Page 1: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND … · 2019. 7. 3. · for public cloud storage. Our recent work, TMACS [15], is


RAAC: Robust and Auditable Access ControlWith Multiple Attribute Authorities for

Public Cloud StorageKaiping Xue, Senior Member, IEEE, Yingjie Xue, Jianan Hong, Wei Li, Hao Yue, Member, IEEE,

David S. L. Wei, Senior Member, IEEE, and Peilin Hong

Abstract— Data access control is a challenging issue in publiccloud storage systems. Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryp-tion (CP-ABE) has been adopted as a promising technique toprovide flexible, fine-grained, and secure data access control forcloud storage with honest-but-curious cloud servers. However,in the existing CP-ABE schemes, the single attribute authoritymust execute the time-consuming user legitimacy verification andsecret key distribution, and hence, it results in a single-pointperformance bottleneck when a CP-ABE scheme is adopted ina large-scale cloud storage system. Users may be stuck in thewaiting queue for a long period to obtain their secret keys,thereby resulting in low efficiency of the system. Although multi-authority access control schemes have been proposed, theseschemes still cannot overcome the drawbacks of single-pointbottleneck and low efficiency, due to the fact that each of theauthorities still independently manages a disjoint attribute set.In this paper, we propose a novel heterogeneous frameworkto remove the problem of single-point performance bottleneckand provide a more efficient access control scheme with anauditing mechanism. Our framework employs multiple attributeauthorities to share the load of user legitimacy verification.Meanwhile, in our scheme, a central authority is introduced togenerate secret keys for legitimacy verified users. Unlike othermulti-authority access control schemes, each of the authoritiesin our scheme manages the whole attribute set individually. Toenhance security, we also propose an auditing mechanism todetect which attribute authority has incorrectly or maliciouslyperformed the legitimacy verification procedure. Analysis shows

Manuscript received June 12, 2016; revised November 16, 2016; acceptedDecember 13, 2016. Date of publication January 2, 2017; date of currentversion January 30, 2017. This work was supported in part by the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61379129, in part by theYouth Innovation Promotion Association CAS, and in part by the FundamentalResearch Funds for the Central Universities. The associate editor coordi-nating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication wasDr. Guofei Gu.

K. Xue is with the Department of Electronic Engineering and Infor-mation Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei230027, China, and also with the State Key Laboratory of InformationSecurity, Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100093, China (e-mail: [email protected]).

Y. Xue, J. Hong, W. Li, and P. Hong are with the Department ofElectronic Engineering and Information Science, University of Science andTechnology of China, Hefei 230027, China (e-mail: [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]).

H. Yue is with the Department of Computer Science, San Francisco StateUniversity, San Francisco, CA 94132 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).

D. S. L. Wei is with the Computer and Information Science Depart-ment, Fordham University, New York City, NY 10458 USA (e-mail:[email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are availableonline at

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIFS.2016.2647222

that our system not only guarantees the security requirements butalso makes great performance improvement on key generation.

Index Terms— Cloud storage, access control, auditing,CP-ABE.


CLOUD storage is a promising and important serviceparadigm in cloud computing [1]–[4]. Benefits of using

cloud storage include greater accessibility, higher reliability,rapid deployment and stronger protection, to name just a few.Despite the mentioned benefits, this paradigm also brings forthnew challenges on data access control, which is a critical issueto ensure data security. Since cloud storage is operated bycloud service providers, who are usually outside the trusteddomain of data owners, the traditional access control methodsin the Client/Server model are not suitable in cloud storageenvironment. The data access control in cloud storage envi-ronment has thus become a challenging issue.

To address the issue of data access control in cloud storage,there have been quite a few schemes proposed, among whichCiphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) isregarded as one of the most promising techniques. A salientfeature of CP-ABE is that it grants data owners direct controlpower based on access policies, to provide flexible, fine-grained and secure access control for cloud storage systems.In CP-ABE schemes, the access control is achieved by usingcryptography, where an owner’s data is encrypted with anaccess structure over attributes, and a user’s secret key islabelled with his/her own attributes. Only if the attributesassociated with the user’s secret key satisfy the access struc-ture, can the user decrypt the corresponding ciphertext toobtain the plaintext. So far, the CP-ABE based access controlschemes for cloud storage have been developed into twocomplementary categories, namely, single-authority scenario[5]–[9], and multi-authority scenario [10]–[12].

Although existing CP-ABE access control schemes have alot of attractive features, they are neither robust nor efficientin key generation. Since there is only one authority in chargeof all attributes in single-authority schemes, offline/crash ofthis authority makes all secret key requests unavailable duringthat period. The similar problem exists in multi-authorityschemes, since each of multiple authorities manages a disjointattribute set.

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Page 2: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND … · 2019. 7. 3. · for public cloud storage. Our recent work, TMACS [15], is


In single-authority schemes, the only authority must verifythe legitimacy of users’ attributes before generating secretkeys for them. As the access control system is associatedwith data security, and the only credential a user possessis his/her secret key associated with his/her attributes, theprocess of key issuing must be cautious. However, in thereal world, the attributes are diverse. For example, to verifywhether a user is able to drive may need an authority to givehim/her a test to prove that he/she can drive. Thus he/she canget an attribute key associated with driving ability [13]. Todeal with the verification of various attributes, the user maybe required to be present to confirm them. Furthermore, theprocess to verify/assign attributes to users is usually difficultso that it normally employs administrators to manually handlethe verification, as [14] has mentioned, that the authenticityof registered data must be achieved by out-of-band (mostlymanual) means. To make a careful decision, the unavoidableparticipation of human beings makes the verification time-consuming, which causes a single-point bottleneck. Especially,for a large system, there are always large numbers of usersrequesting secret keys. The inefficiency of the authority’sservice results in single-point performance bottleneck, whichwill cause system congestion such that users often cannotobtain their secret keys quickly, and have to wait in the systemqueue. This will significantly reduce the satisfaction of usersexperience to enjoy real-time services. On the other hand, ifthere is only one authority that issues secret keys for someparticular attributes, and if the verification enforces users’presence, it will bring about the other type of long servicedelay for users, since the authority maybe too far away fromhis/her home/workplace. As a result, single-point performancebottleneck problem affects the efficiency of secret key genera-tion service and immensely degrades the utility of the existingschemes to conduct access control in large cloud storagesystems. Furthermore, in multi-authority schemes, the sameproblem also exists due to the fact that multiple authoritiesseparately maintain disjoint attribute subsets and issue secretkeys associated with users’ attributes within their own admin-istration domain. Each authority performs the verification andsecret key generation as a whole in the secret key distributionprocess, just like what the single authority does in single-authority schemes. Therefore, the single-point performancebottleneck still exists in such multi-authority schemes.

A straightforward idea to remove the single-point bottleneckis to allow multiple authorities to jointly manage the universalattribute set, in such a way that each of them is able todistribute secret keys to users independently. By adoptingmultiple authorities to share the load, the influence of thesingle-point bottleneck can be reduced to a certain extent.However, this solution will bring forth threats on securityissues. Since there are multiple functionally identical author-ities performing the same procedure, it is hard to find theresponsible authority if mistakes have been made or maliciousbehaviors have been implemented in the process of secret keygeneration and distribution. For example, an authority mayfalsely distribute secret keys beyond user’s legitimate attributeset. Such weak point on security makes this straightforwardidea hard to meet the security requirement of access control

for public cloud storage. Our recent work, TMACS [15], is athreshold multi-authority CP-ABE access control scheme forpublic cloud storage, where multiple authorities jointly managea uniform attribute set. Actually it addresses the single-pointbottleneck of performance and security, but introduces someadditional overhead. Therefore, in this paper, we present afeasible solution which not only promotes efficiency androbustness, but also guarantees that the new solution is assecure as the original single-authority schemes.

The similar problem has been considered and partly tack-led in other related areas, such as public key infrastructure(PKI) for e-commerce [16]. To reduce the certificate author-ity (CA)’s load, one or more registration authorities (RAs)are introduced to perform some of administration tasks onbehalf of CA. Each RA is able to verify a user’s legitimacyand determine whether the user is entitled to have a validcertificate. After the verification, it validates the credentialsand forwards the certificate request to CA. Then, CA willgenerate a certificate for the user. Since the most heavywork of verification is performed by a selected RA, the loadof CA can be largely reduced. However, the security ofthe scheme with single-CA/multi-RAs partly depends on thetrustiness of multiple RAs. In order to achieve traceability,CA should store some information to confirm which RA hasbeen responsible for verifying the legitimacy of a specificuser.

In this paper, inspired by the heterogeneous architecturewith single CA and multiple RAs, we propose a robust andauditable access control scheme (named RAAC) for publiccloud storage to promote the performance while keepingthe flexibility and fine granularity features of the existingCP-ABE schemes. In our scheme, we seperate the procedureof user legitimacy verification from the secret key generation,and assign these two sub-procedures to two different kindsof authorities. There are multiple authorities (named attributeauthorities, AAs), each of which is in charge of the wholeattribute set and can conduct user legitimacy verificationindependently. Meanwhile, there is only one global trustedauthority (referred as Central Authority, CA) in charge ofsecret key generation and distribution. Before performing asecret key generation and distribution process, one of the AAsis selected to verify the legitimacy of the user’s attributesand then it generates an intermediate key to send to CA. CAgenerates the secret key for the user on the basis of the receivedintermediate key, with no need of any more verification. Inthis way, multiple AAs can work in parallel to share the loadof the time-consuming legitimacy verification and standbyfor each other so as to remove the single-point bottleneckon performance. Meanwhile, the selected AA doesn’t takethe responsibility of generating final secret keys to users.Instead, it generates intermediate keys that associate withusers’ attributes and implicitly associate with its own identity,and sends them to CA. With the help of intermediate keys,CA is able to not only generate secret keys for legitimacyverified users more efficiently but also trace an AA’s mistakeor malicious behavior to enhance the security.

The main contributions of this work can be summarized asfollows.

Page 3: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND … · 2019. 7. 3. · for public cloud storage. Our recent work, TMACS [15], is


1) To address the single-point performance bottleneck of keydistribution existed in the existing schemes, we proposea robust and efficient heterogeneous framework withsingle CA(Central Authority) and multiple AAs (AttributeAuthorities) for public cloud storage. The heavy load ofuser legitimacy verification is shared by multiple AAs,each of which manages the universal attribute set andis able to independently complete the user legitimacyverification, while CA is only responsible for computa-tional tasks. To the best of our knowledge, this is thefirst work that proposes the heterogeneous access controlframework to address the low efficiency and single-pointperformance bottleneck for cloud storage.

2) We reconstruct the CP-ABE scheme to fit our proposedframework and propose a robust and high-efficient accesscontrol scheme, meanwhile the scheme still preservesthe fine granularity, flexibility and security features ofCP-ABE.

3) Our scheme includes an auditing mechanism that helpsthe system trace an AA’s misbehavior on user’s legitimacyverification.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II,we brief some related works about CP-ABE and some exist-ing extension schemes for cloud storage access control. InSection III, technical preliminaries are presented. Followingthe definition of system model and security assumptions inSection IV, we introduce our proposed heterogeneous frame-work with single-CA/multi-AAs and relative access controlscheme for public cloud storage in Section V. In Section VIand Section VII, we analyze our proposed scheme in termsof security and performance, respectively. In Section VIII webriefly introduce the construction of a hybrid multi-authoritysystem. Finally, the conclusion is given in Section IX.


Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE)has so far been regarded as one of the most promising tech-niques for data access control in cloud storage systems. Thistechnology offers users flexible, fine-grained and secure accesscontrol of outsourced data. It was first formulated by Goyal etal. in [17]. Then the first CP-ABE scheme was proposed byBenthencourt et al. in [18], but this scheme was proved secureonly in the generic group model. Subsequently, some cryp-tographically stronger CP-ABE constructions [19]–[21] wereproposed, but these schemes imposed some restrictions thatthe original CP-ABE does not have. In [22], Waters proposedthree efficient and practical CP-ABE schemes under strongercryptographic assumptions as expressive as [18]. To improveefficiency of this encryption technique, Emura et al. [23]proposed a CP-ABE scheme with a constant ciphertextlength. Unlike the above schemes which are only limited toexpress monotonic access structures, Obtrovsky et al. [24]proposed a more expressive CP-ABE scheme which can sup-port non-monotonic access structures. Recently, Hohenbergerand Waters [25] proposed an online/offline ABE techniquefor CP-ABE which enables the user to do as much pre-computation as possible to save online computation. It’s apromising technique for resource-limited devices.

In general, there are two categories of CP-ABE schemesclassified by the number of participating authorities in keydistribution process. One category is the single-authorityscheme, the other is multi-authority scheme. In single-authority schemes [5]–[7], [26]–[29], only one authority isinvolved to manage the universal attribute set, generate anddistribute secret keys for all users. In [7] and [26], theauthors respectively proposed CP-ABE schemes with efficientattribute revocation capability for data outsourcing systems.Wu et al. [5] proposed a Multi-message Ciphertext-PolicyAttribute-Based Encryption(MCP-ABE) which encrypts mul-tiple messages within one ciphertext so as to enforce flexibleattribute-based access control on scalable media. The litera-tures [27]–[29] took the efficiency issue into consideration,but they mainly considered the computation complexity insidethe cryptography algorithms rather than interaction protocolsbetween different entities in the real world, such as theprocedure of user legitimacy verification. To sum up, in single-authority schemes, the single-point performance bottleneck hasnot been widely addressed so far.

To meet some scenarios where users’ attributes comefrom multiple authorities, some multi-authority schemes havebeen proposed. Based on the basic ABE [30] scheme,Chase et al. [31] proposed the first multi-authority schemewhich allows multiple independent authorities to moni-tor attributes and distribute corresponding secret keys, butinvolves a central authority (CA). Subsequently, some multi-authority ABE schemes without CA have been proposed, suchas [13] and [32]. Since the first construction of CP-ABE [18], agreat many multi-authority schemes have been conducted overCP-ABE. Muller et al. [33] proposed the first multi-authorityCP-ABE scheme in which a user’s secret key was issuedby an arbitrary number of attribute authorities and a masterauthority. Then Lewko et al. [10] proposed a decentralized CP-ABE scheme where the secret keys can be generated fully bymultiple authorities without a central authority. Ruj et al. [34]applied Lewko’s work [10] for access control in cloud storagesystems, and also proposed a revocation method. Lin et al. [32]proposed a decentralized access control scheme based onthreshold mechanism. In [11] and [36], the authors proposedtwo efficient multi-authority CP-ABE schemes for data accesscontrol in cloud storage systems, where a central authorityis only needed in system initialization phase. Based on thebasic multi-authority architecture, some other literatures triedto address the user identity privacy issue [36], [37], policyupdate [38], and the accountability to prevent key abusing[39], [40]. However, in above multi-authority schemes, multi-ple authorities separately manage disjoint attribute sets. That isto say, for each attribute, only one authority could issue secretkeys associated with it. Therefore, in large-scale systems,the single-point performance bottleneck still exists in multi-authority schemes due to the property that each of the multipleauthorities maintains only a disjoint subset of attributes.

Recently, we considered the single-point performance bot-tleneck of CP-ABE based schemes and devised a thresh-old multi-authority CP-ABE access control scheme in ouranother work [15]. Different from other multi-authorityschemes, in [15], multiple authorities jointly manage a uniform

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attribute set. Taking advantage of (t, n) threshold secret shar-ing, the master secret key can be shared among multipleauthorities, and a legal user can generate his/her secret keyby interacting with any t authorities. This scheme actu-ally addressed the single-point bottleneck on both securityand performance in CP-ABE based access control in publiccloud storage. However, it is not efficient, because a user hasto interact with at least t authorities, and thus introduces higherinteraction overhead.

In this paper, we present an efficient heterogeneous frame-work with single CA/multiple AAs to address the problem ofsingle-point performance bottleneck. The novel idea of ourproposed scheme is that the complicated and time-consuminguser legitimacy verification is executed only once by oneselected AA. Furthermore, an auditing mechanism is proposedto ensure the traceability of malicious AAs. Thus our schemecan not only remove the single-point performance bottleneckbut also be able to provide a robust, high-efficient, and secureaccess control for public cloud storage.


In this section, we first give a brief review of backgroundinformation on bilinear maps and the security assumptionsdefined on it. Then we briefly introduce CP-ABE and LSSSwhich are the constituents in our scheme.

A. Bilinear Maps

Let G, GT be two multiplicative cyclic groups with the sameprime order p, and g be a generator of G. A bilinear map e :G×G → GT defined on G has the following three properties:

1) Bilinearity: ∀a, b ∈ Zp and g1, g2 ∈ G, we havee(ga

1 , gb2) = e(g1, g2)

ab.2) Non-degeneracy: ∀g1, g2 ∈ G such that e(g1, g2) �= 1,

which means the map does not send all pairs in G × G

to the identity in GT .3) Computability: There is an efficient algorithm to compute

e(g1, g2) for all g1, g2 ∈ G.Definition 1 (Decisional q-Parallel Bilinear Diffie-Hellman

Exponent Assumption(Decisional q-BDHE)): The decisionalq-BDHE problem is that, in a group G of prime order p, givea, s, b1, b2, …, bq ∈ Zp, if an adversary is given:

�y = (g, gs, ga, . . . , g(aq), g(aq+2), . . . , g(a2q )

∀1≤ j≤q, gs·b j, ga/b j, . . . , g(aq/b j ), g(aq+2/b j ), . . . , g(a2q/b j )

∀1≤ j,l≤q,l �= j , ga·s·bl/b j , . . . , gaq ·s·bl/b j ),

it must remain hard to distinguish e(g, g)aq+1s ∈ GT from arandom element R in GT .

B. Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE)

Although the definitions and constructions of differentCP-ABE schemes are not always consistent, the uses of theaccess structure in Encrypt and Decrypt algorithms are nearlythe same. Here we adopt the definition and construction from[18] and [22].

A CP-ABE scheme consists of four algorithms: Setup,Encrypt, Key Generation (KeyGen), and Decrypt.

Setup(λ, U ) → (P K , M SK ). The setup algorithm takes thesecurity parameter λ and the attribute universe description Uas the input. It outputs the public parameters P K and a mastersecret key M SK .Encrypt(P K , M, A) → CT . The encryption algorithm takesthe public parameters P K , a message M , and an access struc-ture A as input. The algorithm will encrypt M and produce aciphertext CT such that only a user whose attributes satisfiesthe access structure will be able to decrypt the message. Wewill assume that the ciphertext implicitly contains A.KeyGen(M SK , S) → SK . The key generation algorithmtakes the master secret key M SK and a set of attributes Sas input. It outputs a secret key SK .Decrypt(P K , CT, SK ) → M . The decryption algorithm takesthe public parameters P K , a ciphertext CT which contains anaccess policy A, and a secret key SK as input, where SK isa secret key for a set S of attributes. If the set S of attributessatisfies the access structure A, the algorithm will decrypt theciphertext and return a message M .

C. Access Structures and Linear Secret Sharing Schemes

Definition 2 (Access Structure): Let {P1, P2, . . . , Pn} be aset of parties. A collection A ⊆ 2{P1,P2,...,Pn} is monotonicif ∀B, C: if B ∈ A and B ⊆ C, then C ∈ A. Anaccess structure (respectively, monotonic access structure) is acollection (respectively, monotonic collection) A of non-emptysubsets of {P1, P2, . . . , Pn}, i.e., A ⊆ 2{P1,P2,...,Pn}\{∅}. Thesets in A are called authorized ones, and the sets not in A arecalled unauthorized ones.

Observing the constructions in [17], [18], and [22], an LSSSaccess structure can be used to denote the access policy A.Following the method defined in [41], any monotonic booleanformula can be converted into an LSSS representation. Thedescription of LSSS is presented as follows.

Definition 3 (Linear Secret Sharing Schemes (LSSS)):A secret-sharing scheme � over a set of parties P is calledlinear (over Zp) if:

1) The shares for each party form a vector over Zp.2) There exists a matrix an M with l rows and n columns,

which is called the sharing-generating matrix for �.For all i = 1, . . . , l, the i -th row of M is labeled bya party ρ(i), where ρ is the function associating rowsof M to parties in P . When we consider the vector�v = (s, r2, . . . , rn) ∈ Zn

p, where r2, . . . , rn are randomlychosen and s is the secret to be shared, then �λ = M×�vis the vector of l shares of the secret s according to �.The share λi belongs to the party ρ(i).

Every linear secret sharing-scheme based on the abovedefinition enjoys the linear reconstruction property, definedas follows: Suppose that � is an LSSS structure for accessstructure A. Let S ∈ A be any authorized set, and letI ⊂ {1, 2, . . . , l} be defined as I = {i : ρ(i) ∈ S}. Then,there exist constants {ωi ∈ Zp}i∈I such that, if {λi } are validshares of any secret s according to �, then �i∈I ωiλi = s.These constants {ωi } can be found in time polynomial in thesize of the share-generating matrix M. Note that, for anyunauthorized set S �∈ A, no such constants {ωi } exist.

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Fig. 1. System model.


In this section, we give the definitions of the system model,the security assumptions and requirements of our public cloudstorage access control.

A. System Model

The system model of our design is shown in Fig. 1, whichinvolves five entities: a central authority (CA), multipleattribute authorities (AAs), many data owners (Owners),many data consumers (Users), and a cloud service providerwith multiple cloud servers(here, we mention it as cloudserver.).

• The central authority (CA) is the administrator of theentire system. It is responsible for the system constructionby setting up the system parameters and generating publickey for each attribute of the universal attribute set. In thesystem initialization phase, it assigns each user a uniqueUid and each attribute authority a unique Aid . For akey request from a user, CA is responsible for generatingsecret keys for the user on the basis of the receivedintermediate key associated with the user’s legitimateattributes verified by an AA. As an administrator of theentire system, CA has the capacity to trace which AA hasincorrectly or maliciously verified a user and has grantedillegitimate attribute sets.

• The attribute authorities (AAs) are responsible forperforming user legitimacy verification and generatingintermediate keys for legitimacy verified users. Unlikemost of the existing multi-authority schemes where eachAA manages a disjoint attribute set respectively, ourproposed scheme involves multiple authorities to sharethe responsibility of user legitimacy verification and eachAA can perform this process for any user independently.When an AA is selected, it will verify the users’ legitimateattributes by manual labor or authentication protocols,and generate an intermediate key associated with theattributes that it has legitimacy-verified. Intermediate keyis a new concept to assist CA to generate keys.

• The data owner (Owner) defines the access policy aboutwho can get access to each file, and encrypts the file

under the defined policy. First of all, each owner encryptshis/her data with a symmetric encryption algorithm. Then,the owner formulates access policy over an attributeset and encrypts the symmetric key under the policyaccording to public keys obtained from CA. After that, theowner sends the whole encrypted data and the encryptedsymmetric key (denoted as ciphertext CT ) to the cloudserver to be stored in the cloud.

• The data consumer (User) is assigned a global useridentity Uid by CA. The user possesses a set of attributesand is equipped with a secret key associated with his/herattribute set. The user can freely get any interestedencrypted data from the cloud server. However, the usercan decrypt the encrypted data if and only if his/herattribute set satisfies the access policy embedded in theencrypted data.

• The cloud server provides a public platform for own-ers to store and share their encrypted data. The cloudserver doesn’t conduct data access control for owners.The encrypted data stored in the cloud server can bedownloaded freely by any user.

B. Security Assumptions and Requirements

In our proposed scheme, the security assumptions of thefive roles are given as follows. The cloud server is alwaysonline and managed by the cloud provider. Usually, the cloudserver and its provider are assumed to be “honest-but-curious”,which means that they will correctly execute the tasks assignedto them for profits, but they would try to find out as muchsecret information as possible based on data owners’ inputsand uploaded files. CA is the administrator of the entiresystem, which is always online and can be assumed to befully trusted. It will not collude with any entity to acquiredata contents. AAs are responsible for conducting legitimacyverification of users and judging whether the users have theclaimed attributes. We assume that AA can be compromisedand cannot be fully trusted. Furthermore, since the user legiti-macy verification is conducted by manual labor, mis-operationcaused by carelessness may also happen. Thus, we need anauditing mechanism to trace an AA’s misbehavior. Although auser can freely get any encrypted data from the cloud server,he/she cannot decrypt it unless the user has attributes satisfyingthe access policy embedded inside the data. Therefore, someusers may be dishonest and curious, and may collude witheach other to gain unauthorized access or try to collude with(or even compromise) any AA to obtain the access permissionbeyond their privileges. Owners have access control over theiruploaded data, which are protected by specific access policiesthey defined.

To guarantee secure access control in public cloud storage,we claim that an access control scheme needs to meet thefollowing four basic security requirements:

• Data confidentiality. Data content must be kept confiden-tial to unauthorized users as well as the curious cloudserver.

• Collusion-resistance. Malicious users colluding with eachother would not be able to combine their attributes to

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decrypt a ciphertext which each of them cannot decryptalone.

• AA accountability. An auditing mechanism must bedevised to ensure that an AA’s misbehavior can bedetected to prevent AAs’ abusing their power withoutbeing detected.

• No ultra vires for any AA. An AA should not haveunauthorized power to directly generate secret keys forusers. This security requirement is newly introducedbased on our proposed hierarchical framework.


This section first gives an overview of our proposed scheme,and then describes the scheme in detail. Our scheme consistsof five phases, namely System Initialization, Encryption, KeyGeneration, Decryption, and Auditing & Tracing.

A. Overview of Our Scheme

To achieve a robust and efficient access control for publiccloud storage, we propose a hierarchical framework withsingle CA and multiple AAs to remove the problem of single-point performance bottleneck and enhance the system effi-ciency. In our proposed RAAC scheme, the procedure ofkey generation is divided into two sub-procedures: 1) theprocedure of user legitimacy verification; 2) the procedureof secret key generation and distribution. The user legitimacyverification is assigned to multiple AAs, each of which takesresponsibility for the universal attribute set and is able to verifyall of the user’s attributes independently. After the successfulverification, this AA will generate an intermediate key andsend it to CA. The procedure of secret key generation anddistribution is executed by the CA that generates the secretkey associated with user’s attribute set without any moreverification. The secret key is generated using the intermediatekey securely transmitted from an AA and the master secret key.

In our one-CA/multiple-AAs construction, CA participatesin the key generation and distribution for security reasons:To enhance auditability of corrupted AAs, one AA cannotobtain the system’s master secret key in case it can optionallygenerate secret keys without any supervision. Meanwhile, theintroduction of CA for key generation and distribution isacceptable, since for a large-scale system, the most time-consuming workload of legitimacy verification is offloadedand shared among the multiple AAs, and the computationworkload for key generation is very light. The procedure ofkey generation and distribution would be more efficient thanother existing schemes.

To trace an AA’s misbehavior in the procedure of user legit-imacy verification, we first find the suspected data consumerbased on abnormal behavior detection, which is similar to themechanisms used in [40] and [41]. For a suspected user, ourscheme can trace the responsible AA who has falsely verifiedthis user’s attributes and illegitimately assigned secret keys tohim/her.

B. Details of Our Proposed RAAC Scheme

1) System Initialization: Firstly, CA chooses two multiplica-tive cyclic groups G(the parameter g is a generator of G) and

GT with the same prime order p, and defines a binary mape : G × G → GT on G. CA randomly chooses α, β, a andb ∈ Zp as the master secret key. CA also randomly gener-ates public keys for each attribute Atti , (i = 1, 2, . . . , U):h1, h2, . . . , hU ∈ G. Besides, let H : (0, 1)∗ → Zp be a hashfunction. The published public key is:

P K = GT , G, H, g, ga, e(g, g)α, h1, . . . , hU

and the master secret key is:

M SK = α, β, a, b

which implicitly exists in the system, and doesn’t need to beobtained by any other entity.

Another task for CA in this operation is handling AAs’and users’ registration. Here, CA generates a pair of keys(skCA, vkCA) to sign and verify, in which, vkCA is publiclyknown by each entity in the system. Each AA sends aregistration request to CA during the System Initialization.For each legal AA, CA assigns a unique identity Aid ∈ Zp ,randomly chooses a private key kAid ∈ Zp , and computes itscorresponding public key P K Aid = gkAid . Furthermore, CAgenerates a certificate CertAid which includes the public keyP K Aid , and sends it with the corresponding private key kAid

to the AA with the identity Aid . Meanwhile, each user getshis/her Uid , private key kUid and CertUid from CA.

2) Encryption: The procedure of Encryption is performedby the data owner himself/herself. To improve the system’sperformance, the owner first chooses a random number κ ∈GT as the symmetric key and encrypts the plaintext messageM using κ with the symmetric encryption algorithm. Theencrypted data can be denoted as Eκ(M). Then the ownerencrypts the symmetric key κ using CP-ABE under the accesspolicy A defined by himself/herself. The owner defines aneasy expressed monotonic boolean formula. Following themethod defined in [41], the owner can turn it to an LSSSaccess structure, which can be denoted as (M, ρ). Here,M is an l × n matrix, where l is the scale of a specificattribute set associated with a specific access policy and nis a variable that is dependent on the monotonic booleanformula definition and the LSSS turning method. The functionρ maps each row of M to a specific attribute, marked asρ(i) ∈ {Att1, Att2, . . . , AttU }. A random secret parameters is chosen to encrypt the symmetric key κ . To hide theparameter s, a random vector �v = (s, y2, y3, . . . , yn) ∈ Zn

p isselected, where y2, y3, . . . , yn are randomly chosen and usedto share the parameter s. Each λi = Mi �v is computed fori = 1, 2, . . . , l, where Mi denotes the i -th row of the matrixM. Owner randomly selects r1, r2, . . . , rl ∈ Zp and uses thepublic key generated by CA to compute:

(C = κe(g, g)αs, C ′ = gs,

∀i = 1 to l, Ci = (ga)λi · hρ(i)−ri , Di = gri ).

The ciphertext CT can be denoted as the format shown inFig. 2. Finally, the owner sends CT to the cloud server.

3) Key Generation and Distribution: This procedure istotally different from those existing CP-ABE schemes.It involves the given user, a selected AA and CA. We dividethe procedure into the following 4 steps.

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Fig. 2. Format of owners’ data in the cloud server.

◦ STEP 1: U j → AAi . When a user U j with the identityUid j makes a secret key request, the user selects an AA(AAi

with the identity Aidi ) by a certain scheduling algorithmand sends the CertUid to show the validity of his/heridentity, along with some proofs to show that he/she hasthe attribute set that he/she claims to have.

◦ STEP 2: AAi → C A. The user legitimacy verificationprocess may involve manual labor or verification proto-cols performed by AAi . After successful verification, AAi

obtains the current timestamp value T S, computes t1 =H (Uid j ||T S||0) and t2 = H (Uid j ||T S||1), and generatesan intermediate key ICAidi ,Uid j as follows:

ICAidi ,Uid j = {Kx = hkAidi t1x , Jx = ht2

x }∀x∈S j

where Sj is the verified legitimate attribute set for the userwith the identity Uid j . Finally this AA securely sends thefollowing message to CA:

{Uid j , Aidi , Sj , ICAidi ,Uid j , T S}◦ STEP 3&STEP 4: C A → AAi → U j . After receiving

the message from the AA, CA first uses Aidi to obtain thecorresponding stored public key P K Aidi . Then CA checkswhether the transmission delay is within the allowed timeinterval � T . We assume that the current time is T ′. IfT ′ − T S >� T , CA stops here and sends RE J to the AA.Otherwise, CA continues to compute t1 = H (Uid j ||T S||0),t2 = H (Uid j ||T S||1), and makes sure t1 and t2 haven’t yetbeen re-used from the same user. This can prevent AA’scollusion attack (We will discuss the collusion attack inSection VI.). CA continues to use its master secret keyM SK to generate a secret key SK j for the user as follows:

K = gα(P K Aidi )aβt1 gaαt2 = gα(gkAidi )aβt1 gaαt2,

L = (P K Aidi )βt1 gαt2 = (gkAidi )βt1 gαt2,

∀x ∈ Sj , K ′x = K β

x · gb(t1+t2) = hkAidi βt1x · gb(t1+t2),

K ′′x = Jα

x · g−b(t1+t2) = hαt2x · g−b(t1+t2).

To simplify the formulas, a parameter d is introduced:

d = kAidi βt1 + αt2 (1)

Therefore, the formulas of the user’s secret key SK j can besimply denoted as:

K = gα · gad, L = gd ,

∀x ∈ Sj : K ′x = K β

x · gb(t1+t2) = hkAidi βt1x · gb(t1+t2),

K ′′x = Jα

x · g−b(t1+t2) = hαt2x · g−b(t1+t2).

With the relay of AAi , CA securely sends SK j and T S tothe user.

4) Decryption: The procedure of Decryption is performedby the user. A user can freely query and download any inter-ested encrypted data from the public cloud storage. However,he/she cannot decrypt data unless his/her attribute set satisfiesthe access structure embedded in the ciphertext. For the userU , let MU be a sub-matrix of M, where each row of MU

corresponds to a specific attribute in U ’s attribute set SU . LetI ⊂ {1, 2, . . . , l} denote {i : ρ(i) ∈ SU }, and Mi denote thei -th row of M.

If the user U ’s attribute set SU satisfies the access structure(M, ρ), the vector �e = (1, 0, . . . , 0) is in the span of matrixMU , which means an appropriate parameter {ωi ∈ Zp}i∈I canbe found to satisfy �e = (ω1, ω2, . . . , ω|I |)MU .

The parameter {ωi }i∈I can further help the user to find thehidden secret parameter s:

s = (1, 0, . . . , 0) · (s, y2, . . . , yn)

= �e · �v = (ω1, ω2, . . . , ω|I |)MU · �v

= (ω1, ω2, . . . , ω|I |) · �λI =


ωi · λi . (2)

where, �λI denotes the sub-vector of (λ1, λ2, . . . , λl).For any x ∈ SU , the user computes

K Kx = K ′x · K ′′



hkAidi βt1x · gb(t1+t2)


hαt2x · g−b(t1+t2)


= hdx , (3)

and stores it. Using the parameter {ωi }i∈I , the user furthercomputes:

CU = e(C ′, K )∏i∈I

(e(Ci , L) · e(Di , K Kρ(i)))ωi

= e(gs, gα · gad)∏i∈I

(e((ga)λi · hρ(i)−ri , gd) · e(gri , hρ(i)


= e(g, g)α·s · e(g, g)a·s·d∏i∈I

e(g, g)d ·a·λi·ωi

= e(g, g)α·s · e(g, g)a·s·d

e(g, g)d ·a·∑

i∈I(λi ·ωi )

= e(g, g)αs. (4)

The user can further compute the symmetric key κ asfollows:

κ = C/CU = C/e(g, g)αs. (5)

With the computed symmetric key κ , the user can furtherdecrypt the ciphertext CT to obtain the final plaintext data M .

5) Auditing & Tracing: Each AA may generate an interme-diate key for any attribute set associated with a specific user,and then CA can generate the secret key for this user withoutany more verification. However, AAs can be compromisedand cannot be fully trusted. Meanwhile, the user legitimacyverification is conducted by manual labor, and therefore AAsmay maliciously or incorrectly generate an intermediate keyfor an unverified attribute set. A malicious user will try anypossible means to gain the secret key associated with the

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specific attribute set to obtain the data access permission.Under this assumption, the user would often show abnormalbehaviors. Usually, we need to hold the accountability ofAAs to prevent the compromised or misbehaved ones fromfreely generating secret keys for malicious users. Like useraccountability addressed in [40], [41], and [43], we assumethat we have appropriate techniques to detect users’ abnormalbehaviors.

The procedure of Auditing & Tracing is periodically per-formed or event-triggered by CA to mandatorily ask a sus-pected user to securely submit K ′

x of a given attribute, L andT S in his/her gained secret key. In order to continue to obtaindata, users have to cooperate to perform the process correctly.However, in order to deceive CA, a suspected user still hasthe motivation to submit a secret key component that doesn’tbelong to him/her. Thus, to implement an effective tracing, CAmust confirm the received secret key components really belongto the given user. Based on the reasons mentioned above, thetracing method should be executed as the following two sub-procedures.◦ Secret key ownership confirming. This procedure is exe-

cuted to confirm that the received secret key componentreally belongs to the user who has submitted it. We assumethat the user is U j with the identity Uid j . CA randomlyselects a suspected attribute x in Sj , and asks U j to securelysubmit his/her secret key components K ′

x , L and T S. ThenCA computes t1 = H (Uid j ||T S||0), t2 = H (Uid j ||T S||1)and K �

x = hαt2x · g−b(t1+t2), and confirms whether the

following equation holds:

e(hx , L) = e(g, K ′x K �

x ).

If it holds, CA will further continue to execute the nextsub-procedure. Otherwise, it indicates that the suspecteduser doesn’t correctly submitted his/her own secret keycomponents and the user will receive a severe punishment,such as kicking the user out of the system.

◦ AA Tracing. This procedure is executed to trace andconfirm which AA has generated the suspected user’s secretkey. CA takes its master secret key M SK to recover thepublic key associated with a specific AA as follows:

P K = (L · g−αt2)1/βt1 = gkAidi βt1/βt1 = gkAidi . (6)

CA uses P K as an index to search its storage for the respon-sible AA. If some AA with the identity Aidi owns a publickey that is equal to P K , it means that AA has maliciouslyor incorrectly verified the legitimacy of this user. The foundAA should implement security enhancement or be kickedout of the system as a severe punishment.


A. Data Confidentiality

To prove the data confidentiality of RAAC, we use thefollowing theorem:

Theorem 1: When the decisional q-parallel BDHE assump-tion holds, no adversary can use a polynomial-time algorithmto selectively break RAAC with a challenge matrix of sizel∗ × n∗, where l∗, n∗ ≤ q.

Proof: When kAidi βt1 + αt2 is simplified as d , and K ′x

and K ′′x are combined by a multiplication operation, the user’s

secret key can be simplified as:

K = gα · gad, L = gd , ∀x ∈ Sj , K Kx = K ′x · K ′′

x = hdx ,

where d can be seen as a random number based on different t1and t2. Then the proof of Theorem 1 is similar to that in [22].Interested readers are referred to read [22] for more detailsabout the proof. �

If the cloud server is curious about the plaintext, it would nothave any advantages compared with outside malicious users,as the cloud server doesn’t participate in any user’s secret keygeneration. All it does is storing the ciphertext, and it thusfind no way to obtain the plaintext.

B. User Collusion Resistance

Like the technique proposed in [22] which could preventuser collusion attack, each user in our system is assigned aglobal unique identity Uid , and each time when performingthe procedure of key generation and distribution, all the secretkey components are associated with a unique value d , whicha user is not able to compute. Thus, it is impossible for twoor more users to collude and decrypt the ciphertext.

Moreover, it’s important to note that, in order to introducethe auditing and tracing mechanism, we divide the originalK Kx into two parts, namely K ′

x and K ′′x . If there is no gb(t1+t2)

in K ′x and no g−b(t1+t2) in K ′′

x , the malicious user can easily

gain hkAidi βx and hα

x . Then, this internal attacker can gather thetwo secret key components about the other attributes differentfrom his/her own set. If the attacker obtains K and L fromthe same AA with gathered information, he/she can further

use his/her own t1 and t2 to compute K ′x = (h

kAidi βx )t1 and

K ′′x = (hα

x )t2 . In this way, colluded with other users, themalicious user can easily obtain additional access privilege thathe/she is not supposed to have. However, because b and gb arekept secure, and there is gb(t1+t2) in K ′

x and g−b(t1+t2) in K ′′x ,

malicious users find no way to realize the above mentionedmalicious action.

C. No Ultra Vires for AA

As AAs cannot be fully trusted, it’s possible that two ormore AAs collude with each other to gain more informationin the system. If two AAs collude to respectively generateintermediate keys for the same user at the same time, they canhave the same t1 and t2. We assume that these two colludedAAs are AAi1 with Aidi1 and AAi2 with Aidi2, and the useris U j with the identity Uid j . In STEP 3 of the procedure ofkey generation and distribution, if AAi1 is chosen, the secretkey can be computed as follows:

K1 = gα · ga(kAidi1 βt1+αt2), (7a)

L1 = gkAidi1 βt1+αt2, (7b)

∀x ∈ Sj , K Kx1 = hkAidi1 βt1+αt2x , (7c)

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and if AAi2 is chosen, the secret key can be computed asfollows:

K2 = gα · ga(kAidi2 βt1+αt2), (8a)

L2 = gkAidi2 βt1+αt2, (8b)

∀x ∈ Sj , K Kx2 = hkAidi2 βt1+αt2x , (8c)

If CA has no verification to check whether T S is in anallowed time interval, meanwhile, t1 and t2 are different andhaven’t yet been reused in the same time, these two secretkeys can both be issued. Combining these two secret keysusing the division operation, AAi1 and AAi2 can collude toobtain as follows:

K1/K2 = ga(kAidi1 −kAidi2 )βt1, (9a)

L1/L2 = g(kAidi1 −kAidi2 )βt1, (9b)

∀x ∈ Sj , K Kx1/K Kx2 = h(kAidi1 −kAidi2 )βt1x , (9c)

Furthermore, based on Equation 9b and Equation 7b, thecolluded AAs can compute gα as follows:

(L1/ (L1/L2)



) 1t2


Based on the above method, colluded AAs can obtain gα. Also,based on similar methods, colluded AAs can obtain gaβ , gaα,hα

x and hβx (∀x ∈ S). Now the malicious AA can masquerade

as another AA with a random private key k, and issues anykey for a user with any attribute set. Thus, the two colludedAAs can illegally obtain CA’s privilege. However, based onthe analysis above, if CA maintains the state of used t1 andt2 for the same user in a given time interval, the secret keysfrom different AAs will have different t1 and t2, and the aboveattack method can be thwarted.

D. Assurance of AAs’ Auditablity

In the heterogeneous single-CA/multi-AAs framework, wemust ensure that each AA can be audited so that when auser’s abnormal behavior happens, we can trace which AAhas verified this user’s legitimacy and issued intermediate keyfor him/her. In our scheme, we enforce this assurance by theconstruction of the intermediate key. For user U j , when he/sheis legitimacy verified by an AA(e.g., AAi with the identity

Aidi ), the intermediate key {Kx = hkAidi t1x , Jx = ht2

x }∀x∈S j

contains both attributes that AAi has verified and AAi ’s identityimplicitly. Here, kAidi is a private key securely owned by AAi ,and other AAs can only generate this intermediate key withhis/her own private key.

To generate a secret key, using Aidi as an index to getthe public key P K Aidi , CA generates K and L to match theK ′

x , x ∈ Sj , where K ′x = K β

x · gb(t1+t2), x ∈ Sj . Thus,the issued secret key implicitly contains AAi ’s private keykAidi , which can be regarded as a signature when CA conductsauditing.

If AAi tries to get rid of the responsibility by sendingAid j , i �= j to CA, the CA will generate K and L ofSK according to the elements associated with P K Aid j . Thegenerated K and L are related to kAid j , but K ′

x , which is

generated on the intermediate key, is related to kAidi . Thesecret key made by their combination cannot be used todecrypt any ciphertexts, unless AAi knows kAid j and generatesan intermediate key with kAid j . Unless AA j is compromised,the private key kAid j would not be leaked to AAi . Therefore,no AA can evade its responsibility by faking to be someoneelse.


As we have mentioned, in reality, the tedious procedure ofuser legitimacy verification is much more complicated thansecret key generation. In our scheme, the load of legitimacyverification is shared among multiple AAs, while a muchlighter computational task is assigned to the single CA. Thus,the efficiency of key distribution is improved. More Specifi-cally, multiple AAs are standby for the legitimacy verificationin the system. When there is a key request, an idle AA isselected by a scheduling algorithm to perform the verificationand other AAs are standby to serve the subsequent userrequests.

We give the theoretical performance analysis as the follow-ing steps. Firstly, we model our system in queueing theory,and then we analyze the state probabilities to obtain thetwo important factors, the mean failure probability and theaverage waiting time for users. Finally, to show the signifi-cant performance improvement of our proposed RAAC, wecompares it with single-AA system. It’s important to note that,the comparison between RAAC and multi-authority systems[11], [31] is similar, since each authority independently man-ages a disjoint attribute subset. When a user requests secretkeys with regard to one certain attribute subset, he/she has togo to the only and exclusive authority that issues secret keyswith that attribute subset. The queue condition is just the sameas the one in single- authority schemes.

A. Modeling in Queuing Theory

For simplicity, we assume there is a central coordinatorwhich assigns users’ key requests to AAs. The coordinatormaintains each AA’s state with the boolean value of 0/1, wherestate 0 indicates that the AA is available to conduct verification,and state 1 indicates the AA is occupied and is not availableright now. Each time the coordinator assigns a key request toan AA with the state 0. If all AAs are busy, the new userswho are requesting the secret keys will wait in a queue to beserved. The coordinator can adopt First Come First Service(FCFS) algorithm to serve the arriving users.

It’s important to note that some other strategies can also beadopted in our architecture, such as a user arriving at a nearestAA according to his/her knowledge and decision. Thus, eachAA may separately maintain a queue of its own. However,this model may not achieve load balance as some AAs maybe unoccupied while other AAs are always busy in servingusers’ requests. Therefore, we introduce a central coordinatorand adopt a single arrival queue as our strategy. The queueingmodel of our system is shown in Fig. 3, and can be treated asa Markov process.

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Fig. 3. The queue model with single-CA/multi-AAs.

Fig. 4. M/M/C/N/∞ state transition diagram.

The central coordinator is deployed at the entrance of thesystem to monitor each AA’s state (occupied/unoccupied) andassign each arriving users to an unoccupied AA. Furthermore,we model our system as follows. On AAs’ side, the queueingmodel can be described as M/M/C/N/∞, where C is thenumber of AAs, N is the capacity of our system and N =C + K (K is the queue length that indicates the maximumnumber of the queued users.). Here, the first M describes thatarrivals of key requests follow a Poisson process in the system,and the second M means the verification service times areexponentially distributed. ∞ means the source of key requestsis infinite.

When there are N users in the system, other new arrivalsof users’ requests will be rejected. This property can ensurethat a user will not wait in the queue for an irrationally longtime. On CA’s side, the queueing model can be described asM/M/1.

The following assumptions are made to describe our system.

1) Assumption 1. The instant user request arrival eventconstitutes a stationary Poisson process with theparameter λ.

2) Assumption 2. For each AA, the service time of differentindividual users are independent and identically distrib-uted exponential random variables, in which the meanvalue is 1/μ1.

3) Assumption 3. For CA, the service time of individ-ual users are independent and identically distributedexponential random variables, in which the mean valueis 1/μ2.

B. State Probabilities

AAs’ side is the most influential part of oursystem’s performance, so we mainly analyze its stateprobabilities.

The state transition of the queueing model with multipleAAs is shown in Fig. 4. Arrivals occur at rate λ according toa Poisson process and move the process from state i to i + 1.For each AA, the service time of different individual users areindependent, and follow negative exponential distribution with

parameter μ1. Therefore we can get:

λn ={

λ, n ∈ [0, N − 1]0, n ≥ N



μ1n ={

nμ1, n ∈ [0, C)

Cμ1, n ∈ [C, N − 1] (11)

Since our queueing system is Markovian, the state probabil-ities can be described by a set of Chapman-Kolmogorov differ-ence equations in the steady state using standard techniques.Let ρ = λ/(μ1) and ρC = ρ/C , we obtain the steady-stateprobability distribution as follows:

pn =




n! p0, n ∈ [0, C)


C!Cn−Cp0, n ∈ [C, N]



p0 =(




n! + CC






Then we can get the mean queue length at multi-AAs’ sideas:

Lq =N+C−1∑


( j − C)p j



j · p j −N+C−1∑


C · p j



j · p j −C−1∑


j · p j −N+C−1∑


C · p j

= L −C−1∑


j · p j − C · (1 −C−1∑


p j )

= L − C −C−1∑


( j − C) · p j

= L − C − p0 ·C−1∑


( j − C) · ρn

j ! (14)

Meanwhile, because the system can only accommodate Nusers at anytime, we can compute the effective arrival rate asfollows:

λe f f = λ(1 − pN ) (15)

By Little’s law, we can compute the average sojourn timeand the average waiting time for users at multi-AAs’ side asfollows:

W = L/λe, Wq = Lq/λe = W − 1/μ1 (16)

To sum up with the average waiting time at the single-CA’sside, the average waiting time W ′

q of users is:

W ′q = Wq +

λe f fμ2

μ2 · (1 − λe f fμ2


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Fig. 5. The failure rate in RAAC with μ1 = 20/min, μ2 = 200/min andK = 30.

Fig. 6. The average waiting time in RAAC with μ1 = 20/min, μ2 =200/min and K = 30.

C. Numerical Evaluation

As we described above, when the queue model with multi-AAs is filled with N users, which means that K users arewaiting in the queue and all C AAs are occupied, the newlyarriving users are rejected. This means those new users wouldfail to get the secret keys. We analyze the probability offailure to show how to lower this failure rate with more AAs.Meanwhile, we analyze the average waiting time W ′

q of usersin our system.

Based on the emulation of the scheme in [18], the averagetime of generating a secret key for an attribute is about35ms (on 64-bit AMD 3.7 GHz workstation). Furthermore,we assume that users possess 10 attributes on average andthe verification takes tenfold amount of time of that of thekey generation. The parameters are set as: μ1 = 20/min,μ2 = 200/min, and K = 30. The performance analysis interms of the average failure rate and the average waiting timeis shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, respectively.

Fig. 5 shows the failure rate versus the arrival rate andthe number of AAs. From Fig. 5, we can see that when theaverage failure rate of single-authority scheme is less than 5%,it can only support an arrival rate of less than 20/min. Withincreasing the number of AAs, the system can greatly increaseits service capacity with the support of a greater arrival rateat the same failure rate. If we employ 7 AAs, the system cansupport the arrival rate of up to 150/min, with the failure rateof less than 5%. It is easy to infer that we can build our



system based on the observation of key request rate, and thenuse an appropriate number of AAs to provide high equalityservice.

Fig. 6 shows the average waiting time versus the arrivalrate and the number of AAs when μ1 = 20/min, μ2 =200/min, K = 30. From the figure, we can see that theaverage waiting time increases rapidly with the increase ofarrival rate when the arrival rates are low. But later the averagewaiting time will become steady because newly arrival userswill be rejected by the system due to the limit length ofwaiting queue. More specifically, with single AA, the averagewaiting time increases rapidly and reaches 1.5 min, which isunbearable.

Whereas, with 7 AAs, the average waiting time is about15s. Moreover, from Fig. 5, with the arrival rate less than150, the failure rate is less than 5%. Although using moreworking AAs brings larger configuration cost, by combiningthe failure rate and the average waiting time, we can assurethat the configuration of multiple AAs can provide secretkey generation service with high quality as well as lowcost.

D. Storage, Communication and ComputationOverhead Analysis

In this section, we conduct performance analysis in termsof storage, communication and computation overhead in eachprocess, among our proposed RAAC, Waters’ scheme [22],DAC-MACS [11] and TMACS [15]. Waters’ scheme involvesonly one AA in charge of key generation and distribution. InDAC-MACS, each of the multiple AAs manages a disjointattribute set, and in TMACS, all AAs manage the universalattribute set as our RAAC.

For clarity of description, we have the following definitions:Let |p| be the size of element in the groups with prime orderp, and U be the number of attributes. Nu denotes the numberof users in the system. NUid denotes the average number ofattributes owned by users, and Nc denotes the average numberof attributes inside ciphertexts. Let NA be the number of AAs.|Cu | denotes the average size of a user’s certificate, and |Ca|denotes the average size of an AA’s certificate. In addition, forDAC-MACS, UAidi (

∑NAi=1 UAidi = U) denotes the number

of attributes the AA (with the Aidi ) manages, and NUid,Aidi

(NUid,Aidi ≤ NUid ) means the average number of attributesthe user has in AA with the Aidi . kmax denotes that the usermay have attribute sets from at most kmax (kmax ≤ NA) AAson average. NA,c denotes the average number of AAs relatedto ciphertexts.

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1) Storage Overhead: The storage overhead analysis oneach entity is shown in TABLE I. Compared with otherschemes, in RAAC, CA has an extra overhead of 2NA|p|,which is caused by the storage of public keys P K Aid andAid of each AA. That extra storage is used for key generationand auditing. Since NA will not be very large, the additionalcost is affordable. From the perspective of AA, TMACS andRAAC both store one more certificate than Waters’ scheme,since TMACS and RAAC explicitly take the distribution ofAA’s certificate into account when AA registers at CA. Tobe noted, for a fair comparison, we do not count in thestorage of attribute version keys in DAC-MACS. In RAAC,each user’s storage overhead is larger, mainly because theuser needs to store a copy of K ′

x for potential auditing. Theadditional storage will not consume too much, thus we thinkit is acceptable for users.

2) Communication Overhead: Table II shows compari-son result about communication overhead on CA, each AA,owner, and user of RAAC, Waters’ scheme, DAC-MACSand TMACS. During System Initialization phase, all multi-authority schemes introduce more communication overheadin CA, but it is a necessary sacrifice for AA’s registration.Besides the registration overhead, RAAC does not introducemuch extra cost, compared with other multi-authority schemes.In Key Generation&Distribution phase of RAAC, the commu-nication overhead on CA and AA is obviously larger than othersdue to the fact that CA must participate in the key generationand AA must communicate with CA. The extra overhead isintroduced to guarantee the auditability of AAs, which is worth.Furthermore, from the view of users, RAAC gets a betterperformance than TMACS in Key Generation&Distributionphase because the latter one enforces users to communicatewith t authorities. Our RAAC also shows an advantage overDAC-MACS in Encryption and Decryption phase, because theciphertext length of RAAC is smaller.

3) Computation Overhead: The computation overhead isanalyzed as shown in Table III. As we have mentioned inSection VII-D2, in System Initialization phase, multi-authoritysettings inevitably introduce some overhead for AA registra-tion, which is acceptable. In Key Generation&Distributionphase, after receiving secret keys from AAs, users in TMACSand RAAC need to recompute their secret keys to decrypt.However, the recomputation can be done once and then userscan store them. To decrypt a ciphertext, RAAC is as efficientas Waters’ scheme. In Decryption phase, it seems that DAC-MACS is more efficient for users. However, the reason is thatDAC-MACS adopts the outsourcing technique to let the cloudserver do most decryption for users. If we look at the totalcomputation overhead of the cloud server and the user, RAACis at least as efficient as DAC-MACS.


This paper has presented RAAC scheme based on a single-authority algorithm, where the authority is replaced by oneCA and multiple AAs (we rename the combination as CA/AAsunit). Practically, RAAC can also be built in many traditionalmulti-authority settings, e.g., [11], [31], where the attributeauthorities (referred to as TAAs to distinguish AAs of tradi-tional multi-authority settings from AAs in CA/AAs unit ofRAAC) manage disjoint attribute subsets. In what follows, weshow how our proposed scheme works with DAC-MACS [11].

At a high level, the CA/AAs unit acts as an individual TAAto manage a disjoint attribute subsets. Besides, there is aroot central authority to play the role of CA in DAC-MACS(denoted as RCA for distinction). Fig. 7 briefly depicts thehybrid architecture. The secret key of user j from a certainC A/AAs unit k (SK j,k) is:

K j,k = gαk · gau j · gat j,k/βk , L j,k = gβkt j,k , R j,k = gat j,k ,

∀xk ∈ Sj,k : K j,xk = gβkγk t j,k · H (xk)γkβku j ,

Page 13: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND … · 2019. 7. 3. · for public cloud storage. Our recent work, TMACS [15], is


Fig. 7. A hybrid architecture.

where αk , βk and γk are master secret keys of CA. It is notedthat the components for decryption outsource and attributerevocation, z j and vxk , respectively, are omitted in our discus-sion. The remaining will discuss how we generate the samesecret key format as DAC-MACS with CA/AAs unit, whilepreserve the auditability of AAs.

To output SK j,k , an AA in CA/AAs k generates an interme-diate key as:

ICAidi ,Uid j ,k = {Kxk = hkAidi t1xk , Jxk = ht2

xk}∀xk∈S j,k ,

where, hxk = g · H (xk)u j acts the same role of hx in RAAC.

After receiving the intermediate key, CA computes:

∀xk ∈ Sj,k,

K ′xk


hkAidi θk t1xk · gφk (t1+t2)


K ′′xk


hϕk t2xk

· H (xk)u j

(1−(kAidi θk t1+ϕk t2)

)g−φk (t1+t2)


where, ϕk, θk and φk are the master secret keys maintained bythat CA in CA/AAs unit k). Then, the user recomputes secretkey for each attribute in the set:

∀xk ∈ Sj,k : K j,xk = K ′xk

· K ′′xk

= gβkγkdk · H (xk)γkβku j .

where, dk = (kAidi θk t1 + ϕk t2), which acts as t j,k in DAC-MACS. Other parts of secret key K j,k, L j,k, R j,k are computedby CA in the same way as DAC-MACS does.

The above output SK j,k has the same format as DAC-MACS, which shows the construction can realize a traditionalmulti-authority structure. Furthermore, as g · H (xk)

u j playsthe same role as hx for every attribute x in CA’s managementdomain, and L j,k plays the similar role of L in RAAC, theAuditing&Tracing mechanism can be preserved.


In this paper, we proposed a new framework, namedRAAC, to eliminate the single-point performance bottleneckof the existing CP-ABE schemes. By effectively reformulatingCP-ABE cryptographic technique into our novel framework,our proposed scheme provides a fine-grained, robust and effi-cient access control with one-CA/multi-AAs for public cloudstorage. Our scheme employs multiple AAs to share the load

of the time-consuming legitimacy verification and standby forserving new arrivals of users’ requests.

We also proposed an auditing method to trace an attributeauthority’s potential misbehavior. We conducted detailed secu-rity and performance analysis to verify that our scheme issecure and efficient. The security analysis shows that ourscheme could effectively resist to individual and colludedmalicious users, as well as the honest-but-curious cloudservers. Besides, with the proposed auditing & tracing scheme,no AA could deny its misbehaved key distribution. Furtherperformance analysis based on queuing theory showed thesuperiority of our scheme over the traditional CP-ABE basedaccess control schemes for public cloud storage.


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Kaiping Xue (M’09–SM’15) received the from the Department of Information Security,University of Science and Technology of China(USTC), in 2003, and the Ph.D. degree from theDepartment of Electronic Engineering and Informa-tion Science (EEIS), USTC, in 2007. He is currentlyan Associate Professor with the Department of Infor-mation Security and the Department of EEIS, USTC.His research interests include next-generation Inter-net, distributed networks, and network security.

Yingjie Xue received the B.S. degree from theDepartment of Information Security, University ofScience and Technology of China (USTC), in 2015.She is currently pursuing the degree in communi-cation and information system with the Departmentof Electronic Engineering and Information Science,USTC. Her research interests include network secu-rity and cryptography.

Jianan Hong received the B.S. degree from theDepartment of Information Security, University ofScience and Technology of China (USTC), in 2012.He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in infor-mation security with the Department of ElectronicEngineering and Information Science, USTC. Hisresearch interests include secure cloud computingand mobile network security.

Wei Li received the B.S. degree from the Depart-ment of Information Security, University of Scienceand Technology of China (USTC), in 2014. He iscurrently pursuing the degree in communication andinformation system with the Department of Elec-tronic Engineering and Information Science, USTC.His research interests include network security pro-tocol design and analysis.

Hao Yue (M’13) received the B.Eng. degree intelecommunication engineering from Xidian Univer-sity, Xi’an, China, in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree inelectrical and computer engineering from the Uni-versity of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, in 2015. Heis currently an Assistant Processor with the Depart-ment of Computer Science, San Francisco StateUniversity, San Francisco, CA, USA. His researchinterests include cyber-physical systems, cybersecu-rity, wireless networking, and mobile computing.

Page 15: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND … · 2019. 7. 3. · for public cloud storage. Our recent work, TMACS [15], is


David S. L. Wei (SM’07) received the Ph.D. degreein computer and information science from the Uni-versity of Pennsylvania in 1991. From 1993 to 1997,he was with the Faculty of Computer Science andEngineering, University of Aizu, Japan, as an Asso-ciate Professor and then a Professor. He is currentlya Professor with the Computer and InformationScience Department at Fordham University. He hasauthored or co-authored over 100 technical papersin the areas of distributed and parallel processing,wireless networks and mobile computing, optical

networks, peer-to-peer communications, cognitive radio networks, big data,and cloud computing in various archival journals and conference proceedings.His research interests include cloud computing, big data, IoT, and cognitiveradio networks. He served on the program committee and was a Session Chairof several reputed international conferences. He was a lead Guest Editorof IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS for theSpecial Issue on Mobile Computing and Networking, a lead Guest Editorof the IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS for theSpecial Issue on Networking Challenges in Cloud Computing Systems andApplications, a Guest Editor of IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS INCOMMUNICATIONS for the Special Issue on Peer-to-Peer Communicationsand Applications, and a lead Guest Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON

CLOUD COMPUTING for the Special Issue on Cloud Security. He was theChair of the Intelligent Transportation Forum of Globecom 2010, the GeneralChair of the Intelligent Transportation Workshop of ICC 2011, and theChair of the Cloud Security Forum and Intelligent Transportation Forum ofGlobecom 2011. He is currently an Associate Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONSON CLOUD COMPUTING, an Associate Editor of the Journal of Circuits,Systems and Computers, and also a Guest Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS

ON BIG DATA for the Special Issue on Trustworthiness in Big Data and CloudComputing Systems.

Peilin Hong received the B.S. and M.S. degreesfrom the Department of Electronic Engineering andInformation Science (EEIS), University of Scienceand Technology of China (USTC), in 1983 and 1986,respectively. She is currently a Professor and anAdvisor for Ph.D. candidates in the Department ofEEIS, USTC. She has authored two books and over150 academic papers in several journals and con-ference proceedings. Her research interests includenext-generation Internet, policy control, IP QoS, andinformation security.

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