
Idioms to remember 2012



Trendy Idioms

Common Idioms

Popular Idioms

Of Kinglish Kaysung American


Idioms to remember 2012



Idioms of Kinglish School



In a high quality, in a good order.

A is one thing, B is another

Two things which seem to be the same are actually different

A hot potato

A hot issue that people are talking about

A man of sense

Someone who has a good heart

A penny for your thoughts

Ask someone about their thoughts

A piece of cake

Something very easy


Refer to something or someone that in the very beginning step.

About to

Almost ready to

Idioms to remember 2012



Above someone's head

Too hard for someone to understand.

Acid Test

A hard way to prove sincerity of someone/ something.

Across the board

Totally agree or applicable with no condition.

Act of God

An incident occurred by nature with zero humans involvement.

Add insult to injury

Make a bad situation even worse

Ad hoc

Something unplanned. Not happen regularly.

All fingers and thumbs

Very clumsy.

All square

Even. Mission complete.

All thumbs

Clumsy, do things in an awkward way

Idioms to remember 2012



An eye for an eye

React in the same level. Usually in negative way

Anchor man/ anchor woman

An important person in a group.

Anything but....

Anything except...

Apple of one's eyes

One's most favourite among the others.

Around the clock

All day all night

As a last resort

Last choice. The last thing one would do if no other option

At full length

From the start to the end. From one edge to another

At one blow

At one hit

At stake

At risk, risky


Idioms to remember 2012



Back seat driver

Person who like to involve in other's business.

Back to (at) square one

Back to the starting point again

Back to the wall

In a ready-to-fight situation due to no other way to escape.

Backup the wrong horse

Support the wrong person, team or side.

Bad Egg

Person who is different, in a negative way, from the group.

Bad hair day

A day which everything seem to go wrong.

Bag of bones

Very skinny person/ animal.

Bear fruit


Beggar on horseback

Poor person who acting arrogant when become rich or achieve only small


Idioms to remember 2012



Bent on

Already made decision, agreed on something

Beyond Question

Certainly, No doubt

Birds of a feather flock together

The same type of people or people who like to do the same thing

Blessing in disguise

Good thing that you never recognize at the first place

Blow away

Kill by gun shot

Blow over

Already finish, forget

Bound to do

Likely to happen / Likely to do something

Bottom of the barrel

The worst part of the group / organization

Break a leg

Good luck

Idioms to remember 2012



Break into tears

Suddenly yell out (either sad or happy)

Break the ice

Talking or doing things to release pressure or to make listeners relax

By and large

Generally, In all case

By birth

Specific character attached to someone from their family or country


Call down

Curse someone / something

Call of nature

Need to go to toilet

Call the roll

Call out to check the total number

Can a duck swim?

An Ironic question to ask someone who say something stupid.

Can of worms

Something anyone don't want to be involved.

Idioms to remember 2012



Can't get a word in edgeways

Have no chance to say anything

Can't make head nor tail

Cannot understand something

Can't take a chance

Can't take a risk

Carrot and stick

A combination of good and bad/ positive and negative.

Carry a big stick

Carry so much power or authority.

Cat got a tongue

Can't speak / talk (for any reasons)

Catch some rays

Walk/ sit under the sun

Caught between two stools

You have to choose between two difficult options

Chance it

Take a risk / Take a chance to try

Idioms to remember 2012



Chip on the shoulder

Still angry from something in the past

Cold Sweat

Feel very nervous of something

Come in handy

Become beneficial

Come off


Come to pass

Happen / Occur

Confide in

Trust someone enough to tell the secret or personal story

Cost an arm and a leg

Extremely expensive

Count on

Trust / Reply on

Count towards

Approve that something is correct / becomes effective

Idioms to remember 2012



Cut corners

Buy unacceptable quality products/services to save money



An important day, which has been planned.

Daddy of all

Very much.

Dark horse

A Person with unknown background or profile.

Davy Jones' locker

Very deep in the sea. At the bottom of the sea

Daylight robbery

An ironic term when a shop sells you something very expensive.

Dead duck

A victim or a totally cannot survive situation.

Die away

Can't speak / talk (for any reasons)

Different stroke for different folks

Everyone has different interest and tastes

Idioms to remember 2012



Do someone injury


Do the sights of

Curse someone / something

Dog eat dog

A dirty competition. No rule, no manner

Down at heel

Very old. Something too old to repair

Draw a line

Take a risk / Take a chance to try

Dressed to kill

Wear one's finest clothing

Dress to the teeth

Dress elegantly

Drive someone up a wall

Annoy someone greatly

Drop someone a line

Call someone

Idioms to remember 2012



Duck soup

Finish with almost no effort

Dwell on

Think too much / repeatedly think or do something


Eager beaver

Someone who is very energetic

Early birds

Someone who always wake up in the early morning

Early birds catch the worm

If you start earlier you have the better chance of success

Easy come, easy go

If you earn something very easily, you likely to lost them easily.

Eat a humble pie

Admit on something

Eat like a horse

Eating so much

Eating someone

Disturbing someone

Idioms to remember 2012



Egg on the face

To be embarrassed


Smart person

Elbow room

A space or time to relax and manage busy life.

Eleventh hour

Something that happen in the very last minute

End up

Finally do something

Enfant terrible

A troublemaker

Even steven

Something which are shared equally

Every dog has its day

Cheer up someone that their winning day will finally come

Eye candy

A pretty girl

Idioms to remember 2012



Eyes are bigger than someone's stomach

Eat more than stomach can handle

Eye to eye



Face the music

Accept the negative consequences of something

Face to face

Seeing each other (usually use in a meeting).

Face value

Interest in appearance more than the detail inside

Fair and square

Very fair

Fall between two stools

Something try to be two things but is not good at being either

Fancy man

new lover

Fat cat

Very rich person

Idioms to remember 2012



Fat head

Stupid person

Feed someone a line

trick someone

Feel blue

Feel sad

Feel like a million dollar

Feel very good

Feeling a bit under the weather

Feeling a bit sick

Fishy smell

Something strange

Flea market

A Market where sells second hand goods

Flood the market

Too much supply (products or services) in the market.

Fly a kite

Test reaction of the idea

Idioms to remember 2012



Fly blind

Work without training or instruction

Follow one's nose

Strictly follow one's direction.

Food for thought

Something to think about

For ages

Very long time

For the birds

Something which are not interesting

Fork over

Give / offer


Garden leave

On leave because he/she becomes unwanted to the company

Get a life

Complain someone that he/she is too serious.

Get in someone's hair

Bother someone

Idioms to remember 2012



Get off someone's back

Stop bothering someone

Get up on the wrong side of bed

Get up with a bad temper

Get the ball rolling

To get something start such as plan / project

Give the best shot

Try the best

Get someone's nerve

Bother someone


New / Beginner

Give one's a cold shoulder

Treat someone in a cold way. Careless.

Give up the ghost


Go Dutch

Pay the bill equally (usually with food)

Idioms to remember 2012



Go fly a kite

Tell someone to go away

Go for it

Agree with it / Do it

Go native

Act the same way as local people.

Go south


Go over one's head

Do something that is too difficult or not interesting at all

Grey area

Unclear area


Half ear

Listen with no attention

Halfway house/ home

Halfway to the destination or goal

Hang up one's boots


Idioms to remember 2012



Ham actor

Over acting actor.

Happy go lucky

Very happy. Nothing to worry about

Have no clue

Have no idea about something

Have a weakness of

Cannot resist on something usually negative

Have an ear for

Good at listening to some instrument

Hear it on the grapevine

Hear a rumor

Heart and soul

Dedicate to something very much

Here you go

It's for you

Hidden agenda

Hide the truth or real target

Idioms to remember 2012



Hit the books

Go study

Hit the bottle

Drink too much alcohol

Hit the hay

Go to bed

Hit the road

Go to work / go out

Holding grudge

Have unfriendly feeling

Horse around

Play around

Horse of a different color

Different issues / stories

How come?



I am broke

No money at all

Idioms to remember 2012



I can kick your butt

I am much superior than you

Idle rich

Person who are very rich and don't have to work.

If the shoes fit, just wear it

Learn to accept the reality

Ill at ease

Feel annoy

In a different league

Very superior

In a good light

Good qualification / personality

In a nutshell

In conclusion / in summary

In a word

Very short summary

In black and white

Formal (dress)

Idioms to remember 2012



In like a lion, out like a lamb

Something that has a very good start but very bad ending

In one's cup


In stitches

Laugh out loud

In the light of

Having been considered

In the long run

In the long future

In the soup

In trouble

In touch

Keep contact

Inside out

From the inside to the outside / Wear cloth on the wrong side

Into thin air

Gone without a trace

Idioms to remember 2012



It beats me

Completely do not understand something

Ivory tower

A perfect, and unreal, place where everyone dreams to stay.


Jaw drop

Very amazing with something

Jekyll and Hyde

Describe person who has totally two different characters

Jet lag

The symptom when you travel by air across time zone

Jet set

Rich person who live luxurious life

Jewel in the crown

The best part of something already very good

Jockey the position

Try to train or someone to be best in their job/position

Joint forces

Strongly cooperate

Idioms to remember 2012



Jump all over someone

Aggressively criticize on someone

Jump down someone's throat

Angry with someone

Jump ship

Abandon or escape from some situation

Jump start

Force to start

Jump to the conclusion

Come to the conclusion

Jump the queue

Move in front of other people in the queue

Jump the gun

Do something before the right timing

Jungle out there

Something are dangerous outside

Just now

A moment ago

Idioms to remember 2012



Just off the boat

Very innocent


Kangaroo court

Unauthorized court / unofficial court

Keep at bay

Keep a safe distance

Keep a low profile

Maintain self-privacy

Keep in touch

Continue to be in contact

Keep mum

Keep quiet

Keep one's ear to the ground

Focus on something to find out what is going on

Keep one's feet to the ground

Be realistic. Accept the current situation

Keep posted

Keep updated

Idioms to remember 2012



Keep the finger cross

Hope bad things will not happen

Keep the chin up

Be brave / don't be discourage

Keep the shirt on

Calm down

Keep it for a rainy day

Keep something for the future when it might be needed

Keep the ball rolling

Continue doing something

Kick body and soul together

Work just enough to stay alive

Kick away someone's the ladder

Eliminate someone's support

Kick the bucket


Kick up someone's heel

Celebrate with someone

Idioms to remember 2012



Keep your eye on the ball

Keep focus on something

Keep your nose clean

Stay away from any trouble

Kill two birds with one stone

Do two things at the same time


Labor of love

When you love to do something from your heart

Lame duck

Very ineffective products/ business

Land of nod

Very sleepy

Landslide victory

A big win, usually use with political election

Larger than life

Unique, much better than normal

Last laugh

If you have the last laugh, you win at last

Idioms to remember 2012



Last legs


Late in the day

Too late to change/ adjust

Laugh a minute

Very funny

Lay by

Save something for future use

Lay down the law

Tell people to do something exactly and instructively

Lay off

Terminate the employment

Leave someone's high and dry

Leave someone completely alone



Left in the dark

Really don't know what to do. Not given any information

Idioms to remember 2012



Left handed compliment

Insincere compliment

Let the cat out of the bag

Accidentally expose the secret

Live from hand to mouth

Live with only little money. Just enough to survive

Long in the tooth

Too old to perform work

Lose the head

Can not control the temper anymore

Lost train of thought

Forgot what you were talking about


Mad as a cute sneak

Very mad. Go crazy and out of control

Mad as a wet hen

Very mad, Very angry

Made of money

Very rich

Idioms to remember 2012



Make a better fist

Make something better

Make a clean breast of

Confess. Admit the truth

Make a meal of something

Put extra effort to do something

Make a pig's ear

Mess up something

Make someone's blood boil

Make someone very angry

Make up one's mind

Make the decision

Make up with

Recover close relationship

Man of means

Rich man

Made of straw

Weak person. A person who is not fight for anything

Idioms to remember 2012



Man upstairs

Refer to god

Master of

Expert of

Meet a half way

Both parties accept to lose something to complete agreement

Memory like an elephant

Very good memory

Miss the bus / Miss the boat

Miss / lost some opportunities

Money for jam

Money earned easily

Money to burn

A lot of money to spend with no worry

Monkey business

Illegal business/ activity

Month of Sunday

A very long month/ very long period of time

Idioms to remember 2012



Mountain to climb

Hard work to do ahead

My heart bleeds

Feel very sad or sympathy on something


Neck of the woods

The place where speakers live. I'm surprised to see you in this neck of the woods. What

brings you here? There's no scenery like this in your neck of the woods, is there?

Nerves of steel

A person who is not frightened by something easily

Nest egg

Money saved for emergency

New blood

New people / generation

New York minute

Something that happen very fast

Never do things by halves

Put much effort when doing something to finish it

Idioms to remember 2012



Never never land

The ideal perfect place where people dream to go

Night owl

A person who goes to bed very late

Nineteen to the dozen

Talk loud and annoying

No dice

No luck

No go

Something that is not going to work

New skin off my nose

Feel not impacted at all

No sweat

Very close competition / No Problem

No quarter

Finish with no compromise

None the less / Nonetheless


Idioms to remember 2012



None too

Not at all

Nose in the air

Act superiors than the rest

Not a Chance

Not at all

Not my cup of tea

Not my type / favorite

Not the end of the world

Not the worst. Use to comfort people

Nuts and bolt

The most important parts of something




Off color

Feel sick

Off the hook

Stay away from problems or impacts of what they have done

Idioms to remember 2012



Off the shelf

The products that can be used with no set up required

On a charge of

On an accusation of

On a large scale

Big amount / size / level

On all fours


On all sides

From every direction

On edge

Serious or worry with the coming situation

On ice

Stop or keep it for the future

On the ball

Understand the situation very well

On the blink

Malfunction, out of order (use with machine)

Idioms to remember 2012



On the nose

Just in time, Exactly right time

On the hook

Responsible for any impacts of what they have done

On thin ice

On a risky situation

Once in a blue moon

Something happen very rarely

Out of health

Not healthy

Out of the blue

Don't feel sad anymore

Once and for all

Hope this time will be the last / hope to have the conclusion

On the second thought

Change the mind about something

On the tip of your tongue

Try to remember something but not quite remember it

Idioms to remember 2012



On tiptoe

Walk quietly

On your last leg

Dying, Last moment of life

Off the hook

Out of difficult situation

One bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

Better to keep small thing you have than to leave it for something better

One of a kind

Special / Only one among all

Out of pocket

Out of time / Out of contacted

Out of the box

Varied from the normal. Usually used with thinking


Paint the town red

very enjoy nightlife with lots of drinking

Pandora box

Going to make mistake that cause huge danger

Idioms to remember 2012



Panic stations

Very exciting situation. No matter how organized you think you are, one hour before the show

starts it's panic stations.

Paper tiger

Look powerful but has no actual power

Parrot fashion

Learn like a parrot. Do not understand but just remember

Pay on the nail

Pay cash right away

Pass the hat

Ask someone for the money

Pay the piper

Receive the consequence of what you have done

Pay through the nose

Pay in a very high price

Pep talk

Cheer up, encourage

Piece of cake

Very easy

Idioms to remember 2012



Pie eyed

Very drunk

Pie in the sky

A promise that listeners expect that it will actually happen

Pigs might fly

Believe something is impossible

Play hooky

Not going to school with no good reasons

Play second fiddle to someone

Deal with someone who is more important than you

Poker face

A person who doesn't show any emotion on him/her face

Pull strings

Try so hard to influence someone

Pull someone's leg

Tease someone

Put on airs

Pretend to do something to impress someone

Idioms to remember 2012



Put someone up at

Give someone the place to live

Put up with

Tolerance with

Put wool over someone's eyes

To deceive someone from knowing the real truth


Quality time

Time to spend with happiness

Queen bee

A woman who has the most power

Queensberry rules

An agreement to play in a fair rule

Queer fish

A strange person

Queer street

In a real trouble (usually with financial status)

Question of time

Something that will surely happen in the future

Idioms to remember 2012



Quick on the uptake

Very smart

Quick buck

Earn money in an easy way

Quick fix

Problems that can be fix in no time

Quid pro quo

Give something to favour or payback someone

Quiet as a cat

Very quiet

Quiet as a mouse

Absolutely no noise

Quite so

Perfectly agree

Quote unquote

To tell that this quote is copied from the others


Racking my brain

Try so hard to remember or think of something

Idioms to remember 2012



Rain cats and dogs

Rain very hard

Raise a stink

Protest in an aggressive way

Rat race

Dirty and unfair competition

Raw deal

Unfair deal

Read between the lines

Try to understand the true meaning inside

Read someone's mind

Try to understand someone's thought

Real deal

Very good, Very satisfied

Red carpet

Very important, very special

Renaissance man

A very smart and talented person

Idioms to remember 2012



Ride high

Very successful

Ride with the tide

Follow the others agreement

Road hog

A bad driver

Rob Peter to pay Paul

Borrow money from someone to pay another

Rock the boat

Sway the situation. Break the stable stage

Roll the dice

Take a risk on something

Roll with the punches


Rolling stone

Person who never stay in any place/ position for long

Root and branch

Through /All over

Idioms to remember 2012



Rough and ready


Rough diamond

Person who doesn't look nice from the outside but is actual a good / nice one

Run against someone

Compete with someone

Run behind

Delay / slower than schedule

Run out of

All gone. No more left


Safe and sound

Completely save

Salad days

The awkward old time which could be happy to think of

Salt of the Earth

People who dedicate their life to make the world better

Salty dog

An expert sailor/ fisherman

Idioms to remember 2012



Save face

Save the reputation from public

Save your skin

Stay away from problems

Sea legs

Do/ try something new

Second to none

The best

See eye to eye

Two or more people are agree on something

See red

Very angry

Seed money

First amount of money to start your business

Sell down the river

Betray. Not follow agreement

Sell someone down the river

Betray someone

Idioms to remember 2012



Shake a leg

Hurry up

Shoot off the mouth

Show opinion very loudly

Shot in the dark

Do something with little direction and hope to be successful

Sit on the fence

Does not want to make the decision

Slip one's mind

Completely forget something

Smell a rat

Compete with someone

Snow job

Dishonestly talking

So to speak

Refer to someone's speech

Sooner or later

In the near future

Idioms to remember 2012



Slip one's mind

Completely forget something

Speak of the devil

Someone you are talking about (probably in a negative way) is arrived

Stand me up

Miss an appointment with me

Stick out the neck

Take the risk


Tag Along


Talk double Dutch

Confusing talk or Unclear explanation.

Take a pot luck

Accept all conditions.

Take no prisoners

Do not pay attention about the other's feeling

Take to the heels

Start running away

Idioms to remember 2012



Take what someone say with a pinch of salt

Doesn't take what someone say too seriously

Tear bucket

Cry so much

Tear something into pieces

Completely destroy something

Tens of thousands

Represent the big number of something

Ten to one

Feel confident with something

The best of both worlds

Very best. Have all advantages

The last straw

The last problem before everything is solved

Think on one's feet

Think quickly

Third degree

A quite severe stage

Idioms to remember 2012



Third world

Low development place/ person

Throw down the glove

Take a challenge

Tide someone over

Help someone to survive from crisis

To a day

Exactly (use with time or date)

To hear something straight from a horse's mouth

To hear something from an original source which should very reliable

Tongue in cheek


Tongue tied

Too nervous or serious to speak out

Too big for one's boot

Arrogant. Self-center person

Touch and go

An uncertain result

Idioms to remember 2012



Tough as nails

Very tough

Toxic waste

Completely waste. Cannot even be disposed

True to life

Very real

Turn pale

Suddenly scare of something

Turn someone off

Feel disgusting with someone


Ugly customer

Dangerous person

Uncle Sam

Refer to something from the US

Uncle Tom

Person who are not updated to the current world.

Under age

Below the legal age

Idioms to remember 2012



Under cover

Conceal / Hide

Under fire

Under the serious situation

Under the breath

Whisper / Talk in a very soft level

Under the nose

Do not recognize something which are actually very close

Under the hammer

About to reach the final

Under the table

Bribes / Pay money for illegal purposes

Under the thumb

Completely under control

Under the weather

Feel sick / depress

Under your thumb

Under totally your control

Idioms to remember 2012



Until the last dog is shot

Until the very last possible moment

Up a gum tree

In trouble. Very busy

Up in the air

Unclear situation

Upside down

Turn the top to the bottom and the bottom to the top

Up to speed

Update the progress

Up the wall

Very angry

Up to you

Depend on you / rely on you


Value judgement

Unfair judgement. Judge with emotion

Velvet glove

Gentle person

Idioms to remember 2012



Vertically challenged


Very thing

Very suitable

Vice Versa

The opposite of what you say is also true

Vicious circle

No progress. recurring situation

Villain of the piece

A bad person or thing. According to reports of the disaster, the villain of the piece is the

mining company who failed to carry out proper safety checks.


Very Important Person

Virgin territory

Something that hasn't been found / discovered


Waiting in the wings

Ready to take an action

Idioms to remember 2012



Walk in a park

Smooth an easy

Walk on a green mile

Going to do something which cannot be avoid

Walk on eggshells

About to get very angry with someone

Walking on air

Very happy

War of words

A big argument

Waste of skin


Watch the step

Move / Act carefully

Watch the tongue

Speak carefully

Watching paint dry

Boring / not interesting at all

Idioms to remember 2012



Wear many hats

People who play many roles or in many positions at the same time.

Wet behind the ears

Naive / no experience

White feather

The sign that the person is scared or highly nervous

White knight

Person who like to help or save the others

White lie

Lie for a good purpose to help something/ someone

Whole food

Organic food

Wide of the mark

Incorrect / Inaccurate

Wild card

Unpredictable factors

Window shopping

Go to the shop to walk and look around but not buying

Idioms to remember 2012



Wishy washy

Something unclear. He is just so wishy washy because he won't tell that girl what he wants in

their relationship.

With eyes open

Fully aware when doing something

Within a stone throw

Within a very short distance

Word by word

Very word


X rate (Rate X)

Too aggressive


Year in year out

Year by year. Many years consecutively

Year round

All year/ the whole year

Yellow billed


Idioms to remember 2012



Yellow press

Bias media. Media who report with no mercy

Yes and no

Unclear / not confident

Yes man

Someone who always agree with other people

Yesterday's man

Someone who has been overlooked because he is not as successful as his

old time

You are toast

Your are in a real trouble

You are what you eat

The food you eat is very important for your health

You bet

Totally agree

You can say that again

Totally agree

You cannot unring a bell

You cannot recall something which you have done

Idioms to remember 2012



You could hear a pin drop

Very quiet

You name it.

To give a total credit to someone on something (it)

Young blood

New generation people

Your call

Totally your decision

Your name is mud

Bad reputation




Zero hour

Appointment for start time with no delay

Zero in

Focus to the target

Zero tolerance

No tolerance. No compromise

Idioms to remember 2012



Zip the lip

Keep the mouth closing / Keep the secret

Kay’s Common Idioms To Remember

abide by: obey, observe (comply with, follow, keep)

abound in: abound, be abundant in, be fertile in, teem in, be in abundance, be

rich in

above all, especially (most importantly, above all things), among other things,

as a first step, before everything else, first of all, for one thing

according to: in accordance with, according as that

account for: uncovering the reasons for, explain

be accustomed to: be used to be in the habit of, (something) be familiar to

(someone), familiarize oneself with, be well read in, be well (deeply) versed in,

be acquainted with, be at home in (on)

add to: increase (add A to B)

add up: total, makes sense

add up to: be the sum - to, come the end

adequate for: sufficient for , in the right (enough)

adjust to: adapt to

agree on: accede to, be agreeable to, assent to, approve of, be in favour of,

comply with, consent to

Idioms to remember 2012



dissent from: disagree with

agree with (something): fit (food, climate, etc.), be suitable

ahead of: in front of, before

aim at: target

all along: all the time, throughout, from the very first

all at once: suddenly, simultaneously, on a sudden, all of a sudden

all but: almost

all in all: altogether, mostly (in general)

all over: finished (done), everywhere

all told: all combined, all, in all, one and all, root and branch

along with: together with

allow for: account, take into consideration, make allowance for, reflect on,

deliberate on, think over

amount to be: total, lead to, result in

and so forth [on]: and the like, and what not, etcetera (etc)

answer for: take responsibility for, be in charge of, be responsible for, be

answerable for, be accountable for, be to blame, take charge of

apply to: be applicable to, be true of

apply for: support, request, ask for, call for

as a matter of fact: in reality, actually, in fact

as a rule: generally, usually

as far as: as much as, to the degree that

as follows: like this, in this way, along this line

as it were: so to speak, in a way

as long as: so long as, providing, provided that, on condition that

Idioms to remember 2012



as of: starting, beginning, commencing

as to: as for, in (with) respect to (of), as regards, in (with) regard to (of), in

relation to, in connection to

ascribe A to B: attribute A to B, impute A to B

at (the) least: no less than, minimum

at (the) most: at the very most, at best

at one’s convenience: if (when) it is convenient for (to)

be at a loss: be at one’s wit’s end, be all at sea, be in a dilemma, be

bewildered, be embarrassed, be on horns of a dilemma, perplexed, be upset,

lose one’s head

at best: at most, just about

at ease: relaxed, well at ease; feel at easy (feel at home, make oneself at

home, take it easy)

at first hand: directly

at hand: near, soon, at hand, 1) meaning in time: close at hand, before long,

just around the corner, in the near future; 2) meaning in space (spatially):

nearby, close at hand, within s stone’s throw of)

at last: in the end, finally, in the long run

at odds (with): at variance, in dispute (disagreement), in conflict

at once: immediately, at the same time, simultaneously, in no time, on the spot,

once (and) for all, off hand, out of hand, right away

at present: today, now

at random: randomly, impartially, fairly, haphazardly, higgledy-piggledy, as

luck would have it, at the dictate of chance

at stake: at risk, at issue

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at the (very) moment: at the moment, the current (presently)

at the cost / price / expense of: without regard for, to the detriment of

at times: sometimes, occasionally (from time to time, once in a while, more

often than not)

A large number of: a good few, a number of, not a few, quite a few, cf)

Quantitative: lots of, plenty of, not a little, quite a little

at liberty: freely, at will, at one’s discretion, at one’s disposal, of one’s own

accord, of one’s own free will

at all cost: no matter what happens, at any cost, at all events, by all means, in

any case, for all the world, on all accounts, by all means

back and forth: to and fro, backwards and forwards

back down: retreat, withdraw

back off: recede, retreat, pull back, move away

back out (of): revoke, withdraw from, abandon

back up: support, help, encouragement, endorsement

bail out: save, rescue, stand surety, aid

bank on [upon]: depend on, count on, rely on, rest on, be dependent on (fall

back on)

be about to: be just going to, be just ready to, be on the brink of - ing, be on

the verge of - ing, on the point of - ing

be absorbed in: be lost in, be engaged in, be immersed in, be engrossed in,

be devoted to, apply oneself to, devote oneself to, give body and soul to,

concentrate one’s mind on, give oneself (up) to, lose oneself in, put one’s

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heart and soul into, be with one’s heart and soul, be addicted to

be acquainted with: familiar with

be allergic to: sensitive to, affected by

be apt to (do): tend to, be prone to, be ready to, be open to, be subject to, be

inclined to

be assured of: be confident about, place (have) reliance on, trust on, be sure

of, be certain of

be averse to [from]: be opposed to - ing, have objection to, be in opposition to,

object to - ing

be aware of: know

be based on: be on the basis of, be ground on

be bent on : be eager to

be beside the point: miss the point, beat around the bush, off the point

be bound for: make for, tend to, lead to, head for

be bound to do: have a duty to, be obliged to do, be certain to, be forced to,

be compelled to

be composed of: be comprised of, consist of, be made up of

be concerned with: be related (with) to, be associated with, be relevant to,

have reference to, have connection with, have something to do with

be condemned to: be destined to, be doomed to

be derived from: come from

be devoted to: be dedicated to

be engaged in: be busy with, be occupied by

be fond of: like

be free from [of]: pardon, be exempted of, be let off the hook, be off-load

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be fresh from: be newly made from

be harmful to [for/of]: be injurious to, be detrimental to, be dangerous, be


be indifferent to: make no difference in, have nothing to do with, have no

bearing on

be known to: known by (for, as), recognized

be obsessed with [by]: be seized, be held

be open to: be likely to

be particular about [over]: be picky, be fussy

be quick at: be fast

be scared of [at]: be afraid of

be sensitive to: be susceptible to, be alert to

be short of: be insufficient (have not enough)

be subject to: be open to

be suitable for: be proper for, be fit for, be suited for

be through (with): finish with, get through with

be tied up (with): be very busy with

be (get) tired of: be bored by (with), be fed up with, be tired with (from), wear


be up for: be ready to

be up to: be one’s duty (responsibility)

be wary of: be careful of

be worried about [over]: care about, be anxious about, be apprehensive of (for,

about), be ill at ease, be troubled about, be concerned about, distress oneself,

feel uneasy

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bear (up)on: be relevant to

bear the brunt of: endure (attacks) face to face

become of: happen to, come about, come to pass, break out, take place, bring


become on: harmonize with, go with

beef up: fortify, strengthen

before long: within the time, soon

believe in: trust, have faith in

belong to: be a part of

better off: in better circumstances, enhanced

beyond (all) question: no doubt, beyond doubt

beyond dispute: no room for debate

blow out (fire): blow out, extinguish, put out

blow up: cause to explode, blast (off), burst out

boil down to: be reduced to

bound to: certain to, sure to

branch out: expand the business, ramify

break down: 1) destroy, collapse, 2) be out of order, 3) (for health, stamina)

become ill,

4) overcome, 5) decompose (analyze)

break ground: start, begin

break into: 1) start suddenly, burst into, 2) intrude (interrupt), 3) filibuster

(enter by force)

break in: 1) tame, 2) intrude (interrupt)

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break off: 1) be cut off (a relationship), separate, 2) end (sever, stop,


break out: 1) (war, fire, etc.) arise, begin abruptly, 2) suddenly started (burst

into), 3) go jailbreak

break through: 1) overcome, 2) get though, infiltrate, penetrate, breach , step


break up: separate (split up), smash (scatter, disperse)

bring about: 1) give rise, result in (cause to happen), 2) be fulfilled


bring on: bring about, introduce

bring out: expose, reveal, publish

bring to: resuscitate (revive, bring round, breathe new life into, give the kiss of

life to)

bring up: 1) raise (rear), 2) introduce (issues etc), 3) hand in, 4) vomit

bring [take] back: draw back (return), restore

brush up (on): review, study, practice

build up: pile (wealth, character, reputation, etc), promote

bump into: meet by chance, run into, meet with, happen to meet, chance upon

burn down: burn all, vanish, burn up all

burn out: exhaust, be worn out

butt in [into]: interrupt impolitely, interfere

buy out: buy (things including the rights of others)

buy up: hoard (save, store, amass, accumulate, put aside)

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by all means: certainly, at any cost, without fail

by and by: soon, before long

by and large: on the whole, overall, mostly

by chance [accident]: accidentally, as chance would have it, as it happens

by far: very much, by a great deal, definitely, obviously

by God: surely

by heart: by memory, word-for-word

by means of: with the help of, through

by nature: naturally, innately

by no means: in no way, not - at all, anything but, be far from, in no sense, not

- in the slightest, not - in the least, under no circumstances, for all the world

by oneself: on one’s own, alone and without help

by the way: incidentally (by the by, while we’re on the subject, before I forget)

by way of: passing through, via

call at: visit, drop in at (location, home)

call on: visit, drop in on (someone), ask, request

call for: demand, require, ask for, make a demand for

call off:1) take away (attention) from someone, 2) cancel, take back

call down: scold (blame) A for B, give - a scolding, take (call, bring) - to task

call out: 1) summon), 2) shout to call someone loudly

call - by name: call someone’s name, cf) call (a person) names: insult, abuse,

slander, malign, libel

calm down: sedate, relax

care for: like, take care of (look after)

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carry on: continue, keep

carry out: carry through, perform, put into effect

cash in on: take advantage of, profit from

cast aside: dump, throw off, discard

cast (throw) a stone at: censure, pick on, accuse - of, find fault with

catch a cold: get sick with a cold

catch on: understand

catch one’s breath: hold one’s breath

catch up with 1) overtake, 2) come up with, keep up with, keep pace with,

keep abreast with (of)

catch [get] a glimpse of: take a glance

catch the point of: come to the point, hit home, keep to the point

cause anxiety to (frolic etc): kick up, make a row, make a scene

change one’s mind: decide differently

check in (hotel, etc.): sign in (up, on), enrol, register

check out: 1) sign out, leave, 1) inspect, look into, explore

check into: look into, investigate

check in at: lodge at (in), put up at, stop at (in)

check over: examine, investigate

cheer up: make happy, encourage

chew out: berate (scold someone severely)

chip in on [for]: contribute to, donate to

chop down: cut, parry

chop up: finely chop

clean off: clean, tidy

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clean up: is clean, clear, purify

clear away: eliminate, tidy up

clear up: solve (the problem): (the weather) become nice and sunny

cling to: stick to, cleave, adhere to, stick to, hold fast (to)

come in (make) contact with: touch, communicate with (keep) in touch with

close down: be terminated (discontinue)

close in on: draw nearer to, approach

close up: be closed (bring to an end), converge (come together)

combine A with B: ally (unite)

come (down) to: be attributed to (the total)

come across: meet by chance (encounter)

come along: 1) be accompanied by, 2) proceed successfully

come by: 1) obtain, acquire, carry off, 2) drop in (pay a visit)

come down with: get ill (become ill with, get a disease)

come in: enter, win a prize (be among the winners)

come out with: divulge to, confess, reveal, be released (bring out)

come out: appear, emerge

come to light: appear or be manifested (become known)

come to terms: settle [reach] an agreement

come to think of it: I guess

come true: become a reality

come up with: think of, catch up (follow)

come up: approach, come close, happen (arise), overhang

come what may [will]: no matter what happens

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compare A with B: A and B are compared

compare A to B: A to B is compared

compete with: contend (with, against), vie with, struggle

concentrate on: converge [focus] on

consist of: be composed of, be made up

consist with: be in accord with, concur with, correspond with, be in accordance


consist in: exist, lie in, be situated (located)

contrary to: contradictory to, opposing, different, divergent

contribute to: donate to

cope with: deal with successfully, be equal to - ing

count in: include, cf) count out, deflate (eliminate, exclude)

count on: trust (depend on, rely on, bank on)

cross out [off]: (with X mark) erase, erasure

cut back on: reduce, lessen, lay bare

cut in: cut in (to the story), interfere, interrupt

cut off: sever, separate, is interrupted (stop, discontinue)

cut out for: of qualified (having an aptitude for, qualified)

date back to: go back to the days

day by day: every day (daily)

deal with: cope (with), handle

deal in: do business, engage in business, enter into business

decide to verb: be determined, decide on - ing, make up one’s mind, make a

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resolution to

despite of: despite, with all, for all, in spite of, in the face of, none the less

dissuade - from - ing: disable, keep, stop, prevent, prohibit, hinder, discourage

die of (disease): die

die from (accident): die, pass away, breathe one’s last (breath), commit

suicide, kill oneself, meet one’s death

die away (wind, sound, etc.): gradually attenuate (fade away, die down)

die down: gradually go down (become less severe, quiet down)

discriminate A from B: tell A from B, distinguish A and B, know A from B,

separate A from B

dispose of: get rid of, discard

do away with: eliminate, abolish, get rid of, make away with, weed out

do harm: cause damage (hurt)

do good: give benefits

do someone a favour: listen to the request of

do one’s best: try very hard

do one’s part: do one’s duty to

do well to: had better, may as well, would rather, may (might) as well - as

do without: dispense with, go without, manage without

drag on: a long time procrastinate

draw back: be back (withdraw, retreat)

draw in (the reins): tighten, reduce costs, be enticed (take in)

draw off (liquid): subtract, withdraw (move back, retreat)

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draw on: approach, be dependent on (rely on)

draw up (a document): be written (write plans, draft, devise)

dress down: dress cf) dress up: primp

dress oneself in: be dressed in, have on, put on, try on

drive back: ward (expel)

drop a line: write a short letter

drop by [in / over]: casually drop in (visit)

drop out: quit, stop

due to: because of, owing to, thanks to, on the ground of, for the reason of, on

account of

dwell on: deliberate on, ponder on, think over

earn [make] one’s living: earn a living

eat away: corrode (destroy gradually)

eat out: eat up, have a meal in a restaurant

egg on: encourage, push, urge, cf) have eggs on the spit (very busy)

eligible for: suitable for

end in: result in, end up with

end up with: finally ~ to be

engage in: take part (occupy oneself, become involved)

be engaged to: engage oneself, betroth oneself to

enter into (business days): be started

equal to: be comparable to (tantamount to)

escape death by a finger’s breadth: barely escape with one’s life, hang by a

thread (a hair), have a narrow escape, narrowly escape death

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every now and then: sometimes, occasionally, from time to time, every once in

a while

every other: every alternate

except for: but for, if it were not for

in effect: 1) actually (virtually), 2) in essence, (essentially)

face up to: bravely stand opposite each other (meet courageously, confront)

faced with: confronted with

fade away: be gone, die out (off, away), fade out, steal away

fail in: turn out (prove) a failure, get nowhere, accomplish nothing

be faithful to: be true to

fall back on: 1) rely on, 2) be used in an emergency

fall : 1) secede (separate), 2) decline, decrease

fall down: 1) fall to the ground, 2) fail

fall behind: lag in pace, slacken (payments)

fall in love with: love (fall for)

fall in with: be consistent, alight

fall short of: be not enough (be lacking in)

fall to: begin, begin with, enter into, make a start, set about, set in (out), set off,

set one’s hand to

be fed up with: be tire of, be disgusted

feel for: feel sympathy to, sympathize with, take pity on

feel ill at ease: be anxious (feel uncomfortable)

feel like: be inclined to, want to

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feel up to: seem to be able to (feel able to)

feel unwell: do not feel good, be in no mood, be out of sorts

figure out: 1) be correct (solve, decipher, interpret), 2) understand, 3) calculate

figure up: total

fill in for: substitute for

fill in: supply desired information, write in a blank, put down, write down

fill out: 1) write on the paper (write in, complete), 2) gain weight (bulge)

fill up: replenish

find fault with: censure (criticize, be dissatisfied with)

find out (the truth): learn, discover, inquire (ask about)

first of all: first (in the first place)

fit in: 1) ideal (harmony), 2) adjust

fit up: furnish (facilities)

fix up: 1) repair (mend, renovate), 2) be adjusted, be determined (arrange,

settle, solve)

3) be prepared, 4) supply (provide, prepare), 5) dress

follow after: pursue, give chase to, seek after, be in pursuit of

for a rainy day: in case of any event (in case of an emergency)

for ages: for a long time (for a very long time)

for good: forever (permanently)

for nothing: for free, vain (without some good reason)

for the time being: in the meantime, at this time (for the present, for now)

for one’s (own) part: as for someone, so (as) far as someone is concerned

for God’s (mercy’s, Heaven’s) sake: please, for Christ’s (pity’s, goodness’)


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for short: in short

for want of: lack of, (run, come, fall, be) short of, not enough , insufficient

(deficient), wanting (lacking) in

for example: for instance, by way of illustration, let us say, to take an

illustration, to give an instance

for the most part: most, in large part, in the main, n most cases

for the sake of: for (gain, bias), for one’s sake, in the cause of, on behalf of, in

the interests of, in the service of

for the purpose of: for (purpose), in order to, so as to verb, with a view to – ing,

with the view (object, idea) of

for what it is worth: although negligible, such as it is, such as there is, though it

is of poor quality

for the life of one: desperately, for one’s life, for dear of

for the asking: simply by request

for a time: while, for a moment

for one’s age: compared to age, considering one’s age

form - of: make as

form - after: modeled after and try to make

for [with] all: despite (in spite of, notwithstanding)

free of: clear of, exempt from

free from: do not have

from now on: in the future (from this moment)

from the point of view: in terms of a stand(view) point, from a viewpoint, from a


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from scratch: from the initial state (from nothing, from the start)

from time to time: occasionally, sometimes (now and then)

from top to bottom: completely (thoroughly)

gain ground: 1) make progress (advance), 2) obtain approval (gain approval),

3) gain basis

gear up: get ready, extend equipment (put on equipment)

get hold of: 1) understand, 2) seize (grasp), 3) take a (communicate, contact)

get at: 1) arrive at, 2) be suggestive, 3) be understood

get about: 1) roam, 2) (rumour) spread out

get across: 1) explain (make clear), making someone understand, 2) crossing

get ahead of: 1) forestall (move forward of), 2) be exceeded (outdo, surpass)

get along with: 1) chum, 2) go on (manage), be good friends with, be intimate

with, be on good terms with, get on with, keep good company, make friends


get away with: 1) manage to polish, 2) run away with

get away: escape, flee, leave (start out, leave), break away, make off, make

one’s escape

get a glimpse of: glimpse, take a glance at

get by: 1) manage to get along (manage to survive), manage to endure, 2)


get down to: 1) begin (start, begin with), 2) focus (concentrate)

get even with: be revenge (take revenge on, retaliate)

get in the way: interfere (block, obstruct, hinder), be (stand) in the way,

interfere with, place obstacles in the way of

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get in touch with: contact, communicate

get into: get involved in

get off (vehicles): reprieve (from), drop, get down from, get out

get on: (board) ride, ride in, give someone a ride, on horseback, pick up

get on in the world: succeed in, make good, rise in the world

get out of: go out (leave, exit), elude (escape from)

get over: 1) be overcome (overcome), 2) (Health) recover from, 3) crossing, 4)

mop (finish, have done with)

get rid of: remove, do away with, be disposed of

get something going: commence, embark (begin, start, initiate)

get the better of: 1) outdo, surpasses, 2) get an advantage over

get through: 1) (telephone) be contacted, 2) pass the story, 3) (Test) pass, 4)

(destination) be reached,

5) (the bill) be passed in Parliament

get through with: 1) (work) be completed (finish), bring - to an end, make an

end of, put an end to

get to the point: tell the point

we get together: meet, collect (gather)

get / fall behind: lag in progress, fail to pay on time

get well: recover, get better, recover from, make a good progress

give a hand: help someone (help out), clap one’s hands (applaud, clap)

give a lift: ride (give a ride)

give back: return, restore

give in: 1) surrender, yield, give way to, 2) submit (hand in, submit, turn in),

give way to, submit to

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give off (the smell, heat, light, gas, etc.): give out, transpire (release, send out,


give one’s best regards: convey one’s regards to, give one’s compliments to,

send one’s best wishes

give out: 1) distribute, hand out, 2) exhale (send out, emit)

give rise to: make clear (cause)

give up: 1) renounce (despair), stop, 2) give in, 3) be disposed of

give way to: concede, make a concession to, make halfway

give support to: assist, give a hand, back up, be of service

give someone a shake: be fired, fire out, give one the sack, be dismissed

give someone a ring: phone, call up, ring up, be on the phone

give birth to: be the cause, bring forth, call - into being, come into the world

(existence, being)

go about: 1) be launched (start), 2) perform, 3) (a rumour) prevail (circulate)

go ahead: keep on (proceed without hesitation)

go along with: agree (concur with)

go beyond the scope of: exceed, be exceeded (outdo)

go for: try for, favour, like

go in for: fond (approve of, like), be involved (engage in)

go into: investigate, examine, look into, canvass

go off (an explosion): burst up, blow up

go on: continue, (events) happen (take place)

go on a strike: strike for, walk out

go out with: have a date with

go over: 1) review (check, examine, consider), 2) cross

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go through: 1) complete, 2) check (examine), 3) pass, 4) tolerate (endure), 5)


go with: accompany, look good together

go without saying: it is needless to say, be clear, be obvious

go without: forgo (do without)

hand down: be inherited (bequeath), be published (declare, deliver)

hand in: submit, give back (return)

hand in hand: cooperation, arm in arm, cooperate with

hand out: distribute, pass out, dole out

hand over: give up, transfer (surrender, give control of), make over, turn over

hang around: socialize with, mosey, poke about (loiter)

hang on (the phone): wait (hold on)

hang up (the phone): cut off (disconnect)

have a word with: briefly talk (speak with)

happen to noun: come about, come to pass, break out, take place

happen to (verb): incidentally be, chance to

have a good view: afford a fine view, command a fine view

have a liking for: be fond of, care for, take a fancy to

have a yen for: hunger (eager, yean) for, have a carving for, have a strong

desire for, hunger for, look forward to have an eye for: know how to see

have an eye to: pay attention to

have a seat: sit down, be seated, sit back, seat oneself

have a likeness to: resemble, be alike, take after, bear resemblance to

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have an influence on: cause to the effect, tell on, work on, exercise influence

on, have an effect (impact) on

have in mind: plan, intend

have no bearing (up) on: have no relation with

have one’s own way: be at will, be stubborn

have respect for: respect, esteem one for, look up to, pay homage to

have contempt for: contempt, hold one in contempt, look down on, regard one

with contempt

have to do with: be related to (be connected with)

head for: move toward

hang up: disconnect

hear from: listen (receive news from)

hear of: know about, be familiar with

hit upon: (accidentally) find (come into collision, run across)

hold down: mortify (restrain), maintain

hold fast (of): keep hold of, hang on, grasp

hold good: be available, be applied (be valid), become effective, remain in

force, make valid

hold on to: keep a firm grip on, stick to, abide by

hold on: (without disconnecting from the phone), wait (hang on)

hold out: endure (lasting), be patient with, put up with

hold still: remain motionless

hold up: be blocked (hinder, delay), rob

hurry up: speed up

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in addition: moreover, into the bargain, on top of, besides

in a row: one after another (consecutively)

in a sense: in a way, sort of

in a word: in a nutshell (in short, briefly)

in accordance with: in harmony with, in the case of (in the event of)

in advance: prior to (beforehand)

in any event: in any case, anyway

in behalf of: instead of, in one’s place, in one’s shoes

in case of: in the event of

in charge of: be responsible for

in common: shared equally

in detail: item by item, with particulars, in full, at large, at length

in due course: when the time comes (in the natural order of events),


in essence: in substance

in evidence of: in proof of, in token of

in front of: in the presence of, in the face of

in fashion: in trendy, in vogue, up to date

come into fashion: trend, cf) out of fashion: out of vogue, out of date, old


in favour of: in support of, on the side of

in general: principle (as a whole, overall), on the whole, by and large

in honour of: honour (out of respect for, in one’s honour), in celebration of, in

memory of

in need: in trouble, at a time of need, at a crisis, at stake

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in order: orderly (in a state of proper arrangement)

in other words: put it differently

in part: partially

in person: face to face, directly (personally)

in practice: actually (in reality, practically)

in private: not publicly, secretly

in progress: under way

in proportion as: in proportion to

in public: not privately, publicly, overtly (openly)

in reality: in truth, in effect, in fact, as a matter of fact

in regards to: with respect to, of the sense (about, on, concerning)

in response to: in reply to, in answer to

in return: in reward

in search of: to find

in short: in brief, in sum, in a word

in spite of: notwithstanding, despite

in terms of: 1) in view of, 2) about (concerning, as to, with regard to)

in company with: in one’s company, together with, along with

in the black: operating at a profit

in the event of: if it happens, in case of

in the first place: for a start, more than anything else, to begin with, to start


in the long run: finally, eventually (at last, in the end, ultimately, after all, at


in the name of: in one’s name, under the name

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in the red: deficit (operating at a loss, being in debt)

in time: early enough, not late, eventually

in turn: in return for (in reward for)

in turn: alternately, by turns: alternately

in vain: no gain (to no purpose, without success), for nothing, to no purpose,

to no avail, without result

inferior to none: best, second to none, next to none

in view of: considering, in terms of

independent of: regardless of

inquire after: ask about the state of condition

inquire into: to be investigated

insist on: stick to (persist in, assert), lay claim to, persist in

instead of: in place of, rather than

interfere with: intervene in, be the interference (meddle in)

in [with] regard to: referring to, concerning

iron out (problems): be resolved (resolve, clear up)

it’s high time to: it’s about time to do

it’s no wonder: it is not surprising (it’s natural)

jam up: be blocked, unable to move

join A to B: concatenate, participate in

join in: take part

join issue: debate is starting to.

Idioms to remember 2012



keep a straight face: to keep serious (prevent oneself from laughing)

keep abreast of [with]: keep up with

keep an eye on: watch carefully(look after)

keep away from: stay away from, to evade (avoid, shun)

keep back: retain, refrain, restrain, mortify, stay away from

keep good company: chum, get along with, get on with, make friends with

keep - from - ing: disable, dissuade, stop, prevent

keep a date: owing to, abide by one’s promise, be as good as one’s promise,

be true to one’s word, keep an appointment (an engagement), keep one’s


keep in touch: contact regularly, communicate

keep on: keep up (continue, persist), go on (with), carry on, hold on

keep one’s temper: control oneself

keep out: keep one outside

keep something in mind: remember, bear in mind

keep something to oneself: keep something secret

keep to the point: identify the point, come to the point, hit home, catch the

point of

keep up with: stay informed, be second to (match), keep pace with, keep

abreast with (of), come (catch) up with keep ~ in mind: bear in mind


kick off: initiate, begin

kick out: expel, oust, (lights) go out (give out)

kill out: extirpate, root out, sweep away, wipe out

kick up: kick up a fuss; cause anxiety to, make a law, make a scene

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kill time: to pass the time just for fun (idle)

knock out: make unconscious, annihilate (defeat)

know better than: not stupid enough

know A from B: separate, discriminate, tell, distinguish

be known to: be known

be known as: be known

be known for: be famous for

be known by: as you can see

laugh at: scoff, make a fool of, make a fun (game) of, make an ass of

lay aside: be reserved, put aside, set aside, save, lay up (aside), store up

lay off: (temporarily) turn off (dismiss), stop annoying

lead to: result in

lay stress on: attach importance to, put (place) stress on, make much of, make

much account of, make difference

learn something by heart: memorize completely

leave (something) behind: do not take it with them when they leave.

leave off: stop

leave out: omit, except (exclude)

leave someone alone: do not bother (stop disturbing), do not interfere with

(stop interfering)

leave no means untried: exhaust all means, leave no stone unturned

legend has it: rumour has it

let alone: needless to say, not to mention, not to speak of, to say nothing of

let down: disappoint (fail), be betrayed (betray)

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let loose: be released, let go of, set free

let on: reveal, uncover (disclose, let out a secret)

let out (a secret): divulge (reveal), end (terminate, be finished)

let up (rain): gradually cease, gradually dwindle away (diminish)

let us say: for example

lie down: lie, lay oneself down, lie on one’s back

lie on one’s face (stomach): prostrate

lie on one’s side: lie sideway

lie in: consist in, be situated, be located

lay down: make someone lie down

line up behind: back, support, uphold

little by little: bit, gradually, bit by bit, by degrees, one by one, piece by piece,

step by step

live down: forget a shameful thing through the years

live on: feed on

live by: live according to something

live from hand to mouth: make a living, keep the wolf from the door, keep

clothes on your back

live beyond one’s means: live luxuriously (more than enough)

live up to: live in accordance with, be prepared to

lodge at(accommodation): check in at, put up at, stop at (in)

long for: yearn for, look forward to, have a desire for

look after: take care of, care for, have (put) something under one’s charge

look back on: remember, reflect on, recollect, recall

look down on: hold in contempt, despise

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look forward to (with joy): anticipate

look into: examine, inquire into, investigate

look out: beware, (watch carefully for)

look over: examine check, review, go over, inquire into, make an investigation

look up (dictionary, etc): find information

look to A for B: depending (to A for B)

lose (one’s) face: suffer disgrace

lose ground: 1) retreat, 2) lose (top, power, popularity, etc.)

lose heart: become discouraged

lose one’s temper: get angry, lose one’s wig

lose one’s head: being busy for nothing

lose one’s mind: go crazy, be insane, besides oneself, go mad, be out of one’s


lose one’s face: cause embarrassment, lose one’s dignity, humiliate oneself

lose no time in - ing: do not delay in

lose sight of: miss the look of, do not know the news, overlook and miss the


lose the day: be lost, be defeated

major in: specialize in, make a specialty of

make application for: apply for, apply to, send application for

make an impression on one’s mind: give an impression

make (both) ends meet: make life without a deficit (balance a budget)

make allowances for: take into consideration, allow for

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make a demand for: ask for, call for

make an attack on (against): aggress, attack, mug, raid, take something by

surprise, make a raid against, fall on

make a difference: 1) cause a change, 2) emphasize, set store by, think

(highly) much of, make much of, put (lay, place) stress on

make a compliment to - on: praise for, be loud in one’s praise, commend

someone for, pay a tribute to, praise someone for, speak well of

make away with: stealing, get rid of, do away with, weed out

make believe to: make out to, pretend to, put on an act, make a presence to,

make a presence of - ing

make effort to: try to, endeavour to, exert oneself to, strive for

make room way for: give up one’s seat for

make a compromise with: compromise

make a concession to: appease, give way to, meet someone halfway

make a contribution to: contribute to, render service to

make an engagement to: be engaged to

make an end of close: get through, bring something to a close, make an end

of, put an end to

make a face: frown, grimace, make a grimace

make a good progress: get well (better), recover from, take a turn for the


make a point of: make it a point to do, focus on

make fun of: banter (laugh at, ridicule, make jokes about)

make good: make a hit, succeed in, get on in the world

make a fortune: make money

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make haste: haste, be in a hurry, hurry up

make it (in time): arrive in time, be successful (succeed)

make no difference: there is no effect

make oneself at home: unbend, take it easy

make out: 1) understand (figure out), 2) draw (fill out)

make over: cede A to B, hand over, turn over

make sense: be logical and clear

make search for: look, search out

make sure: be certain

make the best of it: cope with in the best way possible

make the most of it: be the best use of (get the best use from)

make up: invent, create, compensate

make up one’s mind: decide, make a decision

make use of it: avail oneself of, make the most (the best) of, put something to

use, take advantage of, turn something to use

make up for: compensate for

make a plan: have a plan for, map out, plan for

manage without: forego, go (do) without

make way for: allow space for, provide a path for

many a time: several times, again and again, by repetition, over and over


march forward: proceed forward, go ahead

meet with: meet someone by chance, happen to meet, run into

meddle with: tamper, interfere with, intrude on, put (poke, thrust) one’s nose


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mess up: bitch (spoil, ruin)

miss out: be omitted, leave out, pass over, skip over

miss the point: be beside the point, beat around the bush, be off the point

mix up: entangle, be in confusion (confuse)

model - on: imitate, be imitative of, be in imitation of

more or less: somewhat, close on, near upon, or so

more often than not: mostly, often (frequently)

much (still) less (behind positive words): needless to say (not to mention,

beyond question)

much (still) more (behind negative): also, how much more

needless to say: of course, (certainly)

next to: almost, beside

no longer: not any more

no sooner than: as soon as, on - ing

not at all: out against, not in any way, no way

now that: since that

object to - ing: be the opposite, be opposed to - ing, have objection to

once in a while: as often as not, more often than not, every now and then,

every so often, from time to time

of late: lately

off and on: occasionally (not regularly, intermittently, on and off)

off duty: not working, off guard, cf) on duty: working

off hand: on the spot, at once, in no time, right away, right now

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on a large scale: massively

on and on: continually, on end, consecutively, without end

on account of: because of

on condition that: only if, as long as, so long as, providing, given that

on earth: in the world, under the sun

one after another and one after the other: alternating, by turns, in turn, cf)

alternate with: take turns

on edge: acutely sensitive, nervous, tense

on hand: in one’s possession, to be readily available (easily available)

on one’s own: independent, by themselves (for oneself, by oneself)

on purpose: deliberately, intentionally (for a certain reason)

on sale: selling for a special reduced price

on second thought: after reconsidering

on the average: usually (typically)

on the charge of: under the accusation of

on the contrary: rather than, in contrast to, from another point of view, in

reverse order, to the contrary, the other way about

on the one hand: from another side or aspect, conversely

on the point of - ing: on the verge of

on the side: off-topic, as a snack (as a side dish)

on the spot: right now (at once, right away), in the field (on the scene)

on the whole: overall (in general, in most ways)

on time: on schedule, punctually

on top of 1) on top of, 2) in addition to, into the bargain, to make matters

worse, what is more (better, worse)

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out of breath: breathe heavily

out of control: cannot control

out of order: broken

out of season: not seasonal

out of sight: unseen

out of place: inappropriate

out of question: sure, certainly

out of the question: impossible

pass on: deliver

pass out: faint, hand out (distribute, hand out), swoon

pass through: go by way of

pay attention to: attend to, be attentive to, take note of

pay back: revenge (retaliate), repay, return

pay one’s own way: make a living without owing

pay off (debt): liquidate (pay in full), retaliate upon

phase out: gradually dwindle away (end gradually)

pick on: 1) single out, choose, 2) tease, harass, bully, find fault with, cast a

stone at, blame - for

pick out: choose, select

pick up: get, buy, go pick up (someone) with car

picture to oneself: fancy

pitch in: help, join in, raise energy at work

play down: be little, make no account of, make little of

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play a joke on: jeer, poke fun at (mock, rag, ridicule), pull one’s leg

play a part in: play a role in

point out: indicate

prefer - to: more fond of, like - better than

present oneself at: be in attendance at, participate in, take part in

prior to: take precedence over, before

pry into: ask inquisitively (unnecessarily ask too many questions about)

pull down: drag down(draw downward), break down (demolish, wreck)

pull oneself together: become emotionally stable again

pull out: leave, depart, dump (abandon abruptly)

pull over: move out of a line of traffic

pull through: come safely through, survive

put aside: lay by (save for later, lay aside, set aside)

put by: save, put aside, deposit

put down: 1) put in (write down, jot down), 2) suppress (crack down on)

put forward: offer, suggest, present, propose, release

put off: postpone, delay, estrange (lay aside)

put on: 1) wear, dress in, 2) pretend (assume)

put on an act: pretend to, make believe to

put on weight: gain weight, cf) lose weight, reduce (one’s)weight

put out: extinguish, produce

put through: carry out (through), carry - into execution

put up at: check in at, stop at (in)

put up with: tolerate, endure (bear)

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be queer for: be very fond

quite a few: many

quite a little: much

quote from: refer to, reference

rack up: gain, gather

rain in torrents rain hard, bucket (down), teem (down), rain cats and dogs

raise a question about: raise the issue (challenge)

read between the lines: understand the hidden meaning

read through: read from cover to cover

refer to: mention, make reference

refrain from: abstain from, restrain oneself

as regards: as for, as to, in relation to, in regard to

regardless of: without regard for, irrespective of, irrelevant to

rely on: depend on, rest on, believe

remain in force: hold good, become effective, make valid

reason with: argue logically

remember - to: convey my regards to, give - one’s best regards, say hello to

remind A of B:cause A to think of B

repeat – after: replicate after

repeat oneself: replicate, copy, duplicate

rest assured that: be convinced that (be certain that)

result from: be generated as a result of

result in: end in, lead to

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reward - for recompense (for)

right away: soon, at once, immediately, without delay

ring in: record time to work. cf) ring out: record work time

rip off: 1) swindle, cheat, 2) overcharge, charge too much, 3) know the hidden


rob - of: divest from, deprive - of, snatch - from, steal - from, take - by force

reduce one’s weight: lose weight

resort to: appeal to

round off: complete, perfect, finish

round up: bring together, assemble, gather

rule out: preclude, exclude, eliminate) interfere with (prevent)

run across: come across (meet by chance), stumble (come across)

run after: chase, follow, go after, pursue

run away: flee, escape

run down: pursue until captured, slam (criticize severely)

run for (a position): register for an election

run into: meet by chance, come across, run across

run out of: exhaust, use up

run over: review, (car etc) hit someone

run the risk of: take a chance

rush into: hasty, do something hurriedly

at random: randomly, arbitrarily, indiscriminately

save one’s breath: remain silent

scale down: cut, reduce, curtail

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scold A for B: blame A for B

search for: look for

search out: figure out

second to none: as much as anyone

second only to: as much as anyone does except for

see about: investigate, inquire about

see an end to: be at the end of

see after: attend, take care (attend to, take care of, look after)

see eye to eye with: agree to (agree with)

see off: see out, say farewell to

see things: hallucinate, have visions, have delusions

see through: comprehend, detect

see to: be careful with

see to it that: make sure

seeing that: considering, in view of

sell out: dispose of entirely by selling

send in: submit, hand in

send for: call for someone

send off: 1) dispatch, dismiss, 2) see off

send out: distribute, issue, place an order for delivery

serve - right: be right of course. Serve you right (sarcastic expression)

set aside: reserve, put (lay) aside

set back: hold up

set by: put aside, earmark, save

set fire: make fire

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set free: release, let go of

set in: (a season etc) begin to prevail, arrive

set off: depart, commence (begin, start), detonate (explode)

set one’s heart: make up one’s mind

set out: begin a journey, embark (undertake)

set store by: attach importance to

set to work: start to work

set up: establish, found, build, erect

settle down: go down, calm down, compose oneself

settle with: compromise with

share in: distribute (dispense, mete out, dole out, bestow)

share with: divide up

short of: less than, inferior to, lack of

show off: brag (boast), display, be proud of, take a pride in, boast of (about),

put on airs

shortly after: right after

shortly before: just before

show up: arrive, appear, turn up

shut down (the door, power): close, put out (turn off)

shut off (the flow): close off, turn off, isolate (separate)

side with: be on one’s side, stand by, take one’s part (side) with

sign up (courses, etc.): register (enrol), apply (subscribe)

sit back: relax, look on (stand by)

sit in: take part in a sit-in (sit-down strike)

sit in for: substitute, replace

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sit for: take exams

sit under: listen to (the preaching, lecture), research

sit up: 1) sit up, 2) stay awake

size up: judge, estimate, measure

skip over a few lines: jump two or three lines

sleep off (sadness): asleep, forget

sleep on: defer a decision on the day, think about

slow down: reduce the speed

so to speak: as it were, that is to say, so-called, what is called, what we call

so far: up until now, up to date, as yet, so far forth

sooner or later: eventually, finally

speak well of: praise

speak ill of: gossip about

specialize in: major in

speed up: increase the speed

spell out: explain in detail, tell the spelling of the word

square A with B: reconcile A to B

stamp out: root out, wipe out, remove, eliminate, get rid of

stand against: stand against (something)

stand by: look on, uphold, support, wait

stand for 1) represent, symbolize, 2) support, 3) represent

stand out: be noticeable, be adamant, be inflexible

stand up for: support, take the side of, defend

stand up: fail to keep an appointment with

steal (something) from (someone): steal cf) rob something of someone

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steal away: be gone secretly

step aside: yield, concede, make a concession

step down: resign

stick by: remain faithful to

stick to: adhere to, be faithful to (remain faithful to)

stop at: stay

stop by: come by, drop by; used for unannounced visit

stop – from - ing: ban someone from – ing, prevent – from - ing

strike for protest , strike

straighten up: clean up, make tidy

strive for: efforts to

submit to: succumb, surrender to, give way to, give in, yield to

substitute A for B: replace B with A

succeed in: accomplish, achieve

succeed to: become heir to

such as it is: such as there is, being humble, but..

sweep away: root out, wipe out

sympathize with: feel sorry for

take a break: rest, stop, pause

take a chance: risk danger

take A for B: mistake A for B

take a glance at: catch (get, gain) sight of, get a glimpse of

take a seat: sit down

take a turn for the worse: sit down

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take advantage of: profit, utilize, abuse (exploit), turn - to account, put - to use,

avail oneself of, make use of, make the most of

take back: call off

take - by surprise: take - by storm

take - by force: deprive

take care of: look after, deal with, handle

take effect: begin to function

take for granted: assume as a matter of course

take in: accept (admit), deceive (trick), include

take it easy: rest in peace (rest), calm down, do not worry

take leave of: be goodbye

take note of: attend to, be attentive to, pay attention to

take off: remove, ascend, depart, leave

take on (the blame): undertake, assume

take one’s time: be slow, not hurry, dawdle

take over: assume control of, capture

take part in: attend, participate in, join in, be attendance at, present at, present

oneself at

take pity on: feel for, sympathize with

take precedence over: be superior to, come first in importance

take sides: side, be partial to one side, take sides (part) with, take one’s part


take the place of: take one’s place

take place: occur, happen

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take pains: travail

take turns: alternate with, rotate

take up for: side with (to be one’s side)

take ~ into account: take into consideration

talk big: speak boastingly, brag

talk out: talk until conversation is exhausted

talk over: consider, discuss, convince by talking

tear down: break down, pull down, demolish, disassemble, dismantle

teem in (with): abound in, be abundant in, be fertile in

tell A from B: distinguish between A and B

ten to one: no doubt, very likely, probably

thanks to: because of, owing to

that is to say: in other words

the one - the other: that - this -, the former - the latter -

think of: consider, imagine

think of A as B: look upon A as B, regard A as B, consider A as B

think much of: think highly of, count for much, make much of

think over: consider, dwell on, ponder over, deliberate on, think better of

think twice: reconsider, mull

throw away: dump, discard, dispose of, remove (get rid of)

throw up: give up

tide over: surmount, survive, overcome

to and fro: back and forth, backward (s) and forward (s)

to no purpose: in vain, for nothing, to no avail, without result

to one’s face: in one’s presence, directly

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to say the least: at least, at a minimum

to some extent: to some extent, somewhat (to some degree, somewhat, more

or less)

to sum up: in short, in brief, in sum, in a word, to make a long story short

to the contrary: on the contrary, in reverse order

to the full: thoroughly

to the halves: not completely, by halves

to the point: pertinent, fitting, apt

tons of: a lot of, a great deal of

touch on: mention briefly, approach

try on: test clothing before buying

try out for: audition for

try out: test

tune in: adjust (a radio, television dial, channel)

turn around: change direction, turn about

turn away from: ignore, look away from

turn down (volume): reduce, deny (reject), refuse

turn in: hand in, submit, go to bed

turn into: change to, transform into

turn off: close, switch off

turn on (water, light, gas): switch on, excite

turn out: prove, extinguish

turn over: invert, transfer

turn to: appeal to, resort to, change to

turn up (the volume): raise (increase volume), appear, show up

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under no circumstances: not - in the least, never

under the name of: in the name of

under the sun: on earth, in the world

under way: in progress, active, in motion

up to date: on the latest (latest, modern, current)

upside down: reversely, topsy-turvy, messed up (in disorder)

use up: be exhausted, use completely, consume entirely, exhaust

vote for: vote for someone, cf) vote against

on view: open

to the view: publicly

in view of :1) in sight of where one can see, 2) to consider

wait on: serve, attend on, care for, take care of

walk out on: dump, desert, forsake, leave swiftly

walk out with: be dealing with, be friendly with, associate with, keep company


walk out: go on strike

wanting in: lack of, lacking in

ward off: avert (from)

warm up: prepare for a game by moderate exercise

wash up: wash one’s face

watch out for: be careful to, beware of, look out

watch over: guard, protect

wear away: erode, gradually disappear

wear out: exhaust, weary, be tired with, be bored with

weed out: remove

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weigh against: be compared

wind up: come to an end, conclude

wine and dine: be well served, be hospitable to

wipe off: pay off (debt), erase, remove

wipe out: destroy completely, go genocide, eliminate, stamp out

with the result that: as a result of

with all: in spite of, despite of, in the face of, none the less

with regard to: with respect to, in relation to

with a view to –ing: for the purpose of

without doubt: certainly, beyond doubt, no doubt, without fail

without question: apparently, clearly, certainly, beyond question, without doubt

without notice: at short notice, all at once, on a sudden

what makes matters worse: even worse

work on: have an effect, affect, influence on

work out: accomplish, complete, solve (issue)

wrap up: complete, conclude, finish, enclose

wring out: extract by force, force by twisting

write down: jot down, put down, record

write off: offset, go into liquidation, amortize

write out: write in full form

would rather - than: prefer - to -

yearn for: long for

as yet: so far

just yet: just now

yield to: be submissive to

Idioms to remember 2012



600 American Idioms

1. It's as easy as pie.

It is very simple.

2. He's full of beans. He's not telling the truth.

3. It's not my cup of tea. I don't care for that.

4. He's full of baloney. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

5. It's just sour grapes. They have resentment.

6. That's corny. It's sentimental.

7. I'm in a pickle. I'm in a dilemma.

8. He brings home the bacon. He brings home the family money.

9. She's in a stew. She's upset.

10. He's the top banana. He's the headman.

11. He's the salt of the earth. He's a very good person.

12. She's worth her salt. She's a valuable employee.

13. They're two peas in a pod.

14. I'm nuts about you. I'm in love with you. If you see one you see the other.

15. It's a piece of cake. It's quite simple.

16. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't use it and save it.

17. He's a real ham. He's a frustrated actor.

18. It's a hard nut to crack. It's a difficult problem to solve.

19. It was a slap on the wrist. It was a very mild punishment.

20. He's a bad egg. He cannot be trusted.

Idioms to remember 2012



21. We need to break the ice. Everyone's a little tense - let's be friendly.

22. We'll get a baker's dozen. We'll get items.

23. He's got a finger in every pie. He has many deals going.

24. You'll have to take potluck. Be happy with what we have on hand.

25. She's hard-boiled. She makes tough deals.

26. He's the apple of my eye. He's my favourite person.

27. He's a rotten egg. He is a thoroughly evil person.

28. It's for the birds. It's a crazy idea.

29. She eats like a bird. She eats little or nothing.

30. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. He's a bad guy pretending to be good.

31. I smell a rat. Someone has betrayed us.

32. He's chicken-hearted. He has no courage.

33. I could eat a horse. I'm extremely hungry.

34. Please don't monkey around. Get serious and stop playing.

35. We'll kill two birds with one stone. One solution solves two problems.

36. It's three miles as the crow flies. It's three miles going straight.

37. Don't cry wolf. Don't give a false alarm.

38. It has dog-eared pages. It's a well-used popular book.

39. He's the underdog. He's not the favourite to win.

40. She's like a fish out of water. She is not in her area of expertise.

41. You'll stir up a hornet's nest. You'll cause a great deal of new problems.

42. Don't let him get your goat. Don't let him get you upset.

Idioms to remember 2012



43. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. Don't make big of something insignificant.

44. They are packed like sardines. There is absolutely no room for even one more.

45. We got a bird's eye view. We had a very good viewpoint from on high.

46. We're on a wild-goose chase. We were chasing something that didn't exist.

47. It's raining cats and dogs. It is the heaviest rain I have ever seen.

48. It's just monkey business. The business is either his own business or fake.

49. He'll weasel out. He'll back out of all agreements.

50. She'll go ape. She'll become very upset.

51. Let's talk turkey. Let's begin to talk seriously.

52. Don't let the cat out of the bag. Don't tell our secret.

53. Those are crocodile tears. Those are false tears.

54. He's a card shark. He is a professional card player.

55. We had a whale of a time. We had a great time.

56. He drinks like a fish. He is a heavy alcohol drinker.

57. I've got a frog in my throat. I need to clear my throat in order to talk right.

58. He rolled snake eyes. His dice had two ones.

59. She's pig-headed. She is very stubborn.

60. It sounds fishy. It doesn't sound like it's true.

61. Don't make a hog of yourself. Don't take more than your share.

62. Quit horsing around. Stop being silly and get serious.

63. He's a rat. He is not to be trusted.

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64. He ratted on me. He informed others about my secrets.

65. She is a stool pigeon. She informs on everybody.

66. I can't make heads or tails of it. I can't understand what you are talking about.

67. She's no spring chicken. She is a tough old lady.

68. She lost her head. She did something crazy.

69. He can't keep his head above water. He's too busy with many things.

70. That's just off the top of my head. Here's an idea without too much thought.

71. She's got her head in the clouds. Her ideas are not practical.

72. She's level-headed. She's always has good practical ideas.

73. He's head over heels in love. He's so in love he doesn't care about anything.

74. It just goes through my head. I can't seem to concentrate.

75. You've got rocks in your head. Your ideas are not realistic.

76. Let's put our heads together. Let's share ideas.

77. Use your head. Start thinking about a solution.

78. Let's bury the hatchet. Let's forget our old fights and hatreds.

79. She's up to her head in work. She has too much to do right now.

80. He's at it tooth and nail. He's gives the problem all his attention.

81. I've got a lump in my throat. I am emotionally involved and distressed.

82. You'd better save your neck. You must survive this situation.

83. You better turn the other cheek. Don't let what they say bother you!

84. Just swallow your pride. Forget your pride and solve the problem.

85. My lips are sealed. I will never reveal the secret.

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86. It's a slap in the face. That is an insult to me.

87. You can talk until you're blue in the face. They aren't listening to you.

88. You must face the music. Admit your error - solve it and go on.

89. He can't keep a straight face. Try to keep from laughing at them.

90. He'll fall flat on his face. He will fail on this thing.

91. That will blow my mind. I will be totally surprised.

92. I want to pick your brains. I need and want some ideas from you.

93. He gave me a piece of his mind. He scolded me for my deficiencies.

94. You get on my nerves. What you do or say often irritates me.

95. That'll boggle your mind. This will absolutely amaze you.

96. You've got to get up your nerve. Don't be afraid of trying something.

97. Don't just shoot off your mouth. Wait and speak when you've thought about it.

98. She's down in the mouth. Her spirits are low.

99. Watch your mouth! You've said something offensive.

100. He put his foot in his mouth. He said something very stupid.

101. She's got a big mouth. She talks too much and says the wrong things.

102. It's just hand to mouth. It is a very low-cost project.

103. Keep a stiff upper lip. Keep trying and you can succeed.

104. It makes my mouth water. I think that is a very attractive idea.

105. It was by word of mouth. I was told in person.

106. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don't feel comfortable with that idea.

107. It will melt in your mouth. You will like this idea.

108. You can save your breath. They don't listen - they're not open to

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109. She takes my breath away. She's the most wonderful creature I've ever seen.

110. I did it by the skin of my teeth. I just barely got the job done.

111. It's on the tip of my tongue. I know it - I just can't say it now.

112. You'll eat your words. Anything you say may come back to haunt you.

113. She's got a sharp tongue. Her words are like a sword - they can hurt.

114. It's my mother tongue. It is my native language.

115. It was a slip of the tongue. I didn't intend to say that.

116. He said it tongue in cheek. He was kidding when he said that.

117. She's tongue-tied. She's so excited she can't speak.

118. I only have eyes for you. You are the object of my affection.

119. I never want to lay eyes on you. Go! I never want to see you again.

120. I've got my eye on you. I'm watching you - one mistake and you're gone.

121. He's making eyes at her. He is flirting with her.

122. That'll make your eyes pop. You will be really surprised when this happens.

123. I can't believe my eyes. What I am seeing is hard to believe.

124. There's more than meets the eye. You are not telling me all the facts.

125. She's a sight for sore eyes. We're very happy to see her - we need her.

126. You need to catch his eye. You must get his attention.

127. His eyes are bigger than his stomach. He takes more food than he

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can eat.

128. Feast your eyes on that. Isn't that a wonderful thing we have here?

129. She will pull the wool over his eyes. She will fool him every time.

130. It's a highbrow place. It is a very high-class place.

131. You'll pay through the nose. It's extremely costly to do that.

132. Don't turn up your nose at me. Don't think you are better than I am.

133. She's got a nose for news. She can get a story from almost nothing.

134. She won by a nose. It was a very close race.

135. You need to lead them by the nose. You have to tell them every single detail.

136. Keep your nose clean. Be honest and ethical.

137. It's nothing to sneeze at. It is a good offer.

138. It's under your nose. It's right there in front of you.

139. A leopard cannot change its spots. You cannot change who you are.

140. I'm all ears. I am listening with great interest.

141. It was an ear-splitting sound. The noise hurt my ears.

142. It goes in one ear and out the other. He doesn't listen to anyone.

143. Keep your ear to the ground. Listen everywhere to find what is going on.

144. You'd better prick up your ears. Pay attention to what is happening.

145. She can wind him around her little finger. She can manipulate him to do what she wants.

146. He's got a finger in every pie. He is trying every possible way.

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147. My hands are tied. There is nothing I can do because of regulations.

148. Please lend me a hand. Help him with this.

149. Give him a hand. Clap your hand in appreciation.

150. Give him a hand. Help him.

151. He's got a green thumb. He is good at gardening.

152. I'm all thumbs. I am very clumsy.

153. I've got it all at my fingertips. I have all the right information.

154. He's an old hand. He has lots of experience at that.

155. She's got her hands full. She has more things to do than she can handle.

156. I wash my hands of it all. I want no part of this thing.

157. He was caught red-handed. He was caught in the act of a crime.

158. Don't let it slip through your fingers. Don't let this good customer get away.

159. You must get the upper hand. Get an advantage on your competitor.

160. He's up in arms about it. He has gotten upset about something.

161. I only got hand-me-downs. What I got was all previously owned stuff.

162. I've got to hand it to you. I admire what you have done.

163. It's hands off to you. You are not to do any work on this item.

164. Try to thumb a ride. Beg for a ride.

165. We are short-handed. I need your help.

166. You must toe the line. Everyone must follow all the rules.

167. He's got cold feet. He's frightened and doesn't think he can do it.

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168. He's a heel. He does not act like a gentleman with ladies.

169. You better shake a leg. You need to work faster.

170. She's pulling my leg. She is trying to trick or fool me.

171. You'll foot the bill. You will have to pay the entire cost.

172. You'll have to put your foot down. You'll need to assert yourself - be more forceful.

173. You don't have a leg to stand on. You are not secure in your position.

174. You've got to put your best foot forward. Go with the best idea that you have.

175. Don't drag your feet. Don't delay - get to work.

176. You've got to get a foot in the door. You must get the customers attention.

177. The shoe is on the other foot now. Now they have the problem not us.

178. You'll step on her toes. You'll be moving in on her territory.

179. He's got a chip on his shoulder. He is looking for an excuse to fight.

180. She gave him the cold shoulder. She is trying to get him to leave her alone.

181. Get off my back! Leave me alone and let me get to work.

182. Get it off your chest. Tell me exactly what is bothering you.

183. I need some elbowroom. We are too crowded in this office.

184. He's a thorn in my side. Everything he does irritates me.

185. Don't turn your back on her. She can't be trusted.

186. He turns my stomach. He totally disgusts me.

187. I've got butterflies in my stomach. I'm very nervous about this

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188. She can't stomach it. She thinks this deal is too rotten to do.

189. He's lily-livered. He is too much a coward to do it.

190. She makes my flesh creep. She is extremely revolting in her attitude.

191. She's a busybody. She pays attention to everybody else's business.

192. We need a heart to heart talk. We need to talk confidentially.

193. You need to learn this by heart. You need to know this stuff well.

194. Please! Have a heart. Get some feelings about being nice.

195. My heart is in my mouth. I'm extremely nervous about this deal.

196. Don't take it to heart. Don't take this personally - it's just business.

197. She's a hard-hearted woman. She has no compassion for anyone.

198. She's got a heart of stone. She makes decisions without regard to people.

199. Eat your heart out. You are envious of my success.

200. You'll break my heart. I'll be disappointed about this.

201. He's our ace in the hole. When all else fails - he will save us.

202. He's a stuffed shirt. He is very pretentious.

203. We are ahead of the game. Right now we are profitable.

204. They're all shook up. They are upset that we are winning.

205. They're all washed up. They have been defeated.

206. He's asleep at the switch. He's not alert to what is going on.

207. He'll do after a fashion. He'll learn to do better but not well.

208. She's a back seat driver. She always will criticize any idea.

209. He's a ball of fire. He's one of our best workers.

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210. You're barking up the wrong tree. You have totally the wrong approach.

211. His bark is worse than his bite. He yells but he doesn't mean anything by it.

212. You've got bats in your belfry. You are crazy and have ridiculous ideas.

213. She will bawl him out. She will verbally discipline him.

214. Don't beat around the bush. Stop talking in circles - speak directly.

215. Beat it. Go away!

216. I need my beauty sleep. I need to sleep.

217. It's no bed of roses. This will not be easy.

218. I'm behind the eight ball. I am in trouble with the boss.

219. He's beside himself with misery. He is extremely miserable.

220. It's better late than never. Being late is bad but it's better than never.

221. He's the big cheese. He is the headman.

222. He's the big wheel. He's the big boss.

223. He's the big shot. He is an important man.

224. Don't bite off more than you can chew. Don't try to do more than you can accomplish.

225. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Be loyal to your company that pays you.

226. He'll soon bite the dust. He soon will be found out and lose.

227. Don't blow your top. Stay calm.

228. Don't blow your cool. Remain calm and collected.

229. I've got a bone to pick with you. You've something that is a problem to me.

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230. You should brush up on it. You need to study and learn this.

231. You need to build a fire under them. They need to be motivated.

232. You'll need to burn the midnight oil. You will have to work overtime.

233. Don't break your word. Do what you have promised.

234. We need to break the news. We need to tell them the bad news.

235. Her hair will be standing on end. This solution will distress her greatly.

236. We won by a hair. We won a very close victory.

237. She's often in my hair. She is often in my way.

238. Let's call it a day. That's enough work for today.

239. Let's call it quits. Let's stop for now.

240. You call the shots. You make the decisions.

241. It's a can of worms. That is a big bunch of problems.

242. I ride in a car pool. A group of us ride to work together.

243. Don't chicken out on us. Don't get scared and leave.

244. He's a chip off the old block. He is just like his dad.

245. We need to cut our losses. We must withdraw from a losing situation.

246. You've cooked your own goose. You are in a problem of your own making.

247. You make me crack up. I find you extremely funny.

248. You need to crack a book. Open up a book and learn something.

249. You need to crack a joke. Don't be so serious all the time.

250. It cramps my style. You have put too many limits on me.

251. He's the cream of the crop. He is the best there is.

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252. Don't cut corners. Follow all of the rules.

253. It's a cut and dried situation. There are no changes or discussions - just do it.

254. We're at a dead stop. We can't do anything right now.

255. He's dead to the world. He is so tired he can't function.

256. It will soon die out. That problem will be gone soon.

257. They're a dime a dozen. They aren't worth anything.

258. Watch him do a double take. He will gasp when he sees this.

259. She's down in the dumps. She is very depressed.

260. She got a dose of her own medicine. She got just the trouble that she gives others.

261. Well that's down the drain. We have completely lost everything on this.

262. That's all down the tubes. We have totally lost everything on this.

263. Don't drag your feet on this. Get working and stop the delaying.

264. I'm drawing a blank. I don't have any idea on this.

265. We need to draw the line here. We make no more concessions.

266. He drives a hard bargain. He makes it tough to make much of a profit.

267. It's just a drop in the bucket. That is just the beginning of the problems.

268. She eats like a bird. She just picks at her food.

269. She eats like a horse. She eats like a hungry man.

270. He's at the end of his rope. He is just about out of ideas and energy.

271. I feel like a million dollars. I feel wonderful.

272. Finders keepers - losers weepers. The finders are happy - the

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losers unhappy.

273. It will fit like a glove. The two situations work well together.

274. She's going to flip her lid. She's going to be extremely unhappy.

275. He will fly off the handle. He will be very upset.

276. Don't fool around with that. Leave that situation alone.

277. It's a foolproof scheme. This idea is sure to succeed.

278. This is for keeps. This is it - no changes - no getting out.

279. You'll need to fork out some dough. You will have to pay some cash.

280. He's out getting forty winks. He is taking a quick nap.

281. Can they get away with that? Will they be able to do that without trouble?

282. Let's get down to brass tacks. Let's do some serious talking.

283. I'll get even. I will return the bad you did to me.

284. Get off my back. Stop bothering me and let me do my work.

285. Let's get the ball rolling. Let's start the work on this.

286. We'll get to the bottom of it. We will find out exactly what is the problem.

287. He got out of the bed on the wrong side. The day started bad and hasn't gotten any better.

288. He doesn't have a ghost of a chance. There is no way he can succeed.

289. He's giving me a hard time. He is teasing me about that.

290. Give him an inch and he'll take a mile. Give him a little and he takes a lot.

291. Don't give yourself away. Don't let them know what your plan is.

292. They'll have to give up the ghost. They will have to give up trying.

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293. He's a real globetrotter. He travels all over the world.

294. They just go around in circles. They go in all directions without any success.

295. They will go into orbit. They will be very upset.

296. They can just go jump in a lake. If they don't like it - too bad.

297. Don't go off the deep end. Don't go to extremes on this.

298. Grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Other things always look easier.

299. Just grin and bear it. Forget the problems - keep working.

300. They often just ham it up. They like to get very dramatic.

301. You must hang in there. Keep trying.

302. She has a lot of hang-ups. She has a lot of irrational objections.

303. I can see the handwriting on the wall. I can sense the mood of people.

304. Go and have a ball. Go and enjoy yourself.

305. We will have the last laugh. They are winning now but in the end we will win.

306. Hold on to your hat. Be patient.

307. Hold on to your horses. (Hold your horses.) Don't get too excited.

308. Don't horse around. Don't play around - be serious.

309. Have your own way. OK! Do what you want.

310. You've got two strikes against you. One more mistake and you are out!

311. He's got one foot in the grave. He is too old.

312. We had a high time. We had a good time.

313. You hit the nail on the head. That is exactly the situation.

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314. They will hit the ceiling. They will be extremely upset.

315. That is a hit below the belt. That is not playing fair or honest.

316. I'm going to hit the sack. I'm going to bed.

317. She's going to hit the hay. She is going to bed.

318. That just won't hold water. That idea just won't work.

319. He can't hold down a job. He has lost every job he ever had.

320. Keep them in the dark. Don't let them know what is going on.

321. That's it in a nutshell. That is a short summary of the situation.

322. By hook or crook we'll do it. We'll do it whatever it takes.

323. We've got one thing in the hole. One thing is on our side.

324. They are in the same boat. We both have the same problem.

325. We are in full swing now. We are all working full time on this.

326. We have more irons in the fire. We have many other things to do.

327. He's a jack-of-all-trades. He has many talents.

328. Don't jump down my throat. Don't criticize me so severely.

329. It's just what the doctor ordered. That is an excellent solution.

330. You keep the ball rolling. Keep up your good efforts.

331. Now keep that under your hat. Don't tell this to anyone.

332. You keep plugging away. Keep working to solve this.

333. That's a kick in the pants. That is a good encouragement.

334. Knock it off! Stop doing that!

335. He's about to kick the bucket. He is about to die.

336. He knows the ropes. He knows what he is doing.

337. That is the last straw. He has made one error too many.

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338. You need to let off some steam. Don't contain all your anger.

339. Don't lie down on the job. Keep working - don't slow down.

340. She is a long shot to win. She is not the most likely winner.

341. He's a long-winded talker. He talks and talks.

342. She looked daggers at him. She gave him a look of disapproval.

343. Don't look down on them. Don't think you are better than they are.

344. You'll lose your shirt doing that. You will lose everything.

345. That is a lost cause. You cannot succeed.

346. We'll lower the boom on them. We will soundly defeat them.

347. That'll make the fur fly. That will get their attention.

348. She can't make ends meet. She spends more than she makes.

349. Make yourself at home. Act as if this were your home. (Condition contrary to reality.)

350. He's a man of his word. He always keeps promises.

351. It's a matter of life and death. This is a very serious situation.

352. Your name is mud. You will be thought of as a loser.

353. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is a difficult thing to find.

354. She's an old flame. She's a past girlfriend.

355. It happens once in a blue moon. It will never happen.

356. It's on the house. You do not need to pay for it.

357. Be on the lookout for her. Watch for her.

358. He's on the bandwagon. He has joined our side of the argument.

359. She's on the ball. She is very perceptive.

360. He's out of date. He is living in the past.

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361. That is out of the question. That idea is not acceptable.

362. Don't go out on a limb. Don't make any commitments on that.

363. We'll paint the town red. We will go out to party.

364. He'll just pass the buck. He will blame someone else.

365. He passed out at the party. He was so drunk he lost consciousness.

366. A penny for your thoughts. What were you thinking just now?

367. He'll just pick a fight. He will provoke you into a fight.

368. I'm on pins and needles waiting. I'm anxious to find out something.

369. We won't play second fiddle to them. We will not be in second place.

370. You've got to pull yourself together. Get organized and not so emotional.

371. He'd pinch pennies. He is too careful with money.

372. It's just a play on words. The meaning is not what the words say.

373. Everybody must pitch in. All must help.

374. We'll polish them off. We will defeat them all.

375. Will you pop the question? Will you ask her to marry you?

376. He's an apple polisher. He tries too hard to please the boss.

377. I can pull strings. I have some connections with the right people.

378. It's just puppy love. It is just infatuation.

379. Put on your thinking cap. Give this some serious thought.

380. Let's put your cards on the table. Let's be honest with each other.

381. You put the cart before the horse. Put first things first.

382. That will put a feather in his cap. This will be a credit to him.

383. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Don't depend on just one

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384. It's raining cats and dogs. It is a heavy rain.

385. You've got to read between the lines. Look at what they mean not what they say.

386. That rings the bell. Now I remember.

387. Don't rob the cradle. She's too young for you.

388. He'll just rock the boat. He will get everyone upset.

389. We've got lots of red tape. All the government regulations are difficult.

390. It's just a rip off. They will cheat you.

391. He rubs me the wrong way. I do not like his attitude.

392. As a rule of thumb I refuse. As a general I refuse.

393. It's pretty run down. It is in bad condition.

394. He needs a security blanket. He always needs reassurance.

395. Seeing is believing. I only believe what I can see.

396. That'll separate the men from the boys. We will find out who is serious.

397. You've got them shaking in their boots. They are afraid now.

398. You'll have to sink or swim. It will be win all or lose all now.

399. We are sitting pretty. We are in a good position.

400. She slays me with that nonsense. She disgusts me with those silly ideas.

401. Everything is ship shape. Everything is in good order.

402. Why don't you sleep on it? Think about it tonight - let me know tomorrow.

403. We just made small talk. We didn't talk about anything serious.

404. Go ahead and sound off. Say what you think.

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405. He's spaced out. He is on drugs.

406. It will spread like wildfire. This idea will be very popular.

407. They have stacked the deck. We are not playing under even conditions.

408. They have stacked the cards. They have cheated us to their advantage.

409. We will need to start from scratch. We need to start at the beginning.

410. I don't want to steal his thunder. I will let him break the good news.

411. She tried to steal the spotlight. She wants undeserved attention.

412. You must stick to your guns on that. Your idea is good - stay with it.

413. He's just a stick-in-the-mud. He is too old fashioned.

414. You won't strike it rich. This idea won't make you rich.

415. You need to strike while the iron is hot. Do it while the opportunity is right.

416. We won't take a back seat to them. We won't be in second place to them.

417. We're in the driving seat. We control the situation.

428. Our new project will soon take off. It will be a great success.

419. You have to take your medicine. If you did wrong you must pay.

420. You can take the floor. It is your turn - speak.

421. You run with it. The project is yours to make it a success.

422. Take your hat off to no one. You are a good as anyone else.

423. We won't take sides. We will be neutral on this.

424. That is a tall story. I don't believe your explanation.

425. We'll throw the book at them. If they did wrong they must pay.

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426. We will throw in the towel. We give up.

427. We'll throw in the sponge. We give up.

428. We'll throw a party. We will have a party.

429. She'll throw a fit. She will be extremely upset.

430. We'll hold them to the letter. They will have to follow all the rules.

431. Remember that time marches on. You are wasting time.

432. I think they will tie the knot. They will get married.

433. We're tickled to death about it. We are very pleased.

434. We had the time of our life. We had a good time.

435. It will be touch and go for a while. We won't know if we succeed or fail.

436. We will need to touch up things. We need to solve some little problems.

437. It will be to the tune of a million. It will cost about a million dollars.

438. It's part of the tricks of the trade. It is one of my secret solutions.

439. It's time to turn in. It's time to go to sleep.

440. We will turn the tables on them. We will reverse the situation.

441. She had better turn over a new leaf. She needs to change her ways.

442. He's got me turned on. He has me excited about that.

443. Don't just twiddle your thumbs. Get to work!

444. I put her under your wings. She will report to you.

445. He is up to something. He is doing something secretly.

446. Don't get up in arms. There is no need to get excited or upset.

447. He'll upstage us. He'll do better than us.

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448. We won't wait on them. We are going ahead and not wait for them.

449. They'll walk all over you. They will take advantage of you.

450. He's walking on air. He is really excited.

451. You're walking on thin ice. You may fail at any moment.

452. He will just warm the bench. He will sit by while we work.

453. Don't wash your dirty linen in public. Don't tell your bad points to others.

454. You'll just be wasting your breath. Don't bother, they won't listen.

455. The wear and tear will defeat us. The effort is not worth the rewards.

456. You'll wear out your welcome. Don't stay too long.

457. I'll pay you when my ship comes in. When I get rich I'll pay you.

458. We just have to weather the storm. Keep working in rough times.

459. I can see the writing on the wall. I can sense that thing may be bad.

460. Let's wind up this problem. We need to finish this.

461. We will agree word for word. We agree exactly.

462. Just a word to the wise - Shut up! Listen to me!

463. You just zip your lip. Stop talking so much.

464. Keep your shirt on. Don't get so impatient.

465. They are pulling your leg. They are playing a trick on you.

466. She is rolling in the dough. She has lots of money.

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467. He's stinking rich. He's very wealthy.

468. We'll make him the fall guy. We will put the blame on him.

469. He will take the rap. He will be the guilty one.

470. It's a bum rap. He is innocent.

471. You need to bend over backwards. You need to try very hard.

472. You need to bite the bullet. You need to endure a difficult situation.

473. They will bite the dust. They will go down to defeat.

474. Has the cat got your tongue? Can't you talk?

475. They will have to cough up the money. They will have to willingly come up with money.

476. It's different strokes for different folks. Everyone has different interests and tastes.

477. She's dressed to kill. She's wearing her finest clothes.

478. He's driving me up the wall. He is annoying me greatly.

479. That's duck soup. That is very easy.

480. What is eating you? What is annoying you?

481. Someone is feeding you a line. Someone is deceiving you.

482. We can get it for a song. We can get it for very little money.

483. We can get away clean. We can escape punishment.

484. Don't get in her hair. Don't bother her.

485. She will get the axe. She will be fired.

486. We need to get the jump on them. We need to get an advantage on them.

487. You should give it your best shot. You should try your hardest.

488. We will give them the slip. We will escape.

489. He will go to bat for you. He will support you all the way.

Idioms to remember 2012



490. She is going to the dogs. She is becoming rundown.

491. She's got the world by the tail. She's happy and successful.

492. That's a horse of a different color. That's an entirely different situation.

493. If the shoe fits - wear it. If you are wrong admit it.

494. Don't jump the gun. Don't be hasty.

495. Let's kick up our heels. Let's celebrate.

496. This will knock their socks off. This will enthuse and excite them.

497. We won't leave them high and dry. We won't abandon them.

498. It is a lemon. It is defective.

499. We need to make a splash. We need to be successful and get their attention.

500. Money talks. Money can influence people.

501. They don't have a leg to stand on. They have no defence for their actions.

502. We'll put that on ice. We'll save that one for the future.

503. We are not out of the woods. We are not out of danger.

504. He is on his last legs. He is sick and failing fast.

505. We will play this one by ear. We will improvise as we go along.

506. Put your money where your mouth is.

You must follow through with what you say.

507. They will raise a stink. They will protest strongly.

508. We will have to scratch his back. We will have to do him a favour.

509. They will sell you down the river. They will betray you.

510. Don't sell them short. Don't underestimate them.

511. You must shape up or ship out. You must behave or leave.

Idioms to remember 2012



512. Let's just shoot the breeze. Let's just chat informally.

513. We are sitting pretty. We are in a fortunate position.

514. They gave us a snow job. It was insincere talk.

515. Don't spill the beans. Don't reveal our secret.

516. Don't spread yourself too thin. Don't become involved in too many things.

517. Don't stick you neck out on this. Don't take too much risk.

518. This is straight from the horse's mouth. It is from a reliable source.

519. You must take the bull by the horns. You must take decisive action.

520. You are talking through your hat. You are making foolish statements.

521. I said it tongue in cheek. I didn't say it seriously.

522. What does she have up her sleeve? What facts has she concealed?

523. She is a wet blanket. She's boring and spoils everyone's fun.

524. She is tooting her own horn. She is boasting.

525. Above all to thine own self be true. First be honest to yourself.

526. After all's said and done, more is said than done. In the end there's more talk than action.

527. He has fallen afoul of the law. He is in conflict with the law.

528. It is all up in the air. It is not been decided.

529. Be on the alert for danger. Watch for danger.

530. That is up his alley. It is compatible with his ability.

531. In that she stands alone. She is unequalled.

532. They will be along soon. They will be here soon.

533. I will be able to manage successfully. I will be able to mange

Idioms to remember 2012




534. All along I knew they would fail. From the beginning I knew they would fail.

535. That will cost you an arm and a leg. It will cost an extravagant amount.

536. They welcomed us with open arms. They were very cordial.

537. I will get around to it soon. I will be able to deal with it.

538. It is sold as is. It's sold with no guarantees.

539. Don't turn your back on them. Don't reject them.

540. Don't go back on your word. Don't fail to keep your promise.

541. It is in the bag. We are assured of a successful outcome.

542. They arrived bag and baggage. They arrived with all their belongings.

543. Keep on the ball. Be alert, competent and efficient.

544. He is off base. He is badly mistaken.

545. Right off the bat they fought. Immediately they fought.

546. We will go to bat for them. We will assist them.

547. Bear in mind their finances. Remember their finances.

548. We will need to tighten our belt. We must become thriftier.

549. You bet we will go. Certainly we will go.

550. Between you and me they won't do it. In strictest confidence, they won't do it.

551. He is big on meat and potatoes. He likes meat and potatoes.

552. We expect to make it big. We expect to be very successful.

553. It will fill the bill. It will meet all our requirements.

554. We did it bit by bit. We did it little by little.

Idioms to remember 2012



555. They will try to put the bite on us. They will try to borrow money from us.

556. We are now in the black. We are now profitable.

557. The company is on the block. The company is for sale.

558. They are blowing hot and cold. They are changing their minds.

559. He is just blowing off steam. He is just venting his anger.

560. It came from out of the blue. It was totally unexpected.

561. The new changes are across the board. It will affect all divisions and groups.

562. I feel it in my bones. I have a premonition about this.

563. That is one for the books. That is something entirely new.

564. He has been hitting the bottle. He has begun to drink (alcohol) to excess.

565. That is out of bounds. That is beyond your limits.

566. Don't burn the bridges behind you. Keep the possibility of retreat.

567. He had money to burn. He had lots of money.

568. We will go by and by. We will go in a little while.

569. By and large they are honest. For the most part they are honest.

570. That was a close call. It was a narrow escape.

571. He burns the candle at both ends. He spends too much energy in all directions.

572. She can't hold a candle to her friend. She is not nearly as good as her friend.

573. Put your cards on the table. Be frank about your motives and intentions.

574. He's got a card up his sleeve. He has a secret plan in reserve.

575. It is just not in the cards. It is not likely to occur.

Idioms to remember 2012



576. Try to catch your breath. Rest so you can continue.

577. We will chalk up that one to experience. We will credit that to experience.

578. We chewed the fat for a short while. We talked casually for a while.

579. Next week we will clean house. Next week we will get rid of anyone undesirable.

580. You must come clean. You must confess your error.

581. She is in the clear. She is free from danger or suspicion.

582. We need to clear the air. Let's ignore emotional tensions and differences.

583. She has her head in the clouds. She is not in the real world.

584. He killed her in cold blood. He killed her without any feeling or remorse.

585. He was left out in the cold. He got nothing.

586. They were acting in concert. They were acting together.

587. They left him to cool his heels. He was left waiting.

588. They asked her to cool it. She was asked to calm down and relax.

589. He tried to cut corners. It's a dangerous, possibly illegal solution.

590. We are up a creek (without a paddle). We are in a difficult or unfortunate position.

591. She is bent out of shape. She is upset about something.

592. I'm fed up with him. I have no patience with him.

593. I'm flat broke. I have no money.

594. She is a blabbermouth. She talks all the time.

595. We are antsy about that. We are not confident about it.

596. It will cost you a bundle. It will be quite expensive.

Idioms to remember 2012



597. Give it some elbow grease. You need to go to work.

598. I'm beat. I am very tired.

599. You need to cut that out. Stop doing that.

600. She is a peach. She's sweet and helpful.

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