Page 1: If said as a word, how Divisions that use Acronym What ... · IPS Intersection Pedestrian Signal A pedestrian crossing area that is controlled by signals EES IRP Infrastructure Renewal

Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

AAC Agricultural Advisory Committee

AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic EES

AC Audit Committee Council

ACCAC Accessibility Advisory Committee City Advisory


City Wide

ACE Advisory Committee on the



AD&D Accidental Death and Dismemberment HR

ADP Adult Day Program Dearness

AGCO Alcohol and Gaming Commission of


City Clerk's Office

AKIC All Kids in Camp (inclusion

training for camp staff)

AOC Adelaide Road Operations Centre

AODA Accessibility for Ontarians with

Disabilities Act

HR, City Wide

AMO Association of Municipalities of Ontario

AMP Administration Municipal Penalties

AMPS Administrative Monetary Penalty


ARRP Annual Road Renewal Project City Program Arrp City Wide

ATSR Administrative & Technical Support


Job Title City Wide

AWAC Animal Welfare Advisory Committee

BA Business Association

BIA Business Improvement Association

BMS Bridge Management System EES

BRT Bus Rapid Transit City Project City Wide

CA Construction Administration Division City Division City Wide

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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

CA Contract Administration City Wide

CAC Cycling Advisory Committee City Advisory


City Wide

CAD Computer-Aided Design Software City Wide

CAM Corporate Asset Management Division City Division City Wide

CARF Commission on Accreditation of

Rehabilitation Facilities

CAS Children's Aid Society

CC Corporate Communications City Division City Wide

CCAC Childcare Advisory Committee

CCLC County/City Liaison Committee

CCMA Canadian Country Music Awards

CDAS Community Drug and Alcohol Strategy

CD Community Development

CDIS Community Diversity and Inclusion


CEMMP Community Enhancement and

Mitigative Measurement Program

CGAC Canada Games Aquatic Centre Swimming Pool,

Meeting Space, etc.

Keh-Gack City Wide

CHER Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report City Wide

CHOCC Carling Heights Optimist Community


City Facility "chalk" City Wide

CHPI Community Homelessness Prevention


CIA Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability

CIP Canadian Institute of Planners Professional

organization of

Planners in Canada

DS & City Planning

CIP Community Improvement Plan

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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

CMO City Manager’s Office

COL City of London The Corporation of the

City of London

City Wide

COSA Casino Operating and Services


CP Citi Plaza NCFS

CPI Consumer Price Index

CPSC Community and Protective Services


CPT Certified Planning Technician DS & City Planning

CRM Customer Relationship Management

CSC Corporate Services Committee

CSCP Community Safety & Crime Prevention

Advisory Committee

CUPE Canadian Union of Public Employees "kew-pee"

CWC Civic Works Committee City Standing


City Wide

CWWF Clean Water Wastewater Fund

CYN Child & Youth Network Community Network NCFS

DABU Development Approvals Business Unit Precursor to DS

DIAAC Diversity, Inclusion, Anti-Oppression

Advisory Committee

"Die-Ack" City Wide

DC Development Charges Fees that are paid by

new development to

fund new infrastructure

and services

constructed throughout

the City

City Wide

DCS Development and Compliance Services

DD Detailed Design EES

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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

DPWG Downtown Parking Working Group CWC

DS DS City Division City Wide

DQ Program Storage location behind



EA Environmental Assessment City Wide

EAP Employee Assistance Program HR

EASP Employee Assistance Support Plan

EEPAC Environmental and Ecological Planning

Advisory Committee

City Advisory


'e'-pack City Wide

EES Environmental & Engineering Services Service Area City Wide

EFT Electronic Funds Transfer Type of payment,

employee expense

reimbursements are

paid this way

Finance term,

Reference for all

City employees

EIS Environmental Impact Study Environmental Report;

a study conducted to

inform the design and

configuration of

development, to avoid

negative impacts at the

outset, and to identify

appropriate mitigation

and/or compensation

for unavoidable


City Wide

ELAC East London Artisan's Centre (no longer

in existence, now referred to as the

new East London Community Centre-

opening spring 2019)


EOC Emergency Operations & training


City Facility City Wide

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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

EOM End of Message Commonly sent at the

end of a subject line of

an email with no text in

the body

OEV Old East Village City Wide

EPR Environmental Project Report

EPR Extended Producer Responsibility

ERG Employee Resource Group City Wide

ERO Expense Review Officer Manager/supervisor

with signing authority

to sign employee



Finance term,

Reference for all

City employees

EROC Exeter Road Operations Centre City Facility "E-Rock" City Wide

ESA Environmental Sensitive Area

ESR Environmental Study Report City Wide

FCM Federation of Canadian Municipalities

FCS Finance and Corporate Services

FCSS Family Centred Service System

FFIT Female Firefighters in Training (Camp


Camp "Fit" NCFS

GIS Geographical Information Systems

GMIS Growth Management

Implementation Strategy

GTM Federal Gas Tax Fund or

Provincial Gas Tax Fund

HDC Housing Development


HEHPA Healthy Eating/ Healthy

Physical Activity (provincially- funded)


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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

HKCC Healthy Kids Community Challenge

(provincially- funded)


HPPA Health Protection and Promotion Act

HPS Homelessness Partnering Strategy

HPS High Pressure Sodium EES

HR Human Resources City Division City Wide

HRCS Human Resources and Corporate


HSSDH Housing, Social Services, and Dearness


ICT Information Communication


ILDS Industrial Land Development Strategy

ILPT Integrated Land Planning Technologist Job Title DS

ILRP Infrastructure Lifecycle Renewal



IOT Internet of Things

IPR Initial Proposal Report Pre-Consultation for a

subdivision application


IPR Individual Producer Responsibility

IPS Intersection Pedestrian Signal A pedestrian crossing

area that is controlled

by signals


IRP Infrastructure Renewal Program City Program City Wide

ITS Information Technology Services

ITSC IT Steering Committee "Itsy" NCFS

IWDP Individual Work and Development Plan NCFS

JAT Building J. Allyn Taylor Building (267 Dundas St.)

JDE JD Edwards Software City Wide

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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

JHSC Joint Health and Safety Committee A committee

representing workers

and the City for health

and safety purposes.

City Wide

KCCA Kettle Creek Conservation Authority

LACH London Advisory Committee on


City Advisory


latch City Wide

LCC London Convention Centre

LCS Legal and Corporate Services

LDCSB London District Catholic School Board

LED Light Emitting Diode EES

LEDC London Economic Development


LHAC London Housing Advisory Committee

LHIN Local Health Integration Networks "Lynn"

LIT Leaders in Training Program (level 1-3)

LMCH London Middlesex Community Housing

LP Landscape Plan

LPAT Local Planning Appeal Tribunal "L-Pat"

LPFFA London Professional Fire Fighters


LPL London Public Library

LPS London Police Services City Wide

LTC London Transit Commission

LTCHA Long Term Care Homes Act

LTCWG Rapid Transit Implementation Work



LTD Long Term Disability

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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

LTVCA Lower Thames Valley Conservation


LUCPC Land Use Change - Pre-application



MBNC Municipal Benchmarking Network of


MC Mandatory Consultation DS

MCA Municipal Consent Application Approval process; for

the planned works of

authorized utilities and

consultants responsible

for installing public

infrastructure within

road allowances or on

City property

City Wide

MCCSS Ministry of Children, Community, and

Social Services

MCEA Municipal Class Environmental


A process developed by

MEA to provide

municipalities with a

risk-based approach to

comply with the


Assessment Act for

both capital projects

and infrastructure

maintenance activities


MEA Municipal Engineers Association EES

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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

MECP Ontario Ministry of the Environment,

Conservation, and Parks

Formerly designated

Ontario Ministry of

Environment (MOE);

and, briefly as Ontario

Ministry of


Conservation, and

Climate Change



MFIPPA Municipal Freedom of Information &

Protection of Privacy Act


MJHSC Multi-Workplace Joint Health and

Safety Committee

A committee

representing workers

and the City for health

and safety purposes,

covering multiple

buildings or locations.

City Wide

MLEO Municipal Law Enforcement Officer EES

MLHU Middlesex- London Health Unit

MOECP Ontario Ministry of Environment,

Conservation and Parks

MOHLTC Ontario Ministry of Health and Long

Term Care

MOL Ministry of Labour

MP Master Plan

MRF Materials Recovery Facility City Facility murf EES

MTO Ontario Ministry of Transportation EES

MV Minor Variance City Wide

MYB Multi- Year Budget Finance, City Wide

NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement

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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

NCFS Neighbourhood, Children & Fire


Service Area City Wide

NDM Neighbourhood Decision Making NCFS

ND&S Neighbourhood Development and

Support (Karen O's team)


NLOCC North London Optimist Community


City Facility En-Lock City Wide

NRCs Neighbourhood Resource Centres

(South London, Glen Cairn, Crouch,

Northwest, LUSO)


NSIF Neighbourhood Strategic Initiatives and

Funding (Cheryl's team)


OAA Ontario Association of Architects City Wide

OALA Ontario Association of Landscape


City Wide

OCA Ontario Camps Association NCFS

OCWA Ontario Clean Water Agency Contracted operator of

Huron & Elgin water

treatment plants


ODSP Ontario Disability Support Program

OHSA Occupational Health and Safety Act Legislation that governs

health and safety in our


City Wide

OHSMS Occupational Health and Safety

Management System

OLG Ontario Lottery and Gaming

OMAFRA Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food

and Rural Affairs

OMB Ontario Municipal Board

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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

OMT Operational Management Team Internal Leadership


City Wide

OP Official Plan

OPA Official Plan Amendment DS & City Planning

OPS Ontario Provincial Standards for Roads

and Public Works

Organization that

manages the

development and

production of

construction drawings,

construction and

material specifications,

and contract tendering

documents for road



OPSD Ontario Provincial Standard Drawing Drawings prepared by

Ontario Provincial

Standards for Roads

and Public Works (OPS)


ORFA Ontario Recreation Facilities


OTM Ontario Traffic Manual A number of books


guidelines and current

best practices in the

province of Ontario;

directed to traffic



OW Ontario Works Social Services

PAF Payroll Action Form (hire, rehire,

termination, wage change, etc.)

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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

P Planning

PAC Pre-Application Consultation "Pack" DS

PAT Planning Application Team "Pat" DS

PAW Permit for Approved Works City Wide

P&R Parks & Recreation

PEC Planning and Environment Committee City Standing


peck City Wide

PIC Public Information Centre A public meeting held

as part of the

requirements for an




PM Project Manager

POS Purchase of Service (in reference to

business partners who deliver

Spectrum programs)


POS Point of Sale (payment terminals at


PQI Pavement Quality Index A numerical index to

indicate the general

condition of pavement


PRM Proposal Review Meeting DS

PRO Parks and Recreation Ontario NCFS

PT Project Team

PTIF Public Transit Infrastructure

PTIS Public Transit Infrastructure Stream

PUM Public Update Meeting A public meeting held

to provide information

on an ongoing project


PVSC Police Vulnerable Sector Check NCFS

PWID People Who Inject Drugs

For changes or updates: [email protected] UPDATED APRIL 2019 12

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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

PXO Pedestrian Crossover A designated crossing

area that allows

pedestrians to safely

cross the road where

vehicles must yield to

the pedestrian;

identified by specific

pavement markings

and crossing signs


RFP Request for Proposals A procurement

method; outlined in the

Procurement of Goods

and Services Policy

City Wide

RFQ Request for Quotation A procurement

method; outlined in the

Procurement of Goods

and Services Policy

City Wide

RFQUAL Request for Qualifications Part of a two-stage

procurement method;

outlined in the

Procurement of Goods

and Services Policy

City Wide

RFT Request for Tender A procurement

method; outlined in the

Procurement of Goods

and Services Policy

City Wide

RLC Red Light Camera EES

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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

RLTC Roadway Lighting and Traffic Control


City Division City Wide

RPP Registered Professional Planner City Wide

RRS Resource Recovery Strategy

RRUL Residential Rental Unit License

RWS Regional Water Supply City Division EES

SAR Species at Risk



Springbank Gardens Community Centre NCFS

SCF Supervised Consumption Facility

SCREEK Stoney Creek Community Centre,

YMCA, and Library


SCG School Crossing Guard EES

SDP Site Development Planner Job Title DS

SEIU Service Employees International Union

SLCC South London Community Centre NCFS

SLNRC South London Neighbourhood

Resource Centre

SLSR Subject Lands Status Report City Wide

SLT Senior Leadership Team Internal Leadership


City Wide

SMT Senior Management Team Internal Leadership


City Wide

SOHO South of Horton

SP Site Plan

SPA Site Plan Application DS

SPC Site Plan Consultation DS

SPPC Strategic Priorities and Policy


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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

SROI Supervisor's Report of Incident (mainly

injuries, near misses, etc.)


STD Short Term Disability



Southwest Area Secondary Plan Swap City Wide

SWCC Southwest Community Centre, YMCA,

and Library (opening fall 2018; may be



SWLHIN South West Local Health Integration


SWM Solid Waste Management Division City Division EES

SWM Stormwater Management swim EES

TAC Transportation Advisory Committee City Advisory


tack City Wide

TAC Transportation Association of Canada A not-for-profit,

national technical

association that

focusses on road and

highway infrastructure

and urban



TCA Tangible Capital Assets Division City Division City Wide

TCP Traffic Calming Plan A plan detailing the

type and layout of

traffic calming being

used on City roads

during construction

works (see OTM Book



TDM Transportation Demand Management

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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

TESR Transportation Environmental Study



TFAC Trees and Forests Advisory Committee

TGC Town and Gown Committee

TIMMS Transportation Integrated Mobility

Management System

TIS Traffic Impact Study EES

TMC Turning Movement Count EES

TMP Transportation Master Plan City Wide

TMP Traffic Management Plan EES

TOPS Temporary Overdose Prevention Site

TOR Terms of Reference

TP&D Transportation Planning and Design


City Division City Wide

TPAP Transit Planning Approval Process

TPP Tree Preservation Plan

TVCC Thames Valley Children's Centre Partner- rehab centre

serving children with

special needs and their


TVDSB Thames Valley District School Board

TVGC Thames Valley Golf Course

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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

UCC Utilities Coordinating Committee Committee that

ensures safe and

efficient coordination

of construction and

maintenance projects

within the City's

assumed roadways;

includes review and

approval of MCA's.


UD Urban Design/Urban Designer DS & City Planning

UDPRP Urban Design Peer Review Panel A panel of experts that

provide Urban Design

related comments &

advice on a variety of




UFS Urban Forest Strategy

USMCA United States, Mexico, Canada,


UTRCA Upper Thames River Conservation


VLC Vacant Land Condominium DS

VMP Veterans Memorial Parkway

WADE Wastewater and Drainage Engineering City Division wade EES

W12A London’s W12A Landfill located at

3502 Manning Dr.

WDAP Waste Diversion Action Plan

WHMIS Workplace Hazardous Materials

Information System

WMWG Waste Management Working Group CWC

WSIB Workplace Safety & Insurance Board

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Acronym What does it stand for? What is this?If said as a word, how

is it pronounced?

Divisions that use

this term

WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant

ZBA Zoning By-Law Amendment DS

4S Super Summer Staff Selection (summer

hiring events)


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This is now the LPAT

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For changes or updates: [email protected] UPDATED APRIL 2019 31

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