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Introduction to Construction Industry

Final Project

FNBE February 2014 Intake

Taylor's University

Names : 1. Teoh Sze Ming (0317838)2. Ong Min Junn (0317767)



Introduction 3

Site Analysis 4

Type of building development 5-6

Concept 7-8

Rationale 9

Benefits 10

Evaluation 11

The Needs Of The Project 12


1.0. Introduction

The site chosen is a balcony which is a 15m x 15m site. Located on Block E Level 2 of Taylor's University Lakeside Campus, it is towards the south-east area of the campus. It is an empty area which faces towards the south of the campus, towards the car parks. The proposed site is right above Lecture Theatre 20 and it is behind the toilet of Block E Level 2. The small construction project is to create a study enhancement area.

This site is chosen because there are no study enhancement areas towards Block E of the campus and the nearest study enhancement area is at the library which is located towards Block C. Hence, to make things more convenient, a new study enhancement area is suitable to be built at the large balcony of Block D level 2 of the campus.


2.0. Site Analysis

The selected site is located slightly away from the main walkways. However, it is located very near to the blocks and is suitable to be a study enhancement area as it is easily accessible to all students because it is close to the main pedestrian walkways.

Students always gather or study along the walkway as there are table and chairs provided but it still does not provide a suitable place for them to study. By having a study enhancement area nearby, students will be able to have the pleasure of having a suitable place for them to carry out their group discussions or even studying alone.

As for the sun orientation, it rises in the east and sets on the west. During noon, it is slightly towards north. Hence, the area usually shadowed by Block E and the site is often cooling at all times as constant wind blows from the south of the site. Therefore, the study enhancement area will not be heated and an open roof or an accessible roof can be built as well.


3.0. Few types of building developments

1. On-site Upgrading

Slum upgrading is a way of improving the physical environment and basic services in existing communities, while preserving their location, character and social structures. Usually upgrading means that the houses, lanes, roads and open spaces are improved, without changing the layout or plot sizes. Besides improving the physical conditions and quality of life in these poor communities, the physical improvements made under an upgrading process can act as a springboard for other kinds of development among community members such as income generation, welfare and community enterprises.

2. On-site Reblocking

Reblocking is a more systematic way of improving the infrastructure and physical conditions in existing communities by making some adjustments to the layout of houses and roads to install sewers, drains, walkways and roads, but doing so in ways which ensure the continuity of the community. Communities can then develop their housing gradually, at their own pace. When communities opt for reblocking, some houses usually have to be moved and partially or entirely reconstructed to improve access. Some lanes may also have to be re-aligned to enable drainage lines, water supply systems or sewers to be constructed. Reblocking is often undertaken in cases where communities have negotiated to buy or obtain long-term leases for the land they already occupy. In both cases, the process of reblocking is an important step in the progress towards land tenure security and improved housing.

3. On-site Reconstruction

In this upgrading strategy, existing communities are totally demolished and rebuilt on the same land, either under a long-term lease or after the people have negotiated to purchase the land. The new security of land tenure on the already-occupied land often provides community people with a very strong incentive to invest in their housing, through rebuilding or new construction. Reconstruction also allows communities on low-lying land to first raise the level of the land above floodlines before investing in proper housing. Although the reconstruction option involves making considerable physical changes within the community and requires some adaptations to a new environment, the strategy allows people to continue living in the same place and to remain close to their places of work and vital support systems. This continuity is a crucial compensation for the expense and difficulty reconstruction involves.


4. Land sharing

Land-sharing is a housing and settlement improvement strategy which allows both the land-owner and the community people living on that land to benefit. After a period of negotiation and planning, an agreement is reached to “share” the land, where the settlement is divided into two portions. The community is given, sold or leased one portion (usually the less commercially attractive part of the site) for reconstructing their housing, and the rest of the land is returned to the land-owner to develop. There’s no rule about how the land is divided: the amount of land the people get and how much goes back to the owner is settled during the negotiations.

At the core of a land sharing process is the ability to translate conflicting needs and conflicting demands into a compromise which takes a concrete “win-win” form, and which is acceptable to all parties involved. The people may end up with less area than they had before, and the land-owner may get back less-than-all of his land, but the trade-off is that the poor will no longer be squatters but the legal owners or tenants of their land. And the landlord finally gets to develop the land.

5. Relocation

The greatest advantage of the relocation strategy is that it usually comes with housing security, through land use rights, outright ownership or some kind of long-term land lease. Relocation sites can sometimes be far from existing communities, job opportunities, support structures and schools. In these cases, community members who want to keep their old jobs or attend the same schools must bear the burden of additional traveling time and expense and must adapt themselves to a new environment. But in many towns and cities around the country, resourceful communities are finding bits of land to buy or rent cheaply for their housing that are not far away at all.

Proposed Site Type of DevelopmentIn our site, the type of development that occurs is a on-site upgrading from a bare balcony to a study enhancement area. By upgrading this balcony, it will be able to improve the physical environment as it will be a green area as well. The bare balcony is upgraded without causing change to the structures of the building. Apart from that, it also increases the quality of a student life as it becomes a new place that enhances studies as it becomes a place like an information hub. This development will turn a under-developed area into a place where students will be able access info in the future as well.


4.0. Concept

The idea is to build a small radial building which has a roof that is accessible. In this study area, it comprises of certain areas such as:

1. The main counter/help desk which is facilitated by a staff or two from the library

2. Towards the left side of the radial area is an iPad and Computer area


3. To the left of the counter are touch screen TVs which is suitable for group work

4. To the right of the counter are sitting areas where students are able to sit in groups for discussion.

5. Towards the right of the radial area are tables which are suitable for personal study.6. The stairs on the right leads to the roof of the building which is a green roof where people are

able to do group discussions there as well.


5.0. Rationale

It is important on why the site is chosen at that area and why is the building designed in that specific way to be a study enhancement area. There are a few reasons on why the study enhancement area is designed in such a way:

I. Ideal for group studies

Towards the central part of the building, the areas are allocated more for group studies or discussions. There are some table and chairs which are for four or more, which allow groups to study together. Apart from that, the large touch-screen televisions allow groups to do research together in a more effective away as they are able to share the information acquired to their group mates. The central part is allocated for group studies because it will not be much of a disturbance to those that study alone at the sides. To add on, accessible green roof is suitable for large groups of discussions which is open air as well.

II. Ideal for self study

The building itself is also suitable for self studies. Towards the left of the building, there are computers and iPads which act as a source information for the students. The computers can also be linked to the campus' printer service, Print-On-Demand. In this case, students nearer to Block D and E need not travel far to the library for printing service or even to computer labs to print. They can just go to this new study enhancement area and print there as well. Towards the right side, there individual sections where students are able to carry out their own self study there. Accompanied with electrical sockets for each individual section, it will be convenient for students to use their electrical devices there as well.

III. Encourages studying in the area

With facilities that boost study experience, students will be encouraged to keep studying as it is not a hassle to reach a study enhancement area. In addition, this area creates a suitable environment for studying, just like a library.


6.0. Benefits

There are a few benefits of having this study enhancement area. A general list of benefits of having a study enhancement area is that :

• Students will not be distracted by the other things, such as computer games, friends and more

• It becomes easy to set a task and get it done quick

• A studious environment eliminates or reduces a drowsy feeling of every student

• A comfy and clean environment to study

• Quiet and peaceful compared to other places and it helps to concentrate more

• Is a good place to have a group discussion

• A better lifestyle

• A community feel

• Study with friends

In addition, the proposed study enhancement area has something extra that is suitable for Taylor's University students. Some of the benefits are:

• Green roof which allows large group discussions

• Open-air green roof allows students to have a short break after studying

• Computers and iPads as information sources

• Printing services as computers are liked to Print-On-Demand service

• Touch-screen televisions for group discussions and research

• Larger tables suitable for group discussions

• Individual sections for self study

• Few magazines and pamphlets on studies are available at counter


7.0. Evaluation

Once the construction project is finished, the landscape of the balcony will be changed. The area will reduce the problem of lesser study areas as it provides a sufficient space to acquire information. The study enhancement area will be a new spot for students as it provides almost the same facilities that can be found in the library. Apart from that, students will find a new place to study and will realise that it is better to study there. With various facilities that accommodates the needs of students, they will find themselves having an easier place to study or even assist them academically. To add on, the green roof have various purposes where students can treat it as a meeting place, a place for group discussions or even as a place where they can relax.


8.0. The Needs Of The Project

To the Client:

I. Can boost their study skills so that they can do well in their studies and have a good environment to study

II. Clients are able to enjoy the facilities which provides good service to them

To the Community

I. Community is able use it well to enhance their studies

II. Can be implemented in schools or study-related areas to provide more spaces for the community to enjoy facilities of study enhancement areas


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