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5 Periodic Trends(aka Periodicity):1) Atomic Radius2) Ionic Radius3) Ionization Energy4) Electron Affinity5) ElectroNegativity

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Periodic LawWhen elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, there is a periodic pattern in their physical and chemical properties.

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Trends in Atomic Size

First problem: Where do you start measuring from?

The electron cloud doesn’t have a definite edge.

They get around this by measuring more than 1 atom at a time.

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Atomic Size

Atomic Radius = half the distance between two nuclei of a diatomic molecule.


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Trends in Atomic Size Influenced by three factors:

1. Energy LevelHigher energy level is further

away.2. Charge on nucleusMore charge pulls electrons in

closer. 3. Shielding effect e <-> e repulsion

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Group trends As we go down

a group... each atom has

another energy level,

so the atoms get bigger.





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Periodic Trends As you go across a period, the radius

gets smaller. Electrons are in same energy level. More nuclear charge. Outermost electrons are closer.

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl

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Atomic RadiiAtomic Radii

Figure 8.9Figure 8.9

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Effective Nuclear Charge, Z*Effective Nuclear Charge, Z* Z* is the nuclear charge experienced by Z* is the nuclear charge experienced by

the outermost electrons.the outermost electrons. Z* increases across a period owing to Z* increases across a period owing to

incomplete shielding by inner electrons.incomplete shielding by inner electrons. Estimate Z* by --> [ Estimate Z* by --> [ Z - (no. inner electrons) Z - (no. inner electrons) ]] Z=Atomic NumberZ=Atomic Number Charge felt by e- in Li:Z* = Z-#Inner e-=3 - 2 = 1Charge felt by e- in Li:Z* = Z-#Inner e-=3 - 2 = 1 Be Be Z* = 4 - 2 = 2Z* = 4 - 2 = 2 B B Z* = 5 - 2 = 3Z* = 5 - 2 = 3 and so on!and so on!

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Shielding The electron in the

outermost energy level experiences more inter-electron repulsion (shielding).

Second electron has same shielding, if it is in the same period

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Ion SizesIon Sizes

CATIONSCATIONS are are SMALLERSMALLER than the than the atoms from which they come.atoms from which they come.

The electron/proton attraction has The electron/proton attraction has gone UP and so size gone UP and so size DECREASESDECREASES..

Li,152 pm3e and 3p

Li +, 78 pm2e and 3 p

+Forming a Forming a cation.cation.

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Ion SizesIon Sizes

ANIONSANIONS are are LARGERLARGER than the atoms from than the atoms from which they come.which they come.

The electron/proton attraction has gone DOWN The electron/proton attraction has gone DOWN and so size and so size INCREASESINCREASES..

Trends in ion sizes are the same as atom sizes. Trends in ion sizes are the same as atom sizes.

Forming Forming an anion.F, 71 pm

9e and 9pF-, 133 pm10 e and 9 p


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Trends in Ionic Size

Cations form by losing electrons. Cations are smaller that the atom

they come from. Metals form cations.

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Ionic size

Anions form by gaining electrons. Anions are bigger that the atom they

come from. Nonmetals form anions.

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Group trends Adding energy level Ions get bigger as

you go down.Li1+





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Periodic Trends Across the period, nuclear charge

increases so they get smaller. Energy level changes between

anions and cations.





N3-O2- F1-

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Trends in Ion SizesTrends in Ion Sizes

Figure 8.13Figure

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Trends in Ionization Energy The amount of energy required to

completely remove an electron from a gaseous atom.

Removing an electron makes a +1 ion.

The energy required to remove the first electron is called the first ionization energy.

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Ionization Energy

The second ionization energy is the energy required to remove the second electron(s).

Always greater than first IE. The third IE is the energy required to

remove a third electron, which is greater than 1st or 2nd IE.

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Symbol First Second ThirdHHeLiBeBCNO F Ne

1312 2731 520 900 800 1086 1402 1314 1681 2080

5247 7297 1757 2430 2352 2857 3391 3375 3963

11810 14840 3569 4619 4577 5301 6045 6276

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Symbol First Second ThirdHHeLiBeBCNO F Ne

1312 2731 520 900 800 1086 1402 1314 1681 2080

5247 7297 1757 2430 2352 2857 3391 3375 3963

11810 14840 3569 4619 4577 5301 6045 6276

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Ionization EnergyIonization EnergySee Screen 8.12See Screen 8.12

IE = energy required to remove an electron IE = energy required to remove an electron from an atom in the gas phase.from an atom in the gas phase.

Mg (g) + 738 kJ ---> MgMg (g) + 738 kJ ---> Mg++ (g) + e- (g) + e-

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Mg (g) + 735 kJ ---> MgMg (g) + 735 kJ ---> Mg++ (g) + e- (g) + e-MgMg+ + (g) + 1451 kJ ---> Mg(g) + 1451 kJ ---> Mg2+2+ (g) + e- (g) + e-

MgMg2+2+ (g) + 7733 kJ ---> Mg (g) + 7733 kJ ---> Mg3+3+ (g) + e- (g) + e-

Energy cost is very high to dip into a Energy cost is very high to dip into a lower shell. lower shell.

Ionization EnergyIonization EnergySee Screen 8.12See Screen 8.12

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What determines IE

The greater the nuclear charge, the greater IE.

Greater distance from nucleus decreases IE

Shielding effect

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Group trends As you go down a group, first IE

decreases because... The electron is further away. More shielding.

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Periodic trends

All the atoms in the same period have the same energy level.

Same shielding. But, increasing nuclear charge So IE generally increases from left to


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Trends in Electron Affinity

The energy change associated with adding an electron to a gaseous atom(s).

Easiest to add to group 7A or 17(Halogens). Gets them to full energy level. Increase from left to right: atoms become

smaller, with greater nuclear charge. Decrease as we go down a group.

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Electron AffinityElectron AffinityA few elements A few elements GAINGAIN electrons to form electrons to form

anionsanions..Electron affinity is the energy change Electron affinity is the energy change

when an electron is added:when an electron is added:

A(g) + e- ---> AA(g) + e- ---> A--(g) E.A. = ∆E(g) E.A. = ∆E

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Affinity for electron Affinity for electron increases across a increases across a period (EA becomes period (EA becomes more negative).more negative).

Affinity decreases down Affinity decreases down a group (EA becomes a group (EA becomes less negative).less negative).

Atom EAAtom EAFF -328 kJ-328 kJClCl -349 kJ-349 kJBrBr -325 kJ-325 kJII -295 kJ-295 kJ

Trends in Electron AffinityTrends in Electron Affinity

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The tendency for an atom to attract electrons to itself when it is chemically combined with another element.

High electronegativity means it pulls the electron toward it.

Atoms with large negative electron affinity have larger electronegativity.

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Group Trend

The further down a group, the farther the electron is away, and the more electrons an atom has.

More willing to share. Low electronegativity.

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Periodic Trend Metals are at the left of the table. They let their electrons go easily Low electronegativity At the right end are the nonmetals. They want more electrons. Try to take them away from others High electronegativity.

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Ionization energy and ElectroNegativity INCREASE

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Atomic size INCREASES, shielding constant

Ionic size

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