Page 1: IENVENIDO A TU ATEDRAL! WEL OME TO YOUR ATHEDRAL! · 8/16/2020  · seguirlo en su canal de YouTube: Padre Diego. Monday to Friday, Father Diego posts a short reflection on the daily



August 16 2020

Page 2: IENVENIDO A TU ATEDRAL! WEL OME TO YOUR ATHEDRAL! · 8/16/2020  · seguirlo en su canal de YouTube: Padre Diego. Monday to Friday, Father Diego posts a short reflection on the daily

horarios de la segunda fase - second phase schedule LORD’S DAY 5pm (Sat) Bi-Lingual 8am Misa en Español 10am Mass in English 12pm Misa en Español

MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00am Mass 12:10 Mass

CONFESSIONS after 12:10pm Masses and on Saturdays at 4pm, weather permitting


CATEDRAL DE SAN PABLO 38 High Street, Worcester, MA 01609 ▪︎ 508-799-4193

[email protected] ▪︎

Barbara Lizardo, Parish Secretary

[email protected]

Parish Office Hours M-F, 9am -2 pm.

Gary Gagne, Maintenance Director

[email protected]

Vo Robert, Director Elder Outreach

[email protected]

Sr. Veronica Paredes, XMM,

Coordinator of Religious Education

[email protected]


Richard Monroe, Director of Sacred Music

[email protected]

Deacon Walter Doyle, Food Pantry Manager

[email protected]

Maria Almendárez, Safe Environment Coordinator

[email protected]

Monsignor James P. Moroney, Rector

[email protected]

Reverend Diego Buriticá, Associate Pastor

[email protected]

Reverend Stephen Gemme, Resident Priest

[email protected]

Reverend Alfredo Porras, Resident Priest

[email protected]

Deacon Francisco Escobar

[email protected]

Deacon Franklin Lizardo

[email protected]

Deacon Colin Novick

[email protected]

Deacon Anthony Xatse

[email protected]

Bishop Robert J. McManus

Bishop of Worcester

Page 3: IENVENIDO A TU ATEDRAL! WEL OME TO YOUR ATHEDRAL! · 8/16/2020  · seguirlo en su canal de YouTube: Padre Diego. Monday to Friday, Father Diego posts a short reflection on the daily




Saturday / Sábado August 15th

4pm. confessions in the Saint Francis Courtyard, weather permitting.

5pm Bilingual Mass at Bishop Flanagan Park. / Misa bilingüe en el

parque Bishop Flanagan.

— Por la salud de Emérita Camacho. Intención de Raymundo Pérez

— Por el eterno descanso de Brígida Polanco.

Sunday / Domingo August 16th (Upper Church)

8am—Por la salud de Angélica Serrano. Intención de Raymundo Pérez

— Por el eterno descanso de José M. Claudio y Maria S. González

—Eterno descanso de José Oquendo.

10am — Edward and Mary Dorsey, Requested by Betty Lou Lambert.

12 — Por el eterno descanso de Greysis Lizardo. Intención de su Flia.

— Por el eterno descanso de José Arévalo.

Monday / Lunes August 17th

9am - TV Mass (Chapel)

12:10pm - Mass Upper Church

(Upper Church) followed by confessions in the Saint Francis


Tuesday / Martes August 18th

9am - TV Mass (Chapel)

12:10pm - Mass Upper Church - Bilingual followed by confessions in

the Saint Francis Courtyard, weather permitting.

Wednesday / Miércoles August 19th

9am - TV Mass (Chapel)

12:10pm – Mass (Upper Church) followed by confessions in the

Saint Francis Courtyard

Thursday / Jueves August 20th

9am - TV Mass (Chapel)

12:10pm - Mass (Upper Church) followed by confessions in the Saint

Francis Courtyard

Friday / Viernes August 21st

9am - TV Mass (Chapel)

12:10pm - Mass (Upper Church) followed by confessions in the Saint

Francis Courtyard.

Saturday / Sábado August 22nd

4pm. confessions in the Saint Francis Courtyard, weather permitting.

5pm Bilingual Mass at Bishop Flanagan Park. / Misa bilingüe en el

parque Bishop Flanagan.






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ÚNETE a los casi quinientos feligreses de Saint Paul

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De lunes a viernes, el padre Diego hace una reflexión corta del evangelio del día. Te invitamos a seguirlo en su canal de YouTube: Padre Diego.

Monday to Friday, Father Diego posts a short reflection on the daily gospel. Follow him on his YouTube channel: Padre Diego

Every week from his blog, Monsignor Moroney, Rector of St. Paul’s Cathedral, offers his reflection on the gospel, sacred art, liturgy, and other interesting topics of Christian formation. Take a look and follow Monsignor. Desde su blog, Monseñor Moroney nos acompaña cada semana con su reflexión sobre el evangelio dominical, la liturgia, el arte sagrado y otros interesantes temas de formación cristiana. Échale un vistazo y síguelo en:

Page 4: IENVENIDO A TU ATEDRAL! WEL OME TO YOUR ATHEDRAL! · 8/16/2020  · seguirlo en su canal de YouTube: Padre Diego. Monday to Friday, Father Diego posts a short reflection on the daily

MARY, QUEEN OF HEAVEN We celebrated the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15th. Here is a reflection on this feast by the twelfth century cistercian monk, Saint Amadeus of Lausanne.

The angels rejoiced to see their queen; the apostles

rejoiced to see their lady, and both obeyed her with

loving devotion. Dwelling in the loftiest citadel of

virtue, like a sea of divine grace or an unfathomable

source of love that has everywhere overflowed its

banks, she poured forth her bountiful waters on

trusting and thirsting souls. Able to preserve both

flesh and spirit from death she bestowed

health-giving salve on bodies and souls. Has anyone

ever come away from her troubled or saddened or

ignorant of the heavenly mysteries? Who has not

returned to everyday life gladdened and joyful

because his request had been granted by the Mother

of God?

She is a bride, so gentle and affectionate, and the

mother of the only true bridegroom. In her abundant

goodness she has channelled the spring of reason's

garden, the well of living and life-giving waters that

pour forth in a rushing stream from divine Lebanon

and flow down from Mount Zion until they surround

the shores of every far-flung nation. With divine

assistance she has redirected these waters and made

them into streams of peace and pools of grace.


El sábado 15 de agosto celebramos el reinado de la

Santísima Virgen María. Aquí hay una reflexión

sobre esta fiesta del monje cisterciense del siglo XII,

San Amadeo de Lausana.

Los ángeles la asistían con sus servicios; también los

apóstoles cuidaban de ella, especialmente san Juan,

gozoso de que el Señor, en la cruz, le hubiese

encomendado su Madre virgen, a él, también virgen.

Aquéllos se alegraban de contemplar a su Reina,

éstos a su Señora, y unos y otros se esforzaban en

complacerla con sentimientos de piedad y

devoción. Y ella, situada en la altísima cumbre de sus

virtudes, inundada como estaba por el mar inagotable

de los carismas divinos, derramaba en abundancia

sobre el pueblo creyente y sediento el abismo de sus

gracias, que superaban a las de cualquiera otra

criatura. Daba la salud a los cuerpos y el remedio

para las almas, dotada como estaba del poder de

resucitar de la muerte corporal y espiritual. Nadie se

apartó jamás triste o deprimido de su lado, o

ignorante de los misterios celestiales. Todos volvían

contentos a sus casas, habiendo alcanzado por la

Madre del Señor lo que deseaban.

Plena hasta rebosar de tan grandes bienes, la Esposa,

Madre del Esposo único, suave y agradable, llena de

delicias, como una fuente de los jardines espirituales,

como un pozo de agua viva y vivificante, que mana

con fuerza del Líbano divino, desde el monte de Sión

hasta las naciones extranjeras, hacía derivar ríos de

paz y torrentes de gracia celestial.

Page 5: IENVENIDO A TU ATEDRAL! WEL OME TO YOUR ATHEDRAL! · 8/16/2020  · seguirlo en su canal de YouTube: Padre Diego. Monday to Friday, Father Diego posts a short reflection on the daily

a christian prayer

in union with creation

Father, we praise you with all your creatures. They

came forth from your all-powerful hand; they are

yours, filled with your presence and your tender

love. Praise be to you!

Son of God, Jesus, through you all things were

made. You were formed in the womb of Mary our

Mother, you became part of this earth, and you

gazed upon this world with human eyes. Today

you are alive in every creature in your risen glory.

Praise be to you!

Holy Spirit, by your light you guide this world

towards the Father’s love and accompany creation

as it groans in travail. You also dwell in our hearts

and you inspire us to do what is good. Praise be to


Triune Lord, wondrous community of infinite

love, teach us to contemplate you in the beauty of

the universe, for all things speak of you. Awaken

our praise and thankfulness for every being that

you have made. Give us the grace to feel

profoundly joined to everything that is. God of

love, show us our place in this world as channels

of your love

for all the creatures of this earth, for not one of

them is forgotten in your sight. Enlighten those

who possess power and money that they may

avoid the sin of indifference, that they may love

the common good, advance the weak, and care for

this world in which we live. The poor and the

earth are crying out. O Lord, seize us with your

power and light, help us to protect all life, to

prepare for a better future, for the coming of your

Kingdom of justice, peace, love and beauty. Praise

be to you! Amen.

Pope Francis, Laudato Si

oración cristiana

en unión con la creación

Te alabamos, Padre, con todas tus criaturas, que

salieron de tu mano poderosa. Son tuyas, y están llenas

de tu presencia y de tu ternura.

Alabado seas.

Hijo de Dios, Jesús, por ti fueron creadas todas las

cosas. Te formaste en el seno materno de María, te

hiciste parte de esta tierra, y miraste este mundo con

ojos humanos. Hoy estás vivo en cada criatura con tu

gloria de resucitado. Alabado seas.

Espíritu Santo, que con tu luz orientas este mundo hacia

el amor del Padre y acompañas el gemido de la

creación, tú vives también en nuestros corazones para

impulsarnos al bien. Alabado seas.

Señor Uno y Trino, comunidad preciosa de amor

infinito, enséñanos a contemplarte en la belleza del

universo, donde todo nos habla de ti. Despierta nuestra

alabanza y nuestra gratitud por cada ser que has creado.

Danos la gracia de sentirnos íntimamente unidos con

todo lo que existe. Dios de amor, muéstranos nuestro

lugar en este mundo como instrumentos de tu cariño por

todos los seres de esta tierra, porque ninguno de ellos

está olvidado ante ti. Ilumina a los dueños del poder y

del dinero para que se guarden del pecado de la

indiferencia, amen el bien común, promuevan a los

débiles, y cuiden este mundo que habitamos. Los

pobres y la tierra están clamando: Señor, tómanos a

nosotros con tu poder y tu luz, para proteger toda vida,

para preparar un futuro mejor, para que venga tu Reino

de justicia, de paz, de amor y de hermosura. Alabado

seas. Amén.

Papa Francisco, Laudato Si

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