Page 1: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, … · Cold-Start Product Recommendation using Microblogging Information Wayne Xin Zhao Member, IEEE, Sui Li, Yulan He, Edward

1041-4347 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for moreinformation.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TKDE.2015.2508816, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


Connecting Social Media to E-Commerce:Cold-Start Product Recommendation using

Microblogging InformationWayne Xin Zhao Member, IEEE , Sui Li, Yulan He, Edward Y. Chang,

Ji-Rong Wen Senior Member, IEEE and Xiaoming Li Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—In recent years, the boundaries between e-commerce and social networking have become increasingly blurred.Many e-commerce websites support the mechanism of social login where users can sign on the websites using their socialnetwork identities such as their Facebook or Twitter accounts. Users can also post their newly purchased products on microblogswith links to the e-commerce product web pages. In this paper we propose a novel solution for cross-site cold-start productrecommendation, which aims to recommend products from e-commerce websites to users at social networking sites in “cold-start” situations, a problem which has rarely been explored before. A major challenge is how to leverage knowledge extractedfrom social networking sites for cross-site cold-start product recommendation.We propose to use the linked users across social networking sites and e-commerce websites (users who have social networkingaccounts and have made purchases on e-commerce websites) as a bridge to map users’ social networking features toanother feature representation for product recommendation. In specific, we propose learning both users’ and products’ featurerepresentations (called user embeddings and product embeddings, respectively) from data collected from e-commerce websitesusing recurrent neural networks and then apply a modified gradient boosting trees method to transform users’ social networkingfeatures into user embeddings. We then develop a feature-based matrix factorization approach which can leverage the learntuser embeddings for cold-start product recommendation. Experimental results on a large dataset constructed from the largestChinese microblogging service SINA WEIBO and the largest Chinese B2C e-commerce website JINGDONG have shown theeffectiveness of our proposed framework.

Index Terms—e-commerce, product recommender, product demographic, microblogs, recurrent neural networks



In recent years, the boundaries between e-commerceand social networking have become increasinglyblurred. E-commerce websites such as eBay featuresmany of the characteristics of social networks, includ-ing real-time status updates and interactions betweenits buyers and sellers. Some e-commerce websitesalso support the mechanism of social login, whichallows new users to sign in with their existing logininformation from social networking services such asFacebook, Twitter or Google+. Both Facebook andTwitter have introduced a new feature last year thatallow users to buy products directly from their web-sites by clicking a “buy” button to purchase itemsin adverts or other posts. In China, the e-commercecompany ALIBABA has made a strategic investment

• W. X. Zhao (contact author) and J. Wen are with School of Informationin Renmin University of China, China. Both of them are also with Bei-jing Key Laboratory of Big Data Management and Analysis Methods,Beijing, China.

• S. Li and X. Li are with School of Electronic Engineering and ComputerScience in Peking University, China.

• Y. He is with School of Engineering and Applied Science in AstonUniversity, UK.

• E. Chang is with Research and Innovation at HTC.

in SINA WEIBO1 where ALIBABA product adverts canbe directly delivered to SINA WEIBO users. With thenew trend of conducting e-commerce activities onsocial networking sites, it is important to leverageknowledge extracted from social networking sites forthe development of product recommender systems.

In this paper, we study an interesting problem ofrecommending products from e-commerce websitesto users at social networking sites who do not havehistorical purchase records, i.e., in “cold-start” situa-tions. We called this problem cross-site cold-start prod-uct recommendation. Although online product recom-mendation has been extensively studied before [1], [2],[3], most studies only focus on constructing solutionswithin certain e-commerce websites and mainly utiliseusers’ historical transaction records. To the best of ourknowledge, cross-site cold-start product recommendationhas been rarely studied before.

In our problem setting here, only the users’ socialnetworking information is available and it is a chal-lenging task to transform the social networking infor-mation into latent user features which can be effec-tively used for product recommendation. To address


Page 2: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, … · Cold-Start Product Recommendation using Microblogging Information Wayne Xin Zhao Member, IEEE, Sui Li, Yulan He, Edward

1041-4347 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for moreinformation.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TKDE.2015.2508816, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


this challenge, we propose to use the linked usersacross social networking sites and e-commerce web-sites (users who have social networking accounts andhave made purchases on e-commerce websites) as abridge to map users’ social networking features to la-tent features for product recommendation. In specific,we propose learning both users’ and products’ featurerepresentations (called user embeddings and productembeddings, respectively) from data collected from e-commerce websites using recurrent neural networksand then apply a modified gradient boosting treesmethod to transform users’ social networking featuresinto user embeddings. We then develop a feature-based matrix factorization approach which can lever-age the learnt user embeddings for cold-start productrecommendation.

We built our dataset from the largest Chinese mi-croblogging service SINA WEIBO2 and the largest Chi-nese B2C e-commerce website JINGDONG3, containinga total of 20,638 linked users. The experimental resultson the dataset have shown the feasibility and theeffectiveness of our proposed framework.

Our major contributions are summarised below:• We formulate a novel problem of recommending

products from an e-commerce website to socialnetworking users in “cold-start” situations. To thebest of our knowledge, it has been rarely studiedbefore.

• We propose to apply the recurrent neural net-works for learning correlated feature represen-tations for both users and products from datacollected from an e-commerce website.

• We propose a modified gradient boosting treesmethod to transform users’ microblogging at-tributes to latent feature representation which canbe easily incorporated for product recommenda-tion.

• We propose and instantiate a feature-based ma-trix factorization approach by incorporating userand product features for cold-start product rec-ommendation.


Given an e-commerce website, let U denote a set ofits users, P a set of products and R a |U| × |P|purchase record matrix, each entry ru,p of which isa binary value indicating whether u has purchasedproduct p. Each user u ∈ U is associated with a setof purchased products with the purchase timestamps.Furthermore, a small subset of users in U can belinked to their microblogging accounts (or other socialnetwork accounts), denoted as UL. As such, eachuser u ∈ UL is also associated with their respectivemicroblogging attribute information. Let A denote theset of microblogging features, and each microblogging

2. http://weibo.com3.

user has a |A|-dimensional microblogging feature vec-tor au, in which each entry au,i is the attribute valuefor the i-th microblogging attribute feature.

With the notations introduced above, we defineour recommendation problem as follows. We considera cross-site cold-start scenario: a microblogging useru′ /∈ U is new to the e-commerce website, who has nohistorical purchase records. It is easy to see u′ /∈ UL,too, since we have UL ⊂ U . We aim to generate apersonalised ranking of recommended products foru′ based on her microblogging attributes au′ .

Due to the heterogeneous nature between thesetwo different data signals, information extracted frommicroblogging services cannot usually be used di-rectly for product recommendation on e-commercewebsites. Therefore, one major challenge is how totransform users’ microblogging attribute informationau′ into another feature representation vu′ , which canbe used more effectively for product recommendation.Here, we call au′ the original or microblogging featurerepresentation and vu′ the (heterogeneous) transformedfeature representation, respectively.

Next, we will study how to extract microbloggingfeatures and transform them into a distributed fea-ture representation before presenting a feature-basedmatrix factorization approach, which incorporates thelearned distributed feature representations for prod-uct recommendation. The entire workflow of our so-lution is shown in Figure 1 which consists of fourmajor steps splitting into feature mapping and productrecommendation, which will be discussed in Section 3and 4 respectively.

Social media website E-commerce website

蒜 Extracted

from social media

蛭 Trained with

purchase record

using Paragraph2Vec

Feature mapping

Product recommendation

品 Feature-based matrix factorization with

both and the fitted

鰭 Heterogeneous feature

mapping using MART

Fig. 1. The workflow diagram for our presented solu-tion.


Our solution to microblogging feature learning con-sists of three steps:

• Prepare a list of potentially useful microbloggingattributes and construct the microblogging fea-ture vector au for each linked user u ∈ UL;

• Generate distributed feature representations{vu}u∈U using the information from all the usersU on the e-commerce website through deeplearning;

Page 3: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, … · Cold-Start Product Recommendation using Microblogging Information Wayne Xin Zhao Member, IEEE, Sui Li, Yulan He, Edward

1041-4347 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for moreinformation.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TKDE.2015.2508816, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


• Learn the mapping function, f(au) → vu, whichtransforms the microblogging attribute informa-tion au to the distributed feature representationsvu in the second step. It utilises the feature rep-resentation pairs {au,vu} of all the linked usersu ∈ UL as training data.

3.1 Microblogging Feature SelectionIn this section, we study how to extract rich userinformation from microblogs to construct au for amicroblogging user. We consider three groups of at-tributes.

Demographic AttributesA demographic profile (often shortened as “a demo-graphic”) of a user such as sex, age and education canbe used by e-commerce companies to provide betterpersonalised services. We extract users’ demographicattributes from their public profiles on SINA WEIBO.Demographic attributes have been shown to be veryimportant in marketing, especially in product adop-tion for consumers [4]. Following our previous study[5], we identify six major demographic attributes:gender, age, marital status, education, career andinterests.To quantitatively measure these attributes,we have further discretized them into different binsfollowing our previously proposed method describedin [5].

Text AttributesRecent studies have revealed that microblogs containrich commercial intents of users [5], [6]. Also, users’microblogs often reflect their opinions and intereststowards certain topics. As such, we expect a potentialcorrelation between text attributes and users’ pur-chase preferences. We perform Chinese word segmen-tation and stopword removal before extracting twotypes of text attributes below.Topic distributions. Seroussi et al. ([7]) proposedto extract topics from user-generated text using theLatent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model for recom-mendation tasks. Follow the same idea, we first ag-gregate all the microblogs by a user into a document,and then run the standard LDA to obtain the topicdistributions for each user. The benefits of topicsdistributions over keywords are two fold. First, thenumber of topics is usually set to 50 ∼ 200 in practice,which largely reduces the number of dimensions towork with. Second, topic models generate condenseand meaningful semantic units, which are easier tointerpret and understand than keywords.Word embeddings. Standard topic models assumeindividual words are exchangeable, which is essen-tially the same as the bag-of-words model assumption.Word representations or embeddings learned usingneural language models help addressing the prob-lem of traditional bag-of-word approaches which fail

to capture words’ contextual semantics [8], [9]. Inword embeddings, each dimension represents a latentfeature of the word and semantically similar wordsare close in the latent space. We employ the Skip-gram model implemented by the tool word2vec4 tolearn distributed representations of words. Finally, weaverage the word vectors of all the tokens in a user’spublished document as the user’s embedding vector.

Network AttributesIn the online social media space, it is often observedthat users connected with each other (e.g., throughfollowing links) are likely to share similar interests.As such, we can parse out latent user groups by theusers’ following patterns assuming that users in thesame group share similar purchase preferences.Latent group preference. Since it is infeasible toconsider all users on WEIBO and only keeping thetop users with the most followers would potentiallymiss interesting information, we propose to use topicmodels to learn latent groups of followings as in [10].We treat a following user as a token and aggregate allthe followings of a user as an individual document.In this way, we can extract latent user groups sharingsimilar interests (called “following topics”), and werepresent each user as a preference distribution overthese latent groups.

Temporal AttributesTemporal activity patterns are also considered sincethey reflect the living habits and lifestyles of themicroblogging users to some extent. As such, theremight exist correlations between temporal activitiespatterns and users’ purchase preferences.Temporal activity distributions. We consider twotypes of temporal activity distributions, namely dailyactivity distributions and weekly activity distribution-s. The daily activity distribution of a user is charac-terised by a distribution of 24 ratios, and the i-th ratioindicates the average proportion of tweets publishedwithin the i-th hour of a day by the user; similarlyweekly activity distribution of a user is characterisedby a distribution of seven ratios, and the i-th ratioindicates the average proportion of tweets publishedwithin the i-th day of a week by the user.

We summarize all types of features in Table 1.

3.2 Distributed Representation Learning With Re-current Neutral NetworksIn Section 3.1, we have discussed how to constructthe microblogging feature vector au for a user u.However, it is not straightforward to establish connec-tions between au and products. Intuitively, users andproducts should be represented in the same featurespace so that a user is closer to the products that


Page 4: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, … · Cold-Start Product Recommendation using Microblogging Information Wayne Xin Zhao Member, IEEE, Sui Li, Yulan He, Edward

1041-4347 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for moreinformation.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TKDE.2015.2508816, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


TABLE 1Categorisation of the microblogging features. The

number of feature dimensions are shown inparentheses.

Categories FeaturesDemographic Gender (2), Age (6), Marital status (10),Attributes Education (7), Career (9), Interests (6)Text Topic distributions (50),Attributes Word embeddings (50)Network Attributes Latent group preference (50)Temporal Daily activity distribution (24),Attributes Weekly activity distribution (7)

she has purchased compared to those she has not.Inspired by the recently proposed methods in learningword embeddings using recurrent neutral networks[8], [9], we propose to learn user embeddings ordistributed representation of user vu in a similar way.

Learning Product Embeddings

Before presenting how to learn user embeddings, wefirst discuss how to learn product embeddings. Theneural network methods, word2vec, proposed in [8],[9] for word embedding learning can be used to modelvarious types of sequential data. The core idea canbe summarised as follows. Given a set of symbolsequences, a fixed-length vector representation foreach symbol can be learned in a latent space byexploiting the context information among symbols, inwhich “similar” symbols will be mapped to nearbypositions. If we treat each product ID as a word token,and convert the historical purchase records of a userinto a timestamped sequence, we can then use thesame methods to learn product embeddings. Unlikematrix factorization, the order of historical purchasesfrom a user can be naturally captured.

We consider two simple recurrent neutral archi-tectures proposed in [11] to train product embed-dings, namely, the Continuous Bag-Of-Words model(CBOW) and the Skip-gram model. The major differ-ence between these two architectures lies in the direc-tion of prediction: CBOW predicts the current productusing the surrounding context, i.e., Pr(pt|context),while Skip-gram predicts the context with the currentproduct, i.e., Pr(context|pt). In our experiments, thecontext is defined as a window of size 4 surround-ing a target product pt which contains two productspurchased before and two after pt. More formally,each product pt is modeled as a unique latent em-bedding vector vpt , and the associated context vectoris obtained to average the vectors of the contextinformation as vcontext. For CBOW, the conditionalprediction probability is characterized by a softmaxfunction as follows

Pr(pt|context) =exp(v⊤

pt· vcontext)∑

p exp(v⊤p · vcontext)


To optimize for computing exponential sum proba-bilities, hierarchical softmax and negative sampling tech-niques are commonly used to speed up the trainingprocess. At each training iteration, we sample a targetproduct together with their context window, and thenupdate the parameters with Stochastic Gradient De-scent (SGD) using the gradients derived by backpro-pogation. Learning for Skip-gram is done in a similarway, which is omitted here.

Learning User EmbeddingsGiven product embeddings, if we can learn userembeddings in a similar way, then we can explore thecorrelated representations of a user and products forproduct recommendation. We borrow the idea fromthe recently proposed Paragraph Vector (para2vec)method [9], which learns feature representations fromvariable-length pieces of texts, including sentences,paragraphs, and documents. We implement a sim-plified version of para2vec at the sentence level asfollows. The purchase history of a user can be con-sidered as a “sentence” consisting of a sequence ofproduct IDs as word tokens. A user ID is placed atthe beginning of each sentence, and both user IDsand product IDs are treated as word tokens in a vo-cabulary in the learning process. During training, foreach sentence, the sliding context window will alwaysinclude the first word (i.e., user ID) in the sentence.In this way, a user ID is essentially always associatedwith a set of her purchase records (a context windowof 4 products at a time). We can then use the samelearning procedure in word2vector for the estimationof Pr(context|pt) and Pr(pt|context). We present an il-lustrative example of these two architectures in Fig. 2.After learning, we separate user embeddings fromproduct embeddings and use vu and vp to denotethe learnt K-dimensional embedding for user u andproduct p respectively.

The rationales of applying para2vec to model pur-chase data can be explained below. First, the userembedding representation for each user ID reflects theusers’ personalized purchase preference; Second, thesurrounding context, i.e., product purchases, is usedto capture the shared purchase patterns among users.Compared to the traditional matrix factorization [12],the (window-based) sequential context is additionallymodeled in addition to user preference, which isexpected to potentially yield better recommendationresults.

3.3 Heterogenous Representation Mapping usingGradient Boosting Regression Trees

We have presented how to construct a microbloggingfeature vector au from a microblogging site and learna distributed representation vu from an e-commercewebsite respectively. In the cross-site cold-start prod-uct recommendation problem we considered in thispaper (i.e., make a product recommendation to a user

Page 5: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, … · Cold-Start Product Recommendation using Microblogging Information Wayne Xin Zhao Member, IEEE, Sui Li, Yulan He, Edward

1041-4347 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for moreinformation.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TKDE.2015.2508816, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


Fig. 2. Two architectures to learn both product anduser embeddings. Here u denote a user ID. The majordifference between para2vec and word2vec lies in theincorporation of user ID as additional context.

u who has never purchased any products from an e-commerce website), we can only obtain the microblog-ging feature vector au for user u. The key idea is to usea small number of linked users across sites as a bridgeto learn a function which maps the original featurerepresentation au to the distributed representation vu.Specifically, we can construct a training set consistingof feature vector pairs, {au,vu}u∈UL and cast thefeature mapping problem as a supervised regressiontask: the input is a microblogging feature vector auand the output is a distributed feature vector vu.

Assume that vu contains K dimensions, we need tolearn a set of K functions {f (i)}Ki=1, and the i-th func-tion f (i) takes the original feature vector of a user uas the input and returns the corresponding i-th trans-formed feature value vu,i, i.e., vu,i = f (i)(a(u)). Weextend the Multiple Additive Regression Tree (MART)[13] method to learn feature mapping functions sinceit is powerful to capture higher-order transformationrelationship between input and output.

A brief Introduction of MARTGradient boosting algorithms aim to produce an en-semble of weak models that together form a strongmodel in a stage-wise process. Typically, a weak mod-el is a J-terminal node Classification And RegressionTree (CART) [14] and the resulting gradient boostingalgorithm is called Multiple Additive Regression Tree(MART) [13]. An input feature vector x ∈ Rd ismapped to a score F (x) ∈ R.

The final model is built in a stage-wise process byperforming gradient descent in the function space. Atthe mth boosting,

Fm(x) = Fm−1(x) + ηρmhm(x;a), (1)

where each hm(·) is a function parameterised byam, ρm ∈ R is the weight associated with the mthfunction, and 0 < η ≤ 1 is the learning rate. Thelearning procedure of gradient boosting consists oftwo alternative steps in the m-th iteration: first fit a

new component function hm by using the steepest-descent method, and then minimize the loss functionto derive the ensemble weight ρm for the learnt learn-er. At each iteration, we use the regularized squarederror function to learn a new CART component: wefirst derive a set of disjoint regions {Rj} which coversthe space of all the joint values of the input featurevector, and then set the region fitting coefficient for Rj

to the average of “pseudo responses” of the instancesfalling in Rj .

Completeness-Based Feature Sampling

An issue about the gradient boosting algorithm isthat it tends to overfit the training data. It has beenpreviously shown that the incorporation of random-ized feature sampling improves the tree based ensem-ble methods in Random Forest [15]. Inspired by theidea, we propose to use an attribute-level importancesampling method where each attribute is assignedwith an importance score and at each node split inbuilding the MART trees, we only sample a fractionof attributes (empirically set to 2

3 ) based on eachattribute’s importance score instead of enumeratingall the attributes. Once an attribute is sampled, itscorresponding attribute value features will be selectedsubsequently. The importance score of each attributeis set to the proportion of the attribute values thatcan be extracted from the users’ public profiles onSINA WEIBO. Another benefit of completeness-basedsampling is that attributes with a larger proportionof missing values will be more likely to be pushedto the leaf nodes, which alleviates the missing valueproblem in regression trees.

Fitting Refinement

Here we propose two methods to refine the fittedvalues. First, the fitting quality relies on the numberof available linked users since insufficient trainingdata would hurt the performance of the regressionmethod. Recall that we can learn the user embeddingsfor all the users on an e-commerce website. We createa super user embedding vector v(sup) by averaging allavailable user embeddings. When the training data islimited, we require that the fitted vector should notdeviate from v(sup) too much.

Second, we fit each dimension separately with anindividual MART model. Based on our data analysis,we found that the values of some dimensions from thesame user might be correlated. We compute pairwisePearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) for every twodimensions using all the learnt user embeddings fromthe e-commerce website, and construct the correlationmatrix WK×K , where each entry wi,j indicates thecorrelation degree between two dimensions. We con-vert all negative values to zero.

We then propose to take into account both methodsto refine the initially fitted value v

(0)u in the following

Page 6: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, … · Cold-Start Product Recommendation using Microblogging Information Wayne Xin Zhao Member, IEEE, Sui Li, Yulan He, Edward

1041-4347 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for moreinformation.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TKDE.2015.2508816, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering




(vu,k − v(0)u,k)

2 + µ1


(vu,k − v(sup)u,k )2


∑k,k′,k =k′

wk,k′(vu,k − vu,k′)2, (2)

where µ1 and µ2 are the tuning parameters. Theparameter µ1 is used to “smooth” the data when thenumber of training instances is small or a user hasvery little microblogging information. While in othercases, µ1 can be simply set to a small value, e.g., 0.05.For µ2, we have found a value of 0.05 usually givesgood performance. By setting the derivative w.r.t. vu,kto 0, we derive an iterative formula as follows

vu,k ←v(0)u,k + µ1v

(sup)u,k + µ2

∑k′,k′ =k wk,k′vu,k′

1 + µ1 + µ2

∑k′,k′ =k wk,k′

. (3)


We have built a single learner for each dimensionin the transformed feature representation vu using amodified gradient boosting trees model. The reasonwhy we choose MART is that its components areregression trees, and trees are shown to be effectiveto generate high-order and interpretable knowledgeusing simple plain features [14], [16], [17]. Note othertree-based ensemble methods can apply here, such asRandom Forest (RF)[15]. In our experiments, we havefound MART is sightly better than RF, and thereforewe adopt MART as the fitting model.


Once the MART learners are built for feature map-ping, the original microblogging feature vectors au aremapped onto the user embedding vu. In this section,we study how to incorporate {au,vu} into the feature-based matrix factorization technique. In specific, wedevelop our recommendation method based on therecently proposed SVDFeature [18]. Our idea can alsobe applied to other feature-based recommendationalgorithms, such as Factorization Machines [19].

4.1 The General SVDFeature Framework for Prod-uct Recommendation

SVDFeature [18] is built based on the traditionalmatrix factorization approach, and it considers fac-torization in three aspects, namely global features(also called as dyadic features), user features and itemfeatures. It can be formulated for the task of productrecommendation as follows




) (4)

= µ +∑j

b(G)j γ

(u,p)j +


b(U)j α

(u)j +


b(P )j β




α(u)j xj


β(p)j yj


where α(u) ∈ RNα , β(p) ∈ RNβ and γ(u,p) ∈ RNγ arethe input vectors consisting of the features of useru, the features of product p and the global featuresfor the pair (u, p) with the lengths of Nα, Nβ and Nγ

respectively. Here, b(G)j , b(U)

j and b(P )j are the global,

user and product bias parameters respectively. Thelatent vectors xj and yj capture the j-th user featureand the j-th product feature respectively. Let {xj} and{yj} denote the set of all user features and productfeatures respectively. Note that {xj} are shared by allthe users, {yj} are shared by all the products, and theglobal features and bias values do not have any corre-sponding latent vectors. In summary, a user-productpair corresponds to a feature vector concatenated byglobal features, user features and product features.The response value to be fitted indicates whether theuser has purchased the product or not.

Feature Coding with the Side InformationWe discuss how to incorporate the user and productinformation into the SVDFeature framework.Coding users and products: For users, we reservethe first |U| dimensions in the user input vector. Eachuser u is coded as a vector of |U|-dimensional vectorconsists of a “1” in the uth dimension and “0” inother dimensions; Similarly, we can reserve the first|P| dimensions in the product input vector to codethe products. Formally, we have

α(u)j =

{1, j = u;

0, j = u.β(p)j =

{1, j = p;

0, j = p.

Coding microblogging attributes: Given a user u,we use the dimensions from (|U|+1)-th to (|U|+ |A|)-th to code her microblogging attribute vector au. Fori = 1 to |A|, we have α

(u)|U|+i = au,i. Here we follow

[20] to directly incorporate microblogging attributes.In practice, a subset of features A′ can be identifiedwith expertise knowledge instead of using the full setof features in A.

Coding user embeddings: Given a user u, we usethe dimensions from (|U|+|A|+1)-th to (|U|+|A|+K)-th to code her distributed feature vector (user embed-ding) vu. For k = 1 to K, we have α

(u)|U|+k = vu,k.

Coding product embeddings: Given a product p,we use the dimensions from (|P|+1)-th to (|P|+K)-th to code the product embedding vp. For k = 1 to K,we have β

(p)|P|+k = vp,k.

Coding the global user-product feature: Since wehave both user embeddings and product embeddings,

Page 7: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, … · Cold-Start Product Recommendation using Microblogging Information Wayne Xin Zhao Member, IEEE, Sui Li, Yulan He, Edward

1041-4347 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for moreinformation.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TKDE.2015.2508816, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


we can incorporate a global feature to denote a simi-larity degree between a user and a product. The ideais that a user is more likely to buy a product whichis closer in the unified latent feature space, thereforethe corresponding entry should receive a larger globalbias value. We define a global feature as follows

γ(u,p)1 = sim(vu,vp),

where the cosine similarity is used to implementthe function sim(·, ·).

With these coded features, for a user-product pair(u, p), we have the following factorization formula

ru,p(α(u),β(p),γ(u,p)) (5)

= µ+ b(G)1 γ

(u,p)1 +


b(U)j α

(u)j +


b(P )j β

(p)j +

(xu +


au,ixi +



)⊤(yp +




We use Θ to denote the parameters to learn,{µ, b

(G)1 , {b(U)

j ,xj}, {b(P )j ,yj}


Parameter LearningWe employ the pairwise ranking model for parameterlearning. Given a user u, we generate the positive-negative pairs of products (p, p′) in which u haspurchased p (called positive) but not p′ (called nega-tive). The pairwise ranking model assumes that thefitted value for the purchased product is larger thanthe one that has not been purchased by a user, i.e.,Pr(ru,p > ru,p′). Furthermore, we use the sigmoidfunction as the loss function

Pr(ru,p > ru,p′) =1

1 + e−(ru,p−ru,p′ ).

Note that for pairwise ranking, we do not need tolearn the user bias parameters {b(U)

j }. With the abovepartial-order rank probability function, the overallregularized ranking loss function can be written asfollows

L = −∑u∈U



1 + e−(ru,p−ru,p′ )+


λ1 ∥ xj ∥22


λ2 ∥ yj ∥22 +λ3 ∥ b(G)1 ∥22 +λ4


∥ b(P )j ∥22,

where Du denotes the positive-negative pairs for useru, and λs are the coefficients for ridge regularization.By minizing the loss function L, we use the stochasticgradient descent method (SGD) to learn the mod-el parameters. Given a training instance consistingof a user u and a positive-negative pair (p, p′), thederivatives at this instance for updating the modelparameters are presented as follows

5. In order to simplify our notations, we use xi to denote x|U|+i, xk todenote x|U|+|A|+k and yk to denote y|P|+k .


= −eup>p′

{∆yp,p′ +



}+ 2λ1xu,


= −au,ieup>p′

{∆yp,p′ +



}+ 2λ1xi,


= −vu,keup>p′

{∆yp,p′ +



}+ 2λ1xk,


= −eup>p′ x

u+ 2λ2yp,


= eup>p′ x

u+ 2λ2yp′ ,


= −eup>p′


u − vp′,kxu)

+ 2λ2yk,



= −eup>p′

(γ(u,p)1 − γ


)+ 2λ3b

(G)1 ,


∂b(P )j

= −eup>p′

(β(p)j − β


)+ 2λ4b

(P )j ,

where ∆yp,p′ = yp − yp′ , ∆vp,p′,k′ = vp,k′ − vp′,k′ ,eup>p′ = 1 − Pr(ru,p > ru,p′), xu = xu +

∑|A|i=1 au,ixi +∑K

k=1 vu,kxk and yp = yp +∑K

k=1 vp,kyk.

Applications in Cold-Start Product RecommendationWith the learnt models, we can recommend productsfrom e-commerce websites to users in online socialnetworking websites. In this scenario, the only in-formation available is the microblogging features ofusers, i.e., au. Using MART, we can derive the fitteduser embeddings, i.e., vu = f(au). We consider thefollowing variants to rank candidate products withour proposed methods:

• Only with the fitted user embeddings

ru,p = bias+

( K∑k=1


)⊤(yp +



), (6)

• With both the fitted user embeddings and mi-croblogging feature vectors

ru,p = bias+

( |A|∑i=1









where bias = b(G) · simcos(vu,vp) + b(P )p . Note that all

the above ranking formulae do not use the user latentvector xu. In another words, we do not require usersmade any purchases before recommending productsto them. Thus, our proposed recommendation frame-work can be applied for cold-start recommendation.


We present experimental setup first before discussingour results.

5.1 Experimental SetupOur task requires data from both an e-commercewebsite and an online social networking site.

E-commerce data. We used a large e-commercedataset shared by [6], which contains 138.9 million

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1041-4347 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for moreinformation.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TKDE.2015.2508816, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


transaction records from 12 million users on 0.2 mil-lion products. Each transaction record consists of auser ID, a product ID and the purchase timestamp.We first group transaction records by user IDs andthen obtain a list of purchased products for each user.

Microblogging data. We used our previous data [5]collected from the largest Chinese microblogging siteSINA WEIBO, in which we have retrieved a total of1.7 billion tweets from 5 million active users within ahalf-year time span from January 2013 to June 2013.

User linkage. We have found that WEIBO userssometimes shared their purchase record on their mi-croblogs via a system-generated short URL, whichlinks to the corresponding product entry on JING-DONG. By following the URL link, we can obtain theJINGDONG account of the WEIBO user6. We identi-fied 23,917 linked users out of 5 million active usersby scanning tweets in this way. We first filter out3,279 users with too little information on their WEIBOpublic profiles. Next, we further divide users intotwo groups. The first group contains users with morethan five product purchases, denote as Ddense. Thesecond group contains the remaining users, denotedas Dsparse. The statistics of these linked users aresummarized in Table 2. For privacy consideration,all the WEIBO IDs and JINGDONG IDs of all linkedusers are replaced by anonymized unique IDs, and alltheir textual information and purchase information isencoded with numeric symbols.

TABLE 2Statistics of our linked user datasets.

Datasets #users #products Average Average#products #tweets

Ddense 15,853 98,900 52.0 41.0Dsparse 4,785 6,699 2.6 35.7

5.2 Evaluation on User Embeddings FittingGiven a linked user u ∈ UL, we have the microblog-ging feature vector au extracted from WEIBO and theuser embedding vu learnt based on her JINGDONGpurchase record. We use a regression-based approachto fit vu with au for heterogeneous feature mapping,and the fitted vector is denoted as vu. To examinethe effectiveness of the regression performance, theMean Absolute Error (MAE ) is used as the evaluationmetric

MAE =1

|T |

{ ∑u∈T

∑Kk=1 |vu,k − vu,k|


}, (8)

where |T | is the number of test users. We considerthree different comparison methods: (1) CART [14];(2) MARTold, which is the original implementation

6. Note that when a user shares a purchase record on her microblog, shewill be notified automatically by SINA WEIBO that her JINGDONG accountwould be exposed to the public.

as in [13]; (3) MARTsample, which is our modifiedimplementation with feature sampling; (4) MARTboth,which is our modified implementation with featuresampling and fitting refinement.

For user embedding fitting, we use Ddense for eval-uation, since the users in Ddense have a considerablenumber of purchases for learning the ground truth us-er embeddings using our modified para2vec method,which are more reliable for evaluation. The datasetDdense is split by users into training set and test setwith three different #train

#test ratios, namely 1:1, 1:4 and1:9. We use a similar evaluation method as N -foldcross validation. Given the #train

#test ratio of 1 : N , eachfold will be treated as the training data exactly onceand the rest N − 1 folds are treated as the test data,the process will be repeated N times and the finalresults are averaged over N such runs. The numberof boosting iterations for all MART variants and thevalues of µ1 and µ2 for MARTboth are optimized byN -fold cross validation.

In Table 3, we can see that when the training datais relatively large (ratio 1:1), all the MART variantsgive similar results and they perform consistentlybetter than the simple CART. Interestingly, when thesize of training data becomes smaller, MARTsample

and MARTboth outperforms MARTold. In specific, theperformance gain achieved by MARTboth over theother two MART variants is more significant withsmaller set of training data. These results show thatour modifications of feature sampling and fitting re-finement are very effective.

TABLE 3Performance comparisons of MAE results for fitting

user embeddings on Ddense. Smaller is better.


CART MARTold MARTsample MARTboth

1/1 0.557 0.515 0.515 0.5151/4 0.557 0.522 0.521 0.5211/9 0.564 0.589 0.558 0.529

Relative attribute importance. Tree-based methodsoffer additional feasibility to learn relative importanceof each attribute. Inspired by the method introducedin [13], we calculate a statistic of the relative impor-tance of each attribute for MART based on the trainingdata. Recall that in MART, each feature correspondsto an attribute value. First, we traverse through allthe regression trees, and calculate for each feature itscontribution to the cost function by adding up thecontributions of all the nodes that are split by thisfeature. Here we define feature contribution to be thereduction of the squared error in the loss function.For each attribute, we can sum up the contributionsof all of its possible attribute values as its overallcontribution.

The results are shown in Figure 3. We have thefollowing observations: 1) The text attributes occupy

Page 9: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, … · Cold-Start Product Recommendation using Microblogging Information Wayne Xin Zhao Member, IEEE, Sui Li, Yulan He, Edward

1041-4347 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for moreinformation.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TKDE.2015.2508816, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


the top two rank positions7; 2) Within the demograph-ic category, Gender and Interests are more importantthan the others. 3) The social based attributes areranked relatively lower compared to the other twocategories. It seems that demographic attributes areless important than text attributes in our dataset. Onepossible reason is that many demographic attributevalues are missing in users’ public profiles on WEIBO.8

Nevertheless, the ranking of relative importance ofattributes does not entirely depend on their com-pleteness proportion. For example, Interests is moreimportant than Latent group preference even though thelater has a larger completeness proportion. Anotherpossible reason is that the feature dimension for textattributes is much larger than that of demographic at-tributes, e.g., Topic Distribution has fifty feature dimen-sions while Gender only has two feature dimensions.

!" #!" $!" %!" &!" '!!"












Fig. 3. Relative attribute importance ranking (corre-sponding to the features in Table 1).

We can also evaluate the importance of each at-tribute by conducting experiments on the traditionalproduct recommendation task. We use the standardMF approach as a baseline and add attributes one ata time using the SVDFeature framework discussed inSection 4.1, then check the performance improvementyielded by the added attribute. The attribute rankingobtained in this way is similar to the ranking in Fig. 3,but the gap between text attributes and demographicattributes becomes smaller.

7. Although both topic distributions and word embeddings areused to capture the semantic characteristics of user-generated text,they have different focuses. Topic distributions are more suitableto extract topical themes from text based on word co-occurrencepatterns (essentially taking the whole document as the contextwindow) while word embeddings are more suitable to capturethe semantics between words from local context windows, usuallycomprising 3 words before and after the target word. Hence, wekeep both types of text features in our approach. It is worth notingthat our method is a tree-based approach, which can effectivelyhandle information redundancy, i.e., if a feature contains redundantinformation given the tree that is being constructed, it will bepushed to a lower rank during attribute selection.

8. In our dataset, the completeness proportion of demographicattributes are as follows: Gender (100%), Interests (65.7%), Age(36.7%), Education (26.3%), Career (12.9%) and Marital status(4.6%); while for text and network attributes, the proportion ofcompleteness is about 99.1%, i.e., most users have published tweetsand followed some other users.

5.3 Evaluation on Cold-Start Product Recommen-dationFor cold-start product recommendation, we aim torecommend products to microblog users without theknowledge of their historical purchase records.

Construction of the Evaluation SetThe evaluation set splits users into training set andtest set. For the training set, we sample negative prod-ucts with a ratio of 1:1 for each user, i.e., we have thesame number of negative and positive products. Forthe test set, we randomly sample negative productswith a ratio of 1:50 for each user, i.e., each posi-tive product would involve 50 negative products. Allnegative products are sampled from the same prod-uct category as the corresponding positive one. Forexample, for “iPhone 6”, we can sample “SamsungGalaxy S5” from the “Mobile Phones” category as anegative product.Given a user, we can generate a listof candidate products consisting of both positive andnegative products. On average, a user has about 52positive products and 2,600 negative products in ourexperimental dataset, which is indeed a challengingtask. Similar to the evaluation scenario in InformationRetrieval, we would like to examine the performancethat a system ranks positive products over negativeproducts.

Methods to CompareWe consider the following methods for performancecomparison:

• Popularity (Pop): products are ranked by theirhistorical sale volumes.

• Popularity with Semantic Similarity (Pop++):the ranking score is a combination of two scores:(1) the popularity score S1; (2) the cosine similar-ity S2 between product description and user textinformation, including profile, tweets and tags.The two scores are combined by log(1 + S1) ×log(1 + S2).

• Embedding Similarities (ES): Similarity scoresv⊤u · vp between a user embedding vu and a

list of product embeddings vp are used to rankproducts.

• MF with user attributes (MFUA): User attributes(including user profile and topic distributions)are incorporated into the basic matrix factori-sation algorithm for product rating prediction[7]. For fairness, we also use the pairwise lossfunction to train the model.

• FM without User Interactions (FMUI): Rendle[20] applied the Factorization Machines (FM) for“follow” recommendation in KDDCup 2012. Ithas been found that similar performance wasobtained with or without the interactions of userfeatures. FM without user feature interactions isequivalent to SVDFeature. We reimplement this

Page 10: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, … · Cold-Start Product Recommendation using Microblogging Information Wayne Xin Zhao Member, IEEE, Sui Li, Yulan He, Edward

1041-4347 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for moreinformation.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TKDE.2015.2508816, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


method in the SVDFeature framework with ourextracted microblogging features.

• ColdE : Our proposed approach which uses thefitted user embedding features and product em-bedding features (Eq. 6).

• ColdD+E : Our proposed approach which uses themicroblogging features, the product embeddingfeatures and the fitted user embedding features(Eq. 7). Especially, we only use demographicattributes here, since they have been shown im-portant to product recommendation [21], [5].

• Cold++: Since the user and product embeddingscan be learned for all the users and productsrespectively in the e-commerce website, we cantrain ColdE with all the users in U , not limitedto the linked users UL. This variant is calledColdenhanced.

We set the regularization coefficient to a 0.004, theiteration number to 50 and the factor number to 32 forall the methods. We use the CBOW architecture to learnthe embedding vectors based on the purchase recordsfrom all the non-linked users and the partial purchaserecords from linked users in our training set. Thenumber of dimensions of embedding vectors is setto 50. The user embedding features in the test sets fordifferent #training

#test settings are set to the values fittedusing MARTboth. For Coldenhanced, we add additional10,000 randomly selected non-linked users from Uinto the training set.

Evaluation Metrics for Product RecommendationFive widely used metrics are used for the evalua-tion of product recommendation results, includingPrecision@k, Recall@k, the Mean Average Precision(MAP), the Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) and the areaunder the ROC Curve (AUC).

Experimental Results on Ddense

We first evaluate the performance of product recom-mendation on Ddense, where δ% linked users are usedas the training data, and the remaining (100 − δ)%linked users as the test data. To examine the perfor-mance with varying amount of training data, we set δto 80, 50, 20 and 10, which correspond to the #training

#testSplit Ratios (SR) of 4:1, 1:1, 1:4 and 1:9 respectively.

The results of different methods for overall productrecommendation are presented in Table 5. It can beobserved that:

• Apart from the simple baseline Popularity, whichdoes not rely on any training data, the perfor-mance of all other methods improves with theincreasing size of the training data. Popularityappears to be a competitive baseline for cold-startrecommendation due to the fact that negativeproducts are selected from the same product cat-egories as the positive ones. By incorporating thesemantic similarity between users and products,

it leads to negligible performance change, whichindicates the simple surface similarity cannot wellcapture the purchase preferences.

• FMUI performs better than MFUA on the datasetwith the split ratios of 1:1 and 4:1, but is worsewith the other two ratios. A possible reason isthat FMUI involves all the microblogging at-tributes and thus potentially requires more train-ing data for a better performance. When the train-ing data is limited, FMUI cannot gather sufficientstatistics for some microblogging attributes dueto data sparsity.

• Our proposed Cold variants are consistently bet-ter than the baselines. Interestingly, Coldenhanced

is not sensitive to the amount of training da-ta, which gives rather stable performance acrossall the three ratios. By incorporating additionaldemographic attributes, ColdD+E is consistentlybetter than ColdE , and the improvement seemsmore significant when the training data is abun-dant (at the ratio of 1:1). When the trainingdata is limited, Cold++ outperforms all the othermethods. But with more training data, it performsslightly worse than ColdD+E .

TABLE 4Performance comparisons of different methods on

cold-start product recommendation. ∗ indicates thatour Cold method is significantly better than the best

baseline at the level of 0.01.

SR Methods P@10 R@50 MAP MRR AUC


Pop 0.175 0.215 0.120 0.380 0.669Pop++ 0.175 0.215 0.120 0.380 0.669ES 0.117 0.195 0.115 0.267 0.653MFUA 0.212 0.245 0.136 0.495 0.701FMUI 0.226 0.253 0.145 0.502 0.730ColdE 0.237 0.265 0.155 0.512 0.751ColdD+E 0.243∗ 0.270∗ 0.159∗ 0.527∗ 0.771∗

Cold++ 0.239 0.261 0.157 0.517 0.763


Pop 0.175 0.215 0.120 0.380 0.669Pop++ 0.175 0.215 0.120 0.380 0.669ES 0.117 0.195 0.115 0.267 0.653MFUA 0.210 0.240 0.130 0.469 0.681FMUI 0.215 0.241 0.125 0.481 0.687ColdE 0.222 0.251 0.142 0.484 0.724ColdD+E 0.229∗ 0.257∗ 0.146∗ 0.508∗ 0.734∗

Cold++ 0.226 0.255 0.146 0.497 0.730


Pop 0.175 0.215 0.120 0.380 0.669Pop++ 0.175 0.215 0.120 0.380 0.669ES 0.117 0.195 0.115 0.267 0.653MFUA 0.202 0.231 0.126 0.449 0.693FMUI 0.186 0.225 0.131 0.389 0.670ColdE 0.216 0.243 0.137 0.475 0.700ColdD+E 0.218 0.248 0.137 0.477 0.705Cold++ 0.220∗ 0.249∗ 0.140∗ 0.484∗ 0.715∗


Pop 0.175 0.215 0.120 0.380 0.669Pop++ 0.175 0.215 0.120 0.380 0.669ES 0.117 0.195 0.115 0.267 0.653MFUA 0.193 0.230 0.118 0.439 0.678FMUI 0.172 0.225 0.117 0.411 0.668ColdE 0.205 0.234 0.128 0.461 0.683ColdD+E 0.206 0.238 0.129 0.473 0.685Cold++ 0.217∗ 0.245∗ 0.138∗ 0.482∗ 0.695∗

Experimental Results on Dsparse

We have examined the performance of product recom-mendation on frequent buyers above. In real-world

Page 11: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, … · Cold-Start Product Recommendation using Microblogging Information Wayne Xin Zhao Member, IEEE, Sui Li, Yulan He, Edward

1041-4347 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for moreinformation.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TKDE.2015.2508816, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


applications, “long-tail” users (i.e., those with fewpurchases) are prevalent in e-commerce Websites.Therefore, an effective recommender system shouldalso be capable of generating recommendations forthese users. We use the users in Ddense as the trainingdata for both user embedding fitting and matrix fac-torization learning, and consider the users in Dsparse

as the test data for product recommendation. Sincethe users in Dsparse have fewer than five purchases,we only report the performance of Recall@k butnot Precision@k. We also use MAP, MRR and AUCas evaluation metrics. We can observe from Table5 that our proposed method ColdE is consistentlybetter than all the baselines, which indicates that theeffectiveness of recommendation for long-tail users.

TABLE 5Performance comparisons of different methods oncold-start product recommendation on Dsparse. ∗

indicates that ColdE is significantly better than thebest baseline at the level of 0.01.

Methods MAP MRR R@10 AUCPop 0.175 0.125 0.120 0.684

Pop++ 0.175 0.175 0.120 0.684MFUA 0.251 0.337 0.419 0.718FMUI 0.252 0.337 0.421 0.720ColdE 0.275∗ 0.363∗ 0.458∗ 0.757∗

Scalability Analysis

We present the scalability analysis for our modelColdE .9 We first analyze the time complexity forboth offline parameter training and online productrecommendation. For offline parameter training, thecost of training the MART models is Ntree × Ctree,where Ntree is the number of trees and Ctree isthe average cost for generating a decision regressiontree. Then, the SGD method to train ColdE has thecomputational complexity of O(nLF |D|), where nis the iteration number, L is the number of latentfactors, F is the average number of non-zero featuresfor a training instance and |D| is the training datasize. In practice, we have found that SGD convergesquickly and usually converges in 30 − 50 iterationson our training set. For online product recommendation,when a new user arrivees, we first generate the fitteduser embedding features, at most incurring a cost ofhmax×Ntree, where hmax is the maximum tree height.When making recommendation, we use Eq. 6 to scoreeach candidate product. In Eq. 6, a user incurs a costof K × L additions and K multiplications to derive∑K

k=1 vu,kxk and a cost of L multiplications and L

additions for dot product, while yp +∑K

k=1 vp,kyk for

9. The Cold model is implemented in C++ and the MART modelis implemented in JAVA. We run the program (single-thread) in theserver with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 2.10GHz and Ubuntu14.04 LTS.

all the products are pre-computed. To generate recom-mendation, we further need a cost of Nlist × logNlist

for ranking candidate products for a user, where Nlist

is the length of candidate product list.While for space complexity, our major cost consists

of space for MART models and latent factors. MARTmodels take up a cost of O(Nnode × Cnode × Ntree),where Nnode and Cnode denotes the average numberof nodes in a MART tree and the average space costfor a single node respectively. We have a cost of(|U|+ |P|+K)×L to store latent factors. Compared totraditional matrix factorization, it incurs an additionalcost of K ×L. In practice, K is usually set to 50∼200.We summarize the time and space cost for ColdE inTable 6.10 It can be observed that our method is veryefficient in online recommendation. When dealingwith extremely large datasets, the training process canbe performed in a distributed way by using SGD,and the test process can still be efficient since it onlyinvolves the MART tree traversal and latent vectoroperations.

TABLE 6Running time and memory costs for our approach on

Ddense with the split #train#test ratio of 1:1.

Phases #users Time (sec.) Space (MB)

Training 7,927 563 (MART) 4.67 (MART)304 (ColdE) 15.72 (ColdE)

Test 7,926 13.8 (MART) 4.67 (MART)5.1 (ColdE) 15.72 (ColdE)

Parameter AnalysisFor our methods, an important component is theembedding models, which can be set to two simplearchitectures, namely CBOW and Skip-gram. We em-pirically compare the results of our method ColdE

using these two architectures, and find that the per-formance of using Skip-gram is slightly worse thanthat of using CBOW11. We also examine how theperformance varies with different number of embed-ding dimensions from 50 to 150 with a gap of 25.We observe that the performance is relatively stablewith the varying number of embedding dimensions.This is not surprising since the MART models fit eachdimension independently. The optimal performanceof ColdE was obtained when the dimension number is100, which is only slightly better than that of 50. Thus,using 50 embedding dimensions would be sufficient

10. For each user, we consider a candidate list of m positiveproduct and 50 × m negative products, where m is the actualnumber of purchases.

11. Here Skip-gram and CBOW correspond to the variants of PV-DBOW and PV-DM for Paragraph Vector respectively. As indicatedin [9], PV-DM generally works better than PV-DBOW, which isconsistent with our findings. The major reason is that in CBOW(Fig. 2) the target product is emitted conditioned on both the userembedding and the surrounding product embeddings, which natu-rally captures both sequential purchase context and user preference.

Page 12: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, … · Cold-Start Product Recommendation using Microblogging Information Wayne Xin Zhao Member, IEEE, Sui Li, Yulan He, Edward

1041-4347 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for moreinformation.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TKDE.2015.2508816, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


for our recommendation tasks considering the trade-off between performance and computational complex-ity. For matrix factorization methods, an importantparameter to set is the number of latent factors. Weuse ColdE and MFUA as a comparison and vary thenumber of latent factors from 16 to 80 with a gap of 16.The performance of two methods is relatively stablewith different numbers of latent factors, and ColdE isconsistently better than MFUA.

5.4 Revisiting the Effectiveness of the DistributedRepresentations of Users and ProductsIn the previous section, we have shown that thelearnt product and users embeddings are effectiveto improve the recommendation performance. In thissection, we give more insights into the effectivenessof the distributed representations.

Insights into Product EmbeddingsFirst, we take the learnt product embeddings to con-duct a quantitative similarity analysis in order tofind out whether the learned product embeddingscan discriminate products from different categories orbrands. We compute the average similarity score be-tween product pairs from (1) different categories andbrands (DCDB); (2) same category but different brand-s (SCDB); and (3) same category and same brand(SCSB). As it is infeasible to calculate the similarityscores for all possible product pairs in JINGDONG,we sample 10 million product pairs randomly for eachtype of product pairs for computation. The results areas follows: simDCDB = 0.0217, simSCDB = 0.2719 andsimSCSB = 0.4406. The average similarity score ofsimSCDB > simDCDB indicates the product embed-dings learned are indeed very different for productsunder different categories; while simSCSB > simSCDB

indicates the product embeddings have a good dis-criminative power for brands12.

Insights into User EmbeddingsWe take the learnt user embeddings to conduct aquantitative similarity analysis in order to find outwhether the learned user embeddings can identifyusers with similar purchase history.

Given a user u, we build two groups of users,denoted by GA

u and GBu . GA

u contains the top K mostsimilar users (a.k.a. K nearest neighbours) of user u,which are identified by the Jacarrd coefficient in termsof purchase history; GB

u contains K randomly selectedusers. We would like to examine whether the userembedding vectors can discriminate a user in GA

u fromanother one in GB

u .Given user u together with GA

u and GBu , we can

derive two similarity values sim(u)A and sim(u)

B , whichare the average similarities with the users in GA

u and

12. All the improvement is signifiant at the confidence level of 0.01.

the users in GBu respectively for user u. We use the

cosine function to compute the similarity betweentwo user embedding vectors. K is set to 30 in ourexperiments. In this way, we can obtain two arraysof similarity values {sim(u)

A }u∈U and {sim(u)B }u∈U . By

constructing the paired t-test, the results have shownthat the values in {sim(u)

A }u∈U are significantly largerthan those in {sim(u)

B }u∈U at the level of 0.001. Theaverage similarities for {sim(u)

A }u∈U and {sim(u)B }u∈U

are 0.090 and 0.031 respectively.


Our work is mainly related to three lines of research:Recommender systems. In recent years, the matrix fa-tortization approach [12] has received much researchinterests. With the increasing volume of Web data,many studies focus on incorporating auxiliary infor-mation [22], [1], [23], [24] into the matrix factorizationapproach. Two typical frameworks of such studies arethe SVDFeature [18] and Factorization Machine [19].

There has also been a large body of research workfocusing specifically on the cold-start recommenda-tion problem. Seroussi et al. [7] proposed to makeuse of the information from users’ public profiles andtopics extracted from user-generated content into amatrix factorization model for new users’ rating pre-diction. Zhang et al. [25] propose a semi-supervisedensemble learning algorithm. Schein [26] proposed amethod by combining content and collaborative dataunder a single probabilistic framework. Lin et al. [10]addressed the cold-start problem for App recommen-dation by using the social information from Twitter.Trevisiol et al. Zhou et al. [16] experimented witheliciting new user preferences using decision treesby querying users’ responses progressively throughan initial interview process. Moshfeghi et al. [27]proposed a method for combining content featuressuch as semantic and emotion information with rat-ings information for the recommendation task. Bao etal. [28] presented an influence-based diffusion modelconsidering user influence in addition to relevance formatching ads. Liu et al. [29] identified representativeusers whose linear combinations of tastes are able toapproximate other users.Cross-domain recommendation. One of the key tech-niques for cross-domain recommendation is TransferLearning [30], [31], and the idea is to learn transfer-able knowledge from the source domain, and furtherapply it in a target domain. Singh [32] proposedcollective matrix factorization to estimate the relationsof multiple entities by factorizing several matricessimultaneously while sharing parameters in the latentspace. Li [33] attempted to transfer user-item ratingpatterns from an auxiliary matrix in another domainto the target domain through Codebooks. Hu [34]and Zhao [35] extended transfer learning to triadic

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1041-4347 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for moreinformation.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TKDE.2015.2508816, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


factorization and active learning for cross-domainrecommendation, respectively.Social network mining. We follow the early com-mercial mining studies on social networking web-sites. Hollerit et al. [36] presented the first work oncommercial intent detection in Twitter. Zhao et al.[5] first proposed to route products from e-commercecompanies to microblogging users. Our work is alsorelated to studies on automatic user profiling [37] andcross-site linkage inference [38].

Our work is built upon these studies, especially inthe areas of cross-domain and cold-start recommenda-tion. Though sharing some similarities, we are dealingwith a very specific task of highly practical value,cold-start product recommendation to microbloggingusers. To the best of our knowledge, it has not beenstudied on a large data set before. The most relevantstudies are from [39], [40] by connecting users acrosseBay and Facebook. However, they only focus onbrand- or category-level purchase preference based ona trained classifier, which cannot be directly appliedto our cross-site cold-start product recommendationtask. In addition, their features only include gender,age and Facebook likes, as opposed to a wide range offeatures explored in our approach. Lastly, they do notconsider how to transfer heterogeneous informationfrom social media websites into a form that is readyfor use on the e-commerce side, which is the keyto address the cross-site cold-start recommendationproblem.

7 CONCLUSIONSIn this paper, we have studied a novel problem,cross-site cold-start product recommendation, i.e., recom-mending products from e-commerce websites to mi-croblogging users without historical purchase records.Our main idea is that on the e-commerce websites,users and products can be represented in the samelatent feature space through feature learning with therecurrent neural networks. Using a set of linked usersacross both e-commerce websites and social network-ing sites as a bridge, we can learn feature mappingfunctions using a modified gradient boosting treesmethod, which maps users’ attributes extracted fromsocial networking sites onto feature representation-s learned from e-commerce websites. The mappeduser features can be effectively incorporated into afeature-based matrix factorisation approach for cold-start product recommendation. We have constructed alarge dataset from WEIBO and JINGDONG. The resultsshow that our proposed framework is indeed effectivein addressing the cross-site cold-start product recom-mendation problem. We believe that our study willhave profound impact on both research and industrycommunities.

Currently, only a simple neutral network architec-ture has been employed for user and product embed-dings learning. In the future, more advanced deep

learning models such as Convolutional Neural Net-works13 can be explored for feature learning. We willalso consider improving the current feature mappingmethod through ideas in transferring learning [30].


The authors thank the anonymous reviewers fortheir valuable and constructive comments. The workwas partially supported by National Natural Sci-ence Foundation of China under the grant number61502502, the National Key Basic Research Program(973 Program) of China under the grant number2014CB340403 and the Innovate UK under the grantnumber 101779.

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Page 14: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, … · Cold-Start Product Recommendation using Microblogging Information Wayne Xin Zhao Member, IEEE, Sui Li, Yulan He, Edward

1041-4347 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for moreinformation.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TKDE.2015.2508816, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


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Wayne Xin Zhao is currently an assistantprofessor at the School of Information, Ren-min University of China. He received thePhD degree from Peking University in 2014.His research interests are web text miningand natural language processing. He haspublished several referred papers in inter-national conferences journals such as A-CL, EMNLP, COLING, ECIR, CIKM, SIGIR,SIGKDD, AAAI, ACM TOIS, ACM TKDD,ACM TIST, IEEE TKDE, KAIS and WWWJ.

Sui Li is currently a PhD student at theSchool of Electronic Engineering and Com-puter Science, Peking University, China. Hereceived his BEng degree in Computer Sci-ence from Peking University in 2014, China.His research mainly focuses on Web miningand machine learning.

Yulan He is a Reader at the School of En-gineering and Applied Science, Aston Uni-versity, UK. She received her PhD degreefrom the University of Cambridge in 2004.She has published extensively in natural lan-guage processing, text and data mining, sen-timent analysis, and social media analysis.She has served as an Area Chair in EMNLP2015, NAACL 2016 and co-organised ECIR2010.

Edward Y. Chang is the Vice President ofResearch and Innovation at HTC since July2012, heading software and hardware futuretechnology research and development. Pri-or to his HTC post, Ed was a director ofGoogle Research and was a full professorof Electrical Engineering at the University ofCalifornia, Santa Barbara (UCSB). Ed hasserved on ACM (SIGMOD, KDD, MM, CIKM),VLDB, IEEE, WWW, and SIAM conferenceprogram committees, and co-chaired several

conferences including MMM, ACM MM, ICDE, and WWW. He is arecipient of the NSF Career Award, IBM Faculty Partnership Award,and Google Innovation Award.

Ji-Rong Wen is a professor at the Schoolof Information, Renmin University of China.He is also the director of Beijing Key Lab-oratory of Big Data Management and Anal-ysis Methods. Before that, he was a seniorresearcher and group manager of the WebSearch and Mining Group at MSRA. His mainresearch interests include big data manage-ment & analytics, information retrieval, datamining and machine learning. He is currentlythe associate editor of ACM Transactions on

Information Systems (TOIS). He is a senior member of IEEE.

Xiaoming Li is a professor at the Schoolof Electronic Engineering and Computer Sci-ence and the director of Institute of Net-work Computing and Information Systemsin Peking University, China. He is a Seniormember of IEEE and currently served asVice president of China Computer Federa-tion. His research interests include searchengine and web mining, and web technologyenabled social sciences.

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