Page 1: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary Tina Rose !Vluna Barnes

November 16, 2012

The Honorable Judith T. Won Pat, Ed.D. Speaker I Mina'trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan

155 Hesler Place Hagatfia, Guam 96910

VIA: The Honorable Rory J. Resp~~~1~ Chairperson, Committee on R/::.

RE: Committee Report on Bill No. 521-31 (COR)

Dear Speaker Won Pat:

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! Transmitted herewith is the Committee Report on Bill No. 521-31 (COR) - "An Act to Add a New §40135.1 to Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to Creating the Mayors' Council of Guam Revolving Fund."

Committee votes are as follows:







Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation Vice Chairperson, Committee on Youth, Cultural Affairs, Procurement, General Government Operations and Public Broadcasting

155 Hesler Place Hagatfia, Guam 96910 [Tel: 671-472-3455/6 Fax: 671-472-3400]

Page 2: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ()ffl of The legislative Secretary

Tina Rose fv1ufia Barnes



BILL NO. 521-31 (COR) (Sponsor: Tina Rose Muna Barnes)

11 AN ACT TO ADD A NEW §40135.1






Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation Vice Chairperson, Committee on Youth, Cultural Affairs, Procurement, General Government Operations and Public

Broadcasting 155 Hesler Place Hagatfia, Guam 96910 [Tel: 671-472-3455/6 Fax: 671-472-3400]

Page 3: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan Office of The Legislative Secreta

Tina Rose 1\funa Barn

November 16, 2012


To: Committee on Municipal Affair Tourism, Housing and Recreation.


All Members ~

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barn Committee Chairperson

Subject: Committee Report on Bill No. 521-31 (COR)

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! Transmitted herewith for your consideration is the Committee Report on Bill No. 521-31 (COR) - "An Act to Add a New §40135.1 to Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to Creating the Mayors' Council of Guam Revolving Fund."

This report includes the following:

• Committee Vote Sheet • Committee Report Digest • Copy of Bill No. 521-31 (COR) • Public Hearing Sign-in Sheet • Copies of Submitted Testimony on Bill No. 521-31 (COR) • Copy of COR Referral of Bill No. 521-31 (COR) • Fiscal Note for Bill No. 521-31 (COR) • Notices of Public Hearing • Copy of the Public Hearing Agenda

Please take the appropriate action on the attached vote sheet. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Si Yu'os ma'ase'!

Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation Vice Chairperson, Committee on Youth, Cultural Affairs, Procurement, General Government Operations and Public Broadcasting

155 Hesler Place Hagatna, Guam 96910 [Tel: 671-472-3455/6 Fax: 671-472-3400]

Page 4: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ()ffice of The Legislative Secretary

Tina Rose Muna Barnes

COMMITTEE VOTING SHEET Bill No. 521-31 (COR) - "An Act to Add a New §40135.1 to Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to Creating the Mayors' Council 0 fG R 1. F d" uam evo v1ng un .






SPEAKER JUDITH T. WON PAT, Ed.D. Vice-Chairperson

VICE SPEAKER BENJAMIN J.F. CRUZ ex i/ Member l')f<,lf7

j \.___/ I



~ .\/

Member t 'l tb l 1u SENATOR DENNIS G. RODRIGUEZ, JR. v / Member t!/t'r-/f L



Ut /}J Member

SENATOR ADOLPHO B. PALACIOS, SR. p 11/ 16{!'1-/ Member /



SENATOR FRANK F. BLAS, JR. Minority Member



Minority Member ll (~ ~,; SENATOR V. ANTHONY ADA ceo 11(14 Minority Member



Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation



Vice Chairperson, Committee on Youth, Cultural Affairs, Procurement, General Government Operations and Public Broadcasting 155 Hesl•:r Place Hagatfia, Guam 96910 [Tel: 671-472-3455/6 Fax: 671-472-3400]

Page 5: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan Of flee of The Legislative Secretary

Tina Rose JVtuiia Barnes


I. OVERVIEW Bill No. 521-31 (COR) - "An Act to Add a New §40135.1 to Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to Creating the Mayors' Council of Guam Revolving Fund."

Bill No. 521-31(COR) was introduced on October 3, 2012 by Senator Tina Rose Mufi.a Barnes, and was subsequently referred by the Committee on Rules to the Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation on October 5, 2012.

The Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation convened a public hearing on Bill No. 521-31(COR) on Monday, October 29, 2012 at 9:00 AM at the Legislature's Public Hearing Room.

Public Notice Requirements Public Hearing notices were disseminated via e-mail to all Senators and all main media broadcasting outlets on Monday, October 22, 2012 (5-Day Notice), and again on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 (48-Hour Notice).

Senators Present Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes, Chairperson Senator Aline Yamashita, Member Senator Tony Ada, Member Senator Rory Respicio, Member

Senator Sam Mabini

II. SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31 (COR) An Act to Add a New §40135.1 to Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to Creating the Mayors' Council of Guam Revolving Fund. The intent of this bill ladies and gentlemen is to established a Revolving Fund under the control and custody of the Mayors' Council of Guam. The bill authorizes the Mayors' Council of Guam to raise funds through fundraising efforts as approved by the Council, solicit corporate sponsorship, and to accept contributions that are solely beneficial to the Mayors' Council of Guam, and shall be used to fund Mayors' Council of Guam sanctioned programs, projects and special events. I will note for the record that a lot of the Mayors do have that special fund within their villages, but

Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation Vice Chairperson, Committee on Youth, Cultural Affairs, Procurement, General Government Operations and Public Broadcasting

155 Hesler Place Hagatna, Guam 96910 [Tel: 671-472-3455/6 Fax: 671-472-3400]

Page 6: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ffice of The Legislative Secretary

Tina Rose fvtufia Barnes

as well know, the Mayors' Council of Guam comprises of the officers, the President, Vice President, the Secretary and the Treasurer. So that would be for the Mayors' Council of Guam and their sanctioned programs which does differ from the village Mayors. So on that list for 521-31 we do have Mr. Angel Sablan who signed up and the Vice President, Mayor Hofmann and Mayor Gumataotao. We'll go ahead and start with the Vice President.

Vice Mayor Robert Hofmann The intent and we appreciate you again for helping introducing this. The intent and idea around this is that the Mayors' looks to host intramural sports this is the ability for corporations to do this. Although it seems that it is in the same for the inauguration side, the inauguration has to be specific because it's located in a specific side of the chapter about the term and the ceremony of office. This specifically handles what we do with sports wise, what we do with donations if we're doing any kind of relief funds or anything that we're going to do together as we go out and make drives. A lot of it are for our programs with our man amko, our youth, so this helps us establish that fund. Thank you.

Senator Muna Barnes Thank you. Mayor Gumataotao.

Mayor Ben Gumataotao I support this bill because with all this activity that we have in our villages, like even for Thanksgiving, I would like to give food to the people that are very low income or don't have income at all for that matter. So I normally solicit to my other businesses around the area. So if you allow that and as long as we have the accountability, it would be nice to allow us to do that. Thank you.

Senator Muna Barnes Thank you Mayor Gumataotao. Mr. Sabalan.

Angel Sablan, MCOG Executive Director Thank you Senator. As you stated correctly, each of the 19 villages have the authority to establish their own Municipal Council revolving fund. We do have a Mayors' Council Revolving Fund, as you know you appropriated funds to our Mayors' Council Revolving Fund for the grass cutting at the schools. So it is already established, we're only doing this to again codify it because one of the points that the OP A brought up was that there was nothing in statute to allow us to as a Council by itself to establish this

Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation Vice Chairperson, Committee on Youth, Cultural Affairs, Procurement, General Government Operations and Public Broadcasting

155 Hesler Place Hagatiia, Guam 96910 (Tel: 671-472-3455/6 Fax: 671-472-3400]

Page 7: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan Office of The Legislative Secretary

Tina Rose l\!luna Barnes

fund. We've been audited now two years in a row for these funds that we put in here, the dues that each of the Mayors and Vice Mayors take out of their own paychecks every two weeks. The proceeds that we get from the Liberation funds and we also put money there from the grants we are now getting from the Department of Interior, so it is a fund that is existing but to codify would only give the opportunity to tell the OP A that yes, we are allowed by law to have these funds and to have the Treasurer and the President and whoever the signatories are. And it tells you what is going to happen with the fund, but thaes the way I feel we've been operating without it being law, so we're just asking that it be codified. For us it's a non-controversial bill and it does not require any money except the time we take here to have this public hearing. We again appreciate your support for this bill. Thank you.

Senator Muna Barnes Thank you very much. Mayor Savares.

Mayor Savares I just want to clarify this is just to codify the fund. However, we just want to make sure that there are approved minutes for all approved expenditures, except for the grass­cutting invoices that come in from the schools. Any other funding in the fund should have minutes to support the expenditure. Thank you.

Senator Muna Barnes Thank you very much Mayor.

Vice Mayor Robert Hofmann Just a final comment, because it's a fund that's probably listed on the government books, can we make sure that it's not transferrable and that no one can touch it. The balances that in there are generated by the Mayors and is available to the Mayors, and we don't want anyone to look and say look the Mayors have $200,000 let's use this and redirect it. So if it can be protected it, we would really appreciate it. Thank you.

Senator Mufi.a Barnes Thank you Mayor Hofmann. We'll go ahead and make that notation and amend the bill. With that being said, do any of my colleagues have any questions? Senator Ada.

Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation Vice Chairperson, Committee on Youth, Cultural Affairs, Procurement, General Government Operations and Public Broadcasting

155 Hesler Place Hagatf\a, Guam 96910 [Tel: 671-472-3455/6 Fax: 671-472-3400]

Page 8: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan (1tf' J. l

Senator Ada

of The Legislative Secretary Tina Rose rvtuiia Barnes

On page 2 line 13, (d) the Treasurer or the Council's designee ... is there a reason why you have that in there? Council's designee, I thought the Treasurer is just a Treasurer ... no one else should be able to ...

Angel Sablan, MCOG Executive Director The Treasurer is also a Mayor, and sometimes they are overwhelmed with the work they do in their own villages. And this is just receive reports, to receive receipts or whatever, or to make out receipts. So we do use people within our office to that and then give it to the Treasurer when he or she is available. It's just so that the Treasurer doesn't have to drive from where he's at down to the Mayors' Council of Guam to be able to do these documentations on a daily basis, so we do that in our office ... as an agent of our Treasurer.

Senator Muna Barnes Thank you very much. Senator Respicio.

Senator Respicio Thank you very much Madam Chair. Good morning Mayors and Vice Mayors. I want to recognize your oversight Chair for this bill and a series of bills that we're having a hearing on this morning. I want to speak about what Mayor Hofmann said about not having this comingled. My suggestion is that if we're going to do this bill, we should just authorize you to have a separate checking account. Not only separate and apart from the general fund, actually apart from the General Fund... and I make that point very clear because when this legislature established the recycling revolving fund and you're supposed to be able to tap that as your resources and to a certain extent you have. But you're always having to deal with the will of bureaucracy. I want to ask a couple of things and we have a good opportunity here to set something up that's going to be good for the Mayors' Council. Is this where the Liberation proceeds go?

Angel Sablan, MCOG Executive Director Presently, yes.

Senator Respicio Yes ... so if you're amenable Madam Chair, we should just codify that and say this is where the Liberation Day proceeds go because your Chair, when she moved to amend the distribution of those proceeds, you know you get a percentage, the First Lady gets a percentage that would be my second suggestion. My first of course would be that you

Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation Vice Chairperson, Committee on Youth, Cultural Affairs, Procurement, General Government Operations and Public Broadcasting

155 Hesler Place Hagatna, Guam 96910 [Tel: 671-472-3455/6 Fax: 671-472-3400]

Page 9: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan Office of The legislative Secretary

Tina Rose l\/funa Barnes

open you own checking account. And we've done that for the farmers group. They get an appropriation from the General Fund they get their money up front about $100,000 and then they go to the bank and deposit it there.

Angel Sablan, MCOG Executive Director We have actually set-up a separate checking account simply because we had to take the check from DOA from the grass-cutting and deposit that into the revolving fund. So we have actually already established that.

Senator Respicio This is going to set you back if it were adopted this way. Whatever your efforts were, were outside what the law authorized you and I commend you for moving forward ... sometimes you just have to do it anyway. If the bill was to pass as is, it's going to set you guys back and I know that's not the intent of the author. And someone at the Executive branch is going to read this and maybe even the Attorney General and not a Public Auditor might say that you're not authorized to have your own checking account outside the General Fund. The other thing is like what the Mayor of Piti said, if he solicits money for Piti, those funds should be available for Piti. Do you think then that this Revolving Fund will have 19 accounts under it? Or one account but a balance sheet for each village? Is that how you do it now?

Angel Sablan, MCOG Executive Director Well it shouldn't happen that way Senator because each village has its own Municipal Council Revolving Fund. So if Mayor Gumataotao solicits and the donor says it's for Piti then it would go to the Piti Municipal Council Revolving Fund. It wouldn't go the Mayors' Council Revolving Fund.

Senator Respicio Is there a law that recognizes that?

Angel Sablan, MCOG Executive Director Yes. It is codified right now that each village has the authority to establish their own checking account. It's also called non-appropriated funds for each village.

Senator Respicio So you've been depositing your money into the Mayors' Council revolving fund?

Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation Vice Chairperson, Committee on Youth, Cultural Affairs, Procurement, General Government Operations and Public Broadcasting

155 Hesler Place Hagama, Guam 96910 [Tel: 671-472-3455/6 Fax: 671-472-3400]

Page 10: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan Office of The Legislative Secretary

Tina Rose lVluna Barnes

Angel Sablan, MCOG Executive Director Only his $25 dues every 2 weeks.

Mayor Gumataotao When I solicit from a company and I'm given $500, I deposit into my own Municipal Planning Council's account. Then whenever we want to spend that money, we call a meeting of the Council to get authorization to use the money. Then the auditor would come in once a year or whatever and audit that. That's the most important part to make sure that accountability is there.

Senator Muna Barnes It was also recommended by the public auditor that these things be codified because it was noted as one of the demerits or concerns that she had. So we're just fixing it. Any other questions?

Senator Respicio Anything else you can think of to make this bill reflect what you practice today? That's all I have.

Senator Muna Barnes Thank you Senator Respicio. I do want to say that it is very important that those amendments would be in accordingly. And Senator Respicio you are right, we want to make sure that the Mayors not just get this legislation codified, at the recommendation of the auditor, but to make sure that their hands are free to utilize the funds as what was requested for, and make sure that they have that authority. Thank you very much for your support in that effort.

Senator Respicio And the last thing you ever have to worry about is having to wait for someone say that it's okay to use the money that you raised. So this bill would make that true separation and empower you the way that this committee has committed to.

Senator Muna Barnes Thank you. If there are no other questions on Bill 521-31 (COR), I will call this Bill No. publicly heard. Anyone else wishing to present written testimony, they can do so by sending it to 155 Hesler Place, Hagatfia Guam 96910, or [email protected]. Saina Ma' ase.

Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation Vice Chairperson, Committee on Youth, Cultural Affairs, Procurement, General Government Operations and Public Broadcasting

155 Hesler !'lace Hagatna, Guam 96910 [Tel: 671-472-3455/6 Fax: 671-472-3400]

Page 11: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan Office of The Legislative Secretary

Tina Rose Ivfuna Barnes

III. FINDINGS & RECOMMENDATIONS The Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation hereby

reports out Bill No. 521-31 (COR), with the recommendation ·-rn \2e R::;\2.T OUT Dt:.>L,'-f

Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation Vice Chairperson, Committee on Youth, Cultural Affairs, Procurement, General Government Operations and Public Broadcasting

155 Hesler Place Hagatfia, Guam 96910 [Tel: 671-472-3455/6 Fax: 671-472-3400]

Page 12: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

~ 0


Bill No. 5:J.I- 3f~t>~

~ ~

9. y._.. \ ~ ..... "L-\

Introduced By: T.R. MUNA BARNES\



2 Section 1. A New §40135.1 is hereby added to Chapter 40, Title 5

3 Guam Code Annotated to read:

4 "§40135.1. Creation of the Mayors' Council of Guam (MCOG)

5 Revolving Fund. There is hereby established a Revolving Fund under the

6 control and custody of the Mayors' Council of Guam (the Council). The

7 Mayors' Council of Guam is hereby authorized to raise funds through

8 fundraising efforts as approved by the Council, solicit corporate sponsorship,

9 and to accept contributions that are solely beneficial to the Mayors' Council

10 of Guam. These revenues shall be deposited into the MCOG Revolving

11 Fund, and shall be used to fund MCOG sanctioned programs, projects and

12 special events. The Council shall take all necessary precautions to ensure

13 that the Revolving Fund is operating in conformity with all existing statutes,

14 rules and regulations, codes, executive orders and any other authority, which

15 is applicable to the operations of the Revolving Fund. Any balance

16 remaining in the funds at the end of the fiscal year shall carry over into the


Page 13: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

1 next fiscal year or until expended. All disbursement transactions on the

2 Revolving Fund shall be as stipulated herein:

3 (a) the Council shall approve all expenditures for MCOG

4 sanctioned programs, projects and special events;

5 (b) the minutes of the meetings must verify the authorization

6 given by the Council~

7 (c) there must be two (2) authorized signatures; authorized

8 signatures shall be that of the President and Treasurer of the Council.

9 1f a temporary absence occurs in either the office of the President or

10 Treasurer, then the order of succession of the Officers who shall be

11 eligible to serve in an Acting capacity shall be recognized as an

12 authorized signature;

13 ( d) the Treasurer (or the Council's designee) shall be

14 responsible for receipts and other substantiation as determined by the

15 Council for all checks issued."

16 Section 3. Effective Date. The provisions of this act shall take effect

17 immediately upon the enactment of this Act.

18 Section 4. Severability. If any provisions of this Act or the application

19 thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not

20 affect any other provision or application of this Act which can be given effect

21 without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this

22 Act are severable.


Page 14: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

....... 1

Page 15: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Mayor Franklin M. Taitague Municipality of Inarajan

P.O. Box 786 Hagatna, Guam 96932

475-2510 (0), 828-8035 (H), 482-4666 ©

TESTIMONY ON BILLS 520-31(COR); 521-31(COR), AND 522-31 (COR)

Buenas Yan Hafa Adai!. For the record, my name is Mayor Franklin M. Taitague from the beautiful and historic village of lnalahan. On behalf of the members of the MCOG, I wish to express my sincerest gratitude and Dungkulo na Si Yu'os Ma'ase to the Chairman and members of the Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing & Recreation for the opportunity to receive testimonies on Bills 520-31 (cor), 521-31 (cor) and 522-31 (cor). Furthermore, my hats off to you Senator Tina R. Muna Barnes for your due diligence in sponsoring the bills that would greatly enhanced the MCOG. Un Dungkulo lokue na Respetu yan Agredisemiento for your responsive legislations that have greatly assisted the MCOG in serving the citizens of our beautiful island.

Now approaching my 4th Term as a Mayor, Bill 520-31 provides the MCOG the flexibility on who can administer the oaths of office at the commencement ceremony of each new term and the authorization to use funds from our annual budget and to solicit funds for the purpose of defraying the cost of our Inauguration Ceremony. As a long time Treasurer of the MCOG, Bill 521-31 will greatly enhance the needed revenue generating options of the MCOG Revolving Fund and required actions necessary for the control and accounting of all expenditures. Annual election of new officers is often a challenge with the MCOG. However, a two year term will strengthen and allow the officers for more time to confront issues and matters affecting the Council and the public we serve. Bill 522-31 as written, will provide for this needed change.

I am in full support of Bills 520-31 (COR), 521-31 (COR) AND 522-31 (COR) as written and I look forward to its passage by the 31st Guam Legislature and by the Governor.

Un Dungkulu Na Si Yu'os Ma'ase,

-~~4-~ Mayor Franklin M. Taitague, lnarajan

Page 16: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

CO~lMITTEE ON RULES . I Afintt'trentai Unu ntl Lihesl,ituran Gudhttn •The 31st Guam Legislature

15 5 Hesler Place, Hagatna, Guam 96910 • u•u1w.guamlegis!titure.tom E-mail: rmyjorguam@~·:;mailcom •Tel: (671)472-7679 •Fax: (671)472-3547

Senator Rory J. Respicio



Senator Judith P. Guthertz




Speaker Judith T. \Von Pat

Vice Speaker Benjamin J. F. Cruz

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes LEGISLATIVE SECRETARY


Senator Dennis G. Rodriguez, Jr.


Senator Thomas C. Ada

Senator Adolpho B. Palacios, Sr.

Senator vicente c. pangelinan


Senator Aline A. Yamashita


Senator Christopher M. Duenas

Certification of Waiver of

Fiscal Note Requirement

This is to certify that the Committee on Rules submitted to the Bureau of Budget and Management Research (BBMR) a request for a fiscal note, or applicable waiver, on Bill No. 521-31 (COR) - "AN ACT TO ADD A NEW §40135.1 OF CHAPTER 40, TITLE 5 GUAM CODE ANNOTATED RELATIVE TO CREATING THE MAYORS' COUNCIL OF GUAM

REVOLVING FUND." - on October 5, 2012. COR hereby certifies that BBMR confirmed receipt of this request on October 5, 2012.

COR further certifies that a response to this request was not received by 5:00 P.M. on October 25, 2012, the fourteenth day after the request was received by BBMR. Therefore, pursuant to 2 GCA §9105, the requirement for a fiscal note, or waiver thereof, on Bill 521 to be included in the committee report on said bill, is hereby waived.

Certified by:

N 1 2 Date

Chairperson, Committee on Rules

Page 17: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

CONfNIITTEE ON RULES :I lvlirtil irenUi Unu nt1Lihesl.it1mm Gtuih,m • 111e 31st Guam Legislature ; l 55 Hesler Place, Hagar{1a, Guam 96910 • trn·u·.gu.J.ndegisluure.wm ·

,...,.,....,..,.,,,·E-mail: .Td:(67JH-72-7679efax:

Senator Rory J. Respicio


Senator Judith P. Guthertz




Speaker Judith T. \\/on Pat

Vice Speaker Benjamin J. F. Cruz

Senator Tina Rose Mwia Barnes LEGISLATIVE SECRETARY

MAJORITY \''i'.!H!l'

Senator i Dennis G. Rodriguez, Jr.


Senaror Thoma~ C. Ada

Senator Adolpho B. Palacios, Sr.

Senator vicente c. pangelinan


Senator Aline A. Yamashita


Senator Christopher M. Duenas

October 5, 2012

VIA FACSIMILE (671) 472-2825

John A. Rios Director Bureau of Budget & Management Research P.O. Box 2950 Hagatfta, Guam 96910

RE: Request for Fiscal Note -Bill _No. 51'Z:-31(LS),518-31 (COR) thru 522-31 (COR)

Hafa J\dai Mr. Rios:

Transmitted herewith is a listing of I A1ina'trentai Unu na Lilzcslatumn Gw1han's most recentlv introduced bills. Pursuant to 2 GCA §9103, I respectfully request the preparation of fiscal notes for the referenced bills.

Si Y1/ns ma'dse' for your attention to this matter.

Very Truly Yours,


//Rory J. Respicio


Cc: ( 'Jprk of thf' Lt>gislature

Page 18: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31




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OCT-05-2012 Ol:25PM FRI 00'52" STD ECM

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COMMITTEE ON RULES I ,\fi1Mtm11.n Unu na Liheslaturan Gudban • Tnc 31 't Guam Legislature J 55 Heskr Place, H..WalJ., Gu.un 9691 O • u1J;J1l\1(1W»tfeg>..dature .tf!m

E·111ail:ruryj~rgu41'iJ.{-:~!~1MiL"EIHt• Td: (671}472~7679. fax. (671)472-YYt7

Senator Rory J. Respici-0



Scna.tQr Judith P. Guxheru.

Vici:: C.ttAJJU.>f...xSON ASST. MA.)Olt,JTY LEAl.>Elt


~pcaker Judith T. Won Pa.t

Vic< Speaker Benjamin J . .E Cruz

October 5, 2012

YIA.IA.CSIMlL.E (671) 472-282.5

John A. Rios Director Bureau of Budget & Management Research P.O. Box 2950 Hag.itna, Guam 96910

RE: Request for Fi.sq! Note - i Bill No. 5)7-31 11,Sl. 518-31 (CQRl thru 522·31 {COR)

Hafa Adai Mr. Rios:

4772240 GNF

Senator Tin.a Ro~e ,\1uiia Bam«s Li;;c1st.A1·1v e SECRJ~TA1W


Senator Dennis G. Rodrigue>, Jr.

Tran,mittcd herewith is " lJsting of I 1v!ma·1rentai 'Unu na Liiteslaturan Cwlhrm's most recently rntroducc·d bills. Pursuant; to 2 GCA §9103. I respectfully request th~ prE'par<Jtion of fiscal notes for: the referenced bilk


Seu.a tor ThomasL Ada

Seo a tor Adolpho B. t';J;j.dos, Sr.

Senator vkcnrc ;;;. pangefinan


Seiur:or Aline A. Yama,hita

A:')«;T, M1/'.:0KfrY LllAOJ'J{


Chmrnphcr M. Oucnas

Si Yu'os ma'lis/ for your attention to this matter.

V1?ry Truly Yours,

Atta chm~~

kec1d ~.Flo drue . 10/s J -hO\f ..

Page 19: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Title Date Date 120 Day

Bill Nos. Introduced Referred Deadline

Cmte Referred




517-31 (LS) MILLION DOLLARS ($6,000,000) AND TO 09/25/2012








AGAT, BY AMENDING ITEM(l) OF §40113(B) OF 12:24pm






520-31 AN ACT TO AMEND §40111 (b) OF CHAPTER 40,



4:08 pm


521-31 40, TITLE 5 GUAM CODE ANNOTATED RELATIVE 10/03/2012 T. R. Muna Barnes





d\ALIV()R<:;' rn111\lrll ni:: r::J JLIM

Page 20: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

COMMITTEE ON RULES / Afina'trentai Unu na Lihesiaturan Gudhan • The 31st Guam Legislature / 15 5 Hesler Place. Hagama, Guam 969 I 0 • wu·1v{(

E-mail: 1my/urgu.u11@gnuiiLconi. Tel: (671)472-7679 •Fax: (671)472-3547

Senator Rory J. Respicio



Senator Judith P. Guthertz



Speaker Judith T. Won Pat

Vice Speaker Benjamin J. F. Cmz

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes LEGISLATIVE SECRETARY


Senator Dennis G. Rodriguez, Jr.


Senator Thomas C. Ada

Senator Adolpho B. Palacios, Sr.

Senator viccnte c. pangelinan


Senator Aline A. Yamashita


Senator Christopher M. Duenas

October 5, 2012





Pat Santos Clerk of the Legislature

Attorney Therese M. Terlaje Legislative Legal Counsel

Senator Rory J. ResvYci~­Majority Leader & J((;zes Chair

Referral of Bill Nos. 519-31 (COR) thru 522-31 (COR)

As the Chairperson of the Committee on Rules, I am forwarding my referral of Bill Nos. 519-31 (COR) through 522-31 (COR).

Please ensure that the subject bills are referred, in my name, to the respective committee, as shown on the attachment. I also request that the same be forwarded to all members of I Mina'trentai Unu na Liheslaturan Guahan.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at 472-7679.

Si Yu'os Ma'ase!

( 4) Attachment

Page 21: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31



521-31 T. R. Muna Barnes


Bill Introduced/History

10/5/2012 2:50 PM






I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan Bill Log Sheet


10/03/2012 10/5/2012 Committee On

4:08pm Municipal Affairs,

Tourism, Housing and




Page 22: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan Office of The Legislative Secretary

Tina Rose Muna Barnes October 22, 2012




All Members/All Senators\

Senator Tina Rose Mu:fia Barnes~ SUBJECT: First Notice of Public Hearing

Monday, October 29, 2012

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! The Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation will be conducting a public hearing on Monday, October 29, 2012 in the Public Hearing Room, 155 Hesler Place, Hagatfia beginning at 9:00 a.m. This hearing is scheduled to receive public testimony on the following:

• The Appointment of Mr. Robert Marks to serve as a Member of the Guam Unarmed Combat Commission for a Term of Four (4) Years.

• Bill No. 520-31 (COR): "An Act to Amend §40111 (B) of Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to the Mayors' Council of Guam." - T.R. Mu:fia Barnes

• Bill No. 521-31 (COR): "An Act to Add a New §40135.1 to Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to Creating the Mayors' Council of Guam Revolving Fund." - T.R. Muna Barnes

• Bill No. 522-31 (COR): "An Act to Amend §40105 of Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative co the Term of Office for Officers of the Mayors' Council of Guam." - T.R. Mufi.a Barnes

• Bill No. 518-31 (COR): "An Act to Place the Former Agat Fire Station Under the Administrative Jurisdiction of the Mayor's Office of Agat, by Amending Item (1) of §40113(8) of Chapter 40, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated." - Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

• Bill No. 519-31 (COR): "An Act Authorizing the Guam Visitors Bureau to Recruit the Necessary Personnel to Support the Mission of its Research Department; and to Authorize an Appropriation for the Purpose of Such Recruitment." - T.R. Muna Barnes

• Bill No. 502-31 (COR): "An Act to Appropriate Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) from the Tourist Attraction fund for the Operations of the Tumon Precinct and to Fund New Police Positions." - R.J. Respicio

This five (5) day Public Hearing notice is provided pursuant to §8107 Chapter 8, 5 GCA). A second notice (forty-eight (48) hours prior) will be provided on Thursday, October 25, 2012. Written testimonies may be submitted on the day of, prior to, or up to ten days after the public hearing to the Office of Senator Tina Rose Mufi.a Barnes, 155 Hesler Place, Hagatfia Guam 96910, via facsimile to 472-3400 or via email to [email protected]. We comply with Title 11 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Should you require assistance or accommodations please contact Jeanenne Cordero or John Blas from our office at 472-3455/6 or via email at [email protected] or [email protected]. I look forward to your attendance and participation.

Si Yu'os Ma'ase'!

cc: Sergeant-At-Arms/Protocol/AV Clerk of the Legislature MIS All Media

Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation Vice Chairperson, Committee on Youth, Cultural Affairs, Procurement, General Government Operations and Public Broadcasting

155 Hesler Place Hagii.tfia, Guam 96910 [Tel: 671-472-3455/6 Fax: 671-472-3400]

Page 23: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail - October 29, 2012 - First Publi... ...

I of2

John Blas <[email protected]>

October 29, 2012 - First Public Hearing Notice

John Blas <[email protected]> Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 8:39 AM To: P/Hrg Notice <[email protected]> Cc: GLIMPSES OF GUAM - Letitia Law Byerly <[email protected]>, GLIMPSES OF GUAM -MANAGING EDITOR <[email protected]>, GLIMPSES OF GUAM - Maureen Maratita <[email protected]>, K Stereo KISH <[email protected]>, K Stereo News <[email protected]>, KPRG <[email protected]>, KUAM - John <[email protected]>, KUAM - Krystal <[email protected]>, KUAM - Mindy <[email protected]>, KUAM - NICK <[email protected]>, KUAM - Sabrina <[email protected]>, KUAM News - Hot Tips <[email protected]>, Marianas Variety <[email protected]>, Marianas Variety - Admin <[email protected]>, Marianas Variety - Editor <[email protected]>, Marianas Variety - Jamela <[email protected]>, Marianas Variety - Jennifer <[email protected]>, Marianas Variety - Zita Taitano <[email protected]>, PBS Guam <[email protected]>, PBS Guam <[email protected]>, PBS Guam Leigh Pereda <[email protected]>, PON - Catriona <[email protected]>, PON - News <[email protected]>, PON - Oyaoi Ngirairikl <[email protected]>, PON - Watanabe <[email protected]>, SPB - Betsy Brown <[email protected]>, SPB - Clynt Ridgell <[email protected]>, SPB - Josh Tyquiengco <[email protected]>, SPB - Kevin Kerrigan <[email protected]>, SPB - Patti Arroyo <[email protected]>, SPB - Ray Gibson <[email protected]>, SPB - Travis Kaufmann <[email protected]>, Telo Taitague <[email protected]>

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! Attached for your information is a Memo from Senator Muna Barnes relative to a Public Hearing scheduled for 9am Monday, October 29, 2012 in the Public Hearing Room of I Liheslaturan Guahan.

October 22, 2012





All Members/ All Senators

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes

First Notice of Public Hearing

Monday, October 29, 2012

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! The Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation will be conducting a public hearing on Monday, October 29, 2012 in the Public Hearing Room, 155 Hesler Place, Hagatna beginning at 9:00 a.m. This hearing is scheduled to receive public testimony on the following:

The Appointment of Mr. Robert Marks to serve as a Member of the Guam Unarmed Combat Commission for a Term of Four (4) Years.

Bill No. 520-31 (COR): "An Act to Amend §40111 (B) of Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to the Mayors' Council of Guam." - T.R. Muna Barnes

Page 24: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes l\Iail - October 29, 2012 - First Publi... ...


Bill No. 521-31 (COR): "An Act to Add a New §40135.1 to Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to Creating the Mayors' Council of Guam Revolving Fund." - T.R. Muna Barnes

Bill No. 522-31 (COR): "An Act to Amend §40105 of Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to the Term of Office for Officers of the Mayors' Council of Guam." - T.R. Muna Barnes

Bill No. 518-31 (COR): "An Act to Place the Former Agat Fire Station Under the Administrative Jurisdiction of the Mayor's Office of Agat, by Amending Item (1) of §40113(B) of Chapter 40, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated." - Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

Bill No. 519-31 (COR): "An Act Authorizing the Guam Visitors Bureau to Recruit the Necessary Personnel to Support the Mission of its Research Department; and to Authorize an Appropriation for the Purpose of Such Recruitment." - T.R. Muna Barnes

Bill No. 502-31 (COR): "An Act to Appropriate Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) from the Tourist Attraction fund for the Operations of the Tuman Precinct and to Fund New Police Positions." - R.J. Respicio

This five (5) day Public Hearing notice is provided pursuant to §8107 Chapter 8, 5 GCA). A second notice (forty-eight (48) hours prior) will

be provided on Thursday, October 25, 2012. Written testimonies may be submitted on the day of, prior to, or up to ten days after the public

hearing to the Office of Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes, 155 Hesler Place, Hagatfia Guam 96910, via facsimile to 472-3400 or via email to

senator@tinamunabarnE> We comply with Title II of tJ-,e Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Should you require assistance or

accommodations please contact Jeanenne Cordero or John Blas from our office at 472-3455/6 or via email at [email protected] or

I look forward to your attendance and participation.

Si Yuos MaaseJ

cc: Sergeant-A t-Arms/P rotocoVAV

Clerk· of the Legislat.1re


All Media

John F. Blas Senior Policy Advisor Office of Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation 155 Hessler Place Hagatna, Guam 96910 (W) 671.472.3455/6 (F) 671.472.3400 email:[email protected]

2012 1022 First Hrg Notice.pdf 88K

Page 25: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Listserv: [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] baza [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] clerks@gu am legisa la tu [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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Page 26: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail - October 29. 2012 - First Publi... ...

I of2


I John Blas <[email protected]>

October 29, 2012 - First Public Hearing Notice

Adam Bearce <[email protected]> Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 8:45 AM To: John Blas <[email protected]>, Yong Pak <[email protected]>

Hi. This is now posted.

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 8:39 AM, John Blas <[email protected]> wrote:

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! Attached for your information is a Memo from Senator Muna Barnes relative to a Public Hearing scheduled for 9am Monday, October 29, 2012 in the Public Hearing Room of I Uhesfaturan Guahan.

October 22, 2012


TO: All Members/ All Senators

FROM: Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes

SUBJECT: First Notice of Public Hearing

Monday, October 29, 2012

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! The Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation will be conducting a public hearing on Monday, October 29, 2012 in the Public Hearing Room, 155 Hesler Place, Hagatna beginning at 9:00 a.m. This hearing is scheduled to receive public testimony on the following:

The Appointment of Mr. Robert Marks to serve as a Member of the Guam Unarmed Combat Commission for a Term of Four (4) Years.

Bill No. 520-31 (COR): "An Act to Amend §40111 (8) of Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to the Mayors' Council of Guam." - T.R. Muna Barnes

Bill No. 521-31 {COR): "An Act to Add a New §40135.1 to Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to Creating the Mayors' Council of Guam Revolving Fund." - T.R. Muna Barnes

Bill No. 522-31 (COR): "An Act to Amend §40105 of Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to the Term of Office for Officers of the Mayors' Council of Guam." - T.R. Muna Barnes

Bill No. 518-31 {COR): "An Act to Place the Former Agat Fire Station Under the Administrative Jurisdiction of the Mayor's Office of Agat, by Amending Item (1) of §40113(B) of Chapter 40, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated." - Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

Bill No. 519-31 (COR): "An Act Authorizing the Guam Visitors Bureau to Recruit the Necessary Personnel to Support the Mission of its Research Department; and to Authorize an Appropriation for the Purpose of Such Recruitment." - T.R. Muna Barnes

Page 27: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail October 29, 2012 - First Publi... ..

) of?

Bill No. 502-31 (COR): "An Act to Appropriate Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) from the Tourist Attraction fund for the Operations of the Tumon Precinct and to Fund New Police Positions." - R.J. Respicio

This five (5) day Public Hearing notice is provided pursuant to §8107 Chapter 8, 5 GCA). A second notice (forty-eight (48) hours prior) will

be provided on Thursday, October 25, 2012. Written testimonies may be submitted on the day of, prior to, or up to ten days after the

public hearing to the Office of Senator Tina Rose Mufia Barnes, 155 Hesler Place, Hagama Guam 9691 O, via facsimile to 472-3400 or via

email to [email protected]. We comply with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Should you require

assistance or accommodations please contact Jeanenne Cordero or John Blas from our office at 472-3455/6 or via email at

[email protected] or [email protected]. I look forward to your attendance and participation.

Si Yuos Maase!

cc: Sergeant-At-Arms/Protocol/AV

Clerk of the Legislature


All Media

John F. Blas Senior Policy Advisor Office of Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation 155 Hessler Place Hagatna, Guam 9691 O (W) 671.472.3455/6 (F) 671.472.3400 email:[email protected]

Page 28: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan Office of The Legislative Secretary

Tina Rose Muiia Barnes October 25, 2012




All Members/ All Senator~ Senator Tina Rose Mufia BarneX

SUBJECT: Second Notice of Public Hearing Monday, October 29, 2012

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! The Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation will be conducting a public hearing on Monday, October 29, 2012 in the Public Hearing Room, 155 Hesler Place, Hagatfia beginning at 9:00 a.m. This hearing is scheduled to receive public testimony on the following:

• The Appointment of Mr. Robert Marks to serve as a Member of the Guam Unarmed Combat Commission for a Term of Four (4) Years.

• Bill No. 520-31 (COR): "An Act to Amend §40111 (B) of Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code AnnotatEd Relative to the Mayors' Council of Guam." - T.R. Mufia Barnes

• Bill No. 521-31 (COR): "An Act to Add a New §40135.l to Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code AnnotatE·d Relative to Creating the Mayors' Council of Guam Revolving Fund." - T.R. Mufia Barnes

• Bill No. 522-31 (COR): "An Act to Amend §40105 of Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative o the Tenn of Office for Officers of the Mayors' Council of Guam." - T.R. Mufia Barnes

• Bill No. 518-31 (COR): "An Act to Place the Former Agat Fire Station Under the Administrative Jurisdiction of the Mayor's Office of Agat, by Amending Item (1) of §40113(B) of Chapter 40, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated." - Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

• Bill No. 519-31 (COR): "An Act Authorizing the Guam Visitors Bureau to Recruit the Necessary Personnel to Support the Mission of its Research Department; and to Authorize an Appropriation for the Purpose of Such Recruitment." - T.R. Mufia Barnes

• Bill No. 502-31 (COR): "An Act to Appropriate Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) from the Tourst Attraction fund for the Operations of the Tumon Precinct and to Fund New Police Positions." - R.J. Respicio

This forty-eight (48) hour Public Hearing notice is provided pursuant to §8107 Chapter 8, 5 GCA).. Written testimonies may be submitted on the day of, prior to, or up to ten days after the public hearing to the Office of Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes, 155 Hesler Place, Hagatfoi Guam 96910, via facsimile to 472-3400 or via email to [email protected]. We comply with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Should you require assistance or accommodations please contact Jeanenne Cordero or John Blas from our office at 472-3455/6 or via email at jean@tinamµ or I look forward to your attendance and participation.

Si Yu'os Ma'ase'f

cc: Sergeant-At-Arms/Protocol/AV Clerk of the Legislature MIS All Media

Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation Vice Chairperson, Committee on Youth, Cultural Affairs, Procurement, General Government Operations and Public Broadcasting

155 Hesler Place Hagati\.a, Guam 96910 [Tel: 671-472-3455/6 Fax: 671-472-3400]

Page 29: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail - October 29, 2012 Second Publ... ...

1 of2

John Blas <[email protected]>

October 29, 2012 Second Public H ~~ipg Nptice

r1 Blas 1<folas'> Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 9:42 AM To: P/Hrg Notice <[email protected]> Cc: GLIMPSES OF GUAM - Letitia Law Byerly <[email protected]>, GLIMPSES OF GUAM -MANAGING EDITOR <[email protected]>, GLIMPSES OF GUAM - Maureen Maratita <[email protected]>, K Stereo - KISH <[email protected]>, K Stereo News <[email protected]>, KPRG <[email protected]>, KUAM - John <[email protected]>, KUAM - Krystal <[email protected]>, KUAM - Mindy <[email protected]>, KUAM - NICK <[email protected]>, KUAM - Sabrina <[email protected]>, KUAM News - Hot Tips <[email protected]>, Marianas Variety <[email protected]>, Marianas Variety - Admin <[email protected]>, Marianas Variety - Editor <[email protected]>, Marianas Variety - Jamela <[email protected]>, Marianas Variety - Jennifer <[email protected]>, Marianas Variety - Zita Taitano <[email protected]>, PBS Guam <[email protected]>, PBS Guam <[email protected]>, PBS Guam Leigh Pereda <[email protected]>, PDN - Catriona <[email protected]>, PDN - News <[email protected]>, PDN - Oyaol Ngirairikl <[email protected]>, PDN - Watanabe <[email protected]>, SPB - Betsy Brown <[email protected]>, SPB - Clynt Ridgell <[email protected]>, SPB - Josh Tyquiengco <[email protected]>, SPB - Kevin Kerrigan <[email protected]>, SPB - Patti Arroyo <[email protected]>, SPB - Ray Gibson <[email protected]>, SPB - Travis Kaufmann <[email protected]>, Telo Taitague <[email protected]>

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! Attached for your information is a Memo from Senator Muna Barnes relative to a Public Hearing scheduled for 9am Monday, October 29, 2012 in the Public Hearing Room of I Lihes/aturan Guahan.

October 24, 2012


TO: All Members/ All Senators

FROM: Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes

SUBJECT: Second Notice of Public Hearing

Monday, October 29, 2012

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! The Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation will be conducting a public hearing on Monday, October 29, 2012 in the Public Hearing Room, 155 Hesler Place, Hagatfia beginning at 9:00 a.m. This hearing is scheduled to receive public testimony on the following:

The Appointment of Mr. Robert Marks to serve as a Member of the Guam Unarmed Combat Commission for a Term of Four (4) Years.

Bill No. 520-31 (COR): "An Act to Amend §40111 (B) of Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to

the Mayors' Council of Guam." - T.R. Muna Barnes

Bill No. 521-31 (COR): "An Act to Add a New §40135.1 to Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative

Page 30: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail - October 29, 2012 Second Publ... ...

2 of2

to Creating the Mayors' Council of Guam Revolving Fund." - T.R. Muna Barnes

Bill No. 522-31 (COR): "An Act to Amend §40105 of Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to the Term of Office for Officers of the Mayors' Council of Guam." - T.R. Muna Barnes

Bill No. 518-31 (COR): "An Act to Place the Former Agat Fire Station Under the Administrative Jurisdiction of the Mayor's Office of Agat, by Amending Item (1) of §40113(B) of Chapter 40, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated." - Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

Bill No. 519-31 (COR): "An Act Authorizing the Guam Visitors Bureau to Recruit the Necessary Personnel to Support the Mission of its Research Department; and to Authorize an Appropriation for the Purpose of Such Recruitment." - T.R. Muna Barnes

Bill No. 502-31 (COR): "An Act to Appropriate Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) from the Tourist Attraction fund for the Operations of the Tumon Precinct and to Fund New Police Positions." - R.J. Respicio

This forty-eight (48) hour Public Hearing notice is provided pursuant to §8107 Chapter 8, 5 GCA). Written testimonies may be submitted on

the day of, prior to, or up to ten days after the public hearing to the Office of Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes, 155 Hesler Place, Hagatiia

Guam 96910, via facsimile to 472-3400 or via email to [email protected]. We comply vvith Title JI of the Americans with

Disabilities Act (ADA). Should you require assistance or accommodations please contact Jeanenne Cordero or John Blas from our office at

472-3455/6 or via email at [email protected] or [email protected]. I look forward to your attendance and participation.

Si Yubs Maase1

cc: Sergeant-At-Arms/Protocol/AV

Clerk of the Legislature


All Media

John F. Blas Senior Policy Advisor Office of Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation 155 Hessler Place Hagatna, Guam 96910 (W) 671.472.3455/6 (F) 671.472.3400 email:[email protected]

~ 2012 1024 Second Hrg Notice.pdf ir 179K

10/25/20122:10 PM

Page 31: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail - October 29, 2012 Second Pub!... ...

John Blas <[email protected]>

October 29, 2012 Second Public Hearing Notice

Adam Bearce <[email protected]> Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 3:40 PM To: John Blas <[email protected]>, Yong Pak <[email protected]>

Hi. Confirmed posted. [Quoted text hidden]

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Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail - October 29, 2012 - First Publi... ...

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October 29, 2012 - First Public Hearing Notice

Duane George <[email protected]> To: John Blas <[email protected]>

John Blas <[email protected]>

Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 10:45 AM

Hafa adai. Your meeting notice has been received and we'll try to run it as soon as we can.

Sincerely, Duane M. George Community Editor Pacific Daily News 671-4 79-0415 [email protected]

[Quoted text hidden]

[Quoted text hidden]

Page 33: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail - Confirmation Hearing - 9am ... ...

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John Blas <[email protected]>

Confirmation Hearing - 9am Monday, October 29, 2012

John Blas <[email protected]> Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 11:35 AM To: Robert Marks <[email protected]> Cc: Senator Tina <[email protected]>, Jean Cordero <[email protected]>, Regine Lee < [email protected]>

Dear Mr. Marks,

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! Please see the attached letter from Senator Tina relative to your confirmation hearing scheduled for 9am Monday, October 29, 2012.

Un Dangko'lo Na Si Yu'os Ma'ase'! and I look forward to your attendance and participation. If you should have any questions. please do not hesitate to call or email me.


John F. Blas Senior Policy Advisor Office of Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation 155 Hessler Place Hagatfia, Guam 96910 (W) 671.472.3455/6 (F) 671.472.3400 email:[email protected]

~ 2012 1022 Robert Marks.pdf 205K

Page 34: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail - Invitation to Confirmation Hearing ...

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John Blas <[email protected]>

Invitation to Confirmation Hearing

John Blas <[email protected]> Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 11:43 AM To: John Camacho <[email protected]> Cc: Marie Benito <[email protected]>, Senator Tina <[email protected]>, Jean Cordero <[email protected]>, Regine Lee <[email protected]>

Dear Mr. Camacho,

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! Please see the attached letter from Senator Muna Barnes relative to the Confirmation Hearing on the Appointment of Robert Marks to serve as a Member of the Guam Unarmed Combat Commission for a term of four (4) years. The hearing is scheduled for 9am Monday, October 29, 2012.

Thank you for your kind attention. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email me.



John F. Blas Senior Policy Advisor Office of Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation 155 Hessler Place Hagatna, Guam 96910 (W) 671.472.3455/6 (F) 671.472.3400 email:[email protected]

~ 2012 1022 Rev & Tax Director.pdf v 206K

Page 35: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail Invitation to Confirmation Hearing ...

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I John Blas <[email protected]>

Invitation to Confirmation Hearing

John Blas <[email protected]> Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 11:44 AM To: Pete Calvo <[email protected]> Cc: Senator Tina <[email protected]>, Jean Cordero <[email protected]>, Regine Lee <[email protected]>

Dear Mr. Calvo,

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! Please see the attached letter from Senator Muna Barnes relative to the Confirmation Hearing on the Appointment of Robert Marks to serve as a Member of the Guam Unarmed Combat Commission for a term of four (4) years. The hearing is scheduled for 9am Monday, October 29, 2012.

Thank you for your kind attention. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email me.



John F. Blas Senior Policy Advisor Office of Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation 155 Hessler Place Hagatf\a, Guam 96910 (W) 671.472.3455/6 (F) 671 .472.3400 email:[email protected]

't9 2012 1022 DPR Director.pdf 205K

Page 36: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail Invitation to Public Hearing - ... ...

I of l


I John Blas <[email protected]>

Invitation to Public Hearing - 9am Monday, October 29, 2012

John Blas <[email protected]> Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 11:51 AM To: "Mayor Melissa B. Savares" <[email protected]> Cc: "Mayor Andrew C. Villagomez" <[email protected]>, "Mayor Carol S. Tayama" <[email protected]>, "Mayor Dale E. Alvarez" <[email protected]>, "Mayor Dean D. Sanchez'' <[email protected]>, "Mayor Ernest T. Chargualaf" <[email protected]>, "Mayor Francisco C. Blas" <[email protected]>, "Mayor Franklin M. Taitague" <[email protected]>, "Mayor Jessie B. Palican" <[email protected]>, "Mayor Jessy C. Gogue" <[email protected]>, "Mayor John A. Cruz" <[email protected]>, "Mayor Jose 'Pedo' T. Terlaje" <[email protected]>, "Mayor Nita C. Blas" <[email protected]>, "Mayor Paul M. McDonald" <[email protected]>, "Mayor Robert S. Lizama" <[email protected]>, "Mayor Roke B. Blas" <[email protected]>, "Mayor Vicente 'Benny' L. San Nicolas" <[email protected]>, "Mayor Vicente D. Gumataotao" <[email protected]>, "Mayor Vicente S. Taitague" <[email protected]>, Angel Sablan <[email protected]>, MCOG Admin <[email protected]>, Senator Tina <[email protected]>, Jean Cordero <[email protected]>, Regine Lee <[email protected]>

Dear Mayor Savares,

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! Please see the attached letter from Senator Muna Barnes relative to the Public Hearing on several bills affecting the Mayors' Council of Guam. Thank you for your kind attention. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email me.



John F. Blas Senior Policy Advisor Office of Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation 155 Hessler Place Hagatfia, Guam 96910 (W) 671.472.3455/6 (F) 671.472.3400 email: [email protected]

2012 1022 MCOG President.pdf 210K

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Page 37: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail - Invitation to Public Hearing- ... ...

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John Blas <[email protected]>

Invitation to Public Hearing - Monday, October 29, 2012

John Blas <[email protected]> Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 11:59 AM To: "Mayor Carol S. Tayama" <[email protected]> Cc: Angel Sablan <[email protected]>, MCOG Admin <[email protected]>, Senator Tina <[email protected]>, Jean Cordero <[email protected]>, Regine Lee <[email protected]>

Dear Mayor Tayama,

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! Please see the attached letter from Senator Muna Barnes relative to the Public Hearing on Bill No. 518 introduced by Senator Yamashita relative to placing the former Agat Fire Station under the Administrative Jurisdiction of the Mayor's Office of Agat.

Thank you for your kind attention. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email me.



John F. Blas Senior Policy Advisor Office of Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation 155 Hessler Place Hagatna, Guam 96910 (W) 671.472.3455/6 (F) 671.472.3400 email: jblas

t!j 2012 1022 Agat Mayor.pdf " 212K

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Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail - Invitation to Public Hearing- ...;;:pt&q ...

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John Blas <[email protected]>

Invitation to Public Hearing - Monday, October 29, 2012

John Blas <[email protected]> Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 12:10 PM To: Joey San Nicolas <[email protected]> Cc: Senator Tina <[email protected]>, Jean Cordero <[email protected]>, Regine Lee <[email protected]>

Dear Chief San Nicolas,

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! Please see the attached letter from Senator Muna Barnes relative to the Public Hearing on Bill No. 518 introduced by Senator Yamashita relative to placing the former Agat Fire Station under the Administrative Jurisdiction of the Mayor's Office of Agat.

Thank you for your kind attention. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email me.



John F. Blas Senior Policy Advisor Office of Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation 155 Hessler Place Hagatna, Guam 96910 (W) 671.472.3455/6 (F) 671.472.3400 ernail:jblas@t inamunabarnes.corn

~ 2012 1022 GFD Chief.pdf . 211K

Page 39: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail - Invitation to Public Hearing- ...'mail/u/O/?ui=2&ik=8ac424b8e2&view=pt&se ...

ii John Blas <[email protected]>

Invitation to Public Hearing - Monday, October 29, 2012

John Blas <[email protected]> Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 12:21 PM To: Joann Camacho <[email protected]> Cc: Jon Nathan Denight <[email protected]>, Senator Tina <[email protected]>, Jean Cordero <[email protected]>, Regine Lee <[email protected]>

Dear Mrs. Camacho,

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! Please see the attached letter and agenda from Senator Muna Barnes relative to the Public Hearing on Bill No. 502 (COR) and Bill No. 519 (COR). The hearing is scheduled for 9am Monday, October 29, 2012. [Quoted text hidden]

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~ 2012 1022 GVB GM.pdf "' 211K

!j 2012 1022 Agenda.pdf 78K

Page 40: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail - Invitation to Public Hearing- ... ...

I nf 1

John Blas <[email protected]>

Invitation to Public Hearing - Monday, October 29, 2012

John Blas <[email protected]> Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 12:26 PM To: Monte Mesa <[email protected]> Cc: Senator Tina <[email protected]>, Jean Cordero <[email protected]>, Regine Lee <[email protected]>

Dear Mr. Chairman,

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! Please see the attached letter and agenda from Senator Muna Barnes relative to the Public Hearing on Bill No. 502 (COR) and Bill No. 519 (COR). The hearing is scheduled for 9am Monday, October 29, 2012.



John F. Blas Senior Policy Advisor Office of Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation 155 Hessler Place Hagatiia, Guam 96910 (W) 671.472.3455/6 (F) 671.472.3400 email: [email protected]

2 attachments

~ 20121022 GVB Chairman.pdf ' 210K

2012 1022 Agenda.pdf 78K

Page 41: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail fuvitation to Public Hearing-... ...

1 nf 1

John Blas <[email protected]>

Invitation to Public Hearing - Monday, October 29, 2012

John Blas <[email protected]> Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 12:31 PM To: Fred Bordallo <[email protected]> Cc: Gertrudes Champaco <[email protected]>, Senator Tina <[email protected]>, Jean Cordero <[email protected]>, Regine Lee <[email protected]>

Dear Chief Bordallo,

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! Please see the attached letter and agenda from Senator Muna Barnes relative to the Public Hearing on Bill No. 502-31 (COR). The hearing is scheduled for 9am Monday, October 29, 2012.

Senserament, [Quoted text hidden]

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~ 2012 1022 GPO Chief.pdf . 209K

~ 2012 1022 Agenda.pdf 78K

Page 42: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Mail - Public Hearing on Bill No. 50... htips:// ...

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John Blas <[email protected]>

Public Hearing on Bill No. 502 (COR)

John Blas <[email protected]> Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 12:35 PM To: "Lt. Ron Taitano" <[email protected]> Cc: Senator Tina <[email protected]>, Jean Cordero <[email protected]>, Regine Lee < [email protected]>

Lt. Ron,

Buenas yan Hafa Adai! This is a courtesy email to inform you that our committee will be conducting a Public Hearing on Bill No. 502-31 (COR). Please see the attached letter and agenda to Chief Bordallo from Senator Muna Barnes. The hearing is scheduled for 9am Monday, October 29, 2012. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email me.



John F. Blas Senior Policy Advisor Office of Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation 155 Hessler Place Hagatna, Guam 9691 o (W) 671.472.3455/6 (F) 671.472.3400 email:[email protected]

2 attachments

'ii\l'l 2012 1022 Agenda.pdf i..:l 78K

~ 2012 1022 GPO Chief.pdf 209K

Page 43: I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan ce The Legi Secretary … No. B521-3… · SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY & DISCUSSION Senator Mufi.a Barnes Next on the agenda is Bill No. 521-31

I Mina'Trentai Unu Na Liheslaturan Guahan Office of The Legislative Secretary

Tina Rose I\!1una Barnes

Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing & Recreation Public Hearing

9:00 a.m. Monday, October 29, 2012


1. The Appointment of Mr. Robert Marks to serve as a Member of the Guam Unarmed Combat Commission for a Term of Four (4) Years.

2. Bill No. 520-31 (COR): /1 An Act to Amend §40111 (B) of Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to the Mayors' Council of Guam." - T.R. Muna Barnes

3. Bill No. 521-31 (COR): /1 An Act to Add a New §40135.1 to Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to Creating the Mayors' Council of Guam Revolving Fund." - T.R. Muna Barnes

4. Bill No. 522-31 (COR): "An Act to Amend §40105 of Chapter 40, Title 5 Guam Code Annotated Relative to the Term of Office for Officers of the Mayors' Council of Guam." -T.R. Mufi.a Barnes

5. Bill No. 518-31 (COR): "An Act to Place the Former Agat Fire Station Under the Administrative Jurisdiction of the Mayor's Office of Agat, by Amending Item (1) of §40113(B) of Chapter 40, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated." - Aline A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

6. Bill No. 519-31 (COR): "An Act Authorizing the Guam Visitors Bureau to Recruit the Necessary Personnel to Support the Mission of its Research Department; and to Authorize an Appropriation for the Purpose of Such Recruitment." - T.R.

Muna Barnes

7. Bill No. 502-31 (COR): /1 An Act to Appropriate Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) from the Tourist Attraction fund for the Operations of the Tumon Precinct and to Fund New Police Positions." - R.J. Respicio

Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Recreation Vice Chairperson, Committee on Youth, Cultural Affairs, Procurement, General Government Operations and Public Broadcasting

155 Hesler Place Hagama, Guam 96910 [Tel: 671-472-3455/6 Fax: 671-472-34-00]

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