

Criterion for the Electrical Resonance Stability ofOffshore Wind Power Plants Connected

Through HVDC LinksMarc Cheah-Mane , Student Member, IEEE, Luis Sainz, Jun Liang, Senior Member, IEEE,

Nick Jenkins, Fellow, IEEE, and Carlos Ernesto Ugalde-Loo , Member, IEEE

Abstract—Electrical resonances may compromise the stabilityof HVDC-connected offshore wind power plants (OWPPs). In par-ticular, an offshore HVDC converter can reduce the damping of anOWPP at low-frequency series resonances, leading to the systeminstability. The interaction between offshore HVDC converter con-trol and electrical resonances of offshore grids is analyzed in thispaper. An impedance-based representation of an OWPP is usedto analyze the effect that offshore converters have on the reso-nant frequency of the offshore grid and on system stability. Thepositive-net-damping criterion, originally proposed for subsyn-chronous analysis, has been adapted to determine the stability ofthe HVDC-connected OWPP. The reformulated criterion enablesthe net damping of the electrical series resonance to be evaluatedand establishes a clear relationship between electrical resonancesof the HVDC-connected OWPPs and stability. The criterion is the-oretically justified, with analytical expressions for low-frequencyseries resonances being obtained and stability conditions definedbased on the total damping of the OWPP. Examples are used toshow the influence that HVDC converter control parameters andthe OWPP configuration have on stability. A root locus analysisand time-domain simulations in PSCAD/EMTDC are presented toverify the stability conditions.

Index Terms—Electrical resonance, HVDC converter, offshorewind power plant, positive-net-damping stability criterion.


HARMONIC instabilities have been reported in practicalinstallations such as BorWin1, which was the first HVDC-

connected Offshore Wind Power Plant (OWPP) [1], [2]. Morerecently, electrical interactions between offshore HVDC con-verters and series resonances have been identified in DolWin1and highlighted by CIGRE Working Groups as potential causes

Manuscript received July 8, 2016; revised December 21, 2016; acceptedJanuary 28, 2017. Date of publication February 20, 2017; date of current versionOctober 18, 2017. This work was supported in part by the People Programme(Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework ProgrammeFP7/2007-2013/ under Grant 317221 and Project title MEDOW and in part bythe Ministerio de Economıa y Competitividad under Grant ENE2013-46205-C5-3-R. Paper no. TPWRS-01039-2016.

M. Cheah-Mane, J. Liang, N. Jenkins, and C. E. Ugalde-Loo are with theSchool of Engineering, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF24 3AA, U.K. (e-mail:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]).

L. Sainz is with Department of Electric Engineering, ETS d’Enginyeria In-dustrial de Barcelona, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona 08028,Spain (e-mail: [email protected]).

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2017.2663111

of instability during the energization of the offshore ac grid[3]–[5]. Such interactions are known as electrical resonanceinstabilities [6]. In HVDC-connected OWPPs, the long exportac cables and the power transformers located on the offshoreHVDC substation cause series resonances at low frequencies inthe range of 100 ∼ 1000 Hz [3]–[5], [7]. Moreover, the offshoregrid is a poorly damped system directly connected without arotating mass or resistive loads [2], [3]. The control of the off-shore HVDC converter can further reduce the total damping atthe resonant frequencies until the system becomes unstable.

Electrical resonance instability has been studied with animpedance-based representation by several authors. In [8], [9]Voltage Source Converters (VSCs) are modeled as Thevenin orNorton equivalents with a frequency-dependant characteristic.Nyquist and Bode criteria are used to analyze electrical res-onance stability [2], [10]. In [9], a clear relationship betweenelectrical resonances and the phase margin condition is estab-lished, but the complexity of the loop transfer function limitsfurther analysis of the elements that cause instability. Alternativeapproaches, the passivity conditions of the system [11], [12] andthe positive-net-damping criterion [13], [14], have been used todefine stability conditions.

A number of studies on electrical resonance instability inOWPPs have been reported in the literature. In [15] and [16],the impact of electrical resonances on Wind Turbine (WT) con-verters is investigated. However, few studies are focused on theinteractions between resonances and the offshore HVDC con-verter. In [17], a modal analysis in an HVDC-connected OWPPis used to characterize possible resonances and to assess the sta-bility of the offshore converters. Also, in [9] and [18] the impactof resonances on offshore HVDC converters is analyzed usingan impedance-based representation.

In this paper, the impact that low frequency series resonanceshave on the voltage stability of HVDC-connected OWPPs isanalyzed and discussed. Preliminary work was reported in [19],where the stability criterion presented in this paper was as-sessed with examples. This paper furthers the initial contribu-tions of [19] by providing a formal framework for the analysis ofelectrical resonance stability in HVDC-connected OWPPs. Animpedance-based representation is used to identify resonancesand to assess stability considering the effect of the offshoreconverters. The resonance stability of an OWPP is determined

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using an alternative approach to the positive-net-damping cri-terion [13]. This has been reformulated to evaluate the net-damping for electrical series resonances and to provide a clearrelationship between electrical resonances of the OWPP andstability. The main contributions of this paper are summarizedas follows:

1) The alternative approach to the positive-net-damping cri-terion is demonstrated using the phase margin condition.This criterion defines the relation between the damping atelectrical series resonances and system stability.

2) The relationship between the total damping and resonantfrequencies with the poles of the system is demonstrated.This relationship shows that the pole analysis and thepositive-net-damping criterion provide the same informa-tion about resonance stability.

3) Analytical expressions of the low frequency series reso-nances are proposed considering the effect of VSC con-trollers. These expressions are employed to calculate theresonant frequencies where the total damping is evaluatedto determine system stability.

4) A stable area of an OWPP is defined as a function ofthe HVDC converter control parameters and the OWPPconfiguration. Such an area is obtained from the dampingof the OWPP and indicates conditions of stability.

The effect that the HVDC converter control parameters andthe OWPP configuration have on stability is shown using ex-amples. For completeness, root locus analysis and time-domainsimulations in PSCAD/EMTDC are used to validate the stabilityconditions. The examples presented in this paper are comple-mentary to those included in [19].



An impedance-based representation is suitable for the mod-eling of converters of an HVDC-connected OWPP wheneverdetailed design information is not available. Such a converterrepresentation offers advantages as it can easily be combinedwith the equivalent impedance of the offshore ac grid to char-acterize resonant frequencies. It is also possible to consider theeffect of the converter controllers. Moreover, the stability assess-ment methods for impedance-based representations are simpleand less computational intensive compared to other traditionalmethods such as eigenvalue analysis [2], [10].

The configuration of an HVDC-connected OWPP is shownin Fig. 1. Type 4 WTs are connected to strings of the collec-tor system through step-up transformers from low to mediumvoltage. Each WT grid side VSC has a coupling reactor anda high frequency filter represented as an equivalent capacitor.The strings are connected to a collector substation, where trans-formers step-up from medium to high voltage. The collectortransformer in Fig. 1 is an equivalent representation of 4 trans-formers that are connected in parallel [3]. Export cables sendthe generated power to an offshore HVDC substation, where aVSC based Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) operates asa rectifier and delivers the power to the dc transmission system.

Fig. 1. General scheme of an HVDC-connected OWPP.

Fig. 2. Impedance-based model of an HVDC-connected OWPP for resonanceand stability analysis.

The dc transmission system and the onshore HVDC convertersare not represented in this study.

Fig. 2 shows an impedance-based model of the HVDC-connected OWPP suitable for the analysis of electrical reso-nances and stability. The ac cables of the export and collectorsystem are modeled as single π sections with lumped parametersand the transformers are modeled as RL equivalents. These mod-els are accurate enough to characterize the low frequency reso-nances that are responsible for stability issues [3]. The VSCs arerepresented by equivalent circuits, which include the frequencyresponse of the controller. The offshore VSC is represented by aThevenin equivalent as it controls the ac voltage of the offshoregrid [9], [20]; however, Norton equivalents are used to representthe WT VSCs since they control current [8], [20].


The VSC models are represented in a synchronous dq frameand the Laplace s domain, where complex space vectors aredenoted with boldface letters for voltages and currents as v =vd + jvq and i = id + jiq .


Fig. 3. Control structures: (a) Offshore HVDC converter and (b) WT grid sideconverter.

A. Offshore VSC Model

The offshore VSC controls the ac voltage of the offshoregrid. Fig. 3(a) describes the control structure of this converter.If the VSC uses a MMC topology, high frequency filters are notrequired and only a voltage control loop is considered [18], [21].Additionally, the internal MMC dynamics can be neglected if acirculating current control is implemented [18]. A control actionbased on a PI controller is expressed as:

vhvsc = FPI,v (vr − vpoc) (1)

FPI,v = kp,v +ki,v


where vhvsc is the reference voltage for the offshore converter,

vr is the control reference voltage at the Point of Connection(POC), vpoc is the voltage measured at the POC and FPI,v isthe PI controller for the voltage control loop.

The dynamics across the equivalent coupling inductance ofthe offshore converter are expressed as:

vhvsc = vpoc + ic(Rh

f + sLhf + jω1L

hf ) (3)

where ic is the current from the HVDC converter, Lhf is the

coupling inductance, Rhf is the equivalent resistance of Lh

f andω1 = 2πf1 rad/s (f1 = 50 Hz). The coupling inductance isequal to Lh

f = Larm/2 + Lhtr , where Larm is the arm inductance

of the MMC and Lhtr is the equivalent inductance of the offshore

HVDC transformers.A Thevenin equivalent of the offshore VSC (see Fig. 2) is

obtained by combining (1) and (3):

vpoc = vr · Ghc − ic · Zh

c (4)

Ghc =


1 + FPI,v; Zh

c =Rh

f + sLhf + jω1L


1 + FPI,v(5)

Fig. 4. Equivalent impedance-based circuit of an HVDC-connected OWPPwith representation of offshore grid circuit.

where Ghc is the voltage source transfer function and Zh

c is theinput-impedance of the converter.

B. Wind Turbine VSC Model

Each WT is equipped with a back-to-back converter, but onlythe grid side VSC is represented in this study. Its control isbased on an ac current loop employing a PI controller as shownin Fig. 3(b). The dc voltage outer loop is not represented in theWT VSC model since its dynamic response is slow; i.e. thereis sufficient bandwidth separation with the inner current loop[2], [22]. This ensures that there are no interactions betweenharmonic resonances and the outer loops, which are not of in-terest in this paper. A Norton equivalent of the WT converter(see Fig. 2) is obtained as:

iwt = ir · Gwc − vwt · Y w

c (6)

where iwt is the current from the WT VSC, ir is the controlreference current, Gw

c is the current source transfer function,vwt is the voltage after the coupling filter and Y w

c is the input-admittance of the VSC. Gw

c and Y wc are expressed as [8]:

Gwc =


Rwf + sLw

f + FPI,c; Y w

c =1 − Hv

Rwf + sLw

f + FPI,c(7)

FPI,c = kp,c +ki,c

s; Hv =


s + αf(8)

where FPI,c is the PI controller of the current loop, Lwf the

coupling inductance, Rwf the equivalent resistance of Lw

f , Hv

the low pass filter of the voltage feed-forward term [8] andαf the bandwidth of Hv . The PI design is based on [8], [23],with proportional and integral gains given as kp,c = αcL

wf and

ki,c = αcRwf , and the bandwidth of the current control by αc .


The stability analysis considers the impedance-based circuitpresented in Fig. 4, where the offshore grid is modeled with anequivalent circuit (further explained in Section V). A similarrepresentation can be found in [9].

The impedances were expressed in the stationary αβ frame[6], [11], which is denoted in boldface letters for voltages andcurrents as vs = vα + jvβ and is = iα + jiβ . The current inthe stationary αβ frame and the Laplace s-domain is given as:

isc = (vsrG

hc − isrG

wc Zw

c )

T h

︷ ︸︸ ︷


1 + Zhc /Zg



where Zg = Zgrideq + 1/Y w

c is the equivalent impedance of theOWPP from the offshore VSC and Th is the OWPP closed looptransfer function, which can be also expressed as:

Th(s) =M(s)

1 + M(s)N(s)=

M(s)1 + L(s)


where M(s) = 1/Zg is the open loop transfer function, N(s) =Zh

c is the feedback transfer function and L(s) is the loop transferfunction.

Assuming that the voltage and current sources in Fig. 4 arestable when they are not connected to any load [10], the stabilityof the OWPP can be studied in the following ways:

1) By analyzing the poles of Th or the roots of Zg + Zhc = 0.

2) By applying the Nyquist stability criterion of Zhc /Zg [10].

3) By considering the passivity of Th [6], [11].In addition to the previous alternatives, a variation to the

positive-net-damping criterion given in [13], [14] is here em-ployed instead to analyze system stability. The criterion hasbeen reformulated to evaluate electrical resonance stability asexplained in Section IV-B.

A. Passivity

A linear and continuous-time system F (s) is passive if [11]:1) F (s) is stable and,2) Re{F (jω)} > 0 ∀ ω, which is expressed in terms of the

phase as −π2 < arg{F (jω)} < π

2 . This condition corre-sponds to a non-negative equivalent resistance in electricalcircuits.

Passivity can be applied to determine the stability of closedloop systems [6], [11]. A system represented by the closedloop transfer function in (10) is stable if M(s) and N(s) arepassive since −π < arg{L(jω)} < π ∀ ω. This implies that theNyquist stability criterion for L(s) is satisfied. Therefore, theOWPP is stable if Zg and Zh

c are passive. When the HVDCconverter is connected to a passive offshore grid, Zg is passiveand the stability only depends on the passivity conditions of theconverter input-impedance, Zh

c .In no-load operation (i.e. when only the passive elements

of the OWPP are energized), the passivity of Zg is ensuredas the WTs are assumed to be disconnected from the offshoregrid. However, the WTs represent active elements when theyare connected to the offshore grid (i.e. Zg can have a negativeresistance), which may compromise the OWPP stability.

B. Positive-Net-Damping Stability Criterion

The criterion states that a closed loop system is stable if thetotal damping of the OWPP is positive at the following frequen-cies: (i) open loop resonant frequencies and (ii) low frequencieswhere the loop gain is greater than 1 [13]. However, it doesnot provide a clear relation between electrical resonances of theOWPP and system stability. This increases the complexity ofanalyzing the impact that system parameters have on resonancestability.

The criterion presented in [13] has been reformulated toevaluate the net-damping for electrical series resonances. Theapproach proposed in this paper is developed from the phase

margin condition [9]. If stability is evaluated in terms of thephase margin, L(jω) = M(jω)N(jω) must satisfy the follow-ing conditions at angular frequency ω:

|M(jω)N(jω)| = 1, (11)

−π < arg{M(jω)N(jω)} < π ∀ ω. (12)

M(jω) and N(jω) in (11) and (12) can be expressed in termsof equivalent impedances as:


= Zg (jω) = Rg (ω) + jXg (ω) (13)

N(jω) = Zhc (jω) = Rh

c (ω) + jXhc (ω) (14)

Also, the equivalent impedance from the voltage source vsrG


in Fig. 4 is expressed as:

Zheq(jω) = Zh

c (jω) + Zg (jω) (15)

Phase margin condition (11) is equivalent to:

Rhc (ω)2 + Xh

c (ω)2 = Rg (ω)2 + Xg (ω)2 (16)

The resistive components in ac grids and VSCs may be usu-ally neglected compared to the reactive components. Therefore,Rg � Xg , Rh

c � Xhc and (16) is simplified to:

Xhc (ω) = ±Xg (ω) (17)

The electrical series resonances observed from the voltagesource vs

rGhc in Fig. 4 correspond to frequencies where Zh

eq in(15) has a dip or a local minimum. If the resistive componentsare neglected, the series resonance condition is reduced to:

Im{Zheq(jωres)} ≈ 0 ⇒ Xh

c (ωres) ≈ −Xg (ωres) (18)

It can be observed that (18) is a particular case of (17); i.e. theseries resonance condition of Zh

eq coincides with the stabilitycondition |M(jω)N(jω)| = 1 given by (11).

Phase margin condition (12) can be expressed in terms of theimaginary part of L(jω) as follows:



If d|L(jω )|dω > 0 : 0 < arg{L(jω)} < π ⇒

⇒ Rg (ω)Xhc (ω) − Rh

c (ω)Xg (ω) > 0

If d|L(jω )|dω < 0 : −π < arg{L(jω)} < 0 ⇒

⇒ Rg (ω)Xhc (ω) − Rh

c (ω)Xg (ω) < 0


If the resonance condition in (18) is combined with (19):⎧

If d|L(jω )|dω > 0 : Xh

c (ωres)[Rg (ωres) + Rhc (ωres)] > 0

If d|L(jω )|dω < 0 : Xh

c (ωres)[Rg (ωres) + Rhc (ωres)] < 0

(20)It can be shown (see Appendix A) that if the offshore grid is

capacitive (i.e. Xg < 0) and the HVDC converter is inductive

(i.e. Xhc > 0), then d|L(jω )|

dω > 0. On the other hand, if the off-shore grid is inductive (i.e. Xg > 0) and the HVDC converter is

capacitive (i.e. Xhc < 0), then d|L(jω )|

dω < 0. By considering theprevious conditions, (20) is simplified to:

RT (ωres) = Rg (ωres) + Rhc (ωres) > 0 (21)


where resistance RT represents the total damping of the system,resistance Rh

c the HVDC converter damping and resistance Rg

the offshore grid damping.It can be observed that (21) is equivalent to the positive-net-

damping criterion in [13], but evaluated for the series resonancesof Zh

eq . Therefore, the offshore HVDC VSC is asymptoticallystable if the total damping of the system, RT , is positive in theneighborhood of an electrical series resonance. The advantageof this criterion with respect to the passivity approach is thatthe stability can be ensured even if Zg and Zh

c are not passivebecause it considers the contribution of both terms in the closedloop system.

It should be noted that if the resistive components of the off-shore grid and HVDC VSC are large compared to the reactiveelements (e.g. Xg/Rg < 10 and Xh

c /Rhc < 10), the approxima-

tions in (17) and (18) are not valid and this criterion cannot beused.

C. Relation between Total Damping and Poles of the System

The HVDC-connected OWPP is a high order system withseveral poles. However, the system response is governed by adominant poorly-damped pole pair. If this pole pair is related tothe electrical series resonance, impedances Zh

c and Zg aroundthis resonance can be approximated as:

Zhc,res(s) ≈ Rh

c + sLhc ; Zg,res(s) ≈ Rg +



where Cg is the equivalent capacitor of the offshore gridimpedance when the frequency is close the resonance. Using(18), the series resonance reduces to ωres = 1/

Lhc Cg .

The poles related to the series resonance are obtained from1 + Zh

c,res(s)/Zg,res(s) = 0, yielding:

s =−(Rh

c + Rg )Cg ±√

(Rhc + Rg )2C2

g − 4Lhc Cg

2Lhc Cg


Considering that (Rhc + Rg )2C2

g � 4Lhc Cg , equation (23) is

approximated to:

s ≈ −Rhc + Rg


± j1

Lhc Cg


The imaginary part of the closed loop system poles corre-sponds to the resonant frequency. Also, the real part of the polesis correlated to the total damping, Rh

c + Rg , as mentioned in[14]. Therefore, there is a pair of poles that represent the seriesresonance and can be used to identify instabilities.


In this section, the low frequency series resonances of anOWPP are characterized. It is useful to identify resonantfrequencies in an OWPP since they can destabilize an off-shore HVDC converter. To this end, the frequency responseof Zh

eq(jω) is here used to identify electrical resonances. Due tothe complexity of the VSC and offshore grid equations, simplifi-cations are used to obtain analytical expressions of the resonantfrequencies.

Fig. 5. Frequency response with and without simplifications (parameters inAppendix B with kp ,v = 1, ki,v = 500). (a) Offshore HVDC VSC. (b) WT gridside VSC.

A. Simplifications of the OWPP Impedance Model

Fig. 5 shows that the frequency response of a VSC impedancecan be simplified to RL equivalents above 100 Hz. The input-impedance of the VSCs was represented in an αβ frame (seeFig. 4). To achieve this, a reference frame transformationfrom dq to αβ was performed using the rotation s → s − jω1[6], [15]. For frequencies higher than ω1 , the offshore VSCimpedance, Zh

c (s − jω1), is approximated to:

Rhc =


1 + kp,v; Lh

c =Lh


1 + kp,v(25)

Similarly, the WT VSC impedance, Zwc (s − jω1) = 1/Y w

c (s −jω1), is approximated to:

Rwc = Rw

f + (αf + αc)Lwf ; Lw

c = Lwf (26)

The previous simplifications do not consider the VSCs as activeelements since Rh

c and Rwc are positive for all frequencies.

Fig. 6 shows the equivalent model of the HVDC-connectedOWPP with the simplified VSC and cable models. The capacitorCec represents the export cable capacitance. The inductive andresistive components of the export cable are small enough tobe combined with the RL equivalent of the transformers andthe HVDC converter. Also, the collector cables are removedbecause their equivalent inductance and capacitance are smalland only affect the response at high frequencies, which are notconsidered in this study.

When the collector cables are removed, the aggregation ofWTs is reduced to a combination of parallel circuits independentto the collector system topology. Fig. 7 shows the OWPP modelunder this scenario, which is equivalent to the model in Fig. 4.The parameters of the aggregated model are defined as follows:


Fig. 6. Impedance-based model of an HVDC-connected OWPP with simpli-fied VSC and cable models (indicated in grey rectangles).

Fig. 7. Impedance-based model of an HVDC-connected OWPP with aggre-gation of collector system.

1) Rcstr and Lcs

tr are the RL values of the collectortransformers.

2) Rwtr,a and Lw

tr,a are the RL values of the aggregated WTtransformers:

Rwtr,a = Rw

tr/N ;Lwtr,a = Lw

tr/N (27)

where N is the number of WTs and Rwtr and Lw

tr are theRL values of one WT transformer.

3) Rwc,a and Lw

c,a are the RL values of the aggregated WTconverters:

Rwc,a = Rw

c /N ;Lwc,a = Lw

c /N (28)

4) Cwf,a is the equivalent capacitance of the aggregated WT

low pass filters:

Cwf,a = Cw

f · N (29)

where Cwf is the capacitance of one WT low pass filter.

Fig. 8 shows the frequency response of the equivalent offshoregrid impedance, Zh

eq , with and without simplifications to VSCand cable models. It can be observed that if simplifications aremade the 50 Hz resonance of the VSC control is not exhibited;however, the frequency response agrees well with that of theun-simplified Zh

eq over 200 Hz and up to 1 kHz. Additionally,the simplification of the collector cables slightly shifts the seriesresonance from 459 Hz to 497 Hz. In light of these results, it canbe concluded that the simplified frequency response representsa good approximation for low frequency resonances in the rangeof 200 ∼ 1000 Hz.

Fig. 8. Frequency response of OWPP impedance without and with VSC andcable simplifications (parameters in Appendix B and kp ,v = 1, ki,v = 500).

B. Analytical Expression for the Series Resonant Frequency

The expression of the lowest series resonant frequency of Zheq

is obtained for no-load operation and when WTs are connected.The resistances are neglected as they only have a damping effecton resonance (i.e. they barely modify the resonant frequency).

In no-load operation, the WTs are not connected and the con-tribution of the collector system at low frequencies is negligible.Therefore, the OWPP impedance Zh

eq in (15) is equivalent to anLC circuit with a resonant frequency:

f nloadres =


Lhc Cec


The lowest series resonant frequency when WTs are con-nected has been obtained following an algebraic calculationusing Fig. 7:



f loadres =


b −√b2 − 4ad


a = CecLwc,a(Lcs

tr + Lwtr,a)Lh

c Cwf,a

b = CecLhc (Lw

c,a + Lcstr + Lw



c,a(Lhc + Lcs

tr + Lwtr,a)

d = Lhc + Lw

c,a + Lcstr + Lw



Expressions (30) and (31) are employed to calculate the fre-quencies where the total system damping is evaluated to deter-mine stability.


The modified positive-net-damping criterion was applied toanalyze the impact of electrical series resonances in the voltagestability of an HVDC-connected OWPP. The effects of the off-shore HVDC converter control and the OWPP configuration areconsidered in the study. For completeness, the root locus of thesystem and time-domain simulations in PSCAD/EMTDC areused to confirm the results.

The cable model simplifications considered in the resonancecharacterization are used in the stability analysis given that thelow frequency response is well-represented and the dampingcontribution from the cable resistances can be neglected. How-ever, the VSC simplifications in (25) and (26) are not considered,because the converters are not represented as active elements.


Fig. 9. Stable area of offshore HVDC converter in no-load operation as func-tion of kp ,v , ki,v and lcb (the stable and unstable examples of Figs. 11 and 12are marked with circles).

The system is analyzed in no-load operation and when WTs areconnected based on the OWPP described in Appendix B.

A. No-Load Operation

In no-load operation, the positive-net-damping stability crite-rion only includes the damping contribution of the offshore con-verter, Rh

c , because the export and collector cables are passiveelements with a small resistance and thus can be neglected (i.e.Rg ≈ 0). Therefore, condition (21) is reduced to Rh

c (ωres) > 0,which is equivalent to analyzing the passivity of the HVDCconverter control at a resonant frequency.

Stability is ensured if the electrical series resonance is lo-cated in a frequency region with positive resistance. This regionis determined using the zero-crossing frequencies of Rh

c (i.e.Rh

c (ω) = Re{Zhc (ω)} = 0) in (5). The two following solutions

are obtained:⎧



ωcut1 = ω1 = 2π(50)

ωcut2 =ω1

1 − ki,vLhf

Rhf (1 + kp,v )


When ωcut2 < 0, the only zero-crossing frequency consideredis 50 Hz and Rh

c is negative for ω > 2π(50). Therefore, theconverter is always unstable for resonant frequencies above50 Hz. If ωcut2 > 0, then Rh

c is negative for 2π(50) < ω < ωcut2and positive for ω > ωcut2 . In this case, the converter is stable forfrequencies higher than ωcut2 since the resonance is located in apositive-resistance region. Thus, the offshore HVDC converteris stable when Rh

c has two zero-crossing frequencies (ωcut2 > 0and ωres > ωcut2). The following inequalities are obtained bycombining (30) and (32):⎧



ωcut2 > 0 ⇒ Rhf (1 + kp,v ) − ki,vLh

f > 0

ωres > ωcut2 ⇒ Rh2f (1 + kp,v )2 − 2Rh

f Lhf (1 + kp,v )ki,v


f Lhf Cec(1 + kp,v ) + k2

i,vLh2f > 0

(33)Fig. 9 shows the stability area (Rh

c (ωres) > 0) defined by (33)as a function of the control parameters of the offshore HVDCconverter, kp,v and ki,v , and the export cable length, lcb . It isobserved that when the cable length increases the stable area isreduced.

Fig. 10. Root locus of OWPP in no-load operation for variations of exportcable length and ac voltage control parameters. (a) Cable length variation from 1to 100 km (kp ,v = 0.1, ki,v = 3). (b) Variation of ki,v from 1 to 5 (kp ,v = 0.1,lcb = 10 km). (c) Variation of kp ,v from 0 to 1 (ki,v = 5, lcb = 10 km).

Fig. 10 shows the root locus of the low frequency resonantpoles for parametric variations of kp,v , ki,v and lcb . It should beemphasized that these poles are not complex conjugate due to thetransformation of the VSC input impedance from a synchronousdq to a stationary αβ reference frame, which introduces complexcomponents. The increase of cable length moves the resonanceto lower frequencies since Cec increases. As kp,v increases, theresonance shifts to higher frequencies given that Lh

c in (25)decreases. Changes in ki,v do not affect the resonant frequency.The system becomes unstable when one of the resonant polesmoves to the positive side of the real axis; this is equivalent tohave a negative damping. It can be observed that the stabilityconditions of the resonant poles agree with the stable areasshown in Fig. 9.

Figs. 11 and 12 show examples of stable and unstable caseswhen ki,v is modified. The intersection between Zh

c and Zg

(i.e. 1/|M(jω)| = |N(jω)|) approximately determines the se-ries resonant frequency, as defined in (18). When the system isstable the resonant frequency is located in a positive-resistanceregion of Zh

c , as shown in Fig. 11(a). Also, following the Nyquistcriterion, the Nyquist curve encircles (−1, 0) in anti-clockwisedirection and the open loop system does not have unstable poles.Therefore, the system is stable as it does not have zeros with pos-itive real part. Although the ac voltage control can be designedto ensure stability, all the poles have a low damping. This slowsdown the dynamic response, as shown in Fig. 11(c), which isnot acceptable for the operation of the offshore converter.

When the system is unstable the resonant frequency is locatedin the negative-resistance region of Zh

c , as shown in Fig. 12(a).Following the Nyquist criterion, the Nyquist curve encircles(−1, 0) in clockwise direction and the open loop system does nothave unstable poles. Therefore, the system is unstable becausethe total number of zeros with positive real part is 1. In Fig. 12(c),the voltage at POC shows oscillations at 309 Hz due to theresonance instability identified in Fig. 12(a).


Fig. 11. Stable example in no-load operation with kp ,v = 0.1, ki,v = 3 andlcb = 10 km. (a) Frequency response: Rh

c , Zheq , Zh

c , Zg . (b) Nyquist curve

of Zhc /Zg (positive freq.). (c) Instantaneous and RMS voltages at POC. Step

change is applied at 1 s.

B. Connection of Wind Turbines

When the WTs are connected to the offshore ac grid, the WTconverters modify the low frequency resonance location andthe total damping. The stability conditions are discussed, butthe expressions for the zero-crossing frequencies of RT are notobtained analytically due to the complexity of the system.

Fig. 13 shows the stable area defined by RT (ωres) > 0. Thereis a significant increase of the stable region when the WTs areconnected. Therefore, the ac control parameters can be modifiedfor a larger range of values to improve the dynamic responsewithout compromising stability.

Fig. 14 shows the root locus of the low frequency resonantpoles for different ac voltage control parameters and number ofWTs. The connection of WTs improves the resonance stabilitybecause the associated poles move to the left hand side of the realaxis and increase the damping of those low frequency modes.This damping contribution of the WTs is also mentioned in[2]. The stability conditions of the resonant poles agree withthe stable area shown in Fig. 13. Also, the resonance moves tohigher frequencies when kp,v and the number of WTs increases,as shown in Fig. 14.

Figs. 15–17 describe two situations where the ac voltage con-trol is designed to have a fast dynamic response (e.g. kp,v =1 and ki,v = 500) and the number of WTs decreases from

Fig. 12. Unstable example in no-load operation with kp ,v = 0.1, ki,v = 5and lcb = 10 km. (a) Frequency response: Rh

c , Zheq , Zh

c , Zg . (b) Nyquist plot

of Zhc /Zg (pos freq.). (c) Instantaneous and RMS voltages at POC. Step change

is applied at 1 s.

Fig. 13. Stable area of offshore HVDC converter as a function of kp ,v andki,v and the number of connected WTs (the stable and unstable examples ofFigs. 15 and 16 are marked with a circle).

40 to 20. When all the WTs are connected, the offshore converteris stable because the resonance is located in a positive-resistanceregion, as shown in Fig. 15(a). The converter introduces a nega-tive resistance at the resonant frequency, but the total damping iscompensated by Rg , as shown in Fig. 15(b). When the numberof WTs reduces to 20 the offshore converter becomes unsta-ble since the resonance lies in the negative-resistance region, asshown in Fig. 16(a). In this case, Rg cannot compensate Rh

c ,as shown in Fig. 16(b). Also, the Nyquist curve agrees with thepositive-net-damping criterion in both situations [Figs. 15(a)


Fig. 14. Root locus of OWPP for variations of ac voltage control parametersand number of WTs (N = 80). (a) Variation of kp ,v from 0 to 80 (ki,v =3, N = 80). (b) Variation of ki,v from 1 to 1200 (kp ,v = 0.1, N = 80).(c) Variation of WTs from 1 to 80 (kp ,v = 1, ki,v = 500).

Fig. 15. Stable example when 40 WTs are connected, kp ,v = 1 and ki,v =500. (a) Frequency response of Rh

c + Rg , Zheq , Zh

c and Zg . (b) Frequency

response of Rhc and Rg . (c) Nyquist plot of Zh

c /Zg (positive freq.).

Fig. 16. Unstable example when 20 WTs are connected, kp ,v = 1 and ki,v =500. (a) Frequency response of Rh

c + Rg , Zheq , Zh

c and Zg . (b) Frequency

response of Rhc and Rg . (c) Nyquist plot of Zh

c /Zg (positive freq.).

Fig. 17. Instantaneous and RMS voltages at POC when the number of WTsis reduced from 40 to 20 at 1 s. The ac voltage control parameters are kp ,v = 1and ki,v = 500.

and 16(c)]. In Fig. 17, the instantaneous voltages at POC showoscillations at 444 Hz when the number of WTs is reduced at 1 s;this is due to the resonance instability identified in Fig. 16(a).

The variation of connected WTs can be caused by switchingconfigurations during commissioning phases or during outagesdue to maintenance or contingencies [3]. As shown by the previ-ous examples, a sudden reduction in the number of WTs shouldbe carried out with care as this can lead to instability. Activedamping can be implemented as a virtual resistor in the off-shore HVDC converter to compensate the negative resistanceintroduced by the ac voltage control for all operational states.This will allow a design of the ac voltage control to have a fastdynamic response without compromising the stability.



Instabilities in BorWin1 have increased interest in electricalresonance interactions in HVDC-connected OWPPs. The CI-GRE Working Groups suggest that series resonances can befound in the range of a few hundred Hz. These resonances caninteract with the offshore HVDC converter control leading tosystem instability.

This paper has reformulated the positive-net-damping crite-rion to define the conditions of stability of an HVDC-connectedOWPP as a function of the ac voltage control parameters of theHVDC converter and the configuration of the OWPP. The mod-ified criterion is evaluated for electrical series resonances basedon the phase margin condition. This reduces the complexity ofthe stability analysis. In addition, expressions for the low fre-quency resonance are obtained from simplified VSC and cablemodels.

Risk of detrimental resonance interaction increases in no-loadoperation and when a limited number of WTs are connected.This is due to the poor damping exhibited by the series resonanceof the offshore grid and the resonance location at the lowestfrequencies. The HVDC converter reduces the total dampingat the resonant frequency if the control is designed to have afast dynamic response. Resistive elements or active damping arenecessary to compensate the negative resistance of the convertercontrol for all possible operational states and to allow a fastdynamic response.


If Rhc (ω) � Xh

c (ω) and Rg (ω) � Xg (ω), the loop transferfunction is approximated as L(jω) ≈ Xh

c (ω)/Xg (ω) and itsderivative as a function of ω is:


≈ 1|Xg (ω)|3

d|Xhc (ω)|dω

− |Xhc (ω)|

|Xg (ω)|2d|Xg (ω)|


Specific conditions for d|L(jω )|dω can be defined depending on

the offshore grid and HVDC converter impedances:1) If the offshore grid impedance is inductive, Xg > 0, and

the HVDC converter impedance is capacitive, Xhc < 0:

d|Xg (ω)|dω

> 0 &d|Xh

c (ω)|dω

< 0 ⇒ d|L(jω)|dω

< 0(35)

2) If the offshore grid impedance is capacitive, Xg < 0, andthe HVDC converter impedance is inductive, Xh

c > 0:

d|Xg (ω)|dω

< 0 &d|Xh

c (ω)|dω

> 0 ⇒ d|L(jω)|dω

> 0(36)


A 480 MW OWPP is considered in this study. A total numberof 80 WTs is distributed in 16 strings of 5 units.

Offshore HVDC VSC: MMC-VSC; rated power, 560 MVA;rated voltage, 320 kV; arm inductance, Larm = 183.7 mH.

Offshore HVDC transformer: 2 units in parallel; rated power,280 MVA; rated voltages, 350 kV/220 kV; equivalent inductanceand resistance at 220 kV, Lh

tr = 99.03 mH, Rhtr = 0.86 Ω.

Export cables: 2 cables in parallel; length, lec = 10 km; equiv-alent lumped parameters per cable, Lec = 4 mH, Rec = 0.32 Ω,Cec = 1.7 μF.

Collector transformers: 4 units in parallel; rated power ofeach unit, 140 MVA; rated voltages, 220 kV/33 kV; equivalentinductance and resistance of the transformers at 220 kV, Lcs

tr =20.63 mH, Rcs

tr = 0.22 Ω.WT transformers: rated power, 6.5 MVA; rated voltages,

33 kV/0.9 kV; equivalent inductance and resistance at 33 kV,Lw

tr = 31 mH, Rwtr = 1.46 Ω.

WT grid side VSC: 2-level VSC; rated power, 6.5 MVA; ratedvoltage, 0.9 kV; coupling inductance, Lw

f = 50 μH; couplingresistance, Rw

f = 0.02 mΩ; equivalent capacitance of high fre-quency filter, Cw

f = 1 mF; low pass filter bandwidth, αf = 50;current control bandwidth, αc = 1000.


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Marc Cheah-Mane (S’14) received the degree inindustrial engineering from the School of IndustrialEngineering of Barcelona, Technical University ofCatalonia, Barcelona, Spain, in 2013. Since October2013, he has been working toward the Ph.D. degree atCardiff University, Cardiff, U.K. From 2010 to 2013,he was a Researcher in Centre d’Innovacio Tecno-logica en Convertidors Estatics i Accionaments. Hisresearch interests include renewable energies, powerconverters, high-voltage direct current systems, elec-trical machines, and microgrids.

Luis Sainz was born in Barcelona, Spain, in 1965.He received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Techni-cal University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain,in 1990 and 1995, respectively, both in industrial en-gineering. Since 1991, he has been a Professor inthe Department of Electrical Engineering, UPC. Hisresearch interest lies in areas of power quality andgrid-connected VSCs.

Jun Liang (M’02–SM’12) received the B.Sc. degreein electrical power engineering from Huazhong Uni-versity of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in1992, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from ChinaElectric Power Research Institute, Beijing, China, in1995 and 1998, respectively. From 1998 to 2001, hewas a Senior Engineer with China Electric PowerResearch Institute. From 2001 to 2005, he was aResearch Associate in the Imperial College, London,U.K. From 2005 to 2007, he was a Senior Lecturerwith the University of Glamorgan, Wales, U.K. He is

currently a Reader in the School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Wales, U.K.His research interests include FACTS devices/HVDC, power system stabilityand control, power electronics, and renewable power generation.

Nick Jenkins (M’81–SM’97–F’05) receivedthe B.Sc. degree from Southampton University,Southampton, U.K, in 1974, the M.Sc. degree fromReading University, Reading, U.K, in 1975, andthe Ph.D. degree from Imperial College London,London, U.K., in 1986. He is currently a Professorand Director in the Institute of Energy, Cardiff Uni-versity, Cardiff, U.K. Before moving to academia,his career included 14 years of industrial experience,of which five years were in developing countries.While at university, he has developed teaching and

research activities in both electrical power engineering and renewable energy.

Carlos Ernesto Ugalde-Loo (M’02) was born inMexico City. He received the B.Sc. degree inelectronics and communications engineering from In-stituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Mon-terrey, Monterrey, Mexico, in 2002, the M.Sc. degreein electrical engineering from Instituto PolitecnicoNacional, Mexico City, Mexico, in 2005, and thePh.D. degree in electronics and electrical engineeringfrom the University of Glasgow, Glasgow, U.K., in2009. In 2010, he joined the School of Engineering,Cardiff University, Cardiff, U.K. He is currently a

Senior Lecturer in Electrical Power Systems. His academic expertise includespower system stability and control, grid integration and control of renewables,HVDC transmission, modeling of dynamic systems, and multivariable control.

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