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Name of the Teacher : Standard : XIIName of the School : GCTE, TVM Strength : 42Subject : Business Studies Age : 17years Unit : Staffing Duration : 45 minutes Topic : Methods of wage payment Date : 11/06/2015

Content Outline Methods of wage payment

Content Analysis




Wages, Time rate system, Piece rate system ,Efficiency ,Supervision ,Wastage of material, Guarantee of minimum wage, Salary, Out put

Wages refers to the remuneration paid to workers doing manual or physical work. Time rate system is a system of wage payment based on time. Time rate system provides regular and guaranteed time and income. Piece rate system is a system of wage payment in which workers are paid wages based on the output or

units produced and not on the basis of time. Piece rate system is also called payment by results. Efficient and inefficient workers are identified in piece rate system. Cost of production will be higher in time rate system and less in piece rate system. Under time rate system, unit of time selected may be on hour, a day ,a week or a month. Piece rate system requires less supervision.

Wage payment system refers to the monitory benefit given by the employer to employee for the work done.

Wage are paid on the basis of time spend by the workers in the factory or the job assigned to them is known as time rate system.

The workers are paid wages on the basis of output or units produced under piece rate system.


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Curricular objectives

Pre- requisites

Learning materials

Learning strategy

Total wages of a worker is calculated under time rate system.

T = Total units of time. R = Rate of wage per unit of time. Total wages of a worker is calculated under piece rate system;

Q = Total units of output produced R = Rate of wage per unit of out put

To develop an idea about the term ‘wages’ and enable them to classifies wage payment system with time rate and piece rate system and evaluate its significance in an organization through Brain storming, Group Discussion, General Discussion and enable students to prepare note based on it.

Learner should have an idea about “incentive”

Usual class room aids like blackboard and chalk. Chart showing the meaning of time rate system and piece rate system. Activity sheet.

Brain storming Group Discussion General Discussion

Total wage=


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Activity (General Discussion)

After the usual class procedures teacher starts the class by telling a story from Bible ( Mathew 20 ; 1-16) Long ago a land owner who went out early in the morning to Linemen to work in his vineyard. He agreed to pray them Rs.500/- for the day and send them in to his vineyard. About the sixth hour he went out and saw others standing in the market place doing nothing. He told them ” you also go and work them in my vineyard about I will pay what is right” He went out again about the seventh month and eleventh hours and did the same thing .When evening come ,the owner of vineyard said to his foreman “ Call the workers and pay them their wages ” .Each of them received RS.500/- when they received it began to grumble against the land owner.

Teacher gives the following questions for initiating the discussion.

Lead points What is the main motive of people to do work in vineyard? If all of them get a RS.500/- each? Are the people do their work at same time? Are you agree with his type of payment?

From the above discussion learner arrive at conduction that “Everyone do the job for getting reward or wages and also identifies its various methods of payment system.”

Students listen to the story.

Students actively respond about the lead points.

Students derived to the conclusion.


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Concept to be consolidated (PPT)

Students are actively participated in the group discussion.

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Activity: (Group Discussion) Teacher divides the class in to number of groups and gives them to activity sheet of puzzle box game, and asks them to complete the puzzle box within three minutes. Teacher also agree to give them “A” grade ,only to complete the puzzle box within the time allotted .puzzle box contain 10 familiar words in business such as profit, business , purchase ,sales, trader, wages, firm, manager, money, Accounting, Asset etc… (PPT)

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Lead points Which factor forced you to complete the puzzle box

Concepts to be consolidated (PPT)

Activity: 2 (Group Discussion)

Teacher divides the class in to number of groups and papers gives to each group.

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Teacher says that each group has to made paper boat. Each boat has five points. First prize goes to whose result is more. Teacher analyzes the marks of each group. Based on the activity, the learner arrives at a conclusion that the result is based on the number of units produced.

Concept to be consolidated


Teacher exhibit a chart showing the meaning of time rate system and piece rate system.

Review Questions What do you mean by Time rate system? How to compute total wage under piece rate system?

Follow up Activity

Teacher said the students to work out the problems related with time rate and piece rate system of wage payment and also prepare note based on it.

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Teacher also asks the students to prepare an assignment on comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of both the systems.

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Students answer to the questions correctly

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