939 .

Julian Glao, Pr&«uo XIII, To1otaho 4 . January 13, 1939,

Gerd.& Abraham. Borli.D, Cbarlottenburg 4, Oioaobreehtatr 4, Jan, 17, 1939.

Gruber talo, l!udap eat, VII , No!olajta. I , 50. III. 3

Benriotta Leicbner, 1 • 11 ..;~ loz.Jf :Sarl1n-Cbarlotte!1burg, ~.._ /'

S)>bolatr. 66, J""""'rT 2, 1939.

0, ha.nltenborg, 10, Bo.rnton Roa4, Groanaide, Johannesburg, (s. Atr.) December 17, 1938.

falter hled, Ofien'Ncl> o/11, IAldwigatr. 68. December 22 , 1938.

Paul Prancke1 , Bamburg 13. Bcrnatreet 22 Ill. 8 , 1939. Simcn , Bruttig (lloeelle). (Son - 1111an, ltalT, Via Plinio f 2) NoTember 6, 1938.

Ilorbert Se1l1g , Berlin r . 30, llartin-Luthorotraeoo 83. DaeoJIIber 29, 1938.

B. S)>rin,ger, Prac II, Pantb llr. 16. Dococaber 20, 1938.

Releoo Boll, 271 Beacon Street, Booton , llaaoacbusetta.

Ohiel Silber, Bera.aow So.ndomiersk1, Poland. January 12, 1939 .

I }

.\prll 6 , 1939.

bear Mloo Po\lwckl

I .. \rMiai\\lJIIl horowUh ano\h~r lfi'OilP or ap.-lo

troa tore~ ol\la~.

AcaSA I _, \o unre 70il or our "l'llreola\lOD or

j 1 ./

R. s. llo\le Pl'lYa\1 ~re\ft17o

Mloo A. s . Po\luck, la\loll&l Co-ort!An\1111; Co_,\ ~•~.

166 leo \ 46\h S\roo\, Mow York, Now York.

'lbcl oourea. "."" ' /A.b ..

Llet ot Letter• Referr.t to ~~ P•tluek 4/ 6/39

h1e4.rlch Seh=&hl, ( C..,t&b or llo,..o) •s.eM&, nn, Lerch.Dfel~r.tra.e• 54, 11/1?

on,, ,....,. •• ~tal.3. FebN!Iol7 28, 1939.

W.rtl= Ha=bQrcer , lel'llD, 1 .30. Rohene&t.ut-.Attr. <1.2. W..rcb S, 1939.

J, Drenlor, Ir~•. c/o Dr. lastarbercer, ul. loeclu.skl 32. liard> 6, 1939 .

h14or nauber. Ottu'oaeh & . ta..

Vltteleeeetr .. ae 31. Marc..~ 7, 1939.

Krt. Lube SehwcU, 1\l.nbarc-, Sartorlv..a StrMt 4, SeeozuS. rloor. March ? • 1939 ..

Sou, ws.ubn.m, hlkupl&h 18, Bern, Switaerl&n~ Warch 23, 1939.

Ouo Sehl ..;u, Ul ear• ot Ida S.i&h 186 t.c&•&t ..... ~. lrou, .... Tort Cit)'. IOo.rc.b 10. 1939.

~· Sc:ba11 J.U, O.oa, •1A Paleetro, 1~. h~. IOo.rc.b 12, 1939.

Oriel &a.telberc. Jerlt.a-ch.t.rlotteD'bur& 15, Lletaeneee-Vter 10. llarch 13, 1939.

lrnu t Pltnn~ . Vlenn. 6, Reinprechte4orterttraeee 87. Vhnna. Karch 17. 1g39,

Albert!at.M, I . 1. 'f. J'abr1lt, tlll.uel4ort, Poet ottl~• JJo, 6.10. OD.4atM.

llac• lroaiberc. 1'. 30 Se~~lscheetr. a. a.rliJl. Febnaf'J 8, 1939.


Letters llailed to IUaa A. S. Potluck llay 4, 1939.

Benja.~n Sonnenschein, Huaiatyn, Poland. Translated April 24, 1939.

Ludwig Hamburger, Oloa>;)uc. c.s.R. Ztracena ul. 35. )larch 19 , 1939 .

Siegfried Guaatein, Stein a/ffnein, Switzerland. llarch 22, 1939.

lladam L. Kolb Freitag, 112 Rue Lacondamine , Paris. llarch 24, 1939,

Fritz and Franziaka Morgenstern , Prague X. Kral orslta 68, Prague. lolarch 26, 1939,

Alfred Walters, Bad Ischl, Ober Dona>.1 - Germny, Leitenbergeratrasae. (Postmarked Port Washington, Wisconsin -April 1 , 1939.)

Gustav H. Schulhof, Am. Consul , Praha, Bohemia, Havelska 9#, Tachech. April :;, 1939.

Wolf l.!orgentau, (No envelope was returned with the t ranslation, and r was unable to de ter­mine any address or date from the original l e tter.)

Konatantia Klein Vienna 110, llitterberggaaee 19/19. A:oril 1, 1939,

Hans Yollberg, Oranjelaau 33, Soestdijk, Holland. April 4 , 1939.

llrs . Friedel Nemrow nee Neuatadte Eri ch Nemrow, Bochum, Markiachestrasse 11. .April 4, 1939 .

Paul Hunyadi, Hungary , Buda!Jes t . IV Rigi Pos ta ~ Y-G, IV 153, April 5, 1939.

Dr.~ De:~:~tel 1Arany Bika0 ,

Hungary. April 10, 1939,

Dr. George Cohn, Berlin S. 0.36, 34 Oranienstr. April 10, 1939,

Alfred Sommerfeld, H. Ludendorffstr, Berlin Y. 35, April 12, 1939,

Theodor Hammerschlag, Vedado Calle ~ #863 , Havana, Cuba. !Jay 2, 1939.

.. ~ . . . . . .


...... lat.

DMr ••• JlaalMite

J - •alHI-.r he .. l\11 -Uier ....., ef I dt .. U•

h .....


/ •· s. a.u, ,.,...,. .............

MlM 4• II, Jlaab*, WaUOMl Oo er''"'ill« oas.l''"• 1111 ......... s ...... ... Telltr, .. Tift,


0 0 .. t

!leu Wra . lloouYtl\ 1


... lln-GharloL\enbal,, c!.a lO.X,II , lui su . 46.

J ba•e hopec! \o welc01111 ~ M4 alto u-. 5che l4l1&1 \ Uo J'lat' 116*1A l o t he l.lptAbot, boat I - aorr7 t o •"7 \lwl\ lt wu not \he OAae . I ouppooe 7tN. 11 ... lll\4e &Other ulp AA4 ,,. b ..., ba4 a p od '~ of riCI'e&tloa.

!learee\ llro , lloo .. Ytll, \o4"7 I ... ~ 7tN. tor a ~tJ"•\ tnow, ac4 I 4o hope 7CHl will 1Ultlere\NI4 • ·

Perbapo 7tN. M:f r--'>er I .. a Ruo1Ail '117 .. lr\h u4 f or , .. ..,,, ,.,..., J .. llappl~ •rrle4 ri\h a o...-, ""' he lt a J... Up un \he lllUu....rlllf:lM lD 1931 he .,.. \he \tolalo&l lea4er at \be «r•\eo\ Oei'MD uonar o\ule. Hlt l'e&l profe11loc h epeolalh\ tor \I.Jober1, u4 he e}IMb

oloe~ llclcllah AA4 rr....m. lu.t ao• he h no\ able \ o ''' uq pcol\loc lD c ... -.,, AA4 lD aha\ ll-UoD Ute "--• ..,,.,, h'oa 4117 \o 41a¥ tor bo\b of u.

n.\ I ....., ""rl<,..... b' " alr ead7 oHD, 70'Il laoow wba\ a pctlUoc I ba4 l.a \be Alpeobot, ao4 ho• .uh I b-Ye worb4 . low \ hlo ........ I lla4 \o • oB \eo \lMo u .uh, a ll \o \ he _.. .. , • • , MUdaoU oo ot av obef.

llow I IIJ'I*I). \ o ~ l<llldlleeo u a ......,, " .,,, r.o 1M¥ troa Cer-n, ao I whh \o rlllllln ri\h IV p.r\oer ot Ute. I .. 81 7tN. eo\ IIMI'Ul7 \o help • M4 01/f blu'INID4 \ha\ we GaD .. tua\e \o \he U, S,A,, IUI4 \o «lYe u \he .. _ . ..... , eftl&.Yl\ . '• llo\b ..... ......, 4lll«ttl\ IU'I4 .. •lll """" OQI' wrq, ae we are no\ tearlo« uq work •

•• hAft \be ., .. ., f or \he ,....111:• . ""'· or -··· ..... , heft t he attlda•U· I WO'Cilc! ao\ tr- .. 1• ,....., 4MI'eo\ lire. aoo .... u , ""' .. heYe ao relaUoo. l n t he -14. J loe\ all av ral&Uno l.a • tncto _, 41U'; \ he rnoluUOD 1D llwotla, all wha\ I haYI iba\ lt ,.. ~~~u-....a.

CDoe ., ... I .. "'I 70'Il trOll all ev !Mal'\ \o help 'DI • Towo kbc!Aeeo • ould belp 'DI \o a ... Ute AA4 JO'D M:f be owe " wll l ebow 'Do I!J'&\eflll.

or \ blt lt1n4Deu. I 4o hope 70'Il 4on 1 \ •1D4 01/f aal<lD« JO'D, ""' 70'D oao l WY.iDo \ bA\ all lt 4-c!lnt; or yOW' u .. ar t~nc! bow l .. &Oll.\ouo \ o r.o\ n .

I bopo \ M \ OJ¥ le\\er wlll r ..,Oh 7au l n coo4 be11l\h 1\114 wl \ h ._,.,

-.AT \ hanlc>o l.a ·-

( " 10114) Pr8Q ll&ra Bor e,

I v OUt W90A17lt~l Mara A, !lorn, - boro Oil \li~J'~~~ ot Feb......,.7, 1899 , l A Jofr.-w, (R'Dio lfl),

? r lh !lorn , - boru on \he 2ntf, or Oc t ob61', 1990 , 1n !l\ olp, (Ger...,) .

».ar Min Po\lukl

!be eao1ooo4 le\lor tr011 ,._ Mara A. Bora, -. fo....,.W k ~~ SoeroW, ~ ••· tara Jolaao aoo .... u, .a.. ,._"•''• •\h•• ...... .._, o)lollaro~ro-.. ._o4 \!lo .. , ..... ho4 .,... ..,.,. ODO Dl«b\ a\ 'bo lus:tal h ........ &a 'h• lo.tor.

1 - t~ thl tv _, ••U• 10'0. .., "' •"1• \o hire.

S1Aouo~ ,.,... •

.. .. L. ~ Prlft,. S...W7

Mloo A. s. ,.,1~, JaUoul Oo-or4l•UIIC Oo-tuoo, ltl ...... ~ ....... ••• Ton, ... Ton. 'ltaolo...,..,



Fr au Uera A. Born

~ c • .;.. >.,u,.;\t H..-of.H- Y.t


J•••• 8. MtO.• t lcl HM~Oit'Y CholtMtll

J ... , h ' · Ch••b• tl.t l• CM:,,..._ w.a- ...._.w


' •" f tL W•"-t ,, •• w,., Jtte~ l;lldo ,.r

HO'IOI•-'V Co•ut~ltont leutt~ellt o:"'.r.

c..-. a ..... ~ s-.....,...! b-­s.e. ~. Olnct·or R.-• ttlo.m.t~.t 0..41l04

H. S. Klotz


Febnaary 7, l9S9

Treasury Depart.-ent Office of tho Secretary Washington D. C.

Dear llr. Klotz,


ho. your recent letter onclooing corre:;pondoncc reg o above . We b~vo written directly to the into eo opplicllllt, lUid <>ro ondonvoring to givo tho info~tion neoded to moot the p<>rticulnr probleo.

Tbo.nk you for yaur coopernt1on in tor-wording tho nnterinl to uc co pronptly . llo h11ve 11dviced tho 11ppl1cnnt tn11t the inquiry w110 turned over to 110 by y011 .

CR::IA : BH Cocilin Ro:o·1slcy Executive Director


1\tt'\.eriun CommfttM for Chrtstian.Germtn Refugee-' Amerieen Friend' S.rvict Committee

Federal Council of Churche~ of Chnd in America Gotmtn·Jewis.h Children'• A;d.lnc. Amtrleort Jewi1h Committee

AmtNc.on Jewish Con9r11.1 Amtric.n Jew~ Joint Ol~trtbution Commatte e·,.i e·nth .. . • •;u .. I« C.tWc Rolu<J- ,_ Gtnn.ny C:O..nco1 of Jow;r.h Ftdt<•t;..., one! Wolf••• Fund• Emtf9tncy CommiHM in Aid of OiJpfeetd forei9n PhVJic:Jt nl Emt19enc:y Commiltt t I" Aid of Oisploctd Germon Sc:holors


Htbrew Sheltering end lmmiCjltont Aid Soc••ty (Hies) Hospites fntornationel Mtgratton S.tvice

('•1-tjop.ol Stud.nt s.Mco JtwW. f.tjnculturel Soc;.ty MIISlcl••• Emo19oncy Fund. Inc. Netiontl Council of Jtwish Women Zionl1t OtiJonilotion of Americe

- . - ----

. : . . .. · -.. , ... . .

was. SMAIJ.

2/ 10/39

Yrs . Forbush eaid the attached f orm

letter could simply be attached to

the pr oper Petluck letter in your




0 •

Retugoe Letter. .ant to Wiao Petluck UDder Date o> AOZch 10, 1939.

BenJamin Sonnenecbei=, Hudortya Oft dated

Eugenio Dettelbech, Furth i. Be7ern, l!ornacbucb-Proa:ened.e 28, January 3, 1939.

Semuel Sebert wi tb 'hak Leder, ll:oaow (lluc - 'lluc U). PolAnd. January 7, 1939.

Heco I>tielowolcl, Germeny - !arlin 130, Flohenstautenoto 28. J anuary .20, 1939.

~ltrad Ber&teld, Tiloit, Hobe Str. 23, January 28, 1939.

W. Roper, lien, II, Or. Wohr•n&· 4/32 Jannary 31, 1939.

Jacob J:otler, Berlin, 11 . 4 n., Bamburgarotr. 18, February 6, 1939 .

Dr. Ems t Worgenthau, llacdeburg ( Ger"""'J') , Kento traau 12. Februer,y 8, 1939.

~dolt Rosenberg, Jatlo - Ulatzowice, ll&lepololce, Poland. ?obru&r7 14, 1939.

neue Ouggenhoimor , Pracue II, ~itna ul. 26/15. Februer,r 17, 1939.

Ernot B&, Preha-DeJvice ex. ) Aleoova s. -Envelope pootmnrked 2/17/39

Wra. Ida Huplce, Ca4plcaa&aae 8, Tienna III., Ger~. Nove~ber 12, 1938.

Illa· lolt, Tienne. January 4, 1939.

f alter Fried, Ottenbech e./W. Llldw1&atr . 6S, Gor~. January 11, 1939.

Leo !lebyl, l'bu:o;yn, ul. Sonatoralca 22, January 25, 1939.

lll.x !labacher, c/o l ido• Rosalie !lobacher (Mother), Eooen Ruhr, Max Regeratr. 26. Jaauary 29 , 1939.

Licco Li lti!Y , 6219 Lexington Avenue, Hollywood, Loa Angeleo, Calit. Envelope poatm&rked 1/31/39.

Bluunotoin Truaca, ~t. Ort. Babinat. Setu - llara. Str. Bo&· C~ol No. 5, Rouman1e. Envelope post~ked 2/6/39.

11111 nob&ch, J:oln-L1n4.e.nthal, Ha74natr. 5, l!oue Brekkenatoin. February 13, 1939.

Marta lleln, Udle von Peel , • Praeue, Hclesouiche, Woin 77/76. February 17, 1939.

Horbort Steiniger , Pr"«Uo VII ? 43 c. s. a. February 19, 1939.

A. Zehn~t. Dentiot, Steatlicb goprutter Zahntecbniker, ll&hr. - Oa traYa, 'l'eochnergaaae. FebruAry 28, 1939.

.. I ..

lletlr Pe U ulu

a441 UOII&l ret~~t:e• leU en,

Mitt A, 9 . ~'l~k,

. ,. . . . , . . .

llarob 10 , 1939,

11. s, lloh, l'rlw\e s..r.,..,..

laUoMl Co-Qrd la&\l.~~;~ Cornlu .. , 166 Wet\ 41\h R\Ne\, lew to~, 1 .. To, k .

l!'Dc 1 0 tnU"e • •

\ \

' . . • . e w.n noul: a c.K · - too l a te now - 1/28/39 r ~.A. (pernmc) mas

tJ' e/. d ~I I f cJtP-HYOC .. AftK, N . Y . TCLAGftAI'H I'OUOHI<ItE,..II! ~


ivf vi ~ ~ w ~ 7« / 4x_ ~ i~ ~ /~~ ?!' ~ k l ~ ft- ;;.dL ~ k-r ~ ;,-4_ -;jL ~ ~ -tazi:__·

L~~ 1/u ~~--

/ nJy ~ .-:_ -;~ .t/ ;i( ~~

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