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City of Things: Enabling Resource Provisioning inSmart Cities

José Santos, Student Member, IEEE, Thomas Vanhove, Student Member, IEEE, Merlijn Sebrechts, StudentMember, IEEE, Thomas Dupont, Wannes Kerckhove, Bart Braem, Member, IEEE,

Gregory Van Seghbroeck, Member, IEEE, Tim Wauters, Member, IEEE, Philip Leroux, Member, IEEE,Steven Latré, Member, IEEE, Bruno Volckaert, Member, IEEE, and Filip De Turck, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—In the last years, traffic over wireless networks hasbeen increasing exponentially due to the impact of Internet ofThings (IoT). IoT is transforming a wide range of services in dif-ferent domains of urban life, such as environmental monitoring,home automation and public transportation. The so-called SmartCity applications will introduce a set of stringent requirements,such as low latency and high mobility, since services must be al-located and instantiated on-demand simultaneously close to mul-tiple devices at different locations. Efficient resource provisioningfunctionalities are needed to address these demanding constraintsintroduced by Smart City applications while minimizing resourcecosts and maximizing Quality of Service (QoS). In this article,the City of Things (CoT) framework is presented, which providesnot only data collection and analysis functionalities but alsoautomated resource provisioning mechanisms for future SmartCity applications. CoT is deployed as a Smart City testbed inAntwerp (Belgium) that allows researchers and developers toeasily setup and validate IoT experiments. A Smart City use casebased on Air Quality Monitoring through the deployment of airquality sensors in moving cars has been presented showing thefull applicability of the CoT framework for a flexible and scalableresource provisioning in the Smart City ecosystem.

Index Terms—Smart Cities, IoT, Resource Provisioning, BigData;


IN recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has introduceda whole new set of challenges in Telecommunications

by transforming objects of everyday life in communicatingdevices [1]. With the advent of IoT, the concept of a SmartCity has become even more popular [2]. IoT is transforminga wide range of services in different domains of urban life, bydeveloping home automation applications, improving publictransportation and creating intelligent smart grid systems. By2021, the number of connected devices will be between 10 and12 billion [3], which current network architectures will not beable to support due to the demanding constraints introducedby IoT. In fact, Smart City applications will introduce a set ofstringent requirements, such as low latency and high mobility,since resources can be requested on-demand simultaneouslyby different devices at multiple locations. It is thus necessaryto design and develop new management functionalities to helpmeet the strict requirements introduced by future use cases.

Authors are with Ghent University - imec, IDLab, Department of Informa-tion Technology, Belgium. Email: [email protected]

Manuscript received December 15, 2017

Currently, there is still a large number of research chal-lenges associated with the resource provisioning of SmartCity applications. One of the challenges is how to set upthe infrastructure to cope with all the data that needs to bereceived from the IoT devices. Traditional processing andstorage solutions no longer suffice for big datasets. LargeIndustries and Institutions may have the funds required tohost such an infrastructure, however that is not the case forindividuals and smaller companies. Infrastructure-as-a-Service(IaaS) providers such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft havealready partly bridged this gap by providing infrastructure on apay-per-use basis. As datasets continue to grow however, thesecosts may prove too big for companies and researchers. Onthe other hand, developers face multiple complex technologydecisions in order to select the best fit to deploy their IoTsolution. Multiple data storage and analysis frameworks arecurrently available in the literature. Without up-to-date know-how or experience, issues arise when developers need to maketechnology decisions. Moreover, one of the main challengesthat still remains is how to provide proper resource allocationmechanisms for Smart City applications, since services canbe placed in a highly congested location, which would resultin a higher communication latency [4]. In the literature,few resource provisioning strategies are currently addressingthe stringent requirements of Smart City applications whileminimizing resource costs and maximizing Quality of Service(QoS) [4], [5]. Therefore, efficient resource allocation strate-gies are needed to address these issues.

In this article, the City of Things (CoT) framework ispresented, which provides not only data collection and analysisfunctionalities but also enables automated resource provision-ing operations for future Smart City applications. The CoTframework has been deployed within a Smart City testbed inAntwerp, Belgium [6] and is based on the Tengu platform [7],an automated orchestration service for designing big dataframeworks and on LimeDS [8], a toolkit designed for therapid development of data-driven services. Both technologiesprovide scalable and flexible resource allocation operations,which allow researchers and developers to design and deployspecific IoT service models. Finally, a Smart City scenariobased on an Air Quality Monitoring use case is presentedshowing the full applicability of the CoT framework.

The remainder of the article is organized as follows. In thenext Section, related work is discussed. Section III introducesthe proposed CoT framework for the resource provisioning of

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Smart City applications. In Section IV, the use case scenariois described. Finally, conclusions are presented in Section VI.


In recent years, research efforts have been carried out todeal with management and resource allocation issues in SmartCities. For example, the Smart Transportation project fromthe University of Toronto [9] based on connected vehicles hasbeen investigating how effectively a vehicular network can beused to monitor and control the traffic in a Smart City. TheSmartSantander project [5] has been working on a suitablearchitecture for the resource provisioning of IoT applicationsin Smart Cities. The SmartSantander framework provides alarge scale testbed for experimentation and evaluation of IoTuse cases in several urban scenarios. Moreover, the CityPulseproject [10] has been developing an analytics framework forSmart Cities, which integrates powerful data aggregation andanalysis tools, event detection modules and quality assessmentalgorithms, aiming to support the deployment of Smart Cityuse cases. Furthermore, the SusCity project [11] has beendesigning an IoT framework focusing on data collection inorder to develop management solutions for Smart Cities.However, their approach is only focused on Big Data servicesfor Smart City use cases while the CoT approach presentedhere is not only concerned with data monitoring and analyticsoperations but also resource allocation functionalities that canhelp to autonomously orchestrate Smart City applications.

The SLICENET project [12] aims to maximize the potentialof the future 5G infrastructures and their services based oncognitive network management in 5G networks. One evalua-tion scenario considered by SLICENET is a Smart City usecase, aiming to implement a remote water metering and anintelligent public lighting system in the city of Alba Iulia, inRomania. Finally, The VITAL project [13] has been workingon heterogeneous Smart City platforms via semantics in acloud-based federation environment. Their goal is to developa technology-agnostic architecture, where the integration anddeployment of multiple IoT devices can be considered byneglecting the underlying architecture. All these solutions arefully compatible with the CoT testbed and could, in the future,be benchmarked on the CoT experimental platform.

Although the cited existing and ongoing research projectsaddress the requirements of management frameworks forSmart Cities, they have not yet delivered a fully flexibleand autonomous solution. Furthermore, the described SmartCity testbeds are often small-scale both in terms of devicecount (only a few tens) and in terms of geographic location(often only a single building or a car parking area). Second,most testbeds are very homogeneously focusing on only onewireless technology (e.g. only ZigBee or WiFi). The CoTframework goes beyond the current state-of-the-art by intro-ducing a flexible and efficient manner of dealing with all thedata generated in Smart Cities, by combining data collectionand analysis operations for a proper resource provisioning ofSmart City applications and by supporting multiple Low PowerWide Area Network (LPWAN) technologies to accommodate awide range of heterogeneous devices. By eliminating technical

barriers, the CoT framework paves the way for researchersand stakeholders to create new applications and services inthe Smart City ecosystem.


In this section, the CoT framework is presented. First,a high-level architecture overview is discussed. Second, theLPWAN infrastructure of CoT is introduced. Third, a detailedoverview of the CoT architecture is illustrated. Then, the DataCollection and Aggregation Platform is detailed. Finally, theData Analysis Platform is presented.

The CoT project is a cross-technology testbed platformwhich validates key Smart Cities Research results and facili-tates innovative Smart City experiments on top of a large-scaletestbed environment. The CoT project aims to achieve fourimportant goals:

1) Testing new technologies: by rolling out IoT devicesacross the entire city, CoT provides an ideal and realistictesting environment for new network technologies.

2) Big data platform: the project provides a data platformfor monitoring life in Antwerp in real-time. It aims toturn these data streams into valuable information, whichcan in turn be used by new applications and services.

3) Citizen engagement: CoT leverages interactive userresearch allowing citizens to give feedback on the ap-plications and services.

4) Resource provisioning: the project aims to achieve anefficient resource provisioning for Smart City applica-tions by providing flexible data collection and analyticstoolkits.

To accomplish all these objectives, the CoT testbed hascreated an environment in which researchers and stakeholderscan use the functionalities provided by the CoT framework tofully extract useful information from the gathered data.

A. Architecture Overview

In Fig. 1, an overview of the CoT framework is shown.CoT offers researchers and stakeholders a city-wide frameworkto take the first important steps towards a true Smart Cityecosystem. Nowadays, low power wireless technologies havegained tremendous emphasis due to the massive growth ofconnected devices in the network. The need for connectingsimple IoT devices, such as sensors and actuators, is increasingrapidly. Currently over 100 sensors are deployed in Antwerpwith a thousand more planned in the near future. Furthermore,at present, these sensors can communicate with the CoT infras-tructure via three different LPWAN technologies: LoRaWAN,SigFox and DASH7 [6]. Multiple LPWANs are planned to bedeployed and then assessed in the CoT testbed in order toidentify the most adequate LPWAN communication enablerfor each considered Smart City application.

B. Low Power Wide Area Network Infrastructure

CoT has been rolled out as an IoT infrastructure consistingof wireless gateways and sensors across the city of Antwerp,which can be used for experimentation by researchers. CoT

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Fig. 1: High-level architecture of the CoT framework.

Infrastructure has been setup collaboratively by the IT de-partment of Antwerp, University of Antwerp and Ghent Uni-versity. The biggest infrastructural capacity within CoT is aset of hundred multi-technology gateways, which have beenspecifically designed and manufactured for CoT and deployedthroughout the City. Each gateway has been connected toAntwerp’s fiber network, which acts as a control network toprovide experiment management [6]. The CoT interoperabilityframework is part of this control network, being mainlyresponsible for sending the data gathered by sensors to theData Collection and Aggregation Platform.

Currently, multiple LPWAN technologies are available inthe literature. To select a suitable LPWAN technology for aspecific Smart City application, an analysis of its requirementsin terms of specific parameters such as communication range,upload and download data rate, frequency bands and latency isneeded. Therefore, in the CoT testbed, all deployed gatewayspossess a wide range of LPWAN technologies so that rapid

prototyping and experimentation can be carried out, allowingthe setup of multi-technology experiments and the study of theco-existence of different LPWAN technologies. Specifically,the multi-technology gateways have the following radios on-board as dedicated Systems on Chip: IEEE 802.1ac on 2.4and 5 Ghz, DASH7 on 433 and 868 Mhz, Bluetooth (LowEnergy), IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE 802.15.4g and LoRa [6]. Thisallows connecting both high power sensors at close range andlow power sensors at long range. Moreover, other technolo-gies, such as IEEE 802.11ah and cellular, are planned to beintegrated in the future. Additionally, each gateway is equippedwith a small-form-factor computer, which acts as a controllerof the different radios and has ample storage and processingpower available for deploying large Smart City applicationsdirectly on top of the gateways.

Although CoT multi-technology gateways provide rapidprototyping and fast wireless experimentation, each technol-ogy by itself cannot yet provide full coverage to connect allsensors city-wide. Therefore, CoT also features a separateLoRaWAN-based network, mainly used to ensure a continuousreal-time stream of data from the sensors at a citywide cov-erage. LoRaWAN is a novel LPWAN technology, specificallyintended for low-powered devices. It targets key requirementsof IoT use cases, such as secure bi-directional transmissions,high mobility and long range communications. One singlegateway provides a maximum communication range of 5kilometers (urban area) and 15 kilometers (rural area) and alsosupports data rates of up to 50 kbps.

A large number of sensors have already been installedthroughout the City for experimental validation of the CoTframework. The majority of sensors have two radios installed:a LoRaWAN radio and an additional one, which is one ofthe technologies already integrated within the CoT multi-technology gateways. The LoRaWAN radio is used to con-tinuously send updates about the sensor measurements to theCoT framework, which can then be used for data collectionand analysis operations. The other LPWAN technology is usedto directly link the sensor to the CoT gateways and allowsinteraction between multiple sensors during experiments.

The following sensors are already installed in Antwerp:

1) Air Quality Monitoring: sensors have been installedon moving cars to monitor the environment, especiallygas levels and temperature. More information about thisuse case is given in Section IV.

2) Bicycle Monitoring: sensors have been installed onbicycles to collect contextual information about the Cityin real-time (location tracker, event-based triggers, etc).

3) Smart Signs: smart parking signs have been used totemporarily prohibit car parking in a particular zone ofthe City. The signs contain an accelerometer and a GPSsensor to monitor their location.

4) Traffic Monitoring: sensors have been installed atknown traffic bottlenecks in the City to monitor trafficlevels based on Bluetooth and WiFi signal scanning.

5) Car Parking: sensors have been deployed in parkingareas to measure their occupancy rate.

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C. Data Collection and Aggregation Platform

Fig. 2: Detailed view of the Data Collection and Aggregationenvironment in the CoT Framework.

In Fig. 2, a detailed view of the Data Collection andAggregation Platform of the CoT framework is shown. TheInteroperability framework forwards all data samples to anIngestion module or a Processing module. On one hand,the Ingestion module handles the pre-processing of the datasamples and then routes them to the Persistent Storage.Specifically, data samples are formatted and routed to the bestfitting storage technology in order to make responses to theApplication Programming Interface (API) requests as easy aspossible. On the other hand, the Processing module providesadvanced analysis modules for the incoming data samplesfrom which the processed data can also be routed to thePersistent Storage. There are two different types of storage inthe platform: Persistent Storage, which contains events, meta-data and context, and a Time Series Storage solution. Bothstorage types are used for two different endpoints. The firstendpoint is the Internal Querying and Visualization tool. Itis used to monitor the environment and provide insights intoall data flowing through the system. The second endpoint isthe CoT Dynamic Runtime Environment, which is the accesspoint for all researchers and stakeholders through an API thatprovides commands to access the available data. Additionally,the CoT Dynamic Runtime Environment can retrieve datasetsfor researchers, which they have access to, but also engagewith sensors and actuators in the urban environment in orderto test novel functionalities.

The API that relays the commands to the CoT DynamicRuntime Environment has four entry points: sources, types,locations, and labels. The sources-API holds all the data onthe available sensors, their details and the actual events ofthese sensors. The types-API grants access to data on thedifferent types of sensors and which of the sources are ofwhich type. Moreover, the locations-API provide events thatare originated at a certain location. Finally, the labels-APIis a simple grouping for all types/sources that are part ofa certain experiment or a particular use case. A conscioustechnical decision has been made to only allow polling onthe API, contrary to the subscriber-based streaming supportused in other frameworks as in the SmartSantander testbed.The advantage of the polling-only approach is that the APIbecomes more scalable because unilateral urls are mapped tothe different entry points, allowing the deployment of efficientcaching strategies. Furthermore, the polling-only restriction ismitigated by the Data Analysis Platform, detailed next.

D. Data Analysis Platform

Fig. 3: Detailed view of the Data Analysis Platform in theCoT Framework.

In Fig. 3, the Data Analysis Platform of the CoT frameworkis illustrated. This environment is managed by the Tenguplatform, which is a Platform-as-a-Service developed at GhentUniversity to orchestrate the setup of Big Data frameworks.Tengu manages the entire Data Backend of the CoT frameworkas a resource pool enabling the necessary flexibility to quicklyprovision custom big data frameworks in the Data AnalysisPlatform when needed. Tengu provides predefined bundles forspecific services, which help researchers in choosing the rel-evant technologies for their custom applications. Researcherscan connect to the Data Analysis Platform through the CoTGraphical User Interface (GUI) from which they are able tobuild their custom Big Data solutions. As soon as the customBig Data framework is designed, resources are provisionedby the Tengu platform. These resources can originate frompublic cloud providers such as Google, Amazon and Microsoftor can be part of a private infrastructure. The applicationsand services created by researchers are then installed andconfigured on these resources. All provisioning operationsare completely automated by the Tengu platform eliminat-ing the need for manual interventions during the setup andconfiguration processes. Therefore, Tengu provides scalableand flexible resource provisioning operations, which allow thecustom design and deployment of specific data service models.

The data feeding from the Collection and Aggregationplatform is realized through an advanced data connector,supported by LimeDS. LimeDS started as an OSGi abstractionlayer, but then evolved to a visual toolkit to quickly wiredata-driven services together. LimeDS supports the creation ofnew data flows and modifications to existing ones at runtime,allowing Tengu to configure custom flows for the Data Anal-ysis platform. Furthermore, LimeDS can create custom APIsso that applications can form several requests and combinedata events to get the complete information due to the strictunilateral URLs supported by the standard API introduced inSection III-C for scalability purposes. An example of a customAPI is for REstore [14]. The custom API contains prepareddata for the highly specialized REstore analytics platformaimed at smart power control.

As mentioned in Section III-C, the Data Analysis platformis able to mitigate the polling-only restrictions on the CoT

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API. Subscription-like services can be set up with the avail-able streaming technologies in the framework, which can berelevant for researchers and companies testing new sensorsin the City. A streaming solution allows them to quicklyfollow up on early data events from the sensors and intervene,if necessary. Data events are gathered by the sensors andsent to the Interoperability framework that routes the dataevents through the Ingestion module into a Time Series DataStorage, such as InfluxDB. As soon as data events arrivein InfluxDB, Tengu provisions the necessary resources forthe needed data services, for example Apache Spark servicesfor micro-batch analysis. Examples of analysis operations areprediction algorithms, trend analysis and anomaly detectionmechanisms. LimeDS will request the data events throughthe CoT Dynamic Runtime Environment and, then, these dataevents are transferred to the Hadoop Distributed FileSystem(HDFS), where the Apache Spark instances previously al-located are executed. After the completion of the analysisoperations, Zeppelin is provisioned by Tengu allowing thevisualization of the results.

Moreover, an important aspect that has not been mentionedso far is the structure of the data accessible through the CoTplatform. Currently, the data is delivered as is to the externalAPIs and to the Data Analysis platform. However, developersmight want to use specific data storage technologies withcharacteristics matching the requirements of their use cases.Due to the large amount of different storage technologies, it iscurrently left to the responsibility of the developer to transformthe data into his preferred format. Nevertheless, research hasbeen performed towards the automated transformation of bothschema and data between different storage technologies. Thealgorithm proposed in [15] detects the format of the datasetfrom the original data storage and transforms it in such away that it can benefit from the characteristics of the targetdata storage technology, allowing the data to be presented inany supported technology of their choice. This transformationoperation is performed by the data analysis platform.

In summary, the Data Analysis platform of the CoT frame-work provides a flexible manner of dealing with the challengesrelated to the resource provisioning of Smart City applications.Both Tengu and LimeDS provide efficient resource provi-sioning mechanisms by allowing researchers to design anddeploy specific service models in a completely automatedmanner. By eliminating technical barriers and the need formanual interventions, the CoT framework paves the way fordevelopers to create specific IoT service models in the SmartCity ecosystem.


As an initial proof of concept of the CoT framework, airquality sensors have been integrated in collaboration withthe Belgian postal services Bpost. For daily mail delivery,Bpost has cars driving around in the city of Antwerp. Aset of air quality sensors have been mounted on the roofsof Bpost’s delivery cars as shown in Fig. ??. These sensorssend measurements at regular intervals of typical gases andclimate data, such as temperature and humidity, which are

then annotated with GPS locations. As each Bpost car iscontinuously driving around in the city, the set of sensorscan cover the entire city in terms of measurements allowingthe gathering of real-time air quality information with broadcity coverage, as opposed to an approach with static sensors,which only allow the gathering of limited local information.Furthermore, the number of static sensors necessary to coverthe entire city is huge when compared to the needed numberof cars and, thus, the installation and maintenance costs arealso higher, which represent a considerable restriction whenextending this kind of deployments.

The objective of this use case is to show the current statusof the environment in the city of Antwerp and to detect highamounts of organic compounds in the atmosphere and thenalert citizens of air pollution in real-time. With these datasamples available in the platform it is interesting to createa trend analysis on the evolution of air quality in the Cityand perform anomaly detection operations. The data samplesare gathered by the sensors and then sent through the multi-technology gateways deployed throughout the City. Then, theInteroperability framework forwards the data samples to theIngestion module. Via the ingestion module, the measuredevents are stored in a Time Series Data Storage, such asInfluxDB. In order to calculate the evolution of air quality ina specific location for a certain time frame, Tengu provisionsa specific data service for micro-batch analysis instantiatedwith Apache Spark. LimeDS will request the relevant dataevents in the given time frame from the CoT Dynamic RuntimeEnvironment. Then, these data events are transferred to theHDFS, where Apache Spark algorithms are executed. Then,outlier detection algorithms have been used to identify unusualevents or abnormal patterns in the dataset, such as RobustCovariance (RC) and Isolation Forrest (IF). Outlier detectionis related to the identification of unusual data samples whencompared to the rest of the dataset. Outliers must be furtheranalyzed by application experts in order to extract more infor-mation from them. This way, the outlier detection outcomeshave been compared with the correspondent GPS locations toknow exactly where in the city of Antwerp each sample hasbeen measured. Finally, on top of Apache Spark, Zeppelinhas been integrated allowing the visualization of results. InFig. 5, the location of two different Bpost cars where airquality data has been measured during their delivery routesis shown. Moreover, outliers detected by the RC algorithm forthe three Particle Matter Indicators (PM1, PM2.5 and PM10)collected are shown. The outliers can be explained by highvalues collected of PM1, PM2.5 and PM10, which can berelated to high traffic volumes in the City at these locationsat the time of the measurements. By conducting anomalydetection operations in the CoT framework, citizens can bealerted of high air pollution levels in near real-time.

The Air Quality Monitoring use case shows the strength ofthe CoT platform and the full framework applicability in theSmart City ecosystem. Although the presented scenario is notentirely a Big Data use case, due to the fact that the availabledataset is reduced, it provides a complete proof of conceptof the CoT framework. CoT is an experimentation platformfocused on a wide range of wireless technologies allowing the

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Fig. 4: As part of the Antwerp’s City of Things testbed, multi-radio air quality sensors have been mounted on cars of theBelgian postal service.

execution of integrated IoT experiments.

Fig. 5: GPS locations of Bpost cars moving through the cityof Antwerp, marked with measurement points on their route(Bpost car 1 - blue; Bpost car 2 - green; Outliers detected bythe RC algorithm - red.)


In recent years, the need for management functionalities andresource provisioning strategies for Smart Cities is increasingdue to the deployment of IoT use cases. Smart Cities aimto provide applications and services based on real-time dataretrieved from different devices placed all around the urbanarea. Proper resource provisioning capabilities are requiredto minimize resource costs. Therefore, in this article, theCoT framework is presented, which provides not only data

collection and analysis operations but also automated resourceprovisioning mechanisms for Smart City applications. TheCoT framework is based on the Tengu platform, an auto-mated orchestration service for the design of custom BigData frameworks and on LimeDS, a toolkit designed forthe rapid development of data-based services. Both Tenguand LimeDS provide suitable components enabling efficientresource provisioning operations in Smart Cities by allowingthe design and deployment of specific IoT service modelswithout any kind of manual intervention. Furthermore, theCoT framework allows researchers and stakeholders to access,analyze and process data retrieved from sensors deployed inthe city, which results in a high involvement of citizens andcompanies in the design and development of new applicationsand services. A Smart City use case based on Air QualityMonitoring through the deployment of air sensors in movingcars has been presented showing the full applicability of theCoT framework in the Smart City environment. As futurework, query pre-processing and caching strategies will bedeveloped to avoid large latencies in the processing of massivedatasets in near real-time. Furthermore, the integration ofFog Computing concepts, 5G technologies and distributedmanagement approaches are being studied to enhance thearchitecture of the CoT framework for the future IoT use cases.


The work presented in this article was performed par-tially within the City of Things project (Antwerp, Belgium)funded by imec and in the “Service-oriented management ofa virtualised future internet” project under Grant Agreement#G059615N, from the fund for Scientific Research-Flanders(FWO).


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José Santos obtained his M.Sc. degree in Electri-cal and Computers Engineering in July 2015 fromUniversity of Porto, Portugal. He is currently aPhD Student of Computer Science in the InternetTechnology and Data Science Lab (IDLab) ResearchGroup at Ghent University - imec, Belgium. Hisresearch interests include Cloud Computing, IoTand Software-Defined Networking. Before joiningIDLab, he was a Research Intern at PROEF Groupwhere he was involved in EU-funded projects.

Thomas Vanhove obtained his masters degree inComputer Science from Ghent University, Belgiumin July 2012. In August 2012, he started his PhD atthe Department of Information Technology (INTEC)at Ghent University, researching data managementsolutions in cloud environments. More specifically,he has been looking into dynamic big data storagesand polyglot persistence. It was during that time hecreated the Tengu platform for the simplified setupof big data analysis.

Merlijn Sebrechts graduated in July 2015 as anIndustrial Engineer, Informatics, from Ghent Univer-sity. In August 2015, he joined the Information Tech-nology (INTEC) department of Ghent University topursue his PhD. In his PhD he focusses on cloudmodelling languages to solve big data challenges,while remaining an active member of several largeopen-source communities.

Thomas Dupont is a software engineer in theDepartment of Information Technology (INTEC) atGhent University and a senior researcher at IMEC.In 2009, he obtained his Master of Science ComputerScience Engineering, after which he immediatelystarted working as a full-time researcher at theFaculty of Engineering and Architecture of GhentUniversity. His research focuses on the design andimplementation of distributed middleware architec-tures.

Wannes Kerckhove is a software engineer in theDepartment of Information Technology (INTEC) atGhent University and a senior engineer at IMEC. In2009, he obtained his Master of Science ComputerScience Engineering, after which he immediatelystarted working as a full-time researcher at theFaculty of Engineering and Architecture of GhentUniversity. His research focuses on the design andimplementation of scalable software systems.

Bart Braem got his Master’s degree in ComputerScience at the University of Antwerp (magna cumlaude). In September 2005, he joined the IDLabresearch group at the University of Antwerp, wherehe defended his PhD thesis on wireless body areanetworks. Currently a senior researcher at imec inthe IDLab research group, he is continuing researchon chaotic networks while working on European andregional projects in the smart cities domain.

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Gregory Van Seghbroeck graduated at Ghent Uni-versity in 2005. After working as an IT consultant,he joined the Department of Information Technol-ogy (INTEC) at Ghent University. In January 2007,he received a PhD grant from IWT to work ontheoretical aspects of advanced validation mecha-nism for distributed interaction protocols and servicechoreographies. In 2011 he received his Ph.D. inComputer Science Engineering and continued towork at Ghent University as a post-doctoral fellow.

Tim Wauters obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. de-grees in electro-technical engineering from GhentUniversity in 2001 and 2007 respectively. He hasbeen working as a post-doctoral fellow in the De-partment of Information Technology (INTEC) atGhent University, and is now also active as a seniorresearcher at imec. His main research interests focuson network and service architectures for multimediadelivery services. His work has been published inabout 80 scientific publications.

Philip Leroux obtained his masters degree in com-puter science from Ghent University, Belgium afterwhich he started working as research engineer affili-ated with the Department of Information Technologyof Ghent University. In 2007, he started a Ph.D.about the optimization of interactive personalizedservices, which was finished in 2012. Since then heis working as project coordinator and postdoctoralresearcher in the context of innovation projects forthe (Flemish) media industry.

Steven Latré is an assistant professor at the Univer-sity of Antwerp and imec, Belgium. He is leading theIDLab Antwerp research group, which is performingresearch in the area of communication networksand distributed systems. He received a Ph.D. inComputer Science Engineering from Ghent Univer-sity, Belgium with the title “Autonomic Quality ofExperience Management of Multimedia Services”.He received the the IEEE COMSOC award for bestPhD in network and service management 2012.

Bruno Volckaert is a professor in software en-gineering in the Department of Information Tech-nology (INTEC) at Ghent University and seniorresearcher at imec. He obtained his PhD at GhentUniversity on data intensive scheduling and servicemanagement for Grid computing in 2006. He hasworked on over 35 national and international re-search projects and is author or co-author of morethan 90 papers published in international journalsand conference proceedings.

Filip De Turck leads the network and servicemanagement research group at the Department ofInformation Technology of the Ghent University,Belgium and imec. He (co-) authored over 450 peer-reviewed papers and his research interests includethe design of efficient virtualized network and cloudsystems. He serves as Chair of the IEEE TechnicalCommittee on Network Operations and Management(CNOM), and is on the TPC of many network andservice management conferences.

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