
If There Is a Theme

If any theme is consistent in the New Testament it is this: to know Jesus is to know God.

The mystery of God near us begins in the first books of the Bible. Adam and Eve, barely clad in fig leaves, hear the Lord God, creator of the heavens and the earth, walking in the Garden of Eden in an evening breeze (Gen. 3:8). Jacob, on the way to an uncertain reunion with his cheated brother, Esau, wrestles all night with an unnamed man. At dawn, Jacob says of him, “I have seen God face to face” (Gen. 32:30). Three unex-pected visitors appear at Abraham’s tent and stay for a dinner-time birth announcement that sets old lady Sarah laughing. One of the visitors was the Lord (Gen. 18:1-15). Moses faced a hidden God in the flames of a burning bush at Horeb (Exod. 3:1-6).

And it goes on like that through the pages of scripture; curious revelations and partial glimpses of God, until . . .

Jesus goes home. There, the way he teaches and the deeds of godlike power at first astound, but then quickly offend, the people. From the moment when a baby cried in a pile of Bethle-hem straw and shabby shepherds ran to make known what they had seen, until the moment a withering body, nailed to a cross, cried out one last time and a Roman soldier shuddered with the recognition that “Truly this man was God’s Son!” (Mark 15:39), the face of Jesus has scrambled and scandalized all the refined and suitable images of God.

If any theme is consistent in the New Testament it is this: we meet the extraordinary God in the ordinariness of Jesus, whose power is made perfect in weakness, who is the great I AM, always the I-will-be-who-I-will-be God.

Next Week’s Scripture Readings

Amos 7:7-15, p. 748 Psalm 85:8-13, p. 473

Ephesians 1:3-14, p. 949 Mark 6: 14-29, p. 817

Celebrating Our Faith Journey Together 2

If you’re visiting with us, we hope you. . . Relax and enjoy yourself. We’re a “come as

you are” kind of church. So enjoy yourself and participate in our worship experience at a level that feels comfortable to you. Make a connection. We’d love to stay connect-

ed with you. Please fill out the Connection Card tear-off on the bulletin insert, check “visitor” and drop it in the offering plate, or give it to an usher.

If you have questions, the ushers are happy to assist you.

If it is uncomfortable for you to stand during worship, please feel free to remain seated.

Coffee Fellowship Opportunities Fellowship Hall, Downtown

campus, following 9:00 worship During 10:30 worship, South


If you are in need of a Bible, or you know someone who needs the Word of God, please feel free to take a black Bible. Pass on the Word!

Burden Bears: Know someone experi-encing problems physically, emotionally or spiritually? Consider taking them a bear wrapped in a quilt—poem tucked inside. Located in the lobby. Help us keep your contact info up-to-date. Please indicate change of address/phone number/email on the Connection Card in the bulletin and place in the offering plate, or give to an usher.

Join our closed* Facebook group to receive updated information on activities and exciting

things happening at


*Closed Group Site, must request to be a member

National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1.800.273.8255


9:00 Sunday Worship Ushers Reader Marlene Batterberry Communion Assistant Marlene Batterberry 10:30 Sunday Worship Worship Lead Ginger Erickson Ushers Sherry Rude James Holmen Reader Jim Howard 6:00 Wednesday Worship Communion Assistant Sharon Schacher

Suicide Awareness and Older Adults

Did you know statistics indicate older adults are dying by suicide 4-5 times the rate of teenagers?

~ Learn More ~ What are the statistics? Why? Who’s vulnerable? There are things we can do to make a difference!

Program presented by FirstLink

Thursday, July 26, 6:30pm Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

210 5th Ave W, West Fargo

You are welcome to join us for ‘Soup & More’ supper at 5:30pm (free of charge) and stay for the program.

Supper seating is limited. For planning purposes, please RSVP for supper

by July 19—call 701.282.3321.

RSVP for the program at 6:30pm is NOT REQUIRED.

Celebrating Our Faith Journey Together 3

CONNECTION CARD/COMMUNION REGISTRATION (place in offering plate or hand to an usher)

Date Attended:_______ Service Attended: ___9:00 ___10:30 ___6:00 ___Received Holy Communion

___1st Time Guest How did you hear about Faith ✟ Journey?_________________ ___Desire pastoral contact

___2nd Time Guest ___This is my church home ___I’m looking for a church home

___Out of Area Guest ___Would like info about __________________________ ___Info about youth programs

Would like to receive newsletter by: ___mail ___email

Your Name(s)________________________________________________________________________________

Address/City/Zip:_____________________________________________________________Address Change?___

Home Phone:_____________ Cell Phone:________________ Cell Phone:_______________ Phone Change?___

Email:______________________________________________________________________Email Change?___

Visitors: Home Church & City:______________________________________________________________________

Your shopping makes a difference. Amazon

donates to Faith✟Journey when you shop Prime Day deals at

Guatemala Relief Efforts—The erupting volcano has caused extensive damage, destruction and loss of life. Donations are being accepted through Lutheran World Relief to get aid to those in need. If you would like to donate, make your check payable to Lutheran World Relief and write “Guatemala Relief” in the memo portion. May God bless and protect those in danger. . .


Offerings are received the first and third weeks of the month, and will be

donated to:

Great Plains Diaper Bank and

YMCA Summer Lunch Program

Memory Café Wed, July 11

Panel Discussion—TBA

1:00pm at Olivet Lutheran Church

For more information about Memory Cafe,

call Ellen Liddle, 701.281.9303

Part Time Custodian to work 10-15 hours per week (some weekends). Applications available for completion in the church office. For information, call David

Hove, Parish Administrator, at 701.282.3309.


This person will be the face and the voice of the main office. This is a full time position. Health benefit

package offered. Interested persons should send resume and cover letter to [email protected]. The successful candidate will exemplify Outstanding communication skills both verbal

and written. Ability to prioritize and work independently with

minimal supervision. Ability to work effectively in a team environ-

ment. Leadership and have a "go getter" mentality.

Caregivers Café Meets every third Tuesday at 12:00 noon

at the Fargo Fryin’ Pan

For anyone caring for a loved one at home or in

a facility. Building relationships for support and

encouragement. Call 701.781.4890 with questions.

Celebrating Our Faith Journey Together 4

Prayer Requests to be given to: ____Staff Only ___Staff and Prayer Chain (All prayer requests, except designated staff only, are forwarded to the prayer chain as well as lifted up at each Tuesday staff meeting.) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanksgiving for:________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hospitalized/other: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for your gracious support!

If you have not already done so, please prayerfully consider pledging towards this three year capital campaign. Pledge cards are available in the church office, as well as in the Lobby of each of our campuses. Questions, contact Ginnie in the church office.

Men’s Bible Study meets Wednesdays at 6:00am at IHOP, 1701 45th St, Fargo. Contact Jeff Watne with questions, 701-388-1344 or

[email protected].

The whole family is invited to a picnic and RedHawks game hosted by the Thrivent Member Network—Northland Region. The picnic begins at 5:30pm at the East entrance of the stadium with your choice of a pulled pork sand-wich or hotdog with chips and pop. The game starts at 7:02pm. Tickets are $10 per person. Please bring a guest you would like to introduce to Thrivent.

Wednesday, August 1, 5:30pm Newman Outdoor Field

For tickets go to

Garden Update of the Week

The harvest is beginning! On July 8th we hope to have the following for sale after worship at both campuses.

Lettuce Yellow Squash Carrots Basil


The job of your dreams just became available!

Do you dream of. . . getting physically fit, acquiring a great suntan, receiving warm hugs, and gaining access to healthy food while on the job? Who needs a paycheck when you get these special benefits? For more infor-mation, email your qualifications and avail-ability to [email protected]

THRIVE FEST NORTH Red River Valley Fairgrounds

August 10-12

Check out the sign up sheets/ticket information on the poster in the lobby. For information contact Scott Rortvedt, [email protected]

Celebrating Our Faith Journey Together 5


When considering your personal investment plans, please consider the Faith Foundation. While sup-

porting ministries such as Faith✟Journey Lutheran Church, the Faith Foundation offers individuals the ability to leave a legacy to our church for genera-tions to come. Contact the church office for more information.

The following are recommendations from your congregation council: Meet Pastor Mike’s challenge of increasing your giving by $10 per week. Sign up for our online giving program so when

you are away your church can continue to do its work.

Consider prepaying your capital campaign con-tribution, AND your annual general fund contri-bution.

If your financial situation allows, consider a one-time contribution to help us retire the operating line debt that has been choking our cash flow.

All of us have a responsibility and are account-able for the success of our church. Questions, please contact Pastor Mike or Tim LeClair. Church Council and staff thank you for your faithfulness. Make Offerings Online Throughout the year, many of you already support the congregation with your time, talent and financial contributions, but greater participation is always welcome. We en-courage you to consider our electronic giving pro-gram. We accept donations made from your bank account, credit card or debit card. It takes just a few minutes to set up a recurring giving plan. Go to to locate the donation link. We thank you and all givers for supporting our mission!


Due to privacy laws, it is increasingly difficult to locate members when hospitalized, especially when they enter through the emergency room. Please notify the church office when a family member enters the hospital, a nursing home, moves to a different nursing home, or when a home visit is desired.


Eldon Johnson & Amy Christl-Johnson, Jacob,

Isaac & Clara on the death of Eldon’s cousin,

Gayle Erickson

Cathy Meyer & Theresa Johnson on the death of

Cathy’s father, Raymond Meyer

Kyle & Anna Hettenbaugh, Drew and Luke on the

death of Kyle’s step-mother, Kathy Hettenbaugh

Joe Huber on the death of his son

We apologize for any omissions.

Please call the church office with corrections.

Prayer Concerns

Gratitude to God for His grace and blessings

Safe travel and a time of relaxation for all

Safe travels and blessings for youth going to

Bible Camp this summer

Pastors, staff and leadership of our congregation

Members of our Call Committee

Peace that fills our hearts, our world, our universe

Those who need God’s healing touch spiritually,

physically and emotionally

Those struggling with addictions

The many hungry and homeless in the world

Broken relationships, that healing may restore them

People in long term care facilities or homebound

Men and women serving in the military

Our sister parish in Tierra Nueva Uno, Chinautla,


The children we support in Tanzania -

Anoti, Selewa, Samwel

Our Companion Synod and its ministries in

Central African Republic

$54,788 $72,133

















Est. June Monthly Financial Activity

Celebrating Our Faith Journey Together 6

Faith✟Journey Happenings July 8—15, 2018

(Weekly activities posted on white board outside church office.)

SUN, July 8

9:00 Worship with Holy Communion (DC)

10:00 Coffee Fellowship, Fellowship Hall (DC)

10:30 Outdoor Worship (SC)

MON, July 9

8:00 AA, Fellowship Hall (DC)

TUE, July 10

4:30 Stewardship Team, Room 101 (DC)

WED, July 11

8:30 Pastors/Parish Administrator Meeting (DC)

9:30 Staff Meeting, Conference Room (DC)

12:30 Piecemakers, W1/2 Fellowship Hall (DC)

6:00 Worship (DC)

THU, July 12

6:00 Call Committee, Conference Room (SC)

7:00 Compassionate Friends, W1/2 Fellowship Hall

FRI, July 13

4:00 YOGA, Lobby (SC)

5:30 AA/TGIF, Lobby (SC)

SAT, July 14

SUN, July 15

9:00 Worship with Holy Communion (DC)

10:00 Coffee Fellowship, Fellowship Hall (DC)

10:30 Outdoor Worship with Holy Communion (SC)

SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE Downtown Campus—127 2nd Ave E

Sunday, 9:00am—Traditional Wednesday, 6:00pm South Campus—650 40th Ave S

Sunday, 10:30am Outdoor Contemporary Worship 9:00 Worship Televised on Sunday at 11:45am Channel 57 on CableOne Channel 12 on Midco (WF Local Access)

Offices located at Downtown Campus Summer Hours: Mon-Thurs, 8:30am-4:00pm Friday, 8:30am-1:00pm


LUTHERAN CHURCH During office hours at our Downtown Campus, ALL entrances will be locked except the West entrance. The South Campus is not staffed and is locked unless an activity is scheduled. To schedule an activity at either campus, contact the church office, 701.282.3309.

Deadline for weekly bulletin information is MONDAY, 4:00pm. Bring information to the church office or email:

[email protected] Our website contains links to the bulletin, news-letter, and church calendar. Food Pantry Needs Non-perishable food: Canned tuna, canned fruit, peanut butter, rice (1 lb bag), pasta/noodles Personal Items: individually wrapped bar soap, toilet paper

Place donations in Food Pantry box by church office.

YWCA Shelter—Most Urgent Needs Children’s swimwear, new/gently used; school supplies; infant/children’s hygiene supplies (toothpaste, shampoo, body wash, diaper rash cream, etc)

Place donations in YWCA box by church office.

The following groups meet on a regular basis:

MONDAY-FRIDAY, 11:45am (excluding holidays) Valley Senior Services Senior Meals Fellowship Hall, Downtown Campus Call 701.356.2047—sign up by noon the previous day

MONDAYS: 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous Fellowship Hall (East Half), Downtown Campus 7:15pm—1st Mon of each month, AA Group Conscious Mtg. 7:00pm—2nd Mon, even months, AA Potluck

THIRD MONDAY: 6:00pm Pray for Gray (Brain Cancer) Support Group, Fireside Library (DC)

SECOND THURSDAY: 7:00pm Compassionate Friends (Bereaved Parents) Fellowship Hall (West Half), Downtown Campus

FRIDAYS: 5:30pm Alcoholics Anonymous—Lobby, South Campus

For information about AA, AlAnon or Compassionate Friends, call 701.235.SEEK (7335)

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