Download - IDEAL CITIES 3.ppt

  • 7/25/2019 IDEAL CITIES 3.ppt



  • 7/25/2019 IDEAL CITIES 3.ppt


    What is an ideal city?

    Ideal city is the city of a plan that has beenconceived in accordance with the dictates ofsome rational or 'moral' objective.

    The ideal nature of such a city may encompass

    the moral, spritual and juridical quzlities ofcitizenship as well as the ways in which theseare realised through urban structures includingbuildings, street layout etc.

    The ground plans of ideal cities are often basedon grids in imitation of !oman town planning"or other geometric patterns

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    Ideal city schemes drawn by various

    !enaissance architects often e#tended the

    centralizedconcept to include radial streets

    and a polygonal town wallwith arrow$headshaped bastions at the vertices.

    Characteristics of an IDEAL CITY

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    Albertis Theory on IDEAL CITY

    %eon &attista lberti is the foremost early theoritician

    in architecture and urban design.

    (e wrote a boo) *De Architect!ra* he treats

    architecture and town design as a single theme.

    s an urban designer, lberti is chiefly remembered

    for ideal cities, star"shapped planswith streets

    radiating fro# a central pointusually proposed as

    the location for a church, palace or possibly a castle.

    (e devised designs for ideal cities on hillsides as well

    as flat land. The hillside designs usually had curved

    streets to match the topography.

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    $lan of Sforzinda by %ilarete

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    $lanning feat!res of Sforzinda by %ilarete

    +forzinda is a visionary ideal city named after rancesco

    +forza, the -u)e of ilan.

    The basic layout of the city is an eight point star created

    by overlaying two squares so that all the corners were


    The shape is then incribed within a perfect circular moat.

    The shape is iconographic and probably ties to ilaret's

    interest in magic and astrology.

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    In terms of planning the outer points had towers while the innerangles had gates.

    /ach of the gates was an outlet of radial avenues that each

    passed through a mar)et square dedicated to certain goods. ll the avenues finally converged in a large square which was

    centrally located. The town contained three squares $ one for the prince's palace,

    one for the cathedral, and one for the mar)et. The street had a canal for cargo transport. The canal system was

    connected with the river as well as the outside world for the importand e#port of goods.

    The city also contained many buildings including parishes andseparated schools for boys and girls.

    The design of +forzinda may have been in part a direct responseto the congested cities of the medieval period whose organic

    growth did not ordinarily depend on conscious city planning, whichmeant they can be difficult to navigate or control.

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    $lan of an ideal city by Albrecht D!rer

    lbrecht -urer in 0ermany designed a rectangular city, with zones for

    each activity.(is plan was functional, pragmatic, socially responsible and the purpose

    of its design was to improve the status and lifestyle of german artisans.

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    $lan of an ideal city by Sca#ozzi

    +camozzi designed a plan with grid$iron interior street layout.

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    $lan for an ideal city by $ietro Cataneo

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    $lan for an ideal city by &asari IL 'io(ane

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    Than) Yo!

    *Y+ ,!bayra -eza

    -idwana .hando)er $rotho#a

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