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    File: 1340840544356.jpg -(148 KB, 1440x810, every day for the next 12000 years.jpg) Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)19:42 No.67736704

    I will never let you forget.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)19:43 No.67736727

    Loser, had no relevance to the plot and accepted the

  • 7/31/2019 I Will Never Let You Forge


    29/06/12 /a/ - Anime & Manga














    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)19:48 No.67736916

    >>67736727Only Fuso was ever plot relevant.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)19:57 No.67737212

    Forget what? That anyone with a brain saw this comingfrom episode 1?

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:03 No.67737438

    >>67736727>>67736916>>67737212Fucking summer

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:05 No.67737481File: 1340841907237.jpg -(1.29 MB, 2600x2000, losers_updated.jpg)

    Neither will I

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:06 No.67737531

    I'm pretty sure Kawamori was just lurking 2ch 2chan and whenever someone would guess the ending hehad in mind he'd change it, it is why all this bullshit happened, gotta keep the rep of unpredictable

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:06 No.67737535

    You won't let us forget how Zessica won the Aqua Lion?

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:08 No.67737619

    >>67737438lel u summerfag eye show u gud XXXDDDD

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:14 No.67737881


    I'll never forget, and I'll never like it.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:18 No.67738004

    >>67737481Whoever made this image is a fucking idiot. And also has some pretty shit taste.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:18 No.67738025

    I won't, but go ahead and post this every day for the next year to be sure

    Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 06/27/12(Wed)20:20 No.67738093File: 1340842832030.jpg -(183 KB, 1440x810, 2012 aqua lion champions.jpg)

    Can we have an OVA where Zessica wins or where Mikono and Amata's relationshipis written a lot better. Like a lot better.

  • 7/31/2019 I Will Never Let You Forge


    29/06/12 /a/ - Anime & Manga












    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:20 No.67738096File: 1340842840642.jpg -(368 KB, 900x674, 1810447-iron_man_a_bloo_bloo_b(...).jpg)


    >pointing out all the losers is shit taste

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:24 No.67738263


    Nope. Never.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:24 No.67738267

    Never forget.Never forgive.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:25 No.67738309File: 1340843151178.png -(54 KB, 554x171, TrueBadAssRightHere.png)


    Obligatory yet?

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:26 No.67738334

    Requesting the full group photo cap if anyone has it handy.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:28 No.67738391

    Zessicafag butthurt for 12,000 years

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:37 No.67738697

    >>67738309 Always.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:39 No.67738770

    Can we have an OVA with high budget that would be a retelling of the last episode where Amata isn't anautist and go for the best girl, Mikono gets nuked into space with Mykage so they can NTR forever andbeyond the horizon event, Zen brings back Jin from the dead and Shushu wishes to fuck Mikono in 12000years. And Kagura sets off in the sunset.

    That would make money.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:43 No.67738908File: 1340844183119.jpg -(228 KB, 1440x810, 1340557371378.jpg)

    She looks happy to me in the last scene.

    God forgive her for being worried about her MIA friends andrecovering from possession.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:44 No.67738951

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    29/06/12 /a/ - Anime & Manga









    File: 1340844248382.jpg -(130 KB, 1280x720, 1340665281989.jpg)


    >Being Malloy is Suffering

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:45 No.67739008File: 1340844340728.jpg -(18 KB, 244x320, Manly Tears1.jpg)

    You have my sword fellowZessicabro

    >every day for the next 12000years.jpg

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:45 No.67739015



    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:48 No.67739120


    If there's an OVA AU, they'll rewrite the relationships of Zessica to simplify the plot. She'll likely beKagura's love interest. That way the main couple will get together sooner.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:49 No.67739174File: 1340844582606.png -(943 KB, 992x557, 1340690362256.png)


    What? It's the truth. You're butthurt over a pairing that was irrelevant in Japan. EvenKaguraxZessica got their own thread in 2ch (unlike AmataxZessica).

    You miss the point of her growth in the last episode if you believe she'll die of heartbreak. Fuckingshippers.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:50 No.67739200


    Probably. She's the Reika. As long the main pairing doesn't change, she can be paired off with other


    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:51 No.67739239


    You don't even get why the spammers are spamming aishiteru like that in that scene, dude.

    Just go home and take a nap.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:55 No.67739415File: 1340844956696.gif -(1.1 MB, 512x288, 1340560452584.gif)


    I do. ZessicaxAmata was unpopular and irrelevant.

    Zessica wasn't unhappy, only worried and had some great concerns. She was happy

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    29/06/12 /a/ - Anime & Manga











    because Amata and Mikono were happy and together.

    If you can't face these facts, your loss.

    Christ, she has the whiniest fanbase.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:56 No.67739421


    Bonus: wwwwwwwww

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:58 No.67739531


    > I do.

    So explain it.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)20:59 No.67739598


    It's the song.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:00 No.67739630


    And they're posting it there because...?

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:02 No.67739724


    Genesis English is playing in the background.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:06 No.67739857File: 1340845582555.jpg -(171 KB, 1723x595, requiem of the zessicafags.jpg)

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:08 No.67739918


    Let's suppose that that's why they're posting it. If so, how would your use of that pic support your intendedpoint?

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:13 No.67740108

    >>67738093Less pointless plot retellings, more fun fights and hijinks.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:29 No.67740726

    >>67739174I'm not sure why you waste your time with this in every thread. Does rustle your jimmies,how bout ? Have you even paid attention to this show at all? Genesis is the story of a dogreincarnating to get some love from its master after wishing on a star and killing itself. Yunoha went full-onsuicidal over Jin's death, having known him for less than a week. She got over it, doesn't mean we start

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    29/06/12 /a/ - Anime & Manga









    shipping her with Cayenne cause he got over Shrade's death. If people can love dead people (Yunoha,Cayenne, Sylvia, Kagura in away), I'm pretty sure they're also allowed to love people in a relationship(Pollon, Zessica, Mykage/Touma, Kagura in a way again).

    That, aside from 24000 years of Apollonius being a dick, is the story of Aquarion. Zessica, Yunoha,Cayenne, Kagura, they're all going to move on just like Apollonius did and Sylvia probably also did, doesn'tmean they stop loving the people they love. But what happens after the story is nothing more than fan-fiction. If you want them to have a foursome orgy, have at it. If you want Kagura to turn gay, sure (Sazankawill be at your side). Yunoha and Zessica go all out yuri? Alright. But its fan fiction.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:30 No.67740764

    >>67738093Making Amata and Mikono better written would undermine the entire point of Okada's meta-trollling. They'resuppose to be bad and people who support them are fucking idiots. Everything about the last episode wastaking a stab at both of them and their fanbases

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:32 No.67740846File: 1340847166706.jpg -(119 KB, 1440x810, 1340464929225.jpg)


    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:33 No.67740858


    in 12000 years zessica fags will become the new big-bad mizessikage set on destroying silvia once and for all, so that she finally can get some dog lovin

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:35 No.67740934


    What rustles my jimmies is your pretension to authority and knowledge.

    Once you stop reposting shit you at-best half-understand that at-best doesn't outright contradict the pointyou're trying to make I'll stop calling you on it.

    So again: in what sense does that picture support your point?

    You clearly think it does, it should be easy to explain why in a sentence or two, I'll wait.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:42 No.67741158

    >>67740934I never said the image supported my point. I'm not even the one who posted it.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:44 No.67741219


    Holy shit, you're an idiot.

    If you seriously think she was just sad over AM not being there, look at their friends. Notice how they areshown happy?

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:44 No.67741237


    Holy shit you're right, sorry bro. Never mind. I hate that guy for the reasons I said, and thought you were

  • 7/31/2019 I Will Never Let You Forge


    29/06/12 /a/ - Anime & Manga











    him and dodging the question...

    I guess I am that mad.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:47 No.67741322File: 1340848040878.jpg -(120 KB, 1440x810, 1340464987545.jpg)

    >>67741219The densest metal in the world

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:48 No.67741361

    >>67741219>have montage of everyone happy>show all the happy pairings>show zessica alone and sad>show kagura looking off into the distance>show zessica looking off into the distance>show no interaction between the two>show zessica dramatic turn + blush

    >show happy friends everywhere too>show stoic malloyClearly this is support for ZxK, no one else gave a shit about AxM missing except Zessica so she's sad.Zessica went to visit Kagura and everyone else teleported onto the scene when AxM reappeared.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:49 No.67741387


    Seems legit.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:49 No.67741392

    So why do people hate Mikono but love Inori?

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:49 No.67741420


    No, you're just an idiot. Do you notice how everyone was at the beach? Do you notice how Zessica is aloneand sad while everyone is happy? Are you really that fucking stupid?

    I've seen that you can't actually type out a defense to what you say, so I'm not even going to keepbothering.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:50 No.67741431

    >>67741392People love Inori?

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:50 No.67741435


    Inori did some stuff a few times. She apologized to the main character at least once.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:50 No.67741457

    >>67741392I don't even like Inori but at least she did shit.

  • 7/31/2019 I Will Never Let You Forge


    29/06/12 /a/ - Anime & Manga











    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:51 No.67741474


    doin than smind

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:51 No.67741480


    I hate both

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:52 No.67741512

    >>67741392Inori cannot be replaced by a flower for the same effect?

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:52 No.67741515File: 1340848330411.jpg -(121 KB, 1440x810, 1340465001904.jpg)


    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:52 No.67741533

    >>67741392 At least she did something, the same can't be said about Mikono. Remember when she would connecteveryone and save MIX? I don't.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:53 No.67741547


    This is funny because of the finale actually...

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:53 No.67741567File: 1340848408166.png -(55 KB, 500x500, 1280955171797.png)

    >>67741533That sure turned out swell.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:54 No.67741607


    That was going to happen but den da Kawamori changed da course of fate to rob da Zessica of her victory...that's the real meta-troll here.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:55 No.67741621

    >>67741533Hey remember when Amata fought fate to be with the one he was already fated to be with?

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:55 No.67741635


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    29/06/12 /a/ - Anime & Manga













    She connected both planets and their mutual love made the tears of Aquarion save everything.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:56 No.67741695

    >>67741635That was Amata, infact that was mostly Kagura. All Mikono did was cry

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:56 No.67741699

    Hey guys, remember how ying-yang was only introduced in 22 and then became the solution to everythingin the show?

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:57 No.67741716

    >>67741699Hey remember that other planet? Cause no one else does.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:57 No.67741741

    >>67741699It was introduced back in the Banana episode.Back when people thought that Zessica was the real Apollonius.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:58 No.67741761

    >>67741716Hey remember detachment wing

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:58 No.67741780

    >>67741741>It was introduced back in the Banana episode.No it wasn't you retard

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:59 No.67741812

    >>67741741That wasn't ying and yang dumbshit

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)21:59 No.67741828


    There's irony in you posting these.Just thought I'd say that.Now continue dance and argue over a shit show that is over.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:00 No.67741843


    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:00 No.67741879

    Hey who remembers Jin? I do cause thats when this show was good.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:00 No.67741884

    So in the end the reason Mikono wanted to apologize to Kagura was because she never noticed Apollowas Pollon?

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    29/06/12 /a/ - Anime & Manga











    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:01 No.67741912File: 1340848886376.jpg -(55 KB, 500x420, You-keep-using-that-word.jpg)


    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:02 No.67741940


    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:02 No.67741954

    >>67741884For never realizing his feelings.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:02 No.67741969>>67741828You can not be this stupid

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:02 No.67741971File: 1340848967303.jpg -(309 KB, 1440x2206, OH GOD I'M GONNA DIE.jpg)

    >>67741879I REMEMBER AND I AGREE.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:07 No.67742174

    >>67741828I don't think "irony" is the word you're going for...

    More like "Pot Calling the Kettle Black".

    People confuse these two a lot.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:08 No.67742207


    Too soon man, too soon...

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:12 No.67742349

    This is one of those shows that makes me wonder what qualifications a person needs for scriptwriting for anime. It doesn't seem very high.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:14 No.67742419File: 1340849687733.gif -(28 KB, 354x353, osmium.gif)


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    29/06/12 /a/ - Anime & Manga









    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:21 No.67742696


    >Pollon never killed himself, you dumbass.>Yunoha trying to kill herself was made negative, you retard

    >Zessica's lack of self worth for a fucking dude was also negative, you idiot.

    ZessicaxAmata shitshipperfag still in denial. The only ones who give a shit about that pairing was /a/ andfaggots who projected into Amata.

    Zessica's obsession was wrong. She was told off and got over her suicidal love. Is she lovelorn? A little. Amata and Mikono are still her friends and she's thrilled and happy when she greets them back .

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:25 No.67742847

    Just a friendly reminder: since Zessica's love is irrelevant to the story, if OVAs/movies are made, they caneasily change it to Cayenne, Fabulous-Kun, Sanzanka, Crea, Yunoha, Kagura, Operator-Kun, Malloy.

    She's the Reika. She'll get some fun with combinations.

    The only couple that actually matters is MikonoxAmata and MykagexFudo for plot and YunohaxJin for cash.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:28 No.67742911


    This is what makes the Zessicafags butthurt. This and the shoehorned KaguraxZessica.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:32 No.67743058

    >>67742696Pollon would have had to kill himself, otherwise who killed him? Shadow Angels are immortal.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:35 No.67743168


    He probably died defending Alisia. He was watching over her in the drama cd.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:35 No.67743178

    >>67742696Ho boy did you miss the point. I never said they were positives. My comparison was that Yunoha who, justlike Zessica,>got over itIs shown as content in her place with loving a dead person. This has been a show of people loving othersregardless of whether they were dead or otherwise.>If people can love dead people (Yunoha, Cayenne, Sylvia, Kagura in away), I'm pretty sure they're alsoallowed to love people in a relationship (Pollon, Zessica, Mykage/Touma, Kagura in a way again).

    But thanks for failing at reading comprehension.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:36 No.67743205


    Apollonius killed him. Why not? He seems behind of everything.

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    29/06/12 /a/ - Anime & Manga










    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:37 No.67743225

    >>67742847>irrelevant to the story>saves Amata's life thriceNot quite.But where'd all these haters just pop up?

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:38 No.67743274


    Yunoha did get over it. She remembers Jin fondly and all, but she's not trying to kill herself over it. That isunhealthy.

    You're just making a big fuss over fucking nothing. Cayenne's perfectly functional.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:40 No.67743348



    You're saying she would have let him hit by a car just because she doesn't want his dick? That's a shittyfriend.

    Second time was as consequence of her meddling, so it's irrelevant. The only plot relevance of her one-sided love is getting possessed by a space gay angel. Knowing Kawamori, if he does OVAS in AU setting,he wouldn't repeat this trick.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:42 No.67743434

    >>67743274You don't understand what I'm saying at all. Yunoha got over trying to kill herself, but she still loves Jin.

    This is the same for Zessica but Amata's not dead.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:43 No.67743471


    Zessica's attachment only shat on her character and led her to traumatic possession. That was the plotrelevance it had.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:44 No.67743510


    ????What fucking show have you been watching? Did Zessica piss in your breakfast or something?

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:46 No.67743565

    >>67743348>Second time was as consequence of her meddling, so it's irrelevant.

    Her meddling?>Following orders to retrieve Amata.>Get attacked by cherubim.>Save Amata.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:46 No.67743577


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    Yunoha got over it by making peace with his loss. Her self-destructive actions and Zessica's not portrayedin a positive light, anon. Zessica has closure now Amata and Mikono got together too.

    People do move on. Look at Donar.

    Yunoha won't be allowed because JinxYunoha's the main selling point. Zessica's unrequited feelings for Amata? Nobody gives a fuck outs ide of /a/ that isn't Kawamori's cashing.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:48 No.67743643


    I like Zessica. What other relevance it had? Explain? Making her emo, weak and controlled isn't exactlypositive or relevant.


    You're disregarding that Mykage sent that Cherubim to attack them because Zessica was trying to make astupid promise. Without Zessica's actions, he wouldn't have done that.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:48 No.67743644

    >>67743471Might as well remove her from the show instead of spending considerable time every ep to show her angsting. If the MC didn't know she got her body hijacked and she got dumped from the Aquarion themoment Mykage was inside it what's the point?

    I think her character was poorly thought out. Or it was changed somewhere.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:50 No.67743723

    >>67743577If you bothered to read what I wrote initially, I didn't contest>People do move on.I said its all fanfiction from here. I also said that this is a show where even if people have closure, it doesn'tstop them from loving people. Hence,>People can continue loving dead people, and people can continue loving people in relationships.Look at Pollon.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:51 No.67743753File: 1340851906663.jpg -(170 KB, 1440x810, 1340556008261.jpg)


    I think the message they were going to send is: "there's no point to kill yourself for some worthless guy, girl."

    That's pretty much Kagura's line which BOOM made her realize all of a sudden she was walling in bullshit.

    I guess Kagura's lesson was: "don't fuck things up for a smelly bitch you don't even know. She's not worthit."

    It was just poorly written.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:52 No.67743771

    >>67743643So you're blaming Zessica for doing something that would make her less miserable and less likely to be

    possesed by the gay space angel? That's some werid logic there.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:53 No.67743809


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    29/06/12 /a/ - Anime & Manga










    Pollon is the MC. Zessica's a side character.

    People also can find new love. Look at Apollonius, who got the best karma. The one who couldn't let go(Touma) got more trouble than not.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:54 No.67743847


    I go with changed somewhere late in production but it's unknowable unless they come out and say itthemselves.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:54 No.67743851

    So we've reached the point where people try to blame Zessica for having to save Amata's life? What apeculiar circle we've made.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:55 No.67743871

    >>67743809>side character

    Zessica's a main character.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:55 No.67743877


    I'm not blaming Zessica. I'm telling you that isn't relevant from a narrative-point because being in lovecaused it. Remove her love, it never happens.People also can find new love. Look at Apollonius, who got the best karma. The one who couldn't let go(Touma) got more trouble than not.

    You're confusing being assertive with having plot relevance. Mikono is fucking useless, but she has plotrelevance.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:55 No.67743903

    So she didn't win the aqua lion? Can you stop making threads every day now?

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:56 No.67743923


    She's a secondary heroine. Do you know what Kawamori loves most of them? Pairing them with other


    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:57 No.67743954


    Yes, look at Celaine.

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:58 No.67743982

    >>67743753They could have ended her suffering much sooner, like 8 episodes sooner if that was indeed what they

    were aiming for.

    I think they just didn't know what to do with her so they just did an asspull.

    Kagura was Amata this ep so no comment.

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    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:59 No.67744031

    >>67743877>being in love caused it

    But anon being in love is why she's saved his life three times.>she followed him through the city because of it, and led to saving his life>she followed him to the work construction and saved his life when he fell>she followed him on orders cause he stole a vector and saved his life after they were attacked, mykagewasn't attacking just her, he was after both of them if he just wanted to interrupt her no need to attack asecond time

    Anonymous 06/27/12(Wed)22:59 No.67744035


    Here comes the conspiracy theories. A few things were changed: Mikono was a tsundere gun otakuoriginally.

    Mostly bad writing, but MikonoxAmata was always going to be endgame.

    Hoverlegs 06/28/12(Thu)04:54 No.67745885But OP, I'm already sick and tired of the shipping shit.

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)05:26 No.67746511File: 1340875587080.jpg -(46 KB, 776x602, Waynes-World-Get-A-Load-Of-Thi(...).jpg)

    >>67744035>but MikonoxAmata was always going to beendgame.Yeah...speaking of conspiracy theories.....

    Anyways I'd rather just wait for an interview so theycan explain themselves

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)05:31 No.67746616

    Green is always the best girl.This is a true fact of anime. On a different note, did Aqua Lion ever get good?Dropped it after the first few eps.

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)05:31 No.67746618

    >>67741699Didn't Gen say in the original series something along a similar line? Men and Women, Human and Shadow

    Angel, etc .

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)05:32 No.67746641

    >>67746616>On a different note, did Aqua Lion ever get good?No. If you dropped it that early on you dropped it while it was at it's prime

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)05:37 No.67746725

    Am I the only one who noticed that Andy was the only one who got a character development of all thecharacters in Aqua Lion?

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)05:44 No.67746872


    MIX got some too.

  • 7/31/2019 I Will Never Let You Forge


    29/06/12 /a/ - Anime & Manga













    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)05:54 No.67747034

    >>67746725>>67746872I don't think you know what character development is

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)05:58 No.67747129

    >>67746872Not really

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)06:00 No.67747155


    Genderbending doesn't count?

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)06:04 No.67747228

    >>67747155No, because she didn't learn anything from it. Andy learned to accept the person he loved regardless of gender which didn't amount to shit since she turned back into a girl anyways. MIX's predicament was justirony, you can say that from her relationship with Andy she stopped her man hating ways but she was stillthe same old MIX even while her and Andy were in a semi-relationship offscreen.

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)06:08 No.67747313


    So those 26 episodes were pointless? Did Jin got development?

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)06:13 No.67747430

    >>67747313Yes, too bad he died.

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)06:14 No.67747454

    >>67746725Everyone but the main three got some form of development throughout the course of the show

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)07:08 No.67748706


    everyone got development except Amata, Mikono and Kagura

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)07:38 No.67749555


    Someone failed at telling a story.

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)07:39 No.67749577

    >>67749555Well Okada wrote it so that's not surprising

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)09:40 No.67752781

    Does anyone have a list of all the Multidimensional Amatas?

    Also, what's the difference between Madlegs and Mad King?

  • 7/31/2019 I Will Never Let You Forge


    29/06/12 /a/ - Anime & Manga







    Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 06/28/12(Thu)09:53 No.67753071

    >>67739120I would much like that.

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)09:55 No.67753121


    >fanbasesJapan doesn't ship like people on 4chan do. Don't associate the rabbid shipping that goes on here withwhat goes on in Moonland. Okada wasn't being meta. She was just being a shit writer.

    Hoverlegs 06/28/12(Thu)10:01 No.67753304

    >>67752781I'll list them later, anyway.

    Madlegs is an Anti-Vega Terrorist.Mad King is the Ruthless King of Altair.

    >>67748706They got insta-development at EP 26.Which is why I hated it so much aside from the ZxK implication.

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)11:12 No.67754919

    >>67753071I'd rather they rewrite Kagura into being an actual character rather than whatever it was we got. If they'd lethim steal Mikono a bit sooner, so just switch out MIX kidnapping with Mikono and get rid of the pointlesswomen turning into men problem of Altair, you'd have given him some time with Mikono where he canrealize that she's not who he thought she was. Amata can come to the rescue, you can have them fightingto bring the worlds to their doom. When Amata has his declaration of now > fate, use it to make Kagurarealize that Mikono isn't Sylvia. Use the realization to shatter his confidence, have Mykage take control of him, Mikono, and bodysnatched Zessica, and use them much the same to form his giant robot.

    So something like:>Altair's problem is a virus that kills women.>Kagura attacks with Izumo in 18, they capture Mikono when she tries to do something.>Kagura has conflict with Izumo over Mikono, runs off with her, and they can interact.>He keeps asserting that she's his Sylvie but she denies it.>Amata and company come to the resuce.>Zessica can get bodysnatched at some point, Shrade dies taking down Izumo's mech, Andy and MIXcombine their powers to open the gate>Amata and Kagura fight, Amata talks about the Mikono of now, and Kagura finally realizes Mikono isn'tSylvie.>He gets mindbroken as his last hope for being loved disappears.>Same stuff as 26.>Kagura meets Zessica and realizes that people can love outside of fate.>Zessica realizes that she doesn't need to die for her love.>Amata saves Mikono.>Tears cure Altair, prevent the worlds from colliding, and beat Mykage.>Izumo, being alive, can lead his planet and give Altair a conclusion.

    There. That's not so bad, now is it? Is there an interview or something at the end of the month?

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)11:14 No.67754984


    There's a screening with an interview of some kind on the 30th I think. Jin is trying to go and I hope he getsin to be there for all of us faggots.

    You're our only hope, Jin!

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    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)11:16 No.67755015

    Zessica is Celiane (Sirius' half).

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)13:02 No.67758376

    >>67753121>Japan doesn't ship like people on 4chan doCorrection 2ch (more specifically the EVOL thread) doesn't ship people like on 4chan though they're

    threads dedicated to that nonsense just not in the main threads. There were shippers in Japan no matter how much like to deny it

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)13:03 No.67758395

    >>67754919That sounds alot terrible then what we got

    Anonymous 06/28/12(Thu)13:10 No.67758570File: 1340903428239.jpg -(93 KB, 1280x720, 1340678720315.jpg)


    Not denying the possibility of Okada was being shit per usual but I've seen alot of badanime in my life to tell when something is playing straight and you're suppose to bein awe of it but fails completely (Code Geass, Gundam Seed Destiny) and somethingthat there's a subtle hint of irony about that tells you you're not suppose to take it

    face value (Utena), EVOL being Okada doing the latter and failing hard at it but it's still there and notcompletely out there given the type of show this is.

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