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How to Remove the Threat of Toxic Cancer Causing

Chemicals in Your Home

Eight Steps to Keep You and Your Family Safe

by Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac., O.M.D.Founder, Integrative Cancer Answers

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Copyright © 2014 by Integrative Cancer Answers

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The information in this guide is not intended as medical or legal advice, or as a substitute for consultation with a physician or other licensed health care provider. Persons with health care related questions should call or see their physician or other health care provider promptly, and should not disregard professional medical advice, or delay seeking it, because of information encountered in this guide.

The mention of any product, service, or treatment in this guide should not be construed as an endorsement. Integrative Cancer Answers is not responsible for any injury or damage to persons or property arising out of or related to any use of this guide, or to any errors or omissions.

ICA does not provide medical, diagnostic, or treatment advice. Information and statements regarding foods and dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Cancer Survivors and Thrivers Praise Dr. Nalini and Integrative Cancer Answers

Last year I almost died of advanced cancer. Nobody should have to go through what I experienced -  My doctors are amazed. After only two weeks of starting my nutritional supplements, herbal medicines, morning smoothie and cancer fighting diet, my health and vitality doubled and in three months, I’m feeling close to 100%   - Dr. Nalini Chilkov is my secret weapon for perfect health – she’s practical, pragmatic and brilliant.

Mike KoenigsAdvanced Colorectal CancerBest Selling Author and Speaker

Finally, someone who is looking at the whole and long term picture; not just deploying nuclear bombs in my body and waiting to see the results. Now I feel like I can be pro-active in my battle and not just a vessel for harmful but necessary chemicals. Some much of her nutritional advice, as my husband is a wonderful and informed cook, was on our radar but thanks to Dr. Chilkov, we now have the needed impetus to clean up those last nasty eating choices. Her encouragement to use this illness to create life changing habits was empowering and the comfort of knowing that she be in my corner for a long time to come is a huge emotional boost. Even the process of sorting through the plethora of vitamin/supplement bottles feels liberating and the acupuncture session was a definite boost to my energy level & well being. I cannot thank you enough for your all knowing kindness. With extreme gratitude for giving a life changing gift. I am not sure where to begin to thank you. My meeting with Dr. Chilkov was the most needed of medicines.J.C., Cancer Patient

Her skill has helped me to heal physically. More importantly, her compassion and patience helped me to grow and develop as a human being. Rarely in life do you meet someone who wondrously heals and teaches. In so doing, they expand and change your life. Nalini is one of those rare people.M.B., 21st Century Funds

You have treated me as a whole person, not just a list of ailments, and given me tools to add to the quality of my life in so many more ways than any doctor I have known. Thank you for helping me get well both physically, mentally and spiritually.R.R., A.I.A.

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Professional Praise for Dr. Nalini

Dr. Chilkov is an invaluable resource for creating a plan for health in the midst of the challenges and complexities of cancer diagnosis, cancer treatment and recovery and investing in the health side of the equation.Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D.Five New York Times Best SellersUltraWellness, UltraMind, UltraMetabolism, The Blood Sugar SolutionFounder, The UltraWellness Center

Dr. Nalini Chilkov is my number one resource for cutting edge cancer info. She is on the leading edge of Integrative Cancer Care. I have sent my closest friends to her.JJ Virgin, CNS, CHFSCelebrity Nutrition and Fitness ExpertBest Selling Author, The Virgin Diet

When it comes to Integrative Cancer Care, Nalini Chilkov is my go to person.   Dr. Frank Lipman MDHolistic Physician Best Selling Author, Total Renewal

Dr. Chilkov's programs are masterful. You will feel empowered by her toolbox of natural medicines, as well as diet and lifestyle guidelines that are at the root of cancer prevention, cancer recovery and a long and healthy life. Dr. Sara Gottfried, M.D., New York Times Best Selling Author The Hormone Cure

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Table of Contents


What You Will Learn Inside

Prevention Starts At Home

8 Steps to Keep Your Family Safe

Your Action Plan

Healing Journeys | True Stories


About Dr. Nalini Chilkov

Integrative Cancer Answers | Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

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Here is What You Will Learn Inside

Home should be a place that is a sanctuary and a shelter, a place to rest, restore, celebrate and SAFE. Imagine that your home may actually be exposing you to toxic chemicals, which over time, may sow the seeds for health problems linked to chemical exposures.

Take the time to learn and implement the

8 Steps You Can Take Right Away to Remove Cancer Causing Poisons

From Your Home

You may not even be aware of these common everyday exposures are fueling cancer growth while you and your family eat and sleep.

May your home remain a sanctuary and a place of health, healing and wholeness.


Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac., O.M.D.

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Prevention Starts at Home

Make efforts to reduce the whole family's exposure to the toxic chemicals commonly found around the house.

You may not be aware of the toxic products in your home.

Common everyday chemicals have been linked to cancer.


Over 80,000 chemicals are on the market and only a few hundred have ever been tested for safety.

In 2010 The President’s Council on Cancer released a 240 page detailed report on the link between cancers and environmental toxins. The research is in. This report contains hundreds of scientific references. It is a publication of the National Institutes of Health of the United States government outlining how everyday chemical exposures are directly linked to cancer.

This government report has identified the following -

Environmental threats that potentially cause cancer:

✓ Bisphenol A (BPA)* and pthalates**, both found in plastics✓ Pesticides found in foods, gardens, golf courses, playgrounds✓ Exhaust from traffic, cars, trucks, planes✓ Pharmaceuticals contaminating the water supply✓ Medical tests (chemicals, radiation)✓ Cell phones (radiation to the head near your brain)✓ Toxic Industrial chemicals (toys, food, clothing, building materials, carpets, etc.)

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Children are exponentially more susceptible to the dangers of chemicals because of their small size and rapid development.

The Unborn Child is EXTREMELY vulnerable. Pregnant and Nursing Mothers Should Be Especially Careful.

* BPA has been known to be estrogenic since the mid 1930s, concerns about the use of bisphenol  A in consumer products were regularly reported in the news media in 2008, after several governments issued reports questioning its safety, prompting some retailers to remove products containing it from their shelves.

A 2010 report from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raised further concerns regarding exposure of fetuses, infants and young children. In September 2010, Canada became the first country to declare BPA as a toxic substance.

** Phthalates are used in a large variety of products, from enteric coatings of pharmaceutical pills and nutritional supplements to viscosity control agents, gelling agents, film formers, stabilizers, dispersants, lubricants, binders, emulsifying agents, and suspending agents.

End-applications include adhesives and glues, electronics, building materials, personal-care products, medical devices, detergents, packaging, children's toys, modeling clay, waxes, paints, printing inks and coatings, pharmaceuticals, food products, and textiles.

Phthalates are being phased out of many products in the United States, Canada, and European Union over health concerns.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are provided for informational or educational purposes only.

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8 Steps To Keep You and Your Family Safe

What You Can Do Now

✓ Drink only filtered water. (Do not drink unfiltered tap water). Four or Five Stage Reverse Osmosis Filters are the top choice.

✓ Store food and beverages only in stainless steel or glass containers or in BPA (BisPhenol A) free and phthalate free plastics. Use less plastic. Never use styrofoam or aluminum for storage or cooking. ✓ Choose organic pesticide free fruits and vegetables and whole unprocessed chemical free foods whenever possible. Stop eating packaged foods with preservatives and artificial colors & flavorings and chemical additives.

✓ Choose free range, hormone free, antibiotic free high Omega 3, grass fed meats, eggs and dairy products to prevent excessive cancer causing hormonal exposures from food. Avoid charred and blackened meat, fish and poultry which contain cancer causing chemicals.

✓ Minimize your exposure to chemicals, especially of children and pregnant women to prevent cancer risks starting early in life using the knowledge you have learned here.

✓ Eliminate the use of personal care and home cleaning products that contain dangerous chemicals. (Avoid BisphenolA, formaldehyde, benzene, parabens, pthalates, mineral oil, lauryl sulfates, PEG).

✓ Check home radon levels if that is a contaminant in your area.

✓ Reduce and protect yourself from radiation exposure from medical tests,cell phones and computers as well as LED lights on appliances.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are provided for informational or educational purposes only.

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Your Action Plan

Prevention Starts At Home Reduce Your Exposures to Toxic Chemicals

What You Can Do Now:

Each week pick one source of toxic exposure in your home or go room by room until your home is environmentally safe and non toxic. Replace with non toxic alternatives.

Within 6-12 months your home will be transformed.

READ LABELS on all food products, personal care and cleaning products to avoid all chemical exposures.

Stop smoking. Do not expose yourself or others to second hand smoke.

Within 10 weeks or less you will be naturally and automatically ridding your body of cancer causing toxins and environmental poisons through nature’s own simple design every day.

Plan a 10-28 day Pure Body Systems Detox at least twice each year to reduce total body burden of disease and cancer causing toxic chemicals.

Pure Body Detox Kit:

Visit for more free resources, information, recipes and tips.

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A True Story of A Breast Cancer Survivor

Ready to End Her Life

I had a patient many years ago, a breast cancer survivor. (Due to doctor patient confidentiality I can only reveal her initials - C.A.)

She was referred to me in the midst of giving away all of her belongings and preparing to commit suicide, because she had years of such severe, unrelenting and unbearable side effects causing constant nerve pain in her hands and feet, that she simply could not go on.

This is a COMMON side of many chemotherapy drugs never addressed by the oncologist.

A friend told her to come see me before deciding to end her life. Within three months she was pain free after suffering terribly for many years. Her doctors had no solutions or treatments for her. After just a few targeted specially chosen herbs and supplements, dietary changes and a few months of acupuncture treatment she began to heal.

She has remained cancer free and pain free to this day.

This is a true story with no exaggerations or embellishments. This is just ONE story of many in my practice.

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P.B. | Integrative Cancer Care

Having been one of the lucky ones to have a progressive oncologist who referred me to Dr. Chilkov for acupuncture adjunctive to my breast cancer treatment, I want to attest to the remarkably effective integrative care I have received from her.

I have no doubt that the inclusion of acupuncture, supplements and an “Eastern” healing approach made all the difference in my experience of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

Dr. Chilkov was able to interface with my physician, tracking my body’s response to the cancer and to Western interventions through both the blood tests and her own observations to tailor a treatment responsive to my body.

She also helped me to make dietary changes that, with the supplements, supported and sustained my energy, mood, immune response and mental clarity.

As a result, I suffered no nausea or anemia and was able to continue my professional work throughout treatment. When setbacks did occur (such as a blood clot around my infusion port and, recently, lymphedema), Dr. Chilkov was both knowledgeable and effective in creating appropriate changes to my plan.

I continue to consult Dr. Chilkov regularly to support my ongoing recovery and to render my body both optimally healthy and resistant to future cancer. She is warm and a great educator.

Her humane and compassionate respect for the soul’s journey in this body is a rare gift in a Doctor that has allowed me to feel deeply and individually held in a truly healing relationship.

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C.A. | Cancer Healing Journey

It was my great good fortune to be referred Dr. Nalini Chilkov by a mutual friend five years ago, following a grueling year during which I endured treatment for breast cancer following the Western medical approach: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation - the works. Afterwards, while I was cancer-free, I felt wretched and extremely concerned that I might never regain my physical vitality.

During our first visit, Dr. Chilkov impressed me fully with the depth and breadth of her knowledge, as well as her engaged, graceful, intelligent, mindful demeanor. She spent well over one hour exploring my issues and concerns, and sharing her perspective. I remember thinking, "Finally, someone is really listening and gets me."

Among other things, I learned from Dr. Chilkov that Chinese medicine could help to detoxify my body of the residue of platinum and other heavy metals that are the linchpin of chemo (a fact never revealed by my oncologists). She explained that dietary changes were also central to enhance my breast health by keeping estrogen - in my body's case, the enemy - at bay, and to prevent a recurrence in my other breast or elsewhere; and that acupuncture would restore organ vitality and enhance my physical well-being. She recommended a regimen of acupuncture, a custom herbal tonic and supplements to support my health, upon which I embarked immediately. The results I experienced (and from which I still benefit), are striking - no, truly remarkable.

Last year, I suffered six broken ribs and was advised by my doctor to go to bed for six weeks with handfuls of codeine. I sought Dr. Chikov's counsel instead. As a result of her treatment, which addressed healing first inflammation, then my bone fractures, the injury healed quickly and completely, with minimal painkillers. I was back on my feet and working within a month.

I honor and praise Dr. Chilkov as a genius practitioner, as well as an enlightened being and a splendid teacher. I put my life in her hands, and look at me now: healthy, cancer-free and flourishing. Dr. Nalini Chilkov is forever in the pantheon of healers. In all humility, I offer her my deepest and eternal gratitude.

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Doctor Nalini’s Resources

Create a Body Where Cancer Cannot ThriveYour Trusted Source for Professional Advice on Thriving and Surviving with Cancer NATURALLY

Integrative Cancer Answers website

Dr Nalini’s Live Well Blog and Recipes

32 Ways To OutSmart Cancer BookHow to Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

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We believe that cancer is a preventable disease.

We believe that every cancer patient deserves to live a vital life well beyond cancer.

If you are living with the stress, overwhelm and anxiety of cancer, suffering from the effects of difficult treatments, worried about cancer returning in the future or about getting cancer in the first place, Integrative Cancer Answers is designed  for you.

Our Mission is to empower people whose lives have been touched by cancer  to get well, stay well and live well informed by science based, safe and natural solutions.

We want to teach you how to transform your body into an environment where cancer cannot thrive, develop, grow and spread.

We are committed to clearing up the confusion and providing you with safe, natural, easy to implement science based resources that will allow you to outsmart cancer, take control of your health and enjoy real peace of mind confident that you have access to the same time tested programs Dr. Chilkov has used for 30 years with thousands of people just like you to get well, stay well and enjoy a long, vibrant and healthy life.

Our answers give you confidence and peace of mind when pondering  your most pressing health questions about cancer and making important life and health care decisions and choices.  

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Integrative Cancer Answers, founded by Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac., O.M.D. is committed to showing you how to create a body and an environment in which cancer cannot thrive. Our approach is informed by the best and most current modern science and research and functional complementary medicine and rooted in the wisdom of natural healing traditions and the fundamentals of vibrant health and robust immunity.

If you’re looking for answers about what to do next, you’ve landed in the right place.

Our signature Outsmart Cancer Programs are the “at home” version of over 30 years of Dr. Nalini’s experience and success in supporting people just like you through the cancer journey from diagnosis and treatment through restoration, recovery and life beyond cancer. Our programs work with your body’s own inherent natural healing mechanisms to promote your capacity to fight and become resistant to cancer and avoid getting cancer in the future or in the first place.  

You Can Count on Integrative Cancer Answers:

✓ To create a new framework for healthy living, wholeness, and longevity✓ To create a holistic healthy environment that nourishes  and promotes your body’s own healing resources, enhancing your capacity to become resistant to cancer✓ To tend to the whole person inclusive of body, mind, emotions and spirit✓ To be your #1 Trusted Source for reliable information on Complementary Integrative Cancer Support✓ To foster a community of collaboration, caring and support in which all medical and healing systems join forces to find better solutions to outsmart cancer✓ To Stay Abreast of Advances and Provide You With Current, Up to Date Leading Edge Information from around the world so that you can make well informed choices with a feeling of confidence and peace of mind✓ To Create Easy to Implement Step by Step Programs so that you can thrive, feel vital and alive and enjoy a superior quality of health and a long life

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About Dr. Nalini Chilkov

Dr. Nalini is a leading edge authority on Integrative Cancer Care, Immune Enhancement, Optimal Nutrition and Wellness Medicine.

Dr. Nalini’s OutSmart Cancer Programs are recognized as the most comprehensive, science based, safe, natural programs for supporting cancer patients, cancer survivors and those who do not want to get cancer to Get Well,  Stay Well and Live Well  Beyond Cancer  so that you can  Create a Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive.

For over thirty years, Dr. Nalini has helped thousands of people; many with serious and chronic illnesses, achieve and maintain extraordinary health and longevity.She is sought out by award-winning Hollywood celebrities and insiders.

One of the Original Huffington Post Healthy Living Bloggers.

Best Selling Author: 32 Ways To OutSmart Cancer book. Recognized as a Go To Health Care Provider  in Susanne Sommer’s book, Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer and How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place.

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Dr. Nalini’s Personal Story | My WHY

Both of my parents have had more than one episode of cancer ... and are alive and well today.1

I have realized that most people diagnosed with cancer simply do not have access to the kind of reliable and trustworthy information and expertise that has been of benefit the cancer patients in my clinic who are seeking safe and natural Integrative Alternative Cancer Support as a path to being cancer free and symptom free.

Over twenty years ago my mother was diagnosed with cancer, a type of lymphoma. After radiation treatment she was diagnosed with skin cancer at two different times. Ten years later, my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Five years later he had a recurrence. Five years after that he has a brain tumor as a side of effect of the very treatment that was supposed to manage his prostate cancer.

This is how I became interested in CANCER PREVENTION. I knew that I carried genes inherited from my parents, both of whom have had more than one episode of cancer.

I knew that I was also vulnerable to developing cancer. So, I started on a journey to study how cancer develops, what makes an individual susceptible and at high risk for getting cancer. My goal is NOT to ever be a cancer patient. And what could I do about lowering my risk of getting cancer in the first place? What could I do about preventing both of my parents from having another recurrence, another episode of cancer at all? What are the traits and characteristics of a cancer prone person? How do you change risk into resistance and long term health?

With a degree in Cell Biology and as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, as a clinician, scientist, Nutritionist and Herbalist, I have been able to take all of my diverse training and the wisdom and experience of years and years of supporting cancer patients and really make a difference.

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I have supported cancer patients collaboratively in conjunction with their oncologist to get through surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and hormone therapy. I have helped them deal with terrible side effects all with natural drug free therapies and remain cancer free and improve their quality of life after their treatments.

This is not EITHER - OR but BOTH - AND. Use conventional oncology when indicated but also have a plan for managing health for the long term.

I am truly happy to say that all of my efforts, studies and research has paid off. Both of my parents are in their 80’s and are alive and well, and cancer free. They move a bit slower, but they both live active lives and have clear minds and a zest for life. My dad still has mostly black hair, with just a little gray. He even goes into his office most weekdays, because he is not ready to retire! I have been in private practice for thirty years now. Over the last twenty years I have specialized in Integrative Alternative Cancer Support, collaborating with patients and their doctors to give each person a truly comprehensive approach to achieving HEALTH after a cancer diagnosis.

Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac., O.M.D.

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Our website, our products and programs DO NOT PROVIDE ANY MEDICAL ADVICE. It is the intent of Integrative Cancer Answers and Pure Body Systems LLC (“Company") to operate and offer products and programs consistent with the work of Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac, O.M.D. However, Company is not a health care practitioner or provider. Information provided on our websites, in this guide and in our products and programs is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this web site or in or on any product label or packaging for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication or other treatment. You should always speak with your physician or other health care professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or adopting any treatment for a health problem.

For any products or services purchased or downloaded from this web site, you should read carefully all product packaging and instructions. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. Information provided on this web site and the use of any products or services purchased from our web site by you DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the clinicians affiliated with our web site. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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