Page 1: IDSE Association cordially welcomes  Lt. Gen. Jatinder Sikand, VSM, ADC

In service of the Nation

IDSE Association cordially welcomes Lt. Gen. Jatinder Sikand, VSM, ADC12th November 2013

Page 2: IDSE Association cordially welcomes  Lt. Gen. Jatinder Sikand, VSM, ADC



Why are we here today?11

Key Issues & Proposed Redressal22

Support Sought33

Page 3: IDSE Association cordially welcomes  Lt. Gen. Jatinder Sikand, VSM, ADC


Why are we here today?

Expected mutually acceptable outcome

• Quash the trust deficit among the 2 divisions of the family (as highlighted by the recent incident)

Objective of the meeting

• Heart to heart talk : examination of facts Much like a doctor-patient conversation

• Confide in the Head of the family

• Address the issue of growth of Civilian Officers

- Presently dependant on Army

• Address organization's concerns- Working arrangement in CE Zones- Amendment of SRO-92--Designations in CCEs

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Why are we here today?11

Key Issues & Proposed Redressal22

Support Sought33

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Cadre review

Channel of DPCChannel of DPC ProposalProposal

Implementation of 3rd Cadre review with due urgency in a time bound manner, without any requirement of revision of Estt. Sanction

Model DPC Calendar be followed religiously to avoid extensive delays

MoD Wks II

D (Appts) D(Vig)D(Lab)

ACCMoD D (Appts)


JS (E)


MoD (RM)

Posting order


30 days 30 days60 days

70 days30-90 days

• Cadre review sanction for all practical purposes is revised Estt. Sanction • What is left is manning proposal for new posts which should have no linkage to DPC demand and may be obtained in the intervening time

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Uniform designationLike Executive Appt Will also solve issues related to Establishment Sanction and COR

Col & SE both to be posted as Directors in CE Zones

Director SO1

1.Posting order, Name plate ,Signature block (Not recognized!)2.Delay in implementation of Establishment Sanction3.Functional requirement4.Duties, in no way different from Col (Director)5.Court Cases

Re- designation of Civilian Officers

SE Col1.Equal Grade Pay2.Different appointments being held by Col & SE in executive and staff appointments3.Similar up-gradations not provided to SE (SG)

4.V CPC gave S.G. to all SEs5.All court cases decided in favour of SEs6.Various orders of Ministry in favour of SEs7.Ground situation : No SE reporting to Col

Pre-1986 Post-1986Lt. Col SE Col SE

Executive CWE CWE CWE CWEStaff SO1 SO1 ACE SO1



IssueIssue Proposed RedressalProposed Redressal



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Establishment Sanction

• Utter disregard to MES Establishment Sanction of 2008, issued based on Presidential order of 2003

- E2W (PPC) continues to follow the no-longer valid Estt sanction issued in 2002, mentioning old designations of MES CGOs

- Major source of functional problems

- Root cause of day-to-day conflicts

IssueIssue Proposed RedressalProposed Redressal

Implementation of Establishment Sanction of 2008 in letter & spirit

IDSE Officers be part of deliberation on revision of Establishment Sanction

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Channel of Reporting (COR)

• Various issues in COR of SEs

• Hundreds of representations in MIS

• MIS work-load will be drastically reduced if problem is resolved

COR, instead of being reinforced in its present form, deserves cancellation and needs fresh drafting and approval from cadre controlling authority, post incorporation of Govt orders/re-designations of MES CGOs

Proposed redressalProposed redressalIssueIssue

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Perception FactsThere exists a huge deficiency of officers in EE rank (Working Level)

• The deficiency of civilian officers at EE level is only 6.4%

•Army has shortage of 10,100 officers; IAS cadre has 30% shortage (As per Statement in parliament)

- However, Army & IAS have not stopped foreign assignment/ deputation/long coursesIf EEs are sent on deputation, available pool of officers at EE level will become critical

• Vacancies due to deputation will create additional vacancies for promotion of lower rank

- e.g. If 10 EEs are sent on deputation, 10 more AE/A EEs get promoted in next DPC

• Generating additional vacancies at higher level, officers can be given faster promotion•MES has 78 ex cadre vacancies which can be utilized in phased manner

Civilian EE rank is a pool of young motivated officers who may be allotted GE or initial level staff duties

• EEs are of three categories 5-9 yrs of service (Gp Rs 6600) - 42% of total 9-15 yrs of service (Gp Rs 7600) - 21% of total 15-24 yrs of service (Gp Rs 8700) - 37% of total

•EEs with 15-24 yrs of service (Gp Rs 8700) most de-motivated

Highest level of professional dissatisfaction; Earned only one promotion in 24yrs; No career advancement opportunities (trainings or courses)

Deputation Policy : Utilization of Ex cadre Vacancy “Facts betray perception”

• Allow officers on deputation within approved limit • Liberal detailment of MES officers on courses like NDC, HDMC, DSCC, APPPA, MBA, M Tech

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Deputation : Need to improve efficiency of Cadre Management Section

Current Status Proposal

All the applications for Deputation, CSS, foreign travel, Study leave etc handled by only one officer who handles posting of AE/AEE also

• Post one dedicated Dir level officer to handle Deputation, CSS, foreign travel, Study leave etc

• Officers be made accountable for time bound processing of the cases

•Fixed time limit for processing the cases that needs to be monitored at higher level

• Make status update available on MES website for each application

• Application be invited directly by E-in-C’s Br

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Unfair interchanging of postsUnfair interchanging of posts

Sharing of Appointments

Unequal ratio between Civilian & Service Officers in executive posts

Unequal ratio between Civilian & Service Officers in executive posts

• Interchange between posts being done arbitrarily and is not fair. Good stations transferred from Civilian post to Services post

– e.g. CE Zone : Delhi Cantt, Jaipur, R&D Secunderabad

– CsWE: Bangalore (AF) South & North, Secuderabad (AF), Kirkee, Mumbai (Navy)

– GEs appointments are also transferred arbitrarily

Formation Total Service CiviliansDG MAP 1 1 -DGNP 2 2 -CE ZONES 30 17 13CE R&D 2 1 1CCE 5 5 -CWE 95 51 44STE 7 4 2

Alternate tenure allotment• Post of ADGs/Directors may also be covered in rotation of appointments

Posts earmarked for IDSE Offr not to be transferred• IDSE Offr in offg arrangement to be posted

IDSE officers be involved in decision-making




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E2W (PPC) unilaterally proposing new setups viz. CCEs • Based on already failed model of MAP; need to re-look MAP/CCE model• Adverse effects on efficiency of MES organization

- To deliver same results with depleted strength- Deprivation of growth opportunities for already stagnant cadres

To cope with ever increasing workload, create additional CE Zones/CsWE/GEs• Already sanctioned posts of CsWE (134 No.) and GEs (426 No.) should be activated• Large no. of infra projects & high W/L in a few zones makes a strong case for creation of CE zones

- However, CAP on strength of Corps of Engg. dependant on entire Army & not W/L of MES- Establishment apprehensive of creating more zones so as to keep in check # of Civilian CEs & ratio

between Brig & Civ. Officers

Strongly recommended to invoke provision of para 22 of RMES for new projects (CCEs, MAP....)“… A Chief Engineer may, in special cases be appointed for large projects which cannot conveniently be handled by the Chief Engineer of Command”

CE (P) will cease to exist after completion of project- Ratio between Service & Civ offrs will not be disturbed• Should be treated as ex-cadre or accretion posts

Accretion of posts for MAP & CCE

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Other issues & Proposed Redressal (1/4)

Posting of DG (Pers)• It is re-iterated to remove the post of DG from the list of sensitive posts and resolve the issue at the


4th Cadre Review• Work-load norms• Time taken in sanction of CR is very long• Requested that the proposal for the 4th cadre review based on work-load be initiated at the earliest

Involvement of Senior IDSE Officer in Works Policy matters• Jt. DG (RTI & Legal)• Presently no involvement of Senior IDSE officers in works policy formulation & implementation

e.g. creation of MAP & CCEs

Uniform designation in Staff Appointments & postings in CCE• Uniform designations are followed in executive appointments : same should be the case in staff

appointments & CCE/MAP also- e.g. Director (Project) CCE Dinjan; CWE (CCE) Dinjan

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Other issues & Proposed Redressal (2/4)

Irregular posting of service officers as SEI/SO1 (P&L)• It is requested that these appointments (which are exclusively sanctioned for IDSE officers) be reverted to the cadre officers

Revision of SRO 19E• Published in 1989 • Distribution of senior level posts heavily loaded towards service officers • We are lagging behind our counterparts in other departments & even within the MES

- Architecture : 20%, Surveyor : 25%, Engineers : 50%, B/S & Administration : 33 1/3 %

• Sharing of CE Command appointments should be 50:50 between service and civilian officers- >90% work load MES- Matters related to combat/troops may be handled by service officer posted in Command HQ

Surveyor Architect IDSE

CE 83(2009) 85(2010) 82(2013)

SE 92(2010)




87(Nov 2013)

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Other issues & Proposed Redressal (3/4)

Rules for induction of Service Officers in MES• Comprehensive rules for induction of service officers with definite EQs & DQs

- Non qualified officers were posted to important projects e.g. Architect posted as GE for work of Runway Resurfacing at Leh; Air Force

Station in Bamrauli; Car Nicobar- Due to strict ACR norms, very high % superseded, de-motivated

Transfer of MIS (Civ) to DG (Pers)• Portion of MIS (Civ) dealing with MES CGOs be transferred to DG (Pers)

Strict implementation of National Litigation Policy

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Other issues & Proposed Redressal (4/4)

Ensuring organizational interests• Equivalency issue needs to be addressed• Merit-based postings in important projects, not on the basis of IDSE/Service Officers e.g. DG MAP

Amendment of SRO 92• SRO 92 is statutory document enforceable by law• We are open to amendment of SRO 92• Till amendment materializes, our suggestions are as follows:

- Send officers > 45 years only on volunteer basis, as per SRO- Sufficient officers < 45 years with rich experience shall be available to take up appointments in CCEs if incentivized adequately- Post SEs having done CWE as CCE- Post EESG having done GE as CWE (CCE)/Director (CCE) in one up appointment- 1st choice posting on re-patriation

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Working arrangement in CE Zones : Option 1

Dir (Plg & Coord) Dir (Wks & Bud) Dir (Pers & Legal)

Dir Design

Dir E/M & Resources

Dir (Arch)

Dir (Cont)

Chief Engineer• SEs & Col shall be posted as Dir.

- Uniform designations of Dir/Jt Dir/Dy Dir etc.should be followed for Service & Civ Offrs

• Col(TS)/ Lt Col shall report to Dir.

• Dir (Plg & Coord) will Co-ordinate all Plg activities of Wks Viz Plg, Design, E/M, E6 & E8 (Pre contract Stage)

• CE will be Initiating officer (IO) for ACR of all the Directors

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Working arrangement in CE Zones : Option 2

Dir (Plg & Coord) Dir (Wks & Bud) Dir (Pers & Legal)

Dir Design

Dir E/M & Resources

Dir (Arch) Dir (Cont)

Chief Engineer

• SEs & Cols shall be posted as Dir. - Uniform designations of Dir/Jt Dir/Dy Dir etc.should be followed for Service/Civ offrs

• Col(TS)/ Lt Col shall report to Dir.• Dir (Plg& Coord) will coordinate all plg activities of wks of plg, Design & E/M.• CE will be Initiating officer (IO) for ACR of all the Directors

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Why are we here today?11

Key Issues & proposed redressal22

Support Sought33

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Support sought


• CBM required to bridge Trust Deficit

• Generation of confidence among Civilian Officers that their interests are looked after & they receive equal attention from the head of the family

- Off-set current perception of being treated as cheap/bonded labor or step-offspring

• Arresting misuse of ‘Concerns regarding dilution of Military Character’

- 2 I/C concept cannot influence Military Character


Removal of minor irritants • Equivalency: why not in MES?• Well defined officiating orders in Zones/CWE/GE• Posting as SO1• ACRs – R&D formations • Fair decisions with regards to allocation of good

stations• Re-visit purpose of taking up same agenda points with Army Commander repeatedly

Examine need for seeking comments from CEs only a few days before conference

- Perceived as intended towards vitiating the atmosphere

Deploy-ability of Sr IDSE officers (“As away from Delhi as possible!!”)

Functional arrangement in zones : CE Zones werealways dealing with SO1 directly

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“....Where….the head is held high… Where the world has not been broken up into fragmentsBy narrow domestic walls….Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its wayInto the dreary desert sand of dead habit….Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake”

- Pt. Rabindranath Tagore (‘Where The Mind Is Without Fear’)

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Where The Mind Is Without Fear

Where The Mind Is Without FearWhere the mind is without fear and the head is held highWhere knowledge is freeWhere the world has not been broken up into fragmentsBy narrow domestic wallsWhere words come out from the depth of truthWhere tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfectionWhere the clear stream of reason has not lost its wayInto the dreary desert sand of dead habitWhere the mind is led forward by theeInto ever-widening thought and actionInto that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake

- Pt. Rabindranath Tagore

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